Bobblehead Monrow

By Rick F

Published on Aug 12, 2006



After I wrote my story which included how I got my nickname ( A little off the tip), I was reminded of Bobblehead Monroe. Let's see if I can tell it and make it interesting.

Bobblehead Monroe was a year younger than the boys he always ran with. Doug and Shane lived on the same street and Bubba was their best bud from a few streets over. There were close enough in age that most of the time there was no problem. Although, there were those transitions in life when one year made a huge difference, first grade, the start of junior high and high school, and things like that. That one year difference seemed to be much more than that. Kyle "Bobblehead" Monroe was skinny, awkward, and looked more like a geek than an athlete.

My understanding of his nickname, Bobblehead, was it was from the way he played football. His head would jerk back when he tackled somebody and flop around a little when he ran. On practices when we only wore helmets and shorts, his head did look too big, much like a bobblehead statue. But then, so did a lot of the boys. Doug, Shane, and Bubba were always quick to call him Bobblehead and laugh about it. After a while, the nickname just stuck.

The three older boys also had a tough reputation. Part of it was the talk, but a lot of it was deserved. Not only would they insult each other, they were also good at daring and pushing each other to do some crazy, and sometimes, dangerous shit. There is a mail drop box down the street that still holds the indentations from a road skiing event gone badly. Bubba was being dragged behind Doug's dirt bike the day it snowed and he went a little wide and the mail box stopped his forward motion. They were also the prime suspects of the crime of scaling the wall at the junior high, entering the central atrium, and placing a `decorated' manikin that looked an awful lot like English teacher Ms. Barlow.

Kyle's relationship with those boys was a matter of convenience and was perpetuate by the relationship itself. The older boys were also known as bullies, and that kept other boys at a distance. Kyle was thought of as being one of those boys, so the others would keep their distance from Kyle as well.

Shane was a pretty nice kid really. When he was by himself or in another group he was very friendly. He could talk intelligently, he had many good ideas, and he would smile frequently. He would be the one to pay enough attention to the wants of others that he grabs the coke from the ice chest and carry it over.

Doug wasn't so tough alone but he sure did try to keep that appearance up. He was pretty fast at letting people know that if they did anything wrong to him, he and his buds would soon make that person pay. It was always a threat that involved the others backing him up. He was really more talk than anything.

Bubba was really the dangerous one. Alone, he was reserved and quiet. He was often described as brooding. He really made no threats when alone, but it wasn't that unusual that something would happen to somebody who offended him. It might be a part broken on the kid's bike, eggs thrown at his house, or the target of group harassment when the three got together.

Kyle's nickname actually originated from a totally different activity than the football field. It was a day that the boys just had way too much time. There wasn't much going around town, school was out, and the weather was just too hot to be running around. They were still months away from being 16 and getting that valuable drivers license that translated to a higher degree of freedom. They were holed up in Shane's house. The boys were sitting around and talking. Most of the time, talking meant that they were giving each other shit or picking on each other. It was amazing that they stayed together as much as they put each other down or insulted each other.

On that day, there were three conversations going on, more or less at the same time. One was a popular subject of girls and sex. The other was a way to insult and put each other down and it was about jacking off. And the other was really led by Kyle, football and getting stronger and bigger to play the game. At one point, the conversations merged.

Bubba told Kyle: "Ya know, to bulk up to play, you have to eat a lot of protein and hormones. You can eat all the steak and peanut butter you want but you have to do more than that to get big."

Shane chimed in, not really knowing where it was going: "Yeah, there is special stuff! You have to know where to get it."

"But you got to be man to get it. You have to be tough enough to do shit that you hear about that is all fucked up stuff." Bubba continued. "It's the secret that the pros and college guys know and do."

"Its almost illegal!" Doug didn't know anymore than Shane did but said something anyway.

Bubba was making it up as he went along but he knew where he was going. He further explained, "The pros get guys to do most of it for them and its all sterile and all that. You got to do stuff so quick that only pros can do it, without doing it."

That left them all confused. Kyle was interested though. He told them that he would do about anything if it helped him bulk up. "I do need some ass, and arms, and legs really."

Then Bubba leaned up and got in Kyle's face and growled, "For us, there is only one way that we can get the protein and hormones needed to bulk up. It takes sacrifice. I've done it, Shane's done it, Doug has done it the most, just look at him. You got to be tough enough to do it. And it's not gay because it's a sacrifice. It's the only way, man!"

That did get Kyle very interested. It made Doug start to think way too hard as he was trying to remember what he had done the most. Shane heard "gay" in there and he was starting to wonder if he really meant gay as in homo or just gay as in weird (really meaning anything that Bubba didn't like).

And with a finger poking Kyle in the chest, Bubba warned him, "If you do this, and you're a pussy if you don't, you can't tell anyone. Anyone at all. It will get us kicked out, and I will kick your ass every fucking day!"

This was really getting interesting to Kyle, it was intriguing thinking about muscling up enough to really get into the starting lineup. And he was feeling the pressure from Bubba. He was thinking that if its so good that Bubba and them had done it, it must be good enough. Especially when it was worth a threat of an ass kicking. Kyle agreed and Bubba repeated the threat one more time.

Then he looked at Shane and Doug and said, "Take off your clothes." It was as much of an order as anything.

Doug cackled as he pulled his shirt over his head and kicked his shoes off. Shane started unbuttoning his shirt and wondered what was going to happen but he wasn't arguing much at all. And Bubba was a little slower as he worked on his jeans. He did tell Kyle to leave on his pants but it would be better to get rid of his shirt.

Doug was naked in almost no time. He was also well on the way to being boned up. He was moving around, pulling on his ball sack, scratching his butt and smiling like the devil. Shane had his underwear down to about mid-thigh when he heard Bubba command, "Now get on your knees in front of him and suck his dick."

Kyle protested, he said there was no way he was going to do it. Bubba told him he had to, it was the only way. It would be a sacrifice for him but also for all of the others. "Just getting naked with you on your knees is like sacrificing for you. Its not just sucking, its being sucked. So we're doing it and by-fucking-god you got to!"

Bubba was still in underwear but his boner was clearly tenting out his underwear. There was even a small wet spot of precum that made the cloth translucent on the head of his dick. Shane didn't want to be the target of Bubba's commands so he did finish pulling his underwear down and all the way off.

Doug was thrilled at the idea of getting sucked. He had a dick that was so white normally. When he got an erection, his dick would get so pink that it didn't even look real. When he was about to cum, his dick turned a dark red, almost purple. He was shaking his dick, trying to shake a little more blood into it. He joined Bubba in the coercion of Kyle. He was explaining that dick was just skin like the rest of him. "Its just like sucking on my arm. It's the same skin as on my belly. It would be like sucking on my tit."

Up until that comment, Kyle was just about convinced. It even sounded reasonable to Shane. Shane was trying to think who would have sucked Doug's tit when they all looked at each other and a huge laugh broke out. Doug tried to explain what he meant but it was just too good an opportunity to direct all the shit his way.

In reality, in the past several years, both Bubba and Shane had sucked on Doug's nipples. It was in separate occasions, just like all the other adventures in sexual exploration. Up to that point, other than a continuing interest and practice of pissing together, all the explorations had been in pairs, with the third boy never knowing what happened. It was the dirty little secrets that they kept from each other. The explorations had not gone all that far but there was some touching, a little practice kissing, and such. Doug and Bubba had jacked off together one night months ago when they shared Doug's room. And Bubba had reached inside of Shane's pajama's years ago when he played like he was asleep.

Kyle's first contact with Doug's dick was a bad one. Kyle complained that it was horrible tasting. Bubba told him, "That taste will go away real quick, it will turn good in a minute."

That statement convinced Kyle that at least Bubba had done this before. It did make Shane think about it. He hadn't known Bubba to actually suck a dick before, but he also didn't know about all the younger kids, three or more years younger that lived around Bubba's street. There were many boys who kept the secret for fear of being killed in the middle of the night in their own beds if they told. A couple of those boys liked it enough that on hot summer nights, they would walk up and down in front of Bubba's house to see if he was sitting in his opened garage or looking out his bedroom window. On the right nights, they would get called up to the house by a horny Bubba. There was a spot behind the juniper bushes on the side yard that served as a hidden spot for the fun. Bubba had swallowed enough cum that he sometimes wondered if it wasn't true about getting muscled up from eating cum.

As Kyle toughened up and became used to the pungent taste of Doug's dick, Shane stood still as his dick grew harder. Shane was trying not to touch himself. Playing with your own dick was one of those things that he could be attacked by the others. He didn't want to be called queer just by scratching an itch on his dick head. His dick was twitching with each heartbeat, and his heartbeat was increasing as he watched.

Bubba's hand was deep in his own underwear, pulling on his balls and dick. He would bend his knees and as he lowered, his hand would reach under his balls and play with his asshole. He worked his underwear down and let his boner free. Even more precum was oozing from the tip. He didn't worry about anybody seeing him play with himself, and nobody way. Shane was too engrossed in watching somebody actually sucking a dick. Doug had his eyes closed and he head thrown back. All Kyle could see were the reddish blonde pubes in his face.

"Suck my dick, suck my dick, oh baby, suck my dick, oh suck suck suck suck! Oh shit, Oh fuck, I'm gonna fucking cum. Oh fuck oh, wait oh oh ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!" and with that, Doug shot so quickly that it was almost disappointing to all. He fell back on the cushions on the floor, his dark red dick was shining with cum and saliva and slowly going limp. Kyle was trying to swallow and clean his face as he stayed on the floor.

Bubba barked an order to Shane, "Get your dick over there! He's got to do it all to get to work."

When Shane moved over in front of Kyle, Bubba unexpectedly stepped up behind him and grabbed his butt. Bubba filled each of his hands with butt cheeks and said, "Get that dick in his mouth. I'll take care of this big ol hot butt! I just want to bite a chunk out of that ass! Aaaaaagggghhh."

Shane was up on his toes as Bubba grabbed. He had a thought that any minute he was going to be ass fucked. He didn't even know if he could stop it. With no weight on his feet, he felt helpless in Bubba's hands. He didn't think he could even run. Shane was relieved and gave a little laugh when Bubba put him down and slapped his butt then backed off.

Shane looked down at Kyle as he scooted right up in front of him. Kyle did approve of Shane's dick. It was an attractive piece of meat, long, hard, beautifully shaped, and it did smell good. Kyle looked up at Shane and smiled. There was a bolt of electricity as Kyle's hand wrapped around the base of Shane's dick. That was nothing to what they both felt when Kyle's hot wet lips wrapped around Shane's hot hard dick head.

"How does that one taste?" Bubba asked Kyle.

"ghhooofff, pweddy ghoof." Kyle said without taking his mouth off Shane's dick. They all laughed but knew he meant `good, pretty good'

The feeling was amazing to Shane. It was so much better than jacking. And far surpassed the attempt by Doug last year to jack him. During that exploration, Shane wondered how Doug was able to jack himself off, it was so lacking in any rhythm. And it was better than the times that Shane could get his lips around his own dick. That self sucking never really did work, he couldn't breathe when he got his mouth on his dick.

Shane's legs were getting weak, he really wanted to sit down and leg Kyle finish him off but he also didn't want to break the action. When he tried to warn Kyle that he was getting close, he heard Bubba tell Kyle to pull on his balls. When Kyle pulled on about everything but Shane's balls, Bubba reached between Shane's legs and grabbed his balls. It was such a shock that although Shane was within seconds of shooting, it stopped that feeling.

It did make Shane moan in ecstasy.

Shane was no longer in charge of his body. He reacted to each little tongue tickle that Kyle introduced to the sucking. He could no longer hear anything but his heartbeat and his moaning and cussing. He filled his hands with Kyle's hair and plunged his dick deep into the boy's mouth. His body stiffened up, he squeezed hard on Kyle's head, he fought off shooting as long as he could but when he took a breath, he just exploded. He wasn't sure that his feet were even touching the ground, he might have been suspended by his own dick.

Shane collapsed in the spot that Doug had just moved from to get a better and close up look at Kyle's mouth surrounding Shane's dick. Shane sat there with his legs spread wide, his balls hanging free, his dick wet and feeling the cool draft. He felt like he was exposing himself, and he liked it.

"Go get a full glass of water and drink it and wash down all the cum in your mouth.", Bubba ordered. He was a little squeamish about letting his dick come into contact with the other boys' cum. It didn't even occur to him that he didn't mind the cum of the little boys that he sucked but didn't like the idea of cum on his dick.

Doug was about asleep but he and Shane moved to the side and got comfortable by leaning on the furniture. Bubba moved over to them and turned around. He bent over, spread his butt cheeks and just about shoved his asshole in their faces. Shane got thinking that was the ugliest thing he had every seen. He began to understand the difference in asshole and butthole, asshole was a whole lot uglier than butthole.

Kyle came back in, his jeans were opened but still on his hips. The other boys could see the head of his dick just popping out of the top the waistband of his underwear. What the three older boys didn't know was that last year of junior high had been very good to Kyle, at least when it came to what happened in his underwear. The same growth spurt that caused Kyle to grow tall, skinny, and gangly had also caused his dick to lengthen by even greater proportion. When he would bone up, it would grow several inches. He had measured it at just over 8 and ¼ inches. He wasn't sure that all the measurements that he read about in Penthouse and Playboy included the head or not. So he wasn't sure if he was actually 8 ¼ or 6 ¾.

When Kyle got on the floor, Bubba walked over to him, his legs spread out and walking funny, his hand shaking dick, and referring to it as some monster dick coming at Kyle. It was actually the smallest dick in the room, but all the talk convinced them all that it was of significant length and girth.

Kyle almost mechanically took a hold of Bubba's dick and pulled it to his mouth. He started sucking on it right away. He took the whole dick in his mouth, burying his nose in the thick dark pubic hairs.

Bubba asked, "How does that one taste?"

"li puth."


"li puthhhh."

"Take your mouth off and tell me." Bubba ordered.

"Like Puke!" came the answer from Kyle. Shane and Doug laughed and waited for Bubba to respond.

Bubba grabbed Kyle's head and slammed it into his crotch. Kyle's mouth and nose were lost in the thick black pubic hair as he searched for his dick. Kyle started sucking him again. Bubba's hips began to move back and forth. He began to hump Kyle's face. The longer it went, the harder Bubba was humping. Before too long, Kyle's head was bouncing back and forth. Bubba was humping hard and fast and Kyle's head responded with each movement.

Shane noticed it first and yelled, "He looks like a bobblehead! Look at that. His head is going back and forth and it doesn't even look like he has a neck. He's a bobblehead!"

Doug agreed that is what it looked like. The two of them laughed at that sight as Bubba was getting seriously close to shooting his cum. He was so close that he got a little wild and his dick slipped out of Kyle's mouth a few times. Kyle's head bobbed even more as he tried to catch up with it and suck it back in. It just reinforced the image of the bobblehead doll.

As Bubba shot his cum, from that point on, Kyle would be known as Bobblehead. The way he tackled and ran in football was only a cover for the name for the dozens of other friends who called him that.

I wasn't there but I had heard about it from two of the guys and I think I explained it like it happened, with a few embellishments. Like my first story, I hope I didn't bore anybody. I had fun writing this, I've just thought about it every once in a while. Thanks, I hope to hear what you think

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