Matt's smile

By Kyle

Published on Oct 5, 2001



The normal stuff applies...

Matt's Smile

My name is Kyle I'm a freshman and I like this kid. His name is matt and he is beautiful. So he is in my last hour class shop. He is the boss of our project. So one day I went into shop class as usual. He came up to me and said he had some work he wanted some help on we decided to meet at my house at 4:00P.M.

He came on time; we went out to my shop to work -- I thought! I started to work I was bent over my work bench to work. And he came up behind me and rubbed his cock on my butt. I told him to quit but he threatened to flunk me. It was no big deal I would have done him anyway.

My parents were gone for the night, so I told him to go into my room. He toke off his pant and shirt and boxers so he was nude except for his socks. God he was cute. He ripped off my clothes. And threw me on my bed: he was in total control, and I liked that.

He had a big cock like 7" long. He started to kiss me everywhere and frenched me. So he told me to suck his cock and I did. At first I chocked but I got use to it. In about 3 min. he came in my mouth. So he got down and sucked my cock and I came in his mouth.

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