A night to remember

By Mike James

Published on Jan 23, 2002



Disclaimer: I don't know them, although I want to but this is only fiction people...only fiction...

Let me know what you think, this is my first short story...I have to others there series the one is "to be or not to be" and the sequel to it is "the child" then there is "the start of something great! There fun...read if you want to...HINT

JC and Justin were there usual selves. They were running around on stage goofing off instead of rehearsing , Justin always got away with it when he was younger. Now that he is older Wade yells at him as much as the rest of them. Jc has no excuse for it though. He is older and he should no better. The thing is they love to goof around together, there are best friends, and the thing is they love each other. They found out about each other when they were on the set of MMC, which was a life time ago it seemed.

The other's just sat around and watched them, laughing it off like they always did. Wade walked out and yelled at them for the tenth time that day. So they finally settled down and got to work. Justin breezed through the tuff rehearsal as fast as he could. He wanted to get it over with so that he could spend some time with Jc. Tonight was going to be a great night. This was there first date. They knew that they loved each other, and they knew that they were both gay. They even knew about the risks that this had with it. They knew that if they were caught , it could be the end of everything that they had worked for, The thing is that is the reason that they didn't start dating at first. Now they just can't not date. They tried to be just friends but they just end up making out all the time.

So rehearsal was finally over and the guys all went back to there hotel for the day. Jc and Justin were rooming together like they usually did. Jc was just coming out of the shower when Justin walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Jc's slim waist. He kissed on Jc shoulders and then his soft tender lips met his. There tongues massaging the others. Then they broke away when they heard the knock at the door.

Lance walked in and sat on the bed. "where are you two headed out tonight?" he asked the two.

"We really don't know, we just thought that it would be cool to go out and see the town together tonight." Justin said as he walked into the bathroom to change. Jc walked over to his suitcase and grabbed the shirt that was on top of the pile. When he turned around he saw that Lance was smiling at him. "what!" Jc said with a curious smile. "You two are going out on a date aren't you, you two are together." Lance said back to him.

Jc looked at him, with a how the hell did you know that look and then said..."Umm well, yeah, but please don't say nothing Lance, Please." Lance looked up at him and just shock his head. " You two are like my best friends, I just can't believe everyone thought I was the gay one, and look at this, it's the two heartthrobs."

" Just don't say anything, please" Jc said again. " I won't" is all Lance said before leaving the room.

Justin walked out of the room and kissed Jc, They then went out on the town like they had planned. The only thing is is that it didn't turn out the way they had planned. They wanted this, there first date to be a night to remember, and that it was. They had went out to dinner which was great. Then they decided that they wanted to go out dancing, and that they did. The only thing is, is that they also decided to drink, and they had drank a lot. Justin was already wasted, and Jc was starting to buzz really good. They were in the middle of dancing to Shakira's "whenever, Wherever", when Justin said something that just caught Jc off guard. " I love you, and I want to fuck you every night, for the rest of my life, I want to suck your dick every morning, so what do you say we go across the god damn street and get married." It was slurred, but Jc made out some of it.

He was a little toasted himself, so he went along with it and the next thing that he knew, he was saying I do, and in there hotel room but naked fucking Justin's ass like there was no tomorrow. Justin was screaming in ecstasy when they heard the door fly open. Chris and Joey had heard the noises from here room. They wanted to see what the hell was going on, they figured that someone was trying to kill poor Justin so they rushed into the room. They never expected to see there two lead singers naked and fucking each other. Chris's jaw dropped to the floor, and Joey ran out of the room, with the reddest face you could imagine. He thought that the two may have been more then friends, but he didn't need to see it up close.

Through out the whole thing, they never stopped for one second, they weren't about to either. Justin let out one last moan as Jc shot his load deep into Justin's ass. Then he got off of him and walked to the bathroom. He just smiled at Chris as he walked past and patted his ass. Chris looked over at Justin and just said..."What the hell is this all about". "We are married, we can do whatever we want." Justin shot back at him with mock anger. "You two are what, shit I am going to bed, we will talk about this tomorrow." With that he left.

The next morning the two woke up with hangovers from hell, Poor Justin could barley walk, but he managed to make it to Lance's room. He didn't know why they were to go there, there was a note on his door that said to be there when they woke up. So they were there knocking on the door. When they got in there Joey started to laugh his ass off. "Dude I knew you were skinny, but please don't ever let me see your chicken looking legs again. O and any other part of your naked ass body either." Joey laughed out. The others just shot the two a look. "What the hell are you talking about Joe." Justin asked.

Justin couldn't remember shit from the night before, until the knock at the door. Justin opened it to see Johnny's face full of rage. Johnny through a paper at Justin and then yelled. " What the fuck is that shit!" Justin's face turned from confused to shock in like 3 seconds. Then he looked at the others and then at Johnny and then at JC. "We're married!" "It was our first date, and we got married!" Justin screamed out. "What the hell are you talking about Justin, there is no way in hell we are..." He stopped when he saw the picture of the two kissing in a wedding chapel. There was a headline above the picture that read..."Brit is no longer the shit"

Well that is were I am ending the story...I hope you all liked it. I enjoyed writing it, it was fun. Feedback is always nice, it makes me feel special...HINT HINT...jamesbeck18@yahoo.com

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