By Steam train

Published on Aug 29, 2005



A Most Embarrassing Experience

By Steam Train ( steam_t2000@yahoo.com )

When I was 14years old and in Year 9 at High School my group of friends and I were constantly tormenting and pulling tricks on one particular group of girls who had the good luck, so I thought at the time, to share quite a few classes with us at school.

I guess we did one taunt or trick too many cause one day at school one of my friends Adam admitted, after the girls taunted him in front of us, that the girls had cornered him the day before after school and to his utmost embarrassment the girls had pantsed him and shaved his you know what regions.

Well I got to admit all the rest of us guys in our group burst into laughter about this great get back by the girls.

Later in the locker room after PE, when the Teacher wasn't looking and it was thus safe, we quickly pantsed Adam to get a look at his shaving for ourselves. It was so funny.

I didn't think the girls would go after anyone else after that, but a few days later I was due to do a group assignment with some girls and one other guy from my class. Only one of those girls, Jill was from the group that we had tormented, so I didn't even think about my well being, when it was arranged by Jill that we all would meet at her place at 4pm to write the assignment.

So I turned up at 4pm as arranged. Jill let me in and we went out the back to the rumpus room, where to my surprise, there was the rest of Jill's group and no sign of the other two girls and the guy who were supposed to do the assignment with us. I later found out that Jill had told them 4pm the next day.

I immediately got worried and started backing out but they grabbed me before I could get back out the front door, and said it was my turn, to suffer for all our tormenting, just like Adam already had.

I begged and pleaded but to no use they were determined.

They took off my tee shirt, joggers, socks and jeans and I'm standing in my boxers. They got the shaving things ready then said ok lets see how much we have to remove.

As if being stripped naked and shaved was not going to be the most embarrassing thing, I was to suffer even worse embarrassment because when they lowered my boxers, they discovered there was nothing there yet to shave off. I hadn't even begun to start puberty.

Blushing red faced, I was acutely aware that my hard little two and a half inch penis which pretty much hid my very tiny marble sized balls, was totally exposed. It was jutting upwards at forty five degrees from it's still absolutely hairless pubic area, for all the girls to see.

You can imagine the comments they made.

"He sure doesn't have much to see for a year nine student does he" said Sarah.

"Anyone got a magnifying glass?" asked Alana

"Told you he would still be a bald little boy" said Jill smirking.

I guess I spoiled their fun but they sure had a good laugh at my expense.

Now that all the group of girls had seen my private secrets I knew from Adams experience that the girls would be making fun of my small size and baldness at school.

I dreaded that next day at school.

Sure enough as I thought, the girls taunted me in front of my friends and anyone else who happened to be listening about what they discovered.

Then to complete my most embarrassing experience, at the next PE lesson my friends and Adam was the keenest pantsed me to check out if the girls had been telling the truth!

The End

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