Archie and Friends

By Eric Blyton

Published on May 26, 1999



Author's Note: This is the first of several stories that I plan to write about the comic book character Archie and his various friends. I have several plots in mind, but if anybody has any suggestions, I would be happy to take them. The only restriction is that they must be about male characters from the Archie universe. One point; Archie himself doesn't appear in the first chapter. Look for him in part two.

Copyright notice: All the characters in this story are the property of Archie Comics Ltd. This story is not written for profit and I am not associated in any way with Archie Comics. You may do with this story what you will as long as neither it nor these notes are altered in any way.

Archie and Friends

By Eric Blyton

Chapter 1: Dilton's Decision

Dilton Doily was sitting at the desk in his bedroom working on his chemistry project. Like most classes, the boy genies found chemistry to be a breeze, but when Professor Flundstoot assigned one of these projects, Dilton went overboard on it and did far more work than he needed to. Partly he did it because it impressed his teacher, but mostly because he enjoyed the challenge. Granted, he could have coasted his way through Riverdale High but he knew when he hit college any lazy habits he developed would come back to haunt him. So here he was with books all over the place and lab equipment scattered about when he noticed a heavy knocking at the front door.

He pulled his mind out of his books and glanced around. Both his parents were at work, so he got up and paced toward the door. Who could it be? While Dilton had any number of friends at school, they very rarely came to his house. He opened the door and found himself staring into the broad chest of Big Moose.

"Moose!" he said, both surprised and a little bit flattered, "What's up?"

"Can I come in, Little Buddy," the big guy said.

"Sure! Come in, come in," Dilton said, opening the door wider and waving Moose inside.

"Do you want a soda or something?" he asked as he walked over to the fridge.

"Uh, sure. A coke?" Moose replied.

Dilton found one and tossed it to the bulky teen. It was a lousy throw, but Moose bent down and caught it with a smoothness one would not expect from someone of his size. Dilton didn't know what Moose wanted, but he led him to his room. Despite the clutter on his desk, there was plenty of free space. Like most of his friends, Dilton was an only child and thus his bedroom was quite spacious. He sat in his chair and directed Moose to the bed.

"So what's up," Dilton asked as he heard his bed creak under Moose's weight.

"Um, little buddy, I got this problem," Moose mumbled.

Dilton raised his eyebrows. Moose often came to him for help on his homework and he was happy to help. The bigger boy knew he was slow and was not ashamed to ask for assistance and Dilton enjoyed the challenge of explaining things to Moose, but this was obviously different. For one thing, Moose didn't have any books with him. Also, needing help with schoolwork wouldn't make the big guy embarrassed like this.

"Can I help?" he asked.

"It's like this," Moose continued, "I can't talk to my parents, cause they'd go nuts. I don't want to talk to a doctor cause my parents would ask why I went. I'm not talking to the school nurse cause she's a woman. And I won't talk to Archie or Reggie cause they won't keep their mouths shut."

"Why can't you talk to Midge, then?" Dilton asked. Not that he minded helping, but since this wasn't about school, Moose's girlfriend would be the most logical one for him to be talking to.

"Duh-uh, `cause I think she's the problem," Moose said.

"Oh!" That stumped Dilton for a moment; a most unfamiliar feeling. So this was a girl problem? Why would he come to Dilton to ask about it? Other than a few school dances when he had gone with a friend like Betty, Dilton had never dated a girl in his life. Still, Moose must have a reason for picking him.

"Well, look Moose, I don't know much about girls, but I'll help if I can," he offered.

"No, it's not like that. I think--I think there's something wrong with me."

"Like what?" Now Dilton was really interested. What could get Moose so worked up?

"I think I'm, well, sick or something."

"You mean you don't feel well? Moose, if you think there's something wrong with you, you really should go see a doctor. I know some stuff about medicine, but not a lot."

"But Dilton, where I don't feel good, it's, well, down here."

Moose put his hand over his crotch and blushed beet red. For a minute, Dilton wondered if Moose had managed to get a sexually transmitted disease, but then he discounted that theory. Where would he have caught it? Still, he understood Moose's reluctance to go to the doctor. He pulled his chair closer and put his hand on Moose's knee.

"Look, Moose," he said as he looked his friend in the eye, "I know you feel embarrassed talking about this, but I'm glad you told me. A lot of people wouldn't have the nerve to say anything and things might get worse. It's really brave of you to do this and I swear I won't tell a soul."

"I know you won't, little buddy," Moose said, "I trust you and that's why I came. You're so smart, you can probably tell me right away what's wrong."

"Well, I hope so, anyway," Dilton answered. If Moose was having a problem with his equipment, there were only a few obvious possibilities. He might need medication, but Dilton could probably diagnose the problem.

"Okay. It's my nuts. Sometimes playing sports I get hit there, you know, and I get bruised. Not very often, you know. I usually have one of those cups on, but it does happen."

"I understand," Dilton said. He'd been whacked in the nuts a few times, though never while playing contact sports.

"Well, the thing is, no one had hit me there for months, but lately they feel like they're bruised all the time. And it hurts."

Dilton raised his eyebrows. From the sound of things, Moose had most likely given himself a hernia. Considering the amount of weightlifting he did, it seemed very possible. Dilton knew how to check for a hernia, but that would mean... Now it was Dilton's turn to blush.

"Um, Moose, I think I know what's wrong with you, but there's only one way I can tell for sure."

"How's that?"

"Well, you have to take your pants down."

"Oh. Well, that's okay. You see me with my pants off in the shower all the time."

"There's more to it than that, Moose. You see I think you may have a hernia and to find out I have to, ah, hold your nuts."

"Better you than that mean old nurse at school," Moose reasoned. He didn't seem at all phased by this, but Dilton was getting very nervous. There was one thing that Moose, or any body else for that matter, didn't know. Dilton had been carrying a torch as big as the one on the Statue of Liberty for Moose for years.

It had started when they were both freshmen. Dilton had just turned twelve, but his superior intellect had landed him in high school. He was used to being teased and bullied because he was always far and away the smallest boy in his class and had expected Riverdale High to be no different. And in the first week he was not surprised when two bigger kids had approached him in the locker room and started pushing him around. But what he hadn't expected was when Moose, a guy he hardly knew, had come up behind the other boys and banged their head together.

"I don't like that you should pick on people just because they're smaller than you," he had said to the two stunned bullies.

From that moment on, the other boys left Dilton alone. No one was fool enough to want to cross Moose. Even as a freshman, he was strong as an ox and seemed to relish and excuse to pound somebody. Dilton quickly realized how he could repay Moose and their alliance was born.

At first, Dilton thought what he felt for Moose was hero worship. He was his knight in shining armor, albeit a rather simple one. But even though he'd been pre-pubescent at the time, still hairless and with undropped balls, he found thinking about Moose gave him a boner. That winter Coach Kleats had asked him to manage the Wrestling team and he found himself around Moose all the time. The first time he'd seen Moose naked in the shower, he'd nearly flipped out. Only endless mental repetitions of geometric theorems had saved him from getting hard on the spot. Over the years he'd learned to control this, but he'd also realized that what he felt for Moose was love spiced up with a great deal of raw physical attraction. And now he was face with having to actually touch the object of his affections. He only hoped he could continue to control himself.

Dilton got up and locked the door. He had no expectation that his parents would be home anytime soon, but why take chances? Moose had kicked off his shoes and was undoing his jeans. All Dilton had expected him to do was pull them down to his knees, but Moose stood up and pulled them all the way off, leaving them in an untidy heap on the floor. He was left in his T-shirt and tight, white briefs. Dilton knew what Moose looked like naked, of course, but seeing him standing there like that with his massive bulge and knowing that he was about to pull those cotton underpants down really set him off. His cock started to get hard and he had to shift in his chair to try and hide it.

"You ready for me, little buddy?" Moose asked as he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his briefs.

`In more ways than one,' Dilton thought, but he just nodded silently. Moose took off his underpants and stood there, naked from the waist down. Dilton's chair had wheels on the legs and he rolled across the carpet until he was right in front of Moose.

Moose, unlike most of the boys at Riverdale, was uncircumcised, but this didn't put Dilton off in the least. In truth, it rather added to the mystique. Moose's limp dick was both long and thick and hung down over a very large set of balls. Dilton wasn't sure if his small hand was going to fit around those mothers.

"I'm going to have to feel for a bulge of some kind," he explained. And while I'm doing that, I need you to cough."

"But I don't need to cough," Moose said.

"Well, flex your muscles then," Dilton said. "Bear down like you're lifting weights or something."

"Oh. I can do that."

Trying very hard not to tremble, Dilton reached out and took hold of Moose's balls. Despite a large patch of brown pubic hair about his cock, his balls were actually fairly smooth. They did seem a bit swollen, but there was no obvious sign of bruising. Moose was grunting and straining, and Dilton very carefully began to feel around the sac for the telltale sign of a hernia. Much to his surprise, he didn't feel anything out of the norm. He was aware that Moose's cock was lying against his hand, but now that he had a problem to solve, he was less distracted by the magnificent specimen of manhood that was literally in his grasp.

"Keep doing that, Moose," he told him while he continued fingering around.

"Okay. That hurts a little, though."

"Sorry; I'll try and be more careful."

"No, I can take it. I just wanted to let you know."

Dilton continued to feel around, but nowhere did he feel the bulging he would have expected from a hernia. While no expert on balls, he'd felt his own enough to know that everything in Moose's bag was normal. Well, what else could it be? If there was a bruise, it should show. There was one other possibility, but surely Moose wouldn't need him to tell him about that. Or would he?

"Moose, do you know about blue balls?" he asked, rather regretfully letting go of the other boy for the moment.

"My balls are turning blue?" Moose asked in shock. Dilton had to fight the urge to laugh.

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just a name. So you've never heard about that?"

"Duh-uh. I think I've heard Reggie talk about it, but I thought it meant your balls turned blue."

"No, it means that your nuts get very sore and feel bruised, just the way yours do. I guess they call it blue balls because you feel like you're black and blue."

"Oh, I guess it. So, I got blue balls, huh? How to make them feel better?"

Dilton leaned back in his chair. Moose sat down but made no move to put his clothes back on and Dilton didn't press him. Just having his bare ass on his bed was a bigger thrill than he'd ever dreamed he'd have. All the same, this was tricky. Dilton knew very well what cause blue balls, but since this was going to involve talking about Midge, he'd have to be very careful. Everybody knew the quickest way to get into a fight with Moose was to say the wrong thing about his girlfriend. While Moose wouldn't hit Dilton, he might well get pissed off so he though his words out very carefully.

"Moose, do you get, shall we say, horny a lot?" he asked.

"Yea. I mean, I don't know how much is a lot, but I guess I think about, you know, all day."

Dilton recognized that this was probably and unintentional exaggeration, but he pressed on.

"Look, Moose, I have to ask you a couple of really personal questions and I don't want you to get mad at me, okay?"

"You just squeezed my nuts, little buddy. What could be more personal than that?"

"Well, one of them is about Midge."

"Oh. I get it. You don't want me to get mad at you for talking about Midge. Okay, I promise."

"Moose, do you and Midge ever, well, do anything together?"

"Huh? All the time. You know that. We go to the movies, she comes to my games, we hang out at Pop Tate's..."

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I mean do you ever ... touch each other?"

For a minute Moose was still confused and Dilton was afraid that he was going to say that, yes, they held hands and such all the time but then comprehension dawned on the bigger boy's face.

"Oh, I know what you mean. You want to know if we ever fool around!" Moose was clearly quite proud to have puzzled it out. "No, don't I wish! I think about it all the time when I'm with her and sometimes when I'm not. But she won't let me. She says we have to get married first. I thought she could at least let me touch her, um, up top, you know? But she says we can't do that either. It kind of drives me nuts."

Well, now Dilton knew what was causing the problem. But there was one more question he needed to ask.

"Moose, do you masturbate much?"

"Do I what?"

"You know; jerk off. Beat your meat."

"Oh, that. Um, sometimes. I don't like to do it at home though. My mom caught me once when I was thirteen and fussed me good. I'm always afraid she'll catch me again."

In Dilton's eyes that made Moose's mother even stupider than the dumbest thing that her son had ever done, but he made no comment. He was, after all, a genius and his brilliant mind was starting to churn. Did he dare try to turn this to his advantage?

"Moose, blue balls are caused because from getting really horny and not doing anything about it. It's because you can't do anything with Midge that you feel this way."

"But Dilton, what do I do? I know she won't fool around. Do you think if you told her she was giving me blue balls, she might change her mind."

"No, Moose, I'm sure that wouldn't work. Most guys who get this problem beat off a lot and it goes away." Dilton knew that from experience. He jerked off thinking about Moose nearly every day.

"But I can't do that, either," Moose protested.

Now Dilton was in full swing. He had never imagined there was a way to fulfill any of his fantasies, but now with some fast-talking he just might pull it off. And even if he didn't, he was sure he wouldn't loose Moose's friendship.

"Moose, I got a couple of other ideas that might help you out, but we have to keep this just between us."

"Oh, yea. I don't want anybody else finding out about this."

"Moose, sometimes when a guy isn't getting any from his girlfriend he finds someone else to get off with."

"But Dilton, I don't want to cheat on Midge with another girl. And I don't know any other girl who would let me do anything, anyway."

Dilton knew that girls would be lined up for Moose if Midge were out of the picture, but saw no point in saying it. That wasn't where he was going.

"No I didn't mean that. I mean that sometimes two guys get off together. Then it's not cheating."

This was bullshit, of course, and Dilton knew it. But because he said it, he knew that Moose would believe it. And all was far in love and war. Dilton didn't dislike Midge, but he suspected that if he weren't a friend of Moose, she'd never give him the time of day. So if the bitch didn't want to put out because her cunt was to precious to have anyone touch because they hadn't slipped a ring on her finger, she might just find herself on the loosing end of the deal. Because Dilton was more than willing to put out and he felt he was just as entitled to Moose as she was.

"No, I guess not if it's with a guy. But isn't that gay?"

"It's only gay if the two guys hold hands or kiss on the lips," Dilton said with a completely straight face. "Otherwise it's cool."

"That makes sense. I never thought about it, I suppose."

Having planted the thought in Moose's head, Dilton now had sit back and let the big guy figure out what he wanted to do. If he pushed him, it would all fall apart. Clearly, Moose was thinking it over.

"Do you think that Archie and Reggie fool around together, `cause I know that they don't get any from Betty or Veronica," he asked.

"More likely Archie and Jughead," Dilton pointed out. "Archie and Reggie don't like each other all that much."

"Do you like me?"

"Yes, Moose, I do."

"Do you like me a lot?"

"More than anybody else in school," Dilton admitted.

"Really? I didn't know that. I guess other than Midge; I like you best, too. You're my little buddy."

Dilton wished Moose would hurry up, but there was no way to rush this.

"Say, Dilton, since we're such good friends, do you think you might want to fool around with me?" Moose finally asked. Dilton had to bite he lip to keep from bursting into a wide smile.

"I'd be happy to do that for you, Moose," he said. "I don't want you to be in pain when I can make you feel better."

Moose didn't seem to have any hesitation about smiling; his face lit right up with happiness. Whatever doubts he might have had about this had been erased by Dilton's arguments. Now Dilton was ready to seize the initiative. He wheeled his chair over next to the half-naked teen. Moose made no objection as he rested his hand on his firm thigh and ran it up, stroking the short blonde hairs. Already Moose's meat was beginning to stir, twitching as Dilton's hand came closer to it. Because his balls were sore, Dilton very carefully caressed them, savoring the chance to touch them without pretense. Moose's dick was rapidly beginning to swell and expand and for the first time Dilton realized that it might be even bigger than he had imagined. In any case, what he had dreamed about for years was now within his grasp and he wasn't wasting any more time. He wrapped his fingers around the fat head, peeling back the foreskin and rubbing the bulbous knob with his thumb.

"Oh, little buddy, that feel soooo good!" Moose purred.

Dilton smiled and continued exploring down the veiny shaft. He could feel the hot blood rushing in, making it grow ever longer and thicker. Soon, he had trouble even wrapping his fingers around its girth at the base. Moose had to be at least 10 inches long and God only knew how thick.

"Wow. When we called you Big Moose, we didn't know the half of it," Dilton said.

"Yea, it's kind of big, hey?" Moose said.

"Kind of? Moose, I would bet money that you have the biggest cock at Riverdale High!"

"Really? That's neat. I never really thought about it."

Dilton had, but wasn't going to say it now. In any case, this huge hung of manhood was now in his eager hands and he was going to make the most of it. He brought around his other hand and used both to stroke this monster he'd brought to life. Moose had spread his big legs apart and was leaning back against the wall, eyes shut in ecstasy. Dilton wondered if he should get some lube when he decided to up the stakes. Without telling Moose what he was doing, he took off his glasses and rested them on the bed. Then he got off the chair and kneeled on the floor in front of his big friend. All the while, he was careful to keep yanking on Moose's dong. He didn't want him to know what he was about to do. Taking a deep breath, he bent his head down and wrapped his lips around Moose's fat head. The bulky teen gasped in delight as he felt the warm, wet lips close around his swollen dickhead. He looked down questioningly at Dilton but the smaller boy just looked back at him evenly as if this was the most natural thing in the world. And come to think of it, it was. While there was no way that he could deep throat this monster without a lot of practice, he was sure to give the whole thing plenty of attention. Inhaling Moose's musky scent, he dove down with his tongue, licking the shaft all over and sucking on his churning balls. With Moose groaning out encouragement, he sucked for all he was worth. Dilton could taste the salty precum oozing out of the big sausage and savored the taste. Moose's breathing started to get sharper and Dilton knew what this meant.

"Oh, little buddy--" Moose said. Dilton knew that his friend was trying to warn him, but he wasn't worried. He only increased the speed of his head bobbing down in Moose's lap. Moose had put his big hands on Dilton's shoulders and suddenly he clamped them tight. With a force like a firehose, the big rod in his mouth erupted. Dilton opened his throat, swallowing the salty load as it puffed out his cheeks, but it kept shooting. For half of a second, Dilton wondered if it was possible to be drowned by cum. At last it was over. After one last swallow, Dilton took Moose's cock out of his mouth and looked up at him. If there were going to be a problem, it would probably be now.

"Oh, little buddy!" Moose said, "That was the best feeling I've ever had in my entire life!"

Well, no worries there. Dilton smiled.

"Your balls should start feeling better soon," he told him as he sat back in the chair.

"Oh, they feel fine," Moose told him as he cupped them in his hands.

Dilton expected the other boy to get dressed now, but he still made no move to pick up his clothes.

"What about you?" Moose asked. "Aren't you going to get blue balls?"

"What? Why would I?"

"You told me it you got horny and didn't do anything about it, you got blue balls. And I know you're horny `cause your dick's hard," Moose said as he pointed at the bulge in Dilton's crotch.

Dilton blushed. He didn't realize that it was that obvious, but the way he was sitting, Moose would have had to be blind not to see it.

"Well, I guess I can beat off later," Dilton said, feeling rather lame.

"How come? Why don't you just let me fool around with you? Don't you want me to? I let you do it to me."

Dilton couldn't believe it. This just kept getting better and better.

"Really? You want to do it me?"

"Well, sure. You said there was nothing wrong with it."

"Moose, I'd like that very much."

"Then come over here on the bed, little buddy. And take of your pants."

Feeling like he was in a dream, Dilton got out of his chair and undid his pants. They fell down to his ankles and he kicked them off. He wasn't wearing shoes. Seeing that his shirt would get in the way, Dilton pulled it over his head and cast it off. Moose reached out and yanked his briefs off. As his cock broke free from the cotton, it slapped up against his stomach, leaving a wet spot from the oozing precum.

"You gotta tell me if I don't do it right," Moose advised him. "I can't figure stuff out the way you can."

Moose put his hands on Dilton's six and a half-inch cock and gently pulled the smaller boy towards him. Just the contact from Moose's warm, rough hands was enough to make Dilton want to squirt right then. Fortunatly, he was able to hold back. Moose started to yank on his rod. If felt good, but it was also a little painful. It was as if Moose was trying to pull his stiff prick from his body.

"Not quite so hard, Moose," he murmured.

"Oh, sorry. It's kind of hard `cause it's backward from how I would ... you know. Let me try this."

And much to Dilton's amazement, Moose leaned his head forward and took him into his mouth. He gasped as Moose slid his hot lips down his shaft and deep-throated him in one gulp. Dilton knew his dick was just a big above average, but he wouldn't have expected Moose to be able to take it all in one go. Especially since he'd never done it before. Moose started to suck on him and glanced upward, seeking reassurance that he was doing the right thing. Dilton couldn't speak; he just nodded and put his hands on Moose's broad shoulders. The bigger boy put his hands on Dilton's ass and pulled his body tight against his face. Dilton felt his balls bounce up against Moose's chin. While far from an expert, the bulky teen was doing enough things right to set Dilton crazy. His tongue was everywhere, one moment stroking the end of Dilton's meat, the next sticking out and licking his balls and soon after wrapping around his throbbing shaft. Moose had him in a tight grip, but Dilton was able to move his hips back and forth slightly, fucking his friend in the mouth. His balls were churning and he knew there was no way he could hold back this time.

"Moose, I'm cumming!" he warned. But Moose didn't do anything but keep sucking. When Dilton came, his knees got weak and he would have collapsed if Moose hadn't realized what was happening and held him up. He emptied his load in down Moose's throat, groaning in pleasure as the other boy swallowed his seed. Dilton still was having trouble keeping on his feet and Moose let go of his cock and pulled him down in his lap. Despite being in the afterglow of the best orgasm he'd ever experienced, Dilton was very conscious of Moose's still-wet dick underneath his ass.

"Did I do it good, little buddy?" Moose asked.

"Oh, Moose, you did it great!"

"Good," Moose said as he reached around and played with Dilton's balls. "I wouldn't want these to get sore the way mine did."

"Oh, they won't. You took care of that."

After taking a breath, Dilton spoke again.

"Is it okay if I sit here for a bit? My knees still feel week."

"Sure, little buddy. It's nice having you sit in my lap."

Of course, there was more to it that that. Dilton's mind was at work again. Not being sure if he would ever be able to repeat this again, he was going for more. Without being obvious, he was shifting his body so that Moose's cock was rubbing all over his bare bottom. And before too long, he could feel it starting to swell again. This time he didn't even have to bring it up.

"Dilton?" Moose said, "I'm still kind of horny. Do you think we should do it again?"

"I think we should," Dilton agreed. I still feel horny too, and we don't' want you to get sore again.

"You wanna do me first?"

"No, I have a better idea. You just stay there."

Dilton jumped up and dashed into his bathroom. He found what he was looking for and brought it back to the bed.

"Take off your shirt, Moose," he asked.

"Okay, but how come?" Moose asked as he pulled his T-shirt off. "I didn't need to before."

"It'll be easier," Dilton fibbed. The truth was that he wanted to run his hands through the thick blonde hair on Moose's firm, muscled chest, but that probably wouldn't be a wise thing to confess.

"Moose, if you liked what we did before, you should like this even better," Dilton said as he opened the jar of lubricating cream that he had retrieved and started to coat Moose's thick sausage with it. As it swelled to it's full size, Dilton considered the wisdom of what he was planning. Of course, he had used things on himself before and imagined it was Moose, but never anything as big as this. Still, he knew it was physically possible and was determined to do it. If he passed this chance up, it might be lost forever and he would always regret it.

Moose was still sitting upright on the bed, leaning back against the wall and letting Dilton grease him up. It wasn't until Dilton climbed up on the bed and was kneeling over Moose that he suspected that something very different was up. And when he saw Dilton apply generous amounts of cream to his crack, his face lit up in understanding.

"Duh-uh, you're going to let me fuck you up the butt!" he exclaimed.

"It's supposed to feel really good," Dilton said.

"I bet it does. I just never would have thought you'd let me. I mean ... it's so big," he said, batting at his swollen dick.

"It'll fit," Dilton assured him. "If we do it slow at first, I'll stretch.

"Wow, little buddy, I can't believe I'm about to fuck somebody for the first time! I can't wait to find out how it feels!"

"Well, let's find out then," Dilton said. He lowered his knees and took hold of Moose's thick shaft. Aiming it so the fat head was right against his puckered little hole, he relaxed a bit more. At first there was nothing but increased pressure at his back door, but he bent his knees a bit more. Moose's cock was trying to slide up the back of his crack, but he held it firm. He was going to get it in him if it was the last thing he ever did. He relaxed his butt muscles as much as he could and all of a sudden felt a sharp, stabbing pain as his gate opened wide and the bulbous head popped inside.

"Oh, wow! It's going in," Moose said. "Are you okay, little buddy?"

"Yea, Moose, I just need to take it slow," Dilton said through gritted teeth. Once he got over the initial pain, he relaxed a bit more and another inch slipped up him. For long minutes they sat there as Dilton slowly impaled himself on Moose's hard manhood. Despite the very real pain, Dilton never wavered in his determination to take it all. When at last he felt Moose's pubic bush and big balls, he let out all his breath and smiled. Never one to rest on his laurels, he pushed up so a good three quarters of the big dick came out of him and then sat down so it slid back up his tight passage.

"Oh, that feels so good!" Moose told him. "And you must like getting fucked by me, too. Otherwise your dick wouldn't be hard like it is."

Dilton looked down. Sure enough, his penis was jutting up proudly from his small patch of black pubic hair. Oh well, if Moose knew he liked getting fucked by him, so much the better. Hopefully, he'd keep doing it. Meanwhile, there was one problem.

"Moose? Do you mind if we switch positions?" he asked. "My knees are cramping up."

"Sure, little buddy. I don't want you to hurt. You mean you want to fuck me for a while now?"

That wasn't what Dilton had meant, but for a half second he considered it. Fucking Moose was something beyond anything he'd ever imagined. But right now, he was in a different mode. His ass was crying out for cock.

"No, Moose, I just want you to fuck me in a different way. I'll show you."

Dilton lifted himself off of the stiff tool he had been sitting on and stood up. Already there was an empty feeling from his insides and he longed to have Moose back in him. He got Moose to stand up, licking his lips as he watched the massive dick bobbing as Moose moved. Placing a pillow underneath his middle, he lay face down on the bed, offering his round butt to the bigger boy.

"Oh, I get it," Moose said. "You want me to get on top of you and fuck you like that!"

Dilton nodded and spread his legs a little more. He watched over his shoulder as Moose climbed on the bed behind him. The bed groaned under the extra weight, but there was no danger of it breaking. It was too sturdy for that. Despite being without his glasses, Dilton could make out the eager smile on Moose's face as he aimed himself at the smaller boy's anus. He felt the fat, slippery head pushing again and soon it forced its way inside the already prepared passage. Moose, probably not understanding that he should still be careful, shoved his monster cock up Dilton in one quick go. His eyes rolled back into his head, as the heavy balls slammed into his own. Then he felt Moose lay down on top of him, almost crushing him underneath his weight. But then the bigger boy stopped, letting Dilton get used to his body pressing down on him and the fat tool that was forcing his asshole open. They lay that way for close to five minutes before Moose finally spoke.

"You ready, little buddy?"

"Oh, yea, fuck me good, Moose," Dilton panted.

Moose pulled himself most of the way out and then shoved his steel-hard meat back in. Dilton gasped as Moose went about the business of popping his anal cherry with firm, hard strokes. While Moose had been mostly silent when Dilton had sucked him off, he wasn't now.

"Oh, little buddy, your butt is so hot and tight!" he growled. "I wanna fuck you forever. Yea, that's right! Spread your legs further so I can fuck you deeper!"

Dilton held on to the sides of his bed while Moose rode him. His own cock was as hard as it had ever been and was rubbing against the pillow as Moose's rhythm rocked his body. Because Moose had already cum once, this was no quickie. That huge cock was pounding his back passage for a good twenty minutes before he felt Moose's breathing increase to critical mass.

"I'm gonna cum, little buddy!" Moose informed him. "I'm gonna cum up your butt!"

There was a particularly deep thrust and then Dilton felt liquid heat jet even further inside him. The knowledge that Moose was shooting his salty cum inside his body was too much for him; his own dick shot off, sending his teen jizm to soak into his pillow.

Moose had stopped cumming and was catching his breath. After a few moments, he rolled off Dilton and lay on his side with his back against the wall. Dilton was quite glad for the rest. It had felt great but both his body and asshole needed a rest from the large objects they had been supporting.

"I can't believe I finally got laid," Moose said. "Thanks, little buddy."

"You're welcome, Moose," Dilton said as he removed the cum-drenched pillow from underneath his body. "I liked it, too."

"I could tell. Wow, did you cum, too? Just from getting fucked?"

Dilton nodded; a little unsure what Moose would make of that.

"Well, if it feels that good, maybe sometime you'll fuck me, too?" Moose asked.

"That would be super," Dilton said, imagining how great it would be to sink himself into Moose's furry ass. While both of them were spent, they enjoyed lying naked next to each other. They talked, mostly about unrelated things at school, but also filling Moose in on a few questions he'd never had the nerve to ask anyone. No one had ever explained circumcision to him and he'd always wondered if he had some type of deformity, but Dilton was able to put his mind to rest. He was unable, however, to give the bigger boy a satisfactory reason for the existence of pubic hair. At last they figured that they had better get dressed. Moose's cum had leaked out of Dilton's asshole and he realized that he'd definitely have to change the sheets. He and Moose wiped each other off with a damp towel and then put their clothes back on.

"Um, thanks again little buddy," Moose said as they walked to the door. "You're the only one I could ever trust with something like this."

"Same for me, Moose," Dilton said, "I'm so glad you came to me."

"You won't tell anybody, huh?"

"No, Moose. This is our secret."

"Good, `cause I like it that way. I'll see you in school tomorrow, okay?"

"Yea, we have Miss Grundy's class first period, remember?"

"And if I, uh, feel real horny again tomorrow can I ... come over again?"

"You bet, Moose. Somehow I think we'll both be horny tomorrow."

Moose smiled and walked down to the street. Dilton shut the door and cried for joy. He ran back to his room and danced around. He couldn't help but laugh. Archie, Reggie, Chuck; he knew all those guys were still virgins. Let them lust after Betty, Veronica or Nancy! He was the one who had gotten laid first! He'd gotten the one he wanted! Who said brains didn't count?

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