A Passion For Theatre

By Amero Tican

Published on Aug 17, 2001




I was a sophomore in high school and we had just finished final night of theatre. I was on crew, seeing that as I had absolutely no talent as an actor. Finally, away from the obsessive director, stuck up actors and actresses, and away from those hot, burning lights that made you sweat, even if they were turned off. We were clearing the stage and getting ready to leave for a party at the Logan's. Their daughter, Kelly, was the crew cheif and the director volunteered their house for the location of the celebration. I hopped into an already crowded car as my friend sped off towards their house. I was only 15, so begging for rides was a daily occurance.

"Ow! Who's on my toe?!" shouted the person next to me, over the loud music and the bass that shook the car.

"Sorry!" I yelled back, straining around someone's leg to see who it was. My heart leaped. It was him. His name was Chris, also a sophomore, and he was absolutely gorgeous. Blonde hair, the bluest eyes you've ever seen, and the best, and I mean best swimmer's body you could imagine. I smiled. He smiled back, flashing those pearly whites and making my insides twist up inside. It was his house we were going to. I had only been there once before, for festival.

We arrived and we all tumbled out. I checked my watch. 11:30 pm. The house was already filled to the brim with human bodies pressing against each other trying to get from the house to the pool to the hot tub. I went inside, close behind Chris. I had never met his parents, so he grabbed my wrist (my wrist!) and pulled me over to them.

"Mom, Dad, this is Jonah. He was on the crew, and, well, I thought you should know who was running around our house and eatin our food." We laughed for a moment, they said they were glad to meet me, and to follow Chris upstairs for a towel. I did so without hesitation.

"Man, you're rents are really nice." I said as we reached the top step. My eyes were focused on those perfect calves and that incredible ass.

"Yeah," he said, "but they're really up tight. If they found out some of my secrets, the would flip out."

"Like what?"

He hesitated.

"Aw, just some random shit, like who I'm seeing, and how she's a freshman and all."

"Yeah," I laughed, "my parents are like that too, especially my dad."

He handed me a towel and smiled. "Here. Uh, if you need to change, the bathroom is over there."

"Thanks, I'm all set."

I trotted down the stairs and left through the back door. I took of my shirt and sandals and slid into the hot tub.

"Dammit, Jonah! You made it overflow!"

"It's water, it's not gonna hurt the ground." I sighed. The water felt so good and I was lucky enough to sit down in one of the massaging chairs.

I turned around to see Chris coming out of the door. The way he walked with the towel over his shoulder and onto his bare chest almost made me drool. He smiled at me and went down to the pool. He ran around to the diving board and took requests for how he should go in. The final verdict was a cannonball, and as he lept into the air and curled into a ball, his bathing suit snuggled against his butt, but it only was visible for a moment. He splashed into the water, coming back up with his hair slicked back and the water glistending over his body. The night went on with jokes and laughs and eating and singing, and eventually a bonfire was erected by the rear of the back yard.

I was getting tired and looked at one of the clocks. 1:00 am. I got out and went over to get my towel. I picked it up and it dripped all over the deck. I swore to myself and went over to Chris.

"Chris, can I get another towel? This one's drenched."

"Yeah, but the closet's empty, so you'll have to get one from my room.."

"Alright, lead the way." I was getting nervous. I would be able to see where this blonde Adonis slept. We went up the stairs and entered this room. The smell of him entered my nose and I closed my eyes and smiled. He dug through his closet and threw a towel at my face.

"Hey, thanks man. This is a pretty awesome room you have," I said, starting to dry off, hoping to spend as much time as I could in his room.

"You think? I guess it's alright. Some of these posters are a little outdated, but I'm too lazy to change them."

"The posters are outdated?" I asked, wondering what made him make such a bizare statement.

"Huh? Oh, I guess that doesn't make much sense," he said, laughing nervously and blushing. He flipped on the radio and tried to change the subject. Fuel came on. It was Innocent.

"Damn, Fuel is such an awesome band. I love this song." I said, trying to ease the tension.

"Yeah, I know all the words, it's pretty pathetic."

"It's not pathetic! It's cool to be able to sing to a song when no one is around," I laughed. "It kinda makes you forget everything."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He playfully punched my shoulder.

"Damn straight I'm right!" He yelped as I grabbed his arm and twisted it slightly in return for the punch. He smiled evilly and twisted around me, sticking his foot in front of mine and pushed me. I staggared towards his bed, but dodged out of the way and threw him down on his back. I jumped after him and pinned his arms down to either side of his head.

"Geez," he panted, while smiling, "you're good at that. I guess I know better then to pick a fight with you."

"Yeah," I said in a pant-laugh-wheeze, "I could take you any day of the week and you damn well know it!" It wasn't nearly true. I was a runner, he played soccer, basketball and swam, so he had the advantage, which he quickly proved.

He shoved his knee onto my chest and pushed while rolling. I fell off balance and he took advantage of that. We had basically switched positions, only he was straddling me more that I had him. I was getting very excited.

"So," he breathed, "what's this about you taking me any day of the week?"

We laughed and an awkward moment ensued. He looked at my eyes. I returned the gaze, and he slowly leaned forward. My heart lept and twisted and thumped as our lips met. Our eyes were now closed, and I could feel his tongue beginning to lick my lips, which slowly parted. Our tongues touched and it felt like a shock of electricity. Our kiss became longer and more passionate. I could hear him start to moan softly after what seemed like hours of oral contact. He slowly broke away and smiled at me.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment."

I smiled and leaned my head forward and gently kissed him. "Yeah, I think I do."

We were both stripped to the waist and he laid fully on top of me, his hands stroking my neck and my hands gently explored his back. I dared to go down and start to suck on his neck and he moaned loudly, not that anyone would hear. He lifted his head and smiled, beginning to return the favor. Only, he didn't stop at my neck. I could feel him kissing my chest and his tongue slid across one of my nipples and I gasped in ecstacy.

But still, he didn't stop. He continued to kiss my stomach, and went down to my waist. He began to untie my bathing suit, which had "magically" grown a substantial tent.

"Chris," I gasped, "I... this isn't a good idea... I don't think we should do this."

"Shhhh," he whispered. I felt his hand reach around my waist to slowly pull down my suit. My mind fought with my body, know it wasn't right, but knowing it felt too good to stop. His hand slid across my ass and came to rest at the base of my eight inch cock, which was throbbing painfully. I closed my eyes and gabbed the edges of the mattress. It was all I could do to stop myself from thrusting forward. I felt his tongue slide across my balls as he took them into his mouth and sucked slowly on them. I was breathing heavily and moaned when he switched to my awaiting mast. He licked the head of my cock and began to lap at my shaft. He continued for a couple of minutes before he suddenly rose up and swallowed my cock whole. My eyes shot open and my hips jerked forward as the extreme pleasure made me shot my load into his mouth, cum dripping from his lips. He kept sucking until he was sure that my balls were empty. Smiling, he laid down beside me and kissed me, forcing me to taste my own juices. Not that I minded that much.

"How was it?" he asked, smiling and slightly out of breath.

I was panting as I barely answered. "It w... it was amazing."

He laughed softly and put his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. My head rose and fell with each breath. I quickly slipped into a deep slumber while he played with my hair and kissed the top of my head.

I woke up and found myself on the floor. The sun was up and shining through the window. I looked at the clock, which read 12:30 PM. I lifted my head and saw Chris, still asleep, on his bed. I laid back down, telling myself the previous night had only been a dream. I told myself that, but with every fiber in my body, I hoped it wasn't. The door opened and another friend of our's, Kenneth, came into the room.

"Wake up!" he shouted. "Everyone's been awake for about half an hour, we're planning to go out for breakfast!"

Chris rose with a start. "Wha... oh, hey Ken. Yeah hold on, we'll be out in a sec," he said, his head falling back to the pillow.

"You've got ten minutes," he said while closing the door and running downstairs. I yawned and got out of my sleepingbag. I looked down and saw that I had mysteriously fell asleep in a pair of Chris's boxers. I smiled to myself.

"Still thinking about last night?"

"Yeah," I said, giving him a big smile. "That was, ah..."

"Wild? Intense?"

"Well, yeah, but I was thinking more along the lines of unexpected." He climbed down and sat next to me, giving me a big hug and a quick kiss.

"I hope we can do that again," he sighed. "Soon."

"Me too. But we better get ready for breakfast or else we'll be late."

My bathing suit was still wet, so he lent my some of his clothes. I had bleached my hair to close to the exact same hue as his, so when we went down, people had to take a double look at us. I didn't really hear what they said. I was concentrating on the smell that came from the clothes on me. They smelled of him. I inhaled deeply, smiling and closing my eyes slighty. I was concious enough to catch the weird looks that were shot at me. I smiled and simply said something smelled really good. You couldn't say I was lying.

We went in different cars; an unspoken agreement that passed between us said that we had to act as we usually did: friends, but not much more then aqaintences. I knew it would be next to impossible until the next time we could... play. I smiled to myself again.

We got to the restaurant, which was close by an indoor gaming center. We figured we may as well waste the rest of the day, so when we were done with breakfast we headed over and went inside. Lights flashed, and we sort of separated. Chris and I always stayed within sight of each other, playing pinball or those fixed automatic ticket machines. Then a large sign advertising lazer tag caught our eye.

"Who's up for a game?" Kenneth shouted at everyone who came, about twenty of us. We all got tickets and separated into two teams. Chris and Kenneth were on my opposing team. I smiled maliciously and said "You guys are dead. Plain and simple."

We got in the dark room and laser lights were flashing everywhere. I ran around and quickly found a small niche to hide in. I easily shot ever player that ran by. I even got one or two of my own, by mistake. I sat there, crouched in the little hole when suddenly a hand covered my mouth and I felt a laser gun press against my back.

"Don't move, or your ass is mine," a deep, masculine voice whispered into my ear. I smiled at realizing who it was. Without thought I whirled around and kissed him deeply. I felt him push against me for a moment, but he quickly surrendered. I broke the kiss and opened my eyes. I almost passed out. I was staring at the deep brown eyes of Kenneth. He smiled at me.

"Wow... war really brings out the animal in you, huh?" he bent down to kiss me again but I moved away.

"I... I thought you were--"

"Chris?" I stared at him.

"N-no! Why would I want to make out with Chris?!"

"Oh come off it. I saw you in his bed last night. You two looked really cute together. Asleep in each other's arms... I was tempted to come and join you." My heart almost beatout of my chest. I was scared beyond reason.

I grabbed his chestplate and pulled him closer. "You can't tell anyone, do you hear me?" I whispered harshly. He pulled me closer and kissed me.

"I promise," He whispered in my ear.

Comments appreciated. Should I continue with the sequel? Email me at amerotican@yahoo.com

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