The Three-Minute Fuck

By Jerry Weiss

Published on Jun 27, 2002




by Jerry Weiss

Back in the days when almost every men's room in the NYC subway system was part of a giant archipelago of casual male sex, I was a tea room cruiser second to none. I've been sucked and fucked and fucked and sucked in every borough; been brought off by priests in collars, pissed on by cops, rimmed construction workers on the way home to their wives, been part of orgies involving as many as twenty horny guys crammed into one toilet, had it on with beautiful boys, hunky young men, business men in suits, and randy grandpas.

That world, alas, is no more..gone because of over-saturation (you couldn't find a place to piss or shit if you really had to), crime, HIV and other STD's, and Rudy Guiliani. 95% of them, except for the most busy stations, are closed now, "for employee's use only."

One of my most amazing experiences was one I call the "three minute fuck."

On my lunch hour I had gone to my HMO, which was a ways from my work site, for a routine exam.

Afterwards, I noticed that I was about 15 minutes ahead of schedule so far as when I said I would be back, so I stopped at the men's room at the 3rd Ave. end of the Lexington Ave. station of the R line, which was an infrequently used entrance, and had a usually deserted john in it.

0:00 TO 1:00 MIN: As I expected, no one was there. I took a leak and decided I'd linger a minute to see if anyone came in. I was starting to zip up when this middle-aged business man who looked like he might own a clothing business in the garment district walked in and took the urinal next to me, and pissed a few drops. He lingered and started playing with himself. I shifted my eyes and looked at his heavy piece of meat. He noticed, turned to me, and without a word or even a wordless pantomime of agreement, put his hand on my head and pushed me gently down to my knees.

1:00 MIN TO 1:45 MINUTES: I took it in my hot little mouth and started sucking, and he grabbed both sides of my face with his hands and started face-fucking me. His cock was growing longer, thicker and harder by the second.

1:45 MINUTES TO 2:00 MINUTES: All of this was happening very fast. (Maybe he had an appointment with a buyer or something?) He removed his schlong from my mouth, reached down and pulled me up by the armpits, turned me around, unbuckled my pants and let them fall to the floor. He spit on his dick, he spit on his hand and lubed up my hole with it.

2:00 MINUTES TO 2:10 MINUTES: He pushed my head down into the urinal, spread my cheeks and worked his way in very quickly. He didn't say a word, but he knew exactly what he was he quickly fucked strange boys in public men's rooms all the time.

2:10 MINUTES TO 2:35 MINUTES: FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK (pause) FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK (pause) FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK (pause) FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK (pause) FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK ---- SPURT SPURT SPURT SPURT) (I know he came because I felt his cock throbbing and my ass was leaking cum all day).

2:35 MINUTES TO 2:45 MINUTES: He gets some toilet paper and wipes off his dick. He gets some more toilet paper and wipes my ass for me.

2:45 MINUTES TO 2:55 MINUTES: He pulls himself together, I pull my pants up and get myself together.

2:55 MINUTES TO 3:00 MINUTES: Again, without a word, he's out the door and gone.

I'm standing there, astonished. In the space of three minutes I've arrived at a john, been seduced, sucked cock, been quickly fucked, and it was over.

I left, got on the train, and was back in the office early.

Listen, time is money.

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