Bottom Floor

By Darnell

Published on Oct 6, 1999



This story is fiction and not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentioned.

Mase's Night By Darnell

Mase had just woke up from a hard night. And I do mean a hard night. He hadn't had any type of sex in a month. Ever since he told the world he was gonna retire from rap music the sex just slowed down. Even Usher turned his back on him. The night before Mase's dick woke him up three times for him to jerk off. He got up to see his dick was hard again and he didn't really feel like jerking it so he just let it be. Maybe walking down the hallway with a hard on would help get him some play. He decided to do just that. He slipped on a pair of Sweat pants and walked out into the hallway. His dick leading the way to the elevator. On the way down the hall he saw some stares and some smiles. When he got inside the elevator he pushed the floor to the lobby. Slowly the elevator started but stopped on floor 9. The doors opened and Nas walked in. Mase and Nas were real close they worked with the same number of artists. Nas gave Mase the litle hello wave and waited. As they approached the floor the elevator suddenly stopped and the lights went off. Mase and Nas were shocked and were in the dark, then the emergency lights came on. "What is going on?" "Yo I think it's stuck." "Can't be...this is a five star hotel." "Well you got to believe it. Might as well take a seat were gonna be here a while." Time went by and they talked a little bit more about how there lives were going. After a while Nas couldn't take anymore. "Damn man can you point that thing the other way?" Mase looked down and forgot his dick was still super hard "My bad Nas man. It's been a rough night." "You need to take care of that." "Yeah I know. I was hoping that walking around like this would get some attention and get me laid." "Well it sure did get some attention alright." "Yeah I know

To be continued...

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