The Guys That'll Flip You Off

By ODanny / Dannyo / ODannyoh

Published on Oct 17, 2014



You know the type he is the guy that stands around with his gang,, calling you fag as you walk by, and if you turn, he flips you off, one day you find yourself sitting next to him on the bus. You question him,, he says all in fun.. well ok, if it was just fun, no harm done you say if you ever want to come over to my place feel free.

He shows up on a Fri night.. so hey whats up

Nothing he says all the guys have shit to do so here I am

come on in, want a drink, as you head to the liquor cabinet.

sure whatever

You pour him silver patron, in a large glass, and put the bottle on the coffee table, he's such an ass he doesn't even ask for another just pours it.

Thank God it's the small bottle, before you know it 3/4 of the bottle is gone, he's totally wasted, you haven't even had one.

Do you mind if I do a bowl he says as he is pulling some weed from his jacket..

Dang that shit smells cheep, how about I break out some of my stuff, it really is great, hardly ever smoke myself, makes me kind of horny.

YEAH DUDE aint that the shit!

You break it out, it's in a small humidor on your coffee table, he packs a bowl.. and passes it to you, you don't really take a hit, but he's unaware of it.

pretty soon he is toast, drunk out of his skull and stoned like he was some whore of Babylon .

We're kicked back; him basking in wherever his mind is and you checking out the bod that's limp in his chair.

So, what's your plans for the night you going out.

Nah, I just thought I'd stay home and watch a movie

DUDE you got movies, like porn and shit?

Yeah, that wasn't what I had in mind though

OWW come on put some on.

SO you carefully select a bi movie, you've seen it a hundred times.. It's a film by a director who only did a few, his name is Paul Norman, this one is staring Bunny Blu, getting stoned and day dreaming of being tied down and 2 dudes working her over.

He's totally into it., he is sittin a bit more upright focused on the dudes one is face fucking her and the other Is bangin away at her hole.

Next thing you know the guy getting the blow job is moving down, neck tits belly, the dude in her hole slips out and the other guy starts sucking on some pussy juiced dick.

He freaks out.

Dude you say what's wrong with all of that? Don't tell me you and a bud haven't double banged some chick..

No, that's not what I'm talking about, that guy is sucking the other dude off.

HA HA, you're such a pussy, and your and your buds call out all kinds of shit in my face.

He shuts up, and goes back to the movie, it's getting to him, he's rubbing his crotch, and you see dinner. You get up, walk into the bathroom and come back with towels, toss him one, he gives you this blank look.

You aint cummin on my furniture., I know we can both jerk off together, unless that's another part of your pussy shit.

No, I'm not a pussy about it but like I don't flash my junk to dudes,

Well I guess I'm a bigger man than you guys take me for. I'm not afraid to flash my junk, especially if I'm horny, which I am. Oh I get it your ashamed of what you got.

Now you've got him,, you have challenged his masculinity on several levels. Now he has to prove you wrong. You stand and drop your pants, he is now checking your junk,, he knows he's got you beat in the meat dept. So he stands and drops his,, you whistle and tell him if you had that kind of meat you'd be flashing it everywhere.

He has you beat in the man dept. and he is so impressed with his manhood, so he sits back down, you move to the end of the couch closest to him, he is zoned out, your both beating, he doesn't even know your there. till you wrap your hand around his hot hard cock.

He's startled, but moves his hand, then you are on your knees giving the best PRO BLOW you know how to give, he looses it fills your mouth to over flowing. He passes out. You undress him move him back to your bedroom and lay him out. You are back between his legs only you are bathing each inch of this man. balls, between them next to his leg, and then you go for the biggie, the nether region, he is moaning in sheer delight. he's yours!!! You hit his hole and the only thing your sure of is HE WILL BE BACK , and he will have bragged to at least one of his buds about you being a fag, and how you had the best booze, the tightest weed, and some porn shit that is out of this world. So you've done him a couple of times and in the middle of the week one night one of the other toughies is at your door, He's not one of the hot ones, but it's a dick.

He is ready, and his buddy has already explained the routine. But you play it out. Knowing what he really wants is some hot mouth wrapped around his joint.

One by one over the next few months you've had the whole gang, and a bit of video from your cell, just for insurance reasons, oh well, for your pleasure too. lol

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