Being a Roommate

Published on Nov 17, 2005



Sean looked at the building. It was clean, somewhat modern and pleasant enough. As he pressed the buzzer a couple guys his age exited and nodded.

"Hi" Clyde answered the door. He was tall, clean cut, had steel grey eyes and a nice smooth torso. That was easy to tell since he was shirtless.

"This is the living room of course"

Sean saw the big big tv screen, computer desk, modern furniture and a dining area complete with formal table and chairs.

"Uh mind?" Clyde looked down at Sean's feet. It was then Sean noted his host was barefoot and the carpet was off white.

He quickly removed his sandles too and walked barefoot as the tour continued.

They sat and talked about school, work and life. Clyde's folks bought the condo for him during his years at University. He sufed, rode bikes, hiked and camped....all things Sean liked to do as well.

And Sean already knew Clyde was gay. So things were looking good. They talked about sharing food expenses, and the monthy rent which includd housekeeper, cable, computer dsl.

"Wow that's a great deal. You sure you dont'want someone to pay more?" Sean asked.

"Can you pay more?" Clyde asked.

"Uh no but I don't want to fee like uh youknow" Sean stammered assuming he would be leaving soon.

"Hey frankly you dn't have to pay anything. My folks pay for it all. But I figured if they find out I have a roommate they'd expect me to charge somethig. And they don't know i'm gay yet"

They chatted more.

"Hey let me show you the rest of the place" Clyde stood up and walked towards the hallway.

Sean saw the huge bathroom that even had a jacuzzi tub, separte shower and two sinks.

He looked for the bedrooms opening a door but it was a linen closet.

"Over here" Clyde said as he opened the door.

The bedroom was large, with a king size bed. Sean noted there was only one bed.

"Uh is there another bedroom?" He asked.

Clyde smiled "why? the bed is huge" he jumped on the bed.

Sean didn't know if he should leave or not. The place was beautiful, the rent dirt cheap and Clyde was hot looking.

"Come on and try it out" Clyde sat up.

Sean moved closer and sat gingerly on the edge of the bed. "nice" he said.

"Hey we can both have dates and still hve room" Clyde said.

"Why how many have you had on this bed at one time?" Sean kidded him.

"Uh let's just say orgy was defined more then once here" He said grabbign Sean by the shoulders. "Let's try it out"

Sean hesitated.

"Hey we have to see if we get along don't we?" Clyde.

Sean couldn't hide the fact he was turned on by the large round nipples, the smooth defined chest and Clyde's eyes.

At least he could get laid even if he wouldn't have a place to move into.

Sean let Clyde kiss him and somehow in the midst of their tongues sliding around each other's mouth, any thoughts of room, rent, school and just about anything got lost.

Sean felt his shirt be peeled off. He touched Clyde's body and kept him close. The hand inside his pants fondled, massaged and groped. He wanted to be naked, totally into Clyde and Clyde into him.

And as he relaxed and enjoyed each touch, kiss, lick and more time passed.

The doorbell rang and Andrew was at the door. Sean had been expecting his brother to drop by.

"Hey you walk around naked all the time now?" Andy greeted him.

"I'm not naked, I'm wearing Calvins" Sean said "and take off yoru shoes"

"Should I strip down to my skivvies too?" Andrew

"Fuck off" Sean said "this is my roommate Clyde"

"wow two gay hotties in one apartment what would Mom say?" Andrew already knew about Sean and he was about to learn more.

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