A Long Walk Home From School

By Captain Swing

Published on Sep 18, 2006



Adult fiction for the entertainment of willing victims, uh, readers, only.

Jonathan heaved a small sigh of relief as he rounded the corner and started down the short cul-de-sac where he had lived for the past month. He silently said a short prayer of thanks that the first week of high school was over. It wasn't enough that he'd started a new school in a new town where he knew no one. He also knew that he made an almost irresistible target for too many of his schoolmates: one of the smallest boys in the freshman class, a brain in a school where jock culture was the dominant religion, one of the few Asians, and, even he had to admit, undoubtedly a nerd. To some extent he held a perverse pride in his nerdinesss: he wasn't ashamed of being smart. Wearing glasses had been part of his life since he was five and he couldn't be bothered trying contacts. His straight black hair didn't lend itself to trendy styling. And he liked wearing long-sleeved white shirts and dark dress pants; that was the way his father dressed for work and Jonathan loved and respected his father. David Chan had come from Taiwan fifteen years earlier with nothing, speaking hardly any English, and he was now a full professor at an Ivy League University, recently recruited to join one of the top Physics Departments in the US. Jonathan hoped to be as successful as his father some day, and he dressed like him as an unconscious form of salute. Besides, he thought most of the other kids in school looked like slobs, with their too-big teeshirts and their baggy jeans practically falling down.

Still, it was hard sometimes not fitting in. At his previous school he had gradually found a small group of friends, boys, and a few girls, like himself, more interested in academics than sports, more into classical music than hip-hop, more likely to play chess than basketball. Now those friends been left behind and he had to start all over. In truth, the first week could have been worse. Jonathan had been surprised to find so many other Asian kids, many of them the children of other University families. Many were Indian, or Pakistani or Japanese and though they really had no more in common than Swedes and Turks do they formed a sizable enough minority to provide some sense of community. And there were plenty of other smart kids too; Jonathan felt he'd met a few potential friends. But he had felt all week like a very small fish in an overwhelmingly big pool, probably the smallest fish. Though at twelve, almost thirteen, Jonathan was the proper age for his class, he was several inches-- several long inches--shy of five feet tall, barely eighty pounds, and he'd heard more than once other kids in the hall comment on his size, questioning if he really belonged in high school. One pimply lout had actually stood in front of him and asked "You lost, kid? Aren't you supposed to be in the elementary school?", but when the lout's friends all duly laughed Pimpleface had turned and walked away with them. Other than that, nobody has physically threatened Jonathan, or insulted him to his face, but he'd spent much of the week with a small, vague ball of fear in his gut. He knew things would probably get better as the year went on, but for now he was glad he was almost home and wouldn't have to worry about things until Monday.

Jonathan's heart sank as he heard a car slow down and turn the corner behind him. He wasn't quite home free yet. He glanced to his left and, as he feared, it was the black Mazda that he knew belonged to the guy who lived in the house next to Jonathan's. His name was Doug, as Jonathan had just found out the day before, and he was the only other highschooler on Jonathan's street. He was a senior and he was exactly the kind of guy Jonathan had spent the whole week trying desperately to stay out of the way of. The two had never spoken, never met, even though they'd lived next door to each other for a month; Jonathan had done his best to make sure of that. Before the Chans had moved in, the real estate agent had told them that there was another boy who went to the same school that Jonathan would be going to living next door and, with a brainless smile acted like that was a selling point. Jonathan had had his doubts, and when he first saw his new neighbor knew there was no way in Hell the two would ever be friends. The guy was almost the Anti-Jonathan: tall, blond,athletic, handsome, All-American looking. And he was obviously older; the very fact that he had a car meant he was at least seventeen, and he looked like he could be even older. He apparently had lots of friends too: boys and girls who looked just like him (to Jonathan) were always coming and going next door. Jonathan had done his best to avoid him; he wanted to spare himself the humiliation that he knew would probably come by being around somebody like that. It hadn't been hard: Jonathan was the kind of kid who spent most of his time indoors anyway, and Doug didn't seem to be home much.

It was one of Jonathan's new school acquaintances who had told him the guy's name was Doug. The two were eating lunch in the cafeteria when Jonathan saw his neighbor walk in the door with a bunch of his friends. Just making conversation, Jonathan told Darren that the guy who seemed to be the center of attention lived next door to him. Darren was impressed: Doug Stone, it seems, was one of the school's stars, a top jock in both soccer and baseball, treasurer of the senior class, one of the most admired guys in school. Jonathan wasn't surprised: that's what Doug LOOKED like. He might live next door, but Jonathan hoped he'd never know Jonathan was alive. So it was that he slowed down as he saw Doug's car pull into his driveway. Jonathan had to walk past Doug's house to get to his own, but he figured Doug would hurry inside as he usually did. If Jonathan dawdled, Doug would never even see him.

To Jonathan's dismay, Doug got out of his car and stood next to it, making no move to go inside. And he seemed to be looking in Jonathan's direction. Jonathan slowed his pace even more, but knew he'd look like a complete fool if he stopped or turned around. He trudged on. To his shock, Doug spoke "Hey! How ya doin' ?"

Jonathan actually turned and glanced behind him, finding it impossible to believe that the golden-haired jock was speaking to him. Doug saw this and laughed lightly. "No. You. How's it going?"

Jonathan knew he had to respond. He couldn't imagine why Doug was speaking to him. Kids like Doug never spoke to kids like Jonathan. This had to be some sort of joke, a joke of which Jonathan knew he'd be the punchline. Yet he had to answer; he couldn't just walk on and pretend he hadn't heard. If nothing else, it was rude, and his parents had always taught him to be polite.

"Uh. Hi."

Doug smiled again. Jonathan knew the smile had to be fake, that Doug was somehow continuing the joke. But he couldn't figure out how. His confusion deepened as Doug spoke again. "I saw you in school today. I didn't realize you went there. I thought you were...you know...younger" He grinned and shrugged a little to take the sting out of the possible insult.

Jonathan had too many other concerns to be insulted about his size. "Uh. Yes. I am a freshman." Jonathan had been born and grown up in the US, but, living with parents for whom English was a second language, his speech sometimes had a stilted, formal sound.

Doug walked from his car toward the sidewalk where Jonathan stood and held out his hand. "I'm Doug. I should have introduced myself when you moved in but I never really had a chance. How are you?"

Jonathan shook Doug's hand in a daze. "Uh. Fine." He stood awkwardly, unsure what to say next, if anything, wishing he had left school two minutes earlier, or later, or walked faster.

Doug looked at him expectantly, then finally spoke. "Do you have a name?"

Jonathan broke out of his daze, but was still wary. "Oh. yes. Sorry. Jonathan. Jonathan Chan."

There was another awkward pause, which Doug finally broke. "So, you're a freshman? That means you're what? Thirteen?"

"Yes. Well, almost. Three more weeks."

Doug continued to look at Jonathan with a slight smile and a look Jonathan couldn't figure out. He still felt that something was amiss, that Doug wasn't merely being cordial to a new neighbor. But he couldn't sense any hostility. If this was somehow a joke, there was no apparent point to it. Maybe Doug wanted something from him, but Jonathan couldn't guess what. In any event, he felt he'd lingered as long as good manners required. He turned to go. "Well, nice meeting you. See you."

Doug stopped him. "Wait. You like video games? My friend Danny just loaned me the new Madden Football. You want to try it out?

Jonathan couldn't help but stare at Doug, open-mouthed. This HAD to be a joke or a prank or something. There was no way a jock senior, the most popular kid in school wanted to waste his time playing video games with a nerdy little chess-playing freshman, neighbor or not. As it happened, Jonathan loved video games and was very good at them; while sports games weren't his favorite, he had played tons of them and wouldn't mind trying the new one. But not like this. He started to move away. "No thank you. I've got to get home. Maybe some other time."

But Doug wasn't so easily put off. He smiled at Jonathan, giving him the full-power dazzle he knew from long experience would make most anybody do whatever he wanted them to. "Ah, come on. Why not? Just for a while. It's supposed to be great, a lot better than the last one. I don't have anybody else to play it with me right now; I saw you on the street and thought maybe you'd like to. Come on, what do you say?"

Jonathan hesitated. Doug didn't really seem like somebody that would be that much into video games, but if he was that was a plausible explanation for why he was bothering to speak to Jonathan. Jonathan was almost persuaded. Almost, but not quite. Something was still fishy.

"I've got homework I have to do."

Doug looked at him askance. "On Friday afternoon? Nobody does homework on Friday afternoon."

Jonathan was floundering. "My mom's expecting me home."

Doug turned around and looked toward Jonathan's house next door. "She drives that Accord, doesn't she? I don't think she's home." He gave another 1000-watt smile. "Come on. You're out of excuses."

Stronger men than Jonathan had been unable to say no to Doug when he turned on the charm. Women too. Jonathan had to acknowledge defeat. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? Doug wasn't going to take him inside and murder him, or beat him up even. He didn't have a bunch of his friends inside who were going to gang up to humiliate Jonathan and steal his lunch money. Doug hadn't been anything but friendly; only Jonathan's suspicion made the situation seem sinister. Maybe Doug really did just want to play video football. Maybe they'd have fun.

It was fun, actually, Jonathan had to admit to himself. By the third game he was feeling a little bit ashamed that he's been so suspicious. They'd gone up to Doug's room where he had his Xbox set up and he'd produced the game from his backpack; there was no hint that he had anything else in mind other than playing it. Doug had won the first game easily.. While Jonathan might be the more adept game player, Doug understood the nuances of football much better. Plus, Jonathan's nervousness made his movements stiffer: he couldn't manage his usual dexterity. By the second game he'd loosened up enough to play more skillfully, and his quick mind had enabled him to grasp the mental aspects of the game completely. He still lost, but it was a much closer contest. The third game was a marathon, When Jonathan finally took the lead he wondered a little if Doug was easing up on him, but he soon realized that Doug was doing his best, concentrating fully on winning the game. Doug's natural competitiveness made it impossible for him to go easy on an opponent. That, to Jonathan, made his ultimate victory all the sweeter. He sat back on the bed, his face flushed, a huge grin on his face, savoring his triumph. He knew it was only virtual football, but the idea that he, nerdy, scrawny, puny little Jonathan had beaten the big macho jock at football was a real ego massage. He looked over and caught Doug staring at him, an odd, unreadable look on his face. Doug had been a good loser, congratulating Jonathan when he won,and patting him on the back, but Jonathan wondered if he actually was resentful. It didn't seem likely, but Jonathan couldn't think of another explanation for the look on Doug's face, a look he'd never seen before on anyone. He thought it was probably a good time to go home.

"Well, thanks for the game. Games. I'd better be going now. See you."

Doug's face instantly changed from the strange stare to his patented charm-look, "Oh you don't have to go yet, do you? Stay a while longer. Let's play again, you wanna? I can't let a squirt like you beat me and then just leave." He smiled broadly and then took on a more pensive, thoughtful look. "Or....." He stopped.

"Or what?" Jonathan asked.

Doug hesitated, then shook his head. "No, nothing. Never mind."

Like most people, Jonathan hated it when someone did that. "What? What were you going to say?"

Doug paused, then shrugged. "Well, I just got this hot new DVD the other day. You know....a porno. There's this chick in it who's so freakin' hot! I was just going to ask if you wanted to watch it with me. But you probably don't. You're probably not interested in shit like that."

Jonathan felt his face flush again. He'd never expected something like this. He'd never seen a porno before, and never thought much about it. The whole subject of sex was something that Jonathan never thought much about. He knew all the nuts and bolts about the "facts of life," had known for years, but they just didn't seem that relevant to his own life. He'd begun to enter puberty about nine months earlier and had found the changes in his body interesting, more as a scientific phenomenon than as something that was going to change the way he lived. He'd been pleased and intrigued by the appearance of pubic hair and the noticeable increase in size of his genitals, but didn't obsess about it; he wasn't concerned with how he might compare with his contemporaries. He'd never had the opportunity to check out the size of his friends' dicks and in fact the idea had never occurred to him.

A month or two after Jonathan had first noticed the little hairs sprouting on the smooth skin above his penis he had experienced his first, and so far only, wet dream. He'd woken up confused in the middle of the night, with vague memories of a strange, enjoyable dream which had somehow ended in an overwhelming, intense burst of pleasure centered in his groin. He reached down and felt the wetness on the front of his pajamas, and after a moment of panic thinking he'd wet the bed, he realized what must have happened. He had read about "nocturnal emissions" in a sex education book he'd received at school and deduced that was what he had experienced. He briefly felt a burst of pride that he was now officially a man, but soon fell back into a deep sleep. When he awoke in the morning he had forgotten all about it until feeling the still-damp spot on his pajamas brought the memory back. He filed it away in his mind and got up to get ready for school.

A few weeks later Jonathan awoke on a Saturday morning with his now almost five-inch dick as hard as it had ever been. It was a regular occurrence for him to wake up with a hard-on, but he usually ignored it. By the time he would reach the bathroom his dick would have softened enough for him to pee, after which it would go down completely. This particular morning, with no school, Jonathan decided to lay in bed for a few minutes. For no particular reason, he brushed his hand across the little tent his dick was making in the bedspread, and was shocked at the intense sweet thrill that surged through his penis. He couldn't resist repeating the motion and felt the feeling again. Jonathan threw the bedspread back and, reaching down, worked his erection out through the fly of his pajamas and stared at it. Almost involuntarily he reached out his hand and grasped the hot little spike. He hadn't been brought up to believe that "playing with himself" was sinful or taboo. Rather it was to be considered crude, undignified, low-class, vulgar, something that should be beneath someone like him. At this moment he didn't care. He began instinctively to slide the smooth skin covering the hard shaft up and then down. He had been circumcised at birth, so the pink little helmet was never covered, and it glistened. Jonathan was astounded at how much pleasure he could coax out of the little tube of flesh that before now had only ever been used to empty his bladder. He soon established a regular rhythm and increased his pace. Within a minute the pleasure built to an almost unbearable crescendo. He almost stopped his stroking : it felt too good to bear. But it felt too good to stop. Just when he thought he couldn't stand it anymore, his dick gave a heavy throb and a jet of thick white goo spurted out onto Jonathan's chest, quickly followed by two more of equal size and then two smaller dribbles. Jonathan hadn't thought to take off or open his pajama top so the globs of wet gunk lay there soaking into the fabric as Jonathan breathed heavily and slowly recovered. He continued to toy with his rapidly deflating penis until it became too sensitive to touch, then, barely lingering to savor the moment, jumped up and hurried to the bathroom to clean up.

Unlike many boys, probably most boys, Jonathan didn't react to his first mind-blowing masturbation by repeating the trick as soon and as often as he could. He wasn't at all ashamed of what he'd done, in fact he was rather proud, but he didn't see the need to quickly duplicate it. In fact it was three weeks before the build-up in his balls and another lazy morning led him to his second jerk-off, almost as satisfying as the first. By the time he met Doug he'd only masturbated five or six times in total. Jonathan was gratified to realize he was a sexually-capable being, but basically thought of sex as something for other people, not him. In his wildest dreams he couldn't imagine that anyone else would ever want to have sex with him. He hoped that when he was older, in college maybe or in his twenties, he'd meet a girl who liked him and he'd get married. For now, the thought that any girl would want to get to know him, or go on a date with him, much less have sex with him, was too preposterous to consider. He'd leave that for the future, for adults, or for jocks like Doug, who no doubt had all the sex he could handle. But still, Jonathan was a normal, healthy, almost-teenage boy, and with a normal almost-teenage sexual curiosity than hadn't been fully satisfied by the books he'd read; the idea of watching a porno movie was too tempting to reject out of hand. Besides, Jonathan could recognize the insult implicit in Doug's comment that he wouldn't be interested.

"What makes you think I wouldn't be interested?" Jonathan was actually a little bit offended, and it must have shown in his voice.

Doug looked a little bit contrite. "No offense. I just thought you were ....I don't know.... too young or....something."

"I'm not too young." Actually, Jonathan thought he maybe was too young; he had never even thought about watching a porno movie. Like driving a car, or voting, or joining the army, he'd always thought of that as something for adults. But it irked him that Doug thought he was too young....or something.

Doug smiled. "Okay! Great! So you want to watch it with me?"

"Sure," Jonathan said with more enthusiasm than he actually felt. His vague sense of unease had returned.

Doug smiled at Jonathan again and stood up "I'm just going to change my clothes, okay? I'll just be a second." This didn't strike Jonathan as strange; he always changed out of his school clothes as soon as he got home and it was natural for Doug to do the same.. He expected Doug to go into the adjoining bathroom to change since there was someone else in the room, and so was a little startled when Doug stood up and immediately began to peel off the colorful striped shirt he wore half-buttoned, followed by the black tee he wore underneath. Jonathan couldn't help but admire the older boy's torso. He didn't particularly respect athletes, in fact was slightly contemptuous of then, feeling mental ability far outweighed the physical, but he had to admit that Doug's muscular body was attractive. The muscles in his arms and chest were clearly defined and well-developed, giving an impression of healthy strength, but not overgrown. Jonathan had never realized that a person's back could show so many muscles, each of which moved easily as the jock turned. Doug's skin was smooth, almost flawless, adorned only by a tiny patch of hair in the middle of his chest and a heavier line which started at his navel and aimed straight down before disappearing under the waistline of his pants.

Jonathan turned his head when he realized that Doug was beginning to unfasten his belt. He was shocked that Doug would take off his jeans with Jonathan in the room. Jonathan's family wasn't prudish, exactly, but they were always modest. None of them would ever think of casually letting someone else see them in their underwear, or of intruding on someone's privacy. Jonathan realized that he was in Doug's room and that Doug had a legitimate reason for stripping; the least Jonathan could do was look away. He couldn't resist taking one quick glance, though, and got a brief glimpse of Doug's plaid boxers. When Jonathan glanced again he was relieved, mostly, to see that Doug had put on a gray athletic tee with the school's name on the front and a pair of cutoff gray sweatpants.

Doug rummaged in one of his bureau drawers and emerged with a DVD, which he inserted into the player. "Why don't you take off your shoes and lay back on the bed. It'll be more comfortable." Jonathan, who had been sitting on the edge of the bed the whole time, complied. Doug's suggestion made sense. He scooted back and propped himself up on one of Doug's pillows. It was a queen size bed, so Jonathan didn't feel crowded when Doug laid down next to him, but he slid over a little to put a bigger space between them. He stared at the TV screen with only a very tiny ball of nervousness in his stomach and a look of slightly-wary anticipation on his face. As the credits finished and the movie began, wasting almost no time on boring preliminary set-up, Jonathan's face changed, his eyes widening and a look of sheer astonishment taking over.

✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲ ✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲ ✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲✲

Forty-five minutes later, Jonathan's face wore another look altogether. His mouth was slightly open, almost slack-jawed, as he heaved deep irregular sighing breaths. His eyelids fluttered as he was unable to control the muscles that held them up, just as he was unable to control many of his muscles, Jonathan no longer wore his glasses and he struggled to focus his eyes, switching back and forth from the writhing flesh on the TV screen to the blond curls on top of Doug's head, which bobbed up and down between Jonathan's wide-spread legs. Jonathan was naked except for his white shirt, which was unbuttoned and spread open, allowing open access to Doug's left hand, which roamed freely over Jonathan's belly and chest, stopping at random to dig in his navel, lightly pinch his tiny nipples, or brush through the thin patch of hair above his dick. Doug's attention was centered now on Jonathan's scrotum, as he licked the soft loose sac from the bottom, periodically pinching the soft folds of skin between his lips and even biting them very gently with his teeth. He stuck out his tongue to flip the small almond-shaped balls back and forth, sometimes taking one or both into his mouth with the whole bag, swabbing them wetly. Doug occasionally moved to either side, nuzzling, kissing, licking the inside of Jonathan's thighs and especially the smooth, utterly hairless creases at the top. As much as he could, Doug avoided the stiff prong that pulsated above. A million of Jonathan's sperms already swam aimlessly in Doug's stomach and he hungered for more, but he knew Jonathan was close to shooting again and Doug wanted to put that off for a while. He couldn't resist, however, reaching up occasionally to give Jonathan's dick a swift lick and to lap up the sweet droplets that bubbled out of the tip.

Jonathan's mind had given up trying to make sense of what was happening to him. He had surrendered to the waves of pleasure that washed upwards from his groin. He maintained enough control to stay silent, holding in the moans and whimpers that wanted to escape his throat, but beyond that he was nearly helpless, the willing prisoner of thrills he had never before imagined. Jonathan was aware, dimly, of where he was. He knew he was sprawled indecently on Doug's bed, nearly naked, his most private area wide open to Doug's lewd assault. He knew he hadn't been forced or coerced into such an impossible situation. But beyond that, he couldn't center his thoughts enough to figure out exactly how it all had happened.

When the movie had started, Jonathan had been stunned. He had considered, briefly, getting up and fleeing the room, aware that he was in over his depth, involved in something he had no idea how to handle. But he couldn't take his eyes off the TV screen. He understood what a porno movie was, he thought, but he hadn't expected anything so explicit. He'd expected to see bare bodies, maybe some kissing and hugging and discreet simulated lovemaking, but nothing like the obscene, no-holds-barred, no-holes-unfilled, action that flooded past him on the TV. As his mind recoiled, though, his penis had its own reaction. Jonathan was instantly hard, his newly- adolescent cock straining at the fly of his dress slacks. He was mortified at the thought that Doug would notice his bulging trousers, and tore his eyes away from the movie long enough to glance over at the older boy stretched out beside him. To his dismay, Doug was staring at him, at his groin in fact, seemingly uninterested in the contortions onscreen. Doug looked up to meet Jonathan's eyes and smiled, and Jonathan was a little bit relieved to see it was a warm friendly smile, not a smirk.

"Like it huh?" Doug asked, in a friendly tone.

Jonathan couldn't think of any answer but the obvious. "Yes."

Doug winked at him, then looked down again. "I can tell."

Jonathan turned away in, overcome by embarrassment.

Doug tried to soothe him. "Hey. Don't be embarrassed. It happens to everybody. Why do you think we watch these movies?"

Jonathan looked at him again. "Really?"

"Sure. Do you think people watch porn for the acting? Or the plot? Look." He directed Jonathan's gaze downward to where a large mound had grown in Doug's sweatpants. To Jonathan's astonishment, Doug grabbed the mass and began to knead it. "Guys watch porn to get themselves turned on, and then have a little fuuuuunnnn..... You like to have fun, don't you? Everybody does."

Jonathan didn't know where to look, still hypnotized by amazing antics on the screen, but captivated also by Doug's open groping of himself. After a few moments, Doug stopped abruptly and rose up on his elbows.. "Hey, sorry, but I gotta let this bad boy out." Without another word he lifted his butt off the bed and pushed his sweatpants and boxers down to just above his knees. He settled back down and returned his hand to the 7½ inch tower of flesh that jutted up from the forest of hair between his legs, stroking slowly.

Jonathan was afraid his head would explode. He heard a humming buzz that seemed to blot out any other sound. He felt his ears burn and knew his face was flushed. He felt a tightness in his chest and a gnawing anxiety in his stomach. Jonathan could remember seeing a human penis other than his own only once in his life. On their last visit to Taiwan Jonathan's father had taken him to a traditional bathhouse with other men in the extended family and he had seen dozens of naked men, including his father. But the atmosphere there had been completely non-erotic, the men maintaining their modesty despite their nudity, It was totally different from the sight of Doug openly displaying, flaunting really, his thick erection. Jonathan couldn't imagine anyone so brazenly showing off his most private part to someone he barely knew. It suddenly occurred to Jonathan that just maybe he was the one who was out of step. Maybe his experience was the unusual one. Just because he had never shared his sexuality with his friends didn't mean other boys didn't. Maybe all the cool kids shamelessly masturbated in front of their buddies. God! He thought he was so smart but he realized there was so much he didn't know!

"Hey, Jonathan?"

He managed to rouse himself from his daze to answer. "Yes?"

"You know, if you want to take yours out too it's okay."

Jonathan panicked, but managed to answer. "Um, no. That's okay."

"You sure? I mean, it's got to be uncomfortable like that." Doug nodded toward Jonathan's crotch, where the younger boy's dick still struggled to push free from its confinement. Jonathan shook his head.

"Okay." Doug went back to watching the movie, glancing over at Jonathan often.

Jonathan was tempted to do as Doug suggested. His dick was uncomfortably constrained in his pants. He fervently wished his erection would go down, but the stimulation of the movie and Doug's continuing masturbation made that impossible. Jonathan wanted to rub himself but his shyness prevented him---that plus the knowledge that if he did he would likely ejaculate into his pants. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to go home. But he wanted even more to stay, to watch Doug, to watch the movie, to understand what was happening to him, and to find out what was going to happen.

Doug spoke again. "You know, you really ought to open your pants at least. You're going to cum in 'em and I know what a mess that is." Jonathan's resistance was weakening and Doug could sense it. "Here, let me help you."

Jonathan lay frozen and watched as Doug leaned over and began to unfasten Jonathan's belt. Doug glanced up, and, finding no objection, unbuttoned Jonathan's trousers and began to pull down the zipper. Jonathan felt as if what he was seeing was happening to someone else. He dimly knew he should protest, should stop Doug, but he was powerless to act. Almost involuntarily he lifted up his butt to allow Doug to pull his pants down to his ankles. Doug came back up and used both hands to carefully pull the waistband of Jonathan's white jockeys away from his belly, not touching the hard little spike that throbbed within. Again, without consciously willing it, Jonathan raised up and the jockeys joined the trousers. Jonathan lay exposed from the waist down, his head spinning, his twitching five inches pointing straight out, waiting for something --- he couldn't imagine what.

Without warning, Doug leaned in and engulfed the expectant penis. Jonathan flinched in surprise, but instantly surrendered to the wave of bliss that swept over him. He felt the warm wetness that surrounded his dick, the first swipes of Doug's velvety tongue and within seconds he was shooting and shooting and shooting, emptying his balls into the older boy's eagerly swallowing throat. Doug kept the slowly shrinking penis in his mouth until he was sure he'd gotten every last drop of Jonathan's cum, then moved up on the bed, throwing his right arm around Jonathan's shoulders, With his left, he took Jonathan's limp hand and wrapped it around his own rock hard shaft, using Jonathan's small soft fingers to rapidly jerk himself to a massive climax, sending thick ropes of cum up his bare chest, nearly reaching his chin. Both boys lay back, breathing hard, slowly recovering.

Jonathan's mind was aswarm with conflicting thoughts. He was so deeply ashamed of himself that he was almost beyond shame, barely able to believe that he had indulged in such an obscene act. But at the same time he couldn't help being a little bit proud too. Most of all, though, he was confused. He had never heard he terms "blowjob" or "cocksucking." He'd read the phrase "oral sex" once or twice, but he'd had no idea what it meant and hadn't thought much about it. He couldn't imagine why Doug had done what he did, wondering if it was a spontaneous act that Doug had invented on the spot. But how could he do something so disgusting? And did he have any idea how good it had felt? Had he done it before? Did other guys do it?

Usually, once he had cum Jonathan lost all interest in sex for days, Today was different. The movie was still playing and attracted his attention again. He realized with surprise that one of the women onscreen had one of the guys' cock in her mouth and was doing just what Doug had done to him; Doug hadn't invented it after all. He glanced over at Doug, who looked back with a smile but didn't speak. For some reason, Jonathan felt his dick begin to stiffen again.

About this time Jonathan began to lose track of the sequence of events. His glasses disappeared, but he knew somehow that they weren't lost, that Doug had deliberately removed them. At some point Doug had unbuttoned Jonathan's shirt, to more easily stroke Jonathan's smooth chest. And Jonathan's pants and undershorts had been spirited away, leaving his legs unconstrained, free to be spread wide open by the older boy who controlled the action. It must have been after this that Doug's mouth had returned to Jonathan's dick, swallowing the little spike, now achingly hard again, to its base. Doug had worshiped the younger boy's penis with his lips and his tongue, bobbing, licking, swirling, sucking, until Jonathan had once more erupted into Doug's mouth.

Still Doug hadn't stopped. He'd left the spent penis alone for a while and kissed and licked his way up Jonathan;s chest, stopping to pay special attention to the tiny crater of the navel and the almost invisible nipples. He'd nuzzled Jonathan's neck, then moved up to lick and nibble the small soft ears. Jonathan lay unresisting, unable to muster a decision as to whether he liked or disliked what Doug was doing. Even when Doug placed his lips directly on Jonathan's and pushed his tongue into Jonathan's mouth, the young Asian boy didn't object. He wondered if maybe he did like what was happening when he felt, to his amazement, that his drained penis was stirring back to life. Doug noticed Jonathan's arousal too, and moved back down to Jonathan's groin.

It was at this point that Doug began his tongue bath of Jonathan's whole midsection, pushing the smaller boy's legs even wider apart to leave no part unrevealed. Jonathan was vaguely aware that his most private part of all, his anus, was open to Doug's view, but was unable to do anything about it. He knew he should be deeply ashamed, but his sense of shame seemed to have deserted him completely, overwhelmed by his excitement and his sense of bewilderment. How could Doug possibly want to see his anus? He evidently did. It even seemed that once or twice he had swiped his tongue across it, but that couldn't be possible could it? Jonathan stopped even trying to think. Finally, at long last and all too soon, Doug returned to Jonathan's twitching dick and slowly sucked him to a third and final orgasm. As Jonathan filled his mouth with another, smaller, load of sperm, Doug, who had been sporadically stroking his own thick cock as he feasted on Jonathan, let fly with his own copious emission onto the floor. As he caught his breath, he reached for a nearby rag to wipe up the mess. Only when he was finished did he realize he'd grabbed Jonathan's white jockey shorts. Somehow he doubted Jonathan would notice.

Doug stood up and gazed at the small figure sprawled on the bed, Jonathan"s eyes were closed, his tawny skin slicked with sweat, his glistening penis lying small and exhausted below the small patch of crinkly black hair. Doug couldn't help saying, more to himself than to Jonathan, "God, you are so fucking hot!"

The words entered Jonathan's brain and as he processed them, the impossibility of Doug's statement shook him out of his stupor. He sat up and looked directly at Doug. "What?"

Doug smiled, a little bit sheepishly. "You. You're so fucking hot."

Rather than being pleased, Jonathan felt that Doug must be making fun of him. "Why would you say that? I'm not hot."

Doug was a little surprised at Jonathan's reaction and wondered if the young boy misunderstood.. "I don't mean hot like hot and cold, I mean you're sexy as hell."

"I know that's what you meant but you can't be serious. Nobody would ever think I was sexy."

Doug smiled. "Are you kidding me? I guess you don't realize it, but you're one of the cutest kids I've seen in a long time. The first time I saw you out the window I thought 'Man, I gotta get me some of that.' I was praying I''d get a chance to get in your pants."

Jonathan was almost speechless in astonishment. He finally managed to blurt out "But I'm such a nerd!"

Doug laughed. He couldn't honestly deny that. "You look smart, that's all. That makes you even hotter. You've got such a cute face, and your glasses make you look so serious, and you're so little you look like a little kid, but you're not, you dress like a grown-up and you've got a grown up dick, and pubic hair and everything, and you can shoot. Man, I could suck your dick all day. You're the hottest kid I've ever messed around with."

Jonathan had so many questions he didn't know where to begin, but just then he heard a car slowing down outside and he realized it was his mother coming home next door. He had to get home instantly. He jumped up and began to search for his clothes. Doug helped him dress and make himself look presentable, not like a kid who'd spent the afternoon having sloppy wet sex. As expected, the soggy undershorts were the least of Jonathan's worries.. Doug saw Jonathan to the door. "You want to do this again sometime? There's a bunch of other stuff we can do that we didn't get to."

Again, Jonathan had questions but no time to ask them. "I don't know. Maybe. I guess so. Yes." He rushed out the door and hurried home.

Comments more than welcome. grubsnort@ comcast.net

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