
By Diana Martin

Published on Mar 1, 2001




By Diana

Author's Notes: I've never tried writing AU fics or spoofs before, so be merciful, okay? ;) Like I said in the "Vendetta" prologue, "Intimate Stranger" is still my first priority. But as soon as it's done, I'll kick both my new stories into high gear.

Disclaimer: I don't know any of the boy bands, celebrities or concepts portrayed here. This story is copyrighted 2001 Diana Martin.

Dedication: To one of my best e-buds, Keenan, who gave me the idea to do this in the first place. :) Love ya, hon! Write me!


Once upon a time there were three little boys who went to the Boy Band Academy. And they were each assigned hazardous album projects. But I took them away from all that and now they work for me.

My name is Diana.

Marshall Mathers was running for his life. His heart was pounding in his chest, blood was roaring in his ears, and a steady stream of curses was flying from his lips.

The day had started off great. He and his homies had knocked over a jewelry store in the morning, getting away with enough "bling bling" to get a year's supply of dope. The cops were totally clueless, no trail for them to follow... a perfect heist.

Then, out of nowhere, those three bitches showed up and ruined everything. How the fuck was he supposed to know they were detectives? They were fucking KIDS.

And those kids had taken Snoop and Dre out with some kung-fu shit, knocking them flat on their asses and cuffing them. But those pussies wouldn't catch Slim Shady.

There was a large chain fence up ahead, and he jumped up, trying to climb over it. But his hands were slippery with sweat, and he couldn't get a solid hold on the fence.

"Going somewhere?"

The playful voice sent a chill up Marshall's spine, and he turned around to see the three motherfuckers blocking the alley. A blonde and two brunettes, all in sleeveless tees and jeans. They were sizing him up like he was a piece of meat, and the one with the curly 'fro was smiling.

"You want this one, Nick?" he asked. The blonde smiled and lunged forward, performing a series of rapid flips until he was right in front of Marshall. The robber lashed out with a right hook, but the teen ducked and came up with an uppercut that snapped Marshall's head back. He followed up with a kick to the ribs, throwing his opponent back against the fence. Slim Shady dropped to the ground, panting for breath.

The blonde looked back at his two companions with a smirk. "Way too easy." he said, turning his back to the fallen criminal.

Seeing his last chance, Marshall leapt back up, pulling his gun from the back of his jeans and taking aim.

There was a flash of light, the unmistakable sound of a bullet being fired. For a moment, Marshall was confused; he hadn't pulled the trigger yet. Then he started to scream as his right shoulder exploded in pain. Blood coursed down his arm and he dropped his weapon, which was quickly kicked away.

The smallest member of the trio was standing a couple of feet away, legs apart, keeping his own pistol trained on Marshall's head. The blonde smiled at his savior. "Thanks, Sprout." he breathed.

They closed in on him, and Marshall knew it was over.

"Marshall Mathers, AKA Eminem, AKA Slim Shady. You're under arrest for armed robbery." his shooter announced.

"And plenty of other stuff too." the one with the 'fro added.

Slim Shady looked up at them and spat at their feet. "Fuck you." he growled.

It was the last thing he said before three booted feet collided with his face.

To be continued...

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