
By Danny Ocean (Count Orlock)

Published on Jun 30, 1998




by Danny Ocean

Disclaimer: You must be 18 years of age or older to read this story. Grow up or get out. This story is a continuation of a scene in a British film called If...made in 1969. I hope you enjoy it.

The two boys leaned against the large black automobile in the garage, smoking cigarettes. As was the custom in the all-boys school known as College House, they wore formal dress: black jacket, vest, bow-tie, and slacks. It was evening and they had to be careful they weren't seen by the whips who were the strict older students that maintained discipline and dealt out the punishments. If they were caught smoking, Lord knows what the consequences would be.

Philips, the younger, seemed totally without humor. He smoked and talked slowly, giving the impression of a snob putting on airs. With his soft blonde hair, blue eyes and strong jaw, he was the prettiest boy in College House and was lusted after by everyone. He couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. He himself had no interest in any other boy, until he saw Wallace performing his acrobatics on the high bar.

Wallace, the older, was just the opposite of Philips. He hung out with the school rebels, but was himself more of a class clown, lacking the blind courage of his peers. He also seemed to have no ambition at all. When he had looked up into the second floor of the gymnasium to see Bobby Philips staring at him, he, at that time, was more concerned about bad breath and what girls thought of him.

"I hear you're scumming for Denson, now," said Wallace.

"Yes," said Bobby. "That's right. I was ordered to scum for Denson by Roundtree."

"Is he good to you?"

"He never says a word." Puff. "I feel his eyes on me all the time, though, even when I shave him in the morning." Puff. "I know he wants to touch me."

"Would you let him?"

"I suppose I wouldn't have any choice." Puff. "Yesterday, when I brought him his tea in the bath, he had an erection." He blew his smoke toward Wallace.

Wallace didn't know what to say. Was the conversation drifting toward homosexual flirtation? Philips was good-looking and he had heard rumors about everyone's desire for him. How jealous everyone would be if Bobby was lusting after him. "I saw you looking at me while I did my gymnastics the other day."

Bobby broke eye contact and looked down. "Yes, I-I was q-quite impressed." He was faltering.

Wallace decided the only was to end his embarrassment was to continue talking. "Did you like what you saw?"

"I became...excited."



Wallace smiled and laughed easily. "Well, it's nothing to be ashamed about. It happens to me all the time, even in church."

Bobby wasn't laughing. He took a step toward Wallace. "I keep hearing about something called a blow-job."

Wallace swallowed hard. "A blow-job?" His dick was rising.

"Yes. When one sucks the penis."

"W-what about it?"

"I'd like to find out what it's like. What it feels like...in my mouth. Denson wanted to do it to me, but I acted repulsed so he refrained. He wants be very badly."

"And you want me?"

Puff. Pause. "Very badly."

They both discarded their cigarettes, walked towards each other and embraced. They kissed passionately. When Wallace forced his tongue into Bobby's mouth, the latter moaned. Bobby ran his fingers through Wallace's hair, while Wallace massaged Bobby's groin. Bobby's excitement was so intense, he broke the kiss and whispered savagely into Wallace's ear. He lost all dignity as he begged, "I'd want your penis in my mouth now, please. I want it now!" They separated and Bobby lunged frantically for Wallace's trousers. Wallace yanked them down, opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, facing out the side. Bobby knelt, pulled down Wallace's underpants and salivated over his cock. Wallace inhaled through clenched teeth when he felt Bobby engulf him completely. Bobby was sucking desperately, his head thrusting up and down.

"Oh, Bobby, it feels glorious."

He took his mouth off Wallace's cock with a pop. "Your legs are so strong," he said stroking them. "I want to swallow your discharge."

"Cum. It's called cum."

"I want to swallow your cum," he said as he resumed his delicious chore.

Wallace tried to show his gratitude by gently stroking Bobby's soft blonde hair, but Bobby was going up and down too fast. "Oh, Bobby, I love it. I'm going to shoot my cum very soon."

Bobby clamped down and sucked even harder. He moaned with each lunge.

Wallace groaned louder and louder. "Oh, Bobby, here it comes." He clenched his eyes and teeth and screamed. His come shot out into Bobby's still sucking mouth.

Bobby, in his determination to satisfy Wallace completely, swallowed every drop and only released his cock when Wallace complained of the oncoming pain of his sensitive penis.

Both boys stared at each other, breathing heavily. Bobby stood up, a smile slowly spread across Bobby's face. It wasn't a triumphant smile, acknowledging the power his beauty had over the other boys. It was a smile of relief, at knowing now that he'd found someone at College House to love at last.

Wallace slowly composed himself, to fend off conversation as long as possible. It's not that he didn't want to talk to Bobby. He was just afraid of saying the wrong thing, of repelling him as Denson had. Should he joke? Should he tell Bobby he loved him? Should he kiss him and leave, wordlessly? When he was finally dressed, he pulled out his pack of cigarettes.

They both lit up.

"Has-has anyone ever given you a blow-job?" Wallace finally asked.

Puff. "No," said Bobby, a smile building. "But I was sort of hoping that you-"

"Of course," said Wallace. "Anytime you want."

"Not here. And not now. I want some time to savor what we've just done." Puff. "Perhaps tomorrow night we could find a private moment."


"I was thinking about in your bed."

"Be a bit tricky. You'd have to sneak in after lights out."

Bobby walked right up to Wallace and gazed lovingly into his eyes. "I'm sure we'll manage something." They kissed tenderly.

Copyright July 1998 Comment welcome, write to eddie54@earthlink.net

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