Backstreet love

By Nick Pomeroy

Published on Oct 5, 2000



Ok, here goes I will make this part short because I know that no one reads it. If you are under 18 DO NOT READ, the story has no relation what so ever to the sexuality of Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys.

This is my second story series so I hope you like it

A big hi to all my friends.

Se ya

Chapter 1: the audition

I was so excited. I was going to the BSB concert; I had a backstage pass with 'ALL ACCESS' stamped across it in red. I was told to arrive at the back entrance of the venue 3 hours before the start of the show, so that I can meet all the guys and watch the sound check. I was over the moon.

'Scott the Limo is here.' My mother called

I ran down the stairs, 'Bye Mum.' I said as I ran out the door to the waiting limo. The guy got out and opened the door for me and I jumped in.

'Sir, would you like to listen to any music?'

'Yes, please, have you got Backstreet Boys Millennium album.'

'Certainly, I will put it on and if there is anything else you want don't hesitate to ask.'

'Thanks, I am right for the moment.'

We pulled away from the curb and headed to the stadium.

As we pulled into the rear of the stadium there was alto of fans and reports hanging around the read entrance. When they saw the limo pull into the lot they started going wild. They obviously thought that it was the Backstreet Boys, won't they get a kick when I get out of the limo.

The driver stopped at the front of the entrance and a security guy opened my door. I stepped out and the fans and media gowned their disapproval at it not being the Backstreet Boys.

I was ushered into the arena and was being given hate filled looks from the teenyboppers.

Rob, boy's manager greeted me with a strong hand shack; he gave me a guided tour. The tour took about an hour then I herd the mob outside start screaming and I know who was about to arrive. The object of my hidden affections Nicky, I was finally going to meet him.

The manager introduced me to the group and I shock each band members hand, but when I shock Nick's, it lingered as we looked into each others eyes. At that moment I could have kissed him, but he isn't gay.

For the next hour during the sound check I couldn't keep my eyes off Nick from my vantage point on the side of the stage and I caught him catching looks at me.

After they had finished, Kev came up to me.

'I hear that you are a good singer, would you mind?' with his hand gesturing toward the stage.

'I would be honored. What do you want me to sing?'

'Your favorite song.'

'OK, Show me the Meaning of being lonely ok with you.'

'Sure I will go and get it set up for you.'

With that I walked onto the stage and was given a mic. As the music started I let my self go and sung with my heart.

Show me the meaning of being lonely

So many words for the broken heart It's hard to see in a crimson love So heard to breathe Walk with me, and maybe Nights of lights so soon become Wild and free I could feel the sun Your every wish will be done They tell me...

Show me the meaning of being lonely Is this the feeling I need to walk with Tell me why I can't be there were you are There's something missing in my heart

Life goes on as it never ends Eyes of stone observe the trends They never say forever gave Guilty roads to an endless love There's no control Are you with me now Your every wish will be done They tell me

Show me the meaning of being lonely Is this the feeling I need to walk with Tell me why I can't be there were you are There's something missing in my heart

There's nowhere to run I have no place to go Surrender my heart, body and soul How can it be you're asking me to feel The things your never show

You are missing in my heart Tell me why I can't be there were you are

Show me the meaning of being lonely Is this the feeling I need to walk with Tell me why I can't be there were you are There's something missing in my heart

I finished the song and had five amazed faces looking at me.

'Well how was I?'

Nick was the one to speak up.

'Scott, that was brilliant, you have on great voice on ya.' The others just nodded their heads.

'OK guys you have to go and get ready.' Rob said. As they walk passed him Kev said something to him and they both looked at me and he nodded his head.

I was ushered to my seat in the middle of the front row. After the manager got my phone number. I didn't know what for.

Through out the concert Nick didn't look at anyone but be, and I was loving it. After the show I waited in my seat until it was easy for me to get out and go backstage.

*** Backstage in Nick's dressing room.

Nick was sitting in front of the mirror. God is that Scott hot he through, but he can't be gay, he probably has girls jumping him on the street. He was interrupted by a knock at the door.

'Come in.'

'Nicky, I have something for you.'

'What is it Br.'

'I have the number of a black haired, 6'4", hotty that someone has a crush on.' Brain was so good at reading Nicks feelings it was like they could read each other's mind.

'Your joking right, he would not have giving it anyone.'

'Rob asked him for it before the show.'

'Can I have it?'

'Sure thing Frack. Here you go.' Br held out the piece of paper with Scott's number on it.

*** I was ushered backstage by the security guard, again getting dirty and hade filled looks from

the people left in the arena.

As I entered the backstage area I saw Brian coming out of Nick's dressing room with a huge grin on his face.

'Hi Brian, the show was great. I really loved it.'

'Thank Scott, by the way Nick wants to talk to you.'

'Is he in is dressing room?'

'He is, I have to go to talk with Kev and other guys so I will see you later.'

'Ok see ya later.'

With that I walked to Nick's dressing room door and knocked.

'Come in.'

'Hay there Nick, great show, you were great.'

'Thanks Scott, please sit down I have something to tell you.'

'Sure.' I took a seat on the couch. Nick turned to face me and scooted next to me on his chair.

'I am attracted to you.'

I couldn't believe what I was hearing I just stared at him.

'Scott, say something, do something, please.'

With that I moved closer to him and kissed him on the lips. He moved back slightly before realizing what was happening and then push into me and I ran my tongue over his lips. He obliged and let me explore his mouth with my tongue.

AJ walk toward Nick's dressing room, as he pocked his head into the door he was meet by Nick and Scott lip locked and oblivious to anything around them. He shut the door and went to the meeting that Kev wanted to have with them.

'Hay guys, so what do you want to talk about with us Kev.'

'Well I don't know if you feel the same way as I do but I was thinking that, you know how we were think of adding another Backstreet Boy?'

'Ye, and you were think Scott, can sing, dance and knows all of our songs backwards.'

'So you would be happy if Scott became a Backstreet Boy?'

'We would be happy to accept him.' AJ, Howie and Brian said at the same time.

'I think Nick will be the happiest.' AJ said

'Why do you say that AJ?'

'Well I looked in on him and saw him and Scott lip locked, and no they didn't see me.'

'OK, its settled then, I will talk to management and one over you can talk to Nick WITH OUT Scott finding out, I want it to be a surprise.' He got nods from the three of them and then left to go and talk with Rob to organize the paper work for Scott to join the group.

We broke apart from the kiss to get air, we took a few deep breaths,

'Nick I have been attracted to you ever since I got the first BSB album.'

'You are a fan aren't you.'

'You go that right.'

'Scott, would you go out with me.'

'I would love to.' We were interrupted by a knock at the door.

'Come in.' Howie enter the room.

'Hay guys I was wondering Scott would you like to come with us to a club when we get out of here?'

'I would be honored.'

'Great. We are going in about 20 minutes.' He left and I just looked at nick, we made eye contact and we got lost in each others eyes. The next thing we know was Kev Knocking on the door and saying that we were leaving for the club.

We pilled into the limo, it was an 11 seater, it was me, AJ and Howie facing the driver and Nick, Brian and Kev facing us. For the entire trip Nick and I just looked at each other.

'So Nick are you two a couple?' Kev broke the silence

'Um, yes we are.'

'augh, an't that cute.' All of them said in unison

I just turned 5 shades of red; I was honored but happy that Nick was open with his band mates.

We arrived at the club and were ushered into the club and again I got dagger looks from the people in the line.

*** 3 hours later.

'God Nick, your boy friend sure has a lot of stamina, he's been dancing for over 3 hours.'

'I know and he is HOT.'

I finally had a brake from dancing to get a drink, I walked up to the bar and got a water.

'So you came with the Backstreet Boys?' the lady behind the counter asked

'Sure did, I went to the concert with a backstage pass and they asked me to come along with them to this club.'

'That is so cool, I am envious of you.'

'It seems that every one is, you don't know how many daggers I have be given.'

I walked over to were the boys were standing, sneeking up behind Nick and poring a little bit of water down his neck.

'What the, that's cold, Scott you are going to pay.' I looked at the rest of the group and they were laughing.

'Thank you, finally someone has pulled a good prank of Frack.' Brain said through his laughter.

'Ok guys enough, how about we head back to the hotel and get some rest, I know we have 2 months off, but I do want to get some sleep tonight.' Kev brought us back into reality and we phone the limo and as it pulled up we headed for the door, as wee reached the door I noticed the amount of people and reporters crowding the entrance. As Kev opened the door the cameras went crazy. We were ushered into the limo and the limo sped off toward the hotel.

For the trip back to the hotel no one spoke, I just looked at Nick and Nick just looked at me. when we arrived at the hotel the door was opened for us and we walked straight into the elevator. I leaned against the back and Nick leaned on me I out my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. He place his head on my shoulder.

'I love you Scott.'

'I love you to Nicky.' Then I kissed him not even caring that the rest of the group was there.

'Were going to go to bed know and see you guys in the morning.'

'Night you two, sleep well.' Then we all head to our rooms. When Nick shut the door I grabbed him and frenched him. We broke apart.

'I am going to have a shower, you can do what ever you want.' And Nick headed into the bathroom. Sat at the end of the bed and turned on the TV there was a news story, 'who was with the Backstreet Boys' I just laugh and turned it on, laying back and shutting my eyes.

To be Continued.........

Any suggestion or comment can be dircted to my e-mail which is, thanks

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