Robin, John and Marion

By Calvin Corvidian

Published on Aug 9, 2011



You see them around quite a bit - two friends inseparable - they've known each other since their nappydom. Or at least since they were in the percussion ensemble, chess club and on detention for the same misdemeanors at primary school. One of them seems to have everything going for him - the body, the face, the smile, the family background, the poise, the style, the elan ... and the resultant self-confidence. The other has more or less everything too, but to a lesser extent, except the brains which are inversely proportional to the rest. Whenever they are together, and as we shall soon see, they are rarely apart, he is systematically overlooked. After all, no-one's head ever turned admiring brains. His self-confidence has never had the opportunity to keep up with his friend's and he has never had as much reason to beam with pride or happiness. Viewing life from the glass half full perspective, he can be a bit of miserable git at times. But his best friend is always there reassuring him he's got no reason to feel miserable or sorry for himself. In fact, he wouldn't be his best friend if he saw anything inferior in him.

Marion has elected to study acting as well as film studies. Being a walking wet dream since she scrambled over the puberty net, heads have certainly turned when she entered a room, a shop, a swimming pool, you name it. Guys have crashed their bikes, their cars, walked into telegraph poles, dropped whatever they were eating or drinking. And if you were lucky enough to be on the receiving end of a smile or even a greeting, chances were high that you'd levitate onto Cloud 9 and stay there for the rest of the day.

John and Robin all but choked on their schnitzels in the campus dining room when she asked if she could join them. They were sitting side by side, she opposite. They were uncertain how they might actually finish their meal in the company of Beauty. She was going to be opening her mouth, parting her teeth, sliding pieces of deep fried breaded veal on a fork onto her tongue. Even as she masticated, the ends of her lips curved into an enchanting smile.

Robin felt certain that she was there because she wanted John. John felt certain that she was there because she wanted John. As we will eventually learn, her sights were set even higher.

While John was looking at his plate absentmindedly slicing schnitzel, his eyes were on the opposite side of the table nestling into the most beautiful breasts he'd ever considered holding, touching, teasing, kissing, stroking, biting, licking, flicking. While John's imagination was taking his mind down her body, Robin's eyes were scanning her chin, her lips, her cheeks, her nose and ended up meeting her eyes. Her smile sent a tingle through his body that he felt in his knees. It was an electric moment for Robin, but tinged with the realization that it was a condescending smile, one that said, if only you were as sumptuous as the gorgeous and randy John. Nevertheless, Beauty had smiled on him this day.

One is rarely impertinent enough to contradict the words Beauty utters, but after she had put them at ease with some pleasant small talk, she asked them how long they'd been together. John said that they'd known each other since primary school and Robin asked why she thought they were together. It turns out that she had been watching them for some time, had never seen one without the other, or with anyone else, and certainly never with a girl. Robin explained the implication of her question to his one and only friend.

In hitting the nail on the head, John blanched. At first speechless, a torrent of stuttered and stammered denials were emitted with such force that one might have wondered if "the lady doth protest too much." Robin found it quite amusing that his best friend, whom he thought he knew better than that, would be bothered by such an accusation. Marion found the chemistry between the boys supremely intoxicating. With John now blathering all sorts of pronouncements about it being time they found new friends, Marion nodded and smiled. John could barely see her through his rage. Robin put his arm around his friend's shoulder, attempting to cool him down. Frankly, that was about as helpful as pissing into a volcano. Not wanting to give her more reason to believe this heinous lie, he roughly flicked the arm away. At the same time, he realized how warm and comfortable and very familiar that consoling arm was.

Marion sent him to the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face and wash off the lava that had dribbled down his chin during this eruption. During his absence Robin and Marion laughed about the performance. She wondered why he wasn't studying drama too. Robin had never seen him like this. Never. After a momentary lapse in their banter, Robin asked her if she had sat with them today to find out if they were a couple. She admitted that that was the preamble, but if Robin is interested, she'd like a date with him. He was tall and good-looking, smart and articulate, and he knew where to look when talking to a girl. He looked at her now. In the eyes. They were smiling and so were his. His mouth fell open and he sluttily licked his lips. She had him dictate his phone number and then she snapped him. Gotcha!

John swaggered back to the table knowing full well that she would be his. Marion knew what he was thinking. Robin also knew what John was thinking and even felt a tad guilty at winning this much coveted prize. He went to the drinks machine to get them all a bottle of something. And during his absence John asked her if she was doing anything this evening. Even though the answer was a five letter word starting with a capital R, she asked what he had in mind. Because the answer was a four letter word starting a capital F, he started blathering again. Marion was accustomed to guys being tongue tied around her. She had him dictate his phone number and then she snapped him. Gotcha!

The boys had a squash court booked for 1.30 and it was at the other end of the campus. They bade her farewell. John risked everything by turning back once more to look at her - she could have disappeared into Hades -- and gestured "call me". The boys walked in silence. Robin's hand rested on John's shoulder as it has done since time immemorial. For the first time John was acutely aware of it. He shrugged it off and Robin cooed jokily into his ear.

The squash game was fast and furious, far more charged than usual. John felt an out of body experience, as if he were looking down on their match from the Cloud 9 in which he was louchly swaddled. Marion had asked for his phone number! Robin was edgy. Sure, Marion had asked for his phone number, but so have plenty of girls. In fact, so many that he was starting to wonder why he never followed up on any of them.

As per usual, they walked their stinky selves back to their dorm room and showered there. As per usual Robin showered first and when John emerged from the bathroom after his shower, Robin was lying naked face down on his bed. This was their unspoken code for "I need a massage". John took the lotion and squirted it on his friend's back. While he spread it around the powerful musculature, he smeared it in with great force. Robin loved that. He was wondering what Marion had in mind this evening. He sighed a long deep sigh through a broad satisfied smile. He started pondering this aloud, but John shushed him. Robin could hear a quiver in his friend's voice that concerned him. John's towel fell to the floor as he knelt between Robin's legs which he gently moved aside. Massaging his friend this intimately felt suddenly both dangerous and consoling. Robin could sense how unusually troubled John was today. He massaged down the darkly tanned torso and reached the lily white buttocks onto which he squirted some more lotion and rubbed it in. He separated the hard mounds of muscle and leaned down to blow warm air on his squeaky clean sphincter. Robin sighed a long deep sigh which may well have contained the warm air John kept blowing into him at the other end.

This was the point at which Robin traditionally turned over so that John could massage his thighs. He tended to sport an erection in these situations and today was only exceptional in that it was at full mast. One only had to be a sighted person, to grasp what a wonder it was. Perfectly proportioned, slightly darker than the light brown that was Robin's skin colour, you could only smile and shake your head in disbelief at the beauty of it. Its eyelet seemed to both smile and wink at you. Even though John's was noticeably larger, Robin's cock was chic personified. John smiled and winked. Robin smiled back with a touch of wry as he thought of Robin Hood's companion, Little John. Robin nodded, smiled and sluttily licked his lips with his well-endowed tongue. John started massaging the kneecaps. As tradition dictates, he moved his massaging hands up and up and pressed forcefully into the area to the left and right of the heavily laden scrotum. Robin clasped his hands behind his head. He was looking intensely into John's eyes. John leaned down and blew warm air on the heavily laden scrotum. Defying tradition, Robin almost sat up. John wondered if he wasn't leaning in for a kiss and cautiously closed the gap between their faces. Robin was earnestly hoping that he was not misconstruing this situation. The tension was such that John now shot a huge volley of lava into his best friend's face. There was nothing to misconstrue.

They were both aghast. John stared at the splodges of his semen that looked like bags under Robin's eyes. He leaned over to get the towel, but Robin held him in place. That's when the tears started. John bawled like an infant -- torrents of tears streamed down his face as he wept for the loss of innocence. Robin knew that he had misconstrued nothing. He wrapped his arms around his friend's body and let the heat their bodies jointly burned with meld the two sets of body fluids into one. When his solace was misconstrued for affection, he disentangled them and headed for the bathroom. John stared at the buttocks disappearing behind the closed door realizing that he will never again get to blow warm air into them. Let alone anything else.

John waited nervously for Robin to emerge from the bathroom. He didn't want to have this talk, but how can they not? It should have all been said a long time ago. The object of his love was the last person he wanted to discuss it with.

Robin took a tormentingly long time in the bathroom wondering what the fuck had got into his best friend today. Surely it can't have been the encounter with Marion. Such encounters are a daily occurrence for Little John. For Robin, such attention has always been a distant dream. Or so he had thought until today. Many new adventures today. He wondered if they were triggering each other.

A couple of hours later when their dorm room was unusually quiet and uncool, Robin got a message from Marion inviting him over for the evening. The notion of chain reaction took on a new significance. Every belief Robin held when he woke up this morning was now seen in a new light. He was fairly certain that his aim for this evening did not diverge overly from Marion's. The matter he vaguely entertained en route was merely one of strategies. He needn't have worried too much. When she opened the door, she held two glasses of chilled rose. They smiled into each other's eyes and toasted to their union. Her strategy saved him exercising any of the ones he'd been entertaining. Her hand was pressing into his crotch before she'd fully closed the door. She swilled her wine into his mouth as they kissed. He was rock hard before he'd swallowed the swilled wine. She was far more impressed by the muscle in her mouth that was co-swilling their wine than by that which she was kneading. Robin's tongue was the most wonderful weapon her own had ever duelled with. She was certain that a good time was to be had this evening. She drew him towards the open fire and they lay together on the sheepskin rug, caressing and stroking each other. They kissed and fondled and Robin was as happy as he'd ever been. She was so loving, so warm, and so ball-breakingly hot. He had never been so in someone's power and so in need to dominate at the same time. He was thoroughly overwhelmed by these feelings. It wasn't very long before his mighty tongue was swirling around one nipple and then another. Marion writhed noisily. He slurped his way down her body, and tussled with the button on her jeans. His victory was ensured with her lifting her butt so he could slide them down. And to work his tongue went. Two open fires in such close proximity. She knew that this was going to be far more exciting than just another cock pounding away down there. She had suspected as much at lunch when the lizard had licked some potato salad off his nose. On their first kiss she knew that this is what she'd crave. And she was not disappointed. What he was able to do down there no man had ever achieved before. And he devoured her with all the passion of the greediest of little boys. It'd been a long time since he'd eaten a girl out and my, what a meal he was making of it. They changed places several times to accommodate his insatiable tongue. The firelight faded and it was their exertions that kept them warm. After all this time, he was still fully clothed and his mind flicked momentarily to John, wondering if he at this stage would still be clothed. Probably not, given the magnificence of his physique. And his need to show off that thing of his. Was this why Marion was keeping him clothed? Is his body ugly to her? What ought he do? Now that there is virtually no light in the room, surely she wouldn't mind if he were naked too? He started to remove his shirt, and as she helped him, she bit into his nipple, such that Robin screamed. No-one had ever touched his nipple before and he did not like it one iota. The only feeling was that someone was biting him somewhere and it was a none too pleasing pain. He considered playing along but before he got to resolve this quandary, his pain screamed at her. She smiled a smile of satisfaction. Great satisfaction. Her luscious body pressed against his, the warmth of their chests pressed together. His raging erection still encased in his jeans pressed against her beautiful and ravenous essence. He knew that it was only a matter of time before they would be united, and he also knew that he could enjoy this tease for as long as she could. He was smiling from ear to ear as he released his tongue back into her. Who liked it more was difficult to assess, but my god one could understand the neighbours' fear that something momentous was happening in their midst.

They were completely into each other in every other way but literally. After a little time, she returned to his nipples, this time with her tongue only. He slightly warmed to the sensation, but he preferred licking hers. He threw her aside, and started biting her nipples. The pleasure she expressed indicated that it meant a lot more to her than to him. He was so pleased to have the luxury of time. It felt like the rarest moment in his life. They paused a moment while she fetched some more rose. He watched her beautiful figure in the ambient light disappear into the kitchen and return. Her 90 second absence was bearable only in that Robin was granted a moment's reflection on the night's events. He hoped this was not a one off. Just when the events of the afternoon flooded back into his mind, and he started to wonder how John was coping, Marion knelt over his face. She put their glasses to their left and right and his tongue disappeared inside her again. The most magnificent tongue that had ever been inside her. Oh my! And as his hands reached for his belt, she lifted his arms away and clasped them by his sides. He loved her strength. Both his wrists were pinned by hers, which made it all the stranger that some stranger should start unclipping the button on his jeans. With his tongue still inside Marion, Robin sighed a knowing sigh. There was only one person in the world who could be unbuttoning his jeans right now. It was immediately apparent that this evening was all about John and Marion ending up together. Why they had involved him in this was not clear to him, but it was the obvious conclusion to draw. At first he felt deflated, then disappointed then a little angry, after which came fury and thoughts of murder and then suicide. That'll teach `em. Then he felt his aching hardon in John's hand. It felt weird, but not unpleasant. He'd have said something if he had the normal use of his mouth. Marion kept his hands firmly pinned by his side as John went about his stroking business. Robin had long hoped that the warm wet mouth that would engulf his cock would be Marion's but here and now it was John's tongue that bathed his cock with that pleasure. And pleasurable it was. Robin's tongue was still tussling with all the earthly pleasures that Marion's cunt had to offer and while that didn't altogether negate the pleasure John was inflicting on him, there was now a triangle, unannounced, that he had to contend with. He was more than a little curious about where John had acquired his fellatio skills as he was clearly no beginner in the fine art of. But before these puzzles needed to be solved, there was the simple matter of untold ecstasy with his tongue buried deep inside Marion and his cock buried deep inside John. He marvelled at how queerly the gods had conspired this day. After today's little performance at home, he had become suspicious of John's sexuality and with his cock getting the hottest workover of the century, those doubts evaporated. His best friend was gay. The structure of the evening seemed to indicate that Marion knew this. So as his tongue continued to penetrate her insides, he wondered what she had had in mind. Was this the test of their friendship, of their sexuality? Sexualities? She really did think they were a couple and this invitation to have their ways with her would confirm what she needed to know.

John's tongue had slid its willful way down to Robin's scrotum and he was rolling the balls around in his mouth. This was a new sensation for Robin and it would be no understatement to say that he fucking loved it, as weird as it was coming from his best friend. His gay best friend. John lifted Robin's legs up a little then Marion grabbed his ankles and pulled them up onto her shoulders. This gave John the access to Robin's sphincter that he long craved. He's been close enough in their massage beds but this was the real thing. And he went for it with all his might. His tongue was no match for Robin's any more than Robins' cock was any match for John's. We all have our strengths. John's hands stretched Robin's buns apart and his tongue went straight for the chocolate rosebud. Robin thought he was going to expire. The magnificence was beyond his wildest dreams. He was in no doubt that what was happening to his body top and bottom was an inimitable experience he would soon long to, well, imitate. As much as he was concentrating on these feelings, he was wondering why John had never told him he was gay. How often might he have had this blow job of the century. Oh dear, now he was feeling guilty about being greedy. And ambivalent. What if he had to choose? Let's not even go there.

John stuck his tongue into Robin's navel and slowly slobbered his way up to his nipples which he loving swaddled with his tongue. He slid further up and took Marion's left breast in his hand. And then kissed it, licked it and slobbered all around it. At the same time his sphincter parked over Robin's cock. He lowered himself a little and let the tip tease his buttocks. Robin's tongue was spent. He tried to maneuvre away slightly and ended up with John's ball sack on his chin. Marion's hand was stroking John's ample cock and she rubbed it around Robin's lips. She well understood the irony of his name Little John, having hitherto assumed it had to do with his great height. This was pretty new and unexpected, but far from repugnant. The only question Robin was asking himself was why Marion had invited him here if she thought she had a chance with the far superior John.

How ingenuous! Robin was seriously wondering if John's cock still rimming his lips ought to end up in his mouth. This would be a first not only in deed but in thought. As he considered the inevitability of it, the said piece of meat slipped between his teeth into his mouth. John sort of cried, sort of sighed, sort of died, sort of "why'd". What he has waited for longer than anything in his life was now happening. Robin had his cock in his mouth. At the same time John was slobbering Marion's nipples and his fingers were stroking Robin's arms.

After some time, Marion extricated herself from the triangle and knelt by Robin and blew him most sensuously as he continued to blow John. But John wanted to watch her suck his friend so he turned 180 and let his scrotum dangle on Robin's face. It would not only seem impolite of Robin not to go to town on John's scrotum, but a waste of good tongue. As he did, Marion took Robin's usefully ample, rock hard cock in hand and stroked it. She wanted to suck it but didn't want to cease her labours on that long thin thing of Robin's that was more than tickling the back of her throat. Gripping John's as a handle she tugged him towards her. As he waddled forward, Robin's mouth was free of obligation for the first time in hours. As Marion pushed Robin's legs apart so she could kneel between them, she pressed the boys' cocks together. They had never met each in such close proximity and there was an awkward moment of etiquette as they greeted each other. Their foreskins rubbed against each other as if they were lips kissing. John's cock was so happy to be finally pressed the full length of Robin's and Robin's was just happy to have some attention other than his master's spindly fingers. The question of who was master and who was slave is one that most cocks ponder eagerly. They smile to themselves knowingly, sometimes even to each other. Every cock worth his well-coiffed pubes knows that the mere act of waking from a dormant slumber is enough to enslave the master in any situation it chooses to exercise this power.

The warmth of their cocks snuggled together was now cocooned in the warm moisture of Maid Marion's mouth as she squeezed them together taking them at the same time. Robin's hands lay by his side and John's groped for them, found them, and pressed them against his hips. They could have found Marion's breasts instead, and it was this little sin of omission that finally convinced her that the last weapon in armoury needed to be called into service. She slobbered and tugged over the two simultaneous cocks until she felt they were about to explode. She pushed John back slightly so that he could take over sucking Robin and she disappeared into the bathroom for a moment. The last time she disappeared for a moment, John turned up. What next, Robin wondered. John's arse was within a cowlick of Robin's face, but he didn't think he could do it. His tongue was not going in there. He separated the cheeks and blew warm air there as had been done to him so fatefully this afternoon. Or was it yesterday already?

Marion returned with a well lubricated arse. She stood John up and sat down on Robin's cock. It disappeared deep inside her cunt. She leant forward and starting sucking John. She then pushed him aside a little and leant further forward to kiss Robin while he slowly slipped and slod his prod back and forth inside her muscled cunt. John was feeling momentarily left out and she pushed his legs a little to indicate that he was to go behind. Her sphincter was glistening invitingly. He wasn't sure that he wanted him to fuck her arse while Robin fucked her cunt, and he wasn't sure whose initiative would now be on display. She tapped his foot which he read as the signal it was. Fucking a woman's arse had never been on his menu but tonight has been so rich in new experiences that it could appear squeamish to reject this one. He rested his middle finger on her hole and gently pressed. The slight resistance invited more pressure and eventually more fingers. He had a bit of a rhythm going and it almost seemed a shame to replace his fingers with his cock, but that was the order to be fulfilled. He positioned himself over her upsticking arse, held the head against the well-oiled machine and slowly pressed in. His cock greeted Robin's again, and even though it was through gossamer thin tissues, he recognised his new friend. These two recently acquainted cocks were in the process of becoming very good friends, though it was abundantly clear that lovers they would never be.

Robin, lying flat on his back for how many hours now, was still lathing Marion's eyes, eyebrows, nose, chin, lips with his greatest weapon. John was plundering her arse with his greatest weapon. Marion reached behind John and very firmly grabbed his cheeks and wrenched them apart. When lo and behold, Marion pressed what must have been a very life-like, yet very large warm lubricated dildo against his exposed sphincter. He wondered how many arms she had. John had occasionally fingered himself and imagined getting a dildo up there, and occasionally dared to wish having the real thing pumping his arse and filling it with hot white lava. But he never pursued this line of thought as it just seemed ever so slight gay, and he didn't want to disappoint Robin. His flights of fancy would see him kneeling over his fucker and shitting the lava out onto his abdomen. Back to the here and now, Marion seemed to be taking a long time to slide such a long and thick thing into his arse. As it got there, it became clear that it was just one large part of an even larger entity. Who the fuck was fucking him? He had stopped fucking Marion to accommodate the intruder. But once that had been accomplished and the mild thrusting was under way, he was once again thrusting inside Marion and against Robin's cock which picked up speed again inside her cunt.

Robin couldn't understand why John was making such a racket. After all, who was on the bottom of the heap? Robin was still on his back with his cock inside Marion's cunt. She was leaning forward with her nipples very close to his face. His tongue reached up and swiped them as they swung left and right, up and down. He tried to catch them as any good lizard would, but the movements were not under even her control. Her arse was perked up just enough for John's cock to be pumping in and out of it, brushing Robin's cock inside her from another end. And John's arse was now full of Marion's brother. John had never imagined anything of such proportions inside him and it was magnificent. There was something about the warmth of the shaft itself as well as the heat caused by the friction. Timothy was kneading John's nips between his thumbs and index fingers, a sensation to fucking die for.He was starting to get this pain shit. He could only hope that Marion was deriving as much pleasure from his worthy cock as he was deriving from Timothy's. Being inside someone while someone was inside him far exceeded his wildest dreams, though to be honest, his wildest dreams were pretty tame. Pretty lame.

Marion and John now squatted over Robin, flat on his back as he has been since time began. Robin's and John's cum oozed out of her well fucked holes as Timothy's cum oozed out of John's. She fingerpainted Robin's torso with the three sets of fluid, irking him considerably. She then pressed John and Timothy's heads towards her filthy torso enticing them to clean it up with their tongues. They did as bidden, and when the task was complete rested their heads on the squeamy boy's squeaky clean torso. She pushed their faces together and they kissed a long slow deep kiss. Their bodies inched closer and they put their free arms one around the other. Their pillow rose and fell in gentle waves as Robin breathed. Marion pressed a finger into Robin's ear, and her other hand tugged at his pubes.

Little John's unlittle monster pressed hard against Timothy's, and it was surprised to be making another new acquaintance so soon. It mattered not to John's cock that Timothy's was even larger, any more than Robin's was smaller. It was impressed with Timothy's abundant foreskin but a bit nervous that he might be smothered if at some stage down the line they engaged in the gentle art of cock-docking.

The kissing boys took a breather and turned their heads to look at the ceiling. What they saw however was two breasts suspended above their noses. When she saw them looking at them she leaned forward enough for them to take one each between their teeth. As she moaned, Robin put his hand over her cunt as if to prevent it from dripping any more, but soon let his fingers wiggle around inside her. He then bunched his four fingers up and forced them into her mouth. If she can take two respectable cocks at once, four fingers should be a picnic. And a picnic it was. She sucked the fingers with such ferocity, that he feared losing his fingernails.

The four creatures awoke the next morning, snuggled up together naked in front of the faintly warm fireplace. Not an ember. Robin was lying on his side, arm around Marion and she had her hand wedged between the tops of his legs. John was lying on his side, the full length of his back pressed against the full length of Robin's back. As he opened his eyes, he saw a male version of Maid Marion. He wondered if they were twins. He looked down the torso to the cock that had impaled him last night. He gasped. He'd always been quite proud of his own, but compared to his, oh my! Without opening his eyes, Timothy smiled, raised his arm to bring John's face down to meet his. Their slurpy sloppy kisses woke Robin and Marion who did their best to outslurp and outslop the boys.

The two couples lived happily ever after, well, at least until they had their college degrees in hand. After that I rather lost track of them, having other boys and girls to keep my eyes on.


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