A new universe by the sea

By moc.liamtoh@22221evets

Published on Oct 28, 2002



Mark, Roger, and Aaron had a long flight ahead of them, but at least one of them, Mark, suspected the journey would be over before he even realized it. That was because he had a lot to think about. These three young men had just graduated from college together, and as a reward Mark's father (who was quite a successful stockbroker) decided to send his son and his two best friends off to Greece, where he kept a summer home.

The three young men had been friends ever since the third grade, and they had been through a lot together. They had done all the normal things boys will do: built tree houses, gone on crazy backwoods bike rides, engaged in some underage drinking...they even shared stories of sexual conquests. However, Roger had never engaged in this last activity. Before the trip, Mark was allowed to find out why.

Roger had asked Aaron and Mark to go out to lunch last week. He'd set the reservation at one of the most in demand restaurants in town. It was no hassle for him to get a table there; after all, his father owned it. Mark and Aaron showed up and the hostess led them to Roger's table. In the back of the restaurant were several private dining rooms that fit anywhere from two to twelve people. It was set up this way because entire executive staffs or law firm partners liked to have business lunches here. As the hostess guided the two men back to one of these rooms, Mark couldn't help wondering what the need for privacy was.

Roger was in the room and apparently had been for quite some time. If it weren't for the shot glass, still smeared with whatever alcohol he was consuming, he would have been the perfect picture of class. A flawless work of art come to life, Roger stood at 5'10" and had a natural golden brown tan (such a relief to see in this world full of those fake ones that looked more like a lobster color). His perfectly aligned smile was one of nature's greatest gifts to him; a set of braces had never touched those teeth. Crowning his head was a picture-perfect arrangement of silky dark brown hair. There was a strong but not overly pronounced chin, a thin aquiline nose, and those leading-man brown eyes...deep, dark, and unknowable pools of mystery...yet how many people still tried swimming those waters to find some clue as to what kind of person lay beneath their calm, confident surfaces?

And these were the beautiful descriptions that could be found in just his face! What lay below Roger's neck matched the promise of his gorgeous head. First there were the broad, strong shoulders that looked like they were inherited straight from Atlas. Then as you proceeded down, you couldn't decide what to take in first. Was it the handsomely defined chest, broad and sticking out confidently but not arrogantly? Or how about the muscular arms, displaying the tough time you would be in for should you decided to get into a scuffle with their owner? How about that killer washboard stomach? And unlike many exercise fans, Roger had been no slouch in the leg department either. They were every bit as firm and powerful as they looked. When he did a side or roundhouse kick, there wasn't a single bit of flab available to jiggle on those perfect limbs. Yes, without a doubt Mark was in awe of his friend's physique...but it lacked a certain class when you looked at him after a couple of shots of Jack Daniels. Mark could smell it on Roger's breath as he and Aaron joined him that afternoon. Their trip was only a week away, and Roger had scheduled this meeting because he had something important to tell them.

The hostess said she would be sending in a waitress shortly. Mark and Aaron thanked her as she turned to leave. The three old friends shared idle chitchat until the waitress came with menus.

"Oh, you guys won't need menus. Just get drinks. I wasn't planning on this taking too long, okay?" Roger said.

Although this left Mark and Aaron stumped, they acquiesced nonetheless. Mark ordered a diet soda (because, unlike Roger, he couldn't consume large amounts of alcohol and still keep a buff figure). Meanwhile Aaron, who had never been a workout addict and always indulged himself (as his belly showed), ordered a couple of Budweisers.

Roger smiled and patted Aaron's back. "All right, now that's the spirit! Oh, and make that three Buds. I'm all done with shots."

The waitress nodded and took off. A sense of worry and great concern was growing inside Mark, and it started to show on his face.

"Hey, Mark," Roger said, "what's the matter?"

"Roger," Mark said with a sigh, "what is this all about? Drinking this heavily in the middle of the day, calling us into a private room? We're about to go have the time of our lives next week and you've got us...well, me anyway...worried as hell."

"Don't be. I'm just getting myself ready," Roger replied coolly, drunkenly.

Exasperated, Mark cried out, "Ready for what?"

"You'll hear once the waitress is gone again," Roger reassured him.

With a sigh Mark slumped back into his seat. He was content to just sit there in silence while Roger and Aaron continued on with their idle banter. It seemed an eternity before the waitress came back with their drinks. Finally she did, and once she was gone Mark leaned forward to hear every word Roger had to say.

"Well, after all this build-up, I'm hoping you guys will think I'm just a silly little worry-wart...but I've got something to tell you. A secret. A big secret, and I had to be drunk to tell you because I was worried there could be consequences. You might be angry with me. You might never want to be my friend again, but still I have to go through with this. I didn't want to be drunk for it, but my nerves were shot so bad I had to knock down some liquor, and I..."

With a cool, crisp voice Aaron interjected, "Roger, babe...it's okay. You don't need to give us a long explanation. Just say what you got to say."

"All right," Roger said with a sigh. "Guys, I'm gay."

Aaron had put the beer to his lips and tipped it halfway. For a second he stopped, then continued with the swig. Mark felt his whole body go numb; he couldn't even feel the glass in his hand or the seat under his rear end. The news was such a stunning blow that Mark wasn't sure what to feel. Aaron, on the other hand, was still chugging his beer and belching.

"Christ, Roger, is that all? I thought it'd be more elaborate than that," Aaron said through a chuckle and a burp.

Mark was still in shock. Roger, gay? The high school stud? The one guy ever girl wanted and every other guy wanted to be? Was that possible?

The silence concerned Roger. "Hey, Mark, say something. You're making me nervous."

"But you..." Mark faltered, then continued. "All those girls in school..."

Roger was shaking his head already. "Those were just to keep up appearances, my friend. You want to know something? I thank God for condoms. I wore one every time, and you know what it did? It kept those ladies from knowing I never even finished! That's right! You are looking at a man who has faked orgasms!"

Aaron burst into hysterical laughter, even gave Roger a high-five (after all, Aaron saw it as vicariously getting revenge on all the women who claimed they had faked every orgasm with him). Mark's heart was sinking. It wasn't that he thought less of Roger or didn't want to be his friend anymore; it was just that he'd had a certain image of his friend...had it for years...and now it all turned out to be false.

"Mark, are you okay with this? I mean, I can still go on this trip with you?"

Mark looked into Roger's eyes. They were soft, pleading, vulnerable. And in the instant when he saw these qualities, his heart lifted.

"Of course you're still going. It wouldn't be a vacation without both of my best friends in the world."

Relief spilled into Roger's eyes and smile. That had been last week. Now here they sat on the plane, ready to take off. Despite his softening after looking into Roger's eyes, there was still some knot of a problem in Mark's soul that needed to be untied. He couldn't rest until he figured out what it was.

Or at least he thought he couldn't rest, but by the time the plane was in the air for five minutes, Mark had already drifted off.

He didn't open his eyes again until the plane touched down. From there everything was a blur: rushing into the terminal, heading down to baggage claim, the endless mindless milling about as they waited for their bags, then awkwardly racing outside to get a cab. Traffic was a mess, but even though the crawl of the vehicles would normally upset these three men, it didn't have that effect here. They were too busy looking around at the sky, the landscape, the architecture. It was all so alien yet familiar. Just to think: the hands that constructed these buildings dreamed the same dreams they'd had in America. The eyes that looked up to the heavens in Greece were doing so with the same wonderment that Mark, Roger and Aaron had felt back home when they would stay out late and lie in fields of waist-high grass, staring up at the stars.

When they finally reached the house, they struggled in their minds to describe what they saw, but the house was indescribable. Looking out over the ocean and a beach that seemed to sprawl on endlessly, the two-story summer home looked like a mansion. And to think this was where Mark's dad spent only part of his time! Any other person would die for a house like this.

Upon entering the house, they found themselves in a living room. To the left was a set of stairs. (Mark also noticed there was a closet under the stairs. It had two folding doors with slats, not a standard solid door.) Straight ahead they could see into a kitchen. After admiring the layout, the three friends set about quickly deciding what rooms they would take. Mark took the room near the top of the stairs. Aaron opted for one near the bathroom. Roger explored downstairs and found another bedroom.

After having arranged their belongings they all reconvened in the living room. The jetlag was starting to set in.

"Hey, guys, how about a casual stroll down the beach?" Roger asked.

"Sure, but not too far. Starting to feel the fatigue," Mark said.

They saw no one else on their stroll, which Mark found odd, but he didn't mind it. About halfway down the beach Aaron broke off to wade in the water a bit. This left Roger alone with Mark.

"You aren't nervous to be around me by yourself now, are you?" Roger asked.

"Why? Just because you're gay? No," Mark lied. "I mean, I guess if anything makes me nervous it's just...well, you're part of a world I don't understand."

Roger took this in, and said, "Well, if you ever want to understand, just ask."

Mark wasn't sure if the statement had any hidden meanings. He decided to play it cool and said, "Okay, thanks."

Not another word was said about it.

The next day was spent going into the nearby town to gather up food and household supplies. After that, Roger suggested they go for a swim.

"But we still got to put all the stuff away," Aaron said.

"You guys go ahead. I'll take care of things," Roger replied.

With that Mark and Aaron got on their swim shorts and sandals. After grabbing a pair of towels, Mark went outside to wait for Aaron. He wasn't surprised (or happy) to see Aaron come out with a cooler full of beer, but he wasn't enough of a prude to protest. They headed down to the water, making idle chatter and enjoying the sight of the endless water and sand. While Aaron plunked down to open a beer, Mark wasted no time in plunging into the water. It was so refreshing to feel the cool liquid enveloping and caressing his aching body. He had a figure not unlike Roger's, but he was two inches shorter and not as clearly defined. His hair was dirty blond and his eyes the same color as the unbelievably blue ocean in which he now swam.

After a minute or so Mark trudged up the beach back to Aaron. He decided to forego all levels of prudish behavior and grabbed a beer. Having not tasted one in so long, Mark found the taste very pleasing.

Mark plopped down next to Aaron and said, "I wonder when Roger will come."

"Don't worry. Can't be much longer," Aaron commented.

Sure enough, soon after that Mark heard another pair of feet swishing through the sand. He turned to see Roger coming down the beach, but Mark was taken off guard by the very skimpy Speedo swimsuit he was wearing. Although Mark had worshiped and studied all other aspects of Roger's physique, he had never before noticed the very prodigious sex that he had been granted...but with such small concealment, it was impossible to avoid.

And then a strange thought shot through Mark's mind. He hadn't even finished his first beer, so he couldn't blame it on alcohol...but he found his own member stirring as he saw Roger's outlined sex. For a brief second this thought flickered in Mark's mind: he wanted to see it...not just revealed, but in action. But doing what? Certainly not doing anything to him.

Then, as soon as it had appeared, the idea vanished. His slightly erect penis was the only thing to suggest it had ever been there. When he looked into Roger's eyes, though, there was a strange glance sent his way...a glance of acknowledgement. Did Roger know what he had just been thinking? Mark could only hope he didn't know.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. All three men took turns drinking, swimming, sunning, and talking. When the beer ran low, Mark volunteered to run in for some more. He had to get away. His mind had been going back to that one thought again and again: he had looked at Roger's sex and (there was no doubt about it) not just wanted but LUSTED to see it in action. If nothing else, Mark could go into the bathroom and manually relieve himself. Maybe the release of his seed would be enough to expel the terrifying thought.

Instead, Mark decided to go to the fridge for more beer. A new idea had surfaced. He would press a bottle to his flaming loins and the desire would subside.

As he stood there, relaxing as the cool sensation spread across his groin, Mark heard the front door open. Thinking (or more like hoping) it was Aaron instead of Roger, he made quick work of gathering up some beer.

Then he heard Roger's voice calling from the living room, "Hey, Mark, could you come here a minute?"

Slowly, Mark replaced the beer and went into the living room. Mark was standing by the closet, his hands on his hips, a stance which made his sex stick out in an even more pronounced manner. The sight was stimulating, and Mark hoped Roger didn't notice his reaction. But how could he not see the crimson hue rise in Mark's cheeks?

"What is it, Roger?" Mark said. (Was his voice noticeably trembling?)

"I caught you checking me out," (Damn, Mark thought to himself.) "You never fooled around with another man?"

"No," Mark said. Which was true. Sure, he'd had his chances. Back as far as grade school he'd heard of circle jerks and the like, but he'd never joined in.

"I want you to be honest with me, Mark. Do you want to fool around with me?"

The answer was immediate. "No, that's not it."

Roger looked puzzled; he was certain the answer would have been affirmative. "Well then what was it? When you looked at me, it was no casual glance. It was a look of wonder. You were thinking something. Tell me what it was."

Almost whispering, Mark said, "I was thinking...I'd...I'd like to see it in action."

Roger smiled. "You mean, you want to watch me with another man?"

Mark nodded. Roger stepped forward and put his hands on his friend's shoulders. Their eyes met, and Mark's heart jumped into his throat.

"You might be surprised, but it could be arranged very easily," Roger whispered.

Astonished, Mark said, "But how?"

And then, as if on cue, they heard Aaron shout from outside, "Hey, guys, where's the damn beer? I'm losing my buzz."

Roger looked back over his shoulder, then at Mark. A look of disbelief spread over his face. Aaron was gay too? As if he heard the silent question, Roger nodded.

"Hurry up," Roger said. "In the closet."


"No protests now. I'm going to give you what you wanted," Roger assured him.

Mark was in the closet with the door closed before Aaron got in. He could see both of his friends through the slats. Roger and Aaron were now standing arm's length from each other. He was shocked to see Aaron put a caressing hand on Roger's chest.

"Where's Mark at?" Aaron asked.

"He went upstairs to nap." After a pause, he added, "Wanna have some fun?"

Aaron gasped and said, "You perv. He might hear."

Mark was stunned by this response. He'd expected a fistfight. At first he started to come up with all kinds of questions to ask Roger later. How long had Aaron been gay? Was he 100% into boys or was he bisexual? And how had Roger found out? More importantly, when Roger had called them to lunch at the restaurant, why had Aaron played along with the game as if he hadn't known what Roger was going to admit. Most of these questions were irrelevant, but Mark stored the last one in his memory.

"No he won't," Roger said in a purr. "He's passed out."

"But he could wake..."

To shut him up, Roger boldly leaned forward and kissed Aaron right on the mouth. Aaron tried to back away, but Roger quickly wrapped his arms around his waist. As the kisses continued, Aaron kept trying to push Roger back. His protests became less and less futile, and he was reciprocating Roger's passion.

Between kisses Aaron said, "Well, okay...let's go to your room."

"No...on the couch," Roger commanded.

With another shocked gasp Aaron said, "God, you are a risk-taker, aren't you?"

"You bet. Now get on the couch, cocksucker."

The last word shocked Mark. But he couldn't deny the effect it had on him; his hardening flesh would have betrayed his lie.

Aaron went over to the couch. His back was now to the closet. Roger stood in front of him; his sex was obviously aroused.

"Jesus, I never get over how big it is," Aaron cooed.

"Take it out," Roger ordered.

With that, Aaron's hands wrapped around the Speedo and slowly, seductively slid them down to Roger's ankles. The act of revealing was enough to make both Roger and Mark swell up to complete erection. In the closet, Mark lowered his own trunks as he took in the sight of his friend's penis. The swimwear had been holding him back. Although the sex had appeared big in the clothing, it sprang forward at least another inch more once it was free. The nerves were twitching with excitement, making the shaft and head bounce slightly. Everything about it was beautiful: the pubic bush that surrounded it like a picture frame, the two lovely testicles dangling below the member, and then the thing itself...a long, thick, gorgeously proportioned cock...yes, long and thick but not repulsively huge. The head was swollen like a plum, and almost the same hue as that sweet fruit. It was perhaps the most beautiful thing Mark had ever seen.

A shriek of contentment escaped Aaron's lips. "Oh my, I can't believe I get this all to myself."

"You sure do. Now suck it," Roger grunted.

Aaron reached a hand up to steady the throbbing sex as he leaned forward, eager and open-mouthed. Mark's stroking increased as he watched Aaron's head slowly bob back and forth; he heard Roger moan in approval. After a while Roger tugged on Aaron who, with an unhappy sigh, took the penis from his mouth and stood up. They kissed for a moment, then Roger pulled away.

"Be right back," Roger said.

He disappeared from sight. During the wait, Aaron unbuttoned the front of his swim trunks and pleasured himself. Roger returned, walking over to the couch with both hands behind his back. When he was beside Aaron, Roger brought his hands up in front...where Aaron could see but Mark couldn't. Apparently Roger had something in his hands because now Aaron was squealing in joy.

"Oh, I'm glad you brought that," Aaron said as he pushed his trunks to the floor and kicked them away.

"With you on this trip, how could I forget it?" Roger said.

They started making out again. Roger was doing something up in front. Mark couldn't tell what it was. One of Roger's hands slipped around to Aaron's rear end. With great vigor Roger started rubbing his fingers up and down the line between Aaron's buttocks. All of a sudden Mark noticed his friend's fingers were shiny and slick with some kind of substance.

My God, he thought, Roger is lubing him up.

He nearly came at the thought of what was about to go down but managed to hold off. In the meantime Aaron was squirming as Roger fingered his behind.

"God, Roger," he said while pawing at the prodigious shaft between them, "no more teasing. I want this in there."

"Okay, get down on the couch."

Aaron sat down and leaned back, scooting his rear forward. Roger knelt down between the other's legs. Then Aaron rested his feet on Roger's shoulders while Roger applied some lubricant to himself. With a great sense of despair Mark suddenly realized he wouldn't be able to see the act from this angle, and there was nothing he could do.

Suddenly Roger threw the tube aside. There was a moment of silence, then suddenly a great wail from Aaron as Roger thrust his hips forward. Roger waited until the scream died off, and eventually continued the motion. Mark pleasured himself faster and faster as he imagined that long shaft sinking into Aaron's backside. The moans now issuing from the submitting man were unbelievable, filled to the brim with an ecstasy Mark never knew a person could feel.

Eventually Roger stopped moving; his penetration was complete. After a while he resumed his thrusts, building and building to a frenzied pace. Aaron was hooting and hollering in joy as he was invaded. Then Mark saw something fly up in the air and realized Aaron was coming! This pushed him further to his own edge, but what really clinched it was when Roger suddenly pulled out and released his seed all over Aaron's chest and stomach. In the closet Mark's orgasm exploded at the same time.

"Oh, God!" Aaron exclaimed. "That's a new one."

"Yeah," Roger gasped, "thought I'd explore new territory."

"Well, I better get a shower now," Aaron said with a laugh.

"Use my shower," Roger suggested.

Aaron leapt up and, after a quick kiss to Roger, ran into his shower. Once it was obvious he was in it, Roger came over and let Mark out. He was pleased to see the mess Mark had made. It was an intimate moment.

"I'll clean up your mess, buddy. Hurry on upstairs."

And Mark did just that. Once he got on his bed, Mark fell asleep.

***** Mark didn't wake up until that night. When he did, he found himself already aroused and still imagining what the scene on the couch must have looked like. Apparently he'd been dreaming about it because the sheets were tangled and soaked with sweat.

Feeling rather disgusting, Mark went to the upstairs bathroom and hopped in the shower for a cool rinse. On the way he noticed Aaron's bedroom door was open, but he wasn't in there. Maybe they were having another tryst.

After the rinse, Mark realized he was feeling hyper; his hands were trembling. A beer might have solved that problem. But what if they were going at it like he suspected? He went to the top of the stairs and stood listening. There were no sounds, which meant it was okay. If they had been humping again, Mark probably would have heard it even over the shower.

He decided it would be a good idea to be cautious anyway, so Mark crept downstairs as noiselessly as possible. It was difficult navigating around to the kitchen in the dark, but he managed. On the way Mark looked to see if Roger's door was open, but he couldn't tell without any light.

In the kitchen it was easy to get over to the refrigerator. Mark reached in and grabbed a beer. He stood there with the fridge open as the cool liquid soothed his parched throat.

Mark didn't so much hear as he sensed Roger enter the room. All of a sudden he just had that tingling feeling people get when they know they're being watched. He turned around and saw Roger standing in the doorway, wearing a pair of light blue pajama bottoms. The dim light wasn't enough to completely illuminate his face, but Mark thought he detected hints of a smile. It also seems that his eyes were looking Mark over, pleased to see he was wearing the same trunks he'd had on in the closet.

"So," Roger said after a long silence, "what did you think of today's exhibit?"

"Well, it wasn't exactly family entertainment, was it?" Mark said after a long gulp of beer. "I'm just glad dad and mom didn't come on the trip."

"Ah, but if they had been there we would have been more discreet. The only reason I was so brazen was because of your request," Roger explained.

"Yes, and there's the rub right there, my friend," Mark said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Roger asked, perplexed.

"From where I was, I couldn't see the real action. I saw Aaron working you over with his mouth, but I couldn't see what I had really hoped to see," Mark said.

Even in the dim light, Mark could see Roger raise his eyebrows. Now he removed his figure from the doorway and slowly sauntered over to Mark.

"Oh really?" he said wryly. "That's the action you meant, huh? You wanted to see my cock fucking a guy."

Suddenly, with this proximity Mark found his throat going dry again. "Well, yeah," he croaked. Roger was now less than three inches away. He had to move. With an "excuse me" Mark closed the fridge and went over to the sink, facing away from Roger. But he could tell his friend was moving in behind him.

"And another thing: when we went to the restaurant, why did Aaron go along with it and pretend like he didn't know what you were going to reveal?" Mark asked.

"Because I asked him to. I didn't want you to feel bad because I waited longer to tell you than I did with him," Roger explained.

Mark gave himself a moment to take this in, then said, "Where is he anyway?"

"He went into town to enjoy the nightlife," came the immediate answer.

There was an awkward silence, filled by nothing more than the sound of Mark polishing off some more of his beer. Finally Roger spoke up.

"How did it feel to watch, though? Even though the angle was bad...which, by the way, I apologize for. I should've thought ahead," Roger said. "How did it feel, watching me fuck him?"

Another swig of the beer, and Mark answered, "It made me jealous. The whole thing did. Even just...even just seeing your cock made me jealous."

Confident that he knew the answer, Roger said, "Oh, because I'm big...so you were jealous of me."

"No," Mark said, spinning around slowly to face Roger. He set the beer on the countertop, looked Roger straight in the eyes and said, "I was jealous of Aaron."

Roger took in a quick breath of air, shocked by this turn of events. He looked Mark over again, judging how to approach the new situation. In his peripheral vision Mark noticed a bulge developing in the pajamas.

Roger took a step closer, and Mark could feel the bulge touching his own loins, which were coming alive as well. Both cocks strained through the fabric as if they were two puppies who just met, eager to check the other out.

"You want to take his place then?" Roger asked.

Mark gave a barely perceptible nod. It was all Roger needed. He took hold of Mark's hand, then turned away and led them both into his bedroom. In there he instructed Mark to sit on the bed while he closed the door. Then Roger stood before Mark, not saying anything, the two of them highlighted in the dark by the weakest of nightlights. But it was enough to illuminate the still-growing protrusion in Roger's clothing. Roger ran his fingers gently through Mark's hair. Mark closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation, turning his mouth to the exploring hand and kissing it.

"Aw, that's sweet," Roger said.

He leaned down and kissed Mark's cheek, neck, and ear. It was like electric shocks for Mark as his friend did this.

Then Roger whispered in Mark's ear, "Undress me, sport."

Roger stood straight up. Mark's hands went to the waistband of the pajamas, but he hesitated.

"Come on, buddy. Take a look at what you do to me," Roger urged him.

Mark closed his eyes as he slowly worked the pajamas down to Roger's ankles. Although he had seen the sex earlier, he wanted to wait until Roger was totally naked to see it up close. Once Roger stepped out of the clothing, Mark opened his eyes. The erection was pointed at his face, awaiting attention. Cautiously he reached out to it; it jumped under his touch.

"Go ahead, Mark. Explore it. Worship it with that pretty mouth," Roger moaned.

Oral attention would take some courage, but Mark paced himself until he found it. He was content moving his fingers lightly up and down Roger's rock-hard shaft; after all, it was a lengthy trip. He cupped Roger's testicles in his other hand and massaged them. It was thrilling to hear how his friend responded to these gestures. Mark was surprised to find himself falling in love with Roger's cock, and the sensation overwhelmed him so fast that he leaned forward and kissed the tip.

"Jesus, yes," Roger gasped. "Kiss it up and down."

Why not, Mark thought to himself, I've been going up and down it with my hand. He lifted the cock up straight and kissed from under the crown to the base. At this point he stopped and nuzzled his nose at the spot where Roger's cock and balls met. The sweet musky aroma aroused him as he kissed and licked his friend's scrotum.

"For a beginner you sure do know what to do," Roger said. "But I would like to see the greatest devotion you could show, buddy. Suck on it."

Mark pursed his lips like he was getting ready for a kiss and fastened them to the end of Roger's glorious rod. Gradually he let his mouth open more and more. Roger was moving his hips back and forth slightly. Before Mark knew it, the head was in his mouth. It was a strange but wonderful sensation. He got more and more bold, his mouth sliding halfway down the shaft before the gagging kicked in. Even though Mark wasn't manipulating himself at all, he had sprouted an erection.

"Good...good," Roger said, pulling out. "Now lie down."

Roger knelt at Mark's feet, slowly kissing his way up Mark's legs. He urged Mark to pull his knees up to his chest. Then in one swift motion Roger whipped Mark's trunks down from his hips, over his beautiful golden legs, and right off his ankles. As if magnetized his mouth went right to Mark's sex, showing it love and affection Mark hadn't thought possible. It was so intense he nearly came, but Roger knew just when to stop. Then Roger unexpectedly got up off the bed.

"Lay on it with your legs dangling off, and be on your stomach," he said.

Mark assumed this position and felt Roger's lips gently kissing his buttocks. His hands joined in on the attention too, and Mark felt a relaxing sensation spread throughout his entire body.

Then, without warning, there was a shock sent right to his brain as Roger's tongue went to the line between Mark's buttocks. He tensed up, scared at the unfamiliar sensation, but as the tongue dragged lazily up and down, the relaxing resumed. Now the little muscle lingered on his virgin passage, spiraling around and around and eventually homing in on it directly. Mark found himself urging his buttocks back to savor the gesture. Roger's hands were on Mark's hips, guiding him up to his knees. With Mark's buttocks now in the air, Roger's tongue was able to explore deeper. Mark gathered up a pillow in his arms and pressed his face into it to hide his squeals of delight.

At first he noticed nothing about Roger except what his tongue was doing, but then Mark heard his friend rummaging through the nightstand at the head of the bed. He looked back and saw Roger taking some kind of tube out of the drawer. It didn't take him long to remember what was in that tube, because it was the same one he'd had earlier in the day. Now Mark's nervousness returned.

"Roger...Roger, I don't think I can do that," Mark said.

"I beg to differ," Roger replied gruffly.

Mark looked back and saw Roger applying some of the lubricant to his swollen member. His tongue continued the other entertainment.

"Move over to the center of the bed. Stay on your hands and knees," Roger commanded.

"Oh, Roger, I don't think this is a good idea," Mark moaned....yet, despite his vocal protest, he still moved into the position Roger had requested.

Roger moved on to the bed, kneeling behind Mark and still putting the slick, shiny liquid all over his rigid sex. After a few more moments of this, he tossed the tube aside and wiped what remained of the lubricant between Mark's buttocks. He felt a thrill as the digits passed over his backside. Now there was one hand on Mark's hip; Roger's other hand was stroking his shaft. Mark could feel Roger moving in closer behind him.

"Roger, please," Mark pleaded, "I don't think..."

"Shhh, baby...it's all right. It's possible. Believe me," Roger whispered. "Just relax. Just think of yourself relaxing, okay?"

With a sigh, Mark surrendered and said, "All right, I'll try."

"Good boy," Roger said. "Now, here...take it."

Roger gave a brutal thrust that buried the head of his member completely inside the unexplored passage. Mark cried out, lurching forward as if to escape the onslaught. There was no retreat; instead he fell forward and buried his face in the pillow to muffle his shout. Behind him Roger waited until Mark's convulsions had subsided. His face, contorted in a grimace, lifted from the pillow.

"My God," he said through gritted teeth.

"It's okay, sweety. The head is the roughest part. Let's keep going. You're doing just fine, little soldier," Roger moaned.

With that Roger resumed the slow, arduous task of entering his friend's backside. Each time he thrust forward Mark would jerk away, but he always settled back into place, sometimes going so far as to lean back and take in even more of Roger. At first Mark was letting out short yelps of pain with each push, but as the penetration deepened, these sounds died away. In fact, as the penis sank into him at the halfway point, Mark suddenly became aware of the fact that he was smiling, that the sensation was now enjoyable and that he wasn't trying to escape Roger but was actually rocking with his thrusts. Once this realization hit, the fire of Mark's passion was reborn. His own sex, which had shrunk during the penetration, now swelled and lifted, and he began rotating his hips and leaning his buttocks back to complete their union. Mark found himself overwhelmed by joy, and he now embraced each new sensation in his rear end. He felt nothing but sheer adoration and love for Roger, and Mark was so profoundly happy that it was this beautiful man that was the one to initiate the opening of his buttocks. Roger was also excited to find his progress was proceeding smoothly, and it caused him indescribable pleasure to see Mark assume a new posture: resting his head down on his folded arms, an unbelievably wide smile on his lips, leaning his hips back and relaxing into the surrender of his backside. It was such a moving sight that Roger changed his pace to a gentler one. Mark could sense the shift in mood, could suddenly feel the aggressive motions become more loving, more tender. The sex throbbed inside him, and it was like a pebble thrown in a pond: each throb hit the anal nerve endings, and the pleasurable sensation spread throughout his entire being. At last he felt Roger's groin pressed flush up against his buttocks. Mark rotated his hips while Roger kept his penis stationery. The stimulation was incredible for both. Roger's strong masculine hands caressed and squeezed Mark's hips and buttocks.

"Yes, that's it. Ride that cock, soldier. You like it?"

"Mmm," was Mark's only reply.

Accompanying his words with slight withdrawals and thrusts back in, Roger said, "I bet this sure beats just watching it in action, doesn't it?"

Mark lifted his head and moaned, "Oh, God, Roger...you have no idea. God, you are such a stud, fucking me in the ass like this. Feel how hard I am."

Roger reached around and, sure enough, found Mark very aroused.

"Oh, what's this?" Roger said while increasing the force of his thrusts. "Does somebody have a hard-on? Is someone turned on because they're taking a dick up their ass?"

"Yes," Mark whispered. "Yes, talk dirty to me."

Roger put a firm grip on both of Mark's hips and made his motions freer, more exaggerated. He loved watching his entire length plunge deep inside his friend.

"You're a good soldier, Mark. You didn't think we could do it but you took my whole cock up your ass," Roger grunted.

"Yes, I got every inch of that beautiful cock," Mark said. He almost sounded like he was crying as he rocked with Roger's thrusts.

"Can't believe this is your first time. You really take it up the ass like a pro, solider. Such a tight little poop chute too...feels so good."

Mark said, "Thank you. Oh, I'm so glad you like it, that you like fucking me."

"And I'm glad you like my cock. You like submitting to me, soldier? You like raising your ass up in the air for me so I can make you take it in the pooper like a trooper?" Roger was saying all this through gritted teeth.

"Oh, God, yes! Yes, sir! YES!" Mark wailed.

Now there were no more words, except an occasional shout of "yes!" from Mark, as Roger pumped his flesh into his new lover at a steady rhythm. After a while he paused and rose up to his feet so he was sort of hovering over Mark. This position allowed Roger to lean forward far enough so they could kiss, and also so he could watch the expressions that passed over Mark's sweet face: mouth agape, eyes shut tight then wide open to look at the man who was inside him, a broad smile one moment, then looking ready to cry the next. Roger looked from Mark's face down to watch his sex freely sliding in and out of his friend's backside. Every now and then he would push in all the way, hold it, then withdraw. This pattern drove Mark wild. He had lost all sense of his surroundings; he felt like there was no bed beneath him, no house around him. For Mark nothing existed except this man and the penis within him, dominating him, making love to him, branding him as its own. His whole world...his whole universe...was Roger's cock. It had been thrust into him, conquering him, devouring him, raping him. Roger had wanted to fuck Mark in the ass, and Mark submitted to this lust gladly and completely.

Suddenly Mark remembered what had happened earlier in the day with Aaron. That was not the outcome he wanted. Something had to be said!

"I want you to come inside me, stud. Don't pull out. I want your seed inside me," Mark demanded.

The monstrous cock continued to move within him, but there was a difference. Mark could feel it twitching, growing closer to orgasm. Just the thought of the fluid streaming into him sent Mark into his own climax.

"Oh, God! God, I'm coming!" he gasped.

Then he felt it. The cock within him swelled then exploded. With his mouth releasing sounds like "ooh" and "ah" Mark leaned back hard to savor the sensation of Roger emptying into him. Eventually the flood ceased, and both men collapsed on to the bed. Roger remained inside while his sex shrank, then he exited. Mark turned to face Roger and moved close, cuddling. An arm slipped around Mark's shoulders, a kiss was planted on his brow.

"You see," Roger said, gasping, "you said earlier today I was part of a world you didn't know. But there's more to it than that. There's a whole universe."

Mark believed him. And as long as it was with Roger, he would be happy exploring this new universe by the sea.

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