A Slut in Bed

By Amber Fountaine

Published on Jul 17, 2008



Amber Fountaine stories contain sexually explicit descriptions of consensual sexual activity and are not suitable for reading by anyone under the age of 18, or anyone offended by reading such material. These acts include gay and bisexual activity as well as any combination of piss play, diapers, cross-dressing and other fetishes and perversions that may please the author's whims. The characters in these stories are fictional, but are mostly based on the author's true experiences, as well as the experiences of others he has met. Every attempt to conceal these identities has been made. These stories are placed in Nifty for the enjoyment of its readers and are not to be copied and/or distributed without the approval of the author.

In an earlier story ("Lady in Red", Bisexual, Beginnings, July 4) ,I told the story of a friend named Curtis and how his girlfriend coaxed him over a period of months to have his first bisexual experience while dressed as Jennifer'. This story is about what happened after that Fourth of July in 1975 and some of the fun that Jennifer' has had since then. Since this part is almost entirely about how Jennifer was sissified in diapers and dresses for most of those 30+ years, I felt it should be in the Transgender, TV section and not an addition to the original story. However, this story might make more sense if you read "Lady in Red" first.

A Slut in Bed

by Amber Fountaine

Three days. That's what it took me to become a cock sucking, cum loving, cross-dressing slut. Sometimes I've wondered if it really took that long. I knew in the first three minutes of the moment when Fred's cock touched my lips that I'd be doing it again and as often as I could get away with. Let me explain that.

Eileen, my girlfriend, teased me about how quickly and completely I gave myself over to becoming `Jennifer' and how I'd spent most of the weekend almost begging for Fred to feed me more dick. Maybe in her eyes that was true, but I know I was really trying to show some restraint. While Eileen and her sister Tricia had set me up to get me started, and therefore I had to assume they really wanted me to suck cock, I was very much in love with Eileen and afraid that if I showed the enthusiasm for being a cocksucker that I really felt, it might somehow jeopardize our relationship. As I later learned more about Eileen, the things she liked, and some of her previous liaisons, I came to understand that she couldn't love me more than when she saw a cock cum in my mouth. But that kind of acceptance seemed so impossible at the time.

Now before I go any further explaining what my future had in store for me, I want to give you a little closer look at my past. The reason I want to make that clear is that when telling my story to others, some have gotten the impression that Eileen forced me in some way to change from what would appear to have been a normal male into a kinky, perverted, sissy that dressed in diapers and drag. That isn't the case at all. Never did she lock the door so I couldn't leave or twist my arm or hold a gun to my head or use the pictures she'd taken as blackmail to coerce me into the next step. She was an enabler - a guide of sorts - that seemed to know what I wanted even when I didn't, and would help me - encourage me - to try something new. If at any time I had felt like I was being coerced, I would have left ASAP and we wouldn't have been married for over thirty years now.

So if she didn't make me do it, then how did it happen? What occurred in my earlier years to make it all so easy that I was able to make such huge changes in my sexual preferences? Nothing that I can think of and believe me, I've given it a lot of thought. And that has made me wonder if maybe inside all of us men there isn't some urge, some small feminine component that if given the light of day and nurtured along as Eileen did for me, will grow into a human with the best possible traits of both men and women. Or maybe, in the overly simplistic answer of some psychologists, it was because my mother wore the pants in our family.

As far back as I can remember, while it was carefully disguised to our young eyes, my mom ruled the roost. By the time we were teens, us kids knew that getting mom's okay for anything guaranteed approval. If mom said "Yes," that was all it took. If she told us to ask our dad, he knew he had her permission to be the bad guy and tell us "no." In fact, his first question was always to ask us what our mom had said. If we told him she'd sent us to him for an answer, then the answer was always, "No." If we asked him first, his answer was always some version of "check with your mom." He wasn't about to stick his neck out and make a decision until he had her input.

A dinner conversation might go like this. He'd ask her where she thought might be a good place to go on vacation that year and she'd either tell him where we were going or ask if he really thought it was a good idea to take a vacation that year. Either he'd begin making plans for the destination she chose (to be submitted for her approval of course) or never mention vacations again for another twelve months. With that kind of home life in my formative years, I suppose it was possible that Eileen could subtly influence me in ways not readily recognizable to me.

Then there's what would appear to be my sudden fascination and desire for the male appendage - my unexpected fervor for sucking cock. Was it really all that sudden and unexpected? I think not. I believe for most of us it has something to do with events that happen in our youngest years, either pre-school or close to it, when we discover that down there, boys and girls are different. At some point we learn that the thing between our legs, no bigger than our thumbs, is what makes us a boy and not a girl. What happens next, according to Freud and a few others I suppose, is what shapes our attitude about sex and that's followed in just a handful of years by another two-fisted whammy - puberty.

I seriously doubt that there has ever been a boy that wasn't concerned about how his body (i.e. his cock) was growing compared to the other guys his age. Of course just when that wonder begins to creep into your mind, the school system gives you the answer - the showers in gym class. I've often speculated over how many home schooled young men later become bi or gay compared to the ones that spend five days a week in a room with fifty or more other naked boys. How can a young man, after spending all that time in school looking at other boys' pricks, noting the size and shape and development, not come away from the experience with some fascination for the male penis.

Then there's what I'll call the "Peacock" angle. In most animals of any level, the male is the one with the bright plumage, supposedly to attract a mate, while the female is somewhat drab in color and design in order that she not attract attention of predators. So just about the time that young men discover young women, and want to be attractive to them, they also discover that it's the young women that get to wear pretty clothes and the young men - well if they dress a little too nice it's considered gaudy and his masculinity is questioned. Isn't that, somewhere on some deep molecular level, maybe imbedded in our genes or the cores of our brains, going against the wishes of Mother Nature?

Go back in history a few hundred years to the garments worn by the Lords and Ladies of the day. The women's dresses, while elegant and decorated with embroidery, were all basically white - or as white as the conditions allowed. However the men were often seen in an extraordinary array of colors, and dyes were as big a trade item as spices. Exactly when that changed I have no idea; possibly as late as WWII. What I do know is that the change was complete by the time I was looking through those Sears & Roebuck catalogs and admiring the fascinating array of colors for lingerie - especially panties. Compared to my plain white jockey shorts - well there was no comparison.

So did the urge begin then? Most of the men that wear women's clothes admit to wearing things of their mom or sister in their teens. I didn't, but was I just more resistant to the urge? I'm certain that suppressed urge is another piece of the puzzle.

Then there's the myth that men are the dominant sex. Any man that has tried to have sex with a woman knows that one's a lie! Maybe men have dominated the workplace, but even that is changing. They damn sure don't dominate the bedroom and never have. That's not something I learned in college. It was something I'd long since figured out before I got there.

There isn't a single factor that I can point to in all that which I can say is the reason for "Jennifer" to emerge and exhibit such a voracious appetite for cock and cum. However, somehow, all of that combined, in whatever balance was required, resulted in Curtis becoming a slut named Jennifer. And while to anyone observing it might appear that Eileen was pushing me into doing things I would never have done on my own, I'm not sure that's true either. I've met a lot of other guys like myself in the years since that 4th of July weekend in 1975 and as I've gotten older, so have the guys I've met and discussed this with and some of them were just getting started. I believe - and so does Eileen and several others I've talked to - that if she hadn't come into my life, I would have probably tried bi sex at one of Jim's parties. I know I was leaning in that direction more than I'd admit at the time.

And while I never got into my sister's or my mom's or my ex-wife's clothes, I have a feeling that eventually, as fascinated as I'd always been with lingerie, that even without Eileen, an opportunity would have some day presented itself and like the man I met a few months ago who was fifty before he ever tried on his wife panties, I would have taken that opportunity and never looked back.

With all that said, let me now tell you why in my estimation I have to be the luckiest man on earth to have met Eileen and gotten those things out in the open to enjoy for many years instead of having to wait while the slow process of thoughts becoming fantasies and fantasies becoming reality to place.

Like I said before - and many times I'm sure - I knew from the moment I had Fred's cock in my hands and brought it to my lips that it was something I wanted to do again and often. After that weekend, `often' turned out to be a whole lot more frequent than Fred had expected. Just as I'd begun to suspect at the table just before taking my place (yes, I've come to consider being on my knees between a man's legs as my place in life) between Fred's legs, Eileen, Tricia, and Fred had discussed everything beforehand. I'd been primed for the moment for a few weeks - months actually. Eileen had been encouraging me to wear lingerie even before we moved in together and after we shared a home, my male underwear had been discarded. If I was feeling amorous and didn't have on panties and a nightie, I wasn't going to get to first base. The girls were constantly telling me things like I looked cute that way but I'd look cuter with a cock in my mouth. Tricia had mail-ordered a fake cock that the girls used on each other and they'd begun having me involved, usually cleaning it with my mouth after they'd used it. And of course they would tease me about how I couldn't wait to get my mouth on a real one.

So when that opportunity came about, I took advantage of it. Before Fred went home that Sunday evening, I'd sucked him off seven times and had my mouth on his cock at least a couple of dozen times. It got to where he was afraid to get close to me if his cock was exposed and we spent most of the weekend naked. Well they were naked - they kept me dressed at Jennifer.

After Fred was gone we had a long talk about what had happened. The girls were beside themselves with the success of their plan. Their goal had been to get me to try sucking a cock and see where it went from there, depending on how I reacted. They'd never dreamed that I might take to it so enthusiastically and with Jim's next party just a week away, part of that discussion revolved around plans for Fred and Tricia to go with us and watch my coming out as a member of the fast growing bi group.

Something else we talked about that evening was my growing interest in pee play and again, it was something that Eileen was helping me to appreciate. She'd discovered back in her teens that she could get an erotic thrill from the simple act of taking a piss. Following her lead, I had to agree with her. Since we'd started doing things like that together, I'd found the taste of her pee to be highly erotic and she felt the same way about mine. It wasn't something we did all the time, but in any weekend of sex play, you can be sure there was some piss play in the mix somewhere. What had surprised the girls was that it was my idea for Fred to pee in my mouth after he'd filled it with cum. Eating cum out of Eileen's pussy, mixed with bursts from her bladder, was so common that we hardly considered that pee play. To us, pee play was the things we did outside in the back yard or in the tub, and later when we got a cover for the mattress, in bed. So the second time I sucked off Fred, with his cum still in my mouth, I asked him if he needed to pee. I know I often felt like I needed to pee after I'd cum and I think it's more to do with the male plumbing changing over from cutting off the bladder than from any real need. Whatever - I asked and he agreed, giving me a few ounces of his golden flow.

As a result, among the other teasing I got - I believe that was the first time the girls started saying that the "lady in red is a slut in bed" - I was being taunted for becoming a piss freak. Tricia wasn't into that so she had some room to talk, but not Eileen. She'd been involved in pee play with almost every lover, male or female, since her teens. It was what had got her started with her brother Mason and the reason why Kevin hadn't worked out.

Before I explain how they got me into diapers - actually I got Eileen into diapers and it backfired on me - I think I ought to give you some background on Eileen, Mason, and Kevin, and what Eileen was looking for when she found me.

Mason in two years younger than Eileen and two years older than Tricia. While I'd found it very pleasant to be sandwiched between Eileen and Tricia in a sexual way, I'm sure Mason had a much different perspective of his situation as the middle child. In addition, Mason was, is, and will always be a sissy at heart. Several times he's confirmed Eileen's story that he never had any desire to be a boy or do boy things and has toyed with the idea of a sex change all his life. He had his name legally changed to Marsha Mason when he was in his late thirties, and has lived as a female for over half of his adult life. However in his case, it wasn't from a certain point on. He'll spend several years as a female and then for a couple of years and for reasons he can't explain, he becomes a part-time girl, living as a man and dressing on weekends or for business. Then he'll suddenly get the urge to go all the way again and he's back to living full time as a woman. Fortunately for him, his career as a writer of women's romance novels allows him to do that. Marsha Mason had been his pen name, he had to do book signings as a woman, and the name change seemed like the perfect answer. However, as effeminate as he is, even when he's dressed as a man most people think he's just another woman in men's clothes. So I don't know why he bothers.

Anyway, as children, Eileen said that Mason would often try to wear her clothes beginning as far back as they could remember. Their mom would save the clothes that Eileen grew out of to use as play clothes for Tricia, but by the time Tricia was big enough to wear them, Mason often had them too worn out. It wasn't something Mason did all the time, and there wasn't anything sexual about it until Eileen reached puberty. At the time she'd concluded that she was too old to play with dolls, she also decided that making a living doll out of Mason was much more fun. Where before she had tried to keep him out of her clothes, she now began to encourage him to wear them, and with her participating in his cross-dressing. Mason had been a bed-wetter until he was well into school age and Eileen had helped diaper him many times. He'd outgrown it by the time Eileen decided to dress him up but encouraged him to wear diapers again and when they were wet, she had an excuse to play with his pee-pee to their mutual enjoyment. Tricia was aware there'd been a shift in the relationship between her older brother and sister but it wasn't until she too was in puberty that she began to appreciate how much fun it was to have `Marsha' to play with and serve her.

By then, Eileen had chosen the name Marsha for her brother. Their dad had long since given up hope for Mason to be the son he wanted and that too played a pivotal role in Mason becoming Marsha. When the girls began referring to Mason as Marsha, their dad had to agree that he was too cute and effeminate to be a boy. With her husband siding with the girls, their mom gave up and allowed the girls to dress him and call him Marsha.

It was an accident - really - that brought about Eileen's interest in pee play, and it wasn't even her accident. She'd gotten Marsha' to start sleeping in her old nightgowns and on weekend mornings when their parents usually slept in, coming to her room to play. Masturbating Marsha had been part of that play for as long as Eileen had been dressing him and another reason he was so enthusiastic about wearing her clothes. Since Tricia shared a bedroom with Eileen, she too became part of the playing and found it just as fascinating as Eileen to play with his weenie' as it continued to grow. One morning Marsha had to forgo his usual stop in the only upstairs bathroom because one of the parents was in there and that turned out to be a mistake. They no longer used the pretense of diapers on Marsha so he didn't have that to use. Usually Eileen or Tricia would play with his pee-pee as soon as he showed them the bulge in his panties. But this particular day, Eileen and Tricia had already been playing with each other when Marsha arrived and he was fascinated to see Eileen with her hand in Tricia's panties. The girls promptly stopped what they were doing and when he urged them to continue, they began rough-housing instead. At some point, when both girls were tickling him, his bladder let go, soaking his panties, the front of his nightie, and . . . . Eileen!

Eileen says she has no idea why that got her so hot; possibly because she and Tricia had been fingering each other. For whatever reason, instead of being mad as Marsha expected, she wasn't mad at all. In fact, Eileen began to find ways for Mason or Marsha and even Tricia to wet themselves and her too. Eileen refers to that as their `wet period' and for nearly a year, the three, but mostly Marsha and Eileen, tried every way they could think of to play with their pee. For a short while, they even dug out Marsha's old diapers and used those to wet, taking turns peeing in a diaper. Then, all of a sudden and without anyone making the decision, they stopped. The dress-up and sex games continued, but the desire to wet themselves and each other faded of its own accord.

Then in her early twenties, Eileen was out on a date with a guy that seemed to have as kinky a mind as her own. They'd both been drinking a lot of beer, and when the guy decided to stop by the side of the road to pee, Eileen got out to help him, aiming his dick for him and finishing him off with a blow job next to the car while she peed in her panties. Not much later, in a similar circumstance, but this time with Eileen dressed in just a summer dress and panties, the guy had asked her to help him again and had been amazed when Eileen had stepped out of her dress and aimed his piss at her, taking the last of it in her mouth before sucking his balls dry. While he'd certainly enjoyed the blow-job part, he wasn't as kinky as Eileen had thought and possibly fearing that she might want to start peeing on him too, he never asked her out again.

Now mature enough that she could orgasm with ease, Eileen began to experiment, combining masturbation with visits to the toilet to pee, and soon discovered the awesome thrill of doing both at the same time. She was also able to find men and a few women that would share her perversion for piss before she met me. For some reason I saw nothing that strange about it. Maybe because I was so fascinated by Eileen from the moment we met, I just never stopped to think about it until after I'd been doing it long enough that I enjoyed it too. As I got used to the idea that we could piss together and enjoy it, I began to look forward to those wet adventures. Maybe it was another of the things that Eileen saw in me and brought out. Maybe I was a piss pervert too and didn't know it or maybe I was just being mathematically practical. I mean stop and think about how many times a day you have to pee. If you could find some erotic way to enjoy just half of those times you'd be onto something great. The way I looked at it (and still do) is that if sharing your pee with your lover or getting bathed or drinking hers is going to wind up with great sex, a man would have to be a fool to say no. I've never considered myself a fool.

It was this mutual interest in pee play that was a significant part of how Jennifer became a diapered sissy. So let me explain now how several small events and then the notion of putting Eileen in diapers got me back in diapers instead.

The neighbor next door at my apartment was a single mom with a baby boy about a year old. When my little sister had gone through the babysitting stage in her early teens, I was still at home and would often get involved. So when the lady next door asked if I could watch the baby for a few minutes while she ran to the store, I wasn't at all bothered by the thought. I was glad to help and enjoyed having the little guy. Since I never charged my neighbor as a regular sitter might, those baby sitting occasions grew longer and more often and eventually one occurred while Eileen was there. This was before we moved but after Tricia had started seeing Fred. He and Tricia had gone out of town somewhere and since my apartment complex had a pool and Eileen's didn't, she was going to spend the weekend at my place. However, when she saw me change the little boy's diaper, all the plans to go swimming changed quicker than that diaper.

She never said a word as she watched me clean, powder, and diaper the baby, but as soon as I was done, she was all over me! We were fucking so hard that when the baby's mom knocked at the door, we didn't hear her. Thinking there might be a problem, she went to get the apartment manager to open the door. By the time they got back, we were done, but it was obvious to all why we hadn't heard the knock. Fortunately the baby slept through it all and was the only one that wasn't at least a little embarrassed by the situation.

At first I didn't make the connection between my changing the baby and Eileen's passion. When I did and asked about it, she finally told me the details about her and her brother Mason and how she'd diapered him as a child and then later in their teens, the beginning of their sex play, and how later peeing together in their panties had been a huge turn-on for them and still was for Eileen - as I well knew.

By this stage of our relationship, I was in panties most of the time, but still had plenty of jockey shorts at my apartment. I convinced Eileen that they looked so much like training pants that we could split the eight or ten pairs I had between us, wear them all at once so that they were four or five thick on each of us, and wet them. I was sure the cotton jockey shorts would be better for wetting than the panties would be. That turned out to be the start of yet another round of great sex, most of it oral to enjoy the flavor, and another wet and wild weekend. It also got us thinking about adult diapers, but that was still a bit off in the future.

As I've continuously mentioned, there was a lot of good natured, taunting and teasing going on between me and the girls. Mostly it was them teasing me, but I gave it back to them to some extent on occasion. Eileen figured out right away that my favorite style of nightgown for either of us was a baby doll and rather than have me wear one of hers, she'd gone out and bought me three of them (all red) plus a couple more for herself. Then with the incident of the baby, when she'd tease me about being a sissy or something, from time to time I'd tease Eileen about being a baby. Tricia gave me some more insight by correcting me one time, telling me that what Eileen really wanted was to have a baby, not be a baby.

We did the thing with my underwear as least once more before we moved in together and when Eileen suggested we share an underwear drawer of panties only, I was all for it. I told her that maybe we ought to keep my old underwear for when she needed training pants and she agreed. So we might have done it one or two more times after we were living together, but after that Fourth of July weekend with Fred, I don't recall ever seeing or wearing those jockey shorts again. In Eileen's eyes, and mine too if I were honest, that's when I officially became `Jennifer'.

That weekend so changed my life that everything else sort of got swept to one side. It was as if I'd found my calling, and sucking cock was it. Eileen didn't mind at all and in fact encouraged me and again that went back to Mason and their teens.

As Eileen got older and found other pricks to play with besides her little brother's, one of them came up with the idea that `Marsha' might like to play with a prick too. They still argue over whose idea it was and Eileen says she suggested it to Marsha and Marsha says he brought a boy home from school and that it was all his idea. Based on my own experience at Eileen's hand, I'm inclined to think she deserves the credit for urging him to try it. Either way though, what's important is that Marsha found a boyfriend and Eileen was fascinated to see her little brother have sex with another boy. She swears that the first time she had a real, full-fledged, earth-shattering orgasm was around the time she got out of high school, fingering herself while watching Marsha suck off an older man that was watching Eileen masturbate.

As my bisexuality bloomed, I often felt guilty for being such a slut for cock and not paying enough attention to the woman I'd come to love. However Eileen kept assuring me that she was VERY happy to see me enjoy myself, slobbering over a bone like a dog. In addition, those little pangs of guilt subtly persuaded me to give Eileen extra attention and I think she knew it and didn't mind that a bit either. In addition, we decided that we shouldn't commandeer Fred all the time since Tricia hadn't brought him home for us, and Jim's once a month parties were . . . well, only once a month. So on those other three or four weekends in between we began a slow, but steady, systematic way of finding cocks to share.

Again, let me remind you, that this was in the pre-AIDS days of the 70's and I was far from the only guy suddenly finding out he was bi. The stigma of homosexuality was being blurred so rapidly that it appeared at times that it was almost the masculine thing to do to try gay sex; like only the guys with the most balls would have the nerve to do that and any guy that didn't give it a try was chicken shit - completely and totally backwards from when I'd been in school. It was almost as easy for me to find a cock to suck as it was for Eileen and together . . . it was incredible. I don't know how many times we picked up a guy in a bar even before we'd finished our first drink. I'm sure, in the twenty-some weeks between the Fourth of July and the day we got married that we shared no less than twenty-some men. And then, believe it or not, it got better! At least for the old cum slut here.

Tricia's remark about Eileen wanting a baby got me to thinking. I'd been married and divorced. Eileen had seen Tricia go through that too. Eileen had also had a disastrous relationship with a guy named Kevin that I'll go into in a bit. So before moving in together we'd both decided that marriage wasn't for us and that we'd be perfectly happy just cohabiting for the time being and we'd see where that went. Well I might not be the brightest bulb on the tree, but I knew where I wanted it to go. I couldn't imagine there being a more perfect woman for me than Eileen. I worshiped the ground she walked on and lived to make her happy. So on Thanksgiving, instead of trying to cook a big meal for the three of us (Fred had screwed up and was on the outs), I took us girls out to dinner.

I was nervous as hell for two reasons. To begin with, while Eileen had persuaded `Jennifer' to go out to a few bars and such at night, I'd never gone out of the house dressed as a woman in the daytime. To do it on Thanksgiving in a crowded restaurant . . . I think you can understand why that would make me nervous. Compound that with the fact that I'd decided to propose to Eileen and you can understand completely why I was damn near pissing in my panties and this time it wasn't for fun. The girls wanted to go to a cafeteria near the house, but I wanted some place where we could get drinks with the meal and I thought a cafeteria would have too many families with children. The girls thought it a bit over the top that I ordered Champagne with the meal, but somewhere near the bottom of the bottle, they understood why.

What they thought was a silly, sissy sounding toast turned into a marriage proposal. I began by saying what I was thankful for and then said that more than anything else, I was thankful to have Eileen in my life. After we clinked our glasses, I added that I wanted her in my life for all my life and wanted her to become my wife.

They weren't at all ready for that. There was a moment of silence when I wondered if I'd gone too far and then suddenly Eileen was saying, "Yes," and we were all crying and hugging and I'm sure making a scene the likes of which that restaurant had never seen. To an outsider, it would have looked like three overemotional women and we could hardly explain that one of the women was a man and had just proposed marriage. When we got calmed down, we began to discuss `when' and it was Eileen's suggestion that we make it quick before I changed my mind - as if that would ever happen! She told me she didn't want a fancy ceremony and that any judge or preacher was good enough for her. She'd seen Tricia's big wedding and those of some of her friends and none of them were still married. She'd long since concluded that the size of the wedding had nothing to do with the longevity of the marriage. She decided on the spot that she wasn't going to tell her mom and dad until after we were married and that my birthday in a few weeks might be the perfect time. I had to agree to that. If she'd said, "Tomorrow," I'd have been up and ready before dawn.

In those few weeks, we got into some serious discussions about our future. Eileen revealed that she really would like to have children. Of course that raised the issues of how many kids and what would become of `Jennifer' and we agreed to play it by ear. We also agreed that when Eileen's little pink pill case went empty, she wouldn't refill the prescription and that while it might change the sex life we'd been enjoying the last few months, starting some time just before Christmas, I'd be the only man to fuck her - at least until she got pregnant.

Now several things happened coincidentally and sometimes I have to wonder about coincidence. Since neither of us had family that lived close, we decided a Justice of the Peace ceremony was plenty good enough. Of course Tricia was going to stand up with us and it was her idea to have Mason stand up for me. That brought Marsha onto the scene and almost a story in itself. While Eileen and Tricia looked like sisters, Marsha and Tricia were damn near identical twins. We weren't sure - and he wouldn't tell us - whether Mason or Marsha would be getting off the plane. I didn't really care and if the JP thought it strange that our best man was a woman . . . well, that was his problem.

And again, the air was heavy with `baby' talk, a lot of it this time centered around Eileen having one but with a few remarks about either me or Eileen becoming a baby. Even Marsha became the butt of some of the teasing with the girls remarking about how much he'd enjoyed being their baby girl. He never denied it and told me stories of some of the things the girls had done with him. I got to know Marsha very well in the few days he was with us and I'm not going to go into details, but let me say this - Marsha's clitty is one of the nicest I've ever enjoyed!

Eileen and I were in entirely different fields of work. However both places seemed to have one thing in common; everyone wanted off over the Christmas holidays, so getting a week off before Christmas in exchange for volunteering to work during the holidays was a snap. It also gave us a good excuse not to have to face Eileen's parents over Christmas as they were demanding. We decided that for a honeymoon, we'd fly to Miami, rent a car, and spend a few days in Key West and that's were the next part of this saga - the soggy part - begins.

On the way out of Miami, Eileen spotted a big drugstore and suggested that it might be cheaper to stock up on things like sun screen and do some shopping there than to wait to buy things at tourist prices in Key West. So while she was shopping for those things, I wandered around looking for shaving gel and some disposable razors. I was now shaving my legs regularly, as well as several other areas, and that's when I came across a display of a new product called, "Adult Disposable Diapers." Without a moment's hesitation, I grabbed a package, ran to the front of the store, paid for them, took them out and stashed them in the trunk, and ran back inside. I managed to keep them hidden until a couple of days later when the time was right.

In the meantime, we behaved like any couple on a honeymoon. We fucked like rabbits! And when we weren't fucking each other . . . well let's just say that all the rumors we'd heard about the uninhibited sex in Key West were true. Eileen would be going off the pill in a few days and we wanted to make the most of it. One night we got invited to a huge keg party on the beach, with about a hundred people there and most of them naked. We'd spent the previous night with the person that invited us so he already knew we were a couple of piss freaks on our honeymoon. When that beach party got to roaring, he decided the newlyweds deserved a wedding shower and the next thing you know, Eileen and I are on our knees or backs as a big part of the group took turns showering us with piss and cum. I'm not sure how long it lasted, probably not more than thirty minutes or so, but it was long enough for dozens of men and women to pee on us or jack off on us and we were covered with it, as was our blanket. We made an effort to suck, lick, or at least kiss each of those contributing cocks and cunts, but there was no way we could keep up. A security patrol found us all alone, still naked on our piss soaked blanket, some time after sunrise and if we hadn't been on our honeymoon, I think we might have been in big trouble.

It was that day, after we'd gone back to our room to clean up and recover from the party, that I pulled out the package of diapers. Usually when Eileen and I used the bathroom together, it led to some sort of sex. But after that beach party that had made Jim's orgies seem like a church social, sex was the last thing we thought of. So I decided that was the perfect time for me to pull out the diapers and put Eileen in one. She was surprised to say the least, but went along with it. Then when I went to get some panties to put on, she stopped me and said that if she had to wear a diaper, then I should too.

I can't tell you for sure that I wasn't hoping she'd make that suggestion. When I picked out the package of diapers, I picked the size that fit me. But then I knew we wore the same size panties so that made sense. And while wetting was supposed to be her thing, truth be known, I'd enjoyed wetting our make-believe training pants as much as she had - maybe more. Maybe the reluctance I showed to wearing a diaper was more of an act than I wanted to admit. But I did it and just like that morning when Fred's cock touched my lips and I knew I'd forever be a cocksucker, the first time I cut loose in the diaper, soaking it completely with just one pee, I knew I'd be a diapered sissy at every chance. Feeling that warm pee flow through my crotch and knowing I didn't have to worry about it leaking - that I could keep peeing and continue to function as an adult . . . It was love at first wet!

But then I had a dilemma on my hands. Eileen had encouraged me to wear the lingerie that I'd always admired and it turned out I loved it. She'd also encouraged me to suck a cock and it turned out I loved that too. But this diaper thing was my idea and I wasn't at all sure how she was going to feel about that. What if she liked it but didn't want me to do it? What if she had been willing to try it - we had a sort of try anything attitude so trying it didn't mean much - and didn't want either of us to do it? I shouldn't have worried. She proved to me that I'd picked the perfect woman to marry. She wanted both of us to do it!

There weren't any nude beaches (legal ones - as the cop that had found us on the beach had so strongly let us know) that we could find but there was one we were directed to where the woman went topless and whether it was legal or not . . . the main thing is no one enforced the law if there was one. So we have a couple of pictures of Eileen and me on the beach, walking hand-in-hand in just diapers. That got us some attention! No one had ever seen adult diapers and since there were no public toilet facilities nearby, some people thought those adult diapers were something new from the swim shop.

What we found out, after using all the diapers in just over a day and a half (the worst ones today are better than the best ones then), was that they were so new to the market that they weren't available in Key West and that we'd have to have some shipped to us from the same store in Miami where I'd bought the first package. What we COULD find at the time were diaper pins and as usual, Eileen's devious little mind was working overtime. She tipped the hotel maid to bring us a bunch of extra towels and with the diaper pins she got at the grocery store, she improvised us some cloth diapers. We didn't have any plastic pants to put over them so they certainly weren't leak-proof, but they were more fun to play in than the disposable ones. It was something we kept in mind when we got back home.

Eileen's little Polaroid camera got a workout on that honeymoon. We had plenty of shots of each other, as well as the two of us together. Whether it was at a restaurant or a beach orgy, there was always someone willing to take a picture of the honeymoon couple. Tricia drooled over the shots of us at that party on the beach, with a line of hard, naked men lined up to feed us their cocks. And she screamed with delight at the shots of the two of us in diapers. We got a lot of ribbing over those and had to explain that whole story. But surprisingly, back in the big city where most things were available, it was a few months before we decided to try diapers again and this time, with Eileen's belly swelling with our first child, she decided I should do it by myself.

Eileen's OB/GYN convinced Eileen that as first time parents, we should take classes. During the class where we were to diaper one of these large dolls, Eileen and I started giggling and making remarks to each other and were chastised by the instructor for not taking the class seriously. However, she noted (aloud to the class) that we'd done a very good job and commented that we must have had some experience. When I saw Eileen open her mouth to speak, I thought sure for a moment that she was going to say something about our honeymoon and she told me later it had crossed her mind, but all she said was, "Thank you."

However, after class we stopped for a drink and began talking about our honeymoon and diapers and how much our sex life had changed since we'd gotten married. She'd told me I was free to contact any of the bi men we'd gotten to know and that I didn't have to share a man with her and she was just happy to know I was enjoying myself. We were still having men over, and what I meant about it getting better was that I got all the cock and cum. But I'd never had sex with a man - or woman for that matter - since I'd met Eileen that Eileen wasn't there and part of it in some way, even if it was only watching. Considering all the things we'd done, I guess that sounds pretty old-fashioned, but I'd set my mind to the idea that if I had sex with anyone other than Eileen, it would only be with her there to share or watch or whatever she wanted to do.

So at the same time that she's telling me I should get out and have some fun by myself(how's that for having the perfect woman!), I was telling her I wasn't going anywhere without her. I told we'd find some way to enjoy ourselves together or do without or whatever, but I wasn't going anywhere without her - period! I think we were about done with our second or third drink when she brought up the class earlier and the diapers and after we'd enjoyed another laugh about that, she casually told me, "That's something we could do together and both enjoy."

One thing I'd heard mentioned was that some women have bladder control problems in the last tri-mester. I thought maybe that's where she was going with the conversation - she was considering wearing diapers during that time. I was really surprised when she suggested she keep me in diapers, practicing on me until the baby was born, and I could either jack off in the wet diaper or she'd do it for me when she changed me or whatever else we might come up with.

Now I will admit that I'd thought about the fun we'd had in diapers in Key West. But for some reason, that had seemed a little too sissified for me. That might sound funny, since I was now wearing panties full time, dressing as Jennifer on most weekends, and for most of the prior year, had shown an insatiable appetite for sucking cock and swallowing cum. I had a girl's name, my own tray of makeup, slept in a nightie every night, and I'm worried that diapers might make me look like a sissy? That sounds silly even to me.

Another part of the reason I'd avoided the diaper issue was that I knew there was something in her failed relationship to this guy Kevin and it had to do with him being babied or something. The impression I'd gotten was that Kevin was a big baby or wanted to be a big baby so I didn't want to do too much in that direction. It was one of the reasons why I'd jokingly mentioned `baby' several times over the last year, teasing Eileen but at the same time sounding her out for a reaction, hoping she'd mention whatever it was that Kevin had done wrong. I certainly didn't want to do the same thing.

So when she leaned across the little table and asked seductively if I'd like for her to diaper me, I was in a quandary for an answer. However by then I'd known her for over a year and I knew when she asked like that, the answer was, "Yes." When she was using the breathy voice and the sultry eyes, it was something she wanted to do too, and what she wanted me to admit was that I wanted to do it. Almost every time we'd sucked a cock together, she'd wanted me to tell her how much I wanted to do it and hear me admit to being a slut. So I did it. I told her that I'd love to wear a diaper; that I wanted to wet it and be her sissy baby girl. Even as the words were rolling across my lips, my cock was getting hard, knowing what the future had in store for me.

Later that night, after we'd had some slow romantic sex, she stopped me from going to the bathroom and had me wet my panties and the bed - with her in it! Then she scolded me for wetting my panties and told me that little girls that wet their beds and panties had to be kept in diapers and that I should expect to be diapered at night from then on. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when the following night she called me into the bedroom to get ready for bed - a sure sign she was up to something - and I found a brand new pair of adult plastic pants laid out with my favorite red baby-doll nightie and a stack of white bath towels sitting on the dresser along with several pair of diaper pins and baby powder and oil.

That night was almost as big a turning point as the morning I'd sucked Fred's cock. I went into that diapering session fully aware and admitting freely that I wanted it to happen. The next morning, I was begging Eileen to leave the wet diaper on me just a little bit longer; I enjoyed it that much! It wasn't an act to please Eileen. From that morning forward and for the last thirty-two years, she's never had to prompt me to admit to her that I'm a sissy and that I love to wear sissy clothes and wear and wet diapers.

Over the next three years we had two kids and at one point, Eileen had three babies in diapers to contend with. However, when Ryan, our oldest, turned two or three and called me mommy' for the first time, we decided that Jennifer' needed to go back in the closet - but not so deep that we couldn't pull her out when we had and evening or weekend to ourselves - or our two close friends.

The diaper games we played - Eileen isn't into it near as much as I am but occasionally the mood hits her and she loves to spend a few days and nights wearing and wetting diapers too - kept us sexually entertained through the end of her pregnancy with Ryan and when we felt like we could have returned to our former swinging ways, we really didn't have the desire. The following year she was pregnant again, we had a little girl, Rhonda, and it wasn't until some time after Rhonda was born and beginning to walk, that we decided to re-assess our sexual future.

At the time, the average American family had 2.5 children. Since neither of us knew how to have half a child, we decided to stop where we were at and Eileen went back on the pill. That opened the subject of opening our marriage and to what extent. By then, the 70's were behind us, this new disease GRID had been renamed AIDS, and it gave us a lot to think about. I freely admitted, and again it wasn't just because she wanted to hear it, that `Jennifer' was a slut and dying to come out of the closet and suck some cock. But Jennifer didn't want to die because of it and leave a widow and two children just because she craved cum.

The pregnancies and then the responsibilities of parenting two children had matured us in many ways. That new car I'd wanted, to replace the jalopy I'd been left with when I'd gotten divorced, didn't seem nearly as important as finding us a house of our own. Our love life, while still very kinky to most peoples' standards, wasn't anything at all like it had been when we first met. Sure there were times when Jennifer made an appearance, either as a grownup or in diapers, and pee play was still involved somewhat regularly, but the only visitors to our bed had been `Marsha' the few times that he came in, and more regularly, Tricia. Tricia had become a visitor in other ways too. On Ryan's first birthday I announced that I was officially going house hunting for a four-bedroom house for our growing family and Tricia announced that we didn't need a fourth bedroom on her account as she thought she should be moving out.

She didn't move far though. The house I found was a fixer-upper in a historic older section of town that originally had four upstairs bedrooms and a separate garage with a garage apartment. A previous owner had cut it up and turned it into four one-bedroom apartments up front and a fifth over the garage. The guy I bought it from had started restoring it, and had gotten divorced before he finished. I soon learned the hard way that `fixer-upper' has MANY levels of fixing involved and Ryan was in his teens before I finished. The nice thing was that when I was finished with phase one of the work and we started moving in, we had plenty of bathrooms. However Tricia's first move was to the garage apartment so she was only fifty foot away. It was her next move, to the other end of the country with her new fiancé, which was a big part of Eileen wanting to discuss our sexual future.

Even when Tricia had been married, she'd still gotten together with Eileen, continuing the sexual fun they'd been having since they were kids. Eileen had never been without a female lover since the day she and Tricia had found ways to pleasure each other. `Jennifer' did his best to take Tricia's place, and while she loved the way I ate her pussy, my foam tits didn't do it for her and Eileen loves the taste of pussy too. And while I claimed to be completely satisfied with Marsha visiting us once or twice a year, the truth was that I really missed having a variety of cock to suck. We heard through mutual friends that Jim no longer had those great parties out at his place where I'd met Eileen and an impromptu visit to the bookstore where Eileen had once watched me suck off four men in a row disclosed that the video arcade was now brightly lit and the glory holes paneled over and a security officer patrolling to run off anyone loitering. A lot had changed in the few years since we'd last been part of the 70's scene.

One thing that hadn't changed yet was communication - but it was coming. The briefcase telephone, forerunner to today's shirt-pocket cell phone, was on the market. The very first small home computers were becoming available, but only a few of the more sophisticated business computers were sold with a box that would hook the computer to the internet. So finding an outside partner for sex was not all that easy. About all that came of those discussions was that we agreed we should find someone, and while a single male or female would suffice, a couple with similar interests would be better, providing both variety and an outlet for our bisexual needs. The gods of sex delivered for us, right to our doorstep.

I had never charged Tricia any rent for the garage apartment. Her availability as a babysitter was worth ten times what I thought I might have gotten for rent for the place. But after her abrupt departure, Eileen mentioned that we ought to think about cleaning up the garage apartment and renting it and that made sense - but not so much that I rushed to do it. The city had recently added curbs and sidewalks and repaved the streets in our area. Eileen loved to work in the yard, so I'd added a short stone retaining wall on our side of the easement line and that left a two foot strip between the wall and the sidewalk. Eileen was out front, putting flowers in that strip when a couple drove by slowly, then stopped and asked Eileen is she knew of any apartments for rent in the area. They were newlyweds, had only the one car between them and the woman worked a couple of blocks away, but at odd hours. They were out driving around in the neighborhood because they knew a lot of the older homes had been divided up into apartments.

In business they say that timing is everything - whenever they're not saying that location is everything. In this case it works that way in sex too. With both kids down for a nap, Eileen had busied herself out front and I'd gone to Tricia's apartment to take inventory. She'd left a lot of things behind, telling us to keep whatever clothes and stuff we wanted and to give the rest away or throw it out. Eileen had been through it once, telling me that there were some nice things that shouldn't be thrown out, and I'd finally gotten around to go take a look for myself. I'd pretty much decided that most of it should be donated and a few of the items of furniture should be replaced if we wanted to rent it out as furnished. Then I spotted `the dress' in her bedroom closet. It was the dress I'd borrowed from Tricia and had been wearing the Thanksgiving Day that I'd proposed to Eileen.

There's a lot of femme in me and I can be very sentimental at times. This was one of those times and I later found out that Tricia had left that dress on purpose, knowing I'd want to keep it. I thought about taking off my shirt and shorts and putting on the dress but instead held it against me and admired myself and the dress in the full length mirror, stopping occasionally to wipe away the tears in the corners of my eyes. That simple flowered dress was more significant to me than a brides wedding gown.

I heard Eileen come up the stairs and thinking she'd come looking for me, I walked out of the bedroom still holding the dress in front of me, asking, "Remember the first time I wore this dress?" The afternoon sun was shining brightly behind Eileen or maybe I would have seen right away that there were two people with her and shut up before I got to the part about, ". . I wore this dress."

Eileen just stood there grinning. Sharon, the woman of the pair, was the first to recover of the four stunned people. "I'll bet you looked cute."

"He did," Eileen told her. "That's what he was wearing the night he proposed to me."

I couldn't really say anything. I was the one that had opened the door by admitting I'd worn that dress. Where I'd worn it and why was sort of immaterial at that point.

"That's sweet," Sharon commented and then turned to Bill, her husband. "I'll bet he could teach you a lot."

To make a long story short, Bill and Sharon had both had bisexual experiences in their teens and had talked about the possibility of maybe someday doing something like that again. Among Bill's experiences had been with a buddy that had a sister and wearing her clothes, pretending to be a girl when he sucked his buddy's cock. Sharon told us he'd been into her clothes a few times but that he was too much bigger to wear most of her things and too shy to admit he liked it enough to buy his own. So not only did they take the apartment, since Tricia was a couple of sizes larger than Eileen, they gratefully accepted the clothes she'd left too (except for that flowered dress - no way I was giving that up!). In fact I let them have the first month's rent for free for cleaning up the place and repainting it.

Now you see what I meant about timing and location. The fact that Bill and Sharon had similar interests was pure coincidence. However, if Eileen hadn't been located in the front yard at the time she was, and I hadn't decided to go out to the garage apartment when I did and just happened to be there holding that dress in front of me at the time they walked in . . . Or for that matter, if Bill and Sharon hadn't driven down our street at the time they did - they'd been looking in the area for a couple of weeks and were going to another street to look when they spotted Eileen in the yard . . . . timing and location is everything!

Bill and Sharon became not only our tenants, but our best friends and Rhonda's god parents. Bill learned how to become `Belle' but it was more with Eileen and Sharon's tutelage than with mine. I provided moral support - or more correctly I suppose - immoral support. Belle became very adept at sucking Jennifer's clitty and I don't mind taking credit for that at all. We often talked - some of it was Belle and Jennifer fantasizing about sucking dozens of cocks and some of it was the ladies teasing us - about bringing in other men. But we didn't do it. For well over five years, until Bill got a huge promotion and transferred, the only outsiders to join us were Tricia and Marsha, beginning when they both flew in to be Ryan's god parents when we had both of the kids Christened to keep our folks happy. They've both visited us from time to time and still do, but except for that double Christening and one Christmas, never at the same. However Tricia's latest husband appears to be a keeper and his training is progressing nicely. But that's another story.

Seeing the fun that Eileen and I had in diapers, both Sharon and `Belle' tried that too and enjoyed it to some extent, but not like Eileen and I did. Then, after they moved, we went through several tenants and they were so much problem we decided to let the place go un-let and the kids turned it into their game room/party house. Considering they were nearing high school age and enjoy music I can't stand, that was one of my better ideas.

In the mid-80's we heard about an organization called, "DPF", a club for Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers. Through that club we made a few connections that led to occasional playmates. We became computerites' in the early 90's and Jennifer' was one of the earliest members of the old `E-groups' that was later absorbed and then ruined by Yahoo. However other groups and websites have persisted and it was through those that we continued to remain active, though on a limited basis until both kids were grown.

Since I mentioned the kids, who are now adults, you're probably wondering if they ever found out about Jennifer' or their parents wearing diapers. Of course they did. If you have any sort of fetish AND teenage kids and think those kids don't know what you're up to, you're only fooling yourself. Keeping my collection of porno pics on floppies marked taxes' didn't fool them at all. And while I was diligent about cleaning out my computer files pertaining to Jennifer, I didn't do it often enough to keep them from reading some of the email I'd exchanged with other dressed or diapered sissies. I'll never forget how grown-up they thought they were the night they told us that they knew about `Jennifer' and that if we wanted to wear diapers or if I wanted to wear dresses, they were okay with it as long as we didn't do it in front of their friends.

At the start of the new millennium, with both kids out of the house (and before they could change their mind), I sold the house, bought a small, one-bedroom farm house, and parked our new motor-home in the barn. Eileen's garden has grown to where we raise our own organically grown vegetables. For a living, I now travel around the country, doing seminars and consulting at much more money than I ever made working more hours for someone else. Much of the time Eileen can go with me, but during the growing months, she can't be away from her huge garden for more than a few days. But from the last fall harvest to spring planting time, be on the lookout for a white and gray motor-home with yellow, "Baby on Board," signs in the front and rear windows.

And if you're wondering if the Lady in Red' is still a Slut in Bed,' don't take my word for it, ask Amber!

From Amber: Yes, Jennifer is definitely my kind of girl' and a lot of fun! This covers all the notes I took from Curtis's visit a couple of months ago. Curtis was very happy to read, "Lady in Red" and has read and made a few corrections to this story. He said the only thing we never covered was the part about Kevin, Eileen's old boyfriend, and the cause of their breakup. As it turned out, it wasn't because Kevin acted like a baby as Curtis had suspected; it was because he wouldn't let the girls dress him up like a baby. Kevin had been very submissive and they'd had no problem getting him to dress in girl's clothes. But he'd balked at being dressed as a baby girl and after that, seemed to argue about everything. As a result, Eileen and Tricia had brought Curtis along much more slowly, but with every intention of eventually enjoying him in the same way they'd enjoyed Marsha' when they'd been younger.

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