Like Phoenix

By Aihu Fist

Published on Mar 11, 2006



`I like your cock what about mine? It is long and sharp, enough to penetrate your heart. Enough for you believe that I am a man and not a fag? It can penetrate the abyss of your mortal cave; spray the wall with eternal lovers' scent. What more do you wish?

When I open up my arse for you, I beckon you to explore unknown gravity which would suck the millions of vociferous semen into God's realm, which is you, my dear. A god placed on earth, a god to roam the four corners of the Tawantinsuyo, the Mecca of sacrificial bloodshed. Come and surrender to my beauty which is not everlasting, I am but a particle that will last longer the minute you blow my pipe and visit my hungry cavities. How I'd wish you could understand the craving of neglected procreative serpent. I dare you to blow life into me; I dare you to chisel me inside out. I am starving and dying without your breath over my mouth, without your kindling of my waning fire of life. I am doomed without you, but I am also doomed without myself, for I should believe that I am a god too and that my energy only feeds the likes of you. You too are part of circle of life which we have initiated and which we can terminate. So let's be god's faggots, let's rise like phoenix from our ashes, let us blend and live forever.'

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