Backpackers in Marseilles


Published on Apr 20, 1997




I have enjoyed the stories presented here in Nifty and when I read the stories under the category of masturbation I was immediately reminded of an incident that happened to me in February of 1980. I was twenty three years old and still quite wet behind the ears. I was traveling in Europe with a friend from my small home town and we had met others that were traveling the same route. We became friends and traveling companions with several people from all over the world: Debby and Michele, a couple of Australians girls; Dag, a Norwegian; Clint, a Finn; and Nancy another Canadian.

As we traveled we had split up and regrouped as we went off to see different things. Larry and I were in Nice and were supposed to meet up with Dag and Clint in Nice and then the Australian girls in Peripignan, Spain. However, the two Europeans hadn't shown up and we were supposed to meet up with Debby and Michele, so I left my friend Larry and Nancy in Nice to wait for them and headed to Spain, they were supposed to head to Spain when they arrived. Luck would have it that I got into Marseilles and there was a train strike in Spain and so I couldn't go forward and the next train back to Nice was several hours later. For the first time on the trip I was alone with no chaperone and my French mediocre at the best still allowed me some movement. I walked from the train station down to the docks, looked at boats and had lunch.

I went back to the train station and after checking the schedule again decided to go to take a piss. The pissoir, a long ceramic trough, was filled with old men and the odd traveler and I had to walk to the end of the trough to find an open spot. When I stepped up to the trough I gulped as most of the old men gawked in my direction. Most of them were stroking there dicks and glancing up and down the trough. I decided to ignore them and tried to concentrate on pissing. Slowly I allowed myself to relax and a dribble started when another person got up in the trough beside me, my pissing quit. I glanced to my right and noted he was about 40 with a tweed jacket on. Quite good looking I noted from my quick glance. I shut my eyes to try and get the bladder draining again. I looked down and was able to see him open his pants and haul out his uncut cock.

I had never really seen many other cocks before that time and an uncut dick was a rarity in my life at that point. He pulled the skin back slightly to expose the head and I felt his stare upon me as I stared at his dick, actually wherever I had looked I seemed to see a dick in someone's hand staring at me. I wanted to crawl in a hole but knew that I had to piss and if I left then I couldn't get the courage to come back into the pissoir again. It felt like all the eyes of the old men were upon the two of us, I am not sure if it was my self consciousness or what. I couldn't take my eyes off of his dick and he was watching me and mine, I started to get hard, I couldn't stop myself, I just stood there getting harder and harder until it was obvious to all the men down the trough. I would be considered average in length about six and half to seven inches long and it stuck out from my body like a flag pole. The guy to my right started to get harder too as more of his head became exposed and it thickened in his hand with the wedding ring on it.

The rustle of flesh and cloth grew louder as the pace of masturbation along the trough increased with our little show, I couldn't do anything. My dick felt like never before, each pulse of my heart made it seem to get bigger and that the end would explode. I gripped my dick to try and control it and cover it more, the guy beside me was hard as well. Not as thick or long as mine but it appeared so elegant with that extra skin covering the edges of his knob. He looked at me and I met his eyes, green, his face good looking with brown hair just starting to gray above his ears he had a brown turtle neck sweater on, slim, no belly. A signal passed between our eyes and I came.

I tried to stop it, I gripped it and the pressure only forced the come out of me faster. I blasted volley after volley onto the white ceramic, an audible increase of sound indicated that attention from the old men was still on us. A rush of heat hit my face as I blushed with shock at this moment of exhibition.

The mans eyes had moved to my dick as it had exploded. I closed my eyes, felt him move beside me and I opened my eyes to watch as he stuffed his hard dick into his pants. He smiled at me and left the pissoir.

Weak kneed I stood there until I could piss, then I stuffed my own dick in my pants and left. Some of the old men must have come as well as they started to tuck themselves in and leave. It seemed that each of the old men turned to look at me one more time, I ignored them, lost in my thoughts of what had just happened. I had passed through some door of my sexuality and it would never be the same.

Your stories on masturbation definitely triggered this memory. As I analyze my journey in life it was definitely a turning point, the memory of my hard dick which had never felt like that before or since. What communication we exchanged when his eyes signaled me is lost to memory. He wanted to see me come, I know that and why he never joined me I do not know unless it had to do with the wedding ring. The old men seemed to enjoy it and I suppose that it was a gift of unknowing youth to the memory of age. I hope when I am old and when I take a piss somewhere that some youth will show himself proudly. Thanks for the forum to share this, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and still remember it.


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