Mama's Boy

By Einhard

Published on Aug 13, 2002



Mama's boy

by einhard

PLEASE NOTE: This story is fiction from beginning to end. The characters don't exist, and the things they do, never happened.

Elaine McGregor entered the kitchen and put down her heavy bags on the floor. This shopping once a week was probably a good idea, but the combination of groceries by the ton and a long walk from the car to the house was not so good.

"Al!" she shouted as she started unloading the bags and unloading the refrigerator and all the other places food went. What was the point of putting it all in different places, anyway? Al would just eat it all. Teenagers and food. She shook her head.

"Hi, Mom!" Eighteen year old Alastair walked into the kitchen, his hair still wet from the shower he just finished.

"Hi, honey!" She kissed him on the cheek. "Help me get all this stuff in place?"

"Sure". Al smiled radiantly, and within a minute, everything was in place.

"What's wrong, honey?" asked Elaine when Al set up a puzzled face.

"Didn't you get my stuff for me?"

"Oh!" Elaine blushed a little and reached for her purse, retrieved a small package wrapped in paper and handed it to her son.

"Thanks, mom! I really needed some more of this, I'm out."

"Oh, well..." muttered Elaine.

"Anyhing wrong, mom?"

"Well, no, son. It's just...I don't feel too comfortable buying that kind of stuff. You know."

"Ah, don't worry about it, mom. It's just K-Y. Me and Mike use it for sex. It's no big deal. And don't tell me you got embarrassed in the store. Heck, I remember you teaching us sex ed in fourth grade. I've never heard or seen anything so explicit until I started having sex myself."

Elaine was deep red by this stage.

"No, Al, it's not that. It's just that it's such a tangible reminder that my little boy, my baby, is so grown up. I'm sure kids don't like to think about their parents having sex, and most parents don't like to think about their children doing it. At least not when they're your age."

"Mom, I'm 18! And so is Mike. We're young, we're healthy. What do you think we get up to when we're all alone and want some fun? We don't play Monopoly, that's for sure. Heck, we've been doing it since we were 15!"

"You have? Alastair Archibald McGregor, you never told me that!" The menace in her voice was clear. Al backed a few steps.

"Sorry!" he said in small voice. "I didn't think you needed to know. And anyway, none of us got hurt, we weren't caught, and we're still in love. So what's the problem?" Al made an expansive gesture and smiled his prettiest smile, somehow magicking Elaine's anger away.

"Oh, nothing, I guess. But I wish you'd told me. Then again, I wish you hadn't. Oh, I don't know what I mean. Let's talk about something else."

"I know what's wrong", said Al, the challenge in his voice equally clear. "You can't help picturing it in your mind, and it gets you all hot and bothered. I know. I've read about it. Just like straight guys fantasize about chicks gettin' it on together, women get all wet and starry-eyed thinking about guys in bed. Go on, admit it!"

"No!" said Elaine vehemently.

"Hmm! Why do words like "lady", "protest" and "too much" spring to mind? I wonder."

"Oh, stop it, Al! You shouldn't tease old ladies, it's not nice."

"Not nice, huh? Wanna know what's nice?" Al walked closer to his mother. "This is nice." He stroked the front of his jeans, rubbing at his clothed cock.

"Know what I got in here, mom? Hmm?"

"Yes. I Well..."

"Oh, it's a long time since you've seen it, right? Not since I was a little kid, and you gave me a bath. It's bigger now. Eight inches, mom. And really fat."

Now, that was not strictly true. It was no more than seven inches. But the "really fat" part was accurate. Al didn't think he'd be challenged, though, so he didn't hesitate to spice up the truth a little.

"Stop! It's not the sort of thing a son tells his mother."

"No? You like hearing about it, though. And it's not just a matter of having what it takes, you gotta know how to use it, too. Like me. I trim my hair, you know. Mike likes that. Makes it look even more like a popsicle for him to lick on, to take deep in his mouth, to slobber all over."

"Oh, God!" muttered Elaine.

"Except it's not frozen, is it? No, it's hot. And it doesn't melt, either. It stays hard the whole time he's working on it. And when he's done that long enough, know what happens then?"

Elaine said nothing, just stared fascinated at her boy, noting the widely dilated pupils in his eyes, the color in his cheeks, all the signs of excitement. She couldn't help letting her glance fall to his crotch, jerking slightly when she thought she saw...

"That's when I pick him up in my arms and toss him on the bed. Then I lick his ass. Round his pink hole. I get it all wet and relaxed, so he'll be ready for me. And that's the stage where your little purchase comes in."

He waved the tube of K-Y before her face.

"That's when I grease us both up. My stone hard cock and his soft, pale ass. And I ram it up him. All of me, fucking my boy, in and out, my cock in his ass, slowly at first, then faster and faster, making him moan and squeal "More, Al, faster. Give it to me! Fuck me, Al!""

He stopped and sat down.

"And then I cum. The sperm that you saw on my sheets six years ago bursts out of me. Well, not the same, but that stuff. Out of me and into my lover boy..."

Starry-eyed was an apt description of Elaine's facial expression. Not that she was aware of it much, not like she was aware of the moisture between her legs.

The doorbell rang, and Al bounced up, half running to answer it.

"Hi, Mike!" he said, then bent down to kiss the shorter guy on the mouth. He held it extra long.

"Wow!" said Mike, grinning. "What was that all about? Not that I mind. Oh, hi, Elaine!" He gave a small wave.

"Mike", she muttered.

"I'd love to stay and talk a while, but we really gotta go, Al."

"Okay. I'm ready." Al grabbed a jacket from a peg, then slipped the K-Y in a pocket, making sure Elaine could see, but not Mike.

"Bye, mom!" "Bye, Elaine!" shouted the boys.

"Hey, man! What's up with your mom? She seemed a little strange", asked Mike.

Al smiled. "Nothing's wrong. She's just preoccupied. There's something she needs to take up with my dad when he gets home."

Al patted Mike's butt affectionately, and the boys were on their way.

This story is copyrighted by me, einhard. (c) 2002. All rights reserved.

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