Chance Encounter

By Steve Thomas

Published on Jan 21, 2003



Nifty: Below was a regretted, no-sex chance encounter with a stranger.

This was a true chance encounter which I had with a stranger in a parking lot. I wrote about it in my diary and this is the account:

So yesterday afternoon I was walking from the parking lot to the office building where my appointment with my shrink, Kevin was. I was about half way across the parking lot when this Devastatingly attractive guy (25 -- 30?) came out the door of the building carrying some Fed Ex packages. He was about my height (6'-0") thin blond hair, wonderfully expressive clear blue eyes! His smooth,long neck protruded from a short sleeved, spotless white shirt and a conservative reddish tie. His light tan Dockers were stretched moderately by his package. He wore casual brown shoes.

He was not exactly buff, but trim, with a flat stomach. His exposed lower arms were covered in fine but longish hair. His face was tan and dark toward the bottom with a heavy five-o'clock shadow. My whole body yearned with an overwhelming desire to reach out and place my hand gently on his face. My crotch pulsed with the tension, as I could feel the fly of my tight Levis tighten. I could feel a drop of precum ooze out as my butt cheeks contracted and then released.

We were walking directly toward each other. We made eye contact. WELL??!! Walking toward each other, you DO tend to make eye contact. But the disconcerting thing was that every time I looked into his eyes, he was looking at me, first, drilling into me! He seemed to be nailing me. I felt my face flush a little - no, a LOT! As we approached each other, he broke into a beautifully delicious smile and said a very friendly, "Hi!"

Of course I said hi back, probably just as friendly. It's hard not to return friendliness. Besides, it's my way! From his look and voice expression, I thought maybe HE thought he knew me. But he didn't! We passed each other close enough to feel his warmth -- smell his heady scent - see a generous matting of chest hair through the white shirt.

He proceeded to his car as I fairly floated to the door of the building. I seemed to vibrate, as I felt each hair on my arms stand on end. As I started to open the door I looked back and there he was, turned fully around, stopped, and was staring at me. It looked like he sighed as his chest swelled and then dropped. I couldn't help looking into those wonderful eyes again. It made me hungry! He smiled again, and I smirked, then lowered my eyes to the ground. My breathing came short and almost choked.

I turned and walked through the glass door and as the door was closing, I caught a last glimpse of him through the darkened glass, almost running back my direction. I panicked. I started for the closest place, the bathroom, but then fearful logic clicked in. "NOPE! If he is actually following me, that would be the place he'll go." So I RAN all the way down the hall and into my shrink's door, closing it securely behind me. I slumped against the door of the waiting room, as I felt the blood drain out of my face, my breathing coming in great gulps.

WAS he following me? DID he think he knew me? Was he just hurrying back to his office to retrieve something he had forgotten? I guess I'll never know for sure. I discussed this with my shrink. We covered all the possibilities. Kevin usually is a very non-committal guy, but from my explanation, he thought it was very probable this guy wanted to "hook up". I've always wondered if there was some signal that guys give each other. Kevin told me that eye contact was the signal. DUH! I am so naive, so DENSE sometimes!

I have cruised that parking lot many times in hopes of seeing him again, but to no avail. Part of me wants to meet him and another part is scared shitless! What does one say to a stranger - an Adonis? Comments would be appreciated.

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