Inside Me - a Poem Dedicated To Black Tops

By Dan Opercorn (Celliophonic, D.O.)

Published on May 15, 2010



Inside Me -- A poem dedicated to Black Tops

By D.O.

We arch together, smooth thighs wrapped around your waist and you are inside me. Black man to white boi, as it should be and you are inside me. Prettied up for you in make-up and lingerie and you are inside me. Rectal tissues molding, pulsing around black meat and you are inside me. Moaning, groaning, gasping, screaming, crying and you are inside me. Eyes locked, hands clasped, backs arching and you are inside me. Mouths covering each other, tasting one another and you are inside me. Sweat dripping onto me, hard muscles unyielding and you are inside me. Hardness plunging into softness, my bowels are my womb and you are inside me. Black flesh pressed into white, sealed together and you are inside me. Joined in a perfect union, a mating ritual, primal and you are inside me. Moving into a myriad of positions, each more erotic than the last and you are inside me. I tell you with my eyes and my gasping breath that I am yours and you are inside me. You reach bottom, delving deeply, plunging recklessly and you are inside me. Moist, tight, gripping heat surrounds your turgid manhood and you are inside me. I have never loved you more, my Black Master than when you are inside me. We climax together, in a wave of ecstasy and I feel your love for me when you are inside me. You breed me deeply, touching every fiber of my being when you are inside me. Words cannot express the emotions running through us when you are inside me. We lay together, my pussy seeded, my man sated and still you are inside me. I am yours forever Black Master as long as you wish to be inside me......

Best, D.O.

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