
By Jacob Johnson

Published on Jan 1, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Note: This story is dedicated to Comicality and Freefallen

Bailes - Chapter One --------------------

As major heartthrobs go in high school, oh who am I kidding I wasn't one of them, I didn't get to hang around with the "cool" kids, I didn't get the girls, boys, heck if they didn't have to I doubt I would be picked for dodge ball, not even a ball to my face was good enough for me according to hundreds of teenagers I had to put up with. Now before we go any further, my name is Bailey or Bailes for short and I'm fourteen years old. I've got brown hair in a bowl cut style which my sister claims to be 'totally JUSTIN BIEBER HAIR!' I don't see it but oh well, I'm 5'4" so I guess I am kind of average but enough of that. You aren't here to hear me talk about myself; you want to know how my life had changed in the past few days. So it all started a few days ago my dad had sat me down with my older brother twenty one year old Mason and sister eighteen year old Amber, and told us that we were packing up and moving to a new town due to him getting a new client on the coast.

I don't think I need to say this but I was extremely excited by the move finally I got to move away from this going near where small city and always from Amber's stinking horse that seems to through me off of him or go to kick me every time I try and go near him. So over the last few days I've been looking up everything I can about the new town and I can honest say I am in love, the beaches, the arcades, the comic book shops, and the best of all I found out our new house is only one block away from the biggest library there. While this was all interesting stuff, this isn't the story you want to know so let's skip forward, we arrived late in the afternoon, with Mum and Dad making us help with unpacking the truck, why couldn't they have moved our belongings days ago so we didn't have to come and unpack the night before they were making us start school, this was seriously going to screw up my daily schedule. With a sigh I begun moving the boxes out of the truck, mostly focusing on my stuff since Amber had pretty much only moved her own belongings, I had just picked up another box marked with Bailey's room when I heard a voice behind me.

"Would you like some help?" the voice sounded around my age, but I wasn't sure and I turned around and saw him. While I wasn't gay or anything, how could I be I haven't been with a girl or a guy so I didn't know what I was, but what I do know is a beautiful person and he was hot, he had average brown hair and dark brown eyes that stared into your soul me and basically said trust me, I'm a good guy. He was a little shorter than me and was wearing a white long sleeve t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of blue jeans.

"That would be great thanks" I said blushing, that someone was offering to help, hoping this would be the start of a friendship that would make this move as great as I thought it was going to be "I'm Bailey"

"Nicholas" he replied with a grin as he grabbed another box marked with my name and waited for me to lead him into the house

"This way" I said as I head into the house with him following me "I'm in the first room on the left"

"Okay, so how old are you?" said Nicholas as he followed Bailey up the stairs.

"I'm fourteen" I said as we reached my room and walked into the empty room and piled the boxes in the middle of the room.

"Oh cool, so am I, what school do you go to?" asked Nicholas as he looked around my room

"I'm going to Panorama" I said as we headed back down the stairs to grab another two boxes

"Nice, I go there" said Nicholas as he grabbed another box and nearly dropped it "What's in this box, bricks?"

"Books" I said blushing, here it comes he finds out I'm a nerd and doesn't want anything to do with me, oh well it was nice for a few minutes to think that I might have a friend here.

"Oh cool, have you read the Ender Games series?" said Nicholas shocking me, that someone else actually read a book.

"Yeah, I've got the entire collection around here somewhere" I said as we started talking about book.

As our discussion continued on our favourite books, Nicholas helped me bring up the rest of my stuff and even helped me put up my bed, shocking me once again that he knew how to properly fold a bed with the corners neat, but once we had collapsed on the bed with our arms touching, he got quiet before jumping off of the bed in a panic.

"I need to... I should be going, I told mum that I wouldn't be gone long, it's nice to meet you Bailey, I guess we will see each other at school tomorrow?" said Nicholas as he ran his hand through his hair and turned around to leave.

"Okay then, thanks again for your help" I said as I led him towards the door and waved good bye as he walked over the street to his own house and disappeared inside.

The rest of the night wasn't that interesting, I just unpacked my room and got everything in order, taking nearly three hours just get half of my books into the right placement, A-Z by Author in rank of Age and Quality, it's a complicated system but it's mine. The only break from this was the small bookcase that doubled as my bedside table which featured my best and favourite, including a few first editions that I had gotten over the last few years. The other few hours of the night were spend eating tea and getting my clothes ready for tomorrow, an individual that has plan is a successful one. I woke up around six o'clock the following morning which was usual for me; it gave me two hours before period one started, I always got up earlier than most people, it gave me a chance to enjoy the warm water before the rest of the family got up and while they were scrambling to do it last minute, it allowed me to eat my breakfast in a decent pace. I made my way out of my room and headed to the bathroom across the hall, locking it behind me before removing my silk Spiderman boxer shorts and looking down at the patch of brown pubes that were surrounding the base of my cock, you don't know how thrilled I was when they started growing, I finally stopped looking like a little kid down there and as my dad's favourite saying goes, I became a man. Enough about my pubic hair though, this isn't a sex education class, I turned on the warm water and stepped in as my mind wondered to Nicholas and my new school and was wondering if I would see him much today. I finished off my shower and dried myself before wrapping the towel around me and heading to my room where I grabbed and put on my cleanest pair of boxer briefs along with a pair of blue jeans and a grey shirt which has a built in white long sleeve undershirt before heading down the stairs to the kitchen where I find mum who had gone through the boxes and found the spoons and bowls

"Sorry honey, its only cereal today" said mum with a sad look on her face, since she had for as long as I could remember cooked us breakfast every morning. Mum poured me a bowl of cereal before sitting down and joining me with her own bowl as we listened to the rest of our family running around up stairs fighting for the shower with Amber screaming at Mason that he was taking too long, despite the fact we heard the door shutting on a few seconds before, not enough time to even get undressed had passed before she had started screaming, as mum says Amber is a handful.

"Have fun at school honey" said Mum as she wrapped her arms around my neck giving me a hug

"I will" I said hoping that I wouldn't end up lying as I looked up with a grin on my face.

"HURRY UP NERD" screamed Amber from the car where she was waiting with dad, I kissed my mums cheek as a way to say goodbye and ran out the door and jumped in the car with Dad nearly speeding us to the high school.

"Have a good day kids and remember to go to the office and get your timetables, Amber look after your brother" said Dad as he stopped the car in front of the school with Amber taking off before dad could finished saying goodbye, Once Amber was gone, dad looked at me with a pleading look on his face "Bailey please have a good day, and make a friend please"

"I will try dad" I said as I hoped myself that I could, with a deep breath I stepped out of the car and watched dad drive a way as I walked into the school and attempted to find my way to the office, quickly working out I was lost when I walked past the same poster twice.

"NICHOLAS!" I yelled when I saw Nicholas at his locker, thrilled that I had finally found him, maybe he knew where this blasted office was.

"Do you know where the office is" I asked when Nicholas had come over, completely not even realising that I hadn't even said hello.

'Yeah come on" said Nicholas as he led me towards the office making me blush when I worked out I wasn't even in the right part of the school, once we had arrived at the office he looked at me smile "Here you go"

"Thanks" I said as Nicholas waited while I went up to the office lady and got my timetable, before coming up to me once I had stepped away with my timetable.

"What class do you have first?" asked Nicholas as I read my timetable

"History then English" I said as I looked up at him and found him grinning.

"Awesome, they're my first classes as well" replied Nicholas, his grin growing as I felt my stomach doing flips.

History was great, the teacher is AMAZING and we ended up being assigned with Nicholas for a project that would make us spend time together for the rest of the semester due to the amount of work that needed to be done on it, therefore history is great. While I had fun in history nothing of interesting happened so let's move on once against. Half an hour later, Nicholas and I had arrived in English class, I knew something was about to go down there was their feeling in the air every time, I was about to meet my new rival, I guess you don't know about that but at my old school, every time my academic rival rocked up to a class I felt something it was like the feeling of a challenge, that the gods were testing me. Thirty minutes later and I met the rival during a class spelling bee where the teacher made us line up at the front of the room and read us words until all of us were gone, unfortunately I missed a worked forgetting a silent letter allowing a Asian girl by the name of Moya to win who I found out was a sore winner when she started bragging to her friends. Unfortunately those two periods were the only classes that I had with Nicholas, lucky I didn't have any others with Moya as well, however I did have to deal with two other individuals, one I wish I didn't. That came after lunch when I had to go my locker to pick up the books I was going to need for my last three classes.

"Get out of my way faggot" said a voice as they came up from behind me.

"Sorry" I said as I turned to face him and step out of his way and get closer to the lockers, I started getting scared when I saw him glaring and stepping closer to me.

"Wrong way dumbarse" said the boy as he pushed me up against the lockers before throwing me down to the floor.

"See this, this is mine, and I do not want to see you in a five mile radius off it before, after or between classes, GOT IT!" He said pointing at the locker below mine. I nodded as the crowd around us laughed at me, I did notice a few sympathetic glances but I quickly worked out that most people here were scared of the boy or were friends with him, my great day had just turned sour. One he had grabbed his books and walked away the crowd disappeared except for a girl around my age who walked up to me.

"You should stay away from him, he's not nice" said a girl as she walked up and leaned down to pick up my books as I scrambled to my feet

"Thanks" I said when she had handed me my books back "So who is he?"

"Tom Russel, he is the bully of the school and the leader of the popular kids all because he can play football" said the girl

"All brawns and no brains" I whispered causing her to giggle when she heard it "I'm Bailey and you are?"

"Zoe" replied the girl before the bell rang "So what class do you have"

"Maths with Miss Angela, its somewhere around here I think" I said as I took out my timetable

"It is, follow me" said Zoe as she led me to the room as I finally noticed the book she was holding and realised she was in the same class.

The rest of the day went quickly despite the fear of seeing Tom at the end of the day, when the last bell rang I quickly made my way to my locker and made sure Tom wasn't in the hallway. When I saw he wasn't there I rushed to my locker and quickly grabbed everything in needed out of my locker and closed the door as I saw Tom enter the hallway causing me to hightail it until I reached Nicholas's locker where he invited me to walk home with him, since neither of us were getting picked up by our parents. We filled each other in on our days with Nicholas matching Zoe's warning about staying away from Tom and suggested that I go and see the councillor tomorrow and get a locker change, but I don't know what if they did it like my old school's councillor where they actually brought the bully in for 'peer interaction', it was useless and just an excuse for the bully to bully them more.

"Hey would you like to stay over on Friday? You don't have to if you don't want to but it would be cool if you did" said Nicholas not taking a pause to breath as he blushed out the nervous sentence with a hopeful look on his face.

"Sure I would love to" I said grinning, I had been invited to someone's house, someone actually wanted to hang around with me, I love this city. We continued walking home as my mind continued to celebrate, despite being picked on by Tom and being beaten in the test by Moya this was so far the best day of my life.

"Who is that" I asked a few minutes later as I paused and looked towards a girl on the other side of the street around our age with long brown hair that was highlighted with blonde streaks, she was in a red shirt with a U shaped collar that went down to the top of her breasts and a short black skirt

"Eloise Raits, one of the most popular girls in the school" said Nicholas who was obviously frowning from the tone of his voice

"She is hot" I said simply as my eyes couldn't stop looking at her, not noticing the sad look I was getting from Nicholas

"She's dating Tom" said Nicholas as he started walking again, effectively ending the conversation.

That hottie is dating TOM RUSSEL, the dick that had pushed me against the lockers, she could get any boy in the world and she picks that bully, he's not even attractive. I hate popularity. Nicholas and I continued walking home until we reached my house where we said our goodbyes and he crossed the street and headed to own house. So there you have it, my first day of school and while it was great for the most part, the biggest change in my life happened that night, when I met my father's new client who had been waiting in our living room playing the piano when I had arrived home from school.

"Um, hi?" I asked as I walked into the living room to find someone who looked around my age sitting at the piano.

"Hello there" said the boy with a grin on his face as he turned around to face me as I got my first good look at the mysterious boy with dark brown hair; he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a brown coat, with a white t-shirt underneath and a bullet necklace.

"You are... You're Greyson Chance" I stuttered out as I recognized who the boy was

"I am" said Greyson simply while pointing at himself before pointing at me with the grin still on his face "and you are?"

"Bailey and I am a huge fan" I said, still shocked beyond belief that the singer of my favourite song was currently sitting in my living room talking to me.

"Of course you are" said Greyson with the grin on his face turning what looked to be cocky and up to something "So you're the cool and popular boy that Matt was telling me about, oh wait that wasn't you, was it"

"No" I replied somewhat miserable knowing that the singer was picking on me "So you are dad's client"

"Would I be here talking to you if I wasn't" said Greyson not even pretending that he wanted to talk to me and who could blame him, I wouldn't want to talk to a nerd like me either.

"Oh right, well I guess I should leave you to it and go do my homework" I said looking everywhere but at the bored looking pop star.

"Later nerd" said Greyson as he turned around and went back to playing the piano. I glared at the back of his of head for a few moments before heading up to my room and hoping that by the time I left my room, he would be gone.

--------------------- Note from the Author:

Thank you for reading, if you like my work or would like to read more of my work please visit my website - and let me know what you think about this by emailing me at

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