Blake's Crush

By Blakes Crush

Published on Apr 23, 2002



Disclaimer:- This story is completely fictional, none of the guys from Westlife or any other celebrities which could be later mentioned are gay as far as I know and this in no way means to imply otherwise. All other characters in the story are also fictional so any resemblance to a real life person is completely coincidence. One more thing, any brand names (i.e. car names, merchandise), films ect. are either trademark or copy write to the companies which created/own them.


Before we get into everything maybe I should tell you a bit about myself and what I do for a living. I'm 25 years old I have light blond hair, baby blue eyes, have an average body build and I'm gay. I work for a tour company, no not like the ones people go on when their on holiday, the one that organizes tours for bands. I work as a tour manager(the person who takes over the bands manager for their tour), and today was the day I was gonna be starting my next tour. The tour is the Westlife 'World Of Our Own' tour. I've been waiting for the chance to work with these guys for the past four years ever since I saw the 'Swear It Again' video because that was when I fell in love with Shane Filan. Anyway on with the story.

I woke up bright and early to make sure I was ready for my first day on the job. I went straight for the shower cos I really stank, I then brushed my teeth and went through my wardrobe to find something good to wear. I settled on a white tanktop with a pair of black leather trousers and jacket to go with. When I was dressed I quickly styled my hair, grabbed my mobile and keys and drove down town to Earls Court, the first venue.

When I pulled up outside I noticed 6 unfamiliar cars in the parking lot, but really didn't pay much attention, I figured the owners probably couldn't find anywhere else to park.

I walked in to the arena and saw a guy I'd worked with on previous tours, his name was Dale, he was one of those dark and mysterious guys, that you hope is gay, isn't and flirts with you because he knows you want him but can't have him. He worked as a the sound and lighting guy on the other tours, so he was obviously doing that on this one too. I also noticed a guy over in the far corner looking at me, he was about my height, dark hair with the same average build as me, he looked familiar but I couldn't think were I knew him from. I started walking towards Dale, noticing that his assistant Fiona wasn't with him, which was strange, you see Dale has the memory of a gold fish, so without Fiona he'd be lost.

"Hey Dale, How's you?, Where's Fiona?"

"Hey Blake, everything is excellent and Fiona's gone to the ladies to re-touch her makeup." which I laught at cos Fiona isn't a makeup wearing sort of girl, she's more like one of the guys and she despised makeup.

"What are you laughing at?" he said looking at me seriously,

"Yeah right, Fiona wearing makeup. She never wears makeup, she's not that type of girl..." then it clicked in my head "...wait a minute there wouldn't happen to be someone hear that she likes and is trying to look her best for?"

"Yes, she would" was his reply

"Who?, I want to torment her" I said with a sly grin on my face

"Ok I'll tell you but stop making that face you look like my little brother and its scary"

"Ok, I'll stop. Now tell me"

All he did was point across to the other side of the stage. I turned and looked in that direction and there was a group of six men one of which was the Westlife manager, i had met him once to hire the people who would work on the tour. Five of them including the Westlife manager were bent over a table, the other was looking in our direction, that was until I turned around, then he quickly looked over to the table the others were at. But I realized it was the same guy who had been looking at me when I came in. I started thinking he was checking me out (Or at least that was how my warped mind registered it).

"So, which one is it?" I said not bothering to turn around.

"Which one of what?" came from a new but familiar voice, I turned and saw Fiona stood next to Dale, all dolled up.

"Hey Fiona. You look different wearing make up"

She looked at me with a weirdlook on her face.

"Don't get me wrong its a good different, and Dales also been telling me why you have started wearing it. You're trying to impress those decorators over there" I said pointing in the direction of the six guys at the table."

"Dale, you weren't supposed to tell him, you know he's a tor..." she stopped in midd sentence "...What decorators?"

"Those five guys over there with the Westlife manager"

All I heard from Fiona and Dale was laughter.


"There not decorators, and if you don't know who five of them are your in the wrong job"

"What do you mean?"I was starting to get a bit confused

"Five of them are Westlife, the band you will ba managing as of tomorrow!"

At that moment i was tapped on the shoulder, as I turned I came face to face with the man I had caught looking at me, it was Shane.

"Shane, Mark, Nicky, Bryan, Kian this is Blake Danielson, Dale Michelles and his assistant Fiona Zepland" the Westlife manager said

"Hi" they all said in unison, shaking my hand as I went along the line, but when I got to Shane he seemed to hold on to my hand a little longer than the others, but when I looked him in the eyes he pulled away

"He's gonna be your tour manager" the manager said

"TOUR MANAGER" Shane said grabbing their manager and dragging him away from us.

The other lads were looking over to Shane and their manager with a wired look on their faces. Then they turned back to me.

"Sorry abut that, he's not usually like that" Mark said

In my head I knew why, or ar least thought I knew why he had reacted that way and I was going to see if I was right.

"It's Ok, I think I know why he reacted like that" just as I said that their manager and Shane returned

"Sorry about that" the manager said

"Yeh, me too. It's just to young let alone be a..em..tour manager"Shane came out (No pun intended)with, obviously lying

That's not why you reacted like that" I said, I don't know why, I guess it was one of those times that you say something your supposed to only think. I immediately covered my mouth with my hand.

"Oh really, a mind reader as well as a tour manager, so tell me then why did i react like that?" Shane said in an angry tone of voice

"No, forget it, what I said just slipped out"

"TELL ME" he shouted

"OK" I said acting rather cocky "You said it because you fancy me But you thought I was only here because I work for the Court, but when you found out I was you're tour manager you were shocked and probably a little scared that you wouldn't be able to keep your hands to your self for three months. Am I warm?"

There was a long silence, really it was only about 2 minutes but it seemed longer. Then Kian turned to their manager and broker the silence

"You told him about Shane's sexuality?"

"No, honest I didn't!"

"So where did he get the idea Shane could fancy him?"

"I don't know"

"Oh bull"

"Actually, he probably doesn't" I spoke up " but Dale and Fiona Probably do"

"What do you mean?" Nicky said

"Well, your manager didn't tell me about Shane's sexuality, I caught him eying me up when I came in and when I was talking to Dale.."

"You saw me then?" Shane finally spoke up

"Yeh, I did and even if I didn't I would have probably figured it out eventually"

"How would you?" Bryan, who hadn't said anything but hello since he met me said

"Well, I believe is commonly known as a 'gay dare', we all have one supposedly"

"You're gay as well" Shane all but mumbled whilst looking at his feet

"Yeh, I am..." I said more calmly " know hard feelings eh?"

"On one condition"

"Ok, what?"

"We go out on a date during the tour, to the movies and then for dinner afterward, nothing to romantic, that would be too obvious"

"Ok I'll agree to that condition..." I said with a smile on my face, obviously I knew why, but they didn't"...but what film are we going to see?"

"You decide" he said looking into my eyes and starting to lean into me

"How about 'Queen Of The Dammed', that looks good" I said our lips about to meet until...

"Ahem...there are still seven other people here, who are going to vomit if they have to see you two macking each other" Bryan said bringing us back to standing straight position

"What, like you and Kerri having a full on tonsil hockey championship game every day isn't enough to make use hurl?" everyone laught when Shane made that remark.

"He's got yah there Bry" Kian said trying to hold back the laughter, failing miserably

"Well I suppose" he said admitting defeat

"Anyway, what are you guys doing here?, the first show isn't for 1 week so you don't need to start rehearsing here for another till the day before" I said then a thought entered my mind "My potential boyfriend will be under my management when we go for our first date and if things go well and we do have sex, this could work out very well"


Hey all, hope you liked the story. Its not going to be a long one, it'll probably end under 20 chapters but even so it'll probably take a long time to write, longer for the chapters with any sex seen's in them. This is my first story for the nifty archives so any response will be welcomed, good or bad, so I can see were I need to improve it, email them to this email address especially made for this story...

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