Airline Fun

By Bill Nye

Published on Nov 5, 2009



I'm thumbing through my newspaper sitting aboard an airplane waiting for takeoff, quietly thinking about how sad I am that the weekend is already over and now I must go back home. I had decided to spend my 30th birthday with some friends down in Dallas, TX. They planned a big party for me and we went out and did all kinds of "touristy" things, just for fun. The trip was a blast, I think this was probably one of my most memorable birthday's ever. Here's a little information about myself. I work in an IT department for a large company, I do the corporate thing, nothing very exciting but I make a living. I'm 6'0 weigh about 160. I'm definitely not a muscle guy, I'd call myself about average. I like to think I'm handsome, and I've never had a hard time picking up the ladies. Secretly, I'm gay. None of my friends know, and my gay experiences include me sitting at home on the laptop enjoying some good porn. I am really into public porn/sex/nudity stuff. Although I'd admit first off I'm too chicken-shit to do half the stuff I've seen online.

So there I am sitting by the window as the stewardesses get everyone seated and I notice the two seats next to me are still not filled. Just as I start to think I'm going to have a comfortable flight home and be able to get a little rest these two 20 something year old looking guys take the two seats. Both guys are very handsome. The one sitting closest to me has a short messy looking spike type haircut. His eyes were blue and he probably weighed about 160. Guessing by the way he was hunched over to get to his seat he was about the same height as me 6'0. After I got over how handsome this guy was the next thing that hit me was his smell. He smelled like he had been working out, he was sweaty. It was kind of hot. I admit I was getting turned on. Good thing I had this newspaper to hide my growing cock. He was wearing soccer shorts, and I could clearly see his package as he got back up to put his carry on in the overhead compartment. After he sat down, he introduced himself. His name was Jordan and he was heading to Kansas City to visit his family. We talked for a while and I found out he was actually 26 and moved to Dallas for a job 2 years ago and hasn't been to see his family since, so he was a little excited about going home. I asked him how difficult it was for him being away from his family, and he said it wasn't as hard as he thought it'd be because when he moved to Dallas, he was really able to come out of his shell and be who he wanted to be. I asked him what he meant, and he said he was gay and in Dallas, unlike back home in Kansas City, he was able to be open with his sexuality. I unexpectedly said "Must be nice". Not even thinking about it. He looked over at me and said "Oh really, you're gay?" I just kind of got a shocked expression and looked back at him and said, well kind of. He laughed and said well either you are or you aren't, but I think I know what you mean.

After about 20 minutes into the flight, the guy that was sitting in the aisle seat of our row got up and moved to a row that had no one sitting in it. I assumed these guys were together, but guess they weren't. Once he moved, I expected Jordan to move over to give some more room, but he stayed right where he was. It was very pleasing feeling him touching me with his leg and arm. Thoughts were running through my head thinking of what I'd do with this guy if I only had the balls to make a move. I decided to ask the stewardess for a pillow and I laid my head against the window and started to nod off. I must have been having some wet dream because Jordan nudged me and said I was moaning in my sleep. I looked down and noticed I had a huge hard-on and my newspaper was sitting in the empty seat by the isle. I tried to move my arm to cover it up, but Jordan said no that he was enjoying it. I turned bright red and just stared at him. He looked down at his own crotch and my eyes followed. He was sporting his own hard-on and he had pulled the leggings from his shorts tight so I could see his cock outlined against his leg. His cock was probably about 7' and from the pre-cum stain on his shorts I guessed he wasn't wearing any underwear. He snapped me out of my trance and picked up my arm and placed it in my lap to cover up my hard on, and plopped down his tray to cover up his. Just as he did this the stewardess came by and asked if we wanted anything to drink. I quickly said no, he said the same. As the stewardess walked off, he lifted the tray up a little bit, then reach under the arm rest that was between us and pushed the button to lift the arm rest up. Now there was nothing between us, our thighs were touching and I rest my arm on my left leg. I was wearing a pair of khaki's and they were starting to get uncomfortable. Seconds after he raised the arm rest, he grabbed my arm and positioned it on his lap. He then reach down and pulled the right legging of his short up and repositioned my hand on his cock. I couldn't see it because of the tray still being down half way, but I could feel his hard cock.

He started moving my hand up and down on his cock, I finally took initiative and wrapped my fingers around and started jacking him off. We were staring in each others eyes, both of us were keeping a close eye on our peripherals making sure no one was approaching or watching what was going on. Every once in a while as I was jacking his cock, his eyes would roll back in his head and he would make the faintest of groans. Nothing anyone could really hear or notice. I did this about 5 minutes before he reach for the newspaper and said "okay here goes". He slid the newspaper under the tray and I felt his cock grow and he shot his load into the newspaper. When we were finished, he kind of relaxed down into his seat and threw his head back to the headrest. He looked content and very relaxed. I had assumed we were all done so rested my head back on my pillow and left my arm covering up my huge erection.

The second I laid my head on the pillow, I was startled by feeling Jordan slide his arm right under mine and start rubbing my cock. It caused me to jump, he just smiled and said "rest". I did. I laid my head back down on the pillow, leaving one eye open to keep a look out, just to make sure no one was approaching. I felt him trying to un-zip my pants but noticed he was having a hard time. So I assisted him. Once my fly was un-zipped he started fishing for my cock. Good thing I wore boxers today, he had easy access. The second he pulled my cock through my fly, the cool air mixed with the warmth of his hand on my cock made my whole body tingle. He started off jacking me off slowly, his hand felt wonderful. He knew exactly how I liked it. After a couple minutes I noticed him reaching for something with his left hand. He pulled out the newspaper again. This time he dropped it on the ground between our legs under the seat. He then scooted over to the aisle seat, still holding onto my cock and jacking me off, and kneeled down saying "dang I dropped the newspaper". When he kneeled down to grab the newspaper, I felt his warm mouth engulf my cock. It was just what I needed to shoot my load. I said "there you found it" and he knew I was ready to shoot. Next thing he said was "yep, now I just have to pick it all up". I took that as a sign that he wanted me to shoot my load in his mouth. No more than 2-3 seconds later I shot my load in his mouth. He lapped every bit of my cum up and sucked my cock clean. He then carefully put my cock back in my pants and quietly zipped me back up. He scooted back over to the seat right next to mine and laid his head back to rest. I fell asleep shortly after, in complete bliss. I couldn't believe this had happened to me. Once the plane had landed, Jordan gave me his phone number and said to call anytime i'm back in Dallas. I haven't spoken to him yet, but plan to call him when I go back to Dallas.

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