Backstage with Backstreet's Brian

By Emrys Webman

Published on Jan 22, 2001



Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, the author does not mean to imply anything about the sexual preferences of Brian Littrel (or any of the Backstreet Boys). Unsafe sex is generally a bad idea and best left to fiction. Still, there's nothing wrong with being gay or enjoying sex, so feel free to read on. I am happy to have my work posted on completely free (no membership, no costly AVS) sites, but I ask that none of its content is altered without my express permission.

A Note from the Author This is your typical fan's-wet-dream type story. I wrote it at the request of a BSB fan, hope he enjoys it. Check out my ongoing "Popular Boys" story in the celebrity section if you like this. Thanks to: the fans who have written me, Nifty (, and ASSGM. Now, read on MacDuff.

Backstage with Backstreet's Brian By: (m/t, celeb, boyband, oral )

It all started with an unbelievable stroke of luck: I actually won one of those stupid radio call-in contests. Usually I don't even bother to try, I mean, what are the chances of ME being the 10th caller or whatever? Still, I couldn't pass up a chance at this prize: tickets and backstage passes to see the Backstreet Boys!

Just a little bit about me before I really get into my tale: my name is Mike, I'm a junior in high school, 5'10" tall. My hair is reddish-brown and cut short. I think my best feature is my eyes, they're large and a deep brown color that compliments my hair and complexion. I have what I consider an ok body, I run track and stuff so I'm pretty thin, but my muscles aren't quite as developed as I'd like. About 3 years ago I finally admitted to myself that I'm gay, but I haven't told many people. Basically, my 3 best friends know. That's it, no one else. I hate feeling like I can't be who I am, but I live in a really conservative area and don't think most kids in my high school would understand (not to mention my family). So basically my love life up to this point has sucked. I go to dances with female "good friends," and try not to stare too hard (no pun intended) at the other guys in the locker-room.

Since I won 2 tickets to this concert, I had my pick of friends to take with me. I decided on Cathy, one of the 3 people who knew about me. She was a fan, I could drool openly over the band with her, and she's a pretty fun girl. Anyway, we set out the night of the concert expecting a great time, but I didn't realize just how great it was going to be.

Without going into detail, I'll just say that the concert itself was amazing. I love the Backstreet Boys, and thought that their music was even better live than on their albums. Eventually (after the 2nd encore) the concert was over, but our night wasn't. The backstage passes got Cathy and I past the security guards, followed by the angry glares of many fans who weren't as lucky. Once we were back by the dressing rooms, I eagerly looked around for signs of the band members.

They were just arriving, still dressed in their stage clothing, and sweaty from the hot lights and exertion of dancing for so long. I smiled and tried to look cool as their manager introduced Cathy and I as the winners of the radio contest, and left us with the band. We shook hands all around and the guys, although obviously tired, made polite conversation with us for a few minutes. When Brian Littrel (my absolute favorite!) found out that I liked basketball, our conversation started to feel a lot more friendly. He was no longer just trying to be polite, we were both really interested in the subject and what the other had to say.

Eventually Nick, glancing at his watch, pointed out that they had better shower and get changed, so they could make the party at their hotel that night. A.J. said that we could wait in the snack area if we wanted, and they'd talk to us again after they'd freshened up. I didn't want to end my conversation with Brian (after all, this was a dream come true for me) and he didn't seem inclined to stop talking either. He hung around for a moment after the other group members had already entered their (separate) dressing-rooms.

"You're a pretty cool guy, Mike," Brian smiled at me, "it's hard to make friends when you're on the road all the time. Especially when most of the people you meet are teeny-bopper girls who only want to talk about your next album and your girlfriends."

"I guess it must be pretty hard," I answered, surprised, "I never really thought about that." I made a slightly mocking face, "of course, some of us aren't that good at making friends to begin with."

"That's not true," Cathy came to my defense, "You have plenty of friends, Mike."

"Cath, I love you for saying that, but there are probably about 6 people in the whole school whom I'd consider friends. I'm on 'amiable acquaintance' level with quite a few others, but not close enough to them to be what I'd call friends," I suddenly remembered that Brian Littrel was standing in front of me, and felt my ears heat at this admission.

"Hey, don't sweat it Mike," Brian said kindly, "I wasn't very popular in school either. Now people I've never seen before in my life send me proposals. You never know what's going to happen. Look, I really do have to get cleaned up, why don't you come into my dressing room, so we can keep talking." He smiled at Cathy, "I'd invite you in too, but . . . uh . . . I don't want there to be any chance of the press seeing a girl coming out of my dressing room."

I looked quickly at Cathy, begging permission with my eyes. Cathy sighed, "It's ok, you go ahead Mike. I'll just wait on that couch in the snack-area." She headed off, and I followed my dream-hunk (whom I was surprised to find was about 2 inches shorter than I) into his dressing room.

"Have a seat," Brian gestured to an armchair as he closed the door. As I moved to take a seat he continued, "so, is Cathy your girlfriend?"

"Me and Cath?" I couldn't help laughing a bit, "no, we're just close friends. I can tell her just about anything."

"That's the best kind of friend to have," Brian agreed, lifting his shirt over his head and tossing it over the back of another chair. I couldn't believe this, Brian Littrel was undressing right in front of me! He has great pecks and a washboard stomach, as you may have seen in pictures of him. In fact, I think his build is just about perfect, strong and fit without being overly bulgy (some bodybuilders take it too far).

"Yea, she's great," I said, at least I think that's what I said. I was a bit distracted because Brian's pants were quick to join his shirt on the back of the chair. My idol was now clad only in a pair of pale boxers with teddy bears all over them. His legs lived up to the standards set by his torso: they were sturdy and well formed. I felt a strong urge to run my fingers along his muscular thighs; I could almost feel the warmth of his flesh and the coarseness of the short hairs that were sprinkled over his legs.

Had I been more alert (Brian later told me) I would have noticed a brief look of surprise on the face of this magnificent singer. This look was followed almost immediately with a sly quirking of his lips, quickly suppressed.

"How'd you like to come to the party with me tonight? You could be my guest, nobody'd object," Brian offered, his voice smooth. I was (pleasantly) surprised by the offer, and would have answered if Brian hadn't distracted me again. He was moving to remove his pale-blue socks, but didn't do so by sitting down. Instead, with his back to me, he bent at the waist and rolled the socks down his ankles. This presented me with an amazing view of Brian's ass. When he bent over, his boxers rode up, revealing Brian's legs up to the lower curve of his buttocks. The thin cotton material had molded itself to the curves of his ass, so shapely that it begged to be grabbed. Also revealed, poking out the left leg of Brian's boxers, was a length of his beautiful (and I now knew) cut cock. If there is one sight I'd like to have tattooed on the inside of my eyelids, it's the one that was presented to me at that moment. I was in a dream-world, who needed reality at a time like this (of course reality turned out to match my dream pretty closely, who knew?)?

"A-hem," Brian cleared his throat rather loudly, bringing me out of my trance. "See something you like?" To my horror I realized that not only had I been staring at Brian, but he could see me staring when he looked into the dressing-room mirror.

I jumped out of the chair. My face felt hot as I tried playing dumb, "What do you mean? Sorry if I phased out of the conversation for a second, it happens sometimes," I finished lamely.

Brian turned around and covered the few steps between us. "Look, Mike," he said with that sweet voice of his, "it's obvious that you see SOMETHING here that you like," he quickly ran two fingers along the crotch of my pants, which was (I should have realized) straining to hide the physical signs of my excitement. "I was just hoping that it was ME you liked," he looked straight at me, face open, "you're a nice guy, and you have great eyes. I love people with pretty eyes."

This was too much; I had to be dreaming. Maybe I passed out from the shock of winning the tickets, and this was some sort of coma hallucination. "But . . . I read somewhere that you had a girlfriend . . . ." I trailed off, not wanting to know but needing to at the same time.

"I did, sort of. We've been breaking up for months. Life on the road pretty much killed that relationship from the start. She's not the sort who could handle a long-distance boyfriend. But," Brian put his hands on my arms, holding me firmly, "before her I had a boyfriend for a while. We went our separate ways, but I cared about him as much as I did my girlfriend."

"Wow, I never thought . . . " I stuttered, "I mean, I dreamed but I never believed . . . . Can I kiss you?" I finally managed. Brian chuckled under his breath, and leaned into me as I bent my head down slightly to meet his. The kiss went on forever (I know that's a cliche, but that's what it felt like all the same); our tongues moved to map every corner of each other's mouths. I ran my hands along Brian's back as his moved under my arms to clutch my shoulders from behind. I could have held that embrace forever (there's that word again), and who cares if I died for want of oxygen? What a way to go! Brian finally pulled back, and we heaved to fill our starved lunges.

"Nice," Brian's eyes had a playful glint, "you've done this before."

I figured that I couldn't embarrass myself anymore than I already had, so I answered truthfully. "Actually, no, I haven't."

Meeting his blue-eyed gaze I could see he was a bit surprised, "Really? Well, I should let you know that you're pretty good at it, then." His lips quirked, "I'm already craving another."

His impish (and horny) mood was catching, "Well then, I suppose I might be convinced to do it again . . . if I'm asked properly."

Brian laughed, "Oh, suddenly I'M the one who has to ask YOU? Fine, if that's the game then, Mike, would care to bring those lovely pink lips of yours over here and join me in a game of tongue tag?"

"A bit mocking, but close enough," I critiqued, lunging playfully at Brian.

I knocked him back into the chair he'd dumped his clothes on. A moment after he'd landed, I deposited my taller but lighter frame in Brian's lap, and locked lips with him. This time my hands wandered over Brian's pecs, God they felt great! He was still sweaty from the show (among other things) and his hard muscles were slick under my touch. Brian groaned into my mouth as one of my fingers brushed his nipple, so I began to rub on it gently. As the nipple slowly grew hard from my ministrations, I realized that I could feel Brian's dick pressing against my thigh. It was at that point that I left my worshipful fan side completely behind: this wasn't Brian Littrel Superstar deigning to notice me, this was a sweet, hot guy who apparently found me attractive.

"Damn, Mike," Brian said as our lips parted, "if you're this hot as a virgin, I can't imagine what a little experience will add."

I didn't hesitate when I answered, "would you like to find out?"

For a moment I thought that Brian was going to reject me (was it the age thing? I know that he's 25, but that's not such a huge gap in my mind), but there must have been something in my eyes because he finally flashed that great grin of his. "Are you sure, Mike? I mean, you just met me, you don't really know me at all."

"Don't know you?" I answered disbelieving, "You're Brian Littrel, a sensitive musician. You're afraid of heights and you bite your nails. You like it when your dates kiss your neck and wear your clothes . . . " I trailed off for a moment, realizing how I sounded. "Uh, I read a couple fan magazines. I'm really not an obsessive stalker type."

Brian sighed, "I know, I have to deal with the details of my life being public. I must be an exhibitionist at heart, letting people print all these things. It kills a bit of the mystery, though."

"Brian," I added tentatively, "I'm not trying to press you into doing anything you might not want to. I'd hate that. I just thought that you were . . . you know, attracted to me."

"I am, Mike," his voice was friendly, "very attracted. Even though I just met you, I feel like I can talk to you. That's the best sort of person to meet when you have a schedule like mine. It doesn't leave a whole lot of room for long introductions. I'm just afraid that you might be jumping into something you're not ready for. What if things don't work out? Are you prepared for a one night stand?" Brian's eyes took on a sad look, "or what might be worse, what if things did work out and we want to see each other again? I still have a tour to finish. My last relationship fell apart because it couldn't hold under the long-distance test."

"I'm sorry, Brian," I said, sincerely, "I know that it must be hard for you to have any kind of meaningful relationships, but I also know what I want, what we both want. I've been ready for something like this for a long time, been waiting for it. I like you Brian, and I want to . . . to share myself with you. I want to know everything about you; mind, soul, and body." I kissed Brian firmly on the lips, "and I know that you want this to happen too. Please say yes, Brian," I wiggled a bit in his lap, pressing down against his hot member.

Brian gasped and grabbed my hips, "no fair, how am I supposed to think clearly when you do something like that," he joked. I could tell by the way that his hands caressed my hips that I had him. He was happy that I was there with him and he wanted me as badly as I wanted him. I didn't know if this was because he needed to get off, or if it was (dare I hope?) something deeper. At the moment I didn't really care.

Brian's hands shifted slightly, transferring his grip to the hem of my shirt. He rolled it slowly up my torso, pausing once it was past my navel. Brian ran a hand along my stomach which, while not as well-defined as his, is flat and firm. Brian's touch was tickling the invisible, wispy hairs on my stomach, making me squirm and smile up at him. We kissed again, and Brian shifted his hands to pull my shirt completely off.

My chest, when revealed, looked pale and a bit scrawny (to my eyes) next to Brian's skin. I've never been quite as large as I would like, but my muscles are nicely shaped. Still, sitting this close to (actually, on top of) a guy like Brian Littrel, I felt lanky and self-conscious.

Brian seemed to notice my discomfort and paused with my shirt still in his hands, "what's wrong, Mike?"

"Nothing really, it's just . . . don't get me wrong, this is a dream come true for me, but there's something I want to know. Why me?"

"What do you mean, why you? You're a nice guy, we seemed to be hitting it off, and you're damned good-looking," Brian answered matter-of-factly, "Do I need any other reasons?"

"Sorry, it's just that I'm not used to having other guys find me attractive. It's still a bit of a shock."

"Well you are attractive," Brian assured me, his face then took on an exasperated look, "although you do tend to interrupt at the most annoying times. Can I get back to what I was doing?"

He must have known that I needed to laugh, "I insist on it." Brian kissed me, then allowed his lips to trail away from my own, and move down my neck. He nibbled my flesh gently as his mouth made its way to my chest. Once there, I felt Brian's tongue tracing figure-eight lines around my pecs. I'd never imagined that such a simple act could feel this great. The soft strokes of his tongue were coming closer and closer to my nipples. I was nearly shaking with anticipation, I needed him to touch them, but didn't want him to stop what he was doing. At last, Brian's tongue brushed over one nipple, then the other. He paused, bringing his mouth over one of the dime-sized protrusions. His tongue darted out for several brief, hard strokes over my nipple, before he brought his lips down to suck on it, gently drawing it into an erect state. I think that I was groaning some encouraging phrases, it's hard to recall, all I know is that I was in absolute Heaven. I ran my hands through Brian's hair and along the back of his neck, as he repeated his actions on my other nipple.

Eventually, Brian lifted his head, smiled at my contented expression, and drew my head close to his for a heated kiss. It was during this kiss that I felt his hands brush along my stomach, stopping at the waistline of my khakis. My breath came faster as he undid the button and slid his fingers just below the waist of my pants. Brian's hands explored around my waist, beneath the fabric of my khakis, tormenting me by avoiding any contact with my oh-so-needy groin.

"Tease," I admonished Brian, my voice heavy with desire. I planted a series of light kisses on his soft skin, starting at his cheek and moving down toward his neck. I paid special attention to Brian's neck, recalling an article that said he liked this. I used my tongue and lips to delve into every contour and curve of his flesh. I could feel Brian growing harder beneath me, I felt like he was trying to lift me into the air using only his dick.

"Oh God, Mike," Brian's words game out in gasps, "if you don't hold off with that, this is all going to be over a lot sooner than I'd planned."

I pulled back from his neck, but began tracing lazy circles around Brian's navel with my thumb. "I suppose we should get on with it then. At your pace we'd be here all night, which sounds GREAT to me, but they'll be pounding on the door in a little while to get you to that party."

"Shit," Brian exclaimed, "I forgot about that." His voice took on a reluctant tone, "if you want to stop now, hold this off for another time, we can. I mean, I want things to be perfect for you, especially for your first time."

"Don't you dare," I threatened in mock-anger, "get me all hot and then leave me. You are going to finish what you started here, Brian Littrel, and you're going to do it before your manager comes bursting through that door. Imagine the lecture HE'D give you." We both laughed, and Brian drew me into a warm embrace for a few moments. As much as I would have liked to stay in his arms, I'd meant what I said. I wanted this to happen, how often does a chance like this come along? And I was afraid if we didn't finish things soon, we never would.

I (rather reluctantly) slid off of Brian's lap, and knelt between his legs. Running my hands up and down their length, I gazed at the tented boxers before me, my heart thumping in my chest.

"Mike, you don't have to . . . ." Brian began.

"No more of that," I interrupter him, "I want to do this, Brian. You sit back and stop worrying about warping the mind of the poor little virgin-boy.

I may not be experienced YET, but I'm willing, I'm horny, and I want to be with you." With that, I decisively took hold of the elastic band on his boxers and (after he'd lifted his hips) slid them down Brian's legs and off onto the floor.

I could now see Brian's entire body, and it was as beautiful as I'd dreamed.

I'd been eyeing his perfect torso and legs in pictures for years, but now I could experience them with every one of my senses. I could feel the heat radiating from Brian's flesh, smell his musky sweat, taste his lips, this was all too much. And now, I could at last see that portion of Brian that I'd dreamed about, but never believed I'd know. The smoothness of his torso ended in a small (possibly trimmed?) patch of hair around the base of a cut 8" and very hard penis. His ball were smooth and hung low between his legs.

I was afraid to touch him and I needed to touch him. Tentatively, I reached a hand towards him. Brian shuddered as my fingers made contact with the purplish, bulging head of his cock.

I took my hand away almost immediately, bringing it to my lips to taste the traces of pre-cum that had leaked onto it. His taste was ambrosia to my sex-starved self. Acting without thinking, I moved my head down to Brian's groin and licked more of the pre-cum from the head of his dick. Brian groaned and placed his hands on the back of my head, urging me to take more of him into my mouth. Needing him as much as he needed me, I obliged. I swallowed as much of the length as I could without choking (I still needed some practice in this area) and went to work. I ran my tongue along the underside of his member, pressing it towards the roof of my mouth as I went down on him. When I pulled back, I'd swirl my tongue around the mushroom-shaped head, drawing his juices from him and into my eager mouth. I continue these actions, moving my head up and down his length of throbbing meat, gradually able to take more and more of Brian down my throat. My rhyme increased with time too, I couldn't wait to get the fullness of Brian's load onto my tongue, to share that moment of complete pleasure with this hot idol. I was therefore surprised and confused when Brian pulled himself completely from my mouth, moving back from me.

"Wait, Mike," we said in a tightly controlled, if throaty, voice, "I don't want to cum yet. I want to be able to explore you too. Hold on a minute." I moved to the side as Brian stood up (on legs that were only slightly unsteady) and moved over to a closet. I might have objected to the change in our proximity, except that I was entranced by the sight of his naked buttocks as he walked. He just has such a great ass. Brian pulled a white trench coat from the closet and spread it on the floor. "I used this in a couple of photo shoots, it's a bit worn but soft enough for us to lay on. Sorry I can't do better than this, but it's a small dressing room."

I smiled at Brian's angelic face, enjoying the feeling of power I got from the unmasked desire in those blue eyes, "it doesn't matter where we are. I'm with you and that's all that counts." I stood and moved to meet Brian by the coat. We embraced and kissed longingly. I think that our kisses were actually improving each time, practice really did make perfect. Our moment was (quite rudely) interrupted by the beeping of a watch on the dressing table. "What's that for?" I asked, slightly annoyed that the sound had startled me so.

"It means we don't have a whole lot of time left before we have to go. Damn, I wish we could take a more leisurely pace. But, since we can't," he yanked down the zipper on my khakis and shoved them down my legs, "what say we grab all the fun that we can?"

I was already stepping from my pants, "absolutely," I agreed.

Brian paused only for a moment to gaze at me and add, "you are one hot number, Mike, don't ever let anyone make you believe that you're not," before sliding my white cotton briefs down to meet my pants, in a pile on the floor. If I hadn't been so blinded by what he'd just said, I might have been self-conscious about my body. My skin is several shades paler around my groin (Brian must sunbathe nude, judging by his all-over tan) and my ass is a bit rounder than Brian's. I have very little body hair, just a bit under my arms, and around my groin, and it tends to be somewhat redder than the hair on my head. My newly-exposed dick sprang out straight from my body, a respectable 7" long, and somewhat thicker than Brian's. The head of my cock is shade of medium-pink, and was already slick with pre-cum from the excitement of sucking Brian a couple minutes ago.

Brian took my hand and drew me down with him onto the coat. He gave me a peck [oops, another unintentional pun] on the lips before arranging himself so that we were on our sides in a 69 position. I felt his hand wrap around the base of my cock as his tongue began moving along its length. The feeling was even more marvelous than I'd dreamed. As I reveled in the new sensations my body was experiencing, I turned my eyes towards the increasingly familiar sight of Brian's groin.

I placed one hand on his silky 8"s and began spreading his pre-cum down the length of his shaft. At the same time I nuzzled his balls with my face, inhaling their intoxicating and uniquely male scent. My tongue was soon lapping away at his heavy sack, glossing it with saliva and the occasional brush of a pre-cum-slicked hand.

Brian must have been telling the truth about having previous experience with guys, because he was able to swallow my entire length in moments. As I felt his lips wrap around the shaft of my dick, I moved to do the same to him. The pleasure I'd felt tasting him before was now augmented by the feel of his practiced mouth and tongue on my own member. This is what pleasure is, this is what it was to make love to someone. All the stories and movies in the world can't do it justice; no wonder so many songs have been inspired by moments like this. Unconsciously, Brian and I had matched the rhythm of our movements, bobbing our head to the same beat, unheard but felt in the pulsing of blood through our bodies.

At some point my hands had moved to grip Brian's firm ass, working to guide him in and out of my lips. I felt his hands on my own cheeks, caressing them with increasingly frantic strokes that fueled my own passion. I knew that I couldn't last long like this, the sensations were overwhelming. Our thrusts had increased in speed and intensity, until we were practically pounding into each other's throats. I could feel my need to cum building beyond my ability to hold it back. It was a relief when, at that critical moment, I sensed the tightening in Brian's balls that indicated he was about to cum too. Had my mouth been free I would have cried out in relief as I gave in to an orgasm that racked my body with waves of pleasure. Brian's hot cock pulsed in my mouth, shooting his nectar down my throat as I deposited my in his. In that moment I felt closer to him than to anyone in my life, our motions our feelings and our need were all the same.

At length, our spasms subsided and we withdrew from each other's mouths, licking clean the sensitive love-organs we'd come to know so well. Breathless, I scooted around to face Brian and kissed him with an only slightly fatigued passion. As our tongues brushed, the traces of cum in our mouths mingled, creating a new and singly pleasant taste.

"That was amazing," I gushed when we'd both gotten our breath back, "is it always that good?"

"I wish," Brian smiled at me, as he rooted through his closet, "I've never felt that in-tune to someone before, especially not the first time I made out with them. We must have a chemistry or something."

"Really," I grinned, "does that mean there's a chance at an encore?"

Brian laughed, "I'd love that, but we've got about 4 minutes before we've got to leave for the party, and I'm even sweatier and more disheveled than before I came in here for a shower."

"Let me help," I offered. Between the two of us we managed to get Brian looking passably good, in time to meet the limo. If his hair was still sweat-damp, at least it was combed, and a generous application of Eternity for men ensured that he smelled just fine. Brian even managed to find an outfit of his that fit me reasonably well, and insisted that I wear it to the party (my concert clothing being a touch too casual). I considered this a good sign, after all, he said he liked to see his dates wearing his clothing.

We collected the rest of the band and Cathy (I couldn't very well abandon my good friend) and set out for their hotel. The other band members didn't seem to find anything strange in our tagging along. Cathy kept giving me searching looks during the limo ride, but I pretended not to see. The party was a lot of fun: there were a few other celebrities there, and the music was great.

What happened to Brian and I after the party? Did I ever see him again? Absolutely, but that's another story.

THE END. Constructive comments are welcomed, email me at

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