Unforgettable First

By Northern Light

Published on Aug 27, 2003



Unforgettable First By Northern Light northernlight1@hotmail.com

(Any and all comments gratefully received and replied to at northernlight1@hotmail.com)

How can you ever forget the first cock you had in your hand that wasn't your own? Or the first that slipped over your tongue?

You don't, and you can't.

It was 21 summers ago. I was camping out with my best friend, Jamie, at his folks' place on the shores of the lake, safely beyond sight and sound of our families up in the cottage. We had been going up there for years, a week to escape the city not long before Labor Day and the return to our lives at school and work.

We spent our days exploring, paddling the canoe, fishing and swimming in the cool lake. I recall no interest in girls even then, but of stealing a look at Jamie's small, tight Speedo. I thought I saw him doing the same. But our lives changed forever that one night, and as I lie here now, studying his thick adult cock, about to enjoy its taste once again, I remember it as though it were yesterday.

In a few weeks we'd be freshmen in high school, and the prospect of gym and the common showers that followed class probably excited and terrified us. Walking naked around other boys wasn't something either of us had ever done, nor seemed terribly eager to do.

We talked about it this night.

"Can we wear a towel into the showers?" I asked.

And as the discussion grew bolder, Jamie threw out a dare: I'll show you mine if you show me yours. He justified it, of course. We'd be seeing each other in a few weeks in the showers, so why not now? Let's just end the suspense and get it over with.

We peeled down our nylon shorts in the dim light of the tent and both of us very quickly swelled into erections, the kind an adolescent gets almost with the snap of his fingers. Jamie and I could see we were built almost the same. He envied the small sprout of light brown pubic hair that bristled at my base, as I envied his balls, bigger than was "normal" for our age as we'd soon learn in the gym showers.

"Check this out," Jamie said, and he began panning a flashlight down my body, casting a shadow on the wall of the tent. We laughed nervously as we played, silently considering the danger of being burst in upon by his nosy older sister. And as he waved the flashlight, Jamie joked that part of my shadow looked just like the pointer our geography teacher had used with the overhead projector.

We were bolder in our sleeping bags, forming tents of our own. For the tightest of buddies, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. Neither of us had planned any of it; it just happened.

"Wanna touch my cock, Jamie?"

I couldn't believe I had said the words, and I fully expected him to throw me out of the tent. Instead:

"Maybe," he said slowly. After almost forever, he said softly: "Yeah, why not?. Unzip your sleeping bag. But I'll do it only if you touch mine."

I agreed, and felt a shiver down my spine on the warm evening as I slid the zipper halfway down the bag and pulled the top open. By now I was painfully erect, and my cock slapped loudly onto my stomach, pointing north like the needle on the compass we used when we explored the woods.

Jamie crawled over, took a deep breath and ran two fingers from my balls to just below my head. I nearly died at the sensation, gasping at his touch.

"You're pretty excited," he said, leaning back on his haunches. His erection now stood proudly out, pointing at me.

"Takes one to know one," I replied lightly.

"Yeah, maybe it does. OK, your turn."

I slipped halfway out of my bag and moved closer. He was twitching his cock, maybe even on purpose, as I reached out. I wanted to show him how brave I was, even if I was terrified. There'd be none of the two-finger business for me, so I made a small fist and wrapped him in my hand, taking two strokes, in and back. Jamie was on fire.

"God, that is amazing," he grunted.

We went back and forth like this for a short time, tickling and petting without a word. Then:

"Wanna taste it?" he asked.

I gulped, but before I could reply, he continued.

"This was your idea, remember? And I'll taste yours, too."

I swallowed hard, but my curiosity was nearly killing me.

"No one else knows about this ever, agreed?"

Jamie nodded.

"OK. Lie down."

I crawled over him, now agonizingly aroused, and leaned down over his prostrate body. I took a deep breath of his unusual, strangely appealing scent.

Before I knew it, I was licking timidly, then with a little more courage. I remember closing my eyes and opening my mouth, and accepting just the head. I sucked at it, and felt the ridge below his head on my lips. The feeling of danger was making me dizzy as I pushed down slowly and took more and more of him, hearing his moans.

I drew on him twice, maybe three times, and I tasted a peculiar tanginess on my tongue when I sat back.

"That was incredible," Jamie groaned.


I slumped back onto my bag, licking my lower lip nervously as he rolled over toward me.

"Yeah. Really."

He mimicked exactly what I had done to him, but for a good deal longer. I thought I was going to melt, watching his head bob up and down in my lap by the beam of a flashlight.

We didn't come in each other's mouths that night, not yet ready to go that far. But we came that night twice with great gusto, fisting ourselves with each other's saliva slickening our shafts, comparing the fury of our orgasms.

More than one night in the camping nights that followed did we do this. We experimented as we explored, even using each other as targets, our aim unfailingly true as we knelt facing each other and jerked off, splashing each other in impromptu contests. They were electrifying sexual adventures I never forgot.

So began a lifelong adoration of the cock. There is no feeling like that of one in my mouth, responsive to the wet heat with which I envelop it.

Jamie and I fell out of touch that school year when his father was transferred. We saw each other maybe three times in the following 21 years, but never in that way, and kept in touch only casually.

Until tonight. What were the odds we'd meet at the airport, arriving on business trips that incredibly put us in the same hotel? Now we're on my bed, naked and aroused, and I'm studying the cock that was the first of many to cross my lips, but the most special by far.

"Wanna taste it?" he asked with a grin. "I'll taste yours, too."

"I'm sure you will, Jamie," I replied, smiling up at him. "And you know what? Your balls are still bigger than mine."

I heard him laughing just as I opened wide and drew his glorious velvet steel into my mouth, savoring it with greater experience and far more lust than I had had in a lakeside tent much too long ago.

  • end -

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