
By moc.eticxe@laognepo

Published on Feb 17, 2002



Disclaimer: 1. Do not read if you are likely to be offended by description of gay sex, or if it is illegal for you to do so. 2. This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about the sexual orientation of the English football (soccer) players depicted. 3. English is not my mother tongue. Sorry if the dialogues sound strange.


By Opengoal (

'What's he playing at?!!' Gary Neville shoots a cold stare towards Frank Lampard, who's following Beckham around. He knows what that irritating git is after. Oh, don't they all want to join their clique?

Normally Gary would just laugh at these pathetic hangers-on. But these couple of days, the git is getting on his nerves.

The knife-like coldness in his stare, ironically, hasn't betrayed the pang of irrational anger that cuts right through his skin. He knows why. Because everybody thinks he's a miserable bastard, that's why. Not that he'd bother to set the record straight.

He stares at them, hard.

Lamps has got Becks into his flirtatious mode, showing off. This is not good. This is in fact big blinking red ALERT sign.

He's got to stop it. He's got to cut in.

And he does.

Breaking that excuse of a conversation is a mercy to everybody. But no, that git obviously doesn't think so. And he thinks 'that' is a clever come-back. Smart cunt. You might think you're clever, pretty boy. But we're just being polite. And I don't really want to be polite to you, if not for Becks. I could just break you. I could. And you won't be laughing then. We'd fuck you over. We'd break you and turn you inside out. Yeah, you'll just love it when I break into you. Yeah, why not then? Just give this pretty boy what he's begging for, and end this once and for all.

Gary can't believe his own calm when he invites that git. And it was a stroke of luck that he actually managed to hint subtly at a "really wild sex orgy", which seems to have caught Lampard's imagination.

"A private do?" Lamps cannot believe his ears. And he can see that Becks and Phil have raised their eyebrows, too.

"I trust that you can be discreet..." Gary leaves the sentence hanging, in a tone that sounds half like a question, half like a reprimand.

"'Course - " Lamps hastily replies, in a much hushed voice.

Gary nudged Becks, hoping he'd shake off the surprise on his face.

Becks takes that to be a hint to speak, so he says, most casually, "Well, if you've got something better to do tonight - "

Gary can't believe Becks has acted so well this time.

"No - " Lamps seems convinced and eager to join the party.

Gary cuts right in before Lamps babbles on, "And you know we don't really want any outsiders..." Gary glances at Rio (who's talking with the other black players) " come, or to know."

Lamps seems too happy to object.

Once they've shaken off Lamps, Phil asks, "So, a party at ten, eh?"

"Don't try to be smart." Gary snaps. But he looks almost guilty when Becks asks him the same question seriously.

Gary isn't half the confident person he normally is when he lays out his plan to them, a plan which he's still making up while he is speaking. As the words tumble out of his mouth, he realises just how many things can go wrong in his "plan".

"Sounds fun." Phil tries to keep a straight face with all the strength he can muster. "Only, how are we going to get four birds like that, huh?" and then he burst into a fit of laughter.

"That is, ar, actually the last of our worries." Gary says.

Both Beckham and Phil stare at him like they never knew him.

Three knocks on the door. A shirtless Beckham greets Lampard inside with a bottle of wine.

Before he can react, a tasty blonde girl has come onto him and starts kissing him. He takes one swig from the bottle and a quick scan across the room. The party seems to be in full swing. Gary is making out with a dark-haired girl by the window. Phil and a blonde are tearing the clothes off each other on one of the twin double beds pushed to the centre of the room. And Becks has gone back into the arms of the girl whom he left momentarily to answer the door.

Lamps has never thought they knew much about having fun. He can't believe how wrong he was.

The blonde in his arms looks terribly fit and she wastes no time in taking his clothes off. They crash onto the empty bed and starts making out like there's no tomorrow. She climbs onto him, her big hair quite obstructing his vision. But from what he hears and sees, everyone seems to be having a good time.

Gary is watching Lampard closely and as discreetly as he can be, waiting for the right moment to pounce on him. But he couldn't help being distracted by the noise Becks and his girl are making.

Becks is now down to his briefs. Can't that dumb blonde do it faster? Any moment now, everybody will be enjoying too much to care about "the plan".

The blonde whispers something into Lampard's ear and he rolls onto his stomach. Ah, she's rimming him. Quite expertly, it seems. 'Cause he's enjoying it very much.

Gary signals to Becks now's the time. But Becks seems to be stalling it just to annoy him.

Then Gary catches Lamps looking at Becks. He decides to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Becks and his girl move towards Lamps. The girl leans over to kiss him. Gary tells his girl to keep Lamps busy too, while he gets the stuffs ready by the bed.

Without making much of an effort, the girls spread Lamps' arms and legs. Gary apologises silently for calling the girl a dumb blonde in his head. He glances over at Phil, who still hasn't come over to help. What he sees tells him Phil's obviously not quite ready to help for the time being.

No time to waste. Gary signals Becks to hold down Lampard's arms while he holds down the legs to let the girls do their job. Before the stunned Lampard can protest, a football sock is stuffed into his mouth while his wrists and ankles are tied to the bed with fur-lined restraints. Another football sock is tied round his head to secure the gag. Everything's done slick and smoothly. Gary cannot but admire the girls' professionalism.

Just then Phil comes.

When the girl slips off him, he takes a look at Lampard who's now tied spread-eagle with the fluffy restraints. "Fuck! He does look adorable in those fluffy things, doesn't he?"

Only then does he notice Gary's glare. He suddenly remembers the dv camcorder he's got to fetch. Without bothering to put any clothes back on, he's gone.

"Nice arse, he's got." Becks pets Lamps' beefy bum before sliding a finger into his hole. "And real tight too."

Lamps tries to squirm and kick.

"Stop struggling. You don't want to pull a muscle and miss the match on Wednesday now do you?"

Just those words is enough to subdue him.

"Say hi to your mum!" Phil holds the camcorder in front of Lamps' face. "Sorry, forgot you can't speak."

"Do you want us to go on?" The dark-hair vixen who seems to be the leader of the girls asks Gary.

Gary tears his stare from Becks to answer her, "Sure." And then he sees the other girls are getting dressed. "And they can leave first if they want to."

Gary slips a couple of pillows down Lampard's stomach while Becks gets up to pay the girls. But Becks didn't leave without giving Lampard's cock a playful tug first.

Knowing that Gary must be fuming, Becks gives Gary a most innocent look.

Gary turns his gaze to the prone man on the bed to calm himself.

Lying there helpless, exposed and slick with cold sweat, is some firm, young meat that's made even tauter by the restraints. Gary feels a surge in his groin just from watching the fear of the prone man.

"Not so tough now, pretty boy?" Gary traces a line down Lampard's spine and smiles at the shivers he inspires.

"You want to join us, eh?" His finger slides agonizingly slowly into the cleft of the tense rump before suddenly jumping to the back of his knee.

"Now's your chance." Gary's finger glides up Lamps' thigh. "You're going to be, ar, initiated."

He drives his finger home and the warm, moist hole grips it like a vice. It can't be tighter. He takes a quick glance at Beckham and says, "Get a smaller one, girl. Don't think the pretty boy can handle that."

The girl changes the dildo on her strap-on.

"It won't look too impressive on video, won't it?" Phil adjusts the camcorder to take in the mixture of pain and pleasure on Lampard's face, careful not to get Gary in the picture.

"It will do." Becks moves behind Phil to take a look at the small screen of the camcorder.

If Phil hasn't got hard again from watching Gary finger-fucking Lamps, the closeness of Beckham's bare skin is making his cock stand out at an obscene angle. To his surprise, Becks just acts like he hasn't noticed. If anything, Becks is moving in closer and closer until his brief touches his bare bum.

Phil has an urge to turn around but he somehow manages to keep his mind on his job. He taunts Lampard again just to clear his mind, "Still trying to look tough, pretty boy?"

Gary pulls Lampard's cock down so that everyone can see how hard it is. He then moves away too to make room for the dark-haired girl, who's been standing by for quite some time. Her shiny black dildo is glistening with a generous coating of lube. The black gloss goes well with his shiny black leather boots, making her all the more menacing.

The sudden emptiness in his ass makes Lampard turns reflexively to check what's happening back there. But he wishes he didn't see it.

The girl smiles wryly to him, and then bends down to part his buns for the benefit of the camera. Propped up by the pillows, his pink puckered hole comes very clear into view. Its nervous closing and opening is making it all the more enticing.

Copious amount of lube is dropped onto the crack of his bum. She smears it lewdly around before driving her finger inside. The finger continues to feel around his hole and the pleasure Gary's just given him is coming back. Before he even realises, his ass is bucking out of its own volition.

"He's enjoying it alright." Phil snickers.

Then the girl plunges into the pliant arse with a quick movement. The pain makes Lampard start struggling again.

"Easy. Easy. It'll only hurts more if you fight it." The girl's now fucking Lampard long and hard.

"Yeah, heard it's going to be your last chance to impress Mr.Eriksson. Don't want to fuck it up now, do you?" Gary mocks.

Everyone laughs but the laughter sounds strained. The heat in the room is now stifling. Everyone's sporting a huge tent in their underwear, but no one seems inclined to acknowledge the state the others are in.

Gary can't miss the blatant bulge in Beckham's brief, nor Beckham's hand that's moving slowly over it. Gary can't wait any longer now, but he's still fixing his eyes on the girl, wondering how best to make his move.

The girl's picking up her speed now. Gary feels he's going to burst. He doesn't waste any more time in thinking and simply grabs Beckham's Beckham's boner through his briefs.

No disapproving stares. So, Gary reaches inside and closes his fingers around the flesh he's aching for. The velvety touch makes his own shorts stretch some more.

Beckham's about to return the favour when suddenly there's three knocks on the door.

Everybody freezes. Even Lamps, who turned his face away to avoid seeing the sneer on their faces, also stares towards the door.

Gary, ever so reliable, is the quickest to react. He pulls on a pair of shorts that's lying around and answers the door.

Everyone's prepared for the worst. But to their immense relief, it's just Nicky and Scholesy.

Scholesy takes a quick look around and smiles to Nicky, "Jesus, so that's what you're dragging me here for..."

"Yeah, beats watching videos, innit?" Nicky says timidly.

Scholesy takes another look at the semi-naked Beckham, then studies the live bed show that's just resumed. "That's a bit lame, isn't it? Surely Giggsy and us did more on Nicky's initiation night, eh?"

"We don't want any damages done. Just want to have some fun," Becks says defensively.

"He's afraid the pretty boy will pass out." Gary says before whispering something into the ears of the girl, who then gets up to leave.

"You can go first if you think he can't handle Gary." Scholesy shrugs.

"Nah, guess he's, er, pretty much loosened up by now."

Sensing the strange reluctance hanging in the air, Lamps turns around, trying to see whether he's going to be released soon. But their obvious hard-ons do not bode well for him.

"Now," Phil passes the camcorder to Scholesy, "if you all insist on standing around..."

He puts a condom on and positions himself between Lampard's legs, "Here it goes, pretty boy."

Everyone looks on with excitement, as he shoves his cock balls deep into Lampard's well-lubed hole. A groan escapes from his mouth. "He's real tight!"

If he hadn't already come once, he'd've blown his load there and then. He runs his hand over the unblemished skin of the pretty boy and ploughs his ass with long, firm strokes.

Although he hasn't glanced around, he knows that he must've got everyone going again. In the audience, hands are moving involuntarily over the fabric that's trapping their raging hard-ons. Their mind are in overdrive, imagining how it must feel to pump Lampard's tight arse.

Rubbing himself with one hand, Scholesy adjusts the camera angle, trying to capture Lamps' face. But Lamps has turned away as the pain and humiliation sets in.

"Yeah, no point in standing around." Beckham suddenly says.

"What?" Gary turns and sees Becks' already taken off his brief, revealing his dripping long cock.

Becks moves towards Lamps' face and runs a finger down Lamps' jaw line. "It's a shame your mouth's gagged."

Lamps flinches at the touch and opens his eyes. But when he sees Beckham's cock right in his face, he shuts his eyes again.

Becks holds Lamps' head firmly in place, and brushes Lamps' eyelids slowly with his dripping cockhead. "But you're still fun."

Becks moves away from Lampard, his long hard cock swinging proudly at right angle to his body. Gary wants to take this chance to grip it but Nicky gets there first.

Nicky, of all people.

Gary watches Nicky take a firm hold of Beckham's cock and strokes it lovingly. Gary doesn't know what to make of that.

Nicky is keeping his head down all the time, trying to look like he's just concentrating on his job when he's actually too shy to meet Beckham's eyes.

Beckham pulls Nicky close and says tenderly, "It's alright, you know."

Not the most inspired words but it thrills Nicky no less. Summoning up his courage, he brushes his lips shyly over Beckham's. Beckham closes his eyes and returns the kiss.

Gary turns away. He's seen enough. He hisses at Phil, "Are you finished yet?!"

"No, not by a long way." Phil smiled wryly as he's just got one over his elder brother. He gets away from Gary's angry stare and watches the surprising pair. Scholesy, too, has trouble taking his eyes off them, though thank God he has the sense not to film them.

Becks' helping Nicky out of his clothes now. Settling on the empty bed, Becks nibbles on Nicky's earlobe, "You've got lovely legs, you know?"

Phil couldn't make out what Beckham was saying but he can see clearly that they are now doing 69. He can also see that Gary has taken a peep despite himself. He suppresses a laugh and beckons Gary over.

Gary don't know what his li'l brother wants, especially when he's wearing that naughty grin of his, but he still comes over. To his surprise, Phil reaches a hand into his shorts and begins stroking him.

"What the - "

Phil hushes him, and smiles.

Gary swallows his words and admits silently that his li'l brother really knows what he's doing. He's loving it. Perhaps a bit too much.

"Move closer." Phil says.

Gary feels his heart beat faster. His face screws up like the turmoil he's in. He's never expected his brother would do this to him. Not in his wildest dreams. But it feels good, too. Amazing, in fact. Without thinking, he leans close to Phil, ready for his li'l brother to kiss him...

But he's got it wrong again. All Phil wants to do is to whisper into his ear, lecturing him "It's no use sulking here. You can fuck the daylight out of his ass, I'll let you, but it's no good if what you want is on the next bed."

It takes a moment for Gary to work out that Phil was referring to Lampard's ass. The rest of what he said is nothing Gary doesn't already know. Still, it's giving him impetus to really doing it. You've made your move once; you can do it again.

However, Phil's skillful ministration of his cock is making it hard to leave.

Phil smiles wider at his control over his elder brother. The thrill of making his brother moan is turning him on, making it hard to prolong his own fuck. He lets go of Gary as climax begins to hit him. He pulls out and pulls off his condom to spray his seeds on Lampard's back.

Isn't it fun to drown the pretty boy with all their juices? Phil sits back to admire his handiwork. He notices Gary's already gone over to Becks. "To be honest, I do recommend fucking the daylight out of him."

Shedding all of his clothes on his way, Gary climbs onto the bed, his cock now standing painfully skywards. Becks pretends not to notice him, so Gary lets his hand wander down Beckham's side.

Without breaking his attention on Nicky, Becks reaches a hand behind him to grab Gary's cock.

Gary loves Becks' touch but he isn't satisfied. He pulls Becks' head towards him and seizes his lips with a bruising kiss.

Becks knows the score, but he wants to indulge in Gary's jealousy for just a little bit longer. Besides, it feels good with two eager guys working on him. Gary's forceful grip is milking copious amount of precum out of his cock, while Nicky adjusts his position behind him, kissing the flesh which Gary isn't possessively clinging onto.

Nicky licks behind his ears and suddenly says, "Fuck me, Becks."

Gary can't fail to hear it at such close distance.

Ignoring the danger sign, Becks kisses them one after another, and then throws a glance at the general direction of Lampard, "Let's finish him off."

"Scholesy's taking good care of him." Nick protests.

Scholesy has, indeed, swapped places with Phil, pumping Lampard's arse vigorously. Unfortunately he can't buy much time for Nicky, 'cause the tension on his face is telling everybody he's about to come. He's almost apologetic when he catches Nicky's gaze.

Becks strokes Nicky's back and tells him to have a go first. Nicky knows Beckham's going to say that. He stares daggers at Lampard's prone body, just to avoid meeting anyone's eyes. He's not angry at anybody, just furious at himself.

Gary cannot look at Nicky. But right now, he doesn't want to look at Becks, either. For Becks' smug smile is getting on his nerves.

"Relax. Just relax." Becks says, as though he's the uptight cunt that's spoiling the party. "We're here to have fun."

Gary wants to scream into Becks' face: He's NOT jealous. But he doesn't want to admit he'd even think in that direction.

Becks doesn't give him much time to sulk. A feverish kiss and a firm grip on his cock makes his mind go blank again. Becks' stroking him quickly, so quickly that it almost hurts.

Gary is thrilled at the rush of pleasure, and flattered by the urgency Becks shows. Becks now sinks his head down to take Gary's steel hard cock into his mouth. He keeps working on the head and quickly speeds up his motion to a furious pace.

Gary doesn't know whether to hit him or kiss him. But he can do neither. He just runs his hands through Becks' spiked hair and loses himself in the orgasm that's rapidly building inside him. No one else has brought him so quickly to the edge. Any second now, he's going to shoot.

Seems Beckham knows it too. And he's now only stroking Gary with his hand. "I love watching you shoot."

Gary can't hold it back when Beckham says that. Spurts of cum shoot into the air, hitting Beckham's face. He can't believe how horny Becks looks with cum on his face. Just that sight is enough to make him hard again. Without thinking, he leans forward to lick Beckham clean. Beckham's hard-on is poking at him. He grips it immediately. He can't believe Becks has waited for so long now. But before he can start jerking him, Becks' pushed his hand away.

"Wait for me tonight when they're all gone, ok?" Becks breathes the words into Gary's ear before getting up.

Nicky is still fucking Lampard's well-used arse half-heartedly. He kept his eyes away from the next bed all the time, although the ragged breathing from that direction still seeps under his skin. Those noises have stopped now but he still won't look that way.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around him and a hot throbbing cock is poking his back. His reflex was to fight off this man but he suddenly realises who this is.


Becks licks the back of Nicky's neck as an answer. He lubes up his cock hastily and starts feeling up Nicky's crack, "Your offer's still on?"

A sharp gasp comes out of Nicky's mouth, 'cause Becks has rammed into his tight hole at one go.

Nicky freezes for a second, just to get used to the feeling. He's never imagined what it'd feel to fuck somebody and be fucked at the same time. He lets Beckham dictate the pace. Bouncing between two hot, athletic bodies, he feels as though he had no control over his body anymore, like he's adrift on a river of ecstasy, his body just going with the flow.

He wishes it could go on forever. But the overwhelming sensations wash all over him, he rises in a spastic arch and shoots. Becks catches up with him and comes directly afterwards.

Sated and light-headed, Nicky wants to just remain chained like that. But Gary's sombre voice has announced the end of the party.

  • THE END -

Opengoal or

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