A Noteworthy Connection

By David Lee

Published on Mar 18, 2024



A Noteworthy Connection

By David Lee © 2024

Sean Bauer was excited about singing a jazz piece entitled Missa Lucis in a few weeks with his church choir combined with the concert choir of the local junior college. Dr. Miriam Cannon was the director of both groups.

This event would be especially momentous because the composer of the piece would be performing with them. Sean was pumped.

He was a decent-looking man in his 20's with a full head of dark brown hair fashionably cut short on the sides and back but longer and curly on top. His body was firm and trim, the result of regular exercise and a sensible diet. He appeared to be younger than he was. He could have passed for an undergraduate instead of a young professional.

The "uniform" for the school choir was something dressy which was black in color. The males tended to wear black slacks and dress shirts. Dr. Canton had told her church choir that they could wear whatever they wished other than their robes which would look out of place. She didn't want them to feel obligated to purchase something special. All of the ladies had at least one good black dress in their wardrobes and some of the men were in other community choirs where black was used. The few who didn't have one, decided to buy a black shirt to wear so they wouldn't stand out. Sean was one of them.

Because of work and school schedules, each group practiced the music separately for the most part. There would be a rehearsal in common on the Saturday before the performance for those who could make it. The instrumentalists who would provide the backup were there too.

It was at the joint practice that Sean met Zane Becker when they were placed beside each other in the bass section. Being a person who rarely met a stranger, Sean quickly introduced himself. He felt an immediate connection with the younger man. Zane shook the offered hand with a puzzled look on his face.

"I don't remember seeing you in choir before. Are you new to the school?"

"Oh, sorry. I should have mentioned that I'm in the church choir. I graduated from Iowa State University a few years ago and am working as an electrical engineer for Collins Aerospace."

"My bad. I thought you might be a sophomore like me. I didn't mean to insult you."

"Hey, I'm flattered that you assumed I'm younger than I am, and there's nothing demeaning about being in your second year of college. What do you plan to major in?"

"My hope is to get a degree like yours from either Iowa State or the U of I. The latter is closer, so I could stay here in town where living is cheaper and commute, but I think your alma matter has a better reputation in the field."

"They're both respected state schools. What you're able to do when you finish is more important than the place where you learned it. I went to a good university, but I learned a lot more about my field online, and in my summer internships. That's where you get a taste of the real world and how you're going to fit into it."

"Cool! Thanks for telling me. I wish you were in school with me so I could learn from you."

"Well, there's no reason why we can't talk shop even if we aren't in classes together. I'd be happy to help if I can."

"Thanks! I'm the first person in my family to be going to school more than a year beyond high school, and I don't have anyone to guide me."

The two had to stop their conversation because Dr. Miriam was ready to get started with the rehearsal. Everyone respected her musicianship and listened attentively to her instructions.

Despite not having all the accompanying instrumentation and one of the soloist, the rehearsal went well. The composer of the work played the piano, which was the "glue" that held it all together. Miriam was pleased.

Tomorrow, there would be a short practice an hour before the service with all the musicians present to make sure everyone knew their entrance cues and take care of any other details.

Although the Saturday rehearsal had cut into his weekend, Sean was almost sorry to see it end. He wanted to talk longer with his new acquaintance. His offer of guidance hadn't been an empty gesture. He was genuinely happy to help someone who was hoping to enter his field.

Zane seemed to be a bit at sea when it came to knowing how to proceed. He appeared to be rather rudderless and vulnerable. Sean questioned his own interest in the kid. Was he trying to be like a big brother, or did he have another motive? Zane was certainly easy on the eyes. He was about the same height as Sean, maybe an inch shy of six feet tall. His similarly styled blond hair wasn't curly, but the longer strands on top fell on his forehead in a manner that made him look like a high school student. He was definitely cute. Well, Sean would do his best to keep their relationship on a platonic level and act like an older sibling.

"Would you like to drop by my apartment to relax and talk about your major? I can fix us a snack and we can unwind. That is, if you don't have a lot of studying to do."

"That would be great! I'm caught up for the moment because of our performance tomorrow. I'd love to pick your brain. Thanks for asking."

The young men munched on cheese and crackers while Sean told Zane about the ups and downs of his career. He encouraged his new acquaintance to apply for internships as soon as possible, so that he'd get a feel for the job before he spent two or three more years of tuition to attain the degree. It would be a shame to invest a lot of money and time in something that he might not enjoy when all was said and done.

Zane appreciated the advice and the camaraderie. He had some friends his age in classes, but there were times when he felt like a loner since he didn't live on campus. He held a lot of views which were different from those of his parents and that tended to make him feel isolated when he was at home between school and his job at the supermarket.

At 5:00 p.m., Zane figured he should make his departure, so he didn't wear out his welcome. As he rose to get his jacket, Sean came up with another suggestion.

"Why don't you stay for supper? I have some ground beef that I'm planning to make into hamburgers to grill out on my deck. They let us do that here."

"That's very nice of you, but I've been eating your food already, and my mother will probably expect me home."

"You could call her to say that you have other plans. Maybe you can catch her before she makes preparations."

"Humph," Zane snorted, "she doesn't feed me on the weekend anyway. It will be whatever leftovers there are in the fridge."

"Cool. Then you can stay longer, and we can even go over our parts again using the online audio Miriam sent us. There's a spot in the Gloria that I'm a bit rocky on."

The two did go over their parts after eating their meal. Sean was sorry to see Zane leave when he finally said he needed to get a good night's sleep before tomorrow's performance and the coming week. Zane also seemed reticent to end their time together.

Sunday's short rehearsal made everyone feel more confident. Several members of the combined choir had evidently gone over their parts the night before. As a result, the performance was excellent.

Since the Mass had been interwoven into the service, the congregation had refrained from applauding, not wanting to break the solemnity of the piece. Just before pronouncing the benediction, the pastor invited the audience to show their appreciation. They did so with a standing ovation.

Choir members remained seated during the organ postlude, as was the tradition at that church. At the end, Dr. Miriam extended an open invitation to her students to sing with the church choir if they had any interest. She reminded them that she was a strong believer in the separation of church and state and that their participation, or lack of it, would have no bearing on their grades. A few students thought that it might be fun. However, given their studies and jobs, they probably wouldn't be able to.

There were cookies and cake for a reception in the fellowship hall following the service. Sean suggested that Zane go easy on the sugary offerings and grab subs from Jimmy John's and eat them at his apartment so they could discuss Zane's school plans further."

"That's a cool idea, but I need to go to the library to bone up for the placement exam I'm going to take about six weeks from now at the university. If I pass with a high enough score, there's scholarship money to be had. I've been having some difficulty with some of the concepts that have been thrown at us recently, and I'm afraid I might bomb the test. Hopefully, there will be a quiet spot where I can concentrate. It's almost impossible at home."

"Do you have your study materials with you?"


"Then, come and study at my place. It's quiet. You can use the spare bedroom which is set up with a desk as well as a bed. Perhaps I can help you with questions you're iffy on. I've been through those courses not so long ago."

"That would be awesome!"

Zane spent the afternoon studying. With Sean's help, he felt he had made good progress in prepping for the upcoming exams. When it got close to suppertime, Sean fired up the grill on his balcony as he had the night before.

"Um, I should be going soon," Zane said.

"Nah. I'm making dinner for us, and you have to stay at least until we've eaten. We might go over that last set of questions once more after that. It will probably stick with you more if we do it now and review again the night before your testing session."

"Man, you can't keep feeding me."

"Sure, I can. How do you like your steak?"

The two young men ate their dinner and did a little more reviewing after the kitchen was set to right.

When Zane eventually packed up his stuff to leave, he hugged his new friend before he went.

"You have no idea how much you've relieved my mind.

"See you at rehearsal Wednesday night. I'm far enough ahead to spare the time."

Dr. Miriam was delighted to have one of her best basses from the junior college ensemble adding his voice to her church choir. She had several anthems planned for the Lenten season which could use more bass. Zane would be an asset.

The following Sunday's music included a Hovhaness piece, Out of the Depths, which had a lovely bass part. Since her school choir had done it before, Zane was familiar with it and would help the rest of the section find their notes. What a beautiful coincidence that he would be joining them.

The two young men continued their routine of getting together for choir rehearsal and study. Often, they would share meals as well. Zane would contribute to those by bringing frozen entrees from the market where he worked part-time. He didn't feel comfortable mooching off Sean so much. He was grateful for the free tutoring he was receiving. He was also enjoying the companionship. He would be sad when spring term would end, and with it, their reason to be together so much.

The first week in May, Sean texted Zane with a plan to do a final review the night before his big exam on the following Saturday. In his message, he suggested that Zane should come over for dinner and stay overnight as well. In fact, he was welcome to remain the whole weekend since they'd be going to church together.

The trundle bed in the spare room had a comfortable, high- quality mattress which should guarantee him a good night's sleep. In the morning, Sean would serve a healthy breakfast to sustain Zane during the grueling hours of test-taking.

Zane was thrilled. He immediately began to plan which clothes he would take and what toiletries he'd need.

Then, he started to worry over what he would tell his parents about being gone from home for a couple of nights. While they didn't seem to care about many aspects of his wellbeing, they seemed to want to control his life in other ways. His mother, no doubt, would question him -- who would he be staying with and how did he know the person?

On the Friday before the test, he went home immediately after work to grab his duffle bag and leave a note on the kitchen table. In it, he said that he'd be gone for a couple of nights studying and would probably couch-surf at a friend's house. While he wasn't untruthful by nature, he'd become more and more reticent to share his plans with his family.

He then sent a text to let Sean know he was bringing their meal. Sean texted back that he would be late because of an emergency at work. He gave Zane the code to unlock his front door so that he could get in.

"Wow! You brought my favorite lasagna!" Sean exclaimed as he sniffed the aroma coming from his kitchen.

"Yeah, it was on sale. I got us a salad kit too. I know it's not the kind of cooking you do, but it's the best I could come up with."

"It's awesome! Before you texted, I was concerned about what we'd do for dinner. Do you have any idea of how great it is to come home and not to have to rustle up something when the day has been stressful? This is true comfort food."

After eating and reviewing, the guys watched an old comedy show on TV. Then, they showered and headed to bed. Sean set the alarm on his phone so he wouldn't oversleep.

Zane found the exams to be rigorous, but not overwhelming. He was well-prepared and knew that he'd done well. Of course, he didn't want to crow about acing them, in case he'd done something incorrectly. He texted Sean that he felt pretty good about the whole experience. Then he went to the store to put in his hours. He had considered taking time off from work, but the bills had to be paid, and he wasn't scheduled for Sunday morning because of choir.

Sean was free on Saturday, so he decided to prepare a special meal for Zane to share when he came over after work. Steaks, baked potatoes, and fresh broccoli were the main dishes. He would add a side salad and a slice of cheesecake to round it out. This would be Zane's reward for all the hard work he'd put in the past several weeks. Sean was feeling blue that one of their reasons for being together was coming to an end. He wished there were a way to continue it.

Zane came in tired but elated that his day had gone well. The meal Sean had prepared was wonderful. It put a kind of cap on an already perfect day. He was happy to be able to relax with Sean instead of going back to his parents' house where he knew things would be tense. They couldn't spoil his mood, or so he thought.

Just after the men had cleaned up the kitchen, Zane's cell rang. It was mother. Zane pushed the speaker button without thinking, so Sean overheard the strident voice on the other end.

"Where are you? You missed your grandmother's birthday and she's upset."

"I was taking those important placement tests, like I told you. I sent her a card as I always do. I suppose she's forgotten that she got it. You know her mind is slipping."

"That's no excuse! We went over to see her after lunch, and she missed you. I want to know what you're up to. As long as you're under our roof, you need to keep us informed."

"I left you a note explaining what I was up to. I went right to work after the exams. I am an adult, after all. I do have a life."

"Well, if you're going to be that way, we aren't under any obligation to house you. Your father wants you to either start paying rent or clear your crap out and live on your own."

"It will take me a while to find a place I can afford."

"You should have thought of that before you started staying out all night. Either you come home now and apologize for your behavior or come and pack up. You have until midnight to think about it.


"Damn it!" Zane swore. "I guess I'll have to go home and face the music. I don't understand why they have to be so controlling. I think it's a matter of jealousy. They earn a pretty good income, but both have an inferiority complex because they didn't get a degree beyond high school.

"I started working at Hy-Vee during high school and put away money so I could get ahead. I scrimped and saved for my car and kept the rest to pay for tuition. They haven't helped me a bit; yet they want to run my life -- especially my mother. I'll have to knuckle under and apologize; I don't have enough money to rent a decent room.

"Sorry, I'm venting."

"Don't apologize. I have a solution," Sean announced. "Move in with me. We're compatible, and I have the space. I have a parking place that comes with the apartment, which you can use because I rent a garage for my car. There's not much in the closet in the spare room. It can be yours for as long as you want it. No charge! I'll pay the same amount of rent whether I'm alone or with someone."

"Are you sure? You've only known me a couple of months."

"I'm positive.

"Let's go get your things. We'll take my Outback as well as your car. We can get it all at once and be done. Do you have a bike? I've got a rack."

Zane began to cry. He'd had a strenuous, although good, day up until his mother's call. Now he felt exhausted. This last blow from his parents was harsh. Yet, in the midst of it, Sean had come to his rescue like a knight on a white charger.

When Sean embraced him, the flood gates opened. These tears were shed in relief, knowing that someone cared.

The scene at Zane's house wasn't a pleasant one. His mother was just as snarky as she'd been on the phone. His father looked sullen but kept his mouth shut for the most part.

"Are you letting him stay with you?" She said to Sean.

"I am."

"You need to know some things about him before you do. Keep the door to your room locked so he doesn't come in and feel you up in the night. He's queer. Now, have you changed your mind?"


"His lifestyle doesn't bother you?"

"Being gay is an orientation, not a lifestyle. It's how God made him. He has no more control over that than he does about the color of his eyes. I'm fond of him either way."

"Oh, so you're queer too?"

"Whether I am, is none of your business. Now, please leave us to our task so we can get Zane moved and have a decent night's sleep before church."

By 8:45, the young men were back in Sean's apartment getting Zane settled in. Since he didn't have an overabundance of worldly goods, it didn't take long.

"You were so cool tonight," Zane said. "I wanted to yell at her for insulting you, but you took it all in stride."

"She didn't actually insult me. I am gay. I probably should have been more transparent with you before I invited you to live here. I promise I won't hit on you and make you uncomfortable. This arrangement comes with no strings."

"But I got the feeling you actually care for me."

"I do care for you, and I suspect you might care for me in some small way."

"Oh, man, I care for you in a big way. You've shown me more affection in the weeks we've known each other than my parents have for years."

"I have a lot of empathy for you. I didn't come out until after I got my master's degree. My family cut me off the minute I did. You're braver than I am in letting them know while you were in school."

"It wasn't a case of bravery. A girl outed me to them after I confided in her. I thought my secret was safe. She wanted me to go further with her than I was willing to do, and I felt I needed to give her an explanation.

"It wasn't as though they were going to give me any support for college anyway.

"About the other stuff. I respect you for not pushing me into a more serious relationship, but could we cuddle on the sofa sometime? I really need to feel like I'm worthy of being loved."

"Let's sit down in front of the TV and catch the news," Sean smiled.

Zane felt comfortable in Sean's embrace with an Afghan spread over him for security more than warmth. In fact, he was so relaxed that he fell asleep. Sean moved enough to kiss his young buddy on the forehead. Although Zane was drifting off, he was alert enough to know what was going on. He smiled.

Zane awoke around 7:30 a.m. in the guest room bed. He was in his underwear instead of nude, as he would have slept at home. He remembered stumbling into the room the night before, barely able to keep his balance. Sean had helped him undress down to his present state. Zane probably could have managed it without help; however, he had remained about as limp as a rag doll because he enjoyed being stripped by his benefactor. He hoped that the day would come when they would strip each other and rub their bodies together. The thought made his morning wood all the harder.

When he went into the kitchen, he found Sean busily making breakfast. He would be going to church well-fed. He felt that he should start pulling his own weight in their shared apartment. He would begin by doing the cleanup this morning.

Instead of increasing his hours of working at the store, Zane would be reducing them during the week after final exams. The reason was that he'd been awarded an internship at Collins Aerospace. He'd been offered the opportunity a few days after he'd applied for it. He wondered if Sean had pulled some strings or if he'd been very lucky. It might have had something to do with how well he scored in the placement exams. He'd made the top score in his cohort group.

Despite being employed full-time at Collins, he continued to put in quite a few nights at Hy-Vee.

It was mid-June when Sean had a serious talk with Zane about his grueling schedule. He was exhausted a lot of the time.

"Zane, you're killing yourself and I can't stand idly by and watch you do it. I can't tell you what to do, but my advice is that you should give notice at Hy-Vee and concentrate on your duties at Collins. You're drawing enough salary from them to get by."

"I know you're right, but what will I do when school starts, and I don't have a job?"

"I'll bet you could pick up another one at a store, or if you can't, I'll give you the money. I care about you too much to see you suffering."

Zane started to tear up and Sean took him in his arms.

"I really am exhausted."

"I know. Please do this for me."

"Okay, and thanks! I owe you."

"No, you don't."

Zane went into his bedroom to make the call. He returned a few minutes later smiling.

"Mr. Jackson understands. He has empathy because of the stress he was under recovering from long Covid. I'm off the schedule immediately with the option of coming back in the fall if I need the job. Even if I don't return, he said he'll always give me a good recommendation. I feel a lot better!"

"Good. Now let's have dinner and relax this evening."

"Okay. Could we cuddle on the sofa after?"

"Of course!"

During business hours at Collins, the two young men rarely saw one another during the day. The did ride together when their schedules permitted. Sometimes one or the other would need to put in extra work on a particular project. Sean might have adjusted more to Zane's schedule, but he didn't want to give the impression that he was hovering over his housemate. If Zane was going to be successful in the field, he needed to make it on his own.

About a month after Zane had quit moonlighting at the grocery store, he arrived at the apartment later than usual. There had been a meeting to review his performance, and, although it was a Friday, he'd been obliged to be at work for an extra half hour. Sean had been tempted to commute with him and work longer than he normally would, but again, he was trying not to act like a parent.

When Zane breezed into the living room with a grin on his face, Sean suspected things had gone well.

"I take it that you've fit in well enough that they're not firing you." Sean said dryly.

"Better than that! I'm getting a bonus and my name, along with Craig's, on the patent he's applying for since we worked on it together. And there's more. They want me to continue working a few hours during the coming year and be full-time next summer. I'm at the top of the list for a job when I get my degree!

"Finally, I'm going to have a chance to be your equal."

"You're already my equal."

"Hardly! You feed me and house me and help be study. What do you get out of it?"

"Affection, companionship, and a feeling of worth. Imagine how lonely and dull my life would be without you. We're like partners and I hope we always will be."

"Is this leading up to a proposal?"

"It's more of an observation."

"Okay, If I'm your equal and you're hesitant to make the move, I'm going to make it. Will you share my bed tonight?"


"Why not?"

"Mine is bigger. I think we'd be more comfortable in a king-size."

"I'll bet that's not the only thing you've got that's bigger."

"Hmm, that sounds like an inuendo."

"It's more of a proposition."

"You know that you're being very naughty."

"You're going to find out just how naughty."

"That's cool, as long as we're not too worn out to sing tomorrow."


Author's notes:

Thanks for reading this story. If you enjoyed it, please feel free to contact me a dlee169@hotmail.com and let me know. Your emails are the only reward I receive for writing. Please put the story title in the subject line in case your email goes into the spam folder.

Thanks to David S for editing. He finds typos and missing words! He also makes valuable suggestions.

Thanks to Nifty for providing this free service. It costs the site to do it, so please consider donating to defray their expenses.




P.S. I have a chronological list of all my posted stories which I can email to you if you have an interest.

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