A Jock-Nerd Story

By James Adams

Published on May 19, 2012



Disclaimer: this story contains material of a sexual nature. If you are younger than the legal age limit in your country,or material of this nature is not legal in your country then you should not read any further. This is a fictional story about people who do not exist and all similarities between this story's plot line, characters, names, places, or any other item are purely coincidental.If you choose to ignore this message then do so at your own risk and I will not be held responsible. This story is not to be copied under any circumstances and is solely for the Nifty Archives.


Hey Nifty Readers, This is a new series that I hope to write many chapters for. I have written other short stories for Nifty but this is my first long series that I hope to continue with. If you like the story please send me feedback to the email address above. Suggestions are always welcome too! I always respond to any emails that I receive so don't feel like you're going to be ignored :) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this first part, Best Wishes James x



High school, playground of the popular the beautiful and the talented, it had been my hell from the moment I stepped foot into the place. I was at the bottom of the social heap, with no friends and absolutely no self- confidence. I was a ripe picking for every school bully.

Now I wasn't a complete loser, I was super intelligent. But that counted for nothing with the reigning monarchy of the school. The self-proclaimed and almighty Jocks and their cheerleader whores. I was like the jester of a medieval court, there to be laughed at and humiliated. Yes I had grown tired of it but there was nothing I could ever do about it. I just kept telling myself. It couldn't get any worse right...

"YO NERD!" It was one of my numerous everyday bullies doing his daily chore' of terrorising me. Putting my history text book into my bag I closed my locker and started heading off to the library. My one and only sanctuary, it was like nerd church only without all the miracles and holy bibles (Although I swear I saw some of the members of the Chemistry club stroking the science text books once). So anyway, I turned around and was met face to face with the Jock King himself, Nathan Hunt, he was the quarterback of the school's football team The Tigers' with bulging muscles in all the right places and forever a girl on his arm. He shoved me up against my locker making my bag crash to the floor and its contents scatter everywhere.

"Going somewhere?" he had his face inches from mine, his gleaming pearly white teeth blinding me and his minty breathe making me weak at the knees. "Umm... I was going to... the... umm... Library." I stammered. Weakness was painted all over my face like I'd collided with a tin of puny paint. Even I knew it was laughable, and the other kids that had started to crowd around seemed to think so too.

"Aww, I'm sorry, don't let me keep you from wanking over your text books" The crowd erupted with laughter, I had turned scarlet but Nathan had had his fun for today and so he pulled away and walked off, entourage in tow. I grabbed my bag and started loading my spilled books back inside. I felt so small, so inferior, so rejected.

By this point the crowd had dispersed and I carried on with my plans of going to the library. It was still the safest and quietest place in school. Walking down the corridors I felt invisible. I had to move out of the path of nearly everyone walking in the opposite direction or get walked into. The teachers were almost as bad as the pupils. I still think some of them don't even know my name.

The rest of the day went by as normal. The school bell rang marking the end of the day and I left English to put some books into my locker. Usually at the end of the day the rest of the school just scrambles out of the place to get home as soon as possible so it was rather empty when I reached my locker. As I was putting my books into my locker Nathan and his latest girlfriend Ashley rounded the corner.

"YOU'RE SUCH A JERK! DO YOU KNOW THAT NATHAN!" Ashley was shouting at him, clearly she was pissed. Nathan on the other hand didn't seem that bothered. "Listen babe, nothing happened! I swear to you." He tried leaning in for a kiss but Ashley just stormed off in the opposite direction and he was left standing there. It wasn't until this point that I realised I was staring, unfortunately so did Nathan.

"Got a problem nerd?" He shot at me. Hurrying up with my books, I placed the last one in and closed my locker, but Nathan couldn't let this slide. I'd seen him getting humiliated and he couldn't have that. "Enjoy the little show did you?" He pushed me against the locker just like earlier, and just like earlier his breath and scent was intoxicating. "N..No, I swear I won't tell anyone" Not that anybody would listen or believe me in the first place anyway.

"You'd better keep your mouth shut! Or you'll be in for a whole world of pain. Now fuck of you queer, I feel sick just looking at your faggot face" Not needing to be told twice I grabbed my bag and staggered down the hall. Getting out into the car park I walked to my car, taking in the cool air and feeling the warm caress of the wind on my cheeks, I unlocked my car throwing my bag onto the passenger seat and hopping in. It wasn't until I got in that I realised all of Nathan's rough handling had given me a hard-on.

I'd always known I was different from other boys from an early age. It wasn't until I was about 13 when I hit puberty that I realised I didn't have any attraction to women and that I actually liked men instead. Now 17, I was still a virgin and still haven't felt what it's like to be in love. I came out when I was 16 and I'd have to say it was the best and worst thing I ever did. Inside I felt free and myself for the first time in my life, but at school it just gave the jocks the knives and spears to stab me with. My parents were supportive of my decision and told me that they loved all the same, I was still their Kieran. Just like any other normal teenage boy, I was horny almost ALL the time. But it wasn't until I started to get physically abused by the jocks at school that I realised I liked the roughness of it, being dominated by a guy turned me on, especially when that guy was as hot as Nathan.

I'd known Nathan since kindergarten, but we'd never been friends. He lives in the wealthy side of town in the luxury apartment blocks called `The High-rises'. His parents are both loaded, his mum is this huge celebrity manager and his dad a multimillion dollar businessman. He lives the life every teen wishes they had. He gets everything he wants and he makes sure everybody knows it.

I on the other hand come from a middle-class upbringing. My family isn't wealthy but we're not poor, my parents have their own law-firm together so they're not exactly financially strained. Even though I am an only child, I wasn't spoiled like Nathan who has two older brothers, that was down to my own parent's upbringings, traditional values they call them. They did however buy me a car last year for my 17th and my college fees are already waiting in a savings bond for when I graduate. We live in a 4 bedroom detached house in a quiet suburban neighbourhood on the east side of town.

I pulled into the driveway of my house, neither of my parents cars were in the garage so I knew they must be working late. It wasn't uncommon for them to not come home until 7pm, and sure enough when I dropped my keys into the bowl on the kitchen counter I saw a note mom had left me: "Working late, picking up takeout for dinner. There's leftover lasagne in the fridge if you get hungry. Love Mom xx"

Getting some OJ from the fridge I made my way upstairs to my room, switching on the computer and dropping my bag down next to my desk. My hard-on from earlier had come back and was now pushing at my jeans to escape. Pulling up some random gay porn video it didn't take me long to jack off, images of Nathan throwing me up against the lockers, his fresh breath blowing into my face were running through my mind. I knew it was wrong to be turned on by this. They were physically harassing me and I liked it!


Thanks for reading! There's more coming soon! Please send any feedback/suggestions/comments to niftybook@hotmail.com Next Time: Chapter Two - Reaching New Levels

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