Whatever You Want Me to Be

By Kpg111061

Published on Feb 26, 2005



This story is the property of the author. All copyrights belong to the author. If you are under 18, please leave; if over 18, please read and then e-mail me. If you have the chance, please check out my other stories under titles with "redneck," Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, etc. No claim to any actual person's sexual preference is noted here (get it fantasies). Check for more stories under www.nifty.org (http://www.nifty.org/) ; section named " authors". E-mail is kpg111061@aol.com. Hello from Brandon, FL to all my new penpals and friends, Kenneth.

Whatever You Want Me to Be...

On paper or the internet I can be anything you want me to be. What or who do you need? Do you like men, do you like women or does it matter? I can be a five foot tall Asian transgender escort or I can be a six foot tall Nordic bodybuilder with a dick 10 inches hard. Just tell me your desires, your needs; whatever you want me to be. Let me tell you how I can please you. I know your darkest fantasies, your deepest and most precious secrets. I know what affords you pleasure and I know what brings you pain; better than you do. I am the muse that gives power to the writer behind these words. I am the fear that someone will find out and take control of you. Today I am the escape, the lover, the best friend; I am whatever you want me to be. Life has caused you such pain, sadness, regret, confusion; yet also joy, friendships, love and satisfaction. I am the man at the hardware store who's muscles bulge from the sleeves of his t-shirt; I am the girl in the bikini by the beach at the hotdog stand; I am even the unspeakable, the fantasies that are kept hidden, kept silent, but known. I reach out to you, you can feel me touching you; making love to you, kissing you, whispering all of those beautiful words that stir your heart. As you read these words, I become part of you, part of your needs, your desires and your dreams. Through these words you and I are one; I give life to your needs, your hopes and your fantasies. I am Zephyr, just a wind that blows past you but caresses your hair, your face and your lips. I am Apollo, sunlight streaming down from the heavens, covering your body with my warmth, heat and light. I am Pan, raw sexual desire, part of everyone, reaching out to the nature that lives in each soul. I am also Hecate, Goddess of the moon and of the night; bringing mystery, subtle emotion and intrigue. You feel me; you feel the desire to reach out and touch the me that is part of you. Together we glide our fingertips, our hands over your body; lightly touching, caressing and eventually making passionate love to you. Simply think of the me that you want or need. I am the perfect lover, slave or friend. Magic, prayers or hopes are all the same thing. Think of me; visualize me; bring me into being. I exist in story, in rhyme; especially in your dreams. I am the love that will not disappoint you. I am the one that will not forget you. What makes up the me that you want or need; charm, intelligence, looks, attention? You have but to ask and I will be whatever you want me to be. My words can bring life to a straight southern redneck that finds the perfect love in a suburban, gay yuppie. My words can bring life to a country singer like Blaine Larsen and then have you and he find love in a tropical paradise. I feel you right now desiring me through space and time. You body is aching with desire, lust and need. Go ahead, no one is here but you and me; touch me/you, make love to me/you, hold me/you, quench the fire. There are no ills, no pains, and no hidden agendas here with me. In this world there is only you and I. GOD, I need you so bad. I've just realized that you are my muse, my words, my only one. I feel your desires, you heat and your needs. Where does this stop? I am holding myself, touching myself, kissing myself or is it you? Whatever you want me to be; I am here. Whatever you want me be; there I am.

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