Adjusting to a Femdom World


Published on Apr 19, 2010



Caroline was a woman of her time. She was aged 36, a highly qualified clinical psychologist with a promising career and a well paid counseling job. She had been married to Steve for 15 years. They had married young and in the beginning Steve had earned enough for her to finish her education and get a career established. He had been involved in sales in the hospitality industry. Now the tables had turned. Steve was also 36, at home and as hard as he had tried he could not find work. The problem for Caroline was that Steve saw himself as a failure and it showed badly. Caroline had tried the gentle "motivational" approach to fix the problem but that had not worked. Steve was drinking too much, smoking, putting on weight and loosing pride in himself. He wasn't even doing anything to help around the home. All he did was sit around watching TV and waiting for things to happen for him. They had once loved each other but after 15 years of marriage the sex was not regular or good, it never really was and she was definitely sick of the person he had become and things had to change. If they didn't then their relationship would be too difficult to maintain and end up as another divorce statistic. They had two daughters Kaylee aged 14 and Shawna aged 11.

Because Caroline had married very young there were many things that she still had to learn about herself. Her psychologist training and exposure to clients had helped her see and want to experience a much less vanilla world. She now knew she was bisexual and wanting to explore more same sex experiences but even more than that her counseling led her to a more profound conclusion. As she aged she was becoming more and more dominant and she believed women were mentally stronger, thought more flexibly and some men like Steve were best protected from themselves. Steve had just allowed this to happen and Caroline was ready for change. Her preparation had been through analysis of numerous sex addicts that she had as clients and the introduction they had given her to the BDSM, in particular the Femdom world. In order to get an understanding of her clients she had avidly surfed the Net and was a participant in some Websites. She had even contacted a local Lifestyle Femdom Group and spoke with Joan. Otherwise known to her clients as Mistress Sam. Most of her professional clients were men and her friends were women. Mistress Sam was the stereotypical leather-clad bitch into spanking, strap- on, humiliation any kind of role play including animal play and cbt. She was also an expert in role reversal including forced feminization. Through the visual effects of femdom pictures and the websites and stories about living the femdom dream and Joan, Caroline had created a vision of the future for herself and formulated a plan that could not fail. Steve had pushed her so far that her imagination had taken over and payback time was going to be fun for the woman and not so much fun for a weak underachieving man, everyone had to pay their way. Even she was not sure of the finer detail but things were going to change!

Steve's situation was not unique. Caroline had observed that in general men were not coping with the modern way of doing things. This underachievement seemed to start at school but that was just the beginning. The lack of a good education was leading to less secure jobs and ultimately a failure to keep them. On the other hand girls were achieving. Starting with out-performance at high school and college and then with adult working careers. The reasons were complex and often revolved around the nature of modern work. There are now less physical jobs and IT and had created more inter-personal and desk driven kind of jobs where females often did better. The modern workplace was more about consensus and less about physical strength and testosterone. Statistics supported her beliefs.

As a professional most of Caroline's work colleagues and friends were female and most of her clients were male. Aggravating the situation male failure was not making them more humble or appreciative of their wives efforts to keep families together financially as well as every other way. Because Caroline was so sick of her "at home" problem she often confided with her friends. Inevitably the subject came around to lazy unmotivated men. It was something they had in common and it drew them together. For many people the problem was about money but that was not the primary problem for Caroline. She was just sick of the directionless negativity at home. It was destructive for the family and she desperately wanted to fix the problem. Caroline didn't like Kaylee and Shawna seeing what their Dad had become and she was definitely over him. She was married to a slob. Caroline's closest friends at work were Tina and Mary. Tina was a registered nurse and in a same sex relationship with Anthea who was also a nurse and Mary was a single parent. They were all of the view that drastic measures were necessary when dealing with loosers and in fact those loosers were incredibly fortunate that their wives/partners were prepared to make one last effort to make their relationships work.

On a purely business level where Caroline worked had provided a proposal to the State Administration on the very subject of male unemployment and the social consequences of underachievement. Given the size of the problem a significant contract had been given back to the firm. The goals of the Scheme were to:

  • Keep young males within the mainstream education system * Retrain working age men in relevant sought after occupations * Assist State Police and Corrections in reducing rates of recidivist offending * Reduce State unemployment benefit payouts which were out of control

In addition to the government contract there were many people in the same position as Caroline. Many women would willingly pay to get there husbands busy again. They were just sick of them hanging around the house and not contributing to their own families. The goal was just to get the males busy doing something, it didn't matter what.

Caroline had been active in the original proposal and as the owner of the Report recommended that a separate business be set up with her as the Chief Executive. Tina and Mary were to join her immediately and Joan (Mistress Sam) would be an external consultant. No one else in the business knew of Joan's specialist skills. The business was to be called New Horizons. No one, especially in government really expected a raging success. It just seemed like a good thing to try.

Caroline found an empty two story building and took the lease. They gave it a quick make-over and was ready to open for business. The first stage involved counseling and providing a community centre approach for men. They did not go overboard with imaging but Caroline did design a logo for New Horizons. It was a woman in leather pants and white blouse, leather jacket and boots surrounded by 5 boys sitting around her with their legs crossed and hands on their head. They were dressed in a boy scout kind of uniform. That is short pants, white shirt, scout scarf. The logo was very small and hardly drew any attention. It was not prominently displayed at that time.

It was intended that the first group of 20 men would all be at least 25 years old and with partners. A different type of program would be required for the 16-25 juvenile age group that would need to be residential and not involve partners. The 25 age split was arbitrary but the partner/non-partner differentiation was essential for the different workings of the two Programs.

The first client to enter Stage 1 was Troy. He was 32 and seriously unemployed. State officials had handed his file over to New Horizons and Caroline was ready. Troy was in a long term relationship with Trudy who was 27. He had got her pregnant and they had a 9 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. He had worked on and off but never kept jobs and Trudy had to work as a receptionist to pay the rent. She had to leave college because she was pregnant with no money and was deeply affected by her situation in life. Caroline felt immediately sorry for her and wanted to help.

Troy was invited in for a meeting. He was smart enough to know he had to go but he didn't want to. Caroline didn't have time to waste. Troy helped himself to a glass of fruit juice that was on the table when he entered the consulting room. This had the effect of putting him in a highly suggestive state for hypnosis. Caroline then proceeded to put some fresh thinking into his tiny head. Some ideas were:

  • I need to turn up clean and tidy for my New Horizon appointment * I need to convince Trudy that this time will be different * While I am not working I must contribute to the household by doing anything I can around the flat * I am a looser * I must look for ways to impress people * I must be obedient to the staff at New Horizons

Some of these thoughts would be ambiguous and contradictory but that didn't matter at all. The creation of inner mental conflict was a good thing. When Troy woke he didn't know that he had been asleep. Caroline spoke to him about what he enjoyed and what he thought he would like to do. Caroline wrote it all down and said she would do some personality profiling to try to find a good fit. Troy left the first meeting thinking it was all a waste of time. He thought it was a huge joke that he was sent home with a New Horizons Ipod and just told to look after it. The above subliminal messages were on it and could not be erased. Troy was told to listen to the Ipod daily and bring it to all meetings.

Caroline went through the same process at home with husband Steve. With the fruit juice she completed the same hypnosis process but left off the talk at the end. After that at home hypnosis session Steve's association with New Horizons was to the same as any other client and he would be processed in the same way.

Next came Bill. He was 26 and living with Daniella. Daniella was only 24 and was recently recruited by Carolines firm and had joined in some of the female conversations about men. She had recently qualified as a clinical psychologist and Bill was just beginning to hold her back. To be fair he had supported her through College but he made her know about it and she knew he was playing around and confided in Caroline. Bill was a night filler at the local supermarket he was very unhappy with his job. Daniella always believed that Bill would retrain once she was earning good money but she was now looking at a partner who lacked any desire to improve himself. Caroline was more than happy to take him on for free. Daniella could work at New Horizons in the evenings and she needed a qualified assistant. Caroline also needed to tap into some of Daniella's graduate friends. She needed access to young assertive and ambitious females. The qualifications could be put to good use and their partners could be taken care of by the Program if they were underachieving or not contributing enough to the home. The hypnosis worked but the discussion with Bill afterwards went nowhere. Much more work was required.

Two more quickly clients came from the Welfare. Mark and Dennis were 28 and 45. Both were losers. They were processed and sent home with their Ipods.

Daniella had a sister Eva who was married to John. Eva had not followed her big sisters footsteps in psychology and in fact left formal education after High School. The reason was that her man John was a successful mortgage broker. There was no time for education in his mind and besides that, what would a female do with it? Daniella and John never seemed to agree on anything. John was now out of work and Eva was realizing what a fool she had been. She was also fed up with Johns sexist crap.

Over the next month another 14 more males were processed to the same point. Most were from the State agencies and provided income through the Contract. When each one left they were told that they were required to turn up to a meeting with their Ipods every Monday night and they would receive help at those meetings.

Regular contact between all the Partners and New Horizons staff was actively encouraged. Caroline wanted to create a community for all the wives/partners. Everyone met Joan and had a rough outline of her abilities. Caroline reinforced the notion that the men must not continue freeloading. She also empowered the women by saying that within 6 months the men would have work commitments to New Horizons through contracts that she would negotiate and at home they would be like compliant children constantly seeking praise and capable of any amount of domestic chores. The only condition was that the women had to take charge. The methodology she was applying meant it would not be difficult. She also cautioned them that this was probably one way trip for every one of their relationships and was only suitable for underachieving males. Many males did pull their weight and it would be very unfair to put one of those men into the Program. Entry for the man had to be based on underachievement and a final decision would have to be made at the end of Stage 1 about their man's final suitability for the Program. The couple could pull out but she reinforced that it would be inappropriate to put a man who was doing his best through the Program.

In the beginning the hypnotic commands implanted by Caroline were deliberately easy to achieve and some positive feedback was coming back from the partners. The men were doing more around the house and being slightly more positive. They also appeared to look forward to their Monday night New Horizons meeting and taking some care of their appearance for the meeting. She was finding the same thing with Steve. He was cooking the evening meal for the family and picking up after the girls. That is the way it should be, everyone contributing according to their level of ability. He was still overweight, drinking too much, eating badly and smoking. This seemed typical of all the men.

Everything was working. By the end of 6 weeks each male had attended a number or weekly meetings and their Ipods had been updated weekly. By this stage the following subliminal messages had been added to the Ipod:

  • Caroline is really trying to help me and I must not let her down * The guys I am with are really great and I must look out for them * All the women at New Horizons are switched on and I must obey all of them * I was a looser * My wife is smarter than me and its often best if I am obedient to her * I accept authority from my wife and all New Horizons staff * I must try to impress New Horizons staff * I must listen to my Ipod at least 1 hour a day

Feedback from the Partners was immediate. The men were now obedient and doing some work around the house although they needed to learn some basic skills. In addition they had formed friendships at New Horizons and looked forward to their Monday Night meetings and looked after each other. The Partners came every week were really getting into New Horizon methodology. At the early stage the men thought their Partners were just having a coffee together out the back but actually they sat in a room with a one-way mirror and watched their men take instructions from Caroline and Daniella. The changes at home had been encouraging and they were all becoming increasingly committed to New Horizons methodology. They were way ahead of the men. Potentially this would be for life, they knew it and it was entertaining to watch. Trudy had so much more time on her hands that she went back to night school. They were all well over the old ways and they were beginning to get a sense of the power that they could have over their underachieving men. They were briefed on the up to date subliminal messages placed on the Ipods and every week they looked forward to the next set. It was always good for a laugh. Caroline was dressing to impress and encouraged all the others to do the same. She made it very clear how important it was that the men looked up to their women. It helped impose the new order of things. Normally she wore designer jeans, expensive boots, an expensive top and leather jacket when necessary. She also knew about keeping fit and presenting herself with a sense of style. At this stage there was no discussion about sexual activity however that would be discussed shortly.

After 2 months Caroline was ready to start Stage 2. The Partners had a confidential get together for a coffee and everyone was asked it they wanted to continue with Stage 2 or pull out. Every one was seeing the power of the Program. Caroline said one final time that this was a one way trip for the men and this was a last chance to pull out with no damage being done. The women all knew that their relationships were on shaky ground and heading in the wrong direction. The issue was that any reformed relationship was going to be somewhat unequal. After all a man taking instruction from his wife and being totally obedient without providing emotional support in an adult kind of way was hardly normal adult behavior. In addition the men would be sexually challenged and forced to the conclusion that they were not good enough for their wives. Consenting adult sex between partners in a positive and equal sense was over. These comments struck raw nerves with the women because that is exactly what they had had at the moment. Their men were so unfit and self centered and negative that their prowess in the bedroom was less than useless. The good news however was that the women would be free to start all over with other adults. Caroline gave the first hint of her same sex preference and stated how ideal that was because it enabled her to find any amount of fulfillment with adults within the New Horizons community. Others were free to do whatever they wanted as long as they did not compromise the Program. Caroline promised that within 3 to 6 months all the men would be employed in full time work under the New Horizons Scheme and in a hurry to get home at night to work around the home. She also promised that money issues would not be a problem in the long term. All the women would be better off and doing less in 6 months. To a person they recommitted to the Program. The other point was that they enjoyed the social side of the Program and the weekly meetings were very entertaining for them. They enjoyed the female company and felt stimulated by their new friends. They were mentally stimulated by the process of taking back control of their lives and wanted more of that. The men would just have to adapt to their new position in life.

Caroline was concerned about the women who were struggling financially, particularly the younger ones. She approached Trudy and Eva and arranged for them to do the admin for the New Horizons operation on a part time basis. It would involve lots of telephone work, managing the Ipod updates on a weekly basis and just co-ordinating all the non clinical activities of New Horizons. As New Horizons staff there was also a budget for clothing and that was a big help, the girls were more than happy to accept. At this stage Caroline and Daniella were still in full time work and extremely busy. Caroline had lots of plans for the future but things had to be held together on a day to day basis.

At the next Monday Night Meeting Caroline announced that this was the last night for Stage 1 There would be some changes. She did not say there was no hypnotism and they would hate some of the new requirements in Stage 2. Caroline congratulated the men for the regular attendance and on their progress. It was obvious from their appearance that they were beginning to take more pride in themselves again and hoped that it would continue. Caroline was confident that all of them would find work with the new skills that they had learnt and would continue to learn. Caroline praised the men for their commitment and the positive changes they had made in changing their lives. They were now part of a special fraternity with everyone striving for the same goal. There was still some distance before they would start contributing financially to their very supportive partners but they should be proud of their efforts and prepare themselves for the challenges ahead. As part of Stage 2 the following changes would take place from next Monday night.

  • The Monday night meetings would now be known as Clubnight and attendance is compulsory. No exceptions. * The existing group of 20 men would be split into 4 groups of 5 and grades would be given to each Group for everything. The groups would be known as blue, green, red and brown groups. * There would be a uniform and it would be handed out at the end of tonight's meeting. * Much greater attention would now be required for fitness, diet and personal grooming, posture and overall appearance. Instructions/training would be given by New Horizons staff and coaching would continue indefinitely. * All New Horizons staff are Leaders and will also wear a uniform. * Partners are responsible for performance at home and will provide a weekly report on achievement at home. This will be part of grades. * The group with the worst grade each week would return to the Clubrooms the following weekend for special catch up and extra help. Attendance at this was also compulsory.

This was a lot to take in. At the end of the meeting they collected their uniforms and Ipods and went home deep in thought. When they saw the uniform none of them were happy. They would look like overgrown boys. None of them were in good shape and they would look really dumb. The uniform consisted of short navy blue pants, a white shirt with the New Horizons logo on the pocket (this was really a blouse), white knee high socks and black lace up shoes. On the other hand the women thought it was great. They had witnessed the changes in behavior over the past two months and were really on board with the New Horizons way. At home in many of the houses the women helped the men unwrap the uniform and have it ready for next weeks meeting. Inevitably during the next week the desire to get together with their new friends drew the men back to their next weekly meeting. To help the subliminal Ipod messages were increased in intensity Some new thoughts were:

  • I really do love my new boyfriends in a male kind of way. * If I don't turn up the numbers for the groups won't be right. * How can I be the one that lets everyone down. * I missed out on a frat group but this is my chance to joint one now

Next Monday some of them were so ashamed of their appearance they got dressed in the bathroom at the Centre. No one worried too much about that. They all handed in their Ipods and would pick them up as they left the meeting. The big thing was that all 20 were there.

Caroline and Daniella turned up dressed to impress but still not in uniform and said that the leaders would have their uniforms in a few weeks and that was something to look forward to. Caroline outlined the format for Stage 2 meetings. First the men were allocated into their new groups. For some this was a wrench but each one of them now belonged to a color and while all 20 enjoyed the fraternity they had primary obligations to the other 4 members of their Color. Failure to understand this would result in poor grades. They were each handed a colored scarf. 5 blue, green red and brown scarves were handed out. They were similar to boy scout scarves and a scout woggle was also provided to tie the scarf around the neck. Each man came forward individually and Caroline helped put the scarf on. This was a formal occasion.

Caroline then gave the following speech. "In the same way boys grow into men all group members were now embarking on a more serious journey to re-engage them into the work environment. They were fortunate to have the opportunity to go back and start again. The purpose of the uniform was to reinforce the starting over idea. With that in mind they would now be referred to as boys, not men and they would be treated as such. They would be regarded as 12 year old boys. They were fortunate to have the help and support of their wives and partners who would continue to be role models to them and provide direction and instruction to them. They were to be respected and obeyed." Caroline then outlined the format of the meeting. All boys would present themselves standing at attention in their groups at 7.30 sharp and wait for the Leaders to arrive. The Leaders were busy people and sometimes the boys would have to be patient. After a brief welcome by the Leaders there would be uniform and personal inspection and weigh in. Grades would be given for overall appearance, care of uniform, weight loss and a personal grade for the performance at home. The boys would then break out into their groups and do a supervised activity or take instruction from a Leader. This could be anything from grooming, waxing, housework, cooking, life skills, fitness training, personal hygiene and finally sex education the New Horizons way. There would be badges issued every activity and they were to be sewn on their shirts. Progression to Stage 3 would not happen until all boys had earned all badges.

The Ipods completely replaced the hypnosis from this stage but the men were now falling deeper under the New Horizons spell. They were now very happy and looked forward to Clubnight. It was time to raise the game and the following subliminal commands had been added to the Ipods:

  • It is selfish to masturbate and I must not do it without permission * I love leather other sexy clothing and want to rub against it and wear different things * I must not stain my underwear or wet the bed * I love my friends at Clubnight and I want to be close to them forever. I dream about sleepovers at my house and love to be invited to other boys homes. * Good grades are essential to my success * I must exercise 1 hour every day * I must only eat food approved by Nurse Tina and Nurse Anthea * I must sexually gratify my wife in every possible way and am completely open to her requests * I am a very special 12 year old boy * Boys don't have sex with adults

For the next four weeks everything was allowed to settle down. Clubnight developed into assembly and inspection including weigh-in. Then breakout into their groups for learning and then regrouping for final assembly and receiving the much anticipated weekly grade. Caroline fudged the grades for the first four weeks so that each of the four groups received a weekend detention. They were dropped off by their Partners by 8pm on Friday night and went straight to bed. The only thing was there was only one big double bed and all five boys got in. Nothing was said. On Saturday they got up at 6am to do exercises with Carolines daughters Kaylee and Shawna. This was full on driven by fit and athletic girls dressed in leotards with the New Horizons logo. The "boys" really struggled to keep up. All meals were prepared by the boys for themselves as well as for the Leaders but the food was different. After breakfast there was three hours of work cleaning walls, ceilings and floors and the Leaders rooms. Caroline was looking for work ideas and the first one she thought of was a laundry business. This would be done entirely by boys on detention and further details would come later. The important thing was to keep them busy and they had to pay their way. After lunch there was a quiet time when they listened to their Ipods and at 3pm they went back to work. Dinner was at 6pm and after watching a suitably approved videos or reading magazines it was lights out. Suitable videos were often about the girl bands or approved boy bands (must be clean and presentable young males that are well mannered). Sunday morning was the dreaded exercises with Kaylee and Shawna, breakfast and then more work with the laundry taking more and more time. After lunch there was Ipod time and the partners turned up at 3pm to collect their boys. A full report was given.

Over the period a number of very important changes were going on. They were on strict diets with special additives to enhance their sex drive and they were loosing weight. They were doing daily exercises and paying special attention to appearance. Haircuts, gels, deodorant, moisturizer, waxing and blemish removal were all covered at Clubnight in the breakout sessions and the wives assisted their boys. Every boy had a one-on-one with Nurse Tina or Nurse Anthea and was now completely waxed. Absolutely no hair other than on their heads and that was to be kept neat and tidy. They were looking much more attractive and all of them were driven to continue. The boys were looking at each other very closely. There was a friendly rivalry but they also wanted to look their best for each other. They wanted to beat their friends and get the best grades for their Group but they also looked at each other with a kind of envy or even jealousy that was very entertaining to watch. Caroline really decided to build on with this and provided additions to the uniform. The existing uniform was to be considered the formal uniform for Clubnight and assembly. An exercise uniform was introduced It was lycra shorts in the color of their group and a white Polyester/lycra contour fitting tank top with spaghetti shoulder straps and showing plenty of midriff. It had the new Horizons logo over the right tit. Keds were plain lace-up sand shoes and unisex in style. Underwear was New Horizons issue brief white nylon panties again with the logo. There was a small amount of lace around the hems. The boys with the best figures really looked great. For detention and work detail they were to wear their exercise uniform except that the lycra pants were replaced with brief very lightweight nylon shorts also in their group color. The boys were flirting with others and the air was charged with sexual energy.

The desire to be better than everyone else and look attractive had its humorous side. Daniella's boy Bill was out one day and came home with an earing in his ear. Daniella hit the roof. Where did he get the money for that and who said he could do it. Bill just wanted to get a good grade and thought it was a good idea. Daniella marched him over to Nurse Antheas house and the earing was removed that night. At the next Clubnight Caroline lectured everyone about going off and doing things without permission. She gave the example of Bill and said that his group would be in detention next weekend. Bill was emotionally sick after the few days he had been through and now his boyfriends were all angry with him. He eventually made up to Daniella by spending more time at her feet, doing extra chores and begging for forgiveness.

Progressively in every home the boys were realizing that their wives were not letting them have sex any more. Nothing was discussed and they had become distracted with other issues that were taking over but they were very healthy now and would literally have sex with anything! The subliminal messages, changes to diet and improved fitness and weight loss left the boys sexually charged and nowhere to go. They had to be obedient to their wives, not start any sex with an adult and were not allowed to ask. The wives reported an increase in wet dreams and bed wetting. The boys were dreaming about each other and about sleepovers and what they would do with each other. The hormones were flying and panties and sheets were being stained! They didn't realize it but they were beginning to love each other and the girls thought it was funny, pathetic and child-like all at the same time. Caroline encouraged sleepovers for boys not on detention and the wives went along with it. Invariably the boys went to the house and sat and talked about everyone, compared notes on grooming, choice of gel and moisturizer, deodorant, zit management and other vital things. They were encouraged to shower together but with the door open and then settle down to an early night in the spare bedroom. They knew they were not allowed to masturbate but no one said anything about other activities. There was much rubbing and grinding and serious necking and kissing. Eventually one of them would take the others panties down and enter his boyhole. Often both boys came at the same time but otherwise the places were reversed and the second one came. Then they may start all over again. There was not much sleep but everyone was happy. It was a big deal to go to Clubnight and talk about where you stayed last Saturday night.

Often at sleepovers the wives got together too. That way they would listen through the wall (and microphone) to their boys and laugh about it. It also led to other unexpected adult enjoyment in the master bedroom.

Caroline had encouraged the women to change things in the bedroom. For Steve it was now a very different setup. He was frustrated beyond belief. He knew he was not allowed to start sex, ask for it or wank. It was getting to the stage that Caroline was refusing to even talk about adult things with a 12 year old boy. Caroline was dressing in incredibly sexy clothing and lingerie and telling him that as a boy his best asset was now his tongue. Its not right for adults to have sex with a boy. He spent hours on the floor at Carolines feet in the evenings hoping desperately that she would give permission to wank but she never did. Sometimes he was reduced to tears of frustration and Caroline simply cuddled him and told him he had to be a good boy and keep licking her sex or get a bad grade. He really did try as hard as he could but nothing worked He started a habit of rutting against Carolines leg and sometimes she would allow it and sometimes she would not. It had to be below the knee and he knew he had to stop when told to. Panties were worn to avoid dirty stains. He concentrated on his appearance but it did not help but he still tried. The only mental release was Ipod time. Recently he had started having wet dreams and staining his New Horizons panties all the time. Caroline took a very dim view of this and started regular inspections. He now wore plastic pants to bed to save on the laundry and he was banned from her bed until he stopped these bad habits. Caroline reached the point where Steve was being spanked for bed wetting. Once he ejaculated all over her expensive lingerie as he was sprawled across the knees. He was deeply ashamed by this loss of control and to add to his frustration Caroline said that he would be reported at Clubnight and go towards Grades. Inevitably it led to detention for his Group and a hard time from his boyfriends.

Caroline was the first to share her bedroom experiences with the girls. Eventually they all had similar experiences and came up with highly original ideas. In every house the boys tried to continue to have sex but all of them was told that it was wrong for an adult to have sex with a boy. Their wives were now extremely authoritative and the boys were being threatened with punishment and bad grades if they even brought the subject up. It was not right for a boy to discuss such things. Deep down they also knew it was not right. They were still completely overcome with hormonal stress and would try anything to be close to their wives and perhaps get even closer. Equally in every master bedroom the wives were asserting the authority. The rutting became common and if controlled was allowed to a point. The wives found the best approach was turn an intimate moment into a panties inspection. That would always reveal a wet spot or worse and that was enough to start a punishment session. This could involve corner time, facing the wall when the female was dressing or undressing and threats of diapers and/or plastic pants. This often happened and eventually every boy had to wear them because of his accidents. Alternative clothing at home for punishment was entertaining. Trudy loved the look of Troy as a pretty French maid. She had gone to Joan and purchased a delightful black satin outfit with very high collar, short puff sleeves and tons of starched lace with matching panties. Set off with a little cap and, apron, high heels, stocking and suspender belt he was perfect. Daniella preferred the minimalist approach for Bill. She purchased a black studded collar with detachable lead a ball parachute and nipple clamps. The boys were aching for attention and closeness and would still do anything. Their attempts at having sex or unmanaged intimacy were backfiring and ending up in punishment for them. They also knew from their Ipods that as boys they were not equal to their wives some things are more difficult to stop than others. They desperately had to keep trying but it always ended in tears.

On the sixth Clubnight into Stage 2 Caroline was deliberately late. The boys stood at attention and after half and hour Caroline and Daniella entered together dressed in full leathers. Leather pants, heeled boots leather jacket and cap and expensive white blouse. On her belt she had handcuffs. Daniella was exactly the same. The air was electric. Caroline started off by talking about the boys development and how they were appropriately dressed in 12 year old clothes and behaving as 12 year old boys. To compensate for this the Leaders must necessarily take command and this is the way things needed to be. From now on she and Daniella would be given due respect by being called Mistress Caroline and Mistress Daniella. Failure to do this would involve automatic detention and loss of privileges including sleepovers. Detentions would now include corporal punishment and over the next month all Leaders and wives would also dress in leathers and be referred to as Mistress. They would also participate in corporal punishment. All the boys had a glazed over look and sported boners. Some even had damp patches. There was a feeling of puppy love in the air and it was another example of the power the women now had over their boys.

After Caroline completed the uniform and personal inspections, made a number of comments about poor body control, nasty stains and posture, the weigh-in was completed the groups broke out into group but there was only one subject tonight. It was all about loyalty and duty to the Mistress and only after completing those functions could the Group and loyalty to the color work. From now on boys would never sleep in the same bed as the Mistress. It was their place to be available for personal services at all times and it was their ultimate privilege to serve their Mistress and at the mistresses discretion only. The Mistress was free to invite adult guests to her bedroom and the boy would do everything for his Mistress and her guest. Grades were dependant on perfect boy behavior. As a result of tonights disappointing inspections at next weeks Clubnight there would be a special session on posture control in particular boner management and hygiene. At the end of the evening the boys went home with a new supply of wet dream material. Mistress Caroline and Mistress Daniella looked fabulous and all boys just wanted to please them. Things were now beyond the point of turning back. The boys were hooked.

Steve was no exception he was very proud to be Mistress Carolines boy and just enjoyed inhaling the leather and being close to her. When they got home it was late but he was very excitable just like a puppy. He wanted to sit on the floor close to his mistress and if he was very good she might let him rutt against her leather pants, below the knee of course. He knew anything else was now completely out of the question. Caroline was also intoxicated with the results of tonights Clubnight. She ordered Steve to go to the wardrobe and there was a gift wrapped box with Steves name on it. He opened it and inside was a strap-on. Because of his training Steve knew what it was and he knew he was ready. Caroline took him by the hand and bent him over the bed. She took down his shorts and panties and rubbed KY gel into his boyhole and around the dildo. Gently massaging his hole and going in just that little bit further each time. Steve loved the special attention he was receiving. Over the past 3 months he had been fucked 8 times by his boyfriends and was proud of that. Caroline knew about that too. He desperately wanted his Mistress to be proud of him. Caroline eased the dildo in ever so slowly listening to the cries of pain and joy and watched Steve writhe in pleasure and pain. Eventually it was all the way in and she had rhythm that was only going to have one conclusion. Caroline softly whispered words of encouragement and humiliation. Steve was trying to be a big boy but he was being marked just like a dog marks his bitch. Steve was Mistress Carolines boy, her property and his obedience was being rewarded. Steve shot all over his stomach and face without touching himself. Carolines release was much more subtle but no less pleasurable. In the end she didn't speak. She took off the strapon and threw it at Steve. He knew to clean it, Steve waddled into the bathroom and cleaned it and carefully placed it back in the box for next time. He then put his plastics on and went to sleep on the mattress on the floor at the foot of his mistresses bed. It was a very fulfilling night for him. He knew he had just earned his strapon badge.

The detention weekends were progressing but time pressures were making it more difficult to achieve everything. The Friday night now had a formal dimension. The respective wives and Leaders (now Mistresses) turned up and the boys stood naked with their hands on their head in a line knowing it was punishment time. Often there was childlike squabbling when they first saw each other because of their low grade and blaming each other for it. The boys were reminded of their failure and one by one bent over the spanking frame and received 10 spanks from each Mistress present. In the beginning there was only Mistress Caroline and Mistress Daniella however by now that had increased dramatically and Caroline had cut back the spanks per Mistress to 5. After the spanking they were ordered to bed. They did have cream applied to their butt to aid the healing process but it also made them extremely boned-up. For practical reasons it was plastic pants only and all 5 in the same bed. The pants at detention were special because they were locking. There was therefore much frustration and little pleasure. They could hear the pleasure and laughter in the next room from the Mistresses and this did not help. In the morning there was still the dreaded workout with Kaylee and Shawna. They were now to be called Princess Kaylee and Princess Shawna. During the workout they were constantly reminded of their spankings. Kaylee and Shawna were old enough to see the changes in their father and noticed how he now had a sense of purpose and was much more active. Caroline didn't let them see the adult side of the Program and only saw the boys dressed but they sure did know how much good it had done for their family. Everyone was happier, they were earning some pocket money and besides that workouts were fun! The results were incredible. After showering and breakfast there was cleaning and tidying up after the Mistresses. The laundry business was growing and they just had to keep working until all the work was completed. Video time was cancelled and Ipod time was the only respite from work. On the Sunday it was the workout and then breakfast. Then there were laundry deliveries. By 3pm they were exhausted. When they got home they had to catch up on all the household chores. What normally happened was that on detention weekends the mistress partners did something special or had a friend over. There were always jobs for the boy when he got home.

In total there were 12 Stage 2 nights. Caroline took her time and made sure all the boys had passed all their badges and they were all sewn on their formal uniforms. She could have hurried things up but she had other things on her mind. She also wanted to make absolutely sure that the boys were completely converted to the new order of things. By the end of Stage 2 all the partners were Mistresses. The boys were all buff and toned and responsive to orders. They had all been marked with the strapon and all of them knew very clearly knew their rightful place was at Mistresses feet and on a mattress at the end of her bed. There was a lot of variation in the bedroom from diaper to puppy training, feminization to hard core punishment but they were all in line. At the end of the final night Mistress Caroline stood in front of the boys and congratulated them on their graduation. They were now well behaved 12 year old boys. They were fortunate to be owned by a caring mistress who had taken the time to make them useful and had faith in them. They were no longer loosers but now stage 3 would commence. That would involve earning their keep by working full time. It had been decided that the boys would not seek work themselves. New Horizons would tender for contracts and buy operations and the boys would work in them. They would be told where they would work and who with. Clubnight would always continue on a weekly basis but there may need to be some changes. They would just have to wait. That was an interesting way to leave things. The Ipods helped to keep them in suspense with weekly changes and the boys didn't know what to expect and Caroline knew it. Stage 3 was coming.

Caroline had problems much bigger than her first group of boys. For one thing she had only taken 20 men and that was just the tip of the iceberg. In addition the Stage 2 graduate boys had taken 5 months to complete the process. She had obligations to the contract entered into with the State to take the under 25 group. That first younger group of 20 urgently needed the residential style of program not involving partners. While demand for places was across the board in the long run there was a much greater need for the under 25 group. It was also going to be more commercially beneficial to New Horizons but she had no suitable premises.

Caroline largely had the above questions answered but she decided to have some fun. During Stage 2 everything had got a little heavy and growing pains would mean everyone would be busy again shortly. The boys would be employed full time working hard to achieve but they were not stimulating their Mistresses in an adult or equal way. They were boys stimulated by a whole new set of values and the Mistresses needed to unwind. It was decided that for the next four weeks Caroline would invite the 20 new Mistresses, Tina, Mary and Joan and the 20 boys to her house on Sunday afternoon, after detention had finished for a think tank and then a formal dinner party, New Horizons style. The format was to be for the 23 Mistresses to get together and discuss the above issues and formulate a plan for the way forward. This was highly strategic and a blueprint for the future. If it took longer than 4 weeks that did not matter, there was no pressure and everything had to be carefully considered. The boys would arrive early and set up the room for the meeting making sure everything was there for them. They would then leave the room and get on with preparing the formal meal for 25. They would eat their own food in the kitchen. They would be responsible for absolutely everything cooking, waiting, drinks and after dinner entertainment and cleaning up. Joan provided the uniforms for free for this special occasion. There were 5 french maids, 5 cooks, 5 waiters and 5 boys and the split was according to the Colors. Grades would be awarded of course.

This time the emphasis was not on the boys. In fact they were to be ignored as much as possible. This was a training exercise for them for work and the details to be discussed were confidential.

At the first meeting Caroline outlined the following issues:

  • To facilitate work for the first 20 "graduate boys" a base was needed to manage commercial contracts from which the boys could go out to work on a daily basis.

  • Leaders needed to be found to crossover into the commercial side of the operation. To manage contacts, ensure clients were happy and manage boys. The boys should just work and do nothing else. They were not capable of anything else.

  • The Clubnight concept was a huge success and there were many likely candidates. There were only 5 nights in any one working week and the present facility was fully booked every weekend for detentions that were an essential part of the Clubnight concept from the Stage 2 level onwards.

  • A residential course for older teenagers and young adults needed to be designed. The existing premises was not set up for this and this was urgently required. For this course there would be no partners and the boys would more than likely leave New Horizons upon final graduation with full reintegration back into society. This operation should be viewed as more commercial as opposed to the lifestyle femdom dimension of the present Mistresses and long-term boy partner setup.

  • The first 20 boys did have some skills. Among them there was clerical skills, a qualified plumber , three that could pass for painters, a laborer who had building experience and all the others were programmed to learn and all could drive. They also had many new skills they learnt at New Horizons.

  • The main problem was not generating income. The boys were cheap to keep and in any event all income would be retained by the Mistress partner. Commercially they could provide very cheap quotes and provide a very unique kind of service. That could be discussed at a later date.

  • She was under pressure to take both paying female clients and in particular unattached boys from the State.

  • The existing New Horizon Program Contract may not go far enough in lifestyle terms for the people in this room.

  • At this early stage do not be limited by financial constrictions. Try to come up with an ideal solution and we can discuss funding later. Caroline provided a hint for the future when he wrapped up by saying a more communal operation may be required where Mistresses could double as commercial managers and boys may spend some time in a more institutional setting to free up Mistresses for managerial tasks. What is key is that there is a place for all women in the new framework.

There was a discussion for an hour so that every one fully understood the issues then Caroline suggested that they think about things for a week. They changed into their uniforms and went down to the lounge. The boys knew to expect the dinner party guests at 6 sharp and they were ready with drinks. This was a great evening. More than one Mistress thought back to the days of living with a couch potato who only moved between the TV and the fridge to get another beer. They may not have as much in common with their boys but they had a whole new circle of friends that were extremely stimulating company in so many ways and we will be having many more nights like this. The boys also appeared very preoccupied and fulfilled serving their Mistresses, there were busy and learning a new skill. Everyone went home happy.

Progressively over the next 4 weeks an ideal setup was defined. The following conclusions were made:

  • The present setup was limited in its forward development and a new management structure was needed. It was decided that a charitable trust would be set up to manage a community following the rules of female domination. This would be the governing body and the 23 women present were all founding members. They were the first Class A members of the Trust. The first 20 boys downstairs would also be members but defined as non-voting boy members. Being attached to a Class A member meant that membership was automatic for them but should be viewed as Class B membership. Trust rules will refer to members as being Class A or B.

  • Reporting to the Trust will be a number of limited liability companies created for the purposes of managing commercial contracts and sourcing new ones. They would employ Class A Trust members only for management and supervisory positions and Class B members to work in the Companies. The Companies would be wholly owned by the Trust and there would be no outside shareholders or employees.

  • A base for the Trust was needed. Ideally this needed to be a little removed from the city with land to grow food and plenty of privacy and a unique setup for the activities of the Trust. It may sublet to its subsidiary companies for some commercially sensitive operations requiring a degree of privacy. The under 25 residency program was an example of this.

  • Basic depot type of buildings were required in the city for the completion of business operations and graduate boys.

  • The Clubnight format would be replaced by duties to be completed at the Trust and Class B Trust members would be shared between the Trust and their respective homes. The needs of the Trust are top priority for any Class B member but will never create a conflict for his Mistress. Class B members will believe the Trust to be the centre of his social world and look forward to being there with his Group.

  • No Class A member will ever be held back by family commitments. The Trust will always take in a Class B member at short notice and in-home care of all children and other non-trust members of the family will be taken care of by the Trust even at short notice. The Trust will never intrude on family life other than impacting the Class B member.

  • For the long term best interests of the Trust a special fund will be set up for the continuing education and development of Class A Trust Members.

At the end of the 4th weeks meeting Caroline said she had something to announce. She would be making a $10 million loan to the Trust at commercial rates but with repayment only out of future earnings of its commercial operations. There was no table or repayment deadline but it would be registered against the assets of The Trust and it would have the opportunity to take funds back out of profits. Everyone was dumbfounded at this. It was obvious that Carolines talents in business came from a good education and a very wealthy family background. No one was aware of her private means and she wanted it kept that way but it certainly made everything achievable. That nights Dinner Party was extra special but the boys were too busy to notice.

Caroline and Daniella had started looking at real estate. They found an old institutional looking building that had been used for agricultural research and was now empty. It included 10 acres of land but the most interesting thing about it was its design. It was three stories high and a giant U-shape. It looked very institutional from the outside and main entry but it was extremely private with a courtyard inside the U of the building for activities that would not be visible to outsiders or guests. It was about 20 minutes drive from the city. They put in an offer for the property and it was decided to lease depots around the city for the trading companies. Bigger decisions for them could be left for a later date.

For now the New Horizons operation would continue from the existing premises. Clubnights would run up to 5 nights a week which meant capacity for 100 men but still no resident program. The initial hypnotism and Ipod training techniques would be maintained but detentions which started at Stage 2 would be off site until the new building was ready. One idea was that in the short term to have them in the homes of the Mistresses where there were no children. Caroline was also pleased to announce that Trudy had been employed on a full time basis to assist with the increased logistics of New Horizons but mainly to develop the commercial subsidiary operations of the Trust going forward.

The Sunday Night Dinner Parties were so enjoyable that it was decided to continue with them but once a month. At the next monthly dinner party meeting then way forward was becoming clearer. Trudy produced a list of ideas for boy employment and income generation. Some ideas were a home maintenance operation, corporate catering from food preparation to serving, unique taxi service tailored for womens needs, painting and and decorating, short term contracting, specialist escort services, in-bound customer service call centre, upscaling the existing laundry business, and a bike courier operation. She went on to say that the low profile of New Horizons was over. For commercial reasons branding the new commercial company operations was vital and our unique services had to be a point of differentiation with any competitors. Ways of achieving this are names, uniforms, presentation and boy performance. The boys had to be carefully packaged when fronting a business. No one needed to know anything about the Trust but the trading operations were different. She suggested that people get back to her with any ideas and feedback. The goal should be a process of continuing improvement for the businesses and the boys.

The Trust was registered as the New Ways Lifestyle Trust and had the offer for the building accepted. On settlement Clubnight for the first 20 boys was moved out there and boys were rostered to work there on an ongoing basis. The ones with trades experience were most valuable but that work was not to interfere with the trading operations of the Companies. Trudy had signed a lease for a depot in a suburban location all boys turned up for work every morning at 8am. Spare boys were transferrred to the Trust on a daily basis in vans. The laundry operation was immediately upgraded and serious marketing began. Trudy went to hotels, motels, homestays private hospitals and any other place she could think of. The operation was called Blueboys and the imaging was very effective. All laundry was picked up and dropped off by boys. They had a uniform which was a white tee shirt, dark blue stylish semi-stretch nylon track pants with a red stripe down the outside leg. There was also a blue cap and expensive but plain white running shoes. There was a logo of two boys in shorts and a top blowing bubbles and smiling on the tee shirt and cap. The uniform was unusually expensive. The only thing giving the boys real position away to an outsider would be the brief white panties that would show when the boys bent over to pick up the laundry but that was good marketing and the nylon panties were well hidden. Trudy brought 2 new vans and spent money on imaging. There was a large transfer of the Blueboys logo. The vans were to be washed every day, no exception. They were fitted with a GPS tracking system so Blueboy Management knew exactly where they were at all times. Trudy tended to choose the younger fitter attractive boys for the operation. At this stage performance was everything. The boys were to be polite and well mannered. They were told not to start conversations because their clients were busy people however they should reply to conversation with courtesy and polite enthusiasm. All difficult questions should be referred back to management and they carried Trudy's business card with them from the beginning. They were to open doors for all adults however not make a big deal about it and not expect a thank you, boys don't deserve it. It is helpful to look at the floor when waiting for an adult to walk past you. The initial operation was surprisingly successful. The boys looked very attractive but only spoke at a superficial level and for that reason everyone seemed to like them. They also provided very good reliable service and were cheaper than the competition. They stood up straight and were very clean and tidy and energetic. From a boy management point of view the boys always traveled in two's and they were always from the same Group. Trudy had updated their Ipod so that they would report on each other if they broke any rules and also look out for each other at the same time. They had absolutely no access to money and carried $10.00 each for emergencies. It they spent any of it they had to explain themselves and provide the change. They knew better than to buy any takeaway food or drink. Trudy was cash flow positive after three months. This included paying the boys wages to their Mistresses and there was plenty of scope for growth. Outsiders often commented on the slickness of the operation and the clean cut smart young men who were very industrious and hard working. This was obviously a very well run company.

Caroline, Daniella and Trudy thought it would work but were also very relieved when it did. It felt like New Horizons and the Trust were expanding on all fronts at the moment and it was very draining. Caroline was quite concerned for the welfare of the boys. She knew that the focus was matriarchal but also totally dependent on boys at the worker level. Stage 3 was very different from the initial stages but it would have to wait until the Trust building was finished. In the short term she simply varied the subliminal Ipod messages from week to week and encouraged sleepovers as well as letting a little bit of informal boy behaviour pass. The boys were still watchful of each other and attracted to each other at the same time. They loved their boyfriends but wanted to beat them. They were deeply turned on by each other and craved intimacy. Their behavior was fun to watch. Trudy had walked into the toilets at the depot (the door to the boys toilet had been removed) and found Bill with his pants and panties down at his ankles with Steve screwing him for everything it was worth. As soon as they saw Mistress Trudy any desire to continue was lost and they were extremely red-faced. What they didn't know was that Trudy knew they were doing it daily for the last 2 weeks. Trudy marched them back to her office and took a strap out of the wardrobe that she kept for such occasions and gave them 20 each, panties down. The Mistresses knew it wouldn't stop but that was part of the fun, in addition the boys were finding some relief but still looking for more. Perhaps that is the way of boys. Life goes on.

On another occasion out at the trust Daniella went into one of the storage room used for keeping the Mistresses formal uniforms and found Bill had taken off his shorts and panties was squatting down and desperately grinding himself against a freshly polished leather boot belonging to Mistress Caroline. Technically he was not wanking but this was viewed by Caroline as serious because it was a solitary act. His Group received 2 weekend detentions for this. Daniella and Caroline had known about Bill's visits to the storage room for a month before Daniella did something about it.

At the most recent Dinner Party one of the French Maids was seen being screwed by a boy in formal uniform. It was a delight to see the perpetrator holding the lacy frills up while he rammed his cock deep into the Maid who was wedged over the back of a chair with her butt facing the ceiling. They received immediate spankings from 5 Mistresses. Any more would have been cruel but both their Groups also received detentions. The Mistresses always knew that 20 boys were far too many for catering for 23 dinner party guests and what can happen with idle minds. It had been going on at every dinner party and these two were just unlucky to be the ones caught. Life was not meant to be fair. Caroline knew she was okay as long as the boys were sexually charged and desperately looking at each other. There was still the control in the domestic settings in every home and that was permanent.

The Trust building project was progressing. Up until now Caroline had engaged consultants for the vanilla bits and that work had been approved and was nearly complete. She had involved Trudy and Daniella and Daniella was on site most days overseeing the project. It was intended that the bottom story be set up for consulting and meetings particularly with outsiders. There were good catering facilities available from an old canteen and the finished fitout would provide a very good professional look for New Horizons existing non resident adult Stages 1 and 2, including the normal weekend detentions. The middle story was to be set up with a dormitory for the under 25 Program. In addition there would be an entirely separate dormitory for existing boys housed at the Trust either on work duties or while being looked after while their Mistresses had other Trust commitments. A further area for long term stays incorporating confinement and punishment as well as an area for special privileges for Stage 3 boys was needed. It would be a tight squeeze but the dormitories did not need to be very big, 5 boys can fit in one king size bed. The hardest part was getting the internal petitioning right. Mixing between the groups would never work if it was not supervised or in a non-work setting and would likely delay the re-education process. One major alteration was an additional access route. Arrivals and departure of boys had to be discrete and separate to the main ground floor entrance so a direct access through the courtyard was installed. The courtyard was separated into vehicle arrivals and a smaller courtyard which was surrounded by an 8 foot concrete block wall which was only accessable from inside the building.

On the top story there would be accommodation for the Mistresses. This would be 5 Star with in-house services provided by boys on duty. There would always be a number of Mistresses living on site and there was lots of spare space for visitors and adult pleasures. The feature of the floor was to be a temple to gynarchy. It was to include a number of sybian sex machines as well as other aids. It would include a spa for the exclusive use of Class A members. No boy was allowed to enter without locking chastity pants or a chastity belt. This floor was the one area where the women could be themselves. Boys were only tolerated so long as they did the cleaning, catered or personal services required by Mistresses. It was an absolute privilege to be on the second floor and easily taken away from any Class B member. Only Stage 3 graduates would be allowed.

The needs that were specific to the Trust would be done by the boys with trade experience once the outside tradesmen had left. The final requirement was a state of the art security and camera surveillance system. All Class A members would wear a bracelet that allowed access to every part of the complex. It was silver and very stylish. The Class B member got a titanium collar, very lightweight and strong and permanently fitted. It would only allow access to areas approved to a particular boy. It also had GPS tracking for boy management. Access details could be quickly changed at any time. Camera surveillance was also in every room on the ground and first floors. Everything would be recorded on computer files. The boys would never know about it and as a result it will look so much more natural. There were no cameras on the second floor. The titanium collars became a permanent fixture on all Stage 2 graduates entering work. Its electronic installation became part of the formal Stage 2 graduation and was worn with pride.

Towards the end of the major fitout Caroline was finally preparing for the first under 25 Program as well as Stage 3 for the first 20 boys. For contractual reasons the juvenile program took priority once the first floor was ready. Trudy was now busy with the second business venture. She had decided that an in-bound call centre was desirable, There were a number of reasons for this. The major cost of a call centre is wages. The Trust had a major competitive advantage with this expense. It is a people intensive business and as such ideally suited to the autocratic boy management style of the Trust. There are very good electronic systems available for monitoring individual work rates and even voice logging of calls so all boys could be totally monitored and corrected on a continuing basis. Even after aggressive therapy and treatment some of the boys were older. A back office function such as this would be suited to them. Blueboys was growing rapidly and would be the Call Centers first client and would handle all telephone enquiries. The bike courier business would also be a major user once it was operational. Finally Caroline and other busy people desperately needed telephone secretarial services. The idea was that busy self employed people and businesses would divert their phones to the call centre and the boy would answer the phone in the name of the client. He would then handle the inquiry or pass a message by email or text/blackberry to the client. Clients wanting additional customer service add-ons could easily be managed. Blueoy and the bike courier operation would have specific needs unique to their own operation but not complex at all. Busy people did not miss out on telephone calls and their phone was always answered by an efficient secretarial service. They would also save on admin expenses. The call centre would run 24 hours a day. The Call Centre boys were simply receptionists who were capable of being measured and monitored for top quality performance. Work had been continuing for some time. Trudy had made an exception to the rule of no outside workers for the setup stage but she was about to take over operations and bring everything in-house. She was now extremely busy and more Mistresses needed to be employed in the commercial operations of the Trust. Caroline was fully aware of Trudy's progress and supportive. She couldnt wait for a good answering service and was also very mindful of the demands being placed on her very valuable Trust staff. Favors had to be paid back and Trudy needed long term support. Caroline had something in mind for Trudy but she was still considering the finer detail.

It was time for another meeting and dinner party at Carolines house. The first item was that Caroline was very pleased to advise that Eva would be joining Trudy as a commercial manager. She had specific call centre skills and was a very welcome addition to the management of commercial operations. The second item of business was the business unit performance. The laundry business was about to buy 2 more vans and that would mean 8 boys being employed full time on the road. There was also 8 boys working behind the scene. Future growth was still likely and more money would be required on additional washing, drying and other equipment. This meant that of the first 20 boys there was an 80% success rate in placing them in employment to date. This was outstanding. She added that surely the best thing of all was that there are now 16 members around this table collecting a full time wage from their own boy. 6 months ago that would have been unthinkable.

The Call Centre was discussed. The 100 boys taken in after the first 20 had completed stage 2 were progressing. There were a whole new set of mistresses becoming available and many of those boys would be absorbed into the Call Centre. Trudy stated that the younger best looking boys need to be out in the laundry vans marketing Blueboys. All boys would be needed at the Trust in the short term. There was no spare capacity to start up a third commercial operation. That would change but for now new commercial operations had to wait. Trudy had done some work on a bike courier operation for the under 25 graduates and it looked like a really good concept but it would probably be 6 months until the boys were available.

The unique elements of the Trust building were now required. Daniella was on top of all the security and surveillance requirements. The physical fitout was complete. The bottom story would be available for Stage 1 and 2 operations from next month and shuttle vans would be available to transfer everyone on a regular basis 24 hours a day. They would be driven by Stage 2 graduate boys and again fitted with GPS tracking. These boys will be of a similar type to Blueboys except for a different uniform which still had to be designed.

The first floor is presently being fitted out. There is a color theme to the dormitories reinforcing the Group concept for the boys. Joan is being paid on a full time basis to fit out the floor to our requirements using her access to the lifestyle bdsm community for high quality equipment. The second floor is also progressing. It would take longer because of the high quality nature of the finished product however Mistresses are able to live in the building now. It just means we have to wait for all the great extra bits.

The first 20 entrants to the under 25 program have been selected by the State and I am about to interview each of them. Most were either in juvenile custody or at State run homes with ankle bracelets. When they come to us they will be on their own and will require a different kind of management. This scheme is high value scheme and very lucrative but also labor intensive in terms of our qualified Leaders. Danielle, Eva and Anthea will be employed full time on this Program once it commences. The Program will not be as gentle as the adult that we have all been through together. The end product will be the same but we will achieve it in shorter period with less finesse. Everyone knew what that meant.

Over the last 4 months Trudy has done an exceptional job building the income generating commercial operations of the Trust. I am delighted to advise that she will be the first beneficiary of the Special fund and attend College full time from next year. This is fully funded by the Trust and her boy Troy's wages will still go to her. Troy will also do the basic chores of running the home as well as work in the laundry business in the same way a solo parent does however the Trust will keep an oversight on the family. Danielle gets on well with the children and has kindly offered to provide a nurturing and motherly role for the children. Troy's obligations to the Trust as a Class B member are explicitly in no way diminished. Rest assured Trudy's family are as important as she is and any assistance asked for will be provided. Trudy's children will have my private phone number and know they can ring me any time night or day and I will help Trudy and Danielle through this period. Caroline went on to say that it was obvious that the potential for growth was unlimited. We desperately need top quality Class A Trust members and every encouragement will be given to anyone who wants to develop their academic qualifications. There are 100 potential new Mistresses coming through the ranks and we have the perfect pool of talent right amongst us. There is room for everyone but there is also room for everyone who is ambitious. There were lots of hugs and kisses at the end of this speech as it was the first really positive and personal reward to a person who had been forced into an impossible position by her looser husband. She was now a free spirit one again ready to achieve. What's more she would stay in weekly contact and come back academically qualified to provide even better management than she had. Her attendance at these dinner party meetings was still likely and she will still be available with her experience. This seemed hardly possible but it was.

The final matter was the status of Caroline, Daniella, Tina, Mary and Andrea. We are still employed to run the New Horizon operation as a subsidiary of the clinical psychologist firm who we work for. The New Ways Trust has now taken over in term of business growth and income generation. We have negotiated on very friendly and beneficial terms to purchase the commercial contract of New Horizons and place it under the umbrella of the New Ways Trust. This has no real impact except that we are now full time employees of New Horizons like Trudy and Eva and New Horizons becomes the third commercial operation of the Trust. In commercial terms the contract with the State stays the same and we have a very close ongoing relationship with our past firm. This really formalizes something that was happening anyway but avoids any confusion. Of course Tina and Mary also come with us and we welcome Andrea as a second registered nurse to the team. This will also be essential for the under 25 program.

Caroline finished up by saying the French Maid holding the drinks tray will have sore arms by now but she wanted to finish up by saying that the growth spurt was now largely over. We were repositioned in the Building. We have 3 commercial operations owned by and reporting to the Trust and a plan for the bike courier business which is likely to be the fourth. All present graduate Stage 2 boys were fully employed and there were 100 more coming and there was an immediate need to take many in the Call Centre operation and support the Trusts new building. She hoped that they could return to a less frantic pace and enjoy their new lifestyles, essentially more freedom and money and less work. Lets get changed and go downstairs and chill out.

Once downstairs nothing was discussed in front of the boys. They did not need to be involved. Even Troy who was busy in the kitchen preparing food did not need to know for now. He had more important tasks to think about.

Privately Caroline was desperate for a break. Her mind had been in overdrive for over a year now from writing the original business proposal to the State to the creation of the Trust and moving in. She had decided that if she was not to burn out she needed to get away for 2 weeks at least before the next phase. She could not even face interviewing 20 loosers at the moment. In the evening she looked at Steve and in a way she envied him. He worked 8 hours a day in the laundry business. He came home and prepared the evening meal. He had his fitness regime and Ipod time and then bed. He was allowed one 10 minute telephone conversation before 8pm with one of his boyfriends. He had to get up at 5.30am to cook breakfast for the girls and catch public transport to the depot. He was busy, looking after himself, was obedient and very easily controlled. He behaved as a 12 year old boy but that was to be expected. She was wondering whether to take him on holiday with her and decided that perhaps she would but only if they both had friends. In an interesting twist she asked Steve who he would like to take to Hawaii for two weeks. After the initial excitement had gone he though about it for ages and then said Troy. In reality it was a very predictable choice as he was in the same group as Troy and most days they were in the laundry van together. Caroline said she would think about it. The next day she went to Trudy with an idea. She suggested that all four of them go on holiday together. They would share a bed and the boys could share a mattress on the floor. Trudy was over the moon. Some planning was required. Two replacement laundry van drivers had to be found and Caroline and Trudys children had to be supported. Logistically that was not a problem now especially as it was only for 2 weeks. Special dispensation was given to not attend Clubnight for 2 weeks but only because Mistress Caroline and Mistress Trudy were with them and could update the Ipods. The boys talked all the time about what they would do together and were the envy of all the other boys.

Three weeks later Caroline and Trudy boarded the plane for Hawaii. They found a very private resort not far from the airport on the Big Island north of the Kona Kailua centre. For the trip they were dressed in designer jeans and white t shirt and boots. They drew more than a few looks from strangers. The boys also attracted some interest. They wore shorts, floppy tee shirt but the personal grooming including waxing and the titanium collars made them look stunning. In a typically child-like way they were oblivious to it but very interested in each other. The collars set off the alarms at the airport and the boys were trained to say that it was their equivalent of a tattoo and "no sir, I'm sorry it does not come off. They carried no personal luggage on board and nothing in their pockets so there never really was a problem. After the second short flight to the Big Island they hired a rental car and drove to the resort. On arrival the boys were told to put on their plastics and go straight to bed. They knew better than to argue. A single mattress was set up at the foot of the bed in the master bedroom. Trudy grabbed a bottle of white wine from the fridge and Caroline and her sat outside until 3 in the morning. Exhausted but happy to be in such a glorious place.

The boys knew better than to move in the morning. Their plastics were wet but they did not move. Finally at 10am Caroline woke and ordered them to the corner. They pressed their noses into the corner and their boners into the wall and tried to get some friction without making any noise. Caroline got a fruit juice for her and Trudy and went back to bed. She ordered the boys to shower, clean themselves up and go and get something for breakfast for all of them. This was a real treat. They were free to go out on their own and explore. It took them an hour to shower, wax, apply moisturizer and dress. They had been told that they would wear their exercise uniform unless otherwise instructed while they were in Hawaii. They were allowed to wear nylon shorts over their lycra shorts (for the sake of decency). That gave Caroline and Trudy time to get to know each other better. They had done this before on detention weekends but somehow this seemed different. Caroline took the initiative but Trudy was very responsive they stroked and teased and kissed deeply. Both were very gentle but probed and teased and tormented all at the same time. They compared notes on what they liked and what the boys did best. They were familiar with their own boy tongue doing the work and it was a pleasant change to use their own on each other, particularly while 69ing. Both women chose to be fully waxed. There was no top and bottom with them. It was gentle and loving reciprocation. It was multi-orgasmic and in the end they showered together and dressed in bikinis. The boys came back with low fat Subway. It could have been worse (but they would have paid for it) but it was a special treat. For the rest of that day the boys built sand castles on the beach and swam in the sea and Caroline and Trudy watched them from deckchairs on the deck. At 3pm it was decided to reign things in a bit and the boys were told to shower put their formal uniform on and listen to their Ipods until 5.30pm. After that they were to prepare dinner, eat theirs at the breakfast bar and serve the Mistresses their evening meal. The boys were so indoctrinated that the girls just lounged around in their bikinis. They didn't need to dress for dinner. The boys were ignored while dinner was being served. At 8.30pm after cleaning up they came out onto the deck and quietly sat at the feet of their Mistresses. They knew better than to interrupt adult conversation. They had missed the only opportunity of the day during their morning shower to do anything and they were now very boned up. They had only missed that in their excitement about going out on their own. Trudy opened her legs for Troy to kneel between them and grabbed his scarf and pulled him into her bikini briefs nothing was said but he knew what to do. He used his nose, his tongue, his lips and his hands for the next half hour. Early on Trudy had removed her bikini bottom and Troy just went to work. Caroline was not far behind. No words were spoken. In half an hour both women were fulfilled and they felt very relaxed. They had thought of in interesting game for the boys and wanted to try it out. The boys were ordered to go inside and strip down to their panties. They were then to come outside holding hands on the deck. They were to face each other and then lovingly embrace and kiss each other deeply. They were to continue kissing until told to stop. Steve and Troy did what they were told. It was beautifully choreographed and after 10 minutes there was gentle vibrations throughout their bodies. Their fit boybutts were shaking there was plenty of grinding and the pre-cum was providing lube to excite them even more. All the Mistresses said was to keep kissing and holding onto each other. By 20 minutes there hands were everywhere they were squeezing each other and grinding up and down. They were taking bigger breaths but still kissing and their cocks could be seen sticking proudly out of their panties (that was quite and achievement, it was not meant to happen) and they were making humming noises. The panties were completely soiled in the front. After half an hour the shaking had changed into violent movement they were trying to slam into each other while cuddling at the same time. They couldn't get enough of each other. At 40 minutes they exploded with cum right up their stomachs to the tits and some even of Steves chin. Once they had calmed down the Mistresses clapped and said it was a lovely show by the boys and told them to hold hands and go and have a shower and get into bed. They didn't have to wear plastics tonight. The boys just stared at each other as they showered and then got a clean pair of panties each and went to bed and straight to sleep. They were tightly embraced. It seemed like cupid was busy tonight. Caroline and Trudy really quite enjoyed the boys show and were genuinely pleased for them. They stayed up until 2am talking.

The morning was a re-run of the previous day. The boys dared not move. They knew how much trouble they would be in. They didn't speak or move they gently fondled each others boners. They knew they could not hold their own. They made sure their breathing didnt change. The only problem was there was lots of precum. Finally at 10.30 Trudy got up and ordered the boys to stand against the wall. They had to stay there for 10 minutes while she made a coffee and went to the bathroom. She went back to bed. The boys were told to get showered and dressed. This took an hour as it always did and they did squeeze in a quick mutual jerk-off in the shower. They prepared their own breakfast and sat on the grass outside talking about nothing. They didn't wander too far because they had to prepare breakfast for the Mistresses when they wanted it. Eventually they all went shopping and brought enough food for the boys to eat their special diet for the length of the holiday and Caroline and Trudy bought everything they needed. After that it was back to the resort and the usual routine. The days all drifted into one. Late starts, with the boys preparing different breakfasts and lunches for everyone and play time on the beach and deck and then at 3pm it was shower, and uniform for the boys, Ipod time and preparation of the evening meal. Caroline and Trudy went to the resort gym in the late afternoon for a workout. And then sat on the deck after dark. In the whole two weeks the boys did not need to be punished once. They were cut a little slack but it was an idyllic time for both groups. Caroline and Trudy could hear the activities on the mattress in the mornings but ignored it. The shower was obvious and then the boys never got any other privacy. The girls had fun at bed time ordering plastics, diapers, locking plastics or just panties on different nights. The boys never knew what to expect it just kept them in a stage on anticipation. They were allowed to hold hands any time in the unit and they put on 4 more shows on the deck. Each one was beautiful. Towards the end Caroline and Trudy talked seriously about the possibility of moving in together. They loved the sexual intimacy they gave each other. At home there would be a very different daily routine for the boys, they would be busy but they agreed that they would love to do it. Certainly before Trudy went off to College in the new year. They rang their children every few days and everything was fine. Caroline and Trudy returned with their batteries recharged and ready to continue. Troy and Steve returned to their van and chores to catch up on at home. They didn't have time to think about each other but they did remember each other when they had a spare minute. Those performances on the deck were the best.

Carolines first priority on returning was to interviews the 20 under 25's. For convenience she went to the old New Horizons Community Centre. Instead of apple juice coke was available from the dispenser similar to that send in takeaways. They could help themselves but Caroline had pulled the apple juice stunt again. She started with Gary. He was 17, thrown out of home and caught shoplifting twice. He was in serious risk of a long prison sentence if he was caught again. There were obvious issues with substance abuse. After a 10 minute interview he had had two glasses of coke and was in a highly suggestive state. She hypnotized him and planted the following thoughts:

  • I can not go back to that horrible Juvie place * If I behave maybe I can stay with Caroline and the other women * Caroline is giving me a serious bone. * I must be obedient to New Horizons people * If I run away I will be in big trouble * I am a looser

When Gary came around Caroline spoke with him for 10 minutes and gave him an Ipod. Gary was impressed. No one had given him anything for years. Caroline simply said look after it and listen to it at least an hour a day. He was then told to wait in adjoining room and don't disturb anyone.

Next came Caleb. He was 16 a very good looking boy but could not stand up straight and was very dirty. He had been caught giving a blow job in the park rest room to a 37 year old man. Caroline was not interested in what any of them had done. They were all just loosers and needed to be protected from themselves. It was the usual story, coke, hypnotism, discussion, Ipod and wait.

Jonny was 19 and a clinical alchoholic

Bill was 21 and in with a local gang. Picked up by the police threatening small business owners

Jason 16 Runaway who was so hungry he tried to sell his butt to an undercover cop. He wouldnt have known what to do with it. He only arrived on the Greyhound 3 days before. Picked up by Welfare.

The rest were just the same. They were unkept, couldn't stand up straight, had obvious cross addiction issues and smelt. They couldn't speak properly and were invariably malnourished. In their present state they were totally unemployable. By the end of the day she had 20 of them sitting around in a room all holding onto their Ipods but looking pathetic. The room would need fumigating once they left. She ordered 2 vans from the depot to take them to the Trust. The idea was to throw them completely off guard from the beginning but Caroline wanted them securely locked up on the first floor first.

On arriving at the trust the vans backed into the direct entrance to the first floor stairway and the boys went directly to the first floor. It was a bit like cattle at the works. They had no choice. Once the second van dropped of its boys and they were upstairs the doors were shut and securely locked electronically. Daniella walked in dressed in her designer jeans boots a white tee shirt and leather jacket and leather cap. To a teenage boy she was very hot. That was enough, they were too young for BDSM just jet. There was just a hint of it. Caroline and Daniella had decided that in the beginning they would play the good cop/bad cop routine. Daniella was the bad cop. They were now in a place with no escape. All the rooms had frosted reinforced glass and none of the windows opened. The connecting doors were remotely locked and unlocked with additional doors downstairs. Nurse Tina then walked in with delousing gear and Daniella yelled out everyone was to strip and throw their clothes, watches and any other personal property in a heap in the middle of the room. The Ipods were to be left in a separate pile in the corner. When naked they were then ordered to stand in a line "cock to crack" and wait for Nurse Tina. Daniella was telling them to bunch up to make room for everyone in a straight line and it was having the obvious effect. All the boys were sporting bones and they were giving them to each other. Some of them were homophobic some thought they might be gay, some of them had sold their bodies for money. It didn't matter to New Horizon, what it was all about at this stage was humiliation. Nurse Anthea entered the room wheeling a tray with needles. She asked how many have had tetanus shots in the last year. No one put their hands up so it was quickly decided between the nurses that all boys would get a jab. While still standing cock to crack Daniella spelled out how the session would work. First there would be a complete delousing. They would then stand on the other side of Nurse Tina with their hands on their heads, legs apart. Once all were completed they would all have a shower in the shower room next door. They would then receive their jab back here with Nurse Anthea and then have a final inspection from both Nurses. Then they would receive their uniform. Daniella had a small strap which she used to great effect without hitting the boys. Even in their poor condition they were very oversexed in only the way teenagers can be and completely overcome by the experience. It was a delicate balancing act requiring a trained psychologist. Methodically Nurse Tina deloused the boys and ordered them to stand in the corner with their hands on their heads, legs apart. On no account feel yourselves up! Once the 20th boy was completed they walked through to the next room and showered in communal showers, 4 to one shower head. They all had a cake of soap and shampoo. Once dry they were ordered to again stand cock to crack and wait for Nurse Anthea. That part went quickly. It was simply bend over and touch your toes and the needle followed by antiseptic treatment with cotton wool and a bandage. After the injection they stood in a line with their hands on their heads waiting for the Nurses final inspection. By this stage they were familiar at standing at attention but they were still not very good at it. Tina had two black marker pens and each boy was inspected in detail. The Nurses were looking for earings, studs, sleepers, rings or any other jewelry or tattoos expressing a boys individualism. They carefully inspected each boy and wrote on his body details of anything requiring removal and where it was. There were writing, arrows and big circles around things needing attention. Removal would be at a later date. After this process they were told to pick up their Ipods and a man dressed as a boy in a kind of boy scout uniform pushed a laundry hamper kind of thing in. Daniella said these are your new uniforms, put them on. In the hamper were transparent plastic pants. They didn't know whether to look at the pants or the man dressed as a boy. Daniella said that tomorrow you will get haircuts, instructions on personal grooming and training will commence. Those of you requiring jewelry or body alteration therapy will see the Nurses for a one-on-one appointment during the next week. Once you have your uniform on go through to the dining room and eat. After that it's straight to bed its 8pm. Hurry up! All the women had been extremely sexy but authoritative and no nonsense, even the Nurses. No explanations had been given and the boys were hopelessly confused, all were emotional and some were tearful when they were ordered into 4 king sized double beds. There were 5 to a bed! Daniella yelled out the bathroom was off-limits tonight. Use your plastics then closed the door, electronically locked it from the outside and turned off the lights. It was pitch black. That was day one of processing and it had been achieved in 4 hours. Everything was filmed and on the computer for Daniella and Caroline to analyse. That night many of the boys cried themselves to sleep. They hugged each other and gave each other as much gentle comforting as they could. Some were mentally tougher than others but none of them knew anything about this place and were totally out of their depth. Periodically through the night subliminal messages were played. There were many but some were:

  • I must make myself attractive to those in authority * The only way of getting out of here was by being obedient * I have really messed up my life and I am a looser * I wish I was back in school now * The guys with me are my only friends * Male butts are better than female butts * I guess someone in government is paying for this so I deserve it * Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life * Little things can count * Some of the boys I am with are really attractive * I must not beat myself off. In is a selfish act

The lights went on at 6am and there was a very loud alarm playing. Above that Daniella was speaking on in intercom ordering them to get up sand stand in a line against the wall with their hands on their head. There was lots of boy wood seen through the soiled plastics. It was an extremely embarrassing scene but did achieve its purpose. They were ordered down stairs to the Courtyard for PT. It was cold and dark but the strong lighting overcame the darkness and the boys worked out for 40 minutes. Most were smokers and the effects of their addictive unhealthy lifestyles was obvious. There was vomiting, dry wretching and crying. Some had stomach cramps and had obviously had major accidents in their plastic pants. The session was run by two teenage girls up the front who were very young. They were so into the workout they ignored the suffering. The correcting and control of the group was done by Daniella and one other person dressed the same. That turned out to be Eva. Then it was back up to the dormitory for a shower. They were ordered to leave their plastics in the hamper and shower and clean their teeth and put on clean plastics. Once completed they were led into the dining room for breakfast. All the catering was done by men dressed in the kind of boy scout uniform they had seen for the first time yesterday. The teens wanted to talk to them but they would not reply or even look at them. They were working very hard and would not speak at all. The females were fed at the top table and their breakfast was much better than the basic food for the boys. They were also fully catered for. The teens had to stand in line to get their allocated amount. At the end of breakfast Daniella stood up and announced what the schedule for this morning was. First of all there would be a second delousing with Nurse Anthea. Then there would be haircuts and full body waxing. This would be completed by the boys you see around you. On no account would they speak to you and you will not try to speak to them. Later there will then be an assembly and Miss Caroline who you met yesterday in the city. Other details will be advised later. Many of the boys were pleased to hear that the professional soft spoken women who they had had a one on one session yesterday would be seeing them again. Perhaps she would let them out of here. That cycle of hope and despair was maximized by the Mistresses and used to great effect.

The delousing went the same as yesterday. The nakedness, standing cock to crack and resulting boners and delousing. Then there was the shower and the order to stand in a reformed line for the waxing and haircuts. This was going to take a while. The boy scout boys started waxing. In reality there was lots of clipping, shaving and depilatory cream used just to get the job done quickly and some waxing. Much more intensive waxing and grooming would be done shortly. For today nothing was not intended to be too painful but all hair had to go! Each teen lost all facial, underarm, pubic, butt-crack and leg hair. There was heaps of depilatory cream then moisturizer used. After loosing all hair they looked much better for it. The process was extremely efficient and took about an hour per teen. It included a number 1 haircut finished off with a razor and moisturizer applied to the scalp. There were 10 boy scout boys doing the work and it took about 2 hours altogether. Everything was completed in a big open area. Much of the time they were told to kneel or stand in very exposed positions. There was no privacy and talking was discouraged. Those teens not being worked on simply stood at attention and watched in shock. Daniella and Eva just kept a watchful eye issuing orders and directing when required. By 11am they had all been processed and were standing at attention in clean plastics looking much more presentable. Daniella then ordered them into a Classroom, their formal training was to commence.

In the classroom there were 20 desks typically found in a high school, there was also a very large open area just besides the teachers desk with a mat. In different parts of the room there were different activities. On the walls there were lots of big photos of younger teens and preteens, well dressed and simply being happy. Most of the photos were boys and girls aged between 11 and 16 competing in sports events, working in a classroom or receiving awards. They all looked like high achievers and were striking good looking boys and girls wearing the best designer clothing, sports gear or school uniforms and wearing it well. They simply demonstrated quiet achievement. These simple and innocent pictures were to become huge within a week. Daniella would bring these photos alive.

Daniella left them on their own for half an hour and had a much deserved coffee and to watch the teen boys on camera. They were waxed and androgenous looking and lacking any individuality except for the black marker pen writing and arrows and diagrams on their bodies. They had no idea what was happening to them. When left alone they resorted to their subliminal messages because that was all they had. Daniella and Eva walked in at 11.30. The boys had taken the opportunity the lie down on the mat, they were exhausted. There wasn't much talk and they were internalizing their fears and while that was a good thing Daniella knew not to push things too far. She didn't want them banging his heads on the wall. Humiliation and retraining was the objective not destruction.

Up till now Daniella had really only issued commands. She had never communicated on a meaningful level and had been tyrannical. She now changed her ways. She had imposed her will on the boys and could always revert back to the hard-arsed approach if necessary, and she would.

Daniella ordered the boys to stay on the mat. Eva and her grabbed adult chairs for themselves and joined the informal setting. Daniella then proceeded with the following speech "to date you boys have screwed up any chance of a normal life. Through running away from anything worthwhile your families and friends were now gone and the State government has had to step in. The only thing you have is each other. This is your last chance. Taxpayers were paying for this program and everyone demanded results. Boy failure was now unacceptable and this building which was part of the New Horizons Program is contracted to turn your failure around. Our methods are ground breaking and radical. You are only just beginning to understand that. We will give you one last chance to remold yourselves starting from scratch. As you have already seen there is discipline here but so far none of you have received punishment. That will change soon. When you leave here as graduates you will be in full time employment and well on the way to being valued members of society contributing more than you take from the community. You will not leave us until you do. You will participate in training for diet, weight control, personal grooming, exercise training and manners Works skills will be taught and we will provide you with a job in the city upon completion. At this stage you should think of yourselves as blank pages ready and willing to learn everything from scratch. There is no end date for leaving this building. You will master all of our requirements before you do. After you leave this building you will work for us for at least a year in one of our commercial operations and all of our rules and requirements will still apply. At the end of this afternoon assembly you will know more. I am about to give you some very basic rules, more will follow:

When a Leader enters a room a boy stands at attention and salutes Boys do not speak unless spoken to Boys reply to Leaders with courtesy and respect Boys obey all instructions Speaking between boys is only permitted in the dormitory All leaders will be addressed as Miss. I am Miss Danielle and this is Miss Eva

I suggest we break for lunch and an afternoon rest. Do not forget to listen to your Ipods. We will reassemble at 3pm to listen to Miss Caroline. The boys then broke for lunch. They were beginning to understand what they were in for but it was still going to get worse. After lunch they were locked in the dormitory. There was no access to the bathroom and many of them had soiled plastics. They were still coming to terms with their new appearance and loss of any sense of control. The subliminal learning was working but the last 24 hours had been unbelievably humiliating.

At 2.55 the boys were given access to the bathroom, by 3pm they were standing in line clean and waiting for Miss Daniella and Miss Eva. They still could not stand up straight or at attention but that would be easy to fix. They got a shock. At 3.05 Caroline Daniella, Eva and then 5 other Mistresses including Trudy, Mary and Joan walked in as well as Nurse Tina and Nurse Andrea. The 8 Mistresses wore the same clothes that Daniella and Eva had worn yesterday and today. It was a demonstration of power dressing and symbolism at its best. Some of the boys tried to salute but it was pathetic. They were seeing the size, power and resources of the Program.

Caroline welcomed the new teen recruits to the New Horizons Program. She made a comment about their appearance and how much better they looked than the sorry unkept boys that she saw yesterday. She was gentle with them. Caroline thanked Daniella and Eva and Nurse Tina and Nurse Andrea for their work and reaffirmed the purpose of the program that they had heard from Miss Daniella this morning. Caroline also reaffirmed the last chance position that the boys were in. Failure here was not an option. Graduation will occur and hopefully for everyone the sooner the better. Caroline went on to say "you have lost the chance of mainstream schooling. This Program should be treated as a last chance to re-enter the school system and that you boys are blank pages when it came to acquiring knowledge. That's because they had wasted so much of their lives. From tomorrow morning you will be going back to school. You will all be new entrants of junior middle school. Think of yourselves as 12 year old boys. All 20 of you will be in the same classroom but will be split into 4 groups of 5 each with your own color. You will be given a school uniform and grades will be awarded for everything. The teaching approach is multi disciplinary with Nurses Tina and Anthea involved as well as Miss Daniella and Miss Eva. We regard life skills as just as important as academic skills at our school. The worst performing color each week will receive special detention which includes corporal punishment. There is a buddy system within the Program whereby each boy will be introduced to one of our own special boys who you have seen doing the laundry, catering and personal services. They will assist with your education but alongside you. They are not authority figures and you should go to them for support and advice. They will be happy to share their experience. More will be discussed about the buddy system later. A format of a normal day will be rise at 6 and exercises in the Courtyard until 7. Shower, health and personal hygiene and dressing. Breakfast at 8.30. School starts at 9 and breaks for lunch at 12. We like to break for Ipod time. At 3pm school recommences and finishes at 5.30 with Evening meal at 6. 6,30 to 8 is homework time and bed with lights out at 8pm. This will occur 6 days a week with detentions on Sundays. Those of you not on detention will have spare time on Sundays and they will be encouraged to contribute to the running of the Program and will be rewarded for extra effort. Assemblies will be held daily at 9am at first period where there will be uniform inspection and other administration issues including grades. Time permitting I will also attend Assemblies. They will also be on an informal basis when necessary. Miss Daniella is in charge of the School and I know she will do a fine job. I hope you also do a fine job. I suggest you now break out into your respective groups and get your new school uniform. Miss Daniella has the names for each color and once you know your color please go to the cafeteria to try on your uniform. That is all."

Caroline and everyone except Nurse Anthea and Nurse Tina left the room and the boys went with the Nurses to the cafeteria. They knew their group color and in front of them were their respective group uniforms. All of a sudden they realized plastic pants were not so bad after all.

The uniform was very brief backless g string that would ride up the butt crack and not cover the balls let alone a cock. What material was visible was latex and in the color of their group with lace stitching around the edges. The top was a very fashionable gymslip. It was also latex and in the group color to match the g string. The bottom panel of the gymslip had the look of a pleated miniskirt. The bottom hemline of the gymslip was at waist height. The g string and cock and butt was completely visible. Under the gym slips was a plain white shiny satin blouse with elasticated short sleeves. The New Horizons logo was on the blouse and the gymslip. The uniform was finished off with knee length white socks with a lace top and mary jane patent leather shoes. These were of the more modern fashionable variety being patent leather and with a heel.

Nurses Anthea and Tina got busy. Their medical training kicked in and in that very matter of fact way the Nurses just ignored any distractions and completed the task. Each boy was dressed and told to go and stand against the wall. There would be photos shortly.

Four of the older boys were standing well back from the others and were making a stand. They had already said they would not wear that gay outfit and that alone was enough cause for punishment. Daniella and Eva had watched the whole circus and it was time for action. They walked into the room and immediately took charge. Daniella yelled out "you four, over here, now! Why arnt you in your school uniforms. One of them made the mistake of saying it wasn't fair Miss. Daniella yelled out across the room to Nurse Anthea. Get the strap from my office please. Eva then said get mine too. They both grabbed a boy by his ear, sat in the nearest chair and pulled him over their knees Yanked down the plastics and proceeded to spank them on their bare butt. Once the straps arrived they used them. In total the boys got about 30 strokes each and then quietly went to the Nurse to put their uniform on. The remaining 2 boys were then dealt with in the same way. In the end all 20 boys were properly dressed and the photos were taken. 4 boys looked particularly sad but they did look cute. Before Daniella left she also said that the four boys and got off to a bad start with grades but that would be dealt with later.

The boys were then allowed back to the dormitory. Daniella was waiting for them when they arrived. They took a little longer in their new mary janes. There were a few additional house keeping arrangements. From now each bed will be used by a group and there will be no sharing of beds between colors. To look after your stylish new uniforms there will be a PT uniform but it will not be issued until tomorrow. You will continue to sleep in plastics and you will use them again tomorrow morning in the Courtyard for PT. We are considering an additional non school uniform, but if and when we do it will be the result of improved behavior. For now it is the school uniform at school and mealtimes. The PT uniform will only for PT and plastics were for all other times. Laundry day is Sunday and you will receive an extra pair of plastics if you are not on detention. With that she walked out and locked the door.

The boys had no where it sit but on their beds and they forgot about the colors and beds rule. Daniella was watching them and all of a sudden the loud speaker rang out that all boys in the wrong color bed would now receive a bad grade. They all rushed to their own group bed and most of them burst into tears again. That was the last straw. For half an hour they comforted each other. Their was no spare room and their bodies were hard up against each other and their hands were wrapped around each others bodies trying to save space and give emotional support. Their boners were hopelessly sticking up like wands and aching because they were so heavy and lacking support. The g strings seemed to make them feel worse but they wouldn't even hold onto their cocks. They learnt that it they pressed them into the boy next to them or the mattress it helped but then the pre-cum started leaking. They knew they must not stroke themselves or jack off but anything else was okay. Most of them took their g strings off but it didn't really matter if they didn't. They never got in the way. A combination of emotion, waxed flesh, teenage hormones and the special diet they were on was having its effect. Some of them came by grinding against each other and everyone was sticky. At the end one of the boys was bright enough to suggest that they needed to clean their uniforms before dinner. But how would they do that with the bathroom locked. They did it with their tongues. By 6pm they were ready for their evening meal dressed in their new school uniform and somewhat comforted by each other. Caroline and Daniella watched the dormitory scene more than once. This teen group methodology was really moving along fast. Only 1 full day and significant progress had been achieved.

The evening meal was very subdued. The boys just tried to cope with standing in their new uniforms, sitting in them and knowing that every time they moved in the slightest their heavy boner would remind them of its weight and size. Boners can be very heavy especially if they stick up like wands waving in the breeze totally unsupported for hours. They were very pleased to get their plastics back on at bed time. They at least provided some support.

The next morning they were woken a 6am and had to immediately rush down stairs to PT with the 2 teenage girls which they didn't know their names. Daniella and Eva were there to urge them on in their own unique way. The strapping of the 4 boys yesterday in the cafeteria seemed to help performance. Those 4 were still sore from yesterday but no one cared about that. After PT it was back up to the bathroom which was unlocked. Everyone showered and noticed the difference in their bodies without body hair. Face shaving was no longer necessary. They reported for breakfast in their brand new school uniform and went to the classroom at 9am for assembly. The smart ones remembered to stand at attention and salute when Miss Daniella and Miss Eva entered the room. Daniella welcomed the class and then proceeded with the inspection. Eva, Tina and Anthea also joined in with all of them inspecting each boy and discussed his appearance in front of him. Cock size, cock angle and the need for stiffy training, butt hygiene, hair removal efficiency, moisturizer application, overall care of uniform including g string stickiness and posture was openly discussed by the Leaders. Notes were taken about things to follow up. Every boy got the treatment. Daniella finished up by pointing to the new photos on the wall and how good everyone looked in their new uniforms. They were yesterdays photos and the contrast between them and all the other photos in the room was obvious.

Just after lunch the new PT uniform was issued. The boys were dreading this. It was the usual spandex shorts in the color of their group and the white Polyester/spandex contour fitting tank top with spaghetti shoulder straps and showing plenty of midriff. It had the new Horizons logo over the right tit. Keds were plain lace-up sand shoes and unisex in style. Underwear was New Horizons issue brief white nylon panties again with the logo. There was a very small amount of lace around the hems. That was a relief but it would not have been 2 days ago. They actually thought the PT uniform was okay. They just wernt allowed to wear it for very long each day.

Each school day followed the New Horizon well tried methodology. There were breakouts into subgroups. It was now a well oiled machine. There was a bit of emphasis on academic issues. Most of that was done by choosing a boy to stand in front of the class and read a story or explain a maths problem and provide the solution. Everyone had to contribute. When a question was asked the boy would always stand to reply. The problem with their cocks would never go away. They were over sexed and sooooo heavy. Some days the thought of wanking would reduce them to tears. Life was tough. Minor infractions were often dealt with on the spot. Daniella and Eva kept straps in the teachers desk and they were often used. The group and color regime worked well. Occasionally one boy was excused for a one-on-one with one of the nurses. Those times were used to tidy up the body adornment issue. The tattoos took longer but within two weeks everything was gone.

The afternoon session was designed to increase the mental pressure of the Program in a way that reinforced the opinion that the cock is not the most important sexual organ. It's the brain. Daniella used the innocent pictures of teens on the wall to mentally transform the boys in a way that affected their inner being. It was something only a trained person could do. It started off with the boys sitting on the mat and a photo of one of the achieving boys taken off the wall by Daniella and placing it reverently on her desk in the front of the class. She would then ask questions about what the class thought about the boy. It was a fantasy session about the boy and later the girl and how perfect they were. They had to discuss how he was achieving. There was a great deal of discussion about his clothes and how perfect he was. The favorite photo was of a boy with a 1st place medal from a BMX bike racing competition. He had the full BMX protective outfit and he was smiling and talking to two other boys in similar racing safety gear about the same age. They would have all been around 13 years old. What were they talking about? Would the excitement of winning the race have given him a big stiffy? Would he ever be immature enough that he would dribble in his underwear like the boys on the mat who were staining their g strings. Was it fair that no one was helping him with his big stiffy? Isn't it better for a boy like that to drain his load into a looser before he starts his next race. How can boys in a gymslip and g string attract the attention of a god like that? The boy would have been very busy practicing for races and how could the boys in the class help him? One idea that was very well received by the Nurses was that they could save the boy time by drinking his piss when he wanted to go to the bathroom. That way he could save time and keep practicing. That was an excellent idea. Other ideas were carrying all his gear for him, walking behind him with his water bottle, opening doors for him being on all fours so he could rest between activities.

Then Daniella would look around the walls and find the picture of a teen girl. Perfect matchmaking was an art not to be rushed and the boy deserved the best. On one occasion she took the picture of a girl dressed in equestrian riding gear holding the reigns to her horse. Both she and the horse had ribbons around them from receiving first prize in a competition. She would also have been around 13. She was very attractive and looked athletic standing in a commanding position in her jodhpurs with her legs slightly but innocently apart and smiling and waving. In her other had she was holding her riding helmet and a whip. What was the girl thinking and how could the class help her. If they were there would she let them rub up against her jodphurs with their naughty stiffys. Why did she have her legs apart, what was she expecting that the boys in the class could help her with? Would she whip them if they stained her jodhpurs? Would a girl like that want a boy dressed in a gymslip and g-string to be anywhere near her and what could they do to impress her. Isnt it right that winners should be together. Would they both use the whip on loosers. Would the class do the same things for her they would do for the boy. The answer was always yes, yes, yes! If a class member was to design the perfect night for these two superheroes what would it be like.

On another day Daniella chose a picture of a 15 year old boy in a martial arts/Karate outfit with a black belt. She asked the class what they thought of the boy. What did the black belt mean to them. They discussed the difference between that boys hidden and well supported boner and the boys in the classrooms stiffys sticking out like wands hopelessly from their g strings. That boy did not have to accept that. He was an achiever and what did the boys in the class look like. He also looked very clean and didn't have any gooey mess like some of the class were showing on their lacy g strings. The one piece of good news is that the g strings would not get in the way of the karate boy making love to them quickly and he wouldn't waste too much time in his busy life. Who would like to be the first boy to have that karate boy stick his bone in their boyhole. Daniella then chose the photo of a girl in a baseball uniform holding a baseball bat over her shoulder and smiling. What else could she do with the bat? Wouldn't it feel great to lie on the ground for her to sit on their faces in her tight nylon baseball pants. Do you thing she would let a looser like you rub your stiffy against her baseball bat. What did the karate boy and the baseball girl have in common.

Another time Daniella took the same photo of the 3 boys in the BMX outfit off the wall and placed it on her desk. She asked the Class to look at the other two boys. Can you see how happy they are and how they are smiling at each other. They may not have got a big stiffy from winning the race but they look as if they are giving each other the biggest stiffys ever. All three of the boys are very competitive and they all want to have the biggest stiffy and beat each other in the next race. Was it fair that they had to put up with the distraction of a big stiffy while concentrating on winning the next race. She then went around all 20 boys present and asked which boy is their favorite and why. Wasn't it only right that boys dressed in gymslips and g strings should help any winner like our superheroes and how would they do it. There was a long discussion about why winners could do whatever they liked and are entitled to get help to achieve. It was agreed by everyone that it was not fair that these two boys were distracted by thinking about each other when they should have been concentrating on preparing for the race and beating the other boy who had won the last one. Boys dressed in gymslips and g-strings can definitely help with this problem.

One day Daniella took down the photo of two girls, probably 14 or 15 who were both holding tennis rackets and dressed in matching track pants and top who had just won a tennis doubles competition. They looked very happy and waving to the crowd. Their arms were around each shoulders and just demonstrated quiet confidence. Daniella discussed all the things these beautiful girls had in common with each other. She wanted to know how they would celebrate after the award ceremony. Would they accept ballboys dressed in a latex gymslip and g string. What could the class do to give them privacy. Arnt they the most perfect match for each other. Do you think you could provide any assistance.

Another picture was of two High School graduate students headed up Head Girl and Head Boy. There was a Roll of Honor Board in the background and it was obviously a very expensive School with the traditional uniform. They wore their uniforms perfectly and they looked like perfect high school success stories that would just continue on in life into top management positions that were probably already waiting for them. Nothing could possibly get in their way. Danielle commented on how clean and well presented they were. The boy showed absolutely no cock bulge and the girls ankle length pleated skirt was perfect for the young achiever. She looked at the boys and asked why she had a full length skirt at her High School and the boys on the mat had a waist length, miniskirt bottom showing their g strings for their high school uniform. The answer was obvious. That girl need to provide space for a looser to be hidden under her skirt to serve her for long periods and at our school we needed very short skirts so as everyone could check that the boys were not playing with themselves and also so their skirts did not get in the way of achievers like them getting access to their bodies for the purposes of inspection, taking pleasure and punishment. Why did that boy not show any cock bulge and the boys present have their stiffys sticking up hopelessly and dribbling onto their lacy g strings. He had correct male underwear and he also had no need to show himself off or try to impress anyone. He was an achiever and knew it. The boys on the mat had very little to offer and making themselves as attractive as possible was essential. If you were to serve high achievers such as these two where could you possibly start. Given how successful they are should you make life as easy as possible for them. Clearly the boy would need a blow job very regularly and the girl was entitled to orgasms on demand. What would they think of a boy that wears a latex school uniform. If you rubbed yourselves against their shoes and left cum stains like on your g strings at the moment how would they punish you.

The session always ended up with the boys being ordered to do a composition for homework about the heroes in the pictures. It was to be imaginative, come up with answers and be very respectful. The following morning all the compositions were read out in front of the class. Grades were always high for outstanding homework.

The analysis of those innocent photos took most of the first month and by the time Daniella had finished with them all the classroom took on a whole new meaning for the boys. It was more like a temple. The 20 boys would often have a glazed look in their eyes as they drifted off into their own dreamy state. Daniella had reduced them to having boy crushes and dreams about the idols in the photos. Often it took 2 to 3 days to complete the task of analyzing 1 or 2 photos and at the end they all had a very deep meaning for the Class. There were many spontaneous ejaculations on the mat during these sessions and they were ignored. Nurse Anthea said it was just what any looser would do when looking at perfection. It was only to be expected.

Daniella encouraged the class to use the classroom during any spare time the boys had and kneel on the floor below one of one of their idols. Being close to them will provide strength and guidance. There is more goodness in their little toes that the whole of your bodies but being close to winners is extremely good for you and their perfection will help you. One day when you leave this school you may be fortunate enough to serve a natural leader like the ones in our pictures. That is your ultimate goal. Daniella knew she was getting through when she observed on the cameras individual class members standing at attention and saluting their idols during their private visits to the classroom. Many of them chose when kneeling to keep their hands on their heads so as not be tempted to stroke themselves in the presence of their heros.

At the end of a month Daniella announced that there was the additional uniform. By this stage the boys were programmed to accept everything and smile for the teacher. They were fit and very over-sexed through the diet and healthy lifestyle and class work. They stood up straight and posture was perfect even allowing for their boner obsessed brains. They saluted all Leaders, spoke clearly and desperately wanted to impress. Even punishment was becoming less and less necessary, they were responsive but sometimes vague and Daniella was getting concerned. It was time to rebuild them.

A laundry hamper was rolled in and inside was the new uniform. It was perfect. The main feature was shiny bike pants in the group color they were extremely brief and looked great. There was the nylon/lycra stretch tank top with spaghetti straps showing plenty of midriff and keds with no socks. The New Horizons nylon panties were also provided. Daniella said that these uniforms may be worn on any Sunday when not on detention. They could also be worn when spending time with their buddy outside of school time. Details of the buddy scheme will be discussed in school tomorrow. This was the first positive steps for the boys and they loved that uniform. They dreamed about putting in on. They dreamed about their big stiffys being held supported in those panties and encased in the bike pants and they dreamed about looking so sexy for their boy friends and their buddies who they would hear about tomorrow! This was the first positive things that had happened to them since they arrived at New Horizons and the effect was massive. That night there were some additional subliminal messages about boys bonding with boys. The boys must look sexy and show their bodies to maximum advantage.

The following day there was an open forum about how the boys would impress their new buddies. In the beginning the meeting would be in school time so they would wear their school uniform. One boy suggested sitting on his buddies knee. Miss Daniella thought that was a very good idea. She explained that really the big boys were just the same as them and they could help them grow. It was entirely natural for bigger boys to help younger ones and she was sure it would be a positive experience. The present group were very lucky to meet such good role models and they should learn as much as possible from them. 20 graduate boys then entered the room and the teens rushed up to them and immediately hugged and kissed them. They were emotionally starved of external contact and they longed for interaction. The subjects discussed revolved around personal appearance and very important jobs like driving laundry vans and working at the Trust.

The classroom started to change. Daniella and Eva started looking for volunteers to go out with buddies for work experience. Everyone volunteered for that and had to take turns. The Ipod conditioning was dramatically increased and the boys were eager to accept their new position in life and they were preparing for graduation from the classroom. They desperately wanted to work hard to please Miss Daniella and Miss Eva and the Nurses as well and receive the honor of wearing the titanium collar. They still sought the support and guidance of their idols in the classroom but they were moving on from the winners in the pictures. They were being subtly replaced by real winners and for now they were the buddies. They were capable of any amount of physical work. They jumped to their feet when a Leader or a Buddy entered the room and saluted correctly. They accepted all punishment and were extremely focused on achievement, New Horizons style. Primary sexual relief was with their boyfriends who they loved. They were obsessed about personal appearance and fashion. They still spent time everyday together in the classroom and still looked at their favorite photos for inspiration. They had been through a lot together. They were slowly but eventually being conditioned to think of work and satisfying a dominant woman as the ultimate objective in life. That could be toned down a little bit later but they would always be submissive in the future. The sex was with their boyfriends but it was vastly more important to provide loyalty and obedience to a superior person. They never saw the conflict between the boys and girls in the pictures in the classroom and the possibility of serving a Mistress. They just knew that their idols were perfect and they could ever be and besides that, they were just boys. Boys don't have sex with adults. Even the boys and girls on the wall were adults because of their mature attitudes towards life and achievement.

Because these boys didn't have a Mistress partner they would work in one of the operations and be without the in-home domestic control of a Mistress. Caroline knew it was time to break the bond with Miss Daniella and Miss Eva but replace it with a boy buddy and by default become a kind of foster boy to the Class B boys Mistress. It was only to be transitional but it may last 1-2 years and who knows if the Mistress did permanent adopt the teen boy she would collect his wages and he would be available in her home. Youth does have its advantages.

Carolines boy Steve took on Dan. He had been a 17 year old sex worker who had to sell his body to fund his drug habit. The first time Steve saw him her was dressed in his cute green latex school uniform. He looked good enough to eat and Steve immediately wanted to take him under his wing. Steves boyfriend Troy had Gary. Troy saw him at the same time and desperately wanted to help. Both teen boys were fitted out as Blueboys for work experience and went on many laundry runs. In the evening they often stayed over with their buddies. Steve and Troy genuinely wanted to help. There was some great sex but for them there was much more to it. They were helping their Mistresses. Steve introduced Dan to the heaver side of loving a full Mistress. With his training he was definitely ready for this if only a Mistress would adopt him. Gary loved Troy and Mistress Trudy. Dan and Gary looked up to their big buddies as only young teen boys can. They loved their sleepovers and copied what Steve and Troy did. They really loved being on the floor serving Mistress Caroline and Mistress Trudy, that was the best.

Caroline fitted out the upstairs of one of the depot buildings in the city as a dormitory for the teen boys. When they wernt with their buddies they would stay there for the 1 to 2 years and go to work downstairs. 50% of their wages went on rent and board. The remaining 50% was put in savings for them. They didn't need any money and were not allowed access to it. They were also rostered for regular work at the Trust and were permanently up for adoption to any Class A Trust member but after 2 years maximum they knew they would leave the operation. If they were adopted then the new Mistress got their accumulated savings. Interestingly 6 years later Carolines daughter Kaylee adopted one of the teen boys and became a full fledged Class A member. The boy was then automatically a Class B member. That story is for another day. The issue was there was a steady flow of trained boys available for single women who wanted a compliant long term boy partner.

Trudys bike courier operation was rolled out when the teenboys graduated after 2 months. Mistress Monica was a new Mistress. She was ideally suited to the task. Monica was 19. She had run away from an abusive home at 14 but as a hitch hiker she was picked up by Alison one of Joan, Mistress Sams friends. Somehow Monica was allowed to legally stay with Alison. By 18 she had a major dislike of abusive idle men and a desire to enter the femdom community but she had no partner and no money. The easiest way for her was to adopt a teen boy. That would give her his accumulated bank balance and the boy would then be allowed to be a Class B member of the trust and she could then become a Class A member. Monica was young enthusiastic and ambitious and her boys wages contributed to her College education. Monica also started in the commercial operation in the same way Trudy and Eva had. There were many similarities between Trudy and Monica and while Monica did the marketing and management, Trudy kept a watchful eye and when back from College offered guidance. Monica called the business Pedalboy and designed a unique uniform. It was shiny silver bike pants with a traffic light insignia on the right butt. The pants were very brief. The top was also silver lycra with an orange and black lightning bolt starting at the front neckine and flowing below the arms and around the back to the bottom hem. There was a black and red helmet also with the lightning bolt. Pedalboy and a telephone number was across the shoulders. There was the usual courier bag for over his shoulder but in Pedalboy livery. The bikes were all in Pedalboy colors and were to be cleaned everyday. The boys were programmed exactly like Blueboys and the feedback was identical. They had a modern mobile phone that included GPS tracking and a territory to support. Being bike couriers they were on their own but they had places and parks to go to support each other. Because of the solitary nature of the operation the Ipod messages were kept very tight. In addition regular contact was kept by phone . A Blueboys van was always available if a Pedalboy got a puncture or needed help. It was a huge success and they completely buried the competition. The young boys looked stunning and they had reputation for politeness and quiet enthusiasm. They only spoke when spoken to, they always smiled and were extremely energetic and they were very clean and tidy. All the competition looked very scruffy next to them. Little did anyone know about the punishments given at night for poor work. Often the boys could not sit on the bike seat the next morning because of his red raw butt received from Mistress Monica for tardy work. That just made them try harder. There were so many boys that Monica had to ask other mistresses to help her in the mornings and the evenings with spankings as she didnt have the strength to do all of them on her own. The boys loved Mistress Monica, they loved to work and also the time at the depot and especially loved flaunting their sexy bodies to their boyfriends. They wanted to go upstairs to bed at 8pm and were always ready to go out in the morning. They waited hoping for invitations from their buddies for sleepovers and dreamed of being adopted by a Mistress. After two years Caroline let the rest go. There was a steady stream of younger ones coming on. The ones graduating were debriefed progressively over the last 3 months and by the time they walked out of the depot for the last time memories were programmed to fade quickly. Caroline did the exit hypnosis program herself and was very careful with these boys. They knew they had been looked after and were ready to leave. They would never drink alchohol, smoke, take drugs or take advantage of a woman. None of them could imagine not having a job and they were very polite, well spoken and knew everything about presentation that needed to be known. They had forgotten their time at the Trust and had fond memories of working at the depot. Many of them left in two's and they shared the exact same memories. The Pedalboy brand was so strong that getting a job outside was not a problem. Many of them went on to complete trade qualifications such as cooking and plumbing. Everyone knew they would get a good worker if they employed an ex- Pedalboy. It was the ideal reference.

The Call Centre operation was now fully operational. For marketing to new clients and invoicing and external communication purposes it was called the North Eastern Call Centre or NECC. The name was only because of its geographic location. Trust members always referred to it as Callboy. No outsiders knew how the back office worked and it was very restricted access. It was competitively priced and provided a high quality service. A second premises was leased with an option to buy and it was operating 24 hours a day. It was ideally suited to the Trust methodology. The boys were constantly measured. The system told Eva if any boy was ever off-line. All telephone calls were recoreded for training and performance purposes and Eva could listen into conversations to measure telephone manner and performance at boy level. All boys did 8 hour shifts and all catering was done by a support boy so the operator never left his work station. The only break was exercises every two hours for 15 minutes in a break out area. A TV and DVD was set up with a recording of Princess Kaylee and Princess Shawna running a workout session. It was specifically designed to avoid Occupational Overuse Syndrome. Callboy had to be a good employer. No uniform was required and all boys worked naked for budget purposes. For practical reasons they were required to wear diapers so as never to have to leave their work station other than for the scheduled workout. The work stations were clustered into the group format so that there was full on competition between the groups to be the best performing group with the best grade. It was so efficient that Eva could easily run the operation on her own with trainee Mistresses as shift supervisors. They didn't have to work. Just keep an eye on things. They were only there for emergencies and could sleep on the nightshift if nothing was going on. They could administer punishment and did as well as supervise the changing of the very occasional diaper. A suppport boys always did the change, it just had to be supervised. Eva managed all the client relationships and focused on a process of continuing improvement that relied on feedback. The boys desperately wanted to provide a professional service and punishment was severe at the Call Centre. It just suited the management style of the operation. There was no time for talking to each other but that was the price of being a professional. By the time they finished their shift and got home on public transport all the Mistresses knew that they needed a very good physical work out and some slack was allowed in the homes but were still under a very tight reign. Within 2 years the Call Centre had 150 work stations which on a three shift day employed 450 boys. It was unbelievably profitable and employed any type of boy.

The second thing that Caroline had to complete after her holiday was Stage 3 for the first 20 boys. Because they were long term partners of Mistresses this was for the benefit of both sides. The Trust would the social hub of these boys lives. They were working either at Blueboys, one or two at Pedalboys, the Call Centre or New Horizons as support and had regular commitments one to two times a week to the Trust in addition to their paid job. Caroline came up with a very simple recommittal process that would achieve all goals.

At the next Clubnight Caroline announced the commencement of the formal part of Stage 3. It had been some months since the completion of Stage 2 for these boys. Everything was fine and they were deeply fulfilled and wore their titanium collars with pride however they all knew this was to come and all of them looked forward to it. They just didnt know what it was. Stage 3 was different. The format would be that one at a time a Color, that is 5 boys would have a month long retreat at the Trust. During that month there was no work or punishment or even Clubnight and they were to prepare all together for a ceremony that would recommit them to the Trust and their Mistresses for the rest of their lives. It was to be a joint ceremony celebrating the Color. They were to think of the months preparation as a kind of retreat where they could reflect on themselves and their Color. Caroline undertook to be there for them through this very important time of their lives.

All of the boys were excused from their work commitments and they entered the first floor of the Trust to the long stay area. There were many days of just sitting around and talking about nothing. They tried to look good for each other and other than that they thought about the big event. Caroline tried to steer them but also tried to get them to come up with their own ideas. It wasn't entirely successful but it was fun. All the Mistress partners had internet access to the retreat and kept up with the daily event. It was a spiritual experience for the boys but meant nothing for their Mistress. Red Group came up with dying a bed sheet red and calling it their flag. Then all 5 members wrote all over the sheet what it meant to be the perfect Stage 3 boy and how important this event was to them. That was a good start. The boys constantly challenged each other and amazingly were running out of time in the last week. Because no group ever had a leader they could never agree on anything. In the end with Carolines guidance it was decided that it would be an outside ceremony in the Trust gardens. The Mistresses would be up the front in their formal uniforms. The boys would be dressed in white which was a symbol of cleanliness and purity. They would wear white lycra shorts, white tank top with spaghetti straps but full length to the waist. That would be more formal. White socks and white shoes. They would each be supported by their own buddies in their Pedalboy uniforms which everyone admired. They were their bestboys. They would all walk down an isle past the collected guests of the Trust. All Mistresses and boys were invited. At the front they would kneel on their red sheet with all their personal input at the feet of their Mistresses. Mistress Caroline would then say a few words on the events of the past 18 months and what had been achieved. One by one the boys would stand, read a prepared vow swearing loyalty to the Trust and to his Mistress. They would then kneel again and their Mistress would then lay their hands on their boys head and wrap a flowing red cape around their shoulders and tie it in the front. The boy would then kiss the feet of his Mistress go to Mistress Caroline, kiss her feet, rise and walk around and stand behind his Mistress facing the guests. The fifth boy would pick up the sheet and joint the other red group members at the back and embrace his boyfriends with the flag signifying they were now one. At that stage Caroline would announce that formal proceeding had ended and the celebrations could begin.

The big day occurred and by the end of the formal ceremony the boys were very emotional and embracing each other. All the bestboys desperately wanted to be involved and the boy guests were also rushing up to hug everyone. The Mistresses were served champagne and all boys got sparkling grape juice as a special treat. There were lots or food and drink and boys on duty did all the catering. At the end of the celebrations Caroline added her own twist to the way the celebrations ended. A limo pulled up and the Mistresses of the 5 were taken away for three months fully paid vacation together, The Trust had tons of money and they had reached the end of the period of personal change. From now on they were able to receive all the benefits of the New Ways Trust. The 5 members of Red Group still wrapped in their red flowing capes and flag were led back inside the Trust building. On the first floor there was a bed made up in red sheets red duvet. All the clothing was red and they were then locked in the room for a month. That was their honeymoon. All food was and laundry was catered. They had access to fitness gear and their Ipods. They had everything. Most of all they had each other. This was a time of their lives they would never forget. At the end of a month they went back to work. Because their own Mistresses were still away they lived at the Trust but only as ordinary boys and everything was back to normal. After their Mistresses returned to pick them up the boys would go back to their homes with unbelievable memories. The celebration would not have the slightest effect on the Mistresses but some things just have to be done for the sake of completion and they did have a great holiday.

From the beginning Caroline and Daniella had known that they could always reverse the Ipod conditioning and hypnosis. It never was just a one way process. Caroline also knew that if she did then her and Steve would be back to the bad old days and the relationship would inevitably end in separation. Daniella also knew the same about her and Bill. While it might happen occasionally it very rarely did. Curiously the boys were very happy. They were fulfilled and achieving in their own way according to their own abilities.

In term of the Contract, the Trust services had resulted in around a 99% success rate. The capacity was only 20 teens every 3 months and 100 adult men with Mistress partners every 6 months. The State Administration was more than happy to roll over the contact on a continuing basis. Compared to the cost of locking men up or welfare payments it was good value. The State was very impressed with the Pedalboy business model and the re-employment of graduate boys back into mainstream work. The Trust had reached the point where it was self funding from commercial operations and life was much easier. The commercial operations were providing huge returns, boys were doing most of the work at the Trust and there was a huge community of Mistresses. Some were more active in the Trust community than others but that didn't matter. New business ideas were constantly being created from the pool of talented Mistresses. Like Pedalboys they often had to wait until boys were available. The contract did however provide a constant supply of boys and they were always needed.

After Hawaii Trudy and Caroline moved in together and were very happy. The Trust was looking at buying resorts and other private facilities to be of benefit to Class A members and the social life was perfect. Money was available to ambitious Class A achievers and Caroline could see herself stepping down some time in the future but not yet, it was too much fun.

The ultimate result of the New Ways Trust was to analyse the results of the real children of the Mistresses and boys. They were never involved in the process however they were the ones who witnessed the dramatic changes in the Dads from idle loosers to busy boys. The children, real boys and real girls became very goal focused and motivated to be high achievers. More than most children they were well aware of the alternative and could not imagine or accept the possibly of failure or being in that position. Their mothers had achieved through extremely difficult times and they would do the same. Only a small number of them were drawn towards the Trust as a lifestyle option but that was to be expected. It was extremely gratifying to see them all take charge of their own lives. The ultimate conclusion for Caroline was that everyone had abilities if they apply themselves and success breeds success.

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