Fish and Chips

By Jerazk

Published on Apr 29, 2003




Part One

This story takes place sometime between ONE LAW's end and INTO THE UNKNOWN's beginning...and perhaps before the fanfic A CHANGE OF SIDES...

Stephen looked at the young man behind the counter in the fish and chips shop. He sighed. God, he was beautiful. Deep brown eyes, big wide shoulders and muscles that could be seen even under the heavy smock. "Oh, thanks," Stephen took the bag from over the counter, formerly unaware of the extra seconds he had taken to do so. The deep brown eyes melted into Stephen's own hazel beauts. He gulped.

"No problem, mate," the cutie said, a few years older than Stephen? Ten years? Five? It didn't matter to Stephen. He found himself tongue tied and how he'd like to tongue tied with him. He knows, Stephen realized. He can read my mind...oh he's not a Tomorrow Person but didn't have to be, did he? He wasn't really reading my mind but my signals...damn, I tried so hard not to stare...

"Yes, well," Stephen stepped for the door, "Thanks!" Too loud. Stephen almost fell over the opening door and almost collided with Mike.

"What in hell's takin ya so long?"

Mike. Sigh. I'm surrounded by gorgeous males. His dark brown hair, almost black, shoulder length. That blue denim butch jacket and those denim pants...tight...tight!

"Here, famished one." Stephen shoved the bag into Mike's stomach and moved his hand around so as to give his knuckles a feel on Mike's slender and tight youthful abs. He turned, noticing the counter guy noticing. "Let's eat outside..."

"On the way," Mike said, "I got a date..."

Stephen's heart fell. A...."a girl?" he asked aloud.

Mike ate as he explained and as they moved along the street. Stephen's eyes met with several other handsome males along the way. They seemed to notice his noticing Mike. Or Stephen noticed them noticing him noticing...oh flamin' hell..."See, I need to get this song out before I forget it..."

"It'll come out...I mean if it's worth anything..."

Mike nudged away from him in the crowd, "It's good!"

He still doesn't trust us. All this time. Well, a few months since that fat Lord Dunning kidnapped Mike....Mike in a cell...Mike tied up...Mike threatened by a a fierce pounding breakout, suffering...writhing on the floor, his shirt riding up so Stephen could see his nice round innie belly button on a slender skinny ribby..."Mmmm? Sorry, drifted..." Stephen told Mike.

"Leave me go it by meself," Mike said, "I don't need ya taggin' along..."

"Cor, if I can help, I will, I mean I got you the fish and chips..."

"Oh and me mum ill pay ya for em too, if ya follow me home..."

Follow you home? I'll follow you to the ends of space and time, Stephen smiled, "I didn't mean any of what you thought I did..." If only he couldknow what I want to mean to him. "...just that TIM can help you write a song..."

"He?" Mike stopped their furious walking. Despite being in shape more lately than he had John's if John were in any kind of shape himself...Stephen found himself puffing. Was it the brisk walk or Mike's presense itself...? His heart raced. YUM. Stephen was face to face...well almost as Mike was shorter than he, like his mouth was near Mike's nose...what a lovely little nose it was too. "I'd lick to..."

Mike rose his eyebrows.

"I mean like to show you how..."

"To the lab then?" Mike asked, moving his hand to his jaunt belt.

"Yes," Stephen pressed Mike's belly button through his shirt, "Oh missed." Mike laughed, thinking it just a game...or did he know Stephen just wanted to feel him up? Stephen pressed the button and the hunk vanished. Stephen followed, sweating. Luckily no one noticed...neither Mike or Stephen were particularly careful in jaunting in front of people.

In the Lab, Stephen moved to TIM's link table. "Cor," Mike stood there, his hand up his shirt.

Stephen didn't see that...unusually for him...."First we have to link our..." He turned to Mike, "You have to do that over here by TIM's link table first...hey, what's up?"

Mike showed his brilliant navel, "It must have been the fish and chips and that jaunt...together I don't....feel..."

"You want TIM to take a look at you?"

"No, no," Mike said, "Just need to bloomin' sit down first...maybe on the bed..."

Stephen made a mad dash to the bed wall and opened it with a press of a button. The blue coverings showed as the bed slid down gently. Stephen saw Mike move over to it and helped him, putting his hands on both Mike's shoulders from behind. "Are you absolutely sure, you don't want TIM to...?"

Mike lifted his shirt...he obviously didn't feel that great but something in STephen told hiim that the boy also didn't feel that awful either..."No, maybe if you don't mind, mate, you could..."

"Not at all!" Stephen found himself saying out loud, louder than he should have.

Mike laid down slowly and with his shirt up and now unbuttoned, Stephen saw every muscle flex and unflex as the boy laid down, gently moaning. Stephen felt the stomach with his palm. Then he made a circle with his fingers and flattened out his palm once more, rubbing. MOving up over the upper abs and then to the navel hole again, fingering inside it and rubbing down the underbelly. Mike closed his eyes, "YOu using your powers? Feels good already. Better." Stephen's hands went to the denim top and beneath..."Yea, it goes down there too, almost to me..."

"Okay I get the idea," Stephen unbuttoned the top of the pants...


Tyso came across Mike's bare belly.

Kenny's lite black stomach took on Stephen's young boy cum, dripping in clumps.

Stephen put his hand down Mike's pants as Mike slept on the Tim bed.

Andrew hugged Mike close to his own body and felt himself swell beneath his kilt.

Mike jaunted and found himself with his member embedded deep in Tyso so he jaunted out and then jaunted in and then jaunted out and then...Tyso enjoyed it as much as Mike. They were in the caravan and no one else was there at the moment.

Peter and Stephen were in chains but they were able to strip as best they could and with clothes hanging off their wrists, waists, and ankles, they hugged each other, intending to comfort each other to sleep. Coatus watched them as they started to jerk on each other, "I want some too."


Coatus coated himself with pre cum as he waited with anticipation. His bare legs caught some of the flying whitness.

Paul, Robert, Stephen, and Douglas were off into the woods. They found a good spot to strip off the kilts. Robert didn't have one on but then again, being an alien, he didn't need any clothes. He was buck naked and soon bucking on Stephen's bare back! Paul got under Stephen and went to work.

THE TOMORROW PEOPLE is a trademark of Thames Television

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