Beach Blanket Bingo

By moc.eriflegna@enoGmodgniK

Published on Mar 28, 2001



In case you were wondering:

This story ~does~ indeed contain some pretty straight-forward "man on man action" between members of *NSync. That means two things: one, it's fiction. Sorry, bois... I'm not here to make assumptions about any member of the band's sexuality. I'm just a storyteller.

It also means that it's illegal to read this if your local laws say so; this can be determined by your region, age, and yes, even your sex. [As in male or female...] By continuing on, you do so on and of your own free will, completely releasing me from any kind of blame.

As it stands, this story is incomplete. Drop me a line if you have any compliments or if you're interested in helping me complete it. You can reach me at:

Beach Blanket Bingo by Kingdom Gone

The Winnebago pulled up in front of the small, threadbare cabin. The driver pressed on the brakes a little quickly, and the large vehicle slid a few feet in the sand, skidding sideways. The passenger door opened, and a tall, athletic boy with curly blonde hair stepped out, a little shaky, into the sand. He looked back up into the driver's cabin.

"That is the last time we let you drive. Anywhere." he said.

"Well, how in the hell was I supposed to see the place until we were right up in front of it? All these damn palm trees..." came the response.

Another boy climbed down, out of the living quarters. After running his hands through his blond hair that stuck straight up, he put his hands on his hips, and looked around. The small cabin was surrounded by palm trees, and other assortments of tropical plant life. "Damned palm trees, indeed," he said. "Next time we'll vacation at a landfill, okay? Think you could see our cardboard boxes, then?"

The driver climbed down, his sandaled feet plopping into the sand. "Oh, fuck off. I'd like to see you drive this thing. Oh, wait. You're too young." The other boy glared at him. "Oh, yeah. You just look too young to drive. My bad." The driver knelt down, looking at the tires and the skid marks in the sand. "Come to think of it, that was kind of fun. Heh." He smiled, a gorgeous smile that could warp all the lassies into his arms, and a few of the lads, at that.

Two other boys climbed out, yawning. The shorter one looked around. "Are we there yet?"

Curly looked up from the designs he was drawing into the sand with his bare feet. "Yeah, finally. Be glad you slept through it. I was tempted to kiss the sand when I got out."

The taller of the dark haired boys looked around at his surroundings, squinting. It was a moment before he spoke:

"N'Sync takes on the Beach cabin."

Curly looked over at him. The five of them stood, staring at the cabin. "Isn't this how horror movies start?"

The living room took up most of the interior of the cabin. There were three doors that led to two double sized bedrooms, and one single. The kitchen was an alcove to the right of the front door. A wall seperated the kitchen and the bathroom, which had no door. There was a door straight across from the front door that led outside, to a deck that wrapped all the way around two sides of the cabin. Aside from a few creature comforts, the cabin was pretty barren. There was a couch and two chairs in the living room, a small table with two chairs in the kitchen. The bathroom had a toilet, a sink, and a stand-up shower. Each room was equipped with a single bed and a single chair.

The five boys stood just inside the door, surveying their temporary vacation home. The driver, Joey Fatone, ran his hand through his neon-pink hair and looked over at his best friends. "Remind me never to accept another manager-sponsored vacation, okay?"

The short one, with dark hair, Chris, looked over at him and said "I agree. I think I'm going to sleep in the winney," and he started to walk out the door. The other dark headed one, JC Chasez, grabbed him by the arm. "Nuh uh. If we have to sleep here, you have to sleep here."

Chris looked up at him. "Man, can't you do anything on your own. Everything you guys do, you need me around. I'm sick of playing you mother."

"You're not playing mother. We were just told not to let you run around on your own. You know, kind of like a little brother?" Curly, Justin, snorted.

Nothing they said was out of anger. The five boys that made up NSync were the best of friends, and their playful attitudes were only heightened by the idea of vacation on a beach, hidden away from screaming fans and paparazzi of all sorts.

Lance Bass looked around. "So, what do we do, first?"

"I know what I'm doing," said Joey.

"What's that? Learnin' to drive?" Justin raised his eyebrows.

Joey didn't even bother to laugh. He turned around, facing the beach and the ocean. Then he took off. After he ran a few yards out into the sand, he leaned forward, his hands burying in the grains, and he did a flip, landing on his back. He reached his arms back around his head and stared up at the sun.

He didn't lay there long until a pair of legs ran directly past him, throwing sand up in his face. He lifted his head up and watched as Justin executed a similar flip a few feet away. Soon, three more pairs of legs ran past him. He heard a scream of delight from one of them. JC followed Justin and Joey's lead and flipped into the sand. Chris ran and then stopped suddenly, sliding in the sand, and fell back. Lance ripped his t-shirt from his torso and headed straight for the water. He dived in with a splash, and disappeared. Joey pushed himself up on his arms and stood, brushing the sand from his chest and face. He, too, tore off his shirt and followed his friend into the blue ocean water.

As the sun retreated into the horizon, so did the boys retreat into the cabin. Joey was sprawled out on the couch. Justin and Chris each took a chair, draping themselves over the armrests, like tossed clothing, or draped curtains. Lance was reclined on the floor, staring up at the ceiling fan. JC was in the kitchen, trying to cobble together five grilled-cheese sandwiches.

Justin inhaled deeply, and then exhaled slowly. Joey looked over to him, and said "I can agree with that." It was pretty simple:

They were already bored.

Lance was tapping his foot to an imaginary beat. JC entered into the living room, ignoring their sandwiches for a moment. "That's a pretty good point you guys have. What are we supposed to do at night?"

Joey leapt up, as if a sudden idea had struck him. Indeed, it had. He raced out the door, and the four boys exchanged glances as they heard him entering the Winney, and then digging through it.

Suddenly, he entered, a large grey box in his arms. Two turntables and a microphone. Justin smiled as Joey's plan became clear.

Pretty soon, the boys had Joey's turntables set up in the corner, and a myriad of lights stationed around the living room. Lance had hung a disco ball from the ceiling fan. They were surrounded in the dark. Suddenly, a voice boomed out over the silence:

"Prepare, partiers! DJ Phat One is in the motherfucking house!"

Immediately, they were bathed in a circus of flashing lights as Joey spun records of house music. Each was a talented dancer, but they abandoned thoughts of synchronized routines for a more primal kind of motion, swaying to the music as it poured through them.

They'd been dancing for almost twenty minutes when suddenly the music stopped, and the lights froze with it. Justin looked around. "Hey, Joe, what's goin' on? We're not even closed to done!!!" Joey flashed his devilish grin.

Suddenly they were faced with their own 'Bringin' Da Noise', remixed as it was by Joey's talented hands. Each of the four dancers presented their own version of a routine dance they had done hundreds of time, both on stage and in the practice room. To the side, Lance and Justin danced together, bringing their bodies together in a motion that was dangerously close to being sexual.

"So, who gets what room?"

The question started almost instant bickering. Each one of them wanted, and felt they deserved, the single. Living together with four other boys nonstop can do that to you.

"Hey!" Joey's shout cut over them all. Justin realized that he was the only one who hadn't fought for the room. He was standing in the door frame to the front door, shirtless, silhouetted by the moonlight. They all looked over at him. "Why don't we all sleep outside? I mean, the weather's fucking great. The moon's full. The ocean's peaceful."

The others were asleep. They were all tucked into various forms of sleeping bags, most of them derived from covers they had found in the Winney. They'd had a small camp fire, but now it was nothing more than a small stack of smoldering sticks. Justin loved the smell. He didn't understand how the others could sleep through such a beautiful night. Their sleeping blankets were scattered around the beach. Justin's was farthest away from anyone. Finally, he closed his eyes, still whistling. He'd enjoyed tonight's activities more than anything else he'd done before.

Off to his right he heard a noise, and his mind suddenly flittered through memories of summer camp fears that he was being surrounded by animals in his sleep. He flicked his eyes open, but there was nothing there except the far away bodies of his sleeping buddies. After a few moments, he felt safe enough to close his eyes again.

That's when he felt lips pressed against his own. Part of him wanted to surrender to them. The other made him open his eyes. Straddled over him, in a push-up position, was Joey. Justin jerked away, his eyes wide in astonishment. "Joey!?! What the fuck are you..." Joey's hands covered his mouth, shutting him up.

"Do you want to wake the others up?" He asked. To be truthful, Justin didn't know the answer to that question. "Now, can I pull my hand away," Joey asked. Justin nodded. It was all he could do. Joey pulled his hand away slowly, and then kissed Justin again. Justin pulled away again.

"Joey, should..." he started to ask.

Joey interrupted. "Let's not make this into anything it's not, okay? Let's just do it." Justin wasn't sure if that was a pun on words, or not. He didn't have time to think about it. Joey's mouth was on his, his tongue pressing against his lips. He opened them, and he felt Joey's tongue slide into his mouth. He'd never been kissed like that. Not that well. Not by a guy. But he didn't care.

Joey collapsed his body on top of Justin's, and moved his hands up to move through Justin's curly hair. Justin lifted his hips up, pressing against Joey's form. Joey stopped kissing him, hovering his lips just over Justin's, but not touching. Tempting. Justin didn't know if he could take it.

Joey felt Justin lift up and suddenly he was thrown from on top of him, and Justin was over him in a second, kissing him harder than he thought Justin had the guts for. He wanted to know just how far he could take him, how far they could go. He wrapped his arms around Justin's bare torso, sliding his hands over his back. After a moment, he slid them down, beneath the elastic of Justin's boxers. Justin didn't flinch, didn't cringe. Joey smiled through their kiss, wrapping his hands around Justin's ass. Justin's hands were wrapped around his head, through his pink hair. His tongue was pushed into Joey's mouth, still. Joey slid his hand just a little, until his finger slid in between Justin's cheeks and pressed lightly against his hole. Justin responded by pressing his groin into Joey. He couldn't help but groan.

Justin slid his knees down, around Joey's thighs, and lifted his body from Joey's, slightly. He brought his right hand down and tugged at Joey's boxers. His hands brushed the length of Joey's cock as he tried to slide them down. Joey lifted his hips up, allowing Justin to get his boxers past his ass. Justin kicked Joey's boxers off completely using his foot. Joey didn't know exactly how far away he was from the edge. Not very far.

Justin broke their kiss and slid his body down Joey's. Freed from his boxers, Joey's cock was laying against his stomach. Justin wrapped his hand around it and stroked it twice, getting a feel for it. He leaned down and started kissing Joey's stomach, pressing his tongue into his belly button. He traced his tongue alongside Joey's pubes, pushing it between his thigh and the flesh around his cock. Joey pushed himself up on his arms to watch Justin. He was just too good looking not to.

Justin wrapped his mouth around the base of Joey's cock as much as he could, still stroking it. Shivers of pleasure ran through Joey's body. He didn't know how long he could last. Justin's mouth traced a path up his cock, until he enveloped the head. Joey could feel the orgasm approaching. He reached out and lifted Justin's head from his cock. "Not yet. We want this to last, don't we?"

With that he sat up, and Justin scooted closer, wrapping his knees over Joey's legs. Joey kissed along his neck, sucking on his skin. He moved down to Justin's nipple, brushing his tongue lightly against it. He could feel Justin shudder. He wrapped his lips around the brown spot and sucked. His hands groped along Justin's back.

Suddenly Joey lifted himself up onto his knees, and Justin slid down. Joey used one of his hands on the front of Justin's chest to press him backwards, using his other arm to keep Justin from falling. Slowly he laid Justin down on his back. He moved his mouth from Justin's nipple down his stomach and paused, hovering over Justin's boxers. He kissed at Justin's cock through the thin silk fabric, causing Justin to moan. Turning his head slightly sideways, he wrapped his lips around the base of Justin's cock, massaging it with his tongue. Slowly, he pulled the elastic away from Justin's smooth stomach and slid the shorts down his legs. He didn't waste any time going down on Justin's cock. Justin moaned louder. He heard Justin whisper something.

"Fuck me." Joey looked up at him, to see if he was serious. Justin nodded.

Joey burrowed his head between Justin's legs, lifting them up, and around his shoulders, over his back. He traced a line with his tongue from Justin's balls down to his asshole. He teased it, flicking his tongue over it. Justin pulsed with pure pleasure, anticipation. Suddenly he felt Joey's tongue plunge into the hole. He'd never felt anything like it. Joey was going all the way, pressing his mouth against his ass, pushing his tongue in as far as it would go. Inside, he circled his tongue around. Justin was moaning louder and louder.

Justin was almost disappointed when Joey pulled his tongue out, but he looked up to see Joey lean up and stroke his cock. A thin, clear drip of silky fluid was pouring from it, and Joey was coating his cock with it. He scooted a little closer, and Justin once again lifted his legs, wrapping them around Joey's shoulders. He felt the head of Joey's cock press against his asshole, and it quivered. He felt it push, and then enter him. It took him a second to accomodate Joey's cock, but it slid in with relative ease, and less pain than Justin expected. Joey paused for a moment before he started to pull out slowly. Justin's eyes rolled back in his head as he let out his loudest moan. Joey was a little worried that he would wake the others, but he was in too much pleasure to really worry about it.

Joey pulled about halfway out before sliding back in. Smooth as could be. Justin bit his lower lip and let out a short series of moans that turned into grunts as Joey continued pushing in, pulling out. He felt Joey lay on top of him, and his legs slid from his shoulders, down to his hips. Joey pressed a hand into the sand on either side of Justin's head. He wanted Joey to kiss him, and he did, while he continued his rhythm.

It didn't take long before he felt Joey tense, and his cock spew cum inside of him. The pleasure was too much, and with his cock sliding in between there bodies, he released his own cum over their chests. Joey continued a little bit more, smearing it over their stomachs. He grunted, and then sighed, collapsing on top of Justin. He looked into Justin's eyes, and flashed his smile. Justin's own smile rivaled his won. Neither one had ever been so happy.

When Lance opened his eyes, the sun had just crested over the horizon. The shadows of palm trees stretched over his body, and he yawned, stretching. Standing, he wiped the sleep from his eyes. He looked out onto the ocean to see Joey sitting in the water, rubbing his chest, splashing water over himself, as if he were cleaning. A few seconds later, he realized that Justin was in the water, too, or, rather, coming out of it. Lance yelled out for him.

"Hey, Lance. Sleep well?" Justin asked.

"Yeah. You?"

"Heh. Yeah. Really well."

Lance looked him up and down, and then looked into his eyes. "Really? It looks like you didn't sleep a wink." Justin laughed a little, but didn't elaborate. Lance waited a moment, then spoke again. "God, it's beautiful out here, isn't it?"

"The most beautiful place I've ever been, in my entire life. I've never been happier."

"Wow. Didn't know you were enjoying yourself so much."

"Yeah, well..."

Just then Joey came up behind Justin, planting his hands on his shoulders, and leap-frogging over his head to land in a plume of sand that barely paused in the air before plunging down to the beach again. "What's up, guys?" he asked.

"Not much." Lance answered. Joey turned his attention to Justin. "Man, you look like you didn't sleep at all." Lance didn't miss the wink that passed from Joey to Justin, and then Justin's almost embarrassed look as he turned his head to examine the white sand of the beach.

Lance and Justin stood on opposite sides of the impromptu volleyball net than JC and Chris.


write me, bois:

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