A Fool For Love

By moc.oohay@skcorytfin

Published on Jun 7, 2005



The following includes gay sex, so don't read it if you shouldn't. It involves characters from the Harry Potter universe, which is property of JK Rowling. While I most certainly picture Draco as he is portrayed by Tom Felton, this story is not meant to imply anything about him or any celebrities involved in the Harry Potter movies. I don't know them, at all.

This takes place during Book 5. I stayed reasonably far away from the actual events in the series, hoping this works as an aside. However if you notice any contradictions, please let me know.

My email address is Niftyrocks@yahoo.com

All suggestions and (hopefully) praise are very welcome and encouraged. Its the lifeblood of authors.

A Fool For Love

Draco Malfoy was feeling very smug as he was excused from Transfiguration to see Headmistress Umbridge. With Umbridge in charge, and he in the lead of her Inquisitorial Squad, he was easily the most powerful student in the school. He wasn't terribly fond of the errands she sent him on, but keeping on her good graces obviously had big advantages.

When he arrived outside her office, she already had the door open and signaled for him to come in.

"Draco, " she began with her trademark large smile, "I have a package I'd like you to deliver to a man in Hogsmeade."

"Immediately, Headmistress. You look pleased. This must be something good." He replied, putting up an indulgent smile. Umbridge loved bragging.

"Indeed, Draco. I put a small bit of that swamp in this container. The man I referred to is well versed in charms. He should be able to remove this damn thing from my school."

"That's great news! If I'm excused, I'd like to make sure this is done quickly."

"Yes Draco, please do." She said with a curt gesture for him to leave.

Draco quickly left the room and started heading for the Main Hall. This really was great news. Those Weasleys' must have felt far too big undermining Umbridge like that. They needed to be put in their place, and the other teachers were no help.

Past the large front doors, he made his way through the snow down the trail to Hogsmeade. No one stopped him along the way. Everyone knew he was practically Umbridge's assistant. Following the address on the package, he arrived at a quaint home with a large bronze doorknocker that made the sound of bells when he used it.

As the door swung open, a rush of hot air flew at Draco and revealed a much larger inside than the home would suggest, along with a young man, slightly older than Draco. He had very dark hair, and ice blue eyes. He was wearing muggle clothing, a t-shirt and shorts.

"You the kid from Hogwarts?" He asked, with a slightly hoarse voice.

Kid? Draco felt annoyed; he wasn't a kid anymore, at 15. "I'm Draco Malfoy. Headmistress Umbridge asked me to deliver this to a man at this address."

"Yeah, I'll take it."

"No, she asked me to deliver it to a man." Draco replied with relish.

The young man stood silent for a moment, before bursting out in a laugh. "That's cute. If you want to wait for my dad to get here and take it personally, fine by me. Come inside."

The young man turned and went back through the house, as Draco followed, and sat at a chair in the kitchen. He felt very hot in his sweater, robes, and thick coat. The home must be enchanted to stay warm in the winter.

"I was just making some breakfast, you want any?" The young man asked, eying Draco. "You must be hot, why don't you take off your clothes?"

Draco started taking off his coat before doing a slight double take at what he said.

The young man had a large grin, seeming to know that Draco had just registered what exactly he said. "So, you want anything to eat?"

Draco felt more annoyed. First he called him a kid, now he seemed to be toying with him. With a scowl he replied "No." very gruffly.

"Suit yourself." He said, and went about cooking, though the pans seemed to do most of it by themselves.

Once it was done, he served some onto a plate and sat at the table next to Draco. "So," he said between bites, "I heard that Umbridge is a really foul woman. You like being her little servant?"

Draco was almost stunned; no one had ever spoken to him like this before. "I am no one's servant. Who are you anyway? My father is Lucious Malfoy. You might know him? He's a personal friend of the Minister."

The young man chuckled. "I'm Cas. I knew I recognized that name, Malfoy, he's in the papers pretty often."

Draco put on his trademark smirk. "Yes, I don't imagine your father is important enough to be mentioned in such things."

Cas grinned. "Maybe I'll mention that to him. He might not be important enough to fix Umbridge's swamp."

The color drained from Draco's face for a moment, if he screwed up this deal of Umbridge's he'd be in big trouble.

Cas saw Draco's reaction and laughed again. "You're too cute. I'm just kidding; my dad would probably do it even if I complained anyway." Done eating, he stood and walked out of the room, his dishes put themselves in the sink.

Draco felt a little uncomfortable. That was the second time Cas had used the word `cute.' As Cas left, Draco noticed his bare legs in those shorts. They were well tanned, despite the time of year, and showed almost no sign of hair.

Minutes passed and he didn't return, Draco began wondering what was going on, when he heard the front door open. Leaving the kitchen, he walked back to the door to see an older man had come inside. Balding, with touches of grey hair.

"That boy keeps it far too hot in here." He was mumbling, taking off his coat. It took him a moment to notice Draco standing there.

"Who are you? Another of Cas'... Friends?" He asked unsurely.

"I'm Draco Malfoy. Headmistress Umbridge asked me to deliver this to you personally." He replied, holding out the package.

"Ahh yes, of course. You could have just left it with Cas, you didn't have to wait around here."

"I thought it better to be sure. This is quite important." Draco was trying hard not to look too pleased with himself.

"Indeed." He said, taking the package. "Well thank you. Tell Dolores I'll keep in touch."

With a curt nod, Draco left and headed back for Hogwarts.

As the days passed, he kept finding his thoughts going back to Cas. He was so rude, but oddly Draco didn't feel any anger toward him anymore. In fact, he wasn't sure what he felt. He remembered that visions of his legs... the nice musculature as he walked away.

About a week later, as he was idly daydreaming again about Cas, Umbridge dismissed her Defense Against the Dark Arts class. As everyone filed out, she spoke "Oh, Draco, stay here a moment please."

"Yes, Headmistress?" He asked.

"Adusto has just sent word that he has devised a potion which may remove the swamp. I'd like you to go down to the village again and fetch it."

"Right away, Headmistress." Draco smiled and headed first for the Slytherin Common Room to get his heavy coat. However, searching his room, and the Common Room, it was nowhere to be found. Draco realized he must have forgotten it at Cas'. How'd he just remember now? It'd been a week.

So, with just a sweater and his robes, he left Hogwarts and followed the path again. It was heading on nighttime. Without even the sun around, it was freezing. By the time he arrived, he was shaking. Eager to get inside, he banged the door knocker rather loudly; sounds of bells rang out.

No one answered for several minutes. Draco was getting colder by the moment, and banged on the door again, even more loudly, making it sound like church bells were going off inside the house.

Finally the door swung open, again bathing Draco in warm air. It was Cas, he was wearing an inside out shirt and jeans which weren't properly fastened. His short hair was askew, and he had a slight shine to himself from a light layer of sweat. "What?" He asked roughly.

Draco was kind of surprised by his appearance, and at first didn't speak.

Noticing it was him, Cas suddenly sprouted a grin. "I was just thinking about you. Whatcha need?" he said, leaning on the door frame.

"Headmistress Umbridge asked me to get a potion your father made, for the swamp." Draco recovered.

"Potion?" Cas asked.

Draco wasn't sure if he was playing coy or what, and became annoyed again "Yes. Would you just get your father? I don't have time to wait around in this cold."

"Yeah, it does look cold out there." Cas said, looking beyond Draco at the mounds of snow. "You should really have worn a coat."

Draco practically shot steam out of his ears. Cas was toying with him. Again.

Cas laughed. "I love it when you make that face. Come inside, dad isn't here, but he must have left this potion around somewhere."

Draco followed Cas inside. The warmth felt great, but he was still fuming. "He's not here? Did he tell you where it was?"

"Probably. He's always making this and that for people. How am I supposed to remember it all?" Cas grinned.

Draco looked around, hoping that perhaps there'd be an obvious package nearby, but he didn't see anything. Cas just stood there, eying Draco as he did so. Draco didn't like this at all. Those icy blue eyes were very piercing, and he didn't like Cas' expression either; it was very... `naughty' is the only word that came to mind.

"Well are you going to look for it or what?" Draco barked.

"Look for what?"

"The package!"

"You want me to help find your package? I hope it isn't so small you actually have trouble finding it." Cas chuckled.

Draco was in a fury. "How should I know how big it is? Will you just help me find it?"

"Sure thing." Cas replied, walked over to Draco, and gave his crotch a quick grab. "There you go."

For one small, almost immeasurable instant, Draco felt a surge go through his body as Cas made contact with his most intimate parts. As Cas removed his hand, Draco recoiled; Cas laughed. "Why did you do that?" he exclaimed.

"You asked me to find your package." Cas replied coolly.

"What does that have to do with this?"

"You don't know much muggle slang, do you?"

"I should hope not!" Draco was indignant.

"Well, `package' is a muggle term for dick." He said, matter-of-factly.

Draco stood wide eyed, his mouth slightly open, just looking at Cas. What was with this guy? What was that feeling he had when the touch was made? Cas stood there, grinning as usual. He didn't know why, but at this moment Draco noticed how good he looked. The sweat had Cas' clothes clinging slightly, showing some nice definition, and with his jeans not fastened, Draco could make out the top of what looked like... he blinked... pubic hair? Cas didn't have anything else on. Draco felt himself getting stiff. What was going on here?

"You still look cold. Would you like some hot cocoa? There's some still in the kitchen." Cas asked, suddenly seeming serious.

At first Draco didn't respond, there were some odd thoughts going through his head, but the chill from outside hadn't quite left him, he definitely wanted something warm to drink. "Yeah."

Cas looked pleased, and lead him to the kitchen. When they arrived, Draco saw two mugs already on the table, with steam lifting into the air above them. They both sat down, and took one, sipping in silence. Draco wanted to still be angry, but this sudden nice gesture had cooled him down. However, he did feel a little puzzled.

"How'd you know I would want some?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"The cocoa. There were two mugs here ready for us."

"Oh. Well, can you keep a secret?" Cas used a conspiratorial whisper.

"Ok." Draco replied, wondering where this is going.

Cas leaned in really close. Draco could smell him at this range. He had a pleasant musk, from the sweat. Again Draco's nether region responded by feeling a bit stiff.

"I have magic powers." Cas said with grave seriousness.

Draco, already confused by his reaction to Cas' touch and now scent, was caught off guard. He laughed.

Cas smiled widely. Draco noticed how perfect and white his teeth were.

They sat sipping for another few min, until Draco's mug was empty.

"So, you liked the cocoa?" Cas inquired.


"It has some of my very own special ingredients."

Draco didn't like the way he had said that. Sounded like he had a trick up his sleeve.

"Anyway, I'll get your package." Cas said

Draco instinctively put his hands over his crotch.

Cas laughed. "No, the potion my dad made. You must be late getting back to Hogwarts by now." He disappeared to another room for a moment, and then came back with a small vial.

"My dad told me to tell you to tell Umbridge that he only had the supplies to make a small amount. He's not sure if it'll work, since the piece he had to try it on surely weakened when it was taken from the whole. If it does, he'll make enough to clear the whole thing." He said, handing the vial to Draco.

"Thanks." Draco said before he could catch himself. He practically never thanked anyone.

Cas lead him to the door. "G'night. I hope it works."

With that, the door closed, and Malfoy was again out in the cold. He marched back up to the castle on autopilot. All he could think about was Cas. The way he spoke, the way he looked with that tan. His firm legs and tight stomach. And that scent... it was so... masculine. Even now, outside his presence, he still felt almost intoxicated by it. Of course, his eyes were what really stood out. Icy blue, piercing.

Draco got all the way back to the castle, dropped the vial off with Umbridge, back to the common room, and towards bed before realizing he'd forgotten his coat again. However, he didn't feel angry. The only thing that kept running through his mind was that meant he'd get to see Cas again.

That night even Draco's dreams centered on Cas. He dreamed about being with Cas, they'd joke around and wrestle, like close friends. But then, they'd do other things. Sexual things. When he woke, he found it had been a wet dream. He felt completely confused. He had never had feelings like this about anyone, certainly not a boy. He'd had a couple of girlfriends before, and they'd fooled around. It had felt good certainly, but he just knew that being with Cas would be amazing. Draco wondered what Cas would taste like. Is he a good kisser? What did he look like naked? For that matter, would Cas like him? Was Cas attracted to him? He certainly seemed to be... or at least flamboyant.

These thoughts rang through his head for days. Draco felt slightly ashamed. He knew his father wouldn't like the idea of him being with this boy. He obviously wasn't very wealthy, and what if he was a mudblood? And of course, he was a boy. Though mostly accepted in wizarding culture, he knew how his father would react. He doesn't like anything different than himself.

Sometimes Draco wondered what caused this whole thing in the first place. He was never attracted to a boy before. To be fair, he never felt that much toward girls either, but this wasn't just some passing attraction. He had thoughts about Cas that were very dirty. He wanted to feel him, and taste him.

Finally, the words he longed to hear for the last few days came at last. Umbridge asked him to stay after Defense Against the Dark Arts again.

"Yes Headmistress?" He asked, genuinely eager.

"Adusto's potion, while not showing significant changes, did seem to at least lessen the stench coming from the swamp. He's made a larger batch for us to use. Please go get it."

Malfoy left in such a hurry he had a feeling Umbridge would think him rude, but he didn't care whatsoever. It was time to see Cas! He practically dashed out of the castle, down the trail and was knocking on the door in no time.

No waiting this time, the door swung open almost immediately, the usual warmth gushing out. Much to Draco's disappointment, the old man answered.

"Ahh, good, Draco. You got here awful fast. I've made more of the potion; it's in the cauldron in the back." He gestured toward a room opposite the kitchen. "It has to stew for another 10 minutes. I've been working on it all day; if you'll excuse me I need a drink. Just take it up to the castle when it's ready."

Draco was a little surprised at how quickly he dashed out, but at least he didn't have to make small chat for 10 minutes. He always hated that, and it was a common need with his dad's diplomatic responsibilities.

Draco, hoping to find Cas, idly walked to where the potion was. It was a dingy room, full of different ingredients on rickety wooden shelves. It seemed to have sustained several explosions, from the charring on the stone walls. In the middle was a large cauldron, far larger than he could move himself, bubbling almost violently.

"I thought he'd never leave."

Draco spun around to see Cas standing at the room entrances, leaning on the door frame like he did the last time they met. Draco instantly tensed up. Cas looked gorgeous. He had on a sleeveless shirt, that was definitely a little too tight, and boxer shorts. Draco was dumbstruck. Here he was, standing before him, with barely any cloth between their bodies.

Cas smiled, showing those perfect teeth again. "Good to see you too."

Draco sputtered "H... Hi."

"So that potion worked, eh?"


Now that Draco actually had him near again, he didn't know what to do. Sure he wanted to see him, and sure he wanted to absolutely tackle him down, but he doubted that'd work. Should he ask Cas if he likes him? Is that too forward? Would Cas freak out? Laugh at him? Is Cas even single? Too many questions were suddenly running through Draco's mind.

"That's gonna be hard to carry all the way up to the castle." Cas stated matter-of-factly.

Again, a nervous wreck, all Draco could mutter was "Yeah."

"How big is your wand?" Cas asked.

Draco did a double take. "Huh?"

"Your wand, you have one don't you?" Cal had that grin coming back.


"Well, let me see it."

Draco fumbled in his robe pocket and handed his wand to Cas, who lightly touched Draco's hand as it was passed. Draco felt a shiver go through his body, and his pants tightened awfully fast.

Cas examined it for a few moments. "This is a nice wand, you must shine it often."

"Uh, I try to, it was expensive." A full sentence! Draco was getting better.

"Well, I bet you could just bewitch the cauldron to get it back to the castle."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Draco honestly hadn't thought of that, he was just too distracted. His eyes kept drifting to Cas' midsection. He dared not look for too long, but every glance was perfecting his mental picture. As he got the details, he could swear he could see the outline of Cas' dick near the left side. His own was now fully erect, he was thankful the thick winter clothing would surely hide it.

Both boys were distracted as the cauldron nearby suddenly emitted a large poof of smoke, and changed color 3 times.

"That means it's ready to go." Cas explained.

Draco felt disappointed; he didn't want to take his eyes away from Cas, but what choice was there? He just didn't have the nerve to try anything. Plus Umbridge was surely waiting on him; he couldn't take longer than he had to.

"Can I have my wand?" Draco asked.

Cas was flipping it through his fingers, pretending he hadn't heard Draco's request.

"Cas?" Draco asked somewhat timidly. It felt good to say his name out loud. For a moment Draco felt that shame again, he was drooling over this guy, it was pathetic.

Cas looked up in mock surprise. "Yes dear?"

Draco's heart fluttered at Cas' words, but considering how much he'd toyed with him before, he tried not to get his hopes up. "Will you give me my wand, so I can get this back to the castle?"

Draco reached out for it, but Cas wouldn't hand it to him. "Come on, I'm probably already late."

"Only if you do something for me." Cas replied.

Draco sighed. He didn't like being played with, even if it was Cas. "What do you want?"

Cas put his head down, and looked off in another direction without focusing on anything, as if he were thinking. "A kiss."

"What?" Draco must have misheard.

Cas lifted his head and stared directly into Draco's eyes. "I'll give it to you, for a kiss."

"What? You want to kiss me?" Draco's heart must have beat a million times in the brief time it took him to reply

"Oh yeah! You're in good shape. I love blondes, you have those great steely grey eyes, and you look absolutely adorable when you you have that incredulous look on your face." Cas explained, never leaving eye contact.

Draco was floored. Stunned. Shocked. Staring at those beautiful blue eyes, he didn't know what to say. He had fantasized about this, but now that it was happening he just felt horribly self conscious. How was his breath? Would he do a bad job? Now Cas was coming closer, part of Draco wanted to move back, but his muscles weren't working. Cas was right in front of him. He wanted so badly to move, to back up, anything, but his body just wouldn't cooperate. Cas leaned forward, they bumped noses for a moment, then Cas gently pressed his lips against Draco's.

Draco had felt a lot of extreme things in his life. Mostly anger and hatred, but this was different and beyond anything he'd ever felt before. He loved this feeling. It was welling up from somewhere deep in his stomach, and seemed to just pour into his extremities. Nothing could describe...

Cas pulled back. Draco shook his head to clear it, that feeling was gone. He missed it, he wanted it again. He wanted Cas again. What was that? It felt like so long, but had to have been just a moment.

"You're a good kisser. Great, soft lips. I'm glad I chose you." Cas said coolly.

"What, I..." Draco trailed off. He was feeling just utter lust toward Cas. He didn't know how else to describe it.

"And with you being Umbridge's errand boy, you can come see me all the time." Cas continued.

"What?" Draco asked, confused.

"You are going to start coming here so we can have sex."


Cas laughed. "I don't know how much plainer I can put it. The kiss Sealed it, you're mine."

"Sealed what?" Draco was starting to feel worried, this didn't sound good.

"Fine, I'll explain. I put a spell on you. A love spell, to be exact. All I needed was something you own, your coat, you drank a special potion, in the cocoa, and now the kiss made it official. I could already see it in your expression after the kiss." Cas explained, with a startlingly large smile.

Draco felt livid. That explained everything. He had never had these kinds of feelings before, not for anyone, certainly not a boy! After he left his coat here, this all started. Since he drank the cocoa, it had just gotten more extreme, and now finally with the kiss, the love had exploded in him. That is what it was. No wonder this had been so sudden, so fast. It was a spell! That bastard put him under a spell!

"How dare you! When my father hears about this, you'll go right to Azkaban!" Draco raged.

Cas laughed. "This spell is completely untraceable. You could never prove it. Besides, you're not going to tell anyone about this. I can just see everyone's reaction. Smug Malfoy, smitten with some local boy. I bet 3/4th the school just thinks its hilarious."

Draco had never felt more horrible in his entire life. Cas was completely right. He couldn't tell anyone, he'd never get up the nerve. He wanted to cry, but there was no way he'd do that in front of Cas.

"I can see your face, I know you're not feeling exactly pleased, "Cas continued, as Draco glared, "but its not so bad. You do love my body, don't you? You'll get it all. And I'm not stingy; I have no intent to use you as a pin cushion. I give great blowjobs."

Draco had no idea what `blowjob' meant, he just wanted to leave; he just wanted to get away from Cas. It was too much to think about, and he felt tricked. Cas had been toying with him alright.

"Just give me my wand." Draco spoke softly, its all he could get out.

Cas actually looked genuinely sad as he handed Draco's wand back, seeing that Draco wasn't lightening up, but he didn't care. He should feel sad, doing this to someone.

With his wand back, Draco considered cursing him right then and there, but how would he explain it? So, grudgingly he did a quick charm to levitate the cauldron, and got out of there as fast as he could. He stopped at Umbridge's office, leaving the cauldron, and just gave a quick knock then rushed off to his bed. It was still a little early, but he didn't want to see anyone else. He drifted off to sleep after a while.

As he slept, his dreams of Cas continued. They were different now, though. He'd try to resist Cas, but it just wouldn't work. The attraction was just too great. And the sex was... amazing. Best he'd ever had was his own hand, it was nothing like this. Upon waking, he felt much more calm, as if his brain had been working on this throughout the night. Luckily it was Saturday, and he had no classes. He decided his only chance was to go to the library and try to find this spell's counterjinx. With his Inquisitorial Squad status, he could even check the restricted section. He poured through book after book, all the while trying to stop thinking about Cas. Even then, his fantasies would drift to Cas. He knew this must be a strong spell.

Hours passed with no luck; no spell even came close to what Cas had described. Could it be something Cas himself had made? Was he that good with magic? Draco was reminded of the breakfast cooking itself, and the dishes putting themselves away. The way the temperature always stayed warm in Cas' house... and he'd never even seen Cas use a wand! Even Dumbledore needed to use his wand. Finally, Draco decided there was just no way he could break the spell himself.

As the day went on, his desire for Cas kept getting stronger. He felt as if he should go see Cas right away. The more he thought about it, the more he figured it really wasn't that bad. He wouldn't prefer this scenario, but Cas did say he wasn't `stingy.' Draco could only assume this meant he was going to give him pleasure too. He was horny pretty often; maybe the sex would be fun? In fact, wouldn't it have to be? That's part of the spell. The simple kiss they shared was amazing in itself; doing more must be even better, right?

Resigned to his fate, Draco took a very thorough bath, put on fresh clothes, and left the castle. If he was going to be stuck with this, he was going to try to enjoy as much as he could. Coming up to the quaint home, he used the doorknocker. After a moment, it swung open, again with that wonderful warmth gushing around Draco. It was Cas. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt again, just like the first time they met. He looked very pleased, but not in a condescending way; he appeared truly happy to see Draco.

"I was worried you wouldn't come back."

"Well, I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"I suppose not." Cas replied, but he didn't seem to believe it. "Want to come in?"

Draco entered without answering.

"My dad isn't here, and won't be back for an hour." Cas explained.

Draco felt kind of strange. He wanted this... he definitely wanted this, but he'd never had sex before. Was he really about to lose his virginity? This is it? This is the day?

Cas saw the apprehension on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated before saying "Listen, Draco, I'm really sorry about how this has worked out, I should probably tell you, this spell..." He trailed off.

Draco wondered what he was going to say, but then a horrific idea struck; Cas was going to tell him the spell was permanent! There was no stopping it, not ever. "I know."

"You already know? And you still came?" Cas seemed incredulous.

"Yeah, well, I can't fight this desire either way."

Cas looked taken aback. "Well, no reason to waste time, eh?"

Draco nodded.

Cas lead him through a hall and into a room with a bed, a trunk, a desk, and a wizards' radio. Posters on the walls of various Quidditch teams.

Cas leaned in real close to Draco, and spoke in barely a whisper. "I know you're nervous. Is this your first time?"

Draco felt slightly ashamed to admit it, but it'd be pretty obvious when they got it anyway, so he gently nodded.

"We'll go slow. Trust me, Draco, you're going to enjoy yourself." He smiled a warm, genuine smile.

Despite himself, Draco felt happy. He wanted this badly; more specifically he wanted Cas badly.

Gently, Cas helped Draco out of his robes. It felt much better; it's already warm in the house as is. Leaning in close again, Cas gave Draco one quick peck, then another. He seemed to be really easing Draco into this, and Draco felt grateful. In fact, Draco really liked the kissing. He began pushing back, letting that happy feeling wash over him. Cas became emboldened with Draco's newfound eagerness, and started kissing him longer, slipping his tongue in to feel Draco's. Draco figured this was coming, and accepted Cas' tongue with his own, letting them dance.

After a few minutes of this, Draco could feel himself getting hard. Cas seemed to notice too, cause he pulled back and grinned.

"You're a great kisser."

Draco smiled sheepishly. "Thanks."

Cas leaned in, Draco closed his eyes expecting to meet lips again, but was surprised to feel Cas kissing his neck. He moved around, kissing it all over. As he did this, he slipped his hands up Draco's sweater, rubbing them up and down his back. Draco let out a little moan.

"Let's get this off." Cas said softly, and pulled Draco's sweater off up over his head, exposing his chest and stomach. Draco was all smooth, aside from a small fluff under his arms. He was thin, without being skinny. Though he didn't actively exercise, Quidditch practice certainly did his body well.

Cas bent himself over and, with no warning, began sucking Draco's left nipple. Draco had never even thought to touch his nipples, let alone suck on them. It felt great, he moaned again, as Cas' hands again rubbed his back, particularly the lower part. Once it was nicely erect and glistening, Cas moved to the other nipple. He was tonguing it, sucking, and even nibbling slightly.

Moving down with a trail of kisses, Cas got to Draco's little innie belly button. He licked around the edges, then tried to dig his tongue inside, all the while moving his hands to Draco's nipples. Draco didn't know he had so many erogenous zones. He didn't know if he should be doing something back to Cas or what, but he didn't want to interrupt what was happening to him. It felt so good... he was fully erect and felt like he was leaking.

"I see someone is enjoying himself." Cas looked up into Draco's eyes, still wearing that big grin. Draco's erection was clearly pushing out his pants. He kind of laughed, seeing how obvious his excitement was; he pondered if his dick was actually bigger than normal from how hard it had became.

Standing upright, Cas quickly took his t-shirt off, exposing his well defined and smooth chest. Draco was about to start doing to him what Cas had done to him, but it seemed that wasn't Cas' intention – he leaned in, meeting Draco's lips with his own again. As they tongue wrestled, he gently guided Draco to lay on the bed with him, never losing contact. Cas rolled Draco onto his back, so he was on top. Draco could feel the heat coming from Cas as their exposed chests rubbed together, and the stiffness of Cas' malehood pushing against his own.

Pulling back and actually gasping slightly for air after their deep kissing, Cas spoke, "Foreplay is fun, but I think its time for a little more." Kissing quickly down Draco's neck, chest, and stomach again, he finally reached the waist of Draco's pants.

Undoing the buttons, he opened the flaps and exposed Draco's briefs, which were barely managing to restrain Draco's dick. With one hand he reached into the flaps, and laid his hand on Draco's cloth-covered balls, gently rubbing. Then as he lowered his head over Draco's crotch, Draco held his breath. He knew what was coming, but he couldn't see with Cas' head in the way so he didn't know when.

Cas's mouth closed around the tip of Draco's dick as well as he could through the briefs, swirling his tongue around. Draco let out a huge sigh as the feelings from his midsection flowed out to the rest of his body. It was incredible.

Lifting his head up and his hand out, Cas said. "Lift your butt a little bit."

Draco complied, and Cas was able to removed pants, shoes, and socks. He was now in nothing but strained briefs, so moist from Cas' tongue you could clearly see his dick through them.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Cas said, making eye contact again with those icy blue pools of his.

Draco, in fact, felt beautiful. No one had ever treated him so nicely, and made him feel so good. He knew it was probably just the spell, but what did it matter when it feels this amazing?

Cas stood at the foot of the bed admiring the vision before him for a moment, then laid down, positioning his head again at Draco's midsection. Gently spreading his Draco's legs, he licked the little creases above his thighs. Moving up, he did several long licks from the bottom of Draco's balls, all the way up over his dick to the very tip. Draco's moans were getting louder, and he was beginning to feel anxious to cum.

Putting his fingers through the leg holes, Cas slipped Draco's briefs down and off, leaving him completely naked. Draco's 5.5 inches of dick stuck straight up, no curve at all. The head was flared and very red. Cas looked once more into Draco's eyes, then with a final grin, lowered his lips to Draco's balls, using his tongue to roll first one, then the other, getting them nice and wet, and drawing coos from Draco.

Briefly, he gave Draco's dick a few strokes with his hand, gathering the precum and his own saliva, then reached underneath to gently poke around Draco's nether region. Normally Draco would feel scared, but he suddenly trusted Cas entirely. Forming his lips into an O, Cas slowly slid his mouth down Draco's cock, all the way to the base then slowly back up several times. Draco let out of some loud sighs. As he worked his ministrations, he slowly but surely pushed his finger into Draco. With a little effort, Draco was loosening up smoothly.

With a few more up and down trips, Cas pulled up so just the head was in his mouth, and swirled his tongue around the rim. He could taste Draco's precum, it was coming much faster now. Cas knew Draco was getting close to orgasm. Cas pulled off Draco and blew on his dick. It was so moist, and the moving air made a chill that sent a shiver through Draco's body.

Deciding he'd waited long enough, Cas took Draco's throbbing dick back into his mouth and did some very quick, aggressive bobs up and down, meanwhile swirling his tongue whenever he was at the top. Draco was close as it is, but this was just too much. His moans became constant, and he seemed to whispering but it was too quiet for Cas to hear. Cas had gotten his whole finger into Draco, and switched to two. Within a few minutes of this onslaught, he exploded.

Draco couldn't believe the feelings this was creating. It was better than he ever imagined. As Cas was going up and down so fast, licking, it was just too much. Draco didn't know what spot Cas was rubbing inside him, but he didn't want Cas to stop, he couldn't let this feeling go now. He kept whispering "Don't stop, don't stop." Cas did not disappoint. He felt his cum ready to go, and sure enough as Cas pushed a second finger into him, he erupted into Cas' mouth. Orgasm wracked his body. It was by far the best he ever had. Three, four, five jets of cum poured out. Cas would not stop, he kept sucking, he kept licking. Draco felt so sensitive, he thought he'd just pass out, but his young body knew what to do.

Cas wanted this to be amazing for Draco. He swallowed as Draco gushed into his mouth, but he didn't stop his ministrations. Draco was 15, he knew Draco had more in him. Suddenly Draco cried out, it was a mixture of pain and extreme pleasure as a second orgasm hit. It was much less, but Cas could feel more cum ooze out. Cas remained still, gently nursing the last bit of cum out. Finally Draco began softening up. With one last stroke Cas lifted his head off, and gently pulled out his fingers out.

Leaning back onto his knees, he beheld this vision of Draco. He didn't want to forget it. He was glistening with sweat, and didn't seem to want to move at all. His face had the look someone in a very good orgasmic bliss. Voldemort could barge in at this point, and Draco probably wouldn't even notice.

Draco spoke dreamily, barely opening his eyes "That was wonderful." He grinned up at Cas.

"I told you I give great blowjobs."

"Is that what that is?"

"Yeah, I really should teach you more muggle slang. I think its fun, since no one around here ever knows what you're talking about." Cas smiled.

Draco, also taking in Cas' beauty, let his gaze fall to Cas' midsection. He was still wearing the boxer briefs, and his dick was still very hard. "What about that?" he asked somewhat timidly.

Cas looked down at himself. "Well, I wasn't going to ask you to do anything just yet, I thought you might not feel up to it."

Draco did feel a bit drained from that experience, but there was no way he could leave without pleasuring Cas. He was so beautiful, and he made him feel so special... it had to be done.

"I... I can give you a blowjob, but I don't think it'd be as good as you just did. I've never done anything like that before."

"Well..." Cas trailed off.

"What is it?"

"There is something you could do that requires no skill on your part." Cas seemed hesitant.

Draco had an inkling what he was suggesting, but asked anyway. "What would that be?"

"Well, I could use your arse."

Yeah, that is what Draco figured he meant. He felt scared, but he wanted to please Cas. A part of him wanted to feel Cas inside him, make love to Cas. "I'll do it."

Cas didn't seem sure it was a good idea. "I loosened up pretty well while I was blowing you, but this is your first time. It will hurt."

Draco thought for a moment, but he knew he'd want to do this sometime, so why not get it over with? "I want to do it."

"Alright, but stop me if its too bad." Cas said, taking off his boxer briefs. His dick was bigger than Draco's, maybe an inch longer and slightly thicker. Draco was suddenly aware of how much bigger it was than a finger.

Cas, going to his dresser, got some kind of potion and opening the vial, poured some in his hand and rubbed it on his hard dick. "This will make it easier."

Draco nodded.

"Lift your heads, and hold them high." Cas instructed. Draco thought it'd be hard, but he was apparently more nimble than he thought, though he did feel very exposed.

Cas layed down on top, and positioned himself. "Are you ready Draco?"

With a deep breath, Draco said "Yes."

Cas placed his cock against Draco's entrance, and gently pushed forward. His fingers did a good job earlier, and he was actually going in better than he expected. Draco's face help mixed expressions. First it was a grimace, but there were quick points when he seemed to react to something good.

"How does it feel?"

"It kind of hurts, but it feels good to be so... full. Feels like a perfect fit." He smiled encouragingly.

Cas pressed on, and finally was all the way in. Draco felt very hot around his dick, and oh so tight. He slowly pulled himself back out, but more quickly than when first putting it in. Draco gasped.

"You ok?"

"Yes, try going faster." Draco cooed.

Cas had been holding himself back in order not to hurt Draco, but with those words, he let his lust take over. He began a steady pace, all the way in and all the way out. Draco moaned as he went faster. Leaning down, Cas sucked on nipples, chest, anything of Draco's that made contact with his lips as his thrusting became more insistant, more desperate. Draco moaned loudly, and often. He was hard and throbbing again. Cas was moving as fast as he could. His young, lean body was very cooperative, pounding Draco.

The most amazing feeling was shivering through Draco. There was pain, but the faster Cas went the more he stretched, and the more often his hard cock rubbed against that sweet spot deep inside. With a little effort, he edged his hand down to his member. Cas was so leaning down so vigorously, using his tongue on Draco's chest, that it was hard for him to get his hand between them. It was worth it though, Draco could already feel another orgasm coming closer and closer as Cas rammed into him, sending pleasure throughout his body. He stroked himself quickly. Cas was making short gasps and moans. He was going so fast, he had to cum soon. Draco wanted to cum with him. His hand was like a blur.

Cas felt Draco snaking his hand between them to his hard dick, which kept poking him in the chest. This turned him on incredibly to know that Draco was going to orgasm again from this. He could feel Draco's hand moving quickly, he would cum soon. Cas wanted to cum at the same time. He began pushing even harder, pulling even faster. Finally with one last thrust he buried himself to the hilt and erupted at least 6 full times deep into Draco, just in time to hear Draco gasp and orgasm as well. Very little cum came out, but that was expected.

Neither of them moved for several minutes, just enjoying the feeling. As Cas felt himself softening, he gently pulled out, and planted big kiss on Draco, who kissed back eagerly.

"So, happy you came? And came, and came." Cas laughed.

"Oh yeah! That was the best experience of my life." Draco gasped.

"I'm glad to hear that, " Cas replied, through breathes. That was quite a work out. "I was worried that you were going to hate me, for what I did."

Draco thought for a moment. He really should hate Cas, but they had such a perfect time together. He realized that if it wasn't for Cas, he wouldn't have experienced this. Not ever, perhaps. "Cas, I did hate you at first, but to be honest, if it wasn't for the whole spell thing, I'd have never known how great you are, and what fun we can have."

Cas grinned, then suddenly looked alarm. "How long has it been? My dad will probably be home soon!"

Draco tried to hop up quickly, but his legs were still a little shaky and he fell the first time. Cas, reaching from the bed, helped him up. "Careful."

"I don't know how your dad is about this sorta thing, but I really don't think I want others knowing." Draco said.

"My dad is open minded, but if that's how you want it, I can accept it." Cas said, though had a small frown.

Draco wanted to comfort him, but he felt he should hurry. It was definitely closing in on an hour. He felt sore in several places, but he managed to get dressed. Still naked, Cas saw him to the door. With one last kiss, Draco left and headed back for the castle.

As he walked, he really couldn't believe how well this turned out. Sure he didn't really like Cas, it was just magic, but who cares? In fact, he actually preferred that this was magic's doing. Now he had a perfect excuse for how much he enjoyed that, and how much he lusted for Cas. He couldn't help it, so why feel guilty? Plus even if he got passed the guilt, he'd never have had the nerve to go through with anything. He was tempted to say that Cas did him a favor.

Upon arriving in Hogwarts, and heading towards his Common Room, he saw Umbridge looking livid.

"Malfoy! Where have you been? Come quickly, I need your help." She lead him toward the hall containing the swamp, where he noticed it was more foul than ever.

"That blasted potion didn't work! Now it's even worse. I should have seen this coming. That damn man and his damn squib son! I don't want anyone to know about this. If you see anyone trying to use this hall or talking about it, send them to me immediately!" She exclaimed.

Draco furrowed his brow. What did she say? "Headmistress?"

"What?" She hissed.

"Who is a squib?"

"That son of Adusto's! I don't remember his name, starts with C. He dropped your coat off to me last week, said you forgot it. You can pick it up from my office on your way back to the Common Room."

"My coat has been here for more than a week?"

"Yes, Malfoy. Are you thick today?"

"And Cas can't do magic at all?"

"That is what a squib is last I checked, boy. Now, off with you." She spat, gesturing for him to go.

"But, I've seen him do magic! Their house is always warm, and the pans worked on their own!"

Umbridge turned to look directly at Draco, as if trying to fathom if Draco was toying with her.

"I don't know what has gotten into you Malfoy. If you must know, Adusto has the house enchanted to do basic chores, like cooking and cleaning, since naturally without magic he is practically helpless. Now, off with you." She spoke slowly, and in her most dangerous voice.

"But, but, but..." Draco stuttered, "That means... but... well damn it!"

The End.

There you have it. If you enjoyed this story, please take a moment to let me know. My address is Niftyrocks@yahoo.com

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