An Independent Production

By Dave MacMillan (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 26, 2002



'lo all. For those of you who liked "Boy From Atlanta" in this section of Nifty, I thought you might like another tale about Southern pornstars. If you really really like this story and "Boy" and even got into the no sex Trailer Trash in this section, you're addicted. Never fear, I'm in the prolific authors section. There is a favour tho - if you like my writing, give Nifty a donation (you can even do so in my name). A strong and friendly Nifty is a place where we will always be able to meet and enjoy the tale(s) of people we'd like to know.

If you like "An Independent Production" or anything else in Nifty that I've written, let me know. I do reply.

You know the regimen - no hate mongers, underaged, leave now if you're not into queer sex. Leave now if your country/state/province doesn't allow you to think for yourself. Believe it! The thought police can find you out. There is also copyright protection on my side - why steal, folks? Write your own.

An Independent Production

I was more than just a little dejected. It was already Sunday afternoon and I was still sitting in one of the two cells of the city jail in Soul, Georgia. I'd called the folks last night so they wouldn't worry; and Pop was still making up his mind whether he'd see me or not and leaving me hanging while he did it. The deputy who had sat beside me as I made my call was grinning at me like I was the turkey about to become Christmas dinner.

Absently, I looked around the cell, my gaze taking in the plastic-covered mattress I'd tried to sleep on last night and my nose picking up the damp earthiness of concrete that had me imagining death and tombs right out of The Fall Of The House Of Usher. There was another bunk over mine, its mattress rolled up at its foot, just like there was another bunkbed contraption bolted into the other side of the cell. In the centre was the toilet - wide open for anyone to see a man doing his business. I shuddered at that one, remembering how embarrassed I'd been having to take a leak with Barry and Doug in the cell with me last night - before their folks came and got them. Fifteen feet from the floor was a bare light fixture, centred in the ceiling. This was not a place I wanted to be.

The night before, when his daddy came to get him out, Barry'd sauntered from our cell like he owned the world. He saluted the deputy and grinned back at Doug and me. But that was just Barry - he got into shit and always managed to walk out smelling like roses. He'd been doing that since Doug and I started hanging around with him when I was ten. We'd decided long ago it came with being rich.

It had taken Doug two more hours to get out. His mom had to hock her car to get the money for the bail bondsman. He spent those two hours trying to make me feel better - just as he had since I was in first grade and he was my second grade buddy. When the deputy opened the cell door for him, Doug grabbed my arm and smiled. "Buck up, Tommy. Your old man'll be here soon," he told me. "He just wants you to squirm a little."

A key scraped loudly in the metal door that led from the cells to the part of the Sheriff's Department that most people saw. The lock scraped through metal as it retracted, like running fingernails across a blackboard. The door squealed as it opened. My hands gripped the bars as I watched the door, hoping Pop had relented and was come to get me.

A man I didn't recognise walked towards me and the metal door scraped back shut behind him. My heart began to sink. He was dressed up like a lawyer, though. Maybe Pop had taken pity on me, after all. Although that wasn't at all like the old testament prophet he lived like. I knew right then and there that the old man's strop could have every piece of my butt for the next ten years if he just got me out of jail.

"I'm Jesse Hays, Tommy," the man said. "How're you feeling?"

"I'm not," I answered truthfully. His name was familiar but I couldn't place it. "I'm stuck here in jail."

"And your buddies are already out on bail?" I nodded, remembering watching the deputy come in and get Barry and then Doug when their parents had come for them. And remembering the loneliness I'd felt as the night wore on and I stayed behind bars.

"If I can get the charges against you dropped, Tommy, what's it going to be worth to you?" he asked.

"Anything." My heart raced. "I'll do anything to get out of here."

He smiled and nodded his head. "I'll hold you to that. Just like I'm going to hold Barry and Doug to it."

"You didn't get them out," I told him.

He grinned. "I'll get you released on your own recognisance, Tommy Varnadore. But I think I can get all three of you off the charges too - if the three of you are really co-operative."

"How're you going to do it, Mister?"

He chuckled this time. "You're not a member of Revival Baptist - I'm the preacher there. Doug and his mother came to see me this morning. I'm going to offer the Sheriff the idea that you three boys will help me in payment for dropping the charges."

I grinned, beginning to relax for the first time since I saw the police car last night. Goofing off at a church and calling it work? I'd had plenty of experience with that at the country churches Pop preached at. Yeah, I could put up with that.

Jesse Hays' eyes twinkled like he was reading my mind. "Don't go getting the wrong idea, Tommy. I'm a real taskmaster - a lot more than your father ever thought to be - and I won't recommend the charges get dropped unless you do everything I tell you to do. Do you understand that?" I nodded slowly. "Disturbing the peace, drunk and disorderly conduct, driving under the influence, and assault. They'd get you a year or more in state prison, Tommy - just remember that."

Maybe I should start at the beginning. My name's Tommy Varnadore and I'm a second semester freshman at Georgia Southern University, majoring in business. Yeah, GSU's got a well-deserved reputation as a party school; but kids from small south Georgia counties, especially those who graduate from Christian academies, don't often score high enough on their SATs to get into the real universities. Football players from Gideon Bible Christian School get even worse scores, especially if they were at Gideon on athletic scholarship like I was. So I've been doing a year of post-high school work just to prove I can think and to improve my lit comprehension scores.

I had broken up with my girl a week to the day from the Sunday I spent in jail. Or she broke up with me. Taking her home from church, I'd told her I was going down to the Florida panhandle for a couple of days of sun and surf during the spring break with my two best buds. She said that she wanted me to be with her. By the time I got her to her house, she had delivered an ultimatum: I had to choose between her and my buds.

Hell! I've still got my balls and they always seem to work pretty damned good - even if it's been just me and my hand. No damn girl is going to tell me what I can and can't do. Especially not one who's just now letting me touch her titties after dating her religiously the past year. Besides, I didn't think she really meant it.

Barry, Doug, and I had a ball the three days we spent at the beach. Barry had already turned twenty-one, so he kept us supplied. Too well supplied. I found that out Saturday night when I saw the three six-packs still in the cooler in the back of my truck.

Only, before I found the beer, I'd planted half of south Georgia in soybeans from Thursday to Saturday. From dawn to dusk. Pop was good about letting me off to go sow a wild oat or two, but he sure exacted his pound of flesh and then some when it came to the farm, so that there was never any question that I'd paid him back in full.

Anyway, after showering and eating that Saturday, me and my buds got together. We guzzled up the three six-packs pretty fast. Barry suggested a plan of action first and wouldn't let it go. I had to drive right over to the girlfriend's and demand she take me back. No real man could let a woman twist his balls like she had done mine. Doug thought it was a better idea than doing nothing. I was feeling just good enough I went along with them.

That was before her daddy came out to find out why we were blowing the horn in his front yard at one o'clock in the morning. It was also before a few sharp words were exchanged. And it was before his wife came out with a shotgun pointed right at me. Barry, Doug, and me sat there waiting for the Sheriff to come after that - quietly, at gunpoint.

Pop was on the porch waiting for me when I got home. "Get the strop, Tommy," he told me conversationally as he hoisted himself out of the big rocker.

"Pop!" I knew what was coming, just as I had since I could walk. But I was nineteen and had just spent a night in jail. I wanted to clean up and get some sleep. I wasn't exactly up to a whipping.

"Tommy," he said reasonably as he grabbed the handle of the screen door. "Men've got to take responsibility for what they do - always. That's what the Bible tells us and, in this house, we live by the good word. You've got to pay the price of your mistakes."

"I did, Pop," I told him, hesitating to enter the house. "I sat down there in jail and knew you weren't going to come get me - even when Barry and Doug got out. Because I'd made my mistake and was going to have to pay for it."

"You did that," he admitted but continued to hold the door open for me. "Only, you got lucky, boy. That town preacher from the big seminary in Dallas came along and offered to get you out of your rightful punishment. That put you right back to being just a wet-behind-the-ears boy."

He smiled and I knew I had no escape. I never did. I walked through the door. "Boys are like men," he explained conversationally as I took down his razor strop and started to walk through the house with him. "They get punished too when they do wrong - only, they get the strop when they do wrong. Grown men go to jail or have to pay big fines - or even their lives."

We started across the backyard towards the woodshed, and I wondered if Barry had his daddy laughing or Doug had got his ma to stop crying yet. I was trying to think of anything but what was going to happen to my butt when I got to the woodshed and was bent over the bench that had been there for me since I was six.

After he wore out his good razor strop on my butt that Sunday afternoon, Pop still let me use my truck - to go to class over in Valdosta and to come home. Every hour of my day suddenly had to be accounted for and passed on by him. I was not to see Barry or Doug again, until he said so. I didn't go out for a hamburger and coke any more. He made it plain as the nose on my face that I was going to be paying dearly for being a damned fool child. The charges were still there against me and he was going to make sure my nose was clean if I ever did have to go to court. The only extracurricular stuff that was allowed was whatever Preacher Hays might come up with for me.

I was feeling mighty low when I drove into Alma Wednesday afternoon to meet the good reverend as we'd arranged when he got me out of the jail. It was already ninety degrees. I figured I'd be washing all that nice etched work on the church windows. Oh, boy - I could barely wait.

The church secretary had me wait thirty minutes before she even bothered to find out if the preacher could see me. She was one my Mom's friends but was as big as Pop. By the time she did knock on the door of the preacher's study, my butt was willing to bet she swung a mean strop, just about as good as the old man.

She motioned me to the door of the study and glared at me as I entered the preacher's inner sanctum. "Reverend Hays, this is that Varnadore boy you wanted to see." I stood at the pastor's desk and didn't look back at her, telling myself I needed to be a repentant sinner in front of these folks. "I was just about to leave, Reverend, but if you want me to stay-?"

He smiled up at her and waved his hand. "Tommy's going to behave, aren't you?" he said and I felt him looking right at me, like I was some sample of evil put before him to study.

We both watched her shut the study door. A few minutes later, we heard the outer door of her office close behind her.

I looked up and found the preacher studying me curiously. "Why don't you take a seat, Tommy. This may take a while for us-" He paused and smiled. "To reach a complete understanding."

I took the chair closest to the desk and forced myself to meet his gaze. I didn't want to; I didn't like being face to face with any preacher. I always felt they were trying to look into my soul and see the sins there. About like Pop did when he made me take down his razor strop and walk out to the woodshed with him.

"You're into this pretty deep, Tommy," he offered quietly. "Did you know that?" I nodded. "Do you know what happens to good looking boys like you in state prison?"

That one I didn't know. I admitted it. He smiled. "I counsel over at the prison. It's not a pretty sight when a man your age breaks down and tells me how many times he was raped his first week there."

I gulped. Loud. Rape? Like dick in butt? Oh, Jesus! My assmuscle clinched shut and threatened to stay glued in position. Shit!

"Of course, they don't have condoms and lubrication in prison - so, it's even worse than it would be if you were doing it with one of your friends here at home."

"I don't ... I never!" My heart was pounding in my throat and sweat beaded across my forehead. My eyes were bulging as I stared at him.

Reverend Hays shrugged in his chair. "Of course, I can keep you out of that - just as I'm going to keep Barry and Doug clear of it ... Only, you can't argue with me. You have to do exactly what I tell you to do - everything - the very first time."

I swallowed my heart and nodded. Emphatically. I wanted this preacher to know I'd be down on my knees in a heartbeat, groveling at the altar - all he had to do was give the word and I'd be praying. I'd even do it in tongues. Anything to save my butt from that kind of deal.

"I was hoping you'd see it my way, Tommy."

I nodded quickly. Energetically even. I did see it his way. Definitely.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you some things you just don't go around repeating when you go out that door-" He jerked his head towards the door to his secretary's office. He chuckled. "Even if you did tell somebody, they wouldn't believe you and you'd be on your way to prison quick enough too."

I gulped.

"I've got a little side business, Tommy. It's getting to be lucrative but it is a side business for now. I'm not ready to make it into a full time thing." I nodded, giving Preacher Hays all of my attention. "Most of the men I hire on are just coming out of the prison where I counsel. They go into a halfway house I manage, so I can keep an eye on them-"

I waited with bated breath as silence covered the room.

"I also bring in a couple of local boys like you and your friends every once in a while. Boys who think with their dicks instead of their heads - and have got caught."

"I-" I sure didn't like that image of myself. Not coming from a preacher. What would he be telling God, let alone the sheriff?

"Stand up, Tommy, and take off your clothes."

I stared at the preacher. "Do what?" I managed to croak.

"Get butt-naked right now, boy," he said.

I gulped, trying to get my suddenly displaced heart back down into my chest. My palms were sweaty, my face felt like it was the colour of beets. My dick threw a boner, tenting out my jeans. "Preacher-?" I mewled.

He was watching me dispassionately. "This is going to be the only time I overlook you resisting me, Tommy Varnadore. I'm going to count to five and, if you haven't started getting naked, I'm calling the sheriff."

"He'd find out!" I squeaked.

"Would he?" the Reverend Hays asked like this was a class discussion over at college or something. "Remember I've been helping this community for almost ten years. You, on the other hand, are up on charges. And there's the suggestion that you threatened me. Would he believe you? Would your father? I don't think so ... One."

It felt like someone had my balls in a real vise and was pulling on them hard. I was one ever more fucked boy. I toed off my sneakers and stood up to pull my tee shirt over my head. I might not want to believe this was happening to me, but I didn't want to take a chance on the sheriff taking me back to his jail. To my way of thinking, that got me too close to state prison and those rapists. It'd get me to taking Pop's razor strop for sure.

I turned around and pulled my briefs down over my butt when he was saying four. After I'd stepped out of them, I didn't turn back to him. I was red-faced at my nudity and at my hard-on. It sure wasn't anything like gym class back in high school. Or the skinny dipping we used to do, either. This was somehow a whole lot closer to something sexual than any of that had ever been.

It got even more that way when I realised he was studying my fanny real seriously. I turned around quick, my dick swinging over and bouncing on my hip. My face burned, my body burned, and my dick tried to get harder than its 6 inches.

Preacher Hays smiled slowly, curling up his lips at the beginning until it could take over his whole face. "You'll do nicely, Tommy. Good dick, really hot looking ass, good body. Yeah, you'll do quite nicely."

"What'll I be doing?" I gulped.

He forced his eyes off my favourite part of myself and moved them up my body until they were on mine. "Haven't you figured it out yet?"

I had some ideas, like him swinging on my hotrod, but I wasn't ready to put voice to anything yet.

"Doug had it figured out before he was out of his tee-shirt Monday afternoon. It did take Barry until he was shoving his briefs over his ass yesterday though."

"Preacher," I groaned, " you're from Dallas; I'm just a dumb country boy."

He shook his head slowly. "Tommy, I make gay fuck movies. You're going to be in my next production."

I stared at him, hoping I hadn't heard him right. Fuck movies meant fucking. And gay meant dick and butt. Like in prison. And he was talking about me being in one.

It was like Preacher Hays was reading my mind. "In prison everybody knows when you're no longer a virgin, even the guards, Tommy. Everybody who wants you after it gets around gets a piece of you - unless it was your prison daddy who took your cherry. And there isn't a bit of protection, it's bareback all the way."

I nodded dubiously. I thought I understood the distinction he was making. The health ed teacher in high school had gone into AIDS prevention before the church board canned her for being too specific with us senior boys. It was downright unChristian, they said.

The one thing I really remembered from that class was that, if you fucked or got fucked and didn't have a rubber, you were asking for a death sentence. Put latex on it or play Russian roulette - those were your two choices if you couldn't abstain. "These boys in these movies of yours, they use condoms?" I asked real quietly.

He nodded. "Protection and plenty of lube - those are the name of the game for a good, fun fuck, Tommy." He laughed and stood up. "And nobody's going to know besides the boys you do it with on film." I saw the tent in the front of his pants and stared.

"They can talk," I mumbled

"They all take it up the ass before the first foot of film rolls," he assured me. "Nobody talks."

I stared at him, the bulge in his pants, the beginning of realisation dawning. "You're one of those preachers who make that kiddyporn!"

"No, Tommy. There are some pedophiles out there, sure. But they always get caught - they don't have a sales organization that holds together and they can't get past their sick perversions. The post office or cyber police always get them in the end. Me? I just produce solid porn - and everybody's over eighteen. Guys in California sell it for me through regular distribution." He grinned. "It may not be legit in Georgia, but it's legit in civilized parts of the country."

"I'm going to have sex with a boy?" I groaned, giving vent to every fear Mom and Pop started putting in my little head before I could even walk right. I was right back to staring at the front of his pants. I was guessing him at being bigger than me. Even as a young teenager throwing a hard on, I never looked that big. I was beginning to wonder how big Jesse Hays was down there and was scared all over by the thought of finding out.

"Bend over and grab the sides of the desk, Tommy. I'll make it easy for you - just like I did for your two buddies."

"You won't hurt me?" I whimpered as I grabbed the sides of the desk, sticking my bare butt out for the taking. I felt more exposed than I'd ever felt before and my damned dick was loving it.

One of Preacher Hays' hands found my buttcheeks and spread them. "Your daddy beat you Sunday?" I nodded. "The welts are almost gone. You should be okay by Saturday morning."

Fingers from the second hand found my pucker and started spreading thick, cool stuff over the wrinkles, globbing up to cover the entrance. I shut my eyes and tried to remember how good it had been at the beach the week before, just me and my buds ogling the girls in their bikinis.

I heard foil being torn, a fly being unzipped, the rustle of clothing. I heard them but I didn't want to hear them, my mind was wandering and I wanted it as far away as I could get it. A finger touched my pucker and I jerked, pulled right back into the preacher's study and me being naked and bent over his desk. The finger pushed into my hole and I bucked.

"Settle down, Tommy," the preacher said from behind me, a second long finger pushing into my asshole alongside the first one. "You're doing good, boy," he said as both fingers found something in my ass that made my dick jump and start leaking. Getting butt-fucked wasn't supposed to feel good, even if it was just fingers doing the fucking. It was supposed to be nasty and evil. An abomination even. I wiggled my ass around on his fingers experimentally and liked what that did for me. He pushed another one into me.

I looked back over my shoulder in surprise. He stood to my side, his fingers buried in my butt and his pants around his ankles. My eyes bulged when I started taking in his dick for real. The size of it. Jesse Hays had at least eight inches like I'd already figured. It had a rubber on it but still ... I shuddered at the thought of that thing trying to get inside me.

"You're going to tear my butt up with that thing," I whimpered, losing the nice feelings he was getting out of my hole as I started to imagine the pain I was soon going to be feeling.

He moved around behind me, standing just the other side of my fanny. He directed the head of it to where his three fingers were buried in my hole. "Just relax, Tommy. I've got you pretty well opened up now. But you're still going to have to push down while I'm pushing into you."

His free hand rested on one hip. His fingers pulled out of my ass and that hand found my other hip. There was something wide and thick and hot lodged right up at the entrance of my hole. I couldn't take my eyes off of him behind me. My dick was so hard it hurt.

Pressure started to mount against my back door. My assmuscle was being stretched further than it ever had been before. "Push down, Tommy," he growled. "Else I'm going to have to take you rough and that'll hurt."

I pushed down like I was taking a shit, opening myself up. Instantly, Preacher Hays' helmet stomped right into my butthole and didn't stop until it was past my muscle.

I was suddenly uncomfortable; there was no pain, however, just that uncomfortable fullness. My gut was stretching to take the size of him, to adjust to his big dick being there inside me. I jerked as his fingers found my pole and another two or three inches of him were shoved into my hole. I stared at him behind me. I was being butt-fucked and he was doing the honors.

"Still hard I see," he said from above me and his fingers formed a fist on my pole. He began to stroke me slow. "Wiggle your butt around, Tommy. Make my dick massage your prostate for you." He laughed softly. "You'll be moaning for a good fuck then."

I wiggled my ass. I didn't see why I shouldn't - he already had half of his meat inside me. Maybe his dick would massage whatever it was he'd called it and I could forget about being bent over with a thick pole going into my ass. If I was going to do something, I definitely preferred liking it while I was doing it.

I stared at the wall and eased my grip on the desk. His meat spread my hole wide but I was getting used to it being there. His helmet was riding whatever it was inside me that got me to drooling pre-come. He was feeling good inside of me and I relaxed while I ground my butt on that wide-bodied dick of his. I wasn't thinking, I had gone on auto-pilot when the good times were beginning to roll out of my ass like little waves to lap at every part of me. I looked back to see him pressing against me hard and I felt his pubes scratching my asscheeks. I knew he'd got all of himself into me.

"I'm pretty close, Tommy," Preacher Hays told me, a big grin covering his face. "You ready for a man-sized fuck now?"

I was way past thinking; I was operating solely on instinct. Instinct told me I liked what I already had of him in me. "Do it," I growled.

He pulled almost out before sliding back into me. My eyes bulged and my jaw almost came unhinged it felt so good, all of his dick slowly moving over that joyspot up my ass. I grabbed my meat, claiming it from the preacher.

I was quickly moaning, my face against the blotter on his desk. Jesse Hays pounded my butt and I pulled on my dick. I'd never felt anything as good as him fucking me and I didn't want it to ever end. He reached around my hip and took my dick from me, beginning to jack it in time with his own movement in and out of my ass. My balls retracted and began to ride my shaft.

Reverend Hays heaved his thighs against mine. I felt his dick grow inside me. I shot my load as he stayed glued to me, his pole buried all the way inside me. He shuddered then. And shuddered again as I did. His hands moved up to my shoulders and he lay across my back and I pumped the last of my jizz onto the front of his desk. I lay spent under him, letting the warm glow of orgasm spread through me.

He kissed my neck and pushed off me. I felt him pulling out of me and turned to look at him.

"Don't," I whimpered at the emptiness that was following his departure. He stopped and looked back at me curiously. "Don't take it out yet," I told him. "It feels good there." He pushed back into me and I sighed with relief as the fullness returned.

"You're going to make a great bottom, Tommy," he chuckled, a finger tracing my spine up to my neck. "I might make you my second regular cast member, right along with Max from the halfway house - that could make you into a star."

My brain switched back on. I realized that I was still bent over his desk, naked - and still had his dick up my butthole. I'd just been butt-fucked. By a preacher. In his study. And he expected me to have more sex with boys for some sort of fuck film. All of the blood drained from my face and I suddenly felt cold and clammy.

I stood up and pulled off his dick. I felt it slide out of me and didn't like the emptiness but that didn't matter much compared to what was suddenly going through my head. This preacher had made me into a queer.

I stared at his deflating slab of meat as he pulled the rubber off himself and didn't think about my nudity. "How can you do shit like this?" I demanded. I didn't know whether I was mad as hell or just embarrassed as all get out.

"Do what, Tommy? Help you get out of trouble?" He smiled and sat down. "You're a good looking man. You put yourself in a position to be sent to prison, where the first time you went for a shower you were going to get porked. I'm helping you out of that situation."

"With you and my best buddies and God knows who else banging my ass!"

He pulled his briefs and pants up his legs and stood up. "With condoms, Tommy. Remember that. Once you'd found out you like a dick in your ass like you did just now, you'd have had the whole prison beating a path to your cell. After a year of that, you'd have come out with an armload of STD's and probably AIDS. I've given you the same knowledge about yourself but you'll have whoever fucks you wearing a condom."

"You raped me!" I cried even as I cringed at the picture he painted of prison and me. I watched him fasten his pants and pull the zipper up. Part of me wanted what he was covering up again.

"You could've said no at any time. Nobody made you do anything you were dead-set against doing."

"You're a preacher," I groaned as his answers beat down the anger I wanted to feel, leaving me just the embarrassment I felt at somebody knowing I took dick up the butt and liked it.

He frowned. "Yeah. And I guess I did use my position to make this happen."

I blinked. I was expecting this man to keep fencing me in with his words. Instead, he seemed to be saying he was wrong. I was curious enough to follow that. "Why do you then?"

He picked up his shirt and slipped it over his arms. "Most ministers - especially those in my church - see preaching as a job. I did too until after my second video came out. That job's come to mean that you talk about loving your neighbors, even while you're preaching hate for anybody different from you. Preaching's become a job for hack horror writers. The better you scare people, the more money you make-"

I'd seen that with Sunday morning preachers on television. They never stopped asking people watching them for money. And I'd sure heard a lot of hate from those television ministries as well as in church. They'd got me pretty scared there for a while until I just stopped listening to them and got my head screwed back on straight.

"You don't think doing queer stuff is wrong?" I asked hesitantly.

He studied me for a few minutes. "Did it feel good, Tommy? Me fucking you, I mean?"

I turned ten shades of red. Somehow, though, I didn't think I wanted to lie to him. "Yeah," I mumbled.

"Did it hurt anybody? You or me? Anybody at all?"

"No - not unless it gets around."

"Then, if it feels good and doesn't hurt anybody, what's wrong with it?"

"Isn't it in the Bible or something?"

"A couple of times - like when God sent his angel to Sodom and some local nuts wanted to get it on with him. They just didn't know when to quit. But, Tommy, Prince Jonathan was fucking King David like crazy when David was younger than you. God doesn't seem to mind as long as it's not forced on you."

"For real?" I yelped, beginning to think it might be okay that I'd liked this man plugging my butt. He nodded. "Wow!"

But would this preacher lie to me? It was a suspicion that sneaked into my thoughts. He'd sure got me to bend over before I finally realized what was happening. "Why do you keep on preaching if you don't believe it?" I demanded.

He shrugged as he began to knot his tie. "I need a job, a real income. I guess I was a little idealistic too. I have helped people. Almost every one of the men in the halfway house have gone on to hold regular jobs and live normal lives in their communities - including the boys who aren't into other men. I'd like to think I helped them to be able to get restarted."

He grinned. "Do you realize you're still naked?"

Blood rushed to my face again and I must have turned the color of cooked beets. My hands came around to cover me. He laughed. "I've seen what you've got, Tommy. I've fucked you too. Now, get dressed, clean your jizz off the front of my desk, and tell your father I'm going to want you from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon if I'm going to get you off this little fracas you had with the sheriff."

"Where?" I mumbled as I picked up my briefs and quickly pulled them on.

"Out on the Okeefeenokee, down in Ware County - I've got a cabin out there." He grinned. "That's where you're going to make your film debut. I may pair you up with Max."

"Who's Max?" I asked shyly, figuring whoever he was, Reverend Hays was planning on him fucking me a lot during the weekend.

"He's one of the men from the halfway house. A really good man, Tommy - and a natural for this kind of business. He stays hard."

I was still trying to figure the afternoon out when I crawled into bed Wednesday night. My brain was trying to operate on two different subjects and wasn't doing too good of a job with either. First off, I'd just been butt fucked and liked it. Second, the preacher at Revival Baptist had done the honors real well.

Reverend Hays was young and he was good looking. He had auburn hair - with red highlights. He was almost my six feet and had a tight body. And he had the biggest slab of meat I'd ever seen on a man.

My dick ballooned every time I let my thoughts drift to him. I was pretty sure that, if he just suggested he'd like to do something, I'd be skinning off my jeans and briefs in a heartbeat. I was hoping he'd get us together again before the weekend, though he hadn't said anything about it. Just the thought of him got me hard and thinking of how good he'd treated my asshole that afternoon.

Only, that made me queer, didn't it? Getting butt fucked and liking it did sort of leave a boy open to that handle. All of the past nineteen years of parents, teachers, preachers, and even buddies putting down queers had to mean something, didn't it? It couldn't suddenly be all right for Tommy Varnadore to stand out in front of the courthouse, and tell everybody he was queer. That he liked dick ramming his butthole.

Only, that's exactly what I did like. I'd spent the drive from town out to the farm remembering every boy I'd known and trying to imagine him with his clothes off. With a hard dick. Me sucking him off or him fucking me. I'd got home with one soggy pair of underwear and still had a hard-on too. Thank God that Pop wasn't already in from the fields and Mom was fixing dinner in the kitchen. I'd made it to my room and jacked off properly before I put on a fresh pair of briefs.

I still didn't have a handle on being queer by the time I went to bed. Taking a dick up the ass was the same thing as sucking a man off. It was queer. A man got beat up for being queer. Or else nobody wanted to be his friend.

I was a normal, healthy, friendly nineteen year old. I wanted buddies, I didn't want to be beat up. And I wanted dick in my butt.

Every time I started towards the deep-end of what being queer would do to me, I remembered Reverend Hays telling me about old King David and that Jonathan boy who was Saul's son. I found the story in Mom's King James, and it was just like the preacher had said it was. Sure, they didn't write the sex down, but it sure was obvious. That eased a lot of my worrying. King David had been best buds with God, so it was pretty safe to assume a man didn't go to hell just because he took dick up the butt.

At least, he didn't go to a hell that was hot as an oven and smelled of sulphur. But he sure could have hell on earth, if people knew about him. That was plain enough even to me.

I lay in my bed listening to Pop snore through the thin wall separating our rooms and thought of my best buds, Barry and Doug. Wondering what they would look like naked with hard-ons. I was going to find out on Friday; but, now that I was thinking about them, I really wanted to know before the weekend. Thoughts of my two buds were keeping me so boned up I couldn't even think of sleep.

Pop had put both of them off limits, of course. I couldn't see them on my own. But I would be seeing them on the weekend because Pop and I both knew the preacher had my balls nailed to the wall. If he put us together, Pop wouldn't say anything. Hell! He wouldn't even know about it.

A scratching at the screen of my open window pulled me out of my thoughts about my two buddies being naked. And instantly had me throwing the sheet over me as fast as I could to cover my erection. "Tommy?" came the whisper from the window and I recognized the voice immediately.

I relaxed. It was just Doug. I slipped out of bed and went over to the window, all thoughts of this boy being naked forgotten already as I listened for signs of Pop having woke up. "You aren't supposed to be here," I told him quietly so my voice wouldn't carry. "Pop put you and Barry off limits after I got home Sunday."

"You saw the preacher today, didn't you?" I didn't notice that Doug was ignoring the restrictions Pop had placed on me. My face flooded with blood and I felt sweat beading on my forehead. He knew I'd been butt fucked.

"Yeah," I admitted slowly.

"We need to talk about that, Tommy. Come on out. Barry's waiting for us over by the woodshed."

I had the screen unlatched and was sitting on the window sill with one leg already out of the house before I remembered I had just my briefs on. And realized that I had the father of all hard-ons tenting the hell out of them.

"I need to put some clothes on," I mumbled.

Doug grabbed my ankle, stopping me. "Come on. You don't have anything Barry and I don't."

I accepted that Doug was definitely a nice looking boy as we started across the moon-lit back yard towards the woodshed where Barry was waiting for us. Maybe three or four inches shorter than me, he had a tight, compact body - sort of like the preacher's. He had blond hair that rode his shoulders and his butt was as rounded as any I'd ever seen. He wasn't wearing a shirt. I wondered why I'd never looked at him this way before. And I was quickly wondering how I was going to get him out of his jeans, because I knew I wanted to get it on with him. That had me blushing all over again - and my hard dick tenting my briefs.

Barry was leaning against the side of the woodshed when we reached it. He was my height with short black hair. He'd been a linebacker on the football team at the county school and he showed it - beefy, but all muscles. There had been a lot of times back in high school that I wished I had his build, most of them as I was getting tackled and knew everybody from the other team was about to pile on top of me. I saw that he too was bare chested. Unlike Doug, his chest was covered with fur.

"We're too close to the house here," he said quietly as Doug and I came up to him. "Let's take a long walk and put some distance between us and Tommy's folks."

"What's up?" I asked.

"We've got some deep shit to talk about and I don't want to have to keep remembering to whisper." He glanced over at Doug. "Do you?" The blond shook head. "Okay, let's head down to the Varnadore pond. That's a good mile away. And we can always go for a swim if we get too hot." He chuckled as he took in the tent in my underwear. "Lead the way, Tommy."

We were silent until after we'd passed through the first pine copse. "You saw the preacher this afternoon, Tommy?" Barry asked.

I nodded, afraid to speak and ashamed of my hard-on that wouldn't go away.

"You going to be in his movie this weekend?"

I nodded again, a strange itch beginning to flare a couple of inches up my butt. I wondered who had the bigger dick - Barry or Doug.

We fell silent again until we turned onto the firebreak that led down to the pond. "What did you think of Reverend Hays' initiation?" Doug finally asked.

I glanced over at him to see him watching me as we continued along the firebreak. His hair shone silver in the moonlight. His smooth dark upper body seemed almost chiselled. I saw he had a major bulge in the front of his jeans.

I stopped and turned to face him. He smiled and turned towards me, his fingers outlining the bulge in his jeans for me. Barry's hand spread across my thinly covered butt. My mouth was suddenly drier than the Sahara desert.

"I-" I tried to think of something to say and came up only with blanks.

"Have you sucked dick yet, Tommy?" Barry asked from behind me, his fingers beginning to knead my asscheeks. The itch up my butt flared even brighter and I had a pretty good idea what it would take to relieve it. Only, I didn't want my two best buds to think I was an easy lay. That kind of shit could ruin two good friendships.

"Have either of you?" I managed to respond even as my wanton fanny wiggled in welcome under Barry's kneading.

"Doug has," Barry answered quickly. "He likes it."

"Barry!" my blond buddy growled in warning.

Barry's hand moved up onto the small of my back so that his fingers could work their way under the elastic waistband of my briefs. His hand was quickly back where it had been but now he was squeezing bare butt. "Come on, Doug. All three of us got boned by that preacher - me two days ago, you yesterday, and Tommy this afternoon." He laughed. "From the way Tommy here is wiggling and flexing his fanny, I've got to guess he likes getting butt fucked as much as you do."

"Jesus, Barry! Won't you ever learn to keep your fucking mouth shut?"

One of Barry's fingers found my crack and moved down it until it could rub my pucker. I gasped. "Now that we all know you two like dick, we're going to be having lots of fun together," he offered.

"Your dick and our butts?" Doug growled, not at all mollified.

Barry laughed again. "I'm not getting dicked except for when that preacher makes me bend over - and that's only until he gets the sheriff to pull his case. But that's just me. You two like it. You even like sucking dick now, Doug, and I'll bet Tommy will too once he's got a taste of one. So, it's anybody's guess what we're going to be getting into at any particular time."

His finger was still massaging my hole. My dick helmet was drooling like it was a runny nose. I jutted my butt out so he could get to me easier. I wanted his dick inside me and thinking of anything else was getting hard to do.

Barry bent down and whispered at my ear: "you want some action now, Tommy? Or do you want to wait till we get to the pond?" His fingertip slipped just inside my hole and I moaned. "Open up Doug's pants then, Tommy. You're going to get to suck your first dick."

He pulled my briefs down to my ankles and held them for me to step out of. I unzipped Doug's jeans and pulled back the cloth. It registered that he was naked underneath the denim but I wasn't really caring at the moment. Barry's finger slid all the way inside me.

"Pull them down for him, Tommy," said the furry ex-jock behind me as I bent over at the waist to get to my blond friend's crotch better. "Down to his knees. Doug wants you swinging on his pole while I fuck the shit out of you."

Barry's words didn't shock me. I was already naked with a hard-on leaking pre-come like crazy. I had his finger buried in my butt playing tiddlywinks with my joyspot. I was also slipping Doug's jeans over his asscheeks so I could get to his dick and anything else I decided I might like. I had a pretty good picture of the situation.

There was an itch up my butt Barry's finger was barely touching. I knew his dick could do a much better job on it. I'd never sucked dick before but accepted that just went along with getting butt fucked when there were more than two men involved. I also knew that getting into sex with my two buds like Barry was laying it out was going to change my relationship with both of them. I simply didn't care. I wanted dick. And I wanted it now.

Doug's dick sprang out of his jeans and slapped my cheek as I got his jeans onto his thighs. I stuck my tongue out and licked its shaft back up to its helmet. And back down to his balls. Doug spread his legs slightly so I could get to them easily and moaned as I started to nip and suck at his low hangers. I grabbed his fanny to support myself.

Doug's smell grabbed my attention. He was sweaty but that was a clean smell as my tongue found the silky hairs on his ball sack. I thought of bleach as my nose pressed into his pubes.

Barry pulled his finger out of my hole. I heard foil tearing behind me but was too engrossed in exploring Doug's balls to think about it. His hands went to my hips and he pulled himself against me. His pole slipped right into my crack, spreading my cheeks, and punching into the backside of my ball sack. "You ready for it, Tommy?" he asked.

I turned so I could see him behind me, Doug's dick under my nose. I nodded and, with my lips, began to trace my blond bud's shaft out to its helmet.

One of Barry's hands left my hip and pushed between us to grip his pole. He pulled back slightly and guided his meat back through the valley of my crack.

My lips reached the head of Doug's bone just as Barry's wide-assed helmet found my hole. My eyes bulged as he started pressing it against my assmuscle.

Doug's hands found my shoulders and held me. "Push down, Tommy," my blond bud told me. "He's a lot bigger than the preacher is."

"Yeah," I groaned against Doug's dick as Barry breached me and my dick lost all interest in our doings.

"It's going to feel real good once you're used to him inside you, Tommy."

I glanced up at Doug smiling down at me. "You couldn't prove it by me," I panted as what seemed like yard after yard of foot-wide dick pushed deeper into my hole.

"I'm in all the way, Tommy," Barry announced as I felt his pubes scratch at my asscheeks. "I'm going to hold it there until you're ready for me to fuck you."

"Grind your ass around on his pole, Tommy," said Doug. "And start sucking my dick. You're going to love this."

I swallowed, hoping I wouldn't find the head of Barry's dick on the other side of my throat. My lips moved onto the slope of Doug's helmet until my teeth were past its flange. I started to tongue wash the head of his meat while I slowly moved my butt around on Barry's monster dick.

I was getting close to heaven. Barry's dick stayed on my joybutton and that was wiping out any thought I even thought of having. My dick got hard again and was drooling as it bumped from one thigh to the other. Barry started to plow my hole. I kept right on grinding my butt on him as he moved in and out of me.

In front of me, Doug's hands had moved up from my shoulders and were now cradling the back of my head, guiding my mouth on his dick. I was getting closer to his pubes with every downstroke. I was moaning from what Barry was doing for me and Doug was moaning from what I was doing for him. I grabbed my dick with one hand and started fisting it while the other one rode Doug's tight bottom.

My nose was getting tickled by the tight curls of Doug's short hairs with every downstroke now. Barry was pounding away at my butt and his balls splatted against the bottom of my asscheeks each time he pushed all the way into me. My balls were riding my dick hard and I was gulping air in mouthfuls every time Doug nearly pulled me off his meat.

I groaned and bucked and started to blow my load right there in the middle of the firebreak. I shuddered as another rope barreled up my fuckchute. Barry was still plowing me but his balls weren't still slapping my ass. Doug pulled my face all the way off his dick and I felt him stiffen.

His pole pushed past my cheek and started spurting, his jizz raining down on my back.

Barry pulled me back onto him, burying his pole all the way inside me. I felt his meat grow wider as he held me tight against him. Then he was pumping his load into the tip of the rubber deep in my butt.

Barry pulled his dick out of me and I collapsed on my hands and knees in the middle of the soft sand of south Georgia.

"Jesus! He's got about the tightest hole I've ever fucked," said Barry in gasps and pulled the rubber off himself.

"That's because you haven't had a chance to fuck him raw yet," Doug growled, pulling his jeans back over his fanny. "I was that tight yesterday before you used up a box of rubbers on me."

Barry laughed. "Yeah, you were getting pretty loose that last time just before I took you home." He scratched his belly slowly. "It's going to be better now that there are two of you who like to get dicked." I looked up to watch him pull his jeans over his butt. "Let's get down to the pond and cool off, boys. We might work another round or two in before I have to take Doug home."

I watched him turn, his softening dick swinging in the moonlit night. More soft than he was hard, Barry was bigger than the preacher, all right. I couldn't believe I'd taken him. He started walking towards the pond leaving Doug and me behind.

Doug's dick and balls were hanging out and I saw he hadn't bothered to button his jeans at the waist. He came over and held out a hand to help me to my feet. "You might as well stay naked, Tommy," he told me as I got to my feet. "Barry's good for a hard-on about every thirty minutes."

I picked up my underwear and decided Doug had a point about our friend. I wadded the cotton up and held it in my hand. "He's big."

"Jesus!" Doug snorted. "Isn't he?" He shook his head slowly and we started after our furry friend. "I measured him before I blew him yesterday afternoon. His hotdog's about a quarter inch shy of being a foot long."

I shuddered at the thought of something that big piledriving my butt. I also realized just how stretched my hole felt. Barry's dicking me had felt real good, though. My ass was pretty numb, but it still felt good.

We fell silent for a few minutes, just following the firebreak towards the pond and thinking our own thoughts. In my case, I wasn't really thinking; I was just getting off on how Barry had felt inside me and all the good feelings his dick had given me. I propped my arm around Doug's shoulders and looked over at him. "How do you feel about this shit?"

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Yesterday and the day before I was in shock. I can't think of any other way to explain how I let Barry talk me into swinging on his joint. Or his talking me into bending over for him. I mean Preacher Hays had porked me and I got off on that. That's what was such a shock. Even then, though, I don't think Barry could have got to me if I didn't know the preacher had dicked him too."

"You got off on the preacher doing you too?" He nodded. "I guess we're both queers then," I mumbled waking up to the reality of what I figured I was. What both Doug and I liked. It was hard as hell for me to imagine balling a girl now.

"That's about the only way to explain it, Tommy. You and me - we're queer."

"Isn't there a nicer word than that, one we can use to describe ourselves?"

"Gay maybe." He chuckled. "Though the thought of anybody in Alma knowing I like taking a bone up my butt doesn't make me very happy. Not what they'd say or maybe do to me."

"Me either."

"You going to let me suck you off when we get to the pond?"

"You'll do that?" I asked in surprise.

"I know I like the taste of dick now, Tommy. And I like the way yours looks. There's enough of it there for us both to have some fun - and it's not so big that it hurts you."

I stared back at Doug watching me. It was like Pop beating my ass when I did something wrong. I'd liked dick and that meant I was going to be sucking it and taking it in the butt. Only, the way my best bud was sounding, it could be just him and me. I liked the way that sounded. "You going to let me have some of you?"

"All of me you want, Tommy Varnadore," he laughed and put his hand on my butt. It felt good there.

"I like that," I told him as we continued after Barry. "You can feel my fanny any time you want to."

He looked over at me and smiled. His other hand caught my arm and we were standing still gazing at each other. "I want more than just sex with you, Tommy. I want-"

My fingers went to his lips. "Me too, Doug." I knew I meant it. Doug felt right. Everything about him. We'd known each other forever and liked each other just as long. Now, it was turning out that, maybe, that liking each other had turned into love somewhere along the way.

He grinned. "I'm glad because, right now, I want to kiss you."

I watched his face come towards me. Slow. Like it wasn't really moving but was. My hand slid down on his back and I was pulling towards me faster. My dick got hard and, then, I felt his erection press into my belly. My other hand went to his back and we were pressing against each other from our thighs to our nipples.

"Do you want this as much as I do?" he asked watching my eyes and trying to see into my soul.

"Yeah." My hand slid up to the back of his head and pulled his face to mine.

Our lips touched and then locked. His tongue pushed against my teeth until I thought to open them. My tongue flew out to meet his and they were immediately dueling. And I melted against my bud Doug.

One kiss and it was all laid out for us. He was mine and I was his. We had become lovers - even if neither one of yet understood what all that entailed. I was giddy when we started again for the pond, holding hands. I was hard and so was Doug, but the sexual promise had nothing to do with my giddiness.

It was knowing he was with me. That he was gay like me and still liked me enough to be with me. That he wanted me. Not just my ass or my dick, but me. It was knowing I didn't have to ask for sex but that he'd be right there with me, wanting it too. It was knowing I didn't have to have sex for him to be right there with me. It was being happy to be walking along holding hands with him.

I pushed him just as we passed into the pasture that held the pond, my elbow punching into his rib. Doug looked at me in surprise and I grinned. "That wasn't very nice." He giggled and grabbed my cock, pulling on it hard.

I growled more in shock than in pain.

He let go of me and started to run, looking over his shoulder and laughing.

I ran after him and managed to catch him within a hundred yards. I pulled him down and was all over him, trying to catch his arms so that he'd surrender.

He grabbed my face between his hands and brought my lips down to his. I speared his mouth with my tongue, dueling his on his own territory, and ground my crotch against his. He tried to pull away from me using his belly button as a hole to fuck and his jeans slipped over his bottom onto his thighs.

I sat up, straddling his knees, and grinned. I grabbed the waist of his pants on both sides as I raised up on my knees. Instinctively, he pulled away the moment I was letting him go. His jeans were at his ankles before he realized that I intended to get him as naked as I was.

He stopped trying to pull away from me and looked up at me as I pulled his jeans off over his feet. "Tommy, I don't mind being naked with you. Anywhere and anytime you want me that way and I'll be naked. I'll pull everything off as quick as I'm able, no matter who's there. And you can do anything to me you want. Because we'll be doing it together, not doing it to the other one of us." He grinned up at me then. "But we'd better remember where we're going to leave my jeans and your underwear - else neither one of us is going to be able to go home, not naked like we are."

I knelt over Doug and licked his adam's apple. I moved down his broad, smooth chest. My lips and tongue found each of his nipples and teased them until he was squirming. "I want to fuck you, Tommy," he groaned. "I've got rubbers in my jeans."

I grabbed his jeans and immediately found his supply. I straddled his knees and quickly ripped the packet off the rubber. I grinned down at him then. I licked my lips when my gaze fell to his pole sticking straight up at me. I spread the rubber over the top of his helmet and forced myself to go slow as I spread it down onto his shaft. His dick was about the best looking thing I could think of but I knew that was because it belonged to Doug.

I eased my knees alongside his chest and raised my butt high enough to bring his bone to my hole. His fingers cupped my balls as I began to impale myself on him, his gaze held mine. It wasn't lust that we were feeling as I felt his pubes tickle my inner thighs. It was love.

"You feel good in me," I told him as I bent over him, wanting a kiss. He raised up on his elbows and our lips touched. He began to fuck me then as our tongues met and twisted around each other.

There was something different about our coupling. Getting my butt plugged by both the preacher and Barry had felt good. Having Doug working his dick in and out of my hole felt - well, it felt right. His fist stroking my meat felt right. It was as if we had been made for each other. That our love-making was the natural outgrowth of our friendship. With both the preacher and Barry, the couplings had been nothing more than them fucking me. Them getting off inside me. That I had also got off was just an added plus - one that hadn't mattered to either of them. I accepted that, with them, I was the queer boy servicing their dicks with my butt. With Doug's pole plowing my hole, we were lovers making love. And that was the rightest, most natural thing in the world.

I sat atop Doug as our lips stayed glued together. His hand pulled me towards orgasm, his dick in my ass drove us both closer and closer.

He broke the kiss and lay back, smiling up at me. His tempo changed and he was banging my butt hard. His fist flew up and down my dick.

My balls rode my pole tight. My back arched. My eyes squeezed tight. I was shooting rope after rope of jizz. Doug pulled me down on him hard, his meat growing inside me the second before he started erupting.

When we were both spent, I lay on him. The head of his dick stayed in me and his hands went to my back, holding me against him. "That was better than I ever imagined it would be, Tommy," he said softly.

I nuzzled his ear. "I love you, Doug."

"I love you too, but we're both going to have Barry wanting to fuck us."

"Yeah," I answered. "But he's got to find somebody soon because you belong to me. Just like I belong to you."

"There's going to be those boys in the preacher's dirty movie. They're going to be dicking us-"

I sat up and looked down at him. "That's different, Doug. That's work. Even if we make more movies for him, it'd still be work. I'd still have you afterwards, and you'd still have me. That's not like Barry coming along at night wanting a piece of ass from one or both of us."

"That makes sense. Do you think Reverend Hays would want us making more fuck movies for him?"

I chuckled and stood up. "Only if he pays us. That way you'd have money to go to college and I wouldn't have Pop doling out each red cent I get. We could live together then too." I stuck out my hand to help him to his feet.

"Yeah, that'd be real good." He stood up and kissed me on the cheek. "Let's go see what Barry's doing."

Ten of us sat on the two benches at the rough hewn wood table in the preacher's cabin Friday afternoon, facing the man who'd brought us together. Doug and I sat on either side of Reverend Hays. Beside me was the blond ex-con named Max, next to him was Barry. I remembered that Max was the one the preacher was talking about pairing me off with. I decided he was real nice and knew that, if I didn't have Doug, I'd be interested.

After the introductions, Jesse Hays started in telling us about the movie we were going to make that weekend. It was going to be some woodsman nature kind of thing. The preacher laid it out for us; only, it didn't make much sense. But, then, I'd never seen a fuck movie.

Doug and me and the two best looking men from the halfway house are supposed to be going through this heavy swamp on a nature hike - just four cute boys doing dumb shit, taking on mosquitoes, chiggers, and every other bug there was in south Georgia. We come up on these six men who're acting kinda suspicious.

They surround us and, pretty soon, the four of us are naked and hog-tied. Good ole Barry tells his crew that they've got to kill us or make sure we won't talk. A moment later, he stands up and starts to take his clothes off, telling his buds he knows how to keep us quiet. Then four of us are getting our butts plugged and we get to take the other two of them in the mouth. This goes on all weekend - any of us four are available to service any of their six. After the weekend they let us go, patting us on our butts and telling us to keep quiet about what we saw.

I found out about then that the seven boys from the halfway were getting a thousand dollars a piece and that got my attention. It got Doug's too. Barry didn't look too interested.

"Okay, guys," Preacher Hays called to us, getting our attention again. He brought a gym bag up from the floor and sat it on the table. "I want you to pair up-" I looked over at Doug and he nodded. The preacher passed out five battery-powered hair clippers. As I was sitting beside him, I took one and passed the others on down the table.

A moment later, the reverend was handing me five disposable razors and five cans of shaving cream to send down the table. That was too much for Barry. "What the shit is this about, Preacher?" he demanded.

The boys from the halfway house all thought that was funny. I had a pretty good idea some of us were going to get shaved but didn't understand why Doug and I were getting equipment. We both were smooth except for our crotches.

Reverend Hays let Barry stew for a minute. "Each of you are going to have smooth balls and asses tomorrow. Each of you - and I don't want to see even one nick. So you'd better to be extra careful when you're shaving your buddy's ass and balls - remember that he's going to be shaving you."

"Jesus shit!" Barry growled and jumped up. "I ain't shaving down there for this here shindig," he said as he slammed his fist down on the table.

Reverend Hays just looked up at him and smiled. "Monday I'll call the sheriff and tell him you're being very uncooperative. Of course, when he goes to the District Attorney, it's going to be you, Douglas, and Thomas getting charges drawn up against you - not just you."

"Wait a minute!" I cried, turning to face the preacher. "We're shaving. Every one of these boys can pork us on camera and off-" I glanced over at Doug to make sure he was going along with me. "Let me get out of my clothes and I'll lie up on the table - all of you can shave every single hair off my body."

"But, Tom, the charges are against the three of you," the reverend reminded me. I've got that girl's father pretty well calmed down because you're doing-" He grinned widely. "Such good work for the church. All of you are - that's what he thinks."

Several of the men from the halfway house figured out how us non-cons had been recruited and started laughing. Pretty soon all of them were jabbing their buddies with their elbows and laughing at us. Doug blushed. I felt my face get real hot. But Barry turned the color of a penny. That real coppery red color.

"I'm sorry, boys," Hays said quietly and laid both his hands on the table, palms down. "It's got to be all three of you, or none of you."

Doug and I turned to Barry at the same time. I just stared at him and beseeched him silently. Doug got vocal, though. "You hardheaded son of a bitch!" he growled real low. "You said we were all in this together, that we'd let this preacher dick us and that put us together no matter what came down. Then, you got your dick up my ass and it's been there every since - except when you're porking Tommy over there."

"You both love it," he huffed stepping over the bench on his side of the table. "You're just pussies. You're just queer boys wanting a big dick. I give you that and you love every minute of it."

I caught the nod between the two men on either side of Barry and knew something was going down. A second later, the one named Max mouthed "now" and they both sprang up and grabbed Barry by the arms.

Before he could recover from the shock of being attacked, the five other men from the halfway house had him pinned and were pulling him down to the floor. I stared with my mouth hanging open as he went down. Barry hadn't managed to hit even one man and they had him good. Moments later, he was naked with two men holding his thick thighs against his belly and exposing his butt.

Doug grabbed the razors and shaving cream from in front of me and wasted no time in getting over to the crowd holding Barry on the floor. He grinned evilly as he turned the electric clippers on and spread our bud's asscheeks as wide as he could get them.

Barry screamed as those clippers touched the tender skin just outside his pucker, but the men from the halfway house held him still. In less than a minute, Doug had shaved most of the hair from Barry's asshole to his balls and the wells on either side of his jewels.

I watched as Doug dropped the clippers and picked up the cream. "Be very still now, Barry," he said very quietly. "I wouldn't want to cut you." He quickly lathered up the furry former jock's dick and balls and brought his fingers down to play at the entrance of his hole. As far as I could see, Barry wasn't even twitching as Doug picked up the razor and bent over his behind. There wasn't even the throb of a heartbeat.

Reverend Hays tapped me on the shoulder. "Better get this over to them," he said as he pulled out rubbers and lube. "Those boys are going to teach him a lesson."

"Why?" I asked, feeling stupid even as the words came out. But, for the life of me, I couldn't understand why these men were helping Doug and myself.

"You three are supposed to be friends. You got into trouble together and found a way out that saves all three of your asses. But it was all of you or none of you. Tommy, a man's word is an important thing wherever you are; but, in prison, it's the only thing you've got left."


"But Barry was going back on his word. He was going to pull you two back into trouble. And he was putting you down too. Every man here has had a hard dick in his ass. They know he has too. But he's trying to make out that it's just you and Doug who're gay. They'll teach him a lesson about living with people and keeping his word. Now, get them the rubbers so they can do it right."

"You aren't going to stop them?" I asked, imagining the gang rape that was coming.

He chuckled. "I doubt I could, not as far as it's already gone. And why should I? I don't want to tell the sheriff he's got the three of you. I suspect if he got up and walked out now, Barry would have a lawyer who'd put the blame on you and Doug and make him out to be innocent. I already know your father would let you go to prison before he paid for a lawyer for you. Doug's mother can't afford one. So, if that boy walks out now, he probably gets off scot-free and you two do a year each." He pushed himself slowly up from his chair and smiled. "After you pass out the rubbers, I'm going to take a walk around outside."

I walked over to where eight men had Barry laid out on the floor. His arms were spread-eagled and one man sat on each arm. Those two and two more held Barry's toes buried deep into his arm pits. The blond ex-con named Max was as naked as Barry and had his butt plopped right down on our bud's nose and mouth. I was sort of surprised when I saw that Barry was licking his shitter out.

Doug was down in our bud's pubes feeling a lot of newly bared skin and searching for stray hairs he'd missed. He looked up and grinned. "Come on down, Tommy. Feel his balls real good. I want him smooth as a baby's butt when I'm through with him."

I knelt beside him and saw that Barry had only the smallest imaginable triangle left just above his dick. "We don't have to lose that much of our pubes, do we?" I groaned, remembering when I was a little kid and was so proud to have even one hair down there. Above us, Barry groaned a lot louder. I smiled as I reckoned he was thinking the same thing.

"After we fuck him silly," Doug continued, "I think I'll get the rest of him-"

Barry's groan was a lot louder this time and he started bucking. He got one of the boys holding his foot in place off balance. Doug put the head of his razor on the shaft of Barry's dick and said in a really sweet voice: "Want me to shave it again, Barry? This time you might lose some skin-"

Barry immediately was stiller than I'd ever seen him. I didn't think that he even breathed. The ex-con got his hands back on our bud's ankle and pulled it hard into his pit. "Fuck this pussy," he growled to Doug. "What we heard over there at the table, he deserves it good. That or a knife in the ribs."

Barry didn't move, not even to breathe. His pucker winked in invitation to Doug as the silence grew. I watched it open and shut a couple of times while Doug decided to drop the razor and take a rubber from me.

While Doug was covering himself and rolling the latex down his shaft, I studied the dick that had dominated me since Wednesday night. Barry was hard and the air was so full of sex I could almost swim in it. For the briefest moment, I considered sitting down on it - taking it as I had so many times the past two nights.

Then I remembered Doug and what he meant to me. And that Barry'd fucked with me - me and Doug both. He'd called us queers and treated us like we were just queers with these men. Besides, I had Doug. His dick wasn't as long or as wide as Barry's. But I knew right then that he was just enough for me. I didn't need anybody but Doug, and I knew I was happy with that.

It dawned on me that there was something funny about Barry's dick as Doug raised his butt and got down on his knees. Even hard, it had skin tight over its helmet.

I'd never seen him where I could really look at his equipment as I was now. Before, when I'd seen it, he'd always had it covered with a rubber and everything pulled hard down along his shaft - usually looking over my shoulder at it as it moved towards my butthole. Now, though, I was seeing it like it really was.

It wasn't like mine. Oh, he was close to twelve inches like Doug had told me he was and that made him nearly double my length. It wasn't the thickness of his thing that made him look different, either. The only thing I could see that looked different was that skin. I looked over at Doug's dick, but he already had latex covering it and was holding it at the base as he crawled closer to Barry's exposed butt. And, anyway, I didn't remember him having any extra skin when I was sucking him the last couple of nights.

The head of Doug's dick pressed up against the hairless hole. "Open up, boy," he called and grabbed the back of Barry's thighs for support. His hips pushed forward and Barry groaned as he was impaled.

Max nodded when Doug's pubes were pressed hard under Barry's hairless balls. "I think you need some dick up here at this end too, boy," The man from the halfway house who'd been getting his shitter eaten out said and squatted back over Barry's face. This time, he was pushing his dick straight down so it'd reach the lips below him. I figured it to be as long as mine and Doug's, but it was a lot thicker.

For a moment, Barry acted like he wasn't going to take it, holding his lips tight together and sort of shaking his head against the man's balls. Max slapped our bud's face a couple of times with his thing and Barry sighed and just opened wide. A good three or four inches of dick slipped right in between his lips and the man started fucking his mouth.

Doug wasn't being too gentle on Barry butt, either. He was pounding that dick into Barry a hell of a lot harder than he'd ever done me. I watched him. Him on his knees, leaning over our bud's butt and holding onto the back of his legs. His butt humping forward and getting real tight looking. His butt pulling back and getting nice and round.

The other men were taking turns stripping out of their clothes, enough of them keeping Barry down at any one time so Doug could fuck him. Nobody wanted him getting up now. All of us wanted a piece of him; only, it wasn't just the sex we wanted. Barry was going to be taught a lesson. He was going to get paid back for what he'd done to Doug and me, for trying to renege on his deal with the preacher.

I studied the ex-cons as they got naked. I didn't see any sense not to - most of them were going to be fucking me tomorrow. I might as well see what they had between their legs. Two of them had skin on their helmets, like Barry. Only, as they pulled on their rods and got hard, their skin pull right back on their shafts.

I looked down at Barry's dick and smiled as it bounced from one thigh to the other across his belly, leaving a trail of pre-come. No matter what he would say later, I knew that he was enjoying himself now. He had to be, as hard as he was staying. His skin was even pulled back now and bunched right behind the flange.

Max feeding his dick to Barry's mouth leaned over and slurped up our bud's meat in his mouth. He started doing push ups and was quickly swallowing Barry down to his balls.

"Go to it, Max," somebody called, egging their boy on. "Give that fuzzy wuzzy a three-way treat."

I stared at this Max sixty-nining with Barry. He already had to be up to his twenty-fifth push up and he wasn't showing signs of slowing down yet. I couldn't understand how he could be taking all of Barry's pole. The one time I'd sucked on our bud I was only able to get about halfway down his shaft.

Barry couldn't take much of the work out Max was giving him, either. He was moaning and groaning under the blond man from the halfway house. The sounds he was making were pretty muffled what with the man's dick planted in his throat but, with his balls riding his shaft hard, it was plain he was real close.

Max pressed his pubes against Barry's chin and stayed there. His whole body went rigid. Barry gargled and then started to loudly slurp as the blond ex-con unloaded.

Max had his nose buried in Barry's tight ball sack and I could see his throat working. Doug was pounding Barry for all he was worth. Right then, our bud bucked and went rigid.

Max's throat muscles looked to be working overtime, and Doug's pubes were hard against Barry's buttcheeks. He stared numbly down at Max's blond curls and what little he could see of his own coupling with Barry. He shuddered and shuddered again. "Hot damn!" he groaned and shivered all over.

Max lifted his head off Barry pole and looked up at Doug. "You even with this boy now?"

Doug nodded slowly, staring down at where he was joined with our bud.

The blond from the halfway house looked over at me. "It's your turn next, cutie. Get a raincoat on and get ready to drill this bad boy good."

"What happens to him then?" I asked.

"He's ours. He lorded it over you and he put on the dog in front of us." He licked a drop of jizz from the head of Barry's dick and grinned back at me. "He's got to learn there ain't nothing but us pussies here this weekend."

Max pushed himself off Barry and stood up. Doug pulled out of him and crawled to the side. I noticed he didn't take his gaze off of Barry; it was like he was studying our buddy or something. The blond ex-con came over to stand beside me and my attention turned to him.

Max was a couple of inches shorter than me and way more defined. He was smooth all over except for a well-defined triangle of crotch hair. He was also still all the way erect. His arm went around my back as he looked down on Barry. "I'll bet he'd be cute if he didn't have all that hair."

I laughed.

"You and that boy - Doug, isn't it? Are you two a couple?"

I looked over at the man I'd been feeling hearts and flowers for the last two days and shuddered. We were. But I wasn't ready to let it get out to all of south Georgia. Still, I'd just watched Max give Barry a blowjob and there was a good bet he'd be porking me sometime this weekend. "Yeah," I answered.

"Good! He seems to be a real nice boy-" He chuckled. "And he sure knows how to fuck."


"Most of the men at the halfway house are paired off, at least those who are gay or bi are. The boys here this weekend are - all except me."

I glanced at the others. Two had already broken away from the group and were rubbing and kissing like mad. One of the remaining four had his bone buried in Barry's mouth and our bud was sucking on it like a baby on a tit. The six of them were good looking boys, but this Max was better looking than all of them. "Why don't you have somebody?" I asked.

He grinned. "I stay hard, it doesn't go down. Every man I've ever done anything with has said I wore him out."

"You don't get fucked?"

His grin widened. "Can't. I got hemorrhoids bad and that puts a real damper on anything happening in my backside. And I can't pay yet to get them cut out. The boys at the halfway house like partners who can share."

"Tommy, if I've got to be dicked, get your ass down here and keep the ball rolling," Barry growled. I looked down at him just as he moved his head to take the boy's dick back in his mouth. He grinned and then was swallowing the whole thing.

"Better give the boy what he wants," Max said and laughed as he patted my butt.

I glanced over at Doug watching me. After the longest moment, he gave me a quizzical little smile. It was that moment that I knew I couldn't do it. It wasn't exactly that I didn't want to fuck Barry. Or not fuck anybody for that matter.

It was just that Barry had brought Doug and me together. He had pounded home that first night the fact that I liked dick in my butt. I owed him for that. Besides, no matter what, Barry and I had been friends all our lives. I didn't want to bone him, not in front of these other men. And not as a way for me to get even with him.

I figured then that, when Doug decided I ought to fuck him, we'd do it together. Just us. 

"You want him, don't you, Max?" He nodded. "Then do it. Take my place and make me proud."

"It you two he disrespected, man."

"Doug nailed him for that. Barry yanked me out of the closet. He also brought Doug and me together. I don't really have anything to get even with him about."

The blond ex-con studied me carefully for what felt like a full minute. "You're sure?" he asked finally, still studying me.


Max knelt and reached for a condom. Standing back up, he tore the packet open. "You know, Tommy, you've got a pretty level head up there on your shoulders," he told me as he placed the rubber across the top of his helmet. He looked down at himself, held the rubber in place with one hand and pinched the tip of it as he began to roll it down over his knob. "You're a bottom and Preacher Hays never seems to find enough of those. Talk to him. Both of you." He rolled the rubber down onto his shaft and knelt at Barry's spread ass. "The money isn't all that great but it's fun and it's enough if you're working together," he told me over his shoulder.

He knelt over Barry then and placed his dick at our bud's hole. He seemed to just slip in, like a heated knife slicing through butter.

Doug pushed himself off the floor and moved to stand beside me. Two of the men from the halfway house had progressed far enough into their kissing and sucking that one was on the floor and the other was kneeling between his legs. Two more of the ex cons weren't far behind. The boy feeding his meat to Barry was sucking the other man from the halfway house. Barry had moved his legs to Max's chest and had his ankles crossed behind the ex-con's neck.

"Let's take a walk, Tommy." Doug's fingers walked across my asscheeks and came to rest on my hip.

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me." I bent down and scooped up a couple of the condoms from the floor. I grinned at him as I bumped my hip against his. "We might need these."

Doug laughed. "We just might at that."

We sat on the back deck of the cabin - just Doug and me. Cypress and pine, maple and oak vied everywhere for enough room to grow in the murky water and the pretend land that was only rotted leaves of the Okeefeenokee Swamp that spread out on three sides of us. He sat on the bench that was built into the deck railing and I straddled his lap facing him. 

I was just looking into his face, into his eyes - and losing myself in them. In him. I kissed him - short little buzzes on the lips and cheeks. My fingers touched his hair, his face. Even his shoulders. Most of the time, we just held hands. Neither of us needed to talk. The sun sank lower and touched the trees to the west.

We weren't having sex, but we were making love. We were learning about each other. How each other felt and smelled and looked. How we felt about each other. In every non-verbal way available to two human beings. I knew finally he was all I could ever want.

He would never hurt me and he would always be there for me. I felt that from the bottom of his soul. It wasn't just sex. It wasn't dick and ass. Especially, it wasn't my ass and his dick. We were equal members of a unique relationship that included only us. Others could enter and leave. But we would always be just us.

"Why didn't you fuck Barry?" he asked finally.

"He wasn't you," I told him. "And I wasn't mad at him. I couldn't be - he gave me you."

Doug nodded. "I love you," he said and pulled my face down to his. Our lips touched and mine didn't dart away. His teeth parted and I felt his tongue press against my own teeth. I opened my jaws and welcomed him inside me.

His arms went around me and I dropped one of the condom packets I'd been holding in my hand. The other one I quickly tore open, knowing this was the time for our lovemaking to become physical. I put the rubber on the wide top of his helmet and rolled it down along his shaft as we continued to kiss, lost in each other.

He broke from the kiss as I lifted myself up to situate myself for him. "You sure, Tommy?" he asked against my ear.

"Yeah." I reached between my legs and found his dick, pulling it to where it belonged. I found his lips again as I began to lower myself on him and my tongue was buried between his tonsils as his pole slipped slowly into me.

I thought how bright it seemed for a sunset but had Doug's dick burying itself inside me. My balls spread against his pubes as I settled down on him. His tongue was dueling mine and it was anyone's call which mouth they were in at any one moment. His fingers gripped my cheeks, helping me to get every last inch of him inside me.

Doug was all that mattered. Doug and me. We'd reaffirmed our feelings for each other and made our commitments, but this was the physical union that cemented them.

My hands gripped his shoulders as I began to ride him. I could feel him everywhere, rubbing my prostate, digging into my gut, spreading my gut with his dick. I rode him and refused to succumb to his tongue. I had him but I wanted to possess all of him. I forced deeper into his mouth until he surrendered. My dick rode his tight belly as he plugged my insides. We were far, far away from anything either of us had known.

Hands pulled us apart enough that my dick riding his belly could be seen, but I didn't let myself think of what that meant. This was Doug and me. Just us. Making love.

"Pull out!" Preacher Hays called, his voice penetrating through the love and good feelings coursing through my body. "Pull out, Doug! I need a cum shot, boy!"

I wasn't having it. This was us making love - not something the preacher had made up. Not something we were supposed to be pretending. I kept Doug deep inside of me where he belonged and rode him even harder.

I was close. I knew he was close too because I could feel his hard balls pressing into my fanny each time I went down on him.

I felt him grow inside of me, his dick swelling in anticipation of its immediate eruption. I let myself go. My dick flexed and rubbed his belly button. I made my assmuscles close and open and shut again around his pole inside me.

His arms held me tighter. His eyes closed, even as sweat beaded on his upper lip. He thrust into me once. And relaxed. And drilled me as deep as he could get. And held it there. I felt him erupting deep inside of me. And I started spraying my dickjuice everywhere.

People started clapping around us and I pulled my attention away from Doug. They were all there - the preacher, the seven boys from the halfway house and Barry. Our bud had his hand on Max's thigh, his knuckles touching the blond's hard dickshaft. Max had his hand on Barry's butt. The other six men were clapping and cheering. I looked closer and saw that Preacher Hays was on his knees right behind me, a camcorder centred right on Doug's dick still buried in my butt.

Reverend Hays smiled up at me when he realized I was staring at him. "That was beautiful, boys," he muttered as he stood up and turned his camera off. He turned to the others. "I'm going to change the story around some. The whole scene's got to highlight the love growing up between Tommy and Doug."

He gazed at me sitting in Doug's lap, his pole still deep inside me. "You two are so natural. You're the first Americans I've seen who can pull off what that Johan Paulik does with every film he stars in."

"They're fucking naturals," Barry told him. "If you don't make them into porn stars you've got a screw loose somewhere."

Reverend Hays sat down on the bench beside us and studied both of us for a minute. "Do you two want that? To be pornstars?"

"Is there enough money in it that we both can go to college, far away from home, and live together?" I asked.

"You'll make decent money," he told us. "If you make special appearances too, you'll make good money."

Doug looked up at me, searching my face. "Do you want that, Tommy?"

"With you?"

He nodded.

I turned to the preacher. "Make us pornstars then," I told him and wiggled my butt on Doug's dick still buried there.


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