By Ivan Marsoovian

Published on Dec 4, 2009






Walt Winnochec couldn't forget his ride on the "Party Car" nor could he forget what the Chief had told him about the gang at the Flushing Avenue bar across from the Brooklyn Navy Yard's Cumberland gate. He went there as often as possible to "sit" on Izzy's stool. He also planned to go to Coney Island as soon as the weather warmed and the season there began in earnest. Once Walt became part of Izzy's weekly skin party attendees Izzy would allow him a little liberty around the bar when the straights were there, especially when they tried "straight busting."

Even Rosie tried to take what Walt had, but she'd all but ruined herself trying to ride his long, blue ribbon winning endowment. Walt had allowed himself to be the floorshow with Rosie that night because some of the sailors from the Yard had taken a notion to stop in for a beer. Walt was already inside where Rosie had already sucked off an old "daddy" for her usual fee, then when the old boy left contented she looked at the sailors asking who was next. Walt had been clued by Izzy of their intentions to see how horny the sailors might get if he played along letting them all see Rosie in action on him. He'd be the catalyst to get the fleet "launched." Rosie dragged Walt to the booth opening his barn-door, hauling his wondrous endowment out for the seven amazed sailors to see. Rosie could have won a prize for trying, but ended up quitting instead when her cunt screamed, "No more, no way!"

As Walt suspected, the other sailors soon all had their barn-doors open and were playing with themselves. Sure enough, as planned, one by one after taking care of Walt, Rosie managed to heat them to the point of no return. Eagerly, Rosie made the rounds on her knees down the line of sailors seated with their backs to the bar, and quickly drained each and every one. Of course Izzy hinted to them that if they wanted more they might come back when it was quiet at the bar, usually mid afternoon and not in a group -- he had his reason that was clear to any of the regular patrons who knew Izzy's plans for them.

Rosie, as she also always did, gave Izzy a kiss between each and every sailor she got off, and Izzy got a taste of the fruits of her labors. After they had all made it they seemed to get strangely shy. One by one they hurriedly left the barroom. Of course they'd find a means to return again -- alone. Rosie wouldn't be there, but conversations about her would soon have Izzy seating them on his favorite stool -- "da best seat in da house" to quote Izzy.

On another occasion Walt had witnessed another one of the Thompson's Bar's "rituals" that Gino and his pals were infamous for. Walt had been the target of that particular trick, but on that night HE won the bar bet. The "Mark" this night was not to be as lucky. Walt was drinking with some of the boys when a sailor he knew only as "Know-It-All-Barney" came into the bar big as life, wearing his whites, all blond, muscular and a real knock out! Barney was from Vidor, Texas, and he was well known for his obnoxious redneck East Texas mentality. He bragged that he was a member of the KKK and Walt had heard him making a fuss when he was scheduled to work with a Negro sailor on a detail. Barney had followed orders, but he'd heaped abusive comments on the unfortunate sailor who tolerated him for nearly a week before he was sent to work on another detail.

Big as he was ignorant, Barney seemed to revel in offending everyone and bragging how everything in Texas was bigger and better. After several beers the loudmouth sailor began to brag to anyone who would listen. Walt stayed in the background as the big blond sailor tried to put the make on Rosie and another girl with her date that was talking with Rosie. The woman urged her boyfriend to leave, and after they did Barney's big mouth began to become more offensive as he started on how he beat up some of the queers that had approached him out on Flushing Avenue trying to entice him into their cars, behind deserted buildings, or into dark alleys. Of course his bragging led some to believe that in reality Barney had gone into one of the alleys to lean against the wall while a cocksucker worked him over like many of the other sailors returning to the yard at night after a fruitless quest for sex in Manhattan often did, sometimes hustling a couple dollars for their co-operation.

Of course Izzy tried to lead him on as Gino and crew stood in the back of the bar in their own circle listening to him and laying plans for the handsome, but pain-in-the-ass redneck sailor.

It was a night when Ivan the Gypsy and Angelo had come down to the bar and Walt watched as the rough-neck punk obviously had some plans for Barney as well as did the other men in Gino's pack. Barney had been heard to make a comment about Ivan's dark complexion asking one of the bikers if he was a mulatto and only, in Barney's words, "a half nigger." He was firmly corrected that Ivan was a gypsy and to watch his mouth -- or else. Barney offered an apology that was far from sincere, but Ivan overlooked it for the sake of harmony and instigating a plan to teach Barney a lesson.

Barney became more and more obnoxious as he drank more beer. Izzy purposely didn't cut him off and allowed him to become semi-intoxicated. When the big-mouth finally had to take a trip down to the men's room Gino followed him downstairs.

"I gotta take a piss, too, Barney. Hope you don't mind sharing the trough with me," Gino sighed hauling his cock out and letting loose with a stream and playing it up and down the back of the pisswall and then aiming at one of two empty beer bottles sitting in the trough that Gino knew Ivan had placed there.

"Hey, bet you're too drunk to hit one of them dead soldiers," Gino kidded and leaned forward to check out Barney.

"The fuck I am," Barney said and aimed his stream at the bottle and filled it before playing the rest of his silvery stream over the back wall of the pisswall.

"Hey, that's quite a piece!" Gino said to Barney who glared at him.

"You got one of your own to look at," Barney growled menacingly.

"That's a real beauty -- hey, you like mine," Gino continued and wagged his cock at the sailor. "You ain't circumcised either. Ain't we lucky! Cocksuckers really like men with skin on their dick! Makes it real tasty."

"Yeah? And how would you know?" Barney said drunkenly.

"That's what all the cocksuckers tell me," Gino replied. "Don't they tell you that too?"

"Fuck that shit!" Barney said. "This was made to fuck pussy not fucking queer's mouths."

"Nothing feels better than getting a blow-job hen you're tired and want to just lay back and enjoy it," Gino sighed. "Hey, what's the matter, Barney? Talking about getting laid getting to you? You're starting to get hard."

"Yeah, thinking of that bitch up there wrapping her pussy around this baby and me fucking her brains out. That's what I'm thinking about, asshole."

"Well, when we go upstairs I'll see what I can do about getting Rosie to take care of you. How's that sound, sailor?" Gino asked.

"Lead the way, man! I gotta fuck her, man. I ain't had no cunt in weeks!" Barney said. "Damn, you got me all horned up."

Gino grinned and then he put an obvious make on him. The big mouth sailor, too drunk and too ignorant to know better, took Gino's bait. Before Gino left he picked up the warm bottle from the trough that Barney had filled and walking behind him up the stairs he carried it with him planning to give it to Ivan. When they exited the toilet Gino walked past Ivan the Gypsy setting the warm bottle in front of him on the bar and nudging him indicating where it came from.

"Hey, Barney, thanks!" Ivan the Gypsy said, but Barney had no idea why he was thanking him assuming he was just taunting him.

Gino bought Barney another beer and began to argue about who could satisfy Rosie best, and of course Rosie knew exactly what Gino was up to. Gino made the bet he knew he'd lose -- this time. When he agreed to pay up -- go down on the braggart Texan -- the sailor refused, his face turning deep scarlet as he showed his anger.

"I'd rather die before I let some queer suck my peter!" the loud mouth Texan drawled as he pushed Gino away, "THIS man here only sticks his peter in warm wet holes with pussy hair around it, nothing else, pal."

Ivan the Gypsy sidled over to them.

"Enjoying the gift from big mouth," Gino asked, and the gypsy's face beamed when took another drink from the warm beer bottle.

"If the clown only knew what was in here," Ivan whispered to Gino, and took a long drink from the bottle, then downed the entire contents. "Man, he'd shit his drawers if he knew how good his recycled brew really was. That sure hit the spot. Sailorboy beer was always my favorite brew."

Closing time neared and someone locked the front door of the bar and closed the blinds. Walt knew what was next, but he discovered what would happen if Gino's open advances were refused. The half-drunk sailor was grabbed and held by Gino's other boys, but the big sailor was strong and began to fight. It took six of Gino's biker pals to subdue the angry sailor with two of them holding him around the lower legs to prevent him from kicking. As they held him Gino got on his knees and began to suck his "unobtainable" Texas Wiener. The sailor was like an enraged bull. He tried to kick and fight, but the men held him. Walt saw the fire in the Redneck Texan's eyes and knew his blood was boiling. Izzy made false complaints ordering Gino and his boys to stop, but Gino was really going to work on him with gusto with his experienced deepthroat cocksucking, and was really making it count. He was an experienced cocksucker and made no bones about

it. He worked his tongue around under Barney's foreskin and teased the sensitive head before skinning it back and really sucking deep on him causing Barney to thrash around and cry out. Gino took it all the way to the stump and milked it with his experienced throat muscles. No doubt it was starting to get to the bigmouth Texan. Izzy came over with Rosie and Ivan the Gypsy. Even Rosie wanted a taste. Ivan the Gypsy sidled up and gave Barney's dick a feel, and then stepped back slowly fisting himself as the sailor stopped struggling when Rosie went down on him, but when she pulled off and Izzy got down on his knees before him he bellowed and roared like a trapped beast. He tried to kick, threatened and swore to no avail as Izzy sucked like Walt knew he could. He went down on the big redneck Texas sailor had stayed down deep on him with his nose pressed into the thick blond bush on the sailor's groin using the talented muscles of his

throat that had milked dry, and had thrilled a thousand men.

Gino knew that a little force and good cocksucking usually changed the mind of many resistant men about "queers." The sailor seemed to quiet down as Izzy continued his ritualistic cock worship. Suddenly, the sailor began to respond to Izzy's proficiency. To the glee of those watching they saw the big mouth sailor suddenly getting glassy eyed, his tongue lolled from his drooling lips as he began to feed his dick to the gulping bartender in stallion thrusts. His cries of angry protest turned to grunts and whimpers of rapture. Soon those holding him for Izzy's cocksucking relaxed the grip on the sailor. Walt saw him get free, standing in a bowlegged stance pumping his swollen dick into Izzy's throat face-fucking him with deep thrusts from the hips.

"Ah, fucking eat me, you fucking queer!" Barney growled as he huffed and puffed, sweating profusely from the struggle, now from his intense physical labor, "Eat it, eat it all to the balls, you fucking cunt-throat queer!"

All at once with a big slurping sound Izzy pulled his throat free of the sailor's fat Texas wiener leaving him fucking air.

"Dat's all youse get without youse beg for more, an' do it real polite," Izzy said standing up wiping his drooling mouth on his hairy forearm, sucking down fresh air.

"How about you, babe?" the overheated sailor begged of Rosie. "How about finishing me off?

"Not me, sailor," she giggled. "I think you like the boys better."

Gino looked at him. The lusty sailor offered himself. His fat steely "Lone Star" shaft throbbed and jerked seeking the hot, slobbering mouth that had thrilled it almost to its limit of endurance.

"Shit, you ain't leaving me like this are you?" the Big Mouth Texan pleaded. "I'm fixin' to bust my nuts!"

Ivan the Gypsy came over and leaned down to lick the head of Barney's cock and then went down on him and cocksucked him a moment and then broke off suddenly when Barney began to respond.

"Somebody get me off!" the sailor bellowed. "Goddamn I want it! I gotta get a nut!"

Izzy leaned down and just teased his cockhead with his tongue causing the sailor to whine, then he pulled away and Gino once more tormented it with his tongue, but neither cocksucker throated him and his mighty cock jerked and throbbed fucking the air.

"Ask me nice, I might finish it up," Gino insisted as the big-mouth seemed caught on the horns of a dilemma.

Barney looked at Rosie then at Izzy and finally Ivan the Gypsy once more. Two of Gino's boys grabbed the sailor's arms and prevented him from finishing himself off by hand.

"Wanna suck on mine?" Ivan the Gypsy asked Barney shaking his hard-on at him and saw the look of envy when he realized that the "little gypsy runt" was hung like a horse.

"You like to screw holes with hair around them, well, I got me this real soft beard you can rest your balls on while you screw my hot wet hole," Gino said as he tugged at his bushy beard, "just ask me real polite like, big mouth!"

Barney remained quiet, but his dick stood harder than ever and jabbed at the air with every rapid heartbeat. In desperation he looked at Gino then begged, "Won't you please suck on it for me?"

"Say 'pretty please, Mister Gino, sir,'" Gino teased.

"Please, Mister Gino, sir," the desperate drunken sailor whined.

Gino grinned sinking to his knees. Izzy came to his side. They knelt side by side their bobbing heads alternating turns on the steaming sailor who seemed destine to be kept at the boiling point far longer than he ever had been before. Just when they sensed the overheated sailor was about to go over the edge they would suddenly stop to let him cool down, and then they'd start over again. Gino's strong pals held the desperate man in a grip that kept him immobile and unable to grab his own shaft to pound it to a frantic climax. Then the two cocksuckers would start all over again on Big Mouth Barney who was yelling over and over that, "I gotta shoot it; I gotta shoot it! Please, I gotta get my nut!"

Izzy went to work on Barney again.

"I want some of his juice, Izz," both Ivan and Gino both demanded of the burly bartender.

"We worked real hard getting the asshole primed for you," Gino said.

Izzy pulled off and Gino took over again.

"I went-an' primed his fuckin' pump, too," Ivan the Gypsy said.

"Yeah, I guess dat's fair," Izzy agreed.

It was truly the best blow-job the sailor had EVER received in his entire life from man, woman or beast! Gino's jaws began to fail, he told every one that as he got up and turned the smoking gun over to Izzy again. Izzy, as Walt as well as several other hundred men knew, was a master at cocksucking. Though he was almost exhausted from the workout, sweat dripping from him in torrents, he refused to stop until he'd cracked the straight sailor's smoking nuts. After nearly an hour of sexual torment and repeated pauses just before the crucial moment, suddenly it came!

Gino and Ivan the Gypsy both were kneeling beside Izzy now and then taking a lick on Barney's balls or deep-throating him while Izzy caught his breath and let Barney cool. They decided to let Barney make it, and while Izzy sucked there was a loud yelp from the sailor as he finally lost it. While he spurted down Izzy's throat Izzy squeezed it off and let Gino take a few squirts, and then gave some to Ivan the Gypsy, and then he finished taking the rest. With his tremendous climax, the sailor gave the three cocksuckers a jolt of Texas hot sauce that would have made the Galveston flood look like just a summer shower! It seemed to Walt that Know-It-All-Barney had not known it all after all! There was one thing Barney didn't know: What a blow-job from Izzy, Ivan or Gino could be like. Walt knew it had been just like the first time old Silas Johnson, the janitor, had given him his first. He knew Barney would be back for more. He would

make him the same offer he'd made Walt that first night at Thompson's Navy Yard bar, "Come back an' sit on my stool, it's da best seat in da house."

As it turned out, he was, and Izzy had even matched him up with Ivan the Gypsy who claimed that, "Sailorboy make me go crazy." But that first time Barney had to try to put up a front, when the orgasm was over and the thrill was gone, he started to threaten them all again.

"Youse got sweeter tastin' cum than youse got a sweet personality," Izzy taunted the angry sailor, smacking his lips. "I'll take yer juice from youse any time as long as youse go an' keep yer big fuckin' nasty, abusive trap shut!"

The annoyed sailor began to make a retort, but Gino cut him short.

"Aw, sit the fuck down an' fuckin' drink yer beer!" Gino yelled.

"Youse can have another brew on me, sailor." Izzy smiled. "I think youse fuckin' went for da prize. I think youse went an' got it, too, an' youse knows what? I bets youse come in again lookin' for another one. An' if youse do, ya better learn ta go an' talk nice ta me or youse ain't never gonna git ta foist base wid dis big fuckin' queer Jew cocksucker. If you want dat thing of yours slobbered on my me, big mout', youse gotta learn to be real fuckin' polite when youse come in here ta sit on my stool. Understand? Youse can have one of dem blow-jobs any time youse feel like gettin' one, an' nobody has ta knows about it, but youse an' me. Got it, sailor? It'll be my pleasure, an' it don't gotta cost you nothin' an' I'll even give youse a cold brew after I get youse off. Fair an' square?"

Barney sighed, and then nodded in agreement and drank quietly.

Ivan the Gypsy made the final assault on Big Mouth Barney when the sailor, tanked up on beer, staggered unsteadily for the downstairs men's room with the ride-tramp right behind him, and while he stood relieving himself Ivan the Gypsy jumped into the piss trough in front of him and went down on his pissing dick. The sailor was more confused than angry and pulled back, played his stream in Ivan's face and over him not understanding that what he did was hardly an insult to the ride tramp.

The Texan was very, very nice to Izzy from then on, and came there often for the cock worship only Izzy could give him! And, of course after the second visit to the bar, Izzy demanded they assume the "embrace of brotherhood."

Ah, yes! Walt's favorite watering hole was Thompson's Navy Yard Bar, and here he was once more seeking the pleasures that Izzy liked to give him. Izzy had taken a liking to Walt, especially his long, long skin that Walt always kept ripe and ready for Izzy when he planned a visit.

"Man, Oh, Man!" Izzy would sigh as he reverently caressed and sniffed Walt's uncircumcised endowment before gingerly tasting, then sucking away all the funky treasures within it.

"Man, youse an' Ivan da Gypsy sure got skin! I always wondered what da Rabbi did wid all dem skins dey clip. I bet dey send 'em off ta da Stork ta give da special little guys like youse two. Man I can dock wid da other guys, but youse two -- man! Youse two is da only ones I can puts my joint right inside an' jack off like I was doin' it wid my own fuckin' skin!"

He grinned, rolling his eyes, as he pulled it wide open pulling it over his nose like a breathing mask puffing and breathing inside as he slowly jacked on his own piece. Izzy would stand up after getting Walt off with his experienced deep throat technique, and slowly spread Walt's long wet foreskin open. He'd pull it slowly down over his own swollen cockhead half way down his shaft then slowly masturbate. Now and then Walt would do it for him until Izzy lost all control and begin to pump Walt's skin full of is own cum. He'd carefully retract his wilting shaft being careful not to spill a drop from the ballooned cum-filled foreskin by holding it closed with his thumb and finger, then get down and suck all of his own cum out of the sailor's monster meat.

"I do dat wid Ivan da Gypsy, too," Izzy grinned. "It sure turns his ass on, youse bet it does. Shit, he's somethin' else, he is. I knowed him a long time an' youse know, sailor, I love dat little punk."

Walt asked about Ivan. Izzy smiled saying that the usually saw him at least once a week usually alone -- now and then they spent the night together.

"That one-man show he put on here on the bar was amazing. I can suck my own cock if I try, but he really knows how to do it and get the men all riled up," Walt said of Ivan the Gypsy.

"Yeah, he does dat little gig out at Coney at one of his pal's late night sex shows an' sometimes at the public shit house at the "EL" Station. Dat place is a fuckin' zoo sometimes. He does pretty good in throw money, too. Youse ought to take it in sometime. It's da show of shows an' he's only one of the acts."

"So, they really do have live sex shows?" Walt said greatly interested.

"Sure, all kinds. Youse don't get to go unless youse knows somebody who can vouch for youse, but lots of horny men an' women goes to see `em. Sultan Abdul runs one of the hottest on the island," Izzy sighed, rolling his eyes. "Youse could sure be one of da stars."

"Well, I'm not really on the good side of Ivan. I don't think he likes me that much after the way I rubbed him the wrong way," Walt said.

"Ah, youse rubbed him the right way `cause youse is a sailorboy an' he'll do anything for a sailorboy -- anything. Give him a chance. OK? Youse know, Gyp ain't da bad ass he tries ta be, he's a real lover once youse gets ta know him. Sleepin' together is hot. Gyp's kinda lonely at times an' needs some lovin' now an' den like all of us do."

"Did he ever ask about me?" Walt asked.

"Now an' den. Why, youse wanna call him? I got a couple numbers where youse might find him, or youse kin go out ta Coney an' look for 'em. Hey, everything's opened up now and the joint is startin' to jump. Time you went-an' seen the action. Gyp's working on one of da rides dis week part-time for some jerk he knows dat got his ass put in jail. Knows anything about Coney?" Izzy asked.

"I know how to get there," Walt said, "I ride the subway train out to the end, right?"

"Yeah, right. Gyp's workin' da `Octopus' right behind da Cyclone roller coaster, youse can't fuckin' miss it, sailor."

"All week you say?" Walt asked.

"Yeah, why youse wanna see him?" Izzy asked curiously. "Changed your mind, `eh? Good!"

"Yes, I changed my mind about him. I think he's a pretty good guy after all. I was talking to the Chief about him," Walt said."

Izzy's big crude intimidating face broke into a grin, "I sure do knows da Chief! He sure got a big fat Irish joint on him an' he cums fuckin' pints for me." Then his face clouded as he shrugged. "Too fuckin' bad dey went an' clipped him, I bet he had a lot of fuckin' skin on dat pussy-buster of his before dey did."

"The Chief says I ought to see Ivan the Gypsy and apologize for the way I acted when we were at the party," Walt said.

"Ah, nothin' much bothers Ivan for long. He's got thick skin. Besides youse two went an' worked it out at my last Skin Party, no?"

"Yes, but I think I acted pretty shitty toward him and I didn't mean to be. He just kind of -- well -- he just cast some kind of spell on me or something. He did say maybe we could work together," Walt explained.

"A spell? Sure he did, he's a full-blooded Gypsy -- an' someday he might even be the King of da Brooklyn Tribe! Don't tell him I told youse, but he's next in line after Omar -- King Omar. Sure he worked a spell on youse, dey do dat youse know!" Izzy said convincingly.

"Could we ever get together and be a team or something?" Walt asked. "He said we might."

"Oh fuckin' shit! Youse an' dat tramp? Whadda youse gonna do? Try an' out hustle each other? Youse both gotta go some ta do that. From what I hear youse is a pretty smart hustler an' youse get paid off pretty much as youse want ta peddle dat big pussy bruiser of yours ta all dem hungry cocksuckers lookin' for seafood on da stick," Izzy said laughing heartily at his own joke. "I knows Gyp's a pro. He makes out like da bandit he is. Their ain't many hustlers like him an' people don't wanna admit it, but guys like him are always in demand by da cocksuckers, especially da ones who hang out around da amusements parks lookin' for tramps an' rough-neck greasy meat to swing' on. An' Ivan da Gypsy is a natural pro, nothin' contrived about him. He's just as youse see him -- a foist-class, A-1, natural piggy! But, he's also a clever hustler -- wid gold plated balls, because he knows he's got what da high rollers are willin' to pay

for because he's one of a kind, an' what they gotta have! He's as kinky as a Brillo pad. If there's a buck in it Gyp's there to earn it."

"Would he really like me to look him up?" Walt asked.

"He goes nuts for sailors. Hey, youse knows one thing he really likes is pee, especially from sailors. If youse goes out wear your blues, an' wear da ones youse wears to go hustling in, da tight ones. Make sure dey ain't been to the laundry neither so youse got the smell of your sweaty nuts in 'em, an' he says most of youse sailors get sweaty bein' out on the town all day an' night, an' dey always dribble a little in deem wool pants after they pee an' the crotch gets real smelly with stale pee an' that drive that tramp outta his head when he blows sailors. It's one of his kinky quirks that he can't say no to. Youse gotta go out an' see Gyp, sailor, ya gotta!"

Izzy paused a moment as he looked Walt deeply in the eye, then seemed a little more serious as if in deep thought before he gave Walt a pat on the shoulder, then continued speaking.

"Youse know, sailorboy? I love dat little punk like my own son -- maybe more den dat. Me an' him? Well youse knows how we clicked together. He looks up to me like a second Daddy, maybe I'm closer den his real one. He comes ta me when he needs somebody ta talk to an' help him over a rough spot dat comes up in his life now an' den. Between me an' Angelo we brung him up better n' his own Daddy, `specially after his brothers got killed in the war. Sometimes a man needs somethin' special like dat an' me an' Gyp fit together just like dat!" Izzy said, holding his huge paws up locking the fingers together like the couplings on two railroad cars.

"You wouldn't mind if I went out to see him?" Walt asked the bartender.

"Shit no! He said he was hopin' youse would look him up sometimes. Youse an' him is sure two of a kind. But, remember dis, sailor! Youse treat him square or else," Izzy said seriously, then suddenly slamming his big fist in his other palm with a loud smack.

Izzy's face took on a very serious look as he shook his finger at Walt.

"Youse jerk him around an' I jerk youse around, too. I might even jerk youse apart! Gyp an' me, we looks out for each other like brothers. I'm all he's got. We might love each other like brothers, but we don't own each other. Youse knows what I mean? Youse got it, Sailorboy?"

Walt assured Izzy that he just wanted to visit Ivan the Gypsy to see what Ivan had in mind for the two of them to do. For some unexplained reason Walt had taken a great interest in the unusual little Coney Island hustler. He decided that he could always go to nearby Manhattan for his thrills and fame as the big-dicked hustler no one could resist, for today he'd check out Coney Island and get to know Ivan the Gypsy better. What was there about the mysteriously alluring Ride-Tramp that seemed to attract Walt Winnochec? Walt couldn't explain it, but there was an almost magnetic attraction that he found irresistible! Little did Walt Winnochec realize, as he made his plan to visit the "anything-goes" amusement park on that day, that it would not be in Times Square's meat rack that he'd become famous; but that summer season of 1952, nine miles from Manhattan, Walt was about to find the place where he would soon become a legend as one of Coney Island's famous "Knights."

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