A ride at the end of the night

By Grant JM20

Published on Jan 13, 2021



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"Andrew come on, it's almost 2am, can we not just call it a night" Pete pleaded, as the two of them trudged out of The White Horse and on to the street. It was the tail end of September and, whilst the day had been balmy, the night had a nip in the air. Andrew was drunk enough not to feel the cold but Pete, on the other hand, was relatively sober.

"Nooooo, come on! Sky lounge is open `till five, the night is young!" Andrew half yelled, as he swung his arm around Pete's neck to steady himself. "It'll be great, we can just stay there the rest of the night" he added with a slight slur.

"All that'll happen is we'll walk half an hour there, queue for another hour, not get in and then go home; pissed off at how the night ended. Stop chasing an all nighter and lets just call it quits whilst the goings good." Pete replied, entirely unconvinced. He and Andrew always had a good night out but nine times out of ten it ended the same way: rolling home hours after they'd left the last club and found they couldn't get in to another, despite trekking between all of the usual haunts.

But not tonight, decided Pete. He'd had a good one, despite Andrew going AWOL with some girl for what seemed like an hour, the place had been rammed with people he knew, the music was decent, and the drinks weren't extortionate. He just needed to convince Andrew of that somehow.

They started off up the street, led by Andrew, no doubt in the direction of Sky Lounge. Red double deckers sailed past on the busy A road and a sharp breeze cut down the wind tunnel they were walking. Pete shivered, as he tried to find a way to convince Andrew that enough was enough. As he wracked his brain, trying to decide if feigning illness was a step to far, Pete heard a screech from behind him.

"Someone's having a good night" chuckled Pete, as they carried on.

The shrill call sounded for a second time.

"Someone shouting of you?" Andrew asked

"Nah, probably someone pissing about, they weren't shouting Pete."

"Peeeeeettteeeeeee" came the high pitch call again.

"Okay, maybe they are" Pete conceded, stopping dead, turning round, and squinting into the orangey darkness.

"Oh, shit, it`s Emma, from work. She looks almost as bad as you mate" Pete said, grinning toward Andrew. "Well then, she must be fun! Unlike some people." Bit back Andrew in friendly banter.

Emma staggered up to them, a friend trailing a few steps behind, and grabbed Pete round the waist for support. He was well built for it, being just over six foot and thick set, and, widening his stance a little, he managed to keep up right despite Emma almost losing her feet on contact.

"Pete, we were kicked out! The bouncers said I was too drunk! Can you believe it? Where are you guys going now?" Emma asked, as Pete saw an opportunity presenting itself.

"Ahhh, they're shit bouncers there anyway, think there the police" Pete said, whilst privately thinking that the bouncers had exactly the right idea about her. "I'm actually heading home but my housemate, Andrew, is heading on to Sky Lounge, if you fancy it? I think you met at my house warming last year?"

"I love Sky Lounge" Emma gushed, linking arms with Andrew, and swaying in sync, as her mate still trailed behind them all, head down and stumbling every few steps.

"Hey guys" Pete called out as they set off "I think I can actually get the bus from here. Andrew, you alright to get home later, if I head off?" Andrew nodded, "Yeah, no worries Petey, let's go Emma!" Pete had had a feeling that it'd be easier to shirk his obligations if he could find a substitute friend for Andrew, particularly one with long blonde hair.

Grinning to himself, Pete watched the others stumble in to the night, knowing fine well that they'd more than likely be turned away and end up home not long after him. He glanced both ways before quickly jogging across the busy road to the bus stop opposite. As he came under the shelter, he sought out the electric display and his heart sunk as he saw the bright orange dots spelling out that the next night bus would be in exactly 27 minutes. "Fuck" he couldn't help saying, thrusting his hands deeper in to his pockets to try and keep warm.

Pete stood for a moment more, then took out his phone and checked his balance. Really, he'd saved a bit of money tonight, dragging out a few pints of fosters and ducking out early. The cold made his mind up; he opened Uber and requested a car. Within seconds, a driver was identified and the car was on its way. Pete leaned against the bus sheltered and watched a huge group of revellers roll on past.

A white Prius pulled up, almost in no time, and, as he approached the driver side window, a handsome face leant out asking "Pete? Bowlers Green?"

"That's me" Pete replied before hopping into the back seat and buckling up. The car pulled out and they rolled down the street, Pete leaning back in warm darkness of the car, with just the orangey glow of the street lights rolling over him.

Ahead, he could see a slice of the driver's handsome face in the rear-view mirror. Dark olive skin, on a square, masculine, face with a sharp jaw line. The guy looked relatively young, probably in his early thirties, and slightly Arabic. One hand rested on his leg and the other idled on top of the steering wheel, a wedding band glinting on his ring finger. "Music mate?" He asked, Pete shook his head, enjoying the peace and quiet "I'm alright thanks mate, kind of glad to have a break."

"Long night?" Asked the driver.

"Not in the grand scheme of things. How about you? Been on long?" Pete asked, before realising the guy probably got that question a thousand times a night, "Sorry man, you must get asked that all the time."

"Most passengers don't even talk" he laughed "I like chat, half the reason I do the job. But no, you're only my second tonight. Why so happy to be heading home?"

"Good night, had a few drinks, tried to pull, failed to pull, why drag it out?" Pete laughed.

"Didn't plan on going home alone, aye?" The driver asked glancing back.

"You got me. Haven't even got my house mate anymore, he's off with a girl." Pete added

"And there wasn't a girl you could convince?" The driver joked

"To be honest mate, I'm not too interested in women." Pete said, letting the driver take his meaning.

"Ahhh, I get you man. I'm married, but my wife's enough to put me off women. Never happy, never quiet, never horny. The unholy trinity." He laughed, then, putting on a high-pitched voice "No Darren, I've got a headache. No Darren, I'm too tired. No Darren, I have to get up early."

Pete laughed too. "Men are no better. What good are they if I can't get one home with me."

"So you were on the pull tonight?" Darren inquired, watching Pete through the mirror.

"Not officially, I guess, but who's not looking for an opportunity?" Pete admitted with a grin.

"The amount of people I get in here looking for "opportunities" as you call it. I always tell the women that I've got one at home; she's enough for me to deal with." Darren said, before adding "The fellas have a crack sometimes as well, you know?"

The car slowed to a halt at traffic lights. They'd made it away from the main road and were almost by the river. Pete sat for a moment, watching Darren in the mirror.

"I can imagine mate, must spend half the job stopping people puking in the car and the other half fending them off." Pete said, before sheepishly adding "not sure I would, to be fair."

"If I'm honest.....I don't always" Darren said with a cheeky grin "Got to take the perks when they come. Hand job here, blowy there. Never accepted an offer from a Gent though" He continued, glancing again in the rear view.

Pete couldn't help but feel that the conversation was taking a bit of a turn. He didn't feel drunk, but if he was totally sober, he probably wouldn't be enjoying this conversation so much. The car rocked back in to motion as the lights changed again and they headed out east.

"Oh yeah? So, what would it take for you to accept an offer from a guy then?" He settled on asking.

"Couldn't say for sure, it'd probably just be the right guy offering at the right time, if I'm honest." Darren answered, letting his words rest heavily in the air, as he made eye contact with Pete in the mirror and drummed his fingers on the wheel.

"How's now for the right time?" Pete asked, a tingling in his groin, as he rubbed his hand on his crotch as obviously as he could.

Darren reached up, adjusted the rear-view mirror down slightly, and watched Pete rubbing his bulge and outlining the shape of his hard cock as he leant in toward the middle seat.

"Hmmm, seems like a very good time to me." Darren answered, slowing the car to a stop and pulling up at the curb, "why don't you get in the front?" Pete hopped out the back without hesitation and made his way to the front passenger seat. As soon as he was in place, Darren leaned across, grasped Pete's crotch and nodded appreciatively before setting off again.

"I know somewhere we can pull over" Darren added as they made their way. Pete reached across for the tightly clothed crotch next to him and felt a very healthy bulge. "Keep rubbing it" Darren instructed him "no one can see."

Pete did as he was told and continued to squeeze and rub the sizeable bulge as they drove past one of the large parks, already not too far from Pete's place. They made a left up a narrow lane that led in to one of the parks car parking areas. At this time of night it was pitch black, hidden from the road by a thick tree line, and entirely unoccupied; perfect. Darren killed the engine and switched the lights off, before reaching down and reclining his chair.

Pete got to work in seconds, undoing Darren's jeans and tugging them down to his knees, along with his underwear. As Darren sat, half stripped in the passenger seat, he grinned in the near total darkness and gave his cock a couple of tugs. It was magnificent, a large, thick cock, with a slight curve, laying on his toned belly and covered in a criss-cross of veins. His balls were hairless, large plums, hanging low from his cock and practically sitting on the chair themselves.

Pete leant across, slightly awkwardly from his seat, and reached up for the big cock. He gave it a couple of tugs before pulling the foreskin back to appreciate the slick helmet, already moist with pre-cum. Pete licked quickly around the head, before dropping his mouth and licking at the big balls. Pete felt Darren's hand on the back of his head, as he let out a low groan and said "fuck, that's nice, mate. Suck on them."

Pete leaned in further, licked the balls once more with his tongue and them sucked them in to his mouth as best he could. As he licked and sucked, slowly massaging and teasing the balls with his tongue, gentle groans continued to come from Darren. Pete came off the balls, slick with spit, and took the large cock in his mouth. He started flicking his tongue around the head again, tasting the pre-cum that was pearling at the piss-slit, before taking the length in his throat. Pete began bobbing his head up and down on the thick shaft, feeling the meat filling his throat and trying not to gag.

Darren ran his hand down Pete's back and pulled his shirt up with a sharp tug. He leaned over further, pulling his cock slightly away from Pete, and forced his hand under the waist band of Pete's trousers. He massaged Pete's meaty arse cheek with one hand, grabbing and shaking it, as Pete continued to lick at his heavy cock. Darren moved his hand round, slipping it under Pete's boxers and felt the warm smooth skin. As his fingers roved, he found what he was looking for. His fingers slipped in to Pete's crack and he pressed his middle finger against the tight arse hole.

Pete glanced up, "More experienced than you let on?" he asked with a grin.

Darren looked over at Pete's arse. "How different to a pussy can it be?" he said with a wink. He pulled his hand out of Pete's pants, brought his middle finger to his mouth and sucked on it, getting it slick with spit. Soon, he had his finger buried in Pete's arse, down to the knuckle. As he rocked his finger in and out, Darren used his other hand to guide Pete back on to his cock.

Darren's balls were churning already, he could feel himself coming to the edge and the sensation of Pete's stubble on his thigh was only heightening things. He pulled Pete off him before he came; he wasn't done yet.

"Get out of the car and come round to my side" Darren said.

Pete couldn't help but do what he was told. As he stood in front of the driver door, Darren reached up, undoing Pete's trousers and pulling everything down. Darren leaned in, inspecting the surprisingly large cock in front of him. Unlike his arse hole, Pete's cock was surrounded in bush, and Darren ran his hand over the forest of thick hair directly above Pete's cock. He took the long, relatively thin, cock in his hand and gave it a few tugs as he searched again for Pete's hole. Pete leaned in, hands on the roof of the car and began to fuck Darren's hand, as a thick finger found his hole and began working its way in.

"Turn around" Darren said. Wordlessly, Pete did and, without asking, he bent forward whilst pulling his arse cheeks apart to display his hole to Darren.

With a hacking sound, Pete felt a wet glob hit his arse and realised Darren had spat on his hole. A rough pair of fingers began massaging around the pink pucker, spreading the hot, wet, spit before starting to push in and out. Darren leaned in close, with just his fingertips in Pete, and let a huge gob of spit drop from his mouth and on to his fingers. Again, he began slowly pushing them in and out of Pete's tight pucker, gently gathering speed until he was pistoning his two fingers in and out of the young man.

Pete was groaning in pleasure, hands resting on his knees to keep himself up right. After several minutes of this, with Darren wanking him from behind, Pete called back over his shoulder "I want your cock in me". "Yeah? Want me to fill this hungry hole?" Darren almost whispered back, in a low groan.

"Please, I need it" Pete begged.

He pulled himself off Darren's fingers and turned round, beckoning him to stand. Pete took Darren's place, leaning in the car doorway, with his back arched and his arse facing the dark car park. Darren stepped forward, spitting again on Pete's hole, and then pressed his thick knob against it. Gently, Darren leaned in, and slowly increased pressure as he pushed his thick meat past Pete's ring until he felt a satisfying pop as his first inches entered the other man. Pete was groaning loudly, head down and appeared unable to speak.

The arse hole was tighter than anything Darren had ever fucked and he stood, cock part way in, not moving for a moment to give Pete and himself a moment to get used to it. After about thirty seconds Pete slowly began to lean back on to the cock and felt it slide further in as he impaled himself on his driver's cock. Taking the signal, Darren began to rock his hips back and forth, starting slowly and increasing in speed until he was fucking Pete's arse hard and fast. Darren was pulling his full length out before slamming it back in, almost toppling Pete several times, as the sound of their bodies clapping together echoed around the empty car park.

Pete felt amazing, the huge cock stretching his insides, as the hard helmet bounced repeatedly off his prostate. From behind him, Pete could hear a steady stream of words from Darren; "Fucking hell, this is amazing, your arse is so tight" as Pete himself moaned and groaned, grinding his arse back on Darren with each stroke of the cock.

As Darren continued plowing him, Pete felt a sensation surging in his groin, his balls lifted, body tensed, "I'm cumming" he practically shouted, as Darren increased his pace and force. Suddenly, his cock erupted, shooting spurts of creamy spunk all over the leather driver's seat. As he came, Pete's arse clamped around the thick cock within him, pushing Darren over the edge too. What felt like gallons of hot cum shot up inside of Pete, filling his guts with the Uber drivers seed.

Darren pulled out, breathing heavily, and made eye contact with Pete as he turned round. "Fuck" they both uttered, sharing a grin. They pulled themselves together and were getting in the car as Darren spotted the pool of cum on his leather seat. Scooping it up in his fingers, he stepped swiftly toward Pete, and shoved his fingers into Pete's mouth. "You've got mine, you might as well have yours too" Darren said lustily. Pete sucked them clean, the act happening too quickly for him to be surprised or to refuse.

Soon enough they were back in the car and it was only another five minutes of driving to get back to Pete's.

As he left a five star rating on the app, Pete unlocked his front door and let himself in to the hall way. The kitchen light was on and he could see Andrew swaying and swigging orange juice from a carton. "How the hell did I beat you home?" Andrew called "Where've you been?"

"No where special" replied Pete.

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