Birthday Plans

By Lael Stalnaker

Published on Feb 8, 2001



This is a fictional story, containing graphic love making between two teenagers, both male. If this offends, is morally not to your taste, is illegal in your locale or you are a naughty minor exploring where you shouldn't be, exit, stage left, now please. If you continue, it is by your own will and with the full understanding that a big invisible finger is shaking at you. If none of these apply to you, read on and enjoy yourself.

Comments can be directed to my humble self at, ICQ# 1198988, or AOL Instant Messenger s/n VanyelAshkev. All mail will be replied to, so have at. I got a burr in my shorts and had to write this. I would enjoy the feedback, thanks! Once again, I hope the story pleases.

"Birthday Plans"

By Lael Stalnaker

Hard to believe that I turn 16 in less than an hour. I glance at the clock resting next to the computer. 34 minutes until midnight. My body aches from slouching. I should know better, but I still do it. My height has always made me uncomfortable. Especially when both of my parents are so much shorter.

I have plans for my birthday. Plans that no one else has any idea about. The image on my computer screen fills my vision and mind. I have lusted after this guy since I was 14. Ever since I first saw him in class. I can't really say what draws me to him, but I know that I have to have him, to be with him, even if just once.

Gray eyes stare back at me from the screen. Sleek black hair falls over the forehead, waves of it framing perfect ears. Slightly up turned nose, and a sensual mouth, slightly parted, intrigue me to no end. Clear pale skin, without flaw contrasts the black hair against it. I can feel the intensity of concentration those eyes have. It always comes back to the eyes...

I shut down the computer, musing on the day that I found him. He was in my first class, the first day of high school. Honors English. Yeah, that was the class. He had taken the seat in front of me, on the outside edge nearest the door, with me having the last seat of the row. I remember loosing track of what I was doing as his ass flashed past my vision as he sat. That was my first inkling that I was into guys. The shape caught in my head and just wouldn't go away. Talk about a stunning and miserable first day of class.

He turned and grinned at me when I accidentally hit his butt through the chair with my knee. My usual slouching had claimed another victim. I know I blushed. I could feel my ears burn with embarrassment. Then his eyes transfixed me. There was something in them that both excited me and scared the living fuck out of me. It was like he was looking into my head and seeing everything that I was. All the good things, all the bad things and every other piece of mental trivia in between.

We stayed locked together through our eyes until the teacher waved a hand between us. My ears should have caught fire. I lowered my eyes and hoped to god that no one really knew what was happening. I managed to catch his name when his turn came up on the roll call. Jess Turner. It locked into my brain, filed away with those eyes as reference. I almost missed my own, Brandon Weir, as it got called. My hand went up the second time the teacher asked.

The semester progressed and I finally noticed something odd. I realized that Jess was always the last to come in and when he did, he would keep his eyes locked to mine the whole way to his seat, only breaking that eye contact when he turned to sit. On days that I happened to be looking down when he came in, I always found him looking at me when my head lifted again. And... I always looked up. His smile would widen just a little, his eyes shine a bit brighter.

Despite all of this, we still had not spoken. I knew what his voice sounded like, from his answers to questions the teacher would ask the class. Quiet, but still strong, almost ringing. A slight burr to it. Maybe an accent, though I couldn't tell from where.

From then on, we always seemed to have a class together. Strangely, no matter where I sat, Jess always chose the seat in front of me. Like he didn't want to be far away from me if he could help it. We eventually started talking, usually about assignments, though occasionally just shooting the breeze. We got along well, almost friends. I think the actual friendship started the day he saved me from a beating.

I was walking home, after school, and the punk brigade caught me. It was a bunch of pricks that liked picking on underclassmen that were basically normal, though tall. I had a reputation for avoiding fights and had managed to elude these ass-holes my entire Freshman year. I wasn't so lucky the middle of my Sophomore year. They cornered me in a empty field I usually went through as a short cut to shave off a few blocks.

Peter Wells headed the jerks, since being top ass-hole suited him. He was a football reject, having thrown out his knee his first year on the team. So the gossip in the halls went. It seems that since he couldn't play ball any more to get rid of his extra testosterone, he did it in a more creative way. He and his Neanderthal crew liked to pick out a few targets for the year and then proceed to persecute them in cycles for that year.

I had been a target that had escaped them my Freshman year so thoroughly that Wells made it a personal mission to hunt me down now. Naturally, my refusal to stand and get thrashed irritated him to no end. I was careless that day, thinking about a stupid Geometry problem that was almost solved in my head. Next thing I know...

"Hey faggot! Lookin' for some dick to suck? Got it right here for ya!" Peter Wells said from directly behind me.

I jumped and turned. They were stretched in a semicircle, and as I turned, completed surrounding me. Wells had a delighted look on his face, content that he had brought me to bay, no doubt. I instantly knew that he had something extra special in mind for me. My audacity in continually escaping his direct attentions needed a severe chastisement. I kept my mouth shut and my eyes moving. Two of them were behind me now.

"Well, gonna smart off?" Wells asked. Then, when I didn't answer, "Doesn't matter, let's step over to those trees and get to business."

Two sets of hands grabbed my arms and twisted them back. I was then force-marched out of sight of any would-be rescuers into the screen of trees that clustered at one end of the field. The other three followed, making sure they could nail me if I somehow broke for it. Certain doom seemed immanent. We reached the trees and I was forced down to my knees. The two thugs kept hold of me, not letting loose for a second.

Wells stood in front of me now and smiled viciously. The other two that were left came around behind me and each stepped on one of my ankles. Now I was truly pinned. They had planned this all out in advance. There was only one course of action left now with any honor in it at all. I was going to bite his dick off if he tried to force me to suck him. Not that the sucking part particularly bothered me, it was the force part of the deal. And the fact that I would rather die than make Peter Wells any happier than I had to. A random thought flashed: wonder what Peter would tell everyone in the ER when he had to go in to get it sewn back on?

Peter casually unzipped his fly and let his jeans puddle around his ankles. He wasn't wearing any underwear, yet further evidence that this was no chance decision. He grinned down at me and then laughed as I began to finally get afraid. The guy had a monster dick. I mean fuckin' huge! I decided on a rapid change of action. I would have to do something else. There was no way I was letting that thing in me. I must have tensed, because the hands holding my arms tightened.

Just as Wells stepped up to my face, letting his massive dick loom into my eyesight, he suddenly grunted and fell to his knees. Jess was standing there, beating the crap out of Wells. His first punch had nailed Wells right in the kidney. He then proceeded to follow up his advantage. The two holding my arms let go, preparing to go help Wells. I took that as express permission to fling both arms down then up and back. Two boys went down, screaming that I had crushed their nuts. Not likely, though a nice thought. Then it was my turn to scream. The other two ground their feet into my ankles and then slugged my kidneys, repayment for their leader's pain. I fell forward and they went past me.

When I looked up, it was to see Jess pounding the shit out of both of them. Inches from my face, Peter lay moaning in the dirt, his hands wrapping his sides. I tried to get back up, at least to my knees. I couldn't believe that Jess was prepared to take on 5 guys, much less that was actually managing to thoroughly trounce 2 of them at the same time. Jess slammed his fist into one's chin and he went down, looked like out cold. The remaining guy must have seen something in Jess' face that scared the crap out of him because he lit out of there like his ass was on fire.

Jess walked over to me and helped me up. My ankles throbbed with an intense pain, even worse than any sprain I had ever had. I knew that my feet were swelling. Tears streamed down my face but I refused to cry out. Jess got me over to a tree, leaned me there and went back to Wells. The two guys I had nailed in the nuts were long gone now, fleeing the scene of defeat. That left Wells and the unconscious kid. Jess checked the unconscious one first and then went to Wells.

"Well, guess things didn't turn out the way you wanted, now did they, you fuckin' prick?" Jess snarled directly into Wells' face. "Here's a clue. You ever touch Brandon again, the school's gonna hear about what you wanted to do to him. Then we're gonna let everyone know that the reason you pick on guys is that you are trying to fuck 'em and that you're really queer. Got all that?"

Wells groaned and nodded his head. Jess spat off to the side of Wells' head in disgust. Then he winked at me and grinned. He reached down and grabbed Wells' jeans, tugging them off his body. To my amazement and Wells' horror, Jess gripped each pant leg on either side of the crotch and pulled. His arms bulged, stunning me. His arms were bigger than I realized. My eyes widened as the jeans split and then came apart. Jess held up the now mangled jeans and then flung them down, right into Well's nuts. I started to laugh. The image of Wells' trying to get home soothed some of the pain.

Jess turned back to me and got an arm under me. His arm encircled my chest, and I leaned into him. It was going to take time to get anywhere, the pain was so intense. His breath hissed out as he got a look at my socks. The bastards had metal cleats on. Spots of blood speckled the white of my socks. Wearing shorts due to the warm weather, I didn't have a layer of denim that would have helped protect me. Once he realized the damage was that bad, Jess stopped us at the back fence to the field and looked into my eyes.

"How far is it to your house?" he asked.

"4 blocks over and 3 up." The pain was worsening.

"Shit! Well, there's no way you can walk it. And you probably shouldn't." He paused for minute, obviously thinking. "Well, I think I should piggyback you to your house. Anyone gonna be home?"

I shook my head. Mom worked until 6 and Dad often didn't get home before 9. I was a typical latchkey kid. Things had been OK before now. I almost wished that Mom was a stay-at- home type. The pain in my ankles was now throbbing up into my calves. Jess was right, there was no way I could make it walking.

"OK," I said.

"Here, put my bag over your shoulder, would ya?" Jess asked as he squatted down in front of me.

I swung the bag over my shoulder, opposite to my own. My arms went around his neck. He grabbed a hold of my clenched fists and began to rise up. With a grunt, he smoothly reached his full height. I swung my legs around his waist and he let go of my hands, placing them back under my thighs, almost at my butt. Making sure that I didn't throttle him, I slid my hands further down his chest and knotted my hands together. My cheek rested on his shoulder now. Jess took off, fast walking to the directions I whispered in his ear.

"How did you happen to show up the way you did?" I asked after a block. Only 6 more to go.

"I heard the ass-holes as they left school. They didn't pay attention to who was behind them. Had no way to warn ya, or I would have. Was hoping to surprise them. Anyway, I was a block behind them and waited until they had you in the trees. Knew they would forget to pay attention once they had you out of sight. I was right too." His sentences came out in puffs. "By the way, nice job on the 2 you nailed. No way I could have taken on all 5. Glad to see you're not totally helpless, or mindless."

"Well, I guess I just reacted. I try to avoid shit like this. Usually manage it too. Thanks Jess. You definitely saved me some other trouble. I was planning on biting the sucker." I admitted as he laughed.

We got back to my house and he set me on the porch. I tossed him the keys as leaned into the porch post at the top of the steps. The pain of standing was too much. My knees buckled and I slid down to the top step, crying now for real. Jess got the door open and came back to get me.

This time he shocked the hell out of me by picking me up, like a parent picks up a sleeping child. Fuck, he is STRONG! He carried me into the house and into the living room. He gently lowered me to the couch. Once he was sure I was not going anywhere, he tossed me my keys and said he would be right back. This gave me time to reflect on something else.

On the walk here, I had gotten a raging hard-on. His hands under my thighs, my hands on his chest and the rubbing motion against his back had stimulated me into something I had never really considered. I thought Jess was hot. As in a guy I wouldn't mind getting to see more of. I knew I liked him, but now I knew that I could more than like him.

Jess came back and knelt beside me. He laid out first-aid supplies from our downstairs bathroom onto the coffee table. Taking a pair of scissors, he cut the laces on my sneakers. I gasped as the blood shot through the swollen mass of bone and flesh. He then carefully cut away my socks. Quarter inch punctures paralleled my Achilles tendon on both ankles, thankfully missing them. Jess cleaned them with first water, then alcohol and finally peroxide. The sting was nothing compared to the real pain. He put large band-aids over each bleeding wound and then left the room again.

I could barely hear him in the kitchen. The freezer door slammed shut and then water ran. He came back with one of my Mom's huge mixing bowls and set it on the floor. Jess took my feet and slowly lowered them into the chilled water. My feet went numb quickly and my ankles followed.

"We should call your Mom, Brandon. This is serious. They might have broken something."

"OK, the number is on the phone, second one. I don't think I should get up. The cordless is in the kitchen." I dreaded having to tell my Mom. She was going to freak on me.

Jess got the phone and brought it to me. I laid it in my lap and looked him in the eyes. Those gray bottomless eyes. The look in them right now was deep concern but also something else that I couldn't identify. Jess looked down at my feet and frowned.

"Jess... thanks for bailing me out." I said simply.

His head jerked up, startled. He smiled and shook his head. His hands clenched and then relaxed. I waited to see if he would say anything, but he just stood there. I sighed and picked the phone back up.

I had hairline fractures from the fuckheads. My Mom hauled ass and got home in record time. She thanked Jess over and over for helping me as she had him carry me out to the car. The X-rays told the story, along with the punctures. Mom blew a fuse and called my Dad. Next thing I know, they brought the cops into it. I almost didn't want to say who did it. They finally convinced me that it would probably happen to someone else if I kept quiet. After being assured that Jess would not be prosecuted for assault, I let it out.

I was home for 3 weeks. Jess filled me in on the back- story on what went down with the thugs. The cops had come to the school and interviewed them there, in full view of their peers. Apparently, once word got around what they had done and tried to do to me, others stepped up to the plate. I was not the only one they had gone after with blowjobs in mind. I was just the first that had fought and won. With help, naturally. The shitheads ended up in Juvie, pleading guilty to avoid a trial.

Jess got my homework and sat with me after school to keep me caught up. We became pretty close during that time. I still kept my feelings to my self. Turns out, he weight lifts at home every day, going after stamina rather than bulk. That was why he was stronger than he looked. He promised to have me start coming over to work out with him. I promised to help him with his homework in exchange. Even deal, and both of us happy with the results.

Both sets of parents approved of our friendship whole- heartedly and with no reservations whatsoever. The fight was over 6 months ago, and now Jess and I trade off staying at each other's houses. Neither of us has any brothers or sisters, so it really isn't much of a hardship for our parents. Turns out, that accent I couldn't place was due to his parents. His Mom is pure Irish and his Dad is half Scot and half Welsh, both being immigrants. It all combined in Jess to make that ringing lilting burr that was not a brogue but something unique to Jess. I loved to listen to all of them talk.

Jess got his coloring from his father, who is what would be called a Black Welshman. I blinked the first time Jess' Mom spat that out at his Dad. She did have that famous temper and passion that go with most Irish women. Not that his father was passive in the least. It fascinated me to no end how they could fight verbally for hours and yet kiss and snuggle within seconds of it. Jess told me that they have always been that way. It was something of a game with them.

Our friendship deepened and I realized that Jess had kept to himself. He didn't really have any other friends. He told me that the few he had, either moved or lost interest. It amazed me to no end. Still, as quiet as he was under normal conditions, I could see how it would be hard for him to replace those friendships. It made me try all the harder to deepen ours.

I glance at the clock again. 12:09 now. I smile to myself and get up. Jess was in the guest bedroom. Since my birthday fell on a Saturday, our parents didn't mind Jess staying over. We practically swapped houses every weekend anyway! It's just that I have plans for now. I had been thinking about it ever since Jess rescued me from a fate worse than death. I laughed to myself. Leave it to a bloody Celt to have an adventure that takes on 5 opponents bigger than he is. And even more astonishing, to win!

I have decided that I want Jess. The more I am with him, the more my desire grows. I have finally understood the light in his eyes when he looks into mine. I found out that he was the one that enabled my escape my entire Freshman year. I thought I was so bloody smart and it turns out he had been leading the goon squad on a merry chase every time they were poised to go after me. He confessed that the first time I slept over at his house. He had been protecting me, quietly and carefully since the first time we met.

Smiling, I strip off my clothes. Jess had gone to bed an hour ago, pleading that he was exhausted. I shut off the lights and slip out into the hall. His door is across from mine, with my parents clear down at the other end. I slide carefully over to his door and open it slowly. As soon as the door is cracked open just enough for me to slip through, I am in. I quickly ease it shut again, making sure the latch closes but does not click.

The moon is full and the light streams in through the window. Jess is in bed, with a sheet thrown over his naked body. I knew he slept in the buff. It takes a major battle or major freezing cold to get him to wear anything to bed. I silently turn the lock on the door. There, no surprises from outside. One of Jess' arms dangles to the floor, fingers curled against the hardwood. The other is drawn up under the pillow, under his head.

I can make out the shape of his body though the sheer cotton covering him. His butt looks like the dimpled shape of a peach, curved and a valley of muscle. His shoulders have broadened this last year and his arms look larger. His legs create a rise and swell to the cloth. His hair has fallen over his eyes and I can just make out the rise and fall of his torso as he breathes. He's a hell of a good- looking guy. Even more so than that first time I saw him.

Careful to move without sound, I reach the bed and kneel beside it. I watch his face, memorizing it all over again. My hand reaches out and brushes the hair from his eyes. His skin is soft and it sends shivers up my spine. Already, I am hard as a piece of granite. I lean forward and brush against his lips with my own. His eyes pop open, wide with surprise. Then it dawns on me... he wasn't asleep and never had been. I pull myself back, recoiling. His wonderful gray eyes lock onto mine, trapping me.

"So, finally decided to do something?" an amused Jess whispers into the stillness. My jaw falls open.

"Uh...," is all I can manage.

"Took you long enough." His eyes continued to hold me captive. The moon's light lit them and they enchanted me.

"Um... uh...." I just can't get my brain to work.

"Might want to shut your jaw before a moth flies in," Jess is obviously enjoying me being stunned.

He lifted his hand from the floor and cupped my cheek with it. His eyes have become the world. I can see myself reflected in their light. They shine with happiness, desire and just plain love. My throat gets tight. Why on earth hadn't I understood before now?! His fingers against my cheek are warm and make my skin tingle.

"I've waited for you for a long time. I started following you home that first day I saw you. I knew you didn't know how to defend yourself. I heard in the hall that Wells' bunch had targeted you. I just couldn't bear the thought of them thrashin' ya. So, I played rear guard. Didn't know it would become literal!" He explained.

"Why didn't you say something before now?" I asked in an awed voice.

"Why? You weren't ready for me. Can you honestly say you knew for sure that you wanted to be with me all the way back then?" he asked gently.

I started to nod and then stopped. No, I had been too scared to think about it. Too many bad things had gone through my mind. I really hadn't decided anything until a week ago. His composure amazed me. He knew exactly what he wanted and had waited patiently for me to catch up to him.

"No. You're right. I would have freaked. I almost did anyway, the day we met." I admitted.

He nodded and stroked my cheek with his fingertips. I felt a flame ignite in my skin, trailing behind his fingers. His smile deepened as my breath caught in my throat again with a sound like a hiccup. I leaned forward, feeling like everything was in slow motion. My lips met his, but it was far different this time. Our lips came together and the world tilted sideways. His arm came around my neck, both supporting and drawing me in.

Stars exploded in front of my eyes. His lips felt both hard and incredibly soft. I let myself melt up against the edge of the bed, willing this kiss to go on forever. His hand caressed the back of my neck. I thought everything was perfect, at least until the kiss ended.

"Coming in with me or not?" Jess asked, holding the sheet up with his other hand. I could see that he was as hard as I was.

"Uh... yeah!" I blurted out.

I scrambled onto the bed as he tossed the sheet down to the foot of it. The moonlight pricked out all of his muscles into glowing detail. Everything was in its place and perfect. At least to my mind. I am sure a trainer would and could find fault, but not me. Not ever!

His hands roamed over my body, exploring. His touch ignited that flame everywhere it went. I became utterly still, letting him do what he wanted. He kissed my neck and then my collarbone, continually moving downward. Each nipple received its own individual kiss and then the valley between my pecs. He had worked wonders with me, helping me with the weights.

Down my stomach and to my bellybutton. His tongue dipped in after the kiss, causing my back to arch with the shock of it. He moved down some more and kissed the crease between each leg and my groin. I thought my head would fly off my shoulders. Each knee got its reward and then he got to my ankles. He lifted my right foot and kissed the first cleat scar and then each of the others. His lips were gentle, tender, enflaming. He repeated with my left ankle. Each kiss a promise, never again would I be hurt. I could tell that was what he was thinking, somehow. I giggled as each toe was kissed then nibbled delicately.

Jess the kissed his way back up my legs, but with a twist. He kissed the inner part of my calves, then the back of my knees, then my inner thighs. His hair brushed constantly against my erection, sending shocks straight through me. It tickled, but not in a ha-ha way. Suddenly he kissed my balls and then my dick. The air flew out of my lungs in a whoosh.

"I've wanted to do that since we met!" Jess murmured, doing it over and over. My breath froze in my chest as he began to lick in between kisses.

"Are you sure you want to do that? I actually planned on doing it to you..." my voice trailed off.

"Nope, I want to do this. Part of your birthday present. Shush and lie still," he ordered. I obeyed, though reluctantly.

All thought fled as his mouth engulfed me completely. My hands clenched into the sheet covering the mattress. My legs fell open, almost flat to the bed as my hips rose up. He had all of me now, and I could feel his throat surrounding me. He gagged. Backing off, he tried again but still gagged. He gave up on swallowing me whole and wrapped a hand around the base of me and went down on me until his lips met his hand. Then he backed up and his hand went with his lips. It felt unbelievable. His free hand kneaded my thigh as he kept going. I was almost comatose with pleasure now.

Time distorted and I no longer cared. The surge in my dick was getting near the blasting off point. I tried to say something to Jess, but he just growled. The vibration triggered the climax that was unavoidable now. I moaned loudly as my entire lower body went into spasms. Jess removed his hand and pushed me all the way down his throat. He swallowed nonstop, now figuring out how to do it. The warmth added a new dimension along with the contracting muscles in his throat. The nerves at the tip of my dick tingled so hard that I whimpered. He slowly came up off of me and finally let me go, with a last lick for good measure.

His eyes were bright and I could barely think my entire body felt light, as if weightless. Jess grinned at me and climbed up my body. He locked his lips to mine and kissed me so deeply I couldn't breathe. Not that I cared at the moment. He stuck his tongue into my mouth and licked around. I could taste the faint essence of me in his mouth, though not a lot. I finally became aware of his hard-on pressed up into my stomach between us. A new plan replaced the one that he had usurped. I pulled my head back from him and grinned.

"So, do I get a birthday wish?" I asked, all innocent sounding and quietlike.

"Absolutely. Name it." He answered with no hesitation.

"I want you to make love to me. Right now," I supplied, grinning broadly into his astonished face.

"Are you sure? I mean, we can wait. I want to try everything too, but are we ready for this?" he sounded truly concerned. I rushed to ease his worry.

"Are you kidding? I have thought about this for months. Um, ever since you carried me home, actually. Yes, this is exactly what I want tonight. We can try other stuff tomorrow," I added the last as a bargaining chip. His eyes widened and then he smiled. One of those smiles was worth every bad thing that had ever happened in my life.

"Ok, oh birthday lad. As you wish. But, uh..." his voice got a little strangled at the end.

Laughing, I reached into the nightstand next to the bed. I had placed a small tube of lube there before he even came over. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done, buying that without turning scarlet. Still, I wanted this night so badly, it hurt whenever I woke up from dreaming about it. Wet dreams have nothing on reality, I could now say. I hoped it proved true for the next part too. I handed him the lube. His face was priceless as he examined the bottle in the soft pale light streaming across the bed from the window.

He looked down at my laughing face and then grinned again. Jess reached down under the pillow and pulled out a similar bottle. Oh my god! He had the same idea I did, that tonight would be it. I laughed and slugged him in the arm. He just grinned at me. He tossed his bottle into the drawer and then looked pensive. I smiled encouragement. This was the first time his confidence had showed any sign of cracking.

"It'll be ok, Jess. I want this so bad it hurts," I said by way of encouragement.

"That's what I am afraid of. I don't want to hurt you," he whispered, eyes lowered. My own eyes automatically went to his dick between us. Yikes! I had never seen him hard before. This was not a small boy, by any measuring system. Still, I was not about to back down now.

"It'll be ok. Just go slow," I whispered back.

He took a deep breath and nodded. My heart began to race as he popped open the top of the bottle. Then he took my hand and dribbled some of the slick stuff into my hand. I understood immediately what he wanted. I took him into my hand and ran my hand along his length. My god, he felt like iron in my hand. In no time, my hand was pumping him like there was no tomorrow. He gasped and grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"Too much more of that and I think we'll have to wait a while. Here, let me do the next part."

He poured some lube into his hand, waiting while it warmed in his hand. Then he reached to under my nuts and found the entrance to the territory he was about to explore intimately. A finger slid into me, so slowly that there was no pain at all. He pulled in and out a few times before adding another one. This time my body resisted a bit, tightening around him. I moaned as the tinge of pain subsided and something else replaced it. The tip of his middle finger had hit something that I didn't expect. My dick began to rise like a new dawn. By the time he had 3 fingers pumping into me, my back was arching each time he got in as far as he could. His last finger joined the others, stretching me even further.

He continued that for what seemed like hours, but I knew it was barely minutes. My moans were loud and fast now, jolting out of me each time he reached the base of his fingers. My head was now thrown back into the pillows, all of my muscles standing out in my neck and chest. Then I felt empty. I moaned, wanting the feeling back and now!

Then I felt him again. He was poised for lift off and then he nudged forward. I gasped as his head popped through the muscle ring. The pain was sharp and swift. He froze, concern plain. I opened my eyes and smiled up at his eyes. They were wide and wondering. I wiggled my hips and another inch of him eased into me. A blast of his breath blew from his clenched teeth. As quickly as it had come, the pain left completely. He leaned into me and kissed me on the chest. As he leaned forward, more of him slid home. His dick brushed by the place that his fingers had teased and I moaned like an earthquake. He froze again and I pushed myself up against him sharply.

His dick slid in all the way in one move now, until he was finally all in me. I could feel his pubic hair tickling around the invaded area. I think we were both amazed that he was all the way in me. I could feel him, in places that had never been touched from outside before. His tongue traced a line down my chest as he leaned back again. I cold feel him sliding out until he stopped just short of being gone altogether. He pushed forward, eliciting another moan from me. Encouraged now, he pushed all the way in one go.

Rockets flared in my brain and I could swear that I could feel every vein, fold and texture of him in me. My breathing became rapid as he picked up the pace of push and withdrawal. His slickened hand grasped my rock hard shaft and began pumping in time to his thrusts. In seconds I was again experiencing the most intense orgasm in my life. I thought the first one was the best, but this one turned it pale. I could feel my muscles tighten like a boa constrictor around him as my balls snugged up to my shaft so hard I thought they would come shooting out of my dick. I don't think my dick had ever been harder than when I lost control and shot my second load of that night.

Pale streamers of fluid rained down all over both of us. One reached as high as Jess' ear, while his chest and stomach were totally wetted down with sticky milky fluid. What didn't spray on him, fell back on me. I slowly became aware that he too was lost in an orgasm of such intensity that he was blinded. I could feel the spasms of him as he pounded into me. He groaned strongly from deep in his throat. Finally, an eternity later, he stopped, embedded completely in me. His arms shook with weakness. I knew the feeling.

He started to withdraw himself and I clenched down on him, shaking my head emphatically from side to side. I did not want him to leave me right now. I really liked having him in me. I planned on us doing this more. I wanted to try everything under the sun, but I knew this would always hold a special place in my heart forever more.

Jess carefully laid himself out on top of me, careful not to crush me. I took his weight easily and wrapped my arms around him. I found his lips with my own and kissed him hard. I practically sucked the breath out of him. My hands ran down his flanks and onto his butt. The hard muscles there felt so good under my sensitive fingers. I trailed them up his back and wrapped him into an embrace. His hands framed my face and he looked into my eyes. I became lost in the depths of his. The gray washed over and around me. So, this is love, I thought to myself.

"That was totally amazing Brandon," he breathed into my ear. I was happy. I also noticed he was still hard, not softening or lessening in any way.

"I loved it. Almost as much as I love you," I whispered back into his ear. His eyes. They were what made him special. That was because I now knew they had always seen me. That is, seen me as special, right from the beginning, when he first saw me. They were gazing at me now, stunned wonder shining in them.

"I love you too Brandon. I always have."

"Think we can do this again now," I asked, hope plain to a deaf man and certainly to this one. He laughed and nodded. I knew that we had hours yet to explore and that maybe a lifetime. My plans were a success, I think, in both our minds. I was his and he mine. What more could I want?


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