
By Jack Sprat

Published on Jun 3, 1997




Jack Sprat

Brent is my lover. I met him in college. We roomed together. Brent is athletic. He goes for a morning jogs, does exercises and pumps a little iron. His slim, muscular body shows that he takes care of himself. He has an outgoing personality.

I'm the opposite. I hate exercise, but my body isn't fat. My butt cheeks might be a little soft but I'm still slim. Brent is much stronger.I'm more of an intellect. I read a lot. I am not as outgoing as he, but I'm not a wallflower either.

Brent and I had been out to a campus party. We both had a very mellow glow when we returned to the dorm. Entering the room, we found it cold. The steam radiator was on the fritz. Earlier, Brent had mentioned that his electric blanket was only giving out half heat and that he was going to have to buy a new one. Of course, he hadn't gotten around to it.

"This will never do," said Brent as we both shivered. "Let's sleep together and snuggle." This was O.K. with me. It seemed the only practical way.

We stripped to our briefs and climbed in bed. We snuggled, my back to Brent's front. I was very complacent, the booze still having its effect. Brent felt very warm. I pushed my body closer to his. Brent put his arm around me, pulled me in and started rubbing my chest. I really didn't give it much thought as his hand wandered lower against my outer thighs. He moved to the inside of my upper legs, his forearm gently pressed my crotch. Without warning, his hand slipped under the band of my briefs and grasped my dick. I gave a start. Automatic reflex made me grab his wrist and try to stop him but his hand just kept slowly stroking.


That was the only word I emitted. It got to feeling better and better. My hand relaxed. It was a blissful feeling and felt pleasantly good. I let him continue. Every place he touched was so satisfying. The liquor had eliminated any qualms of morals or apprehension.

"Slip off your shorts", Brent said quietly.

I didn't want things to stop. I raised my butt, slid my shorts off, and dropped them on the floor. I again turned on my side, put my leg over Brents, fully opening my crotch. His warm hand fondled and stroked. I was still a virgin. This felt so much better than my own hand.

I knew I would come before long. To catch my flow, I reached under my pillow for a handkerchief. Brent had other ideas. He slipped my penis into his mouth. His tongue rubbed against my tip until I convulsed, pumping streams of cum down his throat.

We kissed and Brent guided my hand to his crotch. I was fascinated as I rolled his balls through my hand then tugged his penis skin back and forth. He was hard as a rock. I gently caressed his tip knowing I was giving him the same sensations that I'd just experienced.

With a compulsion, I moved my head downward and slipped his erection into my mouth. It was a feeling of satisfaction. I had to have it there. I had to suck it.

His jism burst forth. His warm fluid flooded my mouth. I let it slowly run down my throat. It was of exotic ecstasy. Why hadn't all of this happened to me long before? Now spent, we snuggled tightly and fell asleep.

We both awoke supporting new, fresh, hard-ons. An encore of the previous night followed. We cut our classes. All day, we continued to hug, fondle, suck, kiss and explore.

We were in love.


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