Young Polite Black

By David L. Hass

Published on Jul 31, 2000



This is a non fiction report. If you are not 18 or don't care for same sex sex, then don't read this!

Young Polite Black David L. Hass Author

I just recall the beautiful young black that let me in his booth, the first time to suck him off. He was tall and slim in a way as only blacks can be. Lots of white around his eyes, open wide as in wonder. I first saw him in the parking lot as he drove in, he gave me a good look with those big eyes that seemed to ask, Possible party? He could have been high school age, but real tall.

I went in his booth and he let me pull his cock out. And work it to hard, but not too hard. It must have been 9" long and good width. I sucked it lovingly and when it got his hardest, he very politely stopped me, leaned down and he asked me if he could cum in my mouth. What a sweetey. Then, next time he let me suck then politely asked if he could fuck me. He didn't have a steely hard, it was like a good rubber hose. He held it tight so that the blood in it made it hard enough to slip in my ass. He got it in with little trouble then just held it in with short pulls and pushes until it got harder. It was wonderful to feel it grow to its maximum in my ass, in deeper than I had ever felt before. I looked back, I saw him grab my hips, throw his head back, close his eyes, this 17 year old, and just fuck away at me as he got hotter and hotter. When he came, he shoved that wonder in as deep as possible and hugged me to breathless. I didn't know I could take such a cock that deep. On the way home, in the car, I felt for the first time that deep sense of well being that comes from a deep cock. I don't know why it delayed. I felt my body move into a deep warm mellow mode and it stayed there. I thrilled. It struck me as I drove thru my village. I almost swooned. I wanted to just pull over, close my eyes and heatedly vibrate to the core of my being. I'll never forget it.

I saw him one more time. This young beauty wanted to fuck me again. This time again he got in me with his wonderful cock without hurting me. It is the semi hard that counts. Again I felt it was sooooo deep and satisfying. I was in love. When he came, it was just before I was ready to tell him I didn't want him to cum in me without a rubber. Oh, well, too late for that as he lovingly hugged me laying on my back so I decided to concentrate on his being totally without disease. It worked.

I got a real loving, a loving fuck from the biggest, longest, deepest cock I'd ever felt and from the slimmest youngest sweatiest black, a fucking nigger fucking his big cock up my ass. I thrilled to it, feeling like a white love slave to a hot young black man, taking his big, the biggest, cock up my ass and loving it.

Shove it hard! Make me suffer, black master! Take all your frustrations out in my clutching slimy ass by shoving your huge trugeon in and in me till you are exhausted and satiated. I want nothing more!

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