Around the Lake

By sdby37

Published on May 2, 2020



sdby at protonmail dot ch - I'd enjoy reading your comments, or feel free to offer a favorite memory (or favorite picture ;-).

Around the Lake

To keep healthy, especially in these times of staying at home to avoid coronavirus, I regularly walk around our neighborhood lake. These are fictionalized accounts where wearing masks prevents the virus but close sexual encounters somehow does not present any risk (not to mention STIs). The usual precautions about being of age and okay to read this material apply, else get out while you can. :-) Be safe and stay healthy.


Making my regular rounds around the lake, I noticed a group of college kids putting up bat-boxes. As I passed by, having successfully raised their bat-box, two of the guys broke off from the group and kept pace with me. One guy was Asian, probably of Korean descent to my eyes. He was about my height and a bit slimmer than I, a green sweatshirt tied around his waist. The other guy had sandy blonde hair and was slightly shorter. Both were wearing cute blue shorts, and appeared to have lightly tanned over the summer, which had been a hot one. I stared a bit too long, and thankfully they were hard at work double-checking their installation of the elevated bat box on the border of the lake and didn't seem to notice me.

I smiled, thinking I hadn't been caught staring, giving a friendly nod, and they smiled back politely, then I lost sight of them as I walked around the lake path. After circling the lake I realized I had to pee. I usually go before I leave home, but today I wandered off the path as nature called. As I sought a place away from the main path, I noticed movement near a tree a little way into the brush. The Asian guy was bent over the back of his friend -- I couldn't see the actual penetration from where I was, but the telltale motion, even looking through the bushes, was unmistakable. My mind raced with excitement. I froze, wondering if I should head home, try to sneak a better look, or dare to say something, or some combination, but no words came. The Asian guy decided for me when he looked in my direction.

At first he seemed alarmed, being caught in the act. I smiled and waved silently, making awkward eye contact. Already found out, I dared go for the gold, cleared my throat, and asked, "Can I watch?" His friend, previously folded over with his arms leaning against a tree while being penetrated, bent up to a standing position, and to my surprise, turned his head toward me and smiled back. They glanced at one another, nodded in decision and said, "sure." "Jack" I said, forefinger on my chest. It seemed the simplest way to make what was an awkward introduction. "I'm Jay" said the Asian guy, "and I'm Matt" said his friend, grunting a little bit as Jay pushed forward into his rectum, as Matt again steadied himself against the tree. I reached out my hand, pausing before touching Jay and asked "May I?"

"Oh yeah," Jay replied, spreading his legs a little to give me easier access, his shorts down to his thighs.

I rubbed his legs for a moment as he pushed rhythmically into Matt, then Jay pulled his own shorts down all the way to expose his behind for me, smiling from the corner of his mouth as he did so. Since Jay was in motion ramming into Matt's behind, it was difficult to line up with him.

"I can't seem to get into you" I said, hoping he'd slow down a bit. He smiled, as if a new idea had just occurred to him.

To my surprise, he pushed Matt further forward and angled his cock down, still taking Matt from behind but downward from above. Jay moving upward almost on top of Matt's butt left a space between them, and he suggested "join me from below".

Surprised at the casual invitation to double-penetration but not about to refuse, I pressed by cock alongside Jay's into Matt's butt. It didn't go in very far at first, but Jay's motion on top of my dick and the squeezing sensation of Jay's penis on top of mine was unlike anything I'd experienced. After only a couple minutes sharing Matt's rectum together, Jay declared it difficult to balance on tiptoes and I pulled out of Matt with a popping sensation, taking a small step back to allow Jay to dismount and get back in more from behind than on top.

Jay paused his ramming of his friend so I could get access to his behind at the same time. Wanting to share something with all three of us, I took the opportunity to first slide my finger into his friend Matt's hole alongside Jay's cock, then slid my hand into the back of my own pants to finger myself for a moment, but only reaching in a little bit. Returning my attention to Jay, I stretched his buns out as far as I could to expose his pucker and gently pressed my cock into his starfish. It was too tight to enter much further past my exposed glans, so I pulled back out and spat on my finger, slowly entering him knuckle-by-knuckle. My finger had now been in all three of us. He moaned back in response, and resumed thrusting into his friend as I began to add a second finger to try to loosen his rectum. After a couple of minutes, he slowed and switched to shallow strokes, but didn't stop and didn't completely pull out of his friend. Rock hard, I slid my cock against his starfish until I matched the opposite of their rhythm, pushing forward as he pushed back. On the back-stroke, he impaled himself on my cock, a little bit at a time. I pulled Jay's butt cheeks out a little, both to get deeper penetration and a better look. He tilted back his head with pleasure, whispering "thank you so much!" as I thrust forward to get full penetration.

He kicked his shorts further down and leaned backward, momentarily pushing his scrotum back -- I reached back to push mine forward and our balls touched. I reached up under Jay's shirt and rubbed his nipples. The head of my cock rubbed his prostate and he moved faster between us, with Jay stroking himself forward to get deep into Matt, then backward so I could get deep into him.

"I'm about to cum" Jay announced. I wasn't too far off myself with the smooth tight contours of his butt grasping my cock inside him. "Should I turn around and do it?" Matt asked. "Do what . . ." I wondered allowed. Neither answered my question with words. "Yeah!" Jay replied.

Jay pulled his cock out of his friend's butt and I looked down over his shoulder and could see Jay's foreskin beginning to retract over his glans. Matt turned around and positioned himself tip-to-tip to dock their penises together. As I slowed to watch them dock, Jay reached back to tap my leg with his arm and encouraged me -- "Fuck me, keep going . .." It was hot burying my cock in Jay's rectum while he docked with Matt. Matt said, "Just a sec," then to me instructed "keep going -- while you're doing him, can I try you?"

Nothing could stop me as I continued enjoying the sensation of Jay's tight rectum massaging my dick, though I was excited at the prospect of taking Jay's place in the middle of our sex-sandwich. Matt came around behind me and asked "may I?" "Of course" I replied, and felt him at my rear, pushing into me on my out-strokes as I alternatingly thrust into Jay.

Being buried in Jay's rectum, my own butt had tightened up a bit, but when I felt Matt behind me I pushed out and he glided into me easily in spite of his penis being a bit thick. Now I was in the middle of the sandwich. I wanted it to last forever, but we only went for a few minutes. Matt pulled out of my butt, rubbed his penis up and down a bit on my opening, and walked back around our fronts, returning to dock his dirty cock with Jay's in front of me. This made me very hot, and I let them know I was close. Matt leaned forward onto Jay for a moment, pushing his balls against Jay's and pulled mine forward, so our 3 scrotums tapped together when I bottomed out inside Jay. I reached down from Jay's nipples to rub my fingers across their joined cocks. They came together, pressing their urethras against one another to try to maximize the sensation and share their cum, their pulsating throbbing back and forth like a seesaw, with most of their cum landing on the grass below. Seeing cum seeping from their joined cocks set me off, and I buried myself deep into Jay and spurted inside him.

As soon as I pulled out, a glob of my cum ran from Jay's butt. Matt jogged around to stand in front of me, and we rubbed our three cocks together, enjoying the afterglow as we shrank. The three of us relaxed together and fondled each other's cocks as we settled down. We all had a pee, washed our hands in the lake, shared some hand sanitizer from my key-chain, and went our separate ways. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to get their phone numbers because I haven't seen them since.

Seeing the bat boxes as I walk around is a nice reminder and makes me smile.


The second encounter came about 3 weeks later. A kid on a bike passed me, wearing a face mask (now being the times of coronavirus). I say kid but he looks to be about 18 or so - I hope - and briefly makes eye contact with me. I see him most days, until now enjoying the brief nod and the silent camaraderie, fantasizing about what he looks like naked while I complete my walk.

I turned around to walk the other way on the path that surrounds the lake, so that I would get a view of him from behind as he next passed me. In reverse direction, he'll pass me traveling the same direction I am, I'll most likely miss the friendly nod, but I'll gain a rear-view for my mental spank-bank later on. Sure enough, and as a bonus, as he passed he stood up on the pedals and wagged his ass, briefly glancing back at me. I smiled and he quickly turned to face forward. To my surprise, the next time around the path he laps me, then stops and comes back to say hello.

He introduced himself without shaking hands, letting his eyes do the talking at first then offering an elbow-bump to introduce himself, "DJ" "Jack" I replied, bumping his elbow in return, and smiling at the novelty of how quickly we seem to have replaced handshakes.

He motioned his head and eyes for me to follow, and rode his bike up off the main path a little way, then dismounted. I wasn't entirely confident it was an invitation of a sexual sort, so I carefully approached. He casually walked into the brush a ways, and pulled out his penis to pee.

I tried to look without it seeming like I was looking, admiring what looked to be a few inches of cock that matched his bronze skin color. He peeled back his foreskin a little bit and began to pee, glancing at me long enough to catch me looking, playfully asking with a smile "see anything you like Jack?" I smiled, caught in the act of looking, and stepped up to pee next to him. "Maybe," I replied, playfully crossing his stream a little. We finished our pee and shook off, and awkwardly paused, neither of us putting our penises away.

He was more daring than I, and hovered his hand over my cock, his expression turning serious, his eyes asking for permission. I nodded and reached for his penis as well. He stepped closer and closed his hand around my shaft, and I did the same on his. We breathed deep and slowly, stroking one another. His foreskin was a lot longer than mine while his penis was slightly smaller.

"Have you ever docked anyone before?" I asked. "No, do you want to try it?" came DJ's reply.

I replied by gently turning him in front of me, and pulling back his foreskin, and placing our glans tip-to-tip. He smiled and oozed precum, swirling our heads together, rubbing the openings of our urethras across one another, which created a funny buzzy feeling in my cock, though not painful. I smiled and pulled his foreskin forward to cover my cock, as far as I could. He breathed out and I relaxed my grip, and asked, worried,

"Does it hurt? Sorry." "No," DJ replied, "it's just intense." I resumed my rubbing of our connected cocks. "So intense." he cooed. He closed his eyes as if in thought, then asked "Would you maybe want to come to my house? It'd just be you and me tonight."

After briefly wondering if this is how stupid people die, I pondered and - more led by dick than brains - quickly accepted without overthinking it. He lived in one of the townhouses that surround the lake, though the house was empty as promised. There was a lemony hint of furniture polish and not much else as we entered - the house was cleaner than most. DJ smiled and peeled down his shorts so his dick wagged over the top of his belt-line, shaking it at me. I moved forward and took my own shorts off too, kissing him.

He knelt down and too my cock into his mouth pausing to say, "Oh . . . Jack!" We moved to a couch and lay sideways so we could 69, occasionally gurgling on one another's cocks, swirling our tongues. DJ paused and I looked up to see why my sucking had stopped, to see him hold out his index finger and ask,

"Would it be okay if I add a finger?" "Sure, if I can do the same," I replied, to which he nodded.

He took my dick back in his throat and we resumed our blowjobs, along with some gentle rectal exploration with our fingers. I could feel him breathing deeper and getting close, so I added another finger and swirled my tongue under his foreskin. "hmmmmmm, " he half hissed, half groaned, "getting close - you want to fuck me?"

Of course, I couldn't say no to an offer like that. DJ sat up and bent over the arm of the couch whispering "go slow, you're my first".

I hugged him at first, rubbing my penis along his anus and balls, wanting his first experience to be a good one, then slowly pushed my penis in until I could go no further . . .

"Are you okay?" I asked. His expression reflected the newness and intensity of being penetrated for the first time - he nodded and smiled with, "Can we move this to the shower; I don't want to mess up the couch." It was more of a statement than a question.

I stayed halfway inside him as we waddled our way to the bathroom; I don't know why we didn't just separate. We stripped off our clothes and I explored his entire body with my fingertips and tongue, then we stepped into the shower. He bent forward again, placing his hands on the wall and I put one hand on his cock and my other hand rubbing from his chest down to his balls and back up, as I slowly reinserted myself. He'd tightened up a little bit from the living room to the bathroom, but I was more than halfway inside him.

"Push out a little bit", I suggested and he was surprised when his anus opened up, allowing me in easier. We fell into a rhythm together, as I pushed further and further up inside him until our balls were almost touching. Our breathing shifted and I began to penetrate far enough inside him to hit his prostate. I pictured pressing a button every time I thrust inward with short strokes and smiled. He took a deep breath and cum spurted forth all over the shower wall. His butt clamped down hard enough had I not already been inside I wouldn't have been able to get in, and I gave a hard push forward to drive myself as deep as possible, releasing my sperm inside him. His cum spattered the wall, while a little bit ran up his chest and down my hands.

My cock started softening, and I left it inside him, he began to loosen a bit, rubbing down his chest an onto his balls, using his cum as lube.

Not sure what to say, I added, "Thanks man, it's good to connect with you this way."

He turned around and hugged me, saying nothing for a few seconds, part of his load smearing between our sweaty torsos. He turned away to turn on the shower, and we washed each other, and compared notes about our lives as we washed and while we dried off. I look forward to seeing him next time.

I didn't see him for another 3 days, at which time he was riding with another guy. He waved as they passed and I smiled and waved back, not saying anything as I wasn't sure who the other guy was. I enjoyed the rest of my walk and headed home, with them on my mind.

The next day I saw DJ after that was Saturday. He stopped and after an awkward pause offered, "After we go 'round the lake would you wanna . . . " his eyes moved down a little bit and he didn't complete the sentence. "Sure!" I said, wondering if I was just a bit too eager. His grin in return assured me my enthusiasm was okay.

He then surprised me with, "Hope it's okay my cousin is home."

Wait . . . what? I pondered if I'd misunderstood what kind of invitation this was, though I didn't want to ask outright as others walked past us on either side as they too enjoyed moving around the path that surrounds the lake. "Oh, um . . . okay." I replied, still not really understanding yet curious to see where this would go. He led me back to his house again, and we walked through the door to see the other guy who was riding his bike with DJ the other day sitting on the couch playing video games. "Hey" said DJ, as we entered, the slightly lemon scent still in the air.

DJ's cousin half covered himself with a blanket which was unusual given it was summer. While I wished I'd seen it I realized, given his position, he'd been playing with himself as well as a game, and was startled by our entry. He looked back at us, and eyed me momentarily, then careful not to upset the blanket reached out a fist for me to bump introducing himself,

"Diego." I bumped his fist back and replied "Jack".

As DJ slid down next to Diego and grabbed another controller, tucking himself under the blanket, Diego nudged him nervously, "not while I'm . . . " DJ replied, "He's cool," motioning in my direction. I never thought of myself as cool, though I was excited at the prospect of his acceptance.

"Are you sure?" Diego tentatively asked. "Yeah." DJ replied with his sideways grin.

I parked myself next to them, but didn't dare to lift the blanket, just a little too close to Diego.

"Do you wanna . . . " DJ asked his cousin, the pause at the end carrying more meaning than the actual words. "I guess." came the reply - I couldn't tell if Diego's hesitancy was from nervousness, lack of interest, or both.

Whatever it was, his hesitation was short-lived as DJ snaked his hand under the blanket to massage his cousin's crotch. I was impressed with his ambidextrousness, as he handled the controller with one hand and slid his hand down his cousin's front with the other. I moved carefully at first, just sliding close enough to Diego for our knees to touch. I made a point of putting my hand on my own crotch, and DJ reached over and rested the controller on my shorts, just below my hand. The game was abandoned quickly - the three of us looked at one another and acknowledged our mutual interest with our eyes. I reached over and fondled DJ's penis through the top of his shorts as he pushed the blanked down to their feet.

Slowly DJ pushed himself up enough to peel is shorts down. Diego and I followed, watching one another's movements -- my eyes locked with Diego's thick cock as it appeared.

"Do you want to switch with me?" DJ asked, and we quickly switched places, so I could play with both DJ and Diego's cocks at once.

Diego was leaking a lot of pre, so naturally I leaned over to taste him, licking around the head as he used one hand to pull back the skin a little bit. As I did this, DJ got under me, facing upward to take my cock into his mouth, laying on the floor, masturbating himself as he took me in to the hilt. I breathed deep as I bottomed out in his mouth, nearly reaching his throat as he swirled the head of my cock and gently fingered my butt, just up to the first knuckle.

I rubbed my finger on Diego's rear and asked "May I?" and he nodded as I took his penis into my mouth and resumed sucking him. Diego clearly was no stranger to penetration, and he took a finger, then two, without missing a beat. He moaned as I worked inside him, and I was rewarded with the sweet and salty taste of his pre on my tongue.

"Fuck me?" he asked, which surprised me. I glanced at DJ who only smiled, so I knew it would be okay to go on. "Will you do me then?" I asked, half turning to DJ who smiled, and nodded, drawing closer and holding his still hard cock out in front of him.

Diego lay backward on the carpet and spread his legs, and I placed mine alongside his over the top, so I could see his expression as I penetrated him. I paused to take a couple strokes of my cock over the top of his, pausing to feel our penises and balls pressed together, and he removed his shirt. I dripped some spit down onto his anus and worked it in with a finger, then lined up my cock at his entrance.

I've done it enough times that the warmth shouldn't be a surprise at all, but all the same I was amazed how warm and wet he was as we slowly drew together. I watched my penis slowly disappear inside him, feeling the folds of his butt caressing my shaft as I entered, glancing upward to his face to make sure he was still okay. His eyes were locked on where we were joined at the same time as I slid inward, the warm glove of his rectum squeezing my penis as I slowly penetrated deep inside him. He sighed and smiled more fully, looking up at me as the last inch slipped in, and I wrapped my hand around his penis, using my other hand to rub his stomach and chest.

I felt DJ's breath on my neck and his chest at my back -- I didn't see him remove his shirt but he definitely had. With me excited from fully penetrating Diego, DJ struggled to penetrate my rear entrance. I pushed outward just a bit, and he slipped just his glans in at first, his foreskin being retracted at my rear until he reached peak pressure. He continued pushing, and his advance resumed, more thickly. DJ's hands moved up to my chest and stomach, and his fingers explored downward to where I was penetrating his cousin, playing with our balls. I reached back to tease him a bit with my finger, and pull him further in. We paused like that, just enjoying being inside one another, not yet thrusting, savoring the deep gentle penetration that linked the three of us. Slowly, I began to pull out of Diego a little bit, pushing out my butt as DJ penetrated me from behind. The man in the middle sets the pace - I heard that somewhere and it's true, or at least it was for us.

Our gentle rocking into one another sped up and Diego let out little moans while DJ just breathed heavily. Diego squirted a little bit, not quite a full orgasm but his but clamped down on me -- he winked at me.

I used my hand to wipe up some of his liquid, pulled out halfway and dropped it on my shaft for lube to resume. He smiled up and me and tightened his muscles to clamp down on my cock once more, which caused my penis to pulse from the stimulation. This ran through us like a wave through to DJ as I clamped down my own muscles in response. DJ whispered "soon" and Diego replied "I'm ready", and I felt both them both start to orgasm. Diego's rectum spasmed tightly on my cock while DJ started to pulse inside me in turn. We were all drawn over the edge together as my orgasm joined theirs, filling Diego and enjoying being filled by DJ.

The thin strand of cum that had been leaking out of Diego's cock was rapidly joined by thick spurts onto his belly and chest. Most of my own landed inside him, though I pulled out for the final two to mix our semen on his belly. All of DJ's hot jets were up inside of me at the same time as we caught our breaths. I grinned down at him, and ran my finger through the pool on Diego's stomach, taking a taste of our mutual juice, then offering a second coated finger to DJ, who shrugged, smiled, and licked it off. DJ slipped out of me and I let my penis relax on top of Diego's as we came down from orgasm, with just a little dribble still running down to his stomach. I ran my tongue across his balls and cock to 'clean up' the cum so he wouldn't have to shower right away. It was an unexpectedly fun afternoon. Clad in our underwear, we went back to playing some video games and they both kicked my butt. I thanked them and gave them each a brief kiss, then put my pants on and headed home.

So, that's my first attempt at stories on Nifty - hope you enjoyed them. Support Nifty, so we can continue to enjoy this wonderful resource. Shoot me a note via sdby at protonmail dot ch if you'd like to share. Thank you!

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