BREAKFAST-- a mature love story-- .

By Buddy sojourner

Published on Mar 16, 2002



Copyright c 2001 by Sojourner


TIME is so important in our lives; or at least, it should be. How often do you hear someone say; "I wish I had time for. If I only had the time. I need more time to. With enough time I could."or something like; "Time just slipped away. I don't know where the time went. There is just never enough time. The time just seemed to pass me by." Human beings are constantly referring to time; just about all of life, even death, revolves around it. Time means everything and so does TIMING. Timing can make or break you in business, careers or jobs opportunities, in finances, or in social encounters. But TIME and TIMING truly ARE everything when it comes to romance and matters of the heart.

As young gay men, some of us go through our entire lives missing all the right opportunities to find that one true love; being caught up in the fast pace lifestyle of searching for the next sexual partner. The whole gay world, for the most part, seems to revolve around finding and scoring that next hot trick and then quickly moving on to find yet another. When someone special does come along, many of us simply blow the prospects for true happiness by running headlong into the fears, petty jealousies and the mistrusts we feel for our prospective lovers. If for no other reason, for the simple fact that we too have done all the things we wish not to have as characteristics in our man. Not to mention all those preconceived motions of the physical type of man we are looking for. Either he is too tall or too short, too hairy or too smooth, too young or too old, too skinny or too fat, or any of the numerous other physical characteristics we want our man to have or not have. We are all men and as much as we try to not admit it, men are all PIGS and DO tend to think FIRST with their dicks.

When the time is right and we are lucky enough to run into a special man; sometimes, our brains begin to tell us that this might just be the one. Somewhere down the line, our hearts try to take over, causing an upheaval between what we think is love and what might possibly only be lust. But again, it usually all comes back to and starts with the dick. Hopefully, by the time our brains and hearts wake up to what is right in front of our faces, and what the dick already knows, it is not too late to find and have that perfect relationship. And sometimes, just sometimes, when we least expect it, LOVE slaps us across the tops of our heads, knocks the wind out of us and leaves us in a state of complete and total amazement. No one is perfect UNTIL they fall in love. But when the TIMING for an encounter happens and the TIME is right; we fall in love and have no choices except to go with what our heats, minds and; of course, dicks tell us to do. Hopefully, we open ourselves up to everything that we have run from for most of our lives, and let time take over.

You are about to embark upon an encounter where TIME and TIMING was everything. So, with that said. let's get going.

I was completely illiterate when it came to computers and the Internet. For years I had vowed that I would never own one of those confounded, damn machines but everyone around me seemed to be talking about how great they were; how much fun you could have on them. Friends told me that I could use a computer for my business files and taxes, that I could actually go anywhere in the world and could even have some fun on-line, chatting with different people. I eventually became curious enough. So one frosty fall Colorado morning, out I went to price and familiarize myself with the styles of the different computers. By the time I left the first store, I had bought my first pc along with a printer, scanner and all the other necessities for Internet activity.

I hurried home and set up my new play toy, not knowing the first thing about what I should do next. I was so stupid, I thought all I had to do was to plug the damn thing into a telephone jack and I would be "on line". Well, that sure didn't work! After a couple more frustrating days of learning about servers and configuring this electronic nightmare, I was finally connected and "on line".

Before long, with the help and guidance of my stepdaughter and some friends, I was surfing the net with ease. By mid winter I had learned to design my own web page; text with pictures included, and up-loaded it to the net. Against the advice of several people while making my web page, I figured, why not just be open and honest and put everything in. I told all the statistical information of my age, height, weight, and HIV status that most gay men seem to look for first when scanning through someone's personal pages. I did an entire section called Quest for Love' on my likes and dislikes in gay relationships, what I was like sexually, about my past loves and what I hoped to find in future encounters. I told about the business I owned and my plans to sell it, my gay political connections, my social life and what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I left nothing to the imagination, with the exception of loading any nude photos of myself. Being a good `ol southern boy', I thought it would be too tacky to load those types of pictures to my web page.

I downloaded an ICQ program to my computer mainly to be able to chat, in real time, with different family members and a few close friends. I soon found out that I could meet some interesting men, from all over the world, by using that program. I discovered the chat rooms of and began going into the Mature Men, Bears and Poz rooms in both the Mountain and Pacific regions. My web surfing took me to other sites where I could browse personal ads for hours, pulling up the profiles of men, reading their ads and looking at their pictures. I ran across a site called the Poz Room Index. This Poz Room Index was mainly for people; who are HIV positive, to list their profiles with links to their web pages and e-mail addresses. I thought it would be harmless enough to list myself, so I uploaded my picture and information to it. This gave me the courage to go back into the other personal sites I had been checking out and place an ad in those sites as well. I linked my web pages and e-mail addresses to all of them in hopes of someone finding me for friendship, romance or just plain old conversation. Like so many others, I was ever searching for that one man out there who I just knew was also looking for me.

Over the next few months I entered into different chat rooms and looked around all sorts of web sites. I found that I was completely hooked on the Internet and began spending more and more time each night surfing for gay sites and, of course, gay men.

I uploaded and downloaded. I scanned, saved and filed. I added software. I bought hardware. I became a complete computer nerd. I was so busy checking out the world of the dot com.'s that I even forgot all about having listed myself out in the cyber world. That is, until one day in May, when I received e-mail from a stranger with a picture of himself attached.

My first reaction was, "What the FUCK! Who in the hell could this be from?" as I enthusiastically opened the mail.

Like the pig queen I am; I HAD to look at the picture before reading what was written. It was of a husky, tanned man; wearing only white brief jockey shorts with an unmistakable bulge. Needless to say, both the body and the way the shorts were nicely filled out completely got my attention. I opened the text part of the mail, still trying to figure out who this man was and where he had gotten my e- mail address. My heart pounded in my chest as I read what this stranger had to say.

Well I am blown away by your bio. You sound too good to be true. And so handsome! Hmmmm... Well, I should tell you something of me. In case you might be interested... I have been HIV for the past 10 years and doing extremely well. I stand 6'2". I weigh 210# have a full head of dark brown hair, goatee, hairy chest and legs and ass, well hung, blue eyes, in relatively good shape (I go to the gym at least twice a week, just to keep it together.) I am deeply spiritual, deeply sensual, can be very sophisticated, and yet very down to earth. I am civilized enough to enjoy classical music, and nasty enough to be completely uninhibited sexually. I don't have any notions about how it is supposed to be in bed. Generally I am a top, and yet I am looking for a mate that will allow me to experiment with lovemaking. In other words, I am not really into roles, so much as lovemaking.

I have had three relationships that didn't pan out, and I am now looking for a life partner. Ups, downs, in- betweens, I can handle all of those. What I can't handle is dishonesty. That means in all aspects of a relationship. So I wanted to be very clear about that from the start. My last lover was sleeping around on me, and although I sort of knew it, I didn't confront him on it. And I learned that by not dealing with it, I had guaranteed the relationship was going to end. The funny thing is... I am extremely sexual.... I could get into a three way, if my lover wanted to. I have done that before, and found them lots of fun. If that makes me a slut, well, so be it. Sex is fun, and I want a lover who thinks the same way. I also, don't want to be the one that always initiates sex. I want to have a lover that "attacks me in the morning." Just like I will attack him too. Hee Hee!

Now for the dull stuff... I live in California. I have a large house in Laguna Beach. I own my own businesses. I am a contractor and a realtor. Financially I am pretty secure for my age. I have a couple of rentals, which provide nice income, and I don't have any debts. I have a cottage on an island in Canada, which is remote and a little primitive yet very cozy. ( My grandfather built it.) I just bought a 2-bedroom house in Honolulu, Hawaii, with maid's quarters. I just spent 5 weeks restoring and repainting it, and cleaning up the gardens. It is above Waikiki in the Manoa Valley by the University. And thought it would be fun to retire there with my life mate one of these days. Or maybe just shuttle between homes. I have a little dog ( Bichon Frise) I am an artist at heart and would love to oil paint. I also like to write, and would enjoy pursuing that in the future. maybe when I retire. So selling my businesses here doesn't mean that I don't want to accomplish something else in my life. I can totally relate to what you are doing. selling your business. I have been considering that for quite a while. I think I may train my nephew to one-day take mine over for me. That way, the income will remain. I haven't really decided what to do yet.

In the meantime, I thought it would be a good idea to find my life mate. I think God will work in mysterious ways, and providing my sexual, spiritual, emotional lover. HOPEFULLY, That is one way my life will start to shift and move.

So if you are interested at all.... maybe . What the heck... what have we got to loose? Here is a picture of me. Hope you like it.

Hope to hear from you

I had no idea where he had seen my bio; which ad he had come across. I had up-loaded so many. Where ever it was that he found my web pages; he must have liked what he read and saw. After all, he sent me this mail with his picture. This was my first on-line encounter of this or any type, the prospects where both frightening and exciting. I went back and studied his picture again and again. He appeared to be the type of man that I would consider just my type under any normal circumstance but there was certainly nothing normal about this.

"Wow!" I snickered to myself. "This is the first person to respond to one of my ads. Now what the fuck am I suppose to do next?"

I took a couple of anxious, fearful days of soul searching before I could muster up the courage to reply to this guy's mail. When I did finally respond, I tried to make it sound as if I had just gotten his mail that day. I did not want to appear to be too eager.


Thank you for your e-mail. I received it tonight after I finished watching "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend". (Nice old romantic comedy.) I must say that it took me completely by surprise and I thank you for the nice compliments. You didn't say where you had come across the bio or my web page. Anyway, your mail arrived and really lifted my spirits after a stressful day at work.

You said that I sounded too good to be true. Well, I have to say that from what you wrote to me; I have to turn that back on you. Your e-mail almost sounding as if it had been scripted by one of my friends who knows the type of man I am looking for. As I read on, I kept thinking that this was some cruel joke a friend was playing on me. However, I began to wonder if this was in fact legitimate. I even began to be excited and intrigued by the possibilities of it being real. By the time I had finished the first couple of paragraphs, I felt that you were for real.

I am new to this Internet stuff as far as being a way to meet people. I use the net mainly to chat with life long friends and family. I did a web page for people to know who they were chatting with when I go into the chat rooms. I do not go into those rooms too often and when I do it is usually the POZ room on the Pacific floor. I usually use ICQ to chat with people I know.

Sorry, I digressed. From your mail, it seems we have quite a lot in common. It is nice to hear of others having like mind-sets when it comes to love, relationships and sexuality. It seems to be way too difficult to meet nice men much less even begin to develop some form of a relationship. I especially like the way you said that you cannot handle dishonesty. My last lover (an ass hole) was a compulsive liar and cheat. Even his mother warned me about it before we moved in together. But I had made a commitment and we were raising his daughter together, so I had to stick it out. Even though we didn't make it, we are still the best of friends (and he is still an ass hole) and the kid has given us 4 wonderful grandkids. I was just way too young to be a grandparent. LOL!

Again I digress. As I read on in your mail, I wondered why you began that one paragraph as "the dull stuff". That is a part of your life and something to be very proud of. You apparently have made a comfortable life for yourself and understand just how hard it is to consider selling a business and moving into a different, new stage of life. I have been struggling with this for the past year. I have my shop on the market but no takers YET! I keep saying that it is because the time is just not right yet. I am a firm believer in that when things are supposed to happen...they do. It's all in the timing!

It was interesting that you said that you wanted to write. That is something that I have always wanted to try my hand at, but have been too afraid to begin anything other than a few short stories, and just tinkering around with ideas and formats.

And finally, I came to your picture. You had already captured my interest by this time and then I opened your picture. All I could say was "Damn, that is one good-looking man". I printed it out and have looked at it most of the evening; trying to decide just how to respond to you. Like I said earlier, I am not use to this Internet stuff. Like you said, "What have we got to loose". So, I will take the plunge and say HEY!!!

I would really enjoy corresponding with you and getting to know you better. Who knows? We could turn out to be the best of friends. or!

Sorry this has been such a long e-mail. I do hope to hear from you again and once more "Thank You" for such a nice e- mail. Hope you have a good day. You certainly made mine!


I printed off a copy of his picture and took it to work with me the next day. My mind raced all day, wondering about all the possibilities that could come from this correspondence. Work was hell having to anxiously wait to see if I would hear from him again. My mind was running on over-time. I had doubts and was curious about who he really was and what he really was up to. My insecurities and suspicions went wild. Maybe, this was some kind of a joke after all.

The very first thing I did when I got home that evening was to turn on my computer and hurriedly open my mail. Sure enough, there it was. another e-mail from him.

My first thought was, "Man, this guy doesn't waste any time!" I began to read.

Thanks for the quick reply. He He. Well, the truth is, I am telling the truth! With HIV, I cannot see the point in lying. It has made me realize how very precious every moment is. So I won't burden others or myself with "fudging the facts". So what you see is what you get.

I so enjoyed your response. We have a great deal in common. I ended up taking care of my last lover's son every weekend. And since John was such a complete liar, his son had to look to me for any guidance. Eventually, when we parted, it was suggested that his son stay away from his father and maintain a relationship with his mother only. My ex lover was really a piece of work. I wish him well, and hope he finds his inner self soon. All I know is that it is too exhausting dealing with lies and fabrication.

I am pretty open and honest. So in our correspondence that is what you will get. I don't know what will become of this, but if we tell the truth from the start, at least we have a chance. If we don't,,, all is lost anyway.

Wish I could meet with you immediately, but know that that is not really possible. I will look forward to that someday in the future. I suppose if you are trying to sell your business, you might want to find a business broker in your area, or go on line under "business for sale". There are a few web sites that are interesting. I have looked at them, and they seem promising. It is difficult to sell your own business, and is usually better to have a professional do the listing for you. The 10% charge is usually worth it.

Well, I have to get dressed and ready for work. I will email you later. But I wanted to thank you right now for making my day.

Here is another picture of me, so you know what you are possibly getting. If you know what I mean. I figure there is nothing to hide here.


This time I read the text first, before opening the picture he had sent. But when I did; to my surprise, it was almost the same picture as had been sent before. with the exception of one thing missing. His underwear! I about fell off my chair.

"Damn, this queer sure is bold" I thought, "to send this kind of picture." I was not complaining but my southern sense of values took over and I felt that it might have been nicer to get to know him a little better before receiving a nude picture. "Who the fuck are you?"

There he was in all of his glory; his pecker standing up and sticking straight out. It looked like some sort of weapon. I had to laugh and tried to think of just how I was going to compose my response and myself. That is when a third e-mail came in. I quickly opened it and began to read.

By the way, what is ICQ ? And how do you use that to chat with people. I am not familiar with that technology. Just thought I would ask.

I have a busy day in front of me... and am having dinner with friends tonight. I do love giving small dinner parties for friends. I have a beautiful 19th century dining room, with Sarouk Persian carpets and crystal chandeliers, etc.

so I can set a lavish table. I worked as a chef for a while; so cooking is something I really enjoy. Lately I have been tending towards vegetarianism, after having read some horrible tales about the way they process meat in this country. Gosh what is wrong with people that they would do such things to animals? So I guess I should buy organic or kosher, just to make sure I am not eating poison.

I am not a fanatic about my health, but on the other hand, I do try to take care of myself. Mostly, I just listen to myself and do what feels right. I do meditation regularly, and attend Siddha Yoga group on Wednesday nights. Both my sister and I are participants in yoga. I have been doing that for years. I was raised a Methodist, but somehow I got more value out of the eastern approach to spirituality. Maybe it was the differences that changed the perspective. In any event, I have been to India several times, to Mainland China, (I speak Mandarin, major in college) and around the world several times, too. Now days, I would rather travel with a partner, so I can share the joy of seeing the wonders of the world. Isn't it more fun, when you can ooh and ahh about something to someone else?

So, I guess I do have a couple of questions for you too. What are your preferences sexually? Top, bottom, versatile, etc. I am not into kinky stuff myself, so I hope that is not a barrier. Do you want a relationship, which is closed, or do you envision a relationship where we invite others to participate in our sex lives together. I am not really into having an "OPEN" relationship in terms of you having sex without me. But I can see the excitement of a three- way, as long as you and I are participating together. Also, I think it is important for us to have a few guidelines in terms of safety. Like it is probably a good idea to use condoms for anal intercourse, just so we don't pass varying resistances to each other. But I don't use condoms for oral sex at all. I don't think there is substantial risk involved and frankly it would feel weird. When I suck a cock, I want to suck a cock, not a piece of rubber. I do have some porno here, and although I have looked at them from time to time, I much prefer having sex with a human being. I guess it is ok to set the mood, but frankly, when I get going, I forget the porno is going. I get concentrated on the interaction between people. I also love massage, and have a massage table, in case you would like to do massage exchanges. I think that is a great way of maintaining excitement in a marriage, don't you? Well, I have rambled on enough. Hope you are having a great day.... and hope that I hear from you and that I have not completely blown you away. If I haven't, you know it is only an hours' flight from your house to mine. He he. You might want to take a long weekend to visit. Just a thought. Take care...

I usually would have to think of just the right thing to say and just the right way to say it, but from this e-mail, this fool had me questioning way too many things. I didn't know if corresponding with this man was such a good idea or not. For one thing, he had sent that nude picture, talked about me flying out to meet him and about us having a sexual and lover type relationship, way too soon. He had mentioned the three-way thing too many times, which made me wonder if that was really what he was looking for in any relationship. I also felt that he was trying to impress me with his worldliness and material possessions way too much. I was getting somewhat uncomfortable with this entire scene. I began my e-mail back to him with a somewhat leery, smart- assed attitude.


You still haven't told me where you came across my web page address. It is obvious that you have seen my page; otherwise you would not have seen my bio and pictures or that I was trying to sell my business. I pretty much laid most everything out there in my web pages. Sure, that is not all there is to me, but it is fairly much a reliable start.

I am pretty much just a plain, struggling, down to earth, poor country boy, trying to make my way in this mixed up world we live in. I am not impressed with and do not care about material possessions. If I have it. I have it. If not.oh well. It is not that important. I have seen way too many people (especially queens) whose whole world revolves around what they have and/or who they know. How SAD!!!!

As I said in my web site, I have ZERO Tolerance for cheats and/or liars. Glad you feel the same way. I am not as sure as you seem to be about wasting time with details. I feel that all I have is time and finding out about someone is a lot of the fun. Don't get me wrong, I do not and will not hide or try to deceive anyone. I am brutally honest to a fault. I am WAY TOO outspoken and opinionated. If someone asks me a question; then they better expect my answer. They do not have to agree with it but they will get my opinion.

Back to the time thingie, I have lived the past 14 years as a single gay man and have become extremely self reliant and self-sufficient. I have had to be. I tend to be somewhat stubborn and have to do things for myself. I try not to infringe on family or friends when I can get something done for myself. Anyway, having lived alone all these years, I guess I have settled into a rut of just doing things by myself and for myself. Not always the most pleasant way to live but it is the way I live.

What does this have to do with TIME? Well, 14 years ago when I first tested positive, my doctors said that I had 3 to 6 months to live. I told the doctors to "Fuck OFF". That kind of news does mess with your head and emotions. But I took the bull by the horns like I usually do and went about the business of my life. Over the years I have adjusted to life as a poz person and have sometimes allowed it to control my life choices. Not Anymore.

A couple of years ago I decided to start making changes in my life, to not merely exist in this world but to really live in it again. That's where the time comes in to play. After years of watching the so-called parade always passing me by, it is sometimes difficult to join back in the whole procession. Times have changed so much since I was out there in the dating world. I have gotten older and the rules of the "game" have truly changed. I am not sure I even know how to do the cruising thing anymore and as far as actually dating someone. well that just plain scares the shit out of me. I am cautious, sometimes too much so for my own good. I do not feel a great rush to jump into the pool until I am sure that the water is not too deep or too cold. I feel that I have waited this long so a little while longer certainly won't hurt me.

Sexually I am not that active. Meaning that I do not go out looking for sex, mainly because I find most of the men I see in the bars to be losers. Either they are out for only sex and are playing all these stupid games, or they are the same old bar drunks and druggies who are in the bars every night. So when I do go out, it is usually to just be around friends. I apparently get the message across to most people from my body language, not to mess with me. I do not cruise and if someone even looks like they might be interested, I get nervous and instinctively tuck my tail between my legs and run the other way. This is a trait that I am trying to change. I have been thrown off of many horses and have always managed to get back in the saddle, but this dating thing is a horse that I am having trouble climbing back on.

Now, you asked several questions in your e-mail. First of all about my sexual preference. As I said on my web page, "I am an extremely aggressive versatile bottom who likes to share control. Shared control is a LOVER, being in control of or controlled by, is a TRICK." I am also not into kinky stuff. However, what one person thinks might be kinky, another might consider it the norm. I like man-to-man love making, and when it is two men who truly love and crave each other.........nothing should be held back from experiencing each other's body, mind and soul fully while making love. I am a complete fool for romance.

As far as open relationships... which you have mentioned several times...well that is not my cup of tea. I have had 2 lovers in the past and I never cheated on either of them. My last one cheated on me all the time but I figured at least it kept him off my back...literally!!! I stayed home with the kid. Besides, we lived 42 miles out in the country from Houston. Anyway, when I am in a marriage (and that is what I believe it to be), I am totally loyal and expect my partner to be as well and I most definitely expect it to be a marriage in every sense of the word. I guess I am just a good `ol Texas boy. I do not go into a relationship easily, and take them extremely serious. I am really very old fashion, down to earth and somewhat Victorian when it comes to matters of the heart.

So as far as the third party being added into a relationship like you have mentioned several times. I agree that adding another sexual partner works for some people and can add some amount of spice to a relationship. However, I tend to be a bit possessive and territorial when it comes to hearth and home and especially my man.

My best friend who I have known all my life and his lover; live in Palm Springs, have been together for going on 19 years and they have always had an open relationship but only when they each agreed. They still act as if they had just met last week. It is too cute! It works for them but they had built a solid loving relationship between the two of them before they ever started all of that crap. They have relationship built on total trust and loyalty so for them to add a trick for a little variety. works fine for them. I couldn't and wouldn't ever do that. I hope that answered your question.

Most of the people I run around with are in long marriages. One couple here in Denver just had their 26th anniversary and another is heading on their 17th. I have other friends who I knew when I lived in Houston who have been together for their entire adult life. I must say that I admire all of these couples and am somewhat envious. All I have ever really wanted was to have a long-term relationship built on love, respect, trust and loyalty. I will not settle for anything less.

Back to your questions and comments. As far as sex, yes you MUST play safe. I agree with everything you said and the massage table sounds WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Anyway, since I am not out in the gay life that much as far as tricking and all, I have quite a large selection of porn films. They help, but in NO WAY take the place of a man's warm strong body.

As far as maintaining excitement in a marriage...creative minds will always find ways to juice up a love affair. One way could be to take turns setting up a special date once a month for the other person and then the next month it would be the other persons turn to do the same. Or how about coming home to a table draped in black leather with hot pink and purple confetti sprinkled around it and a candle lit lobster dinner with 3 different wines? The desert would be to make love on the table! Is that too kinky for you? Or how about saddling two horses, taking a long ride to a remote spot and have a wonderful long picnic lunch. Then unsaddle the horses and making love on the blankets until the sun goes down. Still too kinky? Or how about going camping at a lake where all the bass fishermen camp. In the middle of the night the two of you sneak up to the campground showers and have a go at each other under the shower spray hoping a fisherman doesn't walk in on you as you devour each other's bodies? I know...I AM getting kinky now!!!!!!!!! LOL But just food for thought!!!!!!!!!! There are many, many ways to keep an affair alive and growing.

Ok my new friend; this has been a real long e-mail. I hope that I haven't frightened you completely off with all my ramblings. You asked for honesty and that is what I will give you. in abundance.

I enjoyed hearing back from you today and was a bit surprised by your second picture. Don't misunderstand. It was GREAT. but just a shock to receive it. You are a very good-looking man and I like where most of your head seems to be. You must know that you are capturing my complete attention. LOL

Have a GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!! And hope to hear from you soon.


I hoped my e-mail hadn't been too harsh. He had made some important statements and had asked some very direct questions. I felt that I should give him a complete and honest response, so I had tried to answer his questions exactly the way I truly felt; to let him know the type of person I was and what I was all about. No bull shit. Nothing hidden.

No sooner than I had hit the send button, I thought. "Well, that should really piss him off! I will probably never hear from him again after he reads all of that."

But I did hear from him again, a lot. Our electronic correspondence became an on-going, daily occurrence.

I told all my friends in Denver about my new stranger from the Internet. I e-mailed my friends in Palm Spring and told them all about this guy I was corresponding with. I became totally infatuated with this new way of electronic meeting and kind of dating. I shared with everyone what he and I were sending back and forth to each other over this invisible Internet connections.

In the following weeks, I relaxed about receiving mail from this guy and found myself even looking forward to getting home each night just to check my e-mail. Getting his mail became an important part of my routine. He loaded an ICQ program to his computer so we could have real-time, private chats on-line. Sometimes just to be different, we would meet in the Poz chat room on Over the course of the next few months, we told each other almost everything about our lives and what we hoped for in our future. We talked about our likes and dislikes, our ex-loves, our families and even some of our fantasies. As time passed and we became more comfortable with one another, our e-mails and conversations in our on-line chats became more explicit and sexual in nature. I even worked up the nerve to trade some rather revealing nude photos of myself with this man. We began to have what could only be described as an anonymous on-line affair; which was somehow extremely erotic. We never had any other form of communication; never felt the need to talk by phone or have any other contact, besides our e-mails or chatting on ICQ or in one of the chat rooms.

One day in mid August, we were chatting on ICQ and he asked me if I had ever been to Palm Springs; since I had friends living there.

Before I had time to begin typing in a response, I couldn't believe what my eyes saw as his next statement began filling my computer screen.

"That would be a wonderful place for our first meeting, don't you think? It's a neutral gay location for both of us and it might make things feel more at ease for a romantic liaison." He quickly added. "We could spend a long weekend together and really get to know each other."

Without even a second thought, my fingers began typing in the words I knew I wanted him to see on his screen. "God! I would love to meet you in Palm Springs. When?" I knew I sounded eager but what the hell.

"As soon as possible. I don't think I can keep up this computer dating stuff much longer." His response came. "I have to meet you. What's your schedule like the first part of September?" he too had an urgent sound, even if it was just typing on his keyboard and displayed on my computer screen.

I knew I would do whatever it took; changing my work schedule, to fit this long awaited trip in. "Either the second or third weekend should be good for me." I typed in.

Before I could finish typing my reply, he had already begun typing in the next thing on his mind. "Great! I'll start making the reservations and let you know what the plans are. This is going to be so wonderful. Finally getting to see you face to face and not having to do all this God damn typing shit."

I laughed and I typed in, "ROTFLMAO" which means, in computer language, rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.

Although the past few months had been exciting and wonderful in many ways, meeting and seeing him up close and; hopefully, personal was going to be just what the doctor ordered. He seemed to be feeling pretty much the same. He told me that he would check on airline tickets and resort availabilities and let me know as soon as he had them locked in place. We closed off our chat for the night.

The excitement of an up-coming meeting with him was something I just had to share with my friends in Palm Springs. I sent them e-mail, telling them of the plans we were making. Besides, I would be able to see them again and wanted him to meet them as well.

The man must have been on a mission, because the very next day, he had everything all lined up. He had booked me a ticket to fly directly from Denver to Palm Springs the second weekend of September and had reserved us a room in the Mirage section in the Vista Grande Resort. He scheduled my flight out of Denver real early on Thursday morning and to return late the following Monday night. That would give us almost five full days together.

The next couple of weeks were hectic and nerve- wracking to say the least. During the day, I had to move customers around, allowing me the time off from my business. I had to ask friends to watch my dogs, cat and birds. I sent my friends in Palm Springs an e-mail telling them about our plans to come to the desert. And I HAD to go shopping for a suitable wardrobe. When you live in a cold climate like Colorado, you don't have much need for a lot of summer party clothes. I had my hair done and got a manicure. I wanted everything to be just right. At night, he and I chatted for hours about the excitement we felt about our upcoming meeting. It felt like the TIME would never pass before this trip would finally get here.

We each had so much to get done the night before our trip to the desert. We only chatted for a short time on ICQ, keeping it short and sweet, and telling each other how much we were looking forward to the next day. Afterwards, as I began to pack my clothes, I had the most awful, sickening feelings hit me in the pit of my stomach. What if he and I didn't hit it off? What if he took one look at me and decided that I was not his type, or visa versa for that matter? What if we were both looking for the same thing but just not with each other? What if I overslept and missed my plane? What if? What if? What if? Every emotional roller- coaster ride I had ever allowed myself to take went through my brain. All the fears, doubts and insecurities I had built up in my head over the years from bad and unfulfilling relationships had slapped me in the face like a ton of bricks. I began to panic.

All the excitement and worrying had kept me awake most of the night but I still managed to get myself to the airport that morning in plenty of time to catch my flight. Having taken along a good book to read to keep my mind off of the adventure I was embarking on, I settled into my seat for the two-hour flight to Palm Springs and began to read. It didn't work. My mind was filled with both excitement and doubts. I ordered a Bloody Mary as soon as the plane was in the air.

The flight was uneventful, my brain raced and I had several more Bloody Mary's' to help to calm my nerves, but as we landed at the Palm Springs airport, my anxiety kicked into full swing again. I became even more edgy about the upcoming meeting with this man I had been chatting with on the Internet for the past few months and was now finally going to meet in real time. Face to face. Up close and personal.

"Oh my GOD!" I thought as I got into a taxi and headed for the resort. "What the fuck was I thinking? I can NOT believe that I am actually doing something this stupid and crazy at this stage of my life."

The taxi driver pulled off of Ramon Road into the Warm Sands subdivision where most of the gay resorts were located. My heart was beating ninety miles an hour.

"What if this guy is one of those cyber mass murderers of gay men?" My thoughts were now at a peak and wouldn't give me any time to relax. "Would we even recognize each other? Would we hit it off? Was this going to be very awkward?"

I had no idea what to expect. My nerves were on end. Every type of horror scenario of doom and disaster ran through my mind as the taxi pulled up to the entrance of the Mirage and stopped.

He only had to drive the short 120 mile distance from Laguna Beach to Palm Springs, so he had arrived at the resort long before me and had already checked us into the room we were to share. He knew what time my plane was to land and was waiting just inside the courtyard. As soon as I stepped out of the cab and first saw him walking through the gate to greet me, all the anxiety and fears quickly faded. The sight of him took my breath away. He was even better looking in person than any of his pictures had shown.

"Hey, good lookin'!" he yelled. "I was afraid you might of changed your mind about coming."

"And miss getting' a better look at a hot man like you. No way!" I was feeling a lot more at ease.

I pulled my bags from the taxi; we gave each other an awkward hug in a somewhat formal, man-to-man gesture.

The Vista Grande was a gated, clothing optional complex of three different gay resorts. He had purposely chosen the Mirage because of the type of setting it had, sexually charged. Most of the rooms were separated only by courtyards of maze like trails, twisting and turning through winding rock pathways. The place was landscaped in such a way that you would have thought you were walking around some type of tropical jungle, with lush palms towering overhead; drooping pepper trees shaded the courtyard where flowers of every color sprang up from the beds lining the sidewalks. The rock waterfalls cascaded down to a pool were naked men splashed and sun bathed on the rocky outcroppings. It looked like it was taken from a Hollywood South Sea gay movie set. I fell in love with the place.

He helped carry my luggage through the courtyard and led the way to our room, which was just around the corner from the one of pools and hot tub area. We began talking like long lost, old friends. He immediately felt comfortable to be around and easy to talk with. There didn't seem to be any need for the nervousness I had felt earlier. I even dismissed the notion of him being a gay mass murderer. Silly me!

Our room was large and inviting. The walls were painted in a soft peach color, accented by different shades of turquoise, moth, and burgundy pillows placed on a brushed suede, tope loveseat on one side of the room and the huge king-size bed with a cream colored chenille bedspread on the other side. An over sized mirror; obliviously placed there for viewing any sexual activities, hung behind the head of the bed, reflecting the entire room. A small table draped with a brightly colored, tropical printed cloth sat in front of a large window. A couple of rattan chairs were place at the table, looking out over the courtyard. Opposite to the window were an extremely large bathroom with a shower and over-sized tub, just made for two, and a small kitchenette complete with a refrigerator, stove, sink, microwave and coffee pot. Scented candles had been scattered around the room. The room had definably been set up for the type of romantic gay holiday we were hoping for.

"This is very, very nice." I entered the room, looking around at our home for the weekend.

"I hoped you'd like it!" He seemed pleased. "Was the flight alright?" he asked, making small talk as I placed my bags on the bed.

I began unpacking and settling into our temporary home. "It was great." I snuck a peak at him. "Just too damn early. I even had a couple of Bloody Mary's, and I NEVER drink that early in the mornin'."

"Sorry about the time but that was the only flight out of Denver except for one, real late at night." He smiled. "You tired? Do you want to rest for a while or would you like to go get something to eat? It's only about 10:30."

"Breakfast sounds good. That crap they served on the plane was awful." I smiled back at him as he sat on the loveseat watching me put my things away. "Do we need to call for a cab?"

"Well. No. I have my car, but." he seemed to be searching for the words. "I thought. if you wanted to. we could just walk." He added, "Maybe see some of the city."

Having never heard him speak before today, I found myself drawn to his voice. There was such a soothing, deep quality to it that made me just want to melt. Like the Pied Piper leading all the rats out of the city, I would have most likely followed him anywhere he wanted me to go.

"Why not?" I said more as a statement than a question. "That sounds great. I could use some exercise."

We had both been traveling all morning and something to eat sounded just right. We headed out of the resort for the six or seven block walk, to the Arenas area of Palm Springs, where the gay community had set up its own little neighborhood, complete with bars, shops and restaurants.

"The guy at the front desk told me that we should go to `The Rainbow Cactus Bar and Grill'." He said as we leisurely strolled down the street. "I have no idea what it is like but the desk clerk said that it was close and that the food was pretty good."

"Great!" I halfway acknowledged. I was too busy looking at all the palm trees, the mountains and of course, this great looking man next to me. "This is really a pretty city. Is it always this hot here?"

I was amazed that it was the second week of September and the temperature was still hovering around 107 degrees and it was only mid-morning.

"That's what I've heard. Everyone says that summers here are a real bitch. The temperature gets to around 125 degrees or higher and stays there for weeks, if not for months." He spotted the `Cactus' as we rounded the corner. "There it is."

It had not taken that much time to walk the distance from the resort to the restaurant, but by the time we made it there; breakfast was no longer on the menu. We had missed breakfast completely; it was more like lunch.

`The Rainbow Cactus' was a fairly large place, having a room with a piano bar and a separate dinning area. It was a totally gay establishment; nicely decorated in a sophisticated southwestern theme. Even though we had not called for reservations, the hostess was able to seat us right away at a table for two.

We didn't really need to go through all the formalities that strangers have to. We had; after all, been chatting back and forth over the Internet for quiet some time now. We sat and talked before, during and after lunch, not in any hurry for anything except getting to know each other, and to our surprise, we had gotten to know one another better in the short amount of time we had spent so far that morning than we had in all the months leading up to this moment. Neither one of us knew yet, if our meeting was going to go anywhere other than this one weekend fling. The attraction was definitely there and, if nothing else, we were very much enjoying each other's company in a beautiful desert gay resort town.

Time flew by so quickly. What seemed to be less than an hour had in fact been almost three. We had sat in the restaurant talking, laughing and just plain having a good time. He and I seemed to be sharing this moment.

There appeared to be some form of sexual tension building, which was perfectly natural. I sensed it and felt that he was aware of it as well. That comfortable, familiar tension; almost like wearing a favorite old t-shirt and tattered jeans around the house, when no one else is around to see. Even if the clothes do look like shit, they feel so warm and good on, that you have no hang-ups about wearing such a tacky outfit. Secretly, we each wanted to just go back to the resort and rip each other's clothes off but we each knew that there had to be some amount of restraint for the time being. Besides, we had all weekend to give ourselves over to absolute pleasure.

We left the restaurant, deciding to walk around the streets and do some window-shopping. We made our way over to Palm Canyon Drive, a block away, and to the main business district of Palm Springs. We didn't give a second thought to touching each other's shoulders or putting our hands around each other's waist from time to time as we walked the streets. Even though this section was basically straight; as if there was anywhere in Palm Springs that was basically straight, no one seemed to care or to give us a second glance.

We strolled down the main avenue, lined with shops, clubs and restaurants. It surprised me just how many gay men were doing exactly the same thing as we were and how normal it all was. The locals and other business people knew exactly where their money was coming from. What was called the `season'; when the majority of all of these gay out of town guest inundated the resorts, hotels and private homes, was from late September until the end of May. We had timed our trip to be just before the season was to start kicking into full swing.

Gay men had almost taken over the entire valley. In the past year, 83% of the homes bought in the Palm Springs had been bought by gay men. It was quickly becoming one of the country's fastest growing gay Mecca's. Men from all of the United States and even around the world had re- discovered the beauty of the desert. The gay resorts were usually filled every weekend, all year long with gay men of all ages, shapes and sizes.

The afternoon sun had warmed the air and was beating down on us with all the furry the desert had to offer. Walking the streets in the mid-afternoon sun and 107 degree heat was something neither of us was used to. Dehydration was starting to take its toll, so we decided to head back to the resort for something cool to drink and a dip in the pool.

We walked up Warm Sands toward the Mirage and noticed most of the resorts had begun filling up for the weekend. Everywhere you looked you could see men checking in; most seemed to be coupled off. There were still plenty of single men cruising around, who you just knew were there for a wild weekend and hoping for a wild sexual fling of some sort. This was certainly the right place for anyone who just wanted to be around a bunch of horny gay men. If someone couldn't get laid in this city, then they either they didn't really want it, or they were partying too much and just not paying attention.

He turned the key in the gate and we stepped inside the courtyard. Everywhere we looked, naked men were milling around, checking out the other guest.

I was a little bit uncomfortable by all the nudity and thought; "I sure hope he doesn't expect me to go to the pool naked."

We passed the pool and hot tub area and made it back to our room. I sat on the loveseat, taking off my shoes, and watched as he pulled his swim trucks out of one of the dresser drawers.

"I sure hope we can find a place to sit. Looks like there're faggots everywhere out there." He joked, heading into the bathroom to change.

"Thank God! He's gonna wear a bathing suit too." I thought to myself. I took mine out of the dresser.

We each changed privately in the bathroom; more out of shyness than anything else, into our swimming suits then headed outside. We were lucky to find a couple of lounge chairs by the edge of the pool, shaded by a low hanging palm tree. We spread our towels out and stretched out on them. We were in our own little world; wrapped up in each other's company. We were aware of the other guest using the pool area but not overly concerned with their presence. We continued our now non-stop talking,

For the first time, lying there, learning more and more of each other, I let my eyes study his partially nude body. I had seen photos of him totally nude via the Internet but this was real, life size and right in front of my goggling eyes.

"He really is one gorgeous hunk of a man," I told myself.

He oozed sexuality. His body was strong, firm and tanned. I liked what I saw. I noticed how nicely the pouch of his swim trucks was filled out. He lifted his arms above his head as he stretched his body from head to toe. His back arched up off the lounge chair. He knew that I was watching him. He turned his face toward me and smiled.

"God, I've been caught." I thought to myself. "But he is REALLY FUCKING GORGEOUS!" I moved my eyes to the men in the pool.

"Isn't it great out here?" he asked.

My gaze returned to his face and his bright blue eyes, which were giving me a once over. He seemed to like what he was seeing. He was looking so intensely at me that it made me kind of nervous.

I smiled back at him. "I can't remember when I have enjoyed a place as much as I am enjoying it here. I wish I could just stay here forever."

We stared at each other for a few seconds. It was almost as if we didn't really need to use language to communicate, but we did finally and just about on every topic. Many had already been discussed over the net but having them reinforced, face-to-face, made them have much more meaning. He surprised me by reaching over, taking my hand and holding it as we continued to talk, lying side by side on the lounge chairs. The only subject that did not resurface from our Internet chats was sex. Imagine that!

We never made it into the pool or even off of our lounge chairs. We were far more intent on listening to the other person and learning as much as we possibly could. Again, time slipped by too quickly.

"Where's the fuckin' time gone?" he asked as the sun began to set behind the mountains. "I can't believe that it's this late. We probably should be thinking about where to go for dinner."

"Wow!" I grinned. "Didn't we just have lunch?"

The crystal blue sky lit up with hints of red, orange and purple from the partially hidden sun peaking out from behind one of the mountains that surrounded the valley. In this type of setting, I was reluctant to leave the pool area, mainly because I was sure enjoying seeing his scantily clad body on the lounge chair next to me. We had only been at the pool for a little over an hour and a half and time was again playing with us. The hot desert air had again rekindled our hunger.

"Didn't that guy at the `Cactus' say that most places required a reservation?" I tried to avert my attention from his body as he stood and bent over to pick up his belongings. I got a good look at his strong back, well- defined shoulders and an ass you could bounce a quarter off of. "It's just our first day together," I told myself. "Plenty more time to check things out."

"Yeah. Guess it would be wise to call as soon as we get to the room and make one somewhere." He added. "What do you think? Around 7:00. 7:30?"

He did not catch me looking this time. "That sounds about right." Standing, I picked up my towel. "What time is it anyway?" I had forgotten my watch in the room.

He threw his towel over his shoulder and looked at his wrist. "It's comin' up on 5:30."

We started toward back to our room and ran into the manager of the resort, who nodded our direction as we rounded the corner of some shrubs.

I nodded as he approached, "Hi there!" and asked. "Where's a good place to eat besides the `Cactus'?"

"Well," he stopped and scratched his head. "Let's see. There's a new place that just opened not too long ago, called Blame It On Midnight'. I've heard it's real nice. Kind of up-scale. I believe they have a live singer there." He thought a second before adding, "Or you might try this little place called Oscar's' over by the airport. It's small but the food is very good."

We thanked him for the information and proceeded toward our room. Once inside, we hashed over which place we should try. `Blame It On Midnight' sounded like it might be more the type of place we would enjoy. He picked up the phone and called for reservations; I began getting my stuff together to clean up for our evening out.

We went about getting our clothes together; passing each other in the warmly lit setting of our room, talking the entire time. The windows were open, allowing the warm night air to fill the room. The sunset, peaking out from behind the San Jacinto Mountains, cast its orangey-reddish glow on everything through the partially opened drapes. I had told him at the pool about my apprehensions; the night before I left Denver and on the plane, over meeting him. I now wondered why I had ever been so scared in the first place. Everything about being with this man seemed to be so natural; so wonderful.

We each took our turn in the bathroom for our showers, emerging fully clothed and ready for the evening. He wore a light blue, button down, cotton shirt with black docker pants. I too wore black dockers but my choice of shirts was a gray silk number.

"This is going to be great." He said as he collected his wallet and change off the dresser.

"I hope it's as good as that manager says it is." I added, shutting the windows and pulling the drapes closed.

I turned on a small light by the side of the bed and shut the rest of the lights in the room off. I notice that the soft shadows cast by the night-light gave the room a whole new look. It looked and felt very romantic. He noticed it too.

"That's nice." He commented.

By seven, we were dressed and heading for the door, which he opened and held for me to exit. I don't know what, but something stopped me from going through it. I turned to him and our eyes met, much the same as they had many other times that day. But this time, something was defiantly different. There was a very strange, seriousness to his look. I did not know what he was thinking but I knew that whatever it was, he was about to share it with me.

Without saying a word, he took hold of my waist and pulled me to him. Our lips connected with a burning hunger; our bodies locked in a passionate embrace. It was our first real kiss, the first of many to come. There was a tender strength to the kiss, soft yet firm and in that moment, full of the passion. His tongue parted my lips, ready to search the inside of my mouth. He found me eager to respond with my own. Our tongues played a musical dance of delight as we continued to explore each other's lips and mouths.

We both knew what was happening at that very moment; it was natural, real and spontaneous. We didn't have any control over it; nor would we have wanted to stop what was happening, even if we could.

There in the doorway to our room, we kissed, oblivious to the outside world of the other guest who where still roaming around the courtyard. We only stopped long enough to look into each other's eyes once more. The joking lighthearted mood we had shared, as we were getting ready for the evening had turned to serious gazes deep into each other's eyes. He was looking at me in a fashion, which made me feel that I was the only person on the face of the earth at that point in time. I studied his face; looking into his piercing, steel blue eyes.

Several guys passed by on their way back to their rooms from the pool and saw us standing in our doorway, fully dressed, and locked in what could only be interpreted as a `moment'.

We heard one man tell his companion as they passed, "That looks Hot!" Then he coaxed us on by jokingly adding, "Go ahead on you two! You know you both want it."

We turned and smiled at the intruder who had momentarily interrupted our display of desires and brought us back to the reality of where we actually were. The intruder had been right. We were both hungry for something other than supper.

Here we were, standing in the doorway to our room; carrying on as if we were the only people around. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what we were doing. We were just two gay men, getting to know one another, in the most normal way for gay men to interact with each other without having a bedroom scene right then and there. After all, this was a gay resort and men often hooked up in this type of setting; but what was transpiring between us was somehow more than just the typical gay hooking up scene. We were sharing something special and we both knew it.

I shyly buried my face into his shoulder, in a sort of a coy, false embarrassment, as the intruders who had made the comments passed on by, leaving us to our doorway encounter.

His hand slid down my body searching for my hand. Once he found it, he took it in his and led me back into our room, away from prying eyes. Closing the door behind us, we began another long romantic kiss. Our bodies became entangled as we grasped at each other, jockeying to find the best vantage point as we each tried to pull the other closer. We were in the beginning throes of lust.

Without once breaking our embrace, we covered the eight foot distance from the door to the bed; falling onto it while still wrapped tightly in each other's arms. He lay on top of me; our tongues searched the others' mouth, sucking in the warmth and wetness of the prolonged kiss. We nibbled on lips, playfully exchanging the softness of our kisses for a firmer, more forceful locking of mouths. Our hands began roaming over each other's body. We had no need to speak. We held each other so tight that it seemed we had become one and our bodies were doing all the talking. We maneuvered ourselves around the confines of the king-size bed, tossing and turning; our kisses became more and more feverish. The looks of lust, mixed with uncontrollable desire, were obvious to both of us as we took turns rolling, first one then the other, on top of each other.

There were no tops' or bottoms' here. No dominant' or passive'. It did not a matter who was the butchest or nelliest. No need to role-play. This was the way a man makes love to another man, nothing more, nothing less. We were two healthy gay men, in the prime of our lives and were in the beginning stages of making love. The only time our lips parted was to look into each other's eyes. The moans and groans of pleasure from the heat and passion of our kissing session were steadily building. We hungrily assaulted each other, man to man, and yet, we were still fully clothed.

I maneuvered myself on top of him and propped myself up on his chest with my left forearm, feeling the strength of his chest through his shirt. With my right hand, I began to stroke his face with my fingertips. I watched every movement as I ran the tips of my fingers over his lips, along the rim of his jaw, up his brow, along his eyebrows, down his nose and back to his lips again, only to repeat the motion again and again on each side of his face. I wanted to see every inch of his face and feel, as if I were doing Braille, every feature. I wanted to learn his face so completely that I would never forget its strength, beauty, kindness and sexuality. I somehow knew that I had to be able to recall every characteristic of him without actually having to physically see any of them. I became lost in his face. I ran my hand through the soft dark locks of his thick brown hair. I was in heat.

He smiled at me, knowing exactly what I must be thinking and doing. He pulled me back down to his warm tender lips and began kissing me once more. He rolled me onto my back, resuming his position on top once again. Our passions were growing with every second that passed, and yet, we were still fully clothed.

Finally, he broke our kiss; long enough to say, "I wanted this to happen. had hoped this would happen. long before this weekend. ever since I first laid eyes on you back when we first started chatting on the net."

I was about to say that I had felt the same way but his lips returned to mine, engulfing them with an even more ferocious kiss; as if he was trying to express his desires with the voracity of his mouth on mine. The way this man kissed me had me reeling in sheer delight.

All of my senses had been awakened by the very touch of this man. Through our clothes, I could feel the heat from his body on mine. His hands stroked my body, as mine did his. We lie there, lips locked together; wrapped tightly in each other's arms.

Still not letting go, he rolled off of me onto his right side and I turned onto my left side to face him. As we lie there, side-by-side on the bed, we quietly stared into one another's eyes. The sexual tension was there and had been since our first meeting. That was obvious. No longer were we acting solely on our animal instinct for lust.

"You feel so good." I murmured. My right hand rubbed the bicep of his left arm.

For the first time that night, there was a new manly softness to him. "So do you darlin'." He gently touched the side of my face with the fingers of his left hand. "So do you."

We lay there talking, kissing and enjoying the feel of each other's arms holding onto the prize of the other person's body. We each were too afraid to let our feelings be known but knew that what was happening was astonishingly special. Neither of us had yet made a move to grope the other's crotches; there did not seem to be any hurry. We knew, this was something different and, like I said, we were still fully clothed.

Since we had shifted on the bed to our sides, facing each other, we were better able to explore with our hands, parts of our bodies that had so far, been left unclaimed. His left hand began to run up and down my spine, which sent shivers the entire length of it.

As I looked at him, I was filled with a lust I had not felt in a very long time. Something else was happening to me. My heart felt full. I had an uncontrollable sense of completeness. I leaned up over his chest and took his head in my hands and softly kissed his lips. From the way he responded, he must have been feeling something as well. I started to pull away from him only to be stopped. He pulled me back down, returning yet another tender kiss to my lips.

Neither one of us wanted to rush any aspect of what seemed to be the beginning of a night of, over the wall, man to man passion. The excitement of our impending desires was still very strong; yet we were somehow managing to keep calm the lust in our loins. He pulled back, studying my face.

"God, you feel good." I finally broke the silence. "I had no idea this was going to ." I broke off. "I'm not sure I understand exactly what is happenin' here." I felt that I might be going to far, too soon. I altered what I was about to say. "I can sure tell you one thing. we probably should've met moths ago."

I ran my right hand along the length of his left arm from his shoulder down to his fingertips; feeling his strength through the material of his cotton shirt.

"When I first saw you this mornin, I was really, really taken back by just how gorgeous you are." I could tell that I had made him blush a little.

He started to say something but I quickly stopped him by touching my fingers to his lips. "Please. Let me finish. I don't know if I'll have the nerve to say it later." I continued. "It's just that. it's been over five years since I've been with a man sexually and even that many more since I was with someone who could make me feel the things that you have so far today. Hell. Now I'm not even sure that anyone has ever made me feel this way before. ever, ever in life"

I froze in mid-thought, fearing that I was again letting my emotions over-run my logic and mouth. I had to get it out. "Look, I don't know if you're goin' through what I am right now. I mean. emotionally, but this is somethin' more than just sex or tricking for me."

"There," I thought. "I said it."

"I don't know if I am making any sense. or making myself very clear, but.." Again I stopped short. I could tell by his expression that he completely understood what I was saying.

"Shhh!" He put his fingers to my lips. "You don't have to say a word. I know exactly what you mean."

He smiled at me and before I could continue my babbling, he laid me back and moved his chest up over mine.

With his upper torso hovering over me, he said, "Baby. Don't you know by now that this is the only way it could've possibly been?" He kissed my cheek. "I've wanted you all afternoon. More than you'll ever know. Hell, I've wanted you ever since I first saw your web page." His right hand touched my cheek. "Sure I was thinkin' with my crotch at first, but then. damn. look at you." He continued, "The whole time we were eating lunch and later sitting by the pool.all I wanted to do was to jump your bones." He bent down and once more kissed my lips. "When I first saw you getting out of that taxi this morning, I knew that I had finally met the man of my dreams."

We had been chatting on-line all this time; for months, and had even exchanged pictures of each other; nude photos, but none of that could have prepared either of us for what was happening between us right then and there.

He caressed my face as he spoke, alleviating my earlier concerns. "We'll just take it slow and easy, and see what develops."

"God! You know just what to say." I smiled, more at ease. "I was afraid I was the only one who was getting all emotional and mushy. not to mention, thinkin' like a sex- starved pig." I tried to make the mood a little more light- hearted. "By the way big guy, we still have our clothes on."

Having tempered our passion with conversation, I rolled him off of me and onto his back. I re-positioned myself over him in the same fashion as he had just been to me and landed a huge wet kiss to his lips. As we lay there making out, our hands once more began roaming over each other's bodies; this time with more intensity.

I began kissing down the right side of his neck and began rubbing his chest with my left hand, playing with his nipples through his shirt. My mouth moved down to his neck and then toward his chest. He lay there sighing, his eyes closed. His right forearm crossed over his brow, his left hand stroking the top of my head. He was moaning softly as my hands ran the length of his torso, feeling the muscles of his arms, chest and sides. I made my way down his neck with my mouth, across his massive pectoral muscles, finding his nipples and sucking on them, first one and then the other, through the thin material of his buttoned shirt.

With my left hand firmly fixed to his waist and my lips working on his nipples; I felt braver and allowed my right hand to slide down to his belt and then even lower. For an instant my fingers ever so lightly rubbed across the top of his crotch.

He let out a slow, low moan. "Mmm!"

I had to restrain myself from not just grabbing hold of his growing bulge, like I really wanted to do. "Not yet! Not yet!" I told myself.

I did not linger. I passed the area of my desires and moved my hand lower to feel the inside of his right thigh. I massaged his upper leg for a while and then began to raise my hand back up, towards his torso. I moved my hand over to his left thigh and this time I did everything I had just done on the right side of his body, except in reverse on the left side of body.

I made sure that I took whatever time I felt was needed for the body part I was working on with both my hands and my mouth. He lifted his head and watched as my mouth slowly made my ascent back up to his waiting lips. and we still had our clothes on!

We began to kiss again but this time there was no holding back on either of our parts. The levels of our hormones were about to overtake whatever restraint we had managed to keep thus far. No sooner had I reached his mouth and began kissing him, we started a rolling motion on the bed. Our bodies locked together in an all out wrestling match where there only could be two winners.

We tossed and turned on the bed, managing to destroy whatever covers had yet been left undisturbed. Animal sounds were coming from deep inside both of our throats, breaking the silence of the desert night much like the sounds of two male big horned sheep, sparring for the dominant position in the herd on an early Rocky Mountain morning. Had anyone been in earshot of our room; they would have thought that some sort of porn film was being made, or at least, a small war was being waged. Yet, there was nothing pornographic or war like about what was taking place in that room and on that bed. Had anyone listened long enough, they could have easily managed to figure out that what they were listening to was just two men.. making love to each other. as two men.

We jostled around and ended up in the middle of the bed, setting on our haunches facing each other, almost in prayer positions. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He placed his hands on my waist. We leaned into each other's lips and held our embrace as we kissed passionately. His hands moved down to cup the cheeks of my ass, raising me up onto my knees from my squatting position. His mouth trailed off mine, only to slide down my throat as I knelt slightly over him. His mouth paused at the opening of my shirt but he did not stop there. He raised my left arm and began sucking at my armpit before moving on to my chest. As I knelt on the bed between his spread legs, he began to chew on my nipples through my shirt, as I had done to him only minutes earlier. I could feel the heat of his mouth and the lust in his actions, as he worked my tits for the first time.

All too soon he began to move. I had expected him to return to the same upright position that I was in but he surprised me; he scooted himself down onto the bed, holding onto my waist with his left hand and using his mouth, he chewed at my stomach. At the same time, he placed his right hand over the bulge in my pants and gently squeezed.

I let out a gasp. "Ohhh!" I looked down from my kneeling position, his head almost in my lap. My hands clutched at his shoulders.

His left hand moved to firmly conquer the right cheek of my ass. His mouth lowered. He now had moved down enough to reposition himself, lying on the bed, with me kneeling over him.

"Augh fuck!" My head tilted back and a long low moan escaped my throat as the wetness of his open mouth closed over the hard-on in my pants. "Mmmmm!"

My fingers grabbed hold of locks of his hair as he sucked in and blew out hot air on my still rising mound. The feeling was fantastic. I could feel the heat of his breath as he intently worked my cock through the confines of my trousers.

I was growing more eager to get him out of his clothes, as well as me out of mine. He had me so worked up; I thought I would bust if we didn't get out of our clothes real fucking soon and down to the nitty-gritty, so to speak.

I leaned down, taking him by his armpits, indicating that I wanted him to move back up. Reluctantly, he pulled his mouth away from my crotch and started to come back to the same crouching position as I was in. I didn't give him the chance to get there; I met him half way.

I lowered myself down to meet him and began to pull his shirt out of his pants and up his torso, exposing his chest for the first time since we had left the pool. I hungrily pulled his shirt over his head and completely off without unbuttoning it. In the dim light of the room, his chest had taken on a different look from what I had seen that afternoon. The massive expanse of it seemed even larger, more defined. The light covering of soft brown body hair framed his rounded pectoral muscles and trailed down the center of a well-rippled abdomen. I was eager to touch him. I ran my hands along his sides and over his pecs; again flirting with his nipples before continuing to explore the rest of his perfectly sculptured chest.

He started to undo my shirt. By the time he had it unbuttoned and off, the heat between us had built to a point that we could not longer contain ourselves. We were sweating like whores in church about to give their first testimony. Lust had taken over. We half lay, half sat on the bed admiring each other's chest; running our hands over the other person's body.

"God! Man, I want you so much!" he growled.

"Uhmm. Baby. I think you've got me." I halfway joked.

But this was, no joke. By now, I would have gladly let this man do anything and everything that he wanted to do to me!

He laid me back onto the bed once more and climbing on top of me, kissed me on the side of my face. He took my hands in his and raised my arms up over my head, holding them there as if to control the next interlude. I could tell by his demeanor that he didn't want me to move from this position while he pressed his massive frame down against my smaller body. I left my arms stretched out above my head.

He went to work. I could feel his pulsing cock grinding against mine as he began to kiss his way down my naked chest, devouring every inch of it with his hot, wet mouth. His hands slid down the length of my arms and rubbed over my chest; down my sides and finally lowered to my crotch. He began searching the contents of my pants. His mouth followed suit and he worked his lips from my nipples all the way down to the top of my pants. Slowly he moved his mouth further down, placing his lips over my bulge once more. I could feel the heat of his mouth through the strained material of my fly as he lightly chewed at the fabric. I lay back in ecstasy, my head spinning.

"Mmm!" I let out a low, cat like moan, as he continued the manipulation of my crotch with his mouth.

He knew he had me right where he wanted me. Hell, I was right were I wanted to be! In this game of control, no control, we each had been taking turns as the aggressor. It was the most natural thing for us to be doing. I knew; at that point, that he was the one in total control and I liked it. I had always been an extremely aggressive, active bottom; been a sucker for a man who took total control yet allowed me to be just as active in the love making.

Being the greedy pig from Hell that I am, I was eager to have a go at him myself. I certainly did not want to be left out and could no longer just stay lye there in the position he had placed me. I propped myself up on my elbows, looking down at his head, eagerly sucking in my stiffening mound hiding beneath my pants. It felt so damn good! I thought it only fair to let him continue doing what he was doing; for the time being anyway, like I could have stopped him even if I had wanted to. Besides, I was thoroughly enjoying every minute of his mouth lapping at my cock.

He had now twice gone down on me, so to speak, and I had yet been able to get my mouth anywhere near his basket. He sensed that I was watching and instinctively knew that it was time for a change of scenery. He pulled himself away from my crotch and shifted his body back on top of mine. Face-to-face once more, our lips locked.

"Damn, man!" I broke our kiss. "Do you have any idea what the hell you are doin' to me?" At least now we each had our shirts off. "I don't know how much I can take of this." I lied. I could and would take as much as he was willing to dish out.

I put my arms around his neck, pulling him tightly to my body. Again, I could feel the stiffness of his cock pressing against my own raging hard on, each straining and begging to be released from the confines of our pants.

"You have me so damn hot and bothered." I nibbled on his ear.

"Baby, I think we are both all hot and bothered. I can tell you want it as much as I do." He stoked my face with his hand. "You feel so God damn good." He whispered and repositioned his hands under each of my shoulders as I lay under him. "I could just eat you up." He nibbled my ear.

His hips pushed forward and rotated, grinding his crotch harder into mine. I matched his hip movements; our rhythm fed off the other person, like two ballroom dancers moving to the sensual tempo of a romantic bolero.

For the first time, I became acutely aware of feeling his naked chest pressed up against me. I marveled at the texture of his body hairs as he brushed his chest across my own chest hairs.

My hands ran up and down his back; feeling his shoulder muscles and spine, stopping at the top of the waistband to his pants. I could feel that he had a small patch of hair in the small of his back. I had noticed it at the pool earlier and wondered if it went any further down his cheeks. I wished like hell that his pants were already off. I moved my hands lower to his ass and squeezed his butt. Like two firm, round melons, his rear was surely something to behold. Just like I had thought while at the pool, you could definitely bounce a quarter off these puppies. I knew his backside was nicely developed, but I had no idea that it would be this round and firm.

Without thinking, I moaned. "Mmmm! Great ass Man!" Jokingly, I added before I could stop myself. "Praise Jesus! A nice big `ol bubble butt." I squeezed the twin mounds of firm man ass.

"Thanks." He smiled. "Glad you like It." He flexed the muscles in his cheeks in recognition of my comment.

Then, without warning and to my disappointment, he rolled off of me. He lay on his back beside me and offered up his shoulder for me to lay my head on. I snuggled in like a puppy nudging its way into the middle of a pile of pups for a nap. I, however, had no intention of taking a nap. I could see his wonderful chest and wanted very much to enjoy the pleasures of getting to know every inch of it. He leaned over; with his arm under my head, pulled me up some and kissed me on my forehead. I turned my face up to meet his; we again searched each other's eyes. The night was young and there was no rush to our lovemaking; we kissed.

The softness of our kisses once again began to turn into the heated, more passionate ones of earlier. Our hands earnestly started roaming over each other's bodies. The passions, which had been peaking and subsiding and peaking again, so far this evening were back at full throttle. Our lips again burned with desire. Our bodies craved to feel the other person's naked flesh.

We had both begun to strongly feel the need of our sexual desires and knew there was no turning back. He moved our bodies to the edge of the bed. He stood, took my hand in his and directed me to stand with him. I followed his lead. We needed this. We wanted it. We had to have it.

He lowered his hands to my trousers and began undoing my belt. I started to undo his as well. We pulled and tugged at each other's pants; all the while, locked in an embrace. Running our tongues around and sucking on each other's mouths. We fumbled with the buttons, snaps and zippers as we tore down the other person's pants, leaving us both standing in only our underwear. Using our feet, we each quickly kicked off our shoes and frantically stepped out of our pants which where now lying around our ankles. Panting from anticipation, excitement and the on-going lock we had on each other's mouths; we fell back; side-by-side, onto the bed.

I maneuvered myself to climb on top of him. I thought that my heart would stop as I felt his naked body under mine. I had wanted him all day and wanted this to happen. Now the time was finally here. Even in the dimly lit room, I could see his body ever so clearly and knew it was the type of body that I could and would worship.

I smiled to myself. "The bible talks about the sins of worshiping false idols." This man was no false idol. He was perfect. As perfect as I would have imagined God had had in mind for his Adam. "So, if this is my false idol. so be it!" my thoughts went wild. "Make me a sinner. I will gladly worship!" I returned my attention back to this God of a man lying under me.

I wanted to give him the most pleasure that I could possibly give any man; to show him just how special I thought he was.

Using my hands on his arms and chest to hold him still, I pinned him beneath me and began kissing down the right side of his neck; trolling my way over to the outside of his right shoulder. Slowly, I started working, half kissing and half chewing, down his arm until I had reached his fingertips. I sucked on his fingers, one at a time. I removed my left hand from his chest and took his right hand, lifted his arm and started working my way back up the underside of his arm with my lips. He lay back on the bed; soft moans came from his throat. I lifted his arm up above his head and continued my licking action up to his armpit. I chewed lightly on the muscle connecting his arm to his chest.

Even though we had both showered, the desert heat and our passions had caused us to work up quiet a sweat. I could smell his manliness. It was totally erotic. He smelt clean and masculine.

Still holding his right arm above his head with my left hand, I started sucking on the hairs under his armpit. The fingers of my right hand were running along the curves of his chest, feeling his muscular frame and playing with his soft curls of hairs.

I heard him moan, "Oh man!!!!" and I knew I had gotten his attention.

I let go of his right arm and turned the attack of my mouth to his chest and nipples; not once leaving any part of his flesh along my path go untouched by my lips. I went for first one nipple and then the other. My tongue flicked at each of them before I took one in my mouth, chewing and sucking on it all at the same time. My teeth pulled gently on their tips while my hands slid down his stomach ending up on each side of his waist; scouting out the next area I was hoping to assault with my mouth. From the groans emanating from above me, I could only believe that I was doing exactly what I had set out to do. I took my time, hoping that he was enjoying this as much as I was.

I shifted my body down on the bed as I kissed and sucked my way down to the middle of his stomach; paying special attention to his belly button, running my tongue in and out of it before I continued my journey. My lips lingered long enough, every few inches; to make sure every part of his body had my full attention. While at his mid- section, I moved my mouth over to the right side of his waist and began using my teeth to chew lightly on his very small love handle.

"Hee hee." He winced and giggled a bit between moans of pleasure; which told me that he was somewhat ticklish.

I used my hands to roll him onto his left side. My lips never once left his skin while I chewed around his waist to his back. With him lying on his stomach, exposing his back to me for the first time that evening. I pulled my mouth off of him long enough to get a good look at the marvelous sight before me. I was finally able to see that patch of hairs sticking out above the waistband of his underwear. I straddled his hips, sitting on the backside of his upper thighs.

"What a fine, strong v-shaped back he has." I thought to myself. "Broad at the shoulders, narrowing at the waist and rippled with muscles from working out at the gym."

My approval slipped out loud. "MMMM! Damn!"

I ran my fingers up from his waist to his shoulders and then back down the length of his spine to my starting point and continued the motion as I massaged his back. I was in heaven.

"Oh yeah!" he crooned; enjoying the feeling of the back massage I was giving him.

His groans of approval made me that much more anxious and intent on repeating those same movements using my mouth, which I did. I kissed the small of his back and lightly tugged at the hairs with my lips. I ran my tongue up his spine, kissing and chewing along the way, until I had reached the back of his shoulders and then slowly started my descent to his lower back once more. This time I did not stop at the top of his underwear. I allowed my lips to slide past the top of the material until my mouth had reached his ass cheeks. I nibbled and chewed at the firm, round mounds and kneaded them with my hands before returning my mouth back to the small of his back. I moved off his legs and began to turn him onto his back once more.

He must have thought that I was finished because he started to sit up. "Oh no baby! I ain't done yet!" I quickly pushed him back down onto the bed.

He seemed confused. "What!" He looked at me somewhat puzzled. "Wait!" he tried to protest.

I did not give him a chance "My play time's NOT over and it sure as hell ISN'T recess. Not just yet, anyway!"

My hands resumed their original paths. My right hand passed over the side of his underwear to the top of his left thigh while my left hand brushed over the mammoth mound; hidden beneath the material, on its way down his right thigh.

"Yeah!" he groaned in pleasure, giving in to my wandering hands. I felt his cock jump with excitement.

I continued my journey. Although I wanted to seize his raging hard on in my mouth, I only slightly touched his crotch with my lips before moving them further down his leg. I again allowed my mouth to re-trace where my left hand had been. My mouth traveled over the top of his underwear, not stopping at his crotch, but rather, down to the inside of his upper right thigh.

I wanted to build as much excitement and anticipation for him as I could before going full out into the Promised Land of his crotch. Sort of like Moses leading the Jews around Egypt for forty years. By the time they finally reached Israel, they had to have been so appreciative that they had finally made it, that they must have given much praise to God for successfully being delivered from their plight.

I kept moving lower on his legs, both with my hands and my mouth. As I had done on his chest, stomach and back, I let my hands precede my lips. I kissed, licked and chewed my way down his legs; I only stopped momentarily at strategic points of his erogenous zones. I worked my way down his inner right thigh to his knee. I lifted his legs slightly, making sure to work on the tendon behind the kneecap before I moved down to his calf. Then still lower, I stopped and chewed at his ankle. His body was thrashing on the bed and his moans seemed to indicate that he was really enjoying my oral assault.

"Augh fuck man!" he uttered. "You are driving me fuckin' wild."

"Good. That's the whole idea." I thought. "What better way to get to know every inch of your body than with my hands and mouth?"

I lifted his right foot and as I had done to his fingers, I sucked in each toe. I chewed at his heel and the arch of his foot before I moved over to the left foot and started the whole process as I had just done to the right leg; this time from the bottom, up; starting at the toes and ankle, up to the knee and then upper thigh of his left leg. However, when I got to his crotch, the process stopped following the original path.

It was time to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. My mouth opened wide as I engulfed his basket in one hot swoop, underwear and all. Even through the material of his underwear, I could feel his heat. I buried my face in his lap. I took his balls in my mouth, sucking in their fullness. His cock was rock hard and the tip was sticking out of the top of his underwear. That was all I needed. It didn't take much for me to hook my fingers into the waistband and pull his underwear completely down and off in one swift movement, exposing his humongous cock. It sprang free, bouncing up against his stomach.

I now had a clear view of the prize I had been longing for all evening. His uncut shaft was a good 9 « inches long and almost as thick as a beer can. His shaft was thicker at the base and tapered up to a large mushroom head protruded from his velvety foreskin. Two large orbs hung low, nestled in their hairy protective pouch. I greedily took his club in my mouth; I could feel the veins in his sweet shaft as I sank it deep down my throat. His hands grabbed on the top of my head, urging me on. His eyes closed and his head titled back on the bed in sheer ecstasy.

"Oh My God Man! Suck my cock." He didn't have to tell me twice. "Augh Sweet Jesus! YES! Suck that fuckin' dick!"

With my hands locked firmly on his hips, I sucked in his cock; feeling its power as it pulsed in my mouth. I took him in all the way to the root, until his pubic hairs brushed against my upper lip. I firmed up my lips to create a stronger suction as his meat slid back out of my gobbling throat. I released his hips and took hold of his shaft with my left hand; pulling back the foreskin as I swirled my tongue around his mushroom head; while cupping each of his balls in my right hand. I took his hammer back down my throat again and began an all-consuming blowjob. His mammoth joystick fed easily in and out of my willing throat.

"Oh yeah Man! That feels so goddamned good! MMMM!!! God, you sure know exactly how to treat a man's cock. I needed this." He crooned. "Take it baby. Suck that big dick! Oh yeah! Swallow your daddy's cock. Yeah! Eat that meat!"

I continued my sucking motion, taking him deep in to the back of my throat as sounds of pleasure came from the very place his cock was filling with each thrust.

I moaned. "MMMMMMMMM!" as his dick filled my throat.

I pulled and played with his large, full nuts, rotating them in my right hand. My left hand continued to pump on his pole, feeding it into my mouth; allowing me to completely devour his meat. My head bobbed up and down on his ramrod. My mouth made slurping sounds as his man stick slipped in and out of my clutching throat. Finally, I released his shaft from the wet grip of my mouth. I held on to it, squeezing slightly to check its density and study every detail of it.

"That's ONE FUCKIN' NICE COCK!" I just had to tell him of my approval.

I pushed his cock up onto his stomach so I could get a better look at his balls. I lowered my face to his cream bag and took each jewel, one at a time, into my mouth and gently pulled on them with my lips. I could fell them churning as I sucked. I lifted his scrotum to expose the area between his ball sac and his ass hole. I licked my way down to that area; letting his jewels fall across my nose and face, still pumping on his dick with my hand. I began to work; I kissed, sucked and chewed on the tender valley ridge of flesh.

"Augh Fuck!" he whimpered, not expecting me to go there. "Shit yeah!" His body arched up off the bed.

I had gotten the response I was looking for, so I moved back up to his cock. Gently rolling his balls in the palms of my hands, I swallowed all of his cock back down my throat. I could hear him moaning in pleasure as my mouth once again gave his crotch rocket an entire working over. I intently continued my sucking motion.

He tossed and turned; arching his back, as his dick slid in and out of my lapping mouth. His hips pumped and rotated to meet my nursing action. His body was racked in pleasure. I could feel his cock throb and fill, and knew that I was taking him to the brink of eruption; so reluctantly, I forced myself away from his wonderful region of strength.

Overcome with the lust I felt for this man; I crawled my way back up over his body, back up to his face, which was covered in sweat. We were both now definitely in heat. He threw his arms around my neck and pulled me down to him. I gently kissed him on the neck.

He whispered in my ear, "You're wonderful." He was out of breath from the full body exploration and the heated blowjob he had just experienced. "I just knew you would be."

I raised my head, looking him square in the eyes, realizing that he had gotten very serious.

He took a deep breath before continuing, "But. My God. I had no idea that you were going to be anything like this." He finally caught his breath.

Again his lips met mine. He kissed me with such passion that my guts churned, knowing that we were connecting in a way that was far more than the out and out total pleasure we were also sharing.

Locked in that wonderful kiss and each other's arms, he rolled us around the bed until he was the one on top. His massive body pressed down onto my smaller frame. His right hand reached down between our bodies and found the top of my underwear. He lifted his hips and in one swift move, pulled my underwear down as far as he could.

He placed his hands on the bed, on either side of my chest and without breaking the lock we had on each other's lips, he pushed his chest up causing our naked crotches to grind hard against each other. Rotating, prodding and pumping our hips together, he finally broke our kiss. I gazed into the serious, hungered look of his blue eyes as he peered down to take in the view of my now exposed crotch.

"MMMM! Damn. that's nice!" I met with his approval.

He laid his weight back down on to my chest and kissed the side of my neck. Using my foot, I managed to kick off the rest of my partially removed underwear. For the first time we felt our totally naked bodies touch. Flesh against flesh. Man to man.

Completely naked, our bodies pressed and our dicks rubbed against each other. We twisted and turned on the bed, kissing deeper now than at any other time so far that night. We wrestled, twisted and rubbed our bodies together, first him on top and then me, as we continued our lovemaking. There was definitely more and more feeling to our embraces. Pig-like grunts and heated groans of our greedy desires emoted from our throats. We continued to roll back and forth on and off each other, not jostling for dominance but rather just for the enjoyable feel of naked skin against naked skin. Our hands never stopped the caressing and exploration of the other person's body, nor did our mouths ever leave each other's lips. Our dicks pulsed wildly as we rolled back and forth, hunching together.

"Hell!" I thought to myself. "My dick even seemed to be bigger than normal." I could not remember the last time my cock had felt this hard. "This man is really doing something to me."

"You are one HOT fucker!" he interrupted my train of thought. His face again hovered over mine.

"No precious darlin'." My southern accent came out. "You're the Hot One!" I broke in. "You've got me so damn hot. that. " I stammered, almost going too far and saying way too much for this early in the `game'. I tried to recover, "I'm only responding to your leads."

"What do you mean? My leads?" he halfway questioned. "Hell! I thought you were doing the driving a while ago! And." he broke off and kissed my chin. "What was that little around the world trip you just took me on all about? I know you good `o southern boys don't learn ALL OF THAT in Sunday-School." He joked, mocking my accent. "I don't think there was an inch of my body that you left out." His eyes were full of lust and bright with a knowing excitement. "Shit! You're good baby. You're real gooood!"

At that moment, I knew full well that he had understood exactly what I had meant by LEADS'. We were on the same page, so to speak, because there were No Leads'. We were both completely in control because we were sharing control. We both led. We both followed. Man to man. as one man. to another.

My hands ran down the length of his back, as he lay over me, and clasped the cheeks of his ass.

"Oh, baby-doll darlin'," I snickered, "there're plenty more places that I haven't even begun to explore yet." My right hand searched to find his ass hole. "Guess we'll just have to wait to see where they ALL are." My fingers brushed his opening.

"Shit man." He mumbled. "I'm not going to wait for anything else before..." He quickly moved his body down between my legs. "There're things I want and am going to do too." And without saying another word, he swooped down to my ever-hard cock and took it into his mouth.

"Augh FUCK!" was all I could manage to say. He had done this so fast and unexpectedly that I didn't have time to say or do anything to stop him. Besides, I don't think I could have even if I had wanted to, and I certainly didn't want him to stop.

He took my dick into his mouth and began to nurse on it as if he was a starving man and my cock was the only thing that could give him nourishment. I felt the wetness of his mouth as he chowed down on the hefty man steak I was serving up for his pleasure, as well as my own. His right hand held the base of my shaft while he fed it down his throat. His left hand reached up and rubbed on my chest. His fingers twisted on each of my nipples. My hips rose and fell to meet the eager sucking action of his mouth. I gabbed hold of his thick brown hair and pumped my cock in and out of his willing throat. My dick felt like an ex-con, freed from jail and on a rampage; not taking any prisoners.

"Shit yeah man! Suck that dick." I fed him my meat with every hot, wet stroke of his mouth up and down its length.

Muffled moans of delight came from his throat. He wasted no time slurping up my throbbing boner. He pumped and pulled on my manhood, getting into his feeding frenzy.

"Oh yeah.. eat my cock!" I cooed as he buried his face in my crotch. "That's it man! Oh yeah!"

He let all but the tip of my dick slide out of his sucking mouth, ran his tongue over the head of my swollen knob and licked at my piss slit. I lay back on the bed reeling from the sensations he was giving me. He was quite the skillful cock-sucker. He knew it and I was very much finding out for myself. He slid down further on the bed so he could get at my balls. With as much skill as he had used on my wick, he sucked in both of my balls and began rolling them around in his mouth.

"Oh fuck!" I was surprised that he could get them both in his mouth. "That feels sooo good."

He remained working over my nuts for a time and then pounced again onto my pillar with the vice like grip of his mouth.

After the sucking I had given him and what he was now doing to me, it was beginning to be more than I could handle. I was way too hot and bothered and I certainly did not want to prematurely climax and have the events of the evening come to a halt so soon. I moved my hands from the hold I had on his hair, took his chin and tried to raise his head away from my crotch. Besides, I was greedy. I wanted much more of him and was not willing to be the first to give up a load, certainly, not this soon and not this way.

I made an effort to sit up on the bed and pull him off my cock. He resisted at first but eventually gave in and crawled back up; lay beside me and returned his face, once more to mine. For a moment, we just looked into one another's eyes without saying a word. Our passions had been over come by pure lust. We were both soaking wet with sweat.

"I still can't believe this is happening." I was feeling a little bit coy. I held onto his arm.

"Neither can I." He smiled, stroking the side of my face. "I think you are feeling pretty much the same way I am. I hope so anyway."

"Absolutely!" I agreed but was not sure of exactly what I was agreeing to.

My mind went into over-drive. I could have taken his comment several different ways. Was he talking about being sexually excited? Was he taking about feeling the lust or heated pleasures we were giving each other? Or was he talking about the emotional feelings that, by now, I definitely knew I was feeling for him?

Again his voice broke my rambling thoughts. "Whatcha thinking?"

I tried to hide what was in my head. "Oh, I don't know. Just how wonderful all this is." I couldn't help myself, I added, "And how wonderful you are!"

He took my face in one of his hands and gave me a very tender, passionate kiss. We each automatically reached for the other's cock and started stroking. Our small cooling off period was over.

Before long, we were full of passion and once more, over-come with lust. His body language told me what he wanted to happen next.

"Cool." I thought and followed his lead as we switched into a sixty-nine position.

Our bodies were a prefect match as far as heights; we seemed to fit together just right and were able to get an easy, erotic rhythm going between us. At first we were on our sides, delivering our shafts into the warmth of each other's waiting mouth. We hunched our love muscles towards the other person's gaping lips. Our grunts and groans sounded animalistic. My head was nestled between his open legs. I eagerly chewed on his massive uncut prod. He didn't break his stride as he gulped down my member. We bucked and jostled, serving up our man-rammers for the other person's pleasure.

He began to change positions again, turning me onto my back. He moved up over me. He straddled my head with his legs, one on each side; pushing the entire length of his manhood down my throat and leaning over my body to swallow my cock back down his throat.

"Take it!" he ordered just as he sucked in my raging hard-on.

My hands grabbed at his butt as he pumped his mammoth cock into my eagerly waiting mouth. He began fucking my face and swallowing my dick down his throat. I was really enjoying worshiping his cock as he force-fed it down my gullet.

His hands slid under my butt and clasped my cheeks. He pulled my dick out of his mouth, only to move his lips between my wide spread legs and to my ball sac. He sucked my balls in, one at a time. I took his command and did the same thing to him. I sucked his balls in to my mouth and swirled them around, my hands clutching at his ass. We were frantically clawing and grasping at each other's bodies. We rocked on the bed, exploring forbidden territories. Before long he had managed to roll me up enough for him to reach my ass hole with his tongue. I shuddered as I felt the first assault of his mouth on my bunghole. It gave me time to maneuver myself into the position to reach his as well. I flicked my tongue along his crack. We went to town. We began chewing, licking and sucking at each other's private love vaults.

We were both working up such heat and lust that we broke apart from our wet rear attacks only to regain our composure and to take the other's dick into our mouths again. Our excitement did not diminish. It actually got more intense. I felt a burning in my loins and felt his body tensing up as well. I knew that we were both getting real close to climaxing. He knew it too. My hands grabbed his shoulders as a sign that I couldn't take much more. He pulled away from my cock. I let his dick slip out of my mouth.

"Wow!" I gasped. "That was real close."

We rolled back onto our sides but stayed in a sixty- nine position, only we scooted up a bit. He laid his head against my stomach. I did the same. Our bodies wrapped tightly together, we held on to each other. We caressed each other. Lying side by side, our hands roamed over our partner's body, exploring, learning.

"I just can't get enough of you." He said squeezing me to him. "I want all of you."

I wanted to give him all of me. To my surprise, I found myself wanting him inside of me; something I had not had or wanted from any man in many years. "I want you too."

His hands ran down my back, cupping my ass. His fingers occasionally, lightly touched the opening to my tunnel of love. It felt good to have this man touch me like this. From my reaction, he sensed my desires. With a lustful look in his eyes, he leaned up and turned his body around. Placing his strong hands under my hips, he pulled me along with him and repositioned me on my back in the center of the bed.

I reached my arms around his shoulders. He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. He stretched his muscular body on top of mine and began kissing the side of my neck and slowly began a grinding motion with his hips; our bodies rubbing against each other's, sliding in the sweat we had worked up. He kissed his way down my chest, taking each nipple into his sucking mouth before ending up at my belly. My head tilted back as the pleasures of his touch excited my entire being. He gradually sat up between my spread legs, into a kneeling position, with his feet behind him. He ran his hands over my torso. I reached up to feel his chest, letting my fingers go to the places on him that my lips had explored earlier. I felt his strength. I watched every movement of both his hands and mine as the fondling of our chests continued. We stared into each other's eyes, sharing a knowing look of what we both wanted and knew was about to happen.

Our pulsing pricks were only inches away from each other. I took his cock in my hand and place it next to my own. I slowly began to pump our dicks together, feeling the power of our shafts, sliding up and down against each other. It was hot and erotic. His hands continued to work over my chest as I worked, in slow methodical motion, our throbbing members. I allowed my fingers to manipulate the skin between our cocks, making sure that I paid special attention to the head of his dick, which was becoming more and more full as I ran our cocks against each other's. I took his manly shaft in the palm of one of my hands and my own dick in my other hand and slapped them together, like two swords, meeting on a battlefield. Yet, this was no battle and even if it was, I was gladly ready to surrender submission. His crotch heaved up to meet mine. I felt each of our dicks pulse and throb in anticipation and began to stoke them together again. I could feel them filling up and becoming ready to erupt. Reluctantly, I backed off the pumping action.

As I watched him, I could tell by the look of his throbbing cock that what was to come was going to be far more than just a quickie fuck. We had been building to this moment all night. I could tell that he wanted my ass in the worst way. This was going to be something special. It already was. This was going to be the fuck of a lifetime.

He moved his right hand down my body and once again found my gutter and massaged the outer lips of my love chute. His fingers prodded and poked at my canal.

I moaned softly "I want to feel you in me." My body jerking in excited anticipation.

"And you will. every fucking inch of it!" He added to his statement. "I'm going to sink my big old dick right where it is suppose to be." He said with a halfway smirk. "Don't you want it?" He bent forward and gave me a bite on my neck. "Tell your daddy how much you want it."

"I can't believe that he just said that!" flashed through my head. "But it sure as hell was turning me on."

Before I could respond, he began to kiss me with a tenderness that I had not expected. He stretched out once again on top of me and slid his cock between my legs. I could feel its hardness as it rubbed against the insides of my upper thighs. He moved ever so slowly at first, rotating his hips in a swirling manner, pressing our bodies closer and closer together. Each time his large manhood moved up and down between my legs, I felt my desire building. My body responded to every movement of his body pressing down onto mine as our now overly heated and sweaty bodies ground together in a rhythmic motion. My hips bucked and rotated to meet his, smashing my own throbbing cock against his pubic hairs and the flat of his stomach. Our chest pressed tightly together, we continued to kiss as he worked his shaft around between my legs, sliding it up and down. I ran my hands along his back. I clutched at his hips and squeezed my legs together to get a tighter grip on his manhood as it moved in and out of the vise grip I had placed on it. Every time he thrust himself forward at the opening between my legs, his dick did a number on my balls, sliding up and down against them. The sensation was wonderful. I wanted him to move harder. I wanted to feel everything about him. I wanted him inside of me. I joined in on the verbal foreplay.

"Oh daddy! Take me! I want that fat cock up my ass! Fuck me!" I couldn't help myself. "I want your monster dick inside of me so fuckin' bad!"

I knew what he wanted. It was time. He knew it too. He sat up and leaned over me, to the nightstand where he had earlier unpacked a small over night bag filled with condoms and lubricants. He took out a condom and a bottle of a lubricant and dropped the bag on the floor. Not a word was spoken. He sat back on his heels between my wide spread legs. I watched as he started to open the condom package. Before he could go any further, I grabbed it from him. He gave me a puzzled look at first but then realized what I was doing.

"Let me." I finished opening the packet.

I placed the condom over the head of his raging hard-on and began rolling it down the length of his shaft. While I stroked the rubber over his dick and pressed the air out of its tip, he reached for the lubricant and squeezed a small amount out of the bottle onto the fingers of his left hand. He dropped the bottle on the floor and began to rub some of the wet fluid around the opening to my tunnel. My head rolled from side to side in the anticipation of what was to come. Very gently he massaged my butt hole and slowly began to insert a fingertip to help loosen me up. He stared at my face, only glancing down a few times to the sight of his hand as he continued to probe my ass with his finger. He twisted and turned his finger, pulling it out and then returning it a little further up my ditch.

My ass responded to the sudden attack of a second finger being added. "Oh yeah!" came from deep in my chest.

He knew that I was ready. With his right hand, he lifted my hips to meet his crotch. He was still kneeling between my legs with me under him, on my back. He pulled me onto his waiting lap, my knees bending up on either side of his hips. I shuttered as he slowly placed the head of his voracious dick at the entrance to my eager love slot.

Not having had anything up there in years, I began to tense with the prospects of his huge, manly organ ripping my butt wide open. He could tell that I was somewhat nervous about the actual entry, even though I wanted so much for it to happen. He took his time, watching my expressions as he continued to push the head of his cock slowly into my opening. He leaned forward and kissed me. His kisses and gentleness was all I needed to ease my fears and help me relax. I could feel him penetrating the outer wall of my hole; pushing his big mushroom head inside the entrance to my ass. He had gotten me so hot and bothered that it didn't take much time or effort for him to guide his dick past my opened gate.

"Oh fuck yeah!" I let out a moan as the shock of his entry both surprised me and filled me with lust. My hands clung to his hips.

He held his cock still, at my vault's entrance for a while, not moving a muscle; allowing me the time to get use to having this invader inside of my ass. He kissed me deeply, and ever so slowly began to inch his shaft further and further inside my channel of love. I was in ecstasy. I grunted in pleasure each time his pulsing prick made its way deeper into my cavern. He pulled back on his man-rammer until he once again had only the head of his engorged cock in my chute; my hands grasped at his hips as if I were trying to stop him from pulling completely out of me. Each time he pushed his joystick forward; I hunched my hips up to meet his driving motion. He knew that I was ripe for the taking. He pulled his lips away from me and sat back up. He lifted my legs up onto his shoulders and with one long, last forceful push, he buried himself all the way in. His head fell backwards as he impaled me on his monster of a dick.

My body arched up off the bed at the sudden assault from his man rammer. There wasn't any time for me to get use to having this sizable shaft buried deep inside of my body. We began to fuck! I quickly fell into his rhythm. My head was spinning. My lust was completely out of control. I moaned like an animal, in pleasure.

"God yeah! Fuck me!" was all I could manage to get out, as he began a slow, but firm rhythmic rolling motion of his hips; driving his cock in and out of my butt.

"Yeah baby. Fuck on that dick." He groaned as our bodies slowly pounded against one another.

Each time he thrusted his manhood into me, I loosened up the muscles of my ass hole to be able to take in his length and girth. As he pulled back out, I squeezed down on my muscles to make my ass hole as tight as I could. I was using my butt to do an ass sucking motion on this man's cock. I matched each drive he made with an equal force. The more he pushed forward, the more I moved my hips and ass up to meet him.

He fucked me!

His hands helped support my legs as he ground and lurched, harder and deeper, forcing me onto his pumping dick as he rammed it into my willing dark chute.

I fucked back!

My hands grasped at the sides of my hips, not wanting to let his cock escape the grasp my ass had on this marvelous shaft.

Our moans of pleasure became louder as we clutched at each other; both in a state of total sexual overdrive.

"Oh man! Your ass is so sweet." He panted. "God, I love the way you fuck on my dick!"

He held my legs in the air by my ankles and watched as his dick slipped in and out of my stink hole. He rode my butt and began pumping himself into me with such force that I was pushed down hard on the bed.

"That's it. Pound my butt! Deeper!" I moaned. "Drive that big fucker up there. Oh man, yeah! You feel so god-damn good inside of me!"

Our tempo increased. We were fucking like two dogs in heat. He was driving his cock deep into my body and I was fucking back onto his dick. Ever so often, he would pull almost all of his length completely out. I tightened my cheeks, trying to make sure that my ass held a firm grip on his tool. No sooner than the head of his dick had reached the entrance to my hole, he would ram it all the way back in with a force that made me shudder, and each time I would meet his plunge with equal strength.

He hunched up onto his knees, lifting my butt up off the bed, to meet his ass buster. He had a bird's eye view of his slammer grinding in and out of my vault. My legs draped across his bent arms; he increased his thrusting deeper inside me, causing my dick to bounce against my belly. He reached down with his right hand, as he rode my ass, and began pumping wildly on my cock. I could feel his cock throbbing in my hole and I tightened up my cheeks, locking him inside of me.

He leaned in to plant a passionate kiss on my lips. We kissed, thrashing back and forth, as our lovemaking became more heated and out of control.

"Oh God!" I broke our kiss. I grabbed hold of his hand to stop him from pumping my dick. I was again getting too close to climaxing.

He didn't immediately release the clutch he had on my cock right away. He squeezed and held onto it, feeling it throb in his hand.

He raised my legs to his shoulders and bent me backwards with my knees bent up to my chest. He shifted his body from his kneeling position, down on top of my up-turned butt; never once allowing his cock to slip from the confines of its warm cavern. With me doubled over, he stretched his body out, much like a push up position, and slammed his manhood all the way into my ass. In this position I could feel every inch of his width and length inside of me. I loved it!

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed as his cock sliced into my rear.

I placed my hands on his rear to help him drive his wonderful cock as far up my ass as he could push it. He began pumping his shaft into me with an intensity he had not used so far. His feet dug into the bed sheets, his hands holding onto my bent legs by my ankles. The sounds of his crotch slamming into my ass cheeks became louder; he drilled my butt. His balls beat against my cheeks with each heave he made. My body responded to his every lurch.

"Take that cock. That's it. Take that big mother fucker." He grunted. "Augh man! It feels so fuckin' good."

His dick was slicing deep into my dark tunnel with an increasing need to fulfill its purpose.

"God! You are so fuckin' wonderful. Do it!" I released my hands from his butt and took hold of his face. "Oh Yeah Baby! Fuck me!"

I pulled myself up to meet his face with mine and we locked lips in a fashion of both desire and need. He let go of my ankles, allowing my legs to drop down to the bed. He lowered his muscular body down fully onto mine. I threw my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his hips. His cock still buried deep inside, we lay there not moving for a moment; just feeling the passion of our bodies next to each other and the strength of his pulsing shaft inside of me. We held on to each other. We were pressed so tightly together that I could feel his heart beating in his chest. My own cock throbbed wildly between our bellies. We took the time to let ourselves cool down a bit without losing any of our momentum.

"I didn't realize just how much I needed this. Wanted this." He whispered in my ear. "You make me so damn hot. I can't get enough of you."

Before I could respond, he began to kiss me once more and our lust took control again. Our hips began a slow grinding motion. I could feel my dick being smashed against our stomachs and his cock throbbing inside of me, eager to resume its rampage of pleasure as he lay on top of me, kissing me full and hard on the lips.

His rhythm began to pick up and before long we were both back at the peak of a hot and heavy pile driving experience.

"I've got to move you around. to get more of that ass." He burst out as he took one of my legs and moved it over his body to the same side as my other leg.

I knew exactly what he was up to. The man sure knew what he was doing because he did this with a lot of finesse. Never once did he let his cock come out of me as he maneuvered us into our new position. He wanted to roll me over onto my stomach so he could get deeper in me; or so I thought.

Lying on my stomach, my legs spread wide apart; I could feel him once again start to drive his shaft home. I raised my hips up to meet his rear attack. As I did, he put his hands around my waist and pulled me back onto him as he sat up onto his knees. I felt his balls slapping against mine. We both now were squatting on the bed; my ass snuggled perfectly on his bucking lap between his open legs. I ground my ass down on to his cock. We rocked back and forth. He kissed and chewed on the back of my neck. His hands reached around my body to recapture my pulsating dick. I sat on his dick and rotated my ass. My hands held onto his knees on either side of my own. He began to stroke my dick as he hammered his huge boner in and out of my impaled hole.

No longer were we just two men fucking. We somewhere, in the throws of desires, had become two men making love, two men who felt as if they had known each other for a lifetime. The chemistry, heat and the passion were certainly there. The Time was RIGHT! Our bodies seemed to mold themselves to the other person's body in a so familiar way. Our only concern was giving absolute total pleasure to the other.

"I don't want this to stop." He whispered in my ear. "I want this to go on forever."

I turned my head around as much as I could, over my shoulder to see his face. "So do I! God, so do I."

He kissed the side of my face.

I rocked my hips back onto his lap. "I haven't felt like this in a very long time. I wasn't sure that I could or even knew how to feel anymore. But with you. I feel alive again. I don't want this to ever end."

I knew that I was getting a little too emotional. I didn't want to loose it and have tears start to flow down my face, so I quickly changed the subject. "Man, does your dick ever go down?"

"Apparently" he laughed, "not with you around, it doesn't."

He pushed me forward onto my hands and knees; he followed suit and began to push himself deeper inside of me. We picked up our lust right where we had slowed down from; but this time, we were in doggie style position. Guess that is were the expression `Fucking like dogs' comes from. Slowly, but with much firmness, he gradually increased his intensity and speed. My hips were moving not only back and forth with his, but also in a circular motion to match his rhythm. He leaned in. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. He kissed me. I could feel his chest and belly hairs rub across my back. I was moaning wildly and could hear his animalistic grunting as well. Our tempo increased.

"Augh fuck yeah! That's it man. Take your daddy's dick." He managed to get out between the grunts and groans. He continued to work his hard cock in and out of my butt. "That's it. Oh baby! Fucking unbelievable man. I'm filling your fucking ass so full of man-dick. God, what an ass!"

He pushed my head lower onto the bed as he rammed his massive tower deep into my willing ass. I buried my face into a pillow to muffle the sounds I was making. I was so turned on by the sound of his voice and what he was saying that I didn't want my own sounds of pleasure to distract from his verbal sexual assault.

He skewered me with his sausage. Our breathing was more labored. With my head lowered to the bed and my ass sticking up in the air, he had easy access to my lovingly tortured hole. His hands griped the sides of my butt, pushing and pulling it back and forth as he pumped with an increased urgency. His balls beat down against my nuts each time he drilled his cock into my gaping hole. My dick flopped wildly in the air. His trust became harder, more savage.

He continued, "Do you like that cock up there. That big daddy dick? Augh yeah! It feels so fuckin' good. doesn't it? Fuck on it man. Take that mother fucking cock!"

He pounded his cock into my ass as deep as it would go, and then held it there for a second or two. It could have been longer but it seemed way too short an amount of time for me.

"You sure know how to treat daddy's dick." He once again began pounding his manhood in and out of my up-turned rear end. "Oh yeah baby! Move those hips. Work'em baby. That's it. Make your daddy's dick feel good!" He was panting very hard. " Yeah! Fuck back on my cock."

Again, every time he drove his shaft forward I would loosen my muscles to be able to take all of him in. Then as he pulled his cock out, I would tighten up my cheeks and ass muscles again to make my grip feel as if my ass was sucking his dick. My muscles clinched and rotated to match his forward driving ass-rammer.

I could no longer hold back, "That's it daddy. Fuck me! Drill my butt!" I gasped for air. "Pump that big meat in there! Oh yeah! "

A few times it felt as if the head of his cock was going to pop right out of my ass which would make me panic; not wanting to lose the feeling of this marvelous pillar inside of me. This was just his way of teasing me and keeping me at the peak of sexual excitement. It worked. When I thought it was about to come out I would reach back and grab him desperately by his hips and try to hold him in place. He would smile knowingly and sink his shaft all the way in, in one long, slow hard thrust. His pelvis once again joined tightly together with the cheeks of my butt, we pushed and rotated our hips as if we were grinding ourselves into the other person.

"MMMM!" came from deep inside of my throat. "Fuck my ass. Oh yeah! That's it. Fuck it man. Harder!" I was going wild. "Oh shit! MMM! Yeah! Work that ass. Pump that big dick of yours in there! Yeah. Deeper!"

I pushed my hips back to meet his driving force.

"God! You've got me so fuckin' hot!" I was really into it. "Oh yeah! Come on Daddy. ride my fucking butt."

He could tell that I was now in the throes of pure animal lust; just as much if not more than he was, which was turning him on even more.

"You like your daddy's dick up your ass, boy?" he growled. "Your daddy's big fucking dick?"

"Fuck yeah, man!" I spurted out between forward drilling of his ramrod. "Give it to me daddy! I want it. I have to have it." I was hunching back harder on his dick. "Oh yeah! I NEED IT! Fuck me daddy!"

He pounded my ass and I met each and every jab of his cock with an equal amount of forcefulness. I could feel his strength and his power. He drove into me as if he was trying to ram his monumental sword completely through me. My body shook with lust and excitement. He forced me down completely flat onto the bed. His body encompassed mine as he lay on top of my back, drilling his ramrod up my love chute.

Covered in sweat, consumed with greed and quivering in erotic need for each other, our love making intensified even more. I could tell that his climax was not far from happening. I too was about at the peak of my own pleasure. I could have popped a load at any minute and I knew that he was in about the same shape. Just having his dick inside of me with his body pressing down onto mine, was just about all that either of us could.

I just wanted this to go on forever. He must have been thinking the same thing. I turned my head to meet his; he kissed me on the lips.

"Not yet!" he breathed hard. "I don't want to finish. We're just getting started. I can't get enough of you. I have to have more."

I could tell there was a sort of cry in his voice as he said these things. I too sensed a strong need for more closeness, more feeling and more sex. In such a short time, I had found myself becoming a pig by wanting to devour this man in every sense of the word and I too could feel his needs and longings because I was going through all the same emotions.

Regrettably for both of us, he slowly began pulling his throbbing hard engine out of the opening of my caboose. My body quivered and leaped as the mushroom head of his shaft popped free from its confines. Removing the condom, he slid his cock back between my legs and lay back down again on me, with his chest against my back. His head nuzzling beside mine. He took my hands in his and stretched them above our heads.

He kissed the side of my face. "God, this is the way it is suppose to be. I had no idea that I could ever feel the things that I do right now."

He lay on top of me, his arms mirroring mine above our heads. It was as if we were each other's shadow. Each other's soul.

"You felt so good inside of me." I managed to utter, "But I could stay just like this too. for hours. I love the feel of your body against mine."

After what seemed to be too short a time, he rolled off me and onto his left side. I turned, rolling on to my right side. Lying face to face, our still raging hard cocks brushed against each other. We both looked down and grinned.

"Wow!" he giggled. "I thought we both needed a little break but from the look of our dicks; I don't think we are going to get one."

I reached down taking his cock in my left hand, "This is one fucking fantastic piece of meat. and you sure do know exactly how to put it to good use too."

He had taken hold of my dick with his right hand. "Why, thank you kind sir." He smiled mocking my southern accent. "You've got a damn nice hunk of dick, yourself."

We watched each other stroking our quivering cocks.

He broke the silence. "I have to tell you. you sure know how to make my cock jump to attention. Hell, I thought I would loose it when you were going down on me but. Shit! . Where on earth did you learn to do all of that with your ass? You had me almost there so many times. then you would back off with those cheeks of your. made me able go a little longer. Damn, you are good!"

"Hey now, precious darlin', I was only just reactin' to you and everything you were doin' to me." I had to give credit where credit was due. "You're the one who had me at the brink of exploding several times." I interjected.

We just lay there talking and looking into one another's eyes as we continued to feel and pump on the each other's dicks. Again our lips met. First softly and then with more intensity. Before long the heat was right back to where we had left off.

I kissed his neck and then; moving my body down on the bed, slid my mouth down his torso to his crotch. I could smell his manliness from the sweat on his body hairs. It excited me to no end. Using my left hand I guided his dick to my lips and took it back into my mouth. I pumped his shaft with my left hand at the same time my right hand fondled his balls. I sucked as if I would never be able to experience such a perfect cock ever again in my life; the magnificent cock that had just been up my ass. I savored it. I worked my tongue around the mushroom head, darting the tip of my tongue in and out of his cum slit. I ran my lips up and down the length of his shaft on either side of it before I once again took the entire length of his manhood back down to the very depths of my throat. I sucked like a wild man. His body responded by him bucking his hips forward to meet my eagerly sucking lips.

"Damn! There you go again!" he crooned. "Is there nothing you're not good at?" he asked.

I moved him onto his back and began sucking his dick with even more intensity as I had done earlier.

"God your mouth feels good! You can keep that up the rest of the night!" he moaned. "So fucking hot!"

I released my handgrip from his cock, making sure to keep it sliding in and out of my sucking lips. I put my hands under his hips and pulled his body to the edge of the bed; at the same time I moved myself onto the floor. As I repositioned our bodies, I allowed his cock to pop free from my mouth, slapping itself up against his belly. I sat on my knees, beside the bed. His legs spread wide open on either side of my crouching body; I had his body dangling on the edge of the bed. I again attacked his crotch with my slurping mouth. I used my hands to fondle each of his nuts. I rolled and pulled on them as I leaned up, cupping my lips and running them up and down the length of his shaft, as it lay flat against his belly. I worked his cock back and forth, pressing it down with my lips against his abdomen. Every time my lips reached the top of his shaft, I teased the head of his dick. Finally, without ever using my hands to touch it, I took his raging hard-on back in to my mouth and eagerly sucked it all the way down my throat. I had ulterior motives for what I was doing to him and I wanted to make damn sure I had him as hot and bothered as he could possibly be; very much the same way he had gotten me earlier. I continued kneading his balls with my hands as I hungrily took the enormous length of his shaft in and out of my open throat.

"Aw! Fuck yeah! Don't stop!" he murmured. "That feels great."

I had no intention of stopping; at least not stopping what I had in mind that I wanted to do. He had taken hold of my head as if he was the one in control and was guiding my sucking actions on his dick. Little did he know my seduction of his cock was only the beginning of what I had in mind. I pressed on.

I grabbed hold of his ridged hard-on with my left hand as I began to move my lips back to his balls, much to his disappointment. I gently caressed them in my oven of a hot mouth, first one and then the other. I swirled them around, getting them nice and wet with my tongue. I stroked his manhood with my right hand while my left hand was busy helping with the soft pulling torture of his nuts by my mouth. I could hear from the sounds he was making that he no longer was protesting me having taken my lips away from his meat. I knew I was making him just as hot as he had made me earlier. I was going on gut instinct, sheer passion and of course, lust. My plan, if I really even had one, was working.

Slowly, I released his nuts out of my mouth but kept my right hand pulling on them, my other hand working on his enormous cock. I sat up, just to look at everywhere my mouth had just been. I had to marvel at the sight of this man's body and equipment. I took in the wonders of his body as it lay before me like some lovingly prepared feast spread out, waiting to be devoured. His massive, hairy chest rising and falling with deep heavy breaths of passion, every muscle of his body taut with the heat of the night and the anticipation of what was to come. His dick throbbed and pulsed in my hand; offering up its strength as it engorged itself with the treasure his balls were steadily churning up to unload. I knew where I wanted to go next and what I wanted when I got there.

"Yes!" I thought to myself. "I have him right where I want him." I was certainly right where I wanted to be.

I lifted his balls so I could get my mouth again to the skin between his ball sac and his ass hole. With one hand stroking his cock up against his belly and the other hand pushing his balls up, I lowered my face and began nibbling and licking my way towards his treasure chest. Knowing his prostate was right behind this area, I applied pressure with my lips. I chewed and sucked, moving closer and closer to the furrow of his cheeks. At first he tensed and started to protest, but the sensations he was getting from every fiber of his crotch, made him soon give in to my prying mouth. As I flicked my tongue at his tender opening, he first moaned a low moan of shocked pleasure and then relaxed. That was all I needed to tell me it was okay to continue.

"It's my turn." I grinned devilishly.

From the position we were in, it was not as easy to reach his butt hole as I had expected it to be. I momentarily released his dick and balls from my fondling hands and lifted his legs by his knees, pushing him back some and bending his body backwards over itself. Now his entire rear end was exposed to me. I knew he wanted this because he helped support the weight of his legs with his own hands. I leaned in and chewed on one of his cheeks and then the other. My hands cupped his ass cheeks and spread them wide for me to get a better shot at the target in front of me.

"Oh baby. Don't mind if I do!" I murmured. "I just gotta get me some of that!"

I lowered my face to his hole, sticking my tongue right into its sweet center. He moaned. I licked, lightly at first, at the entrance of his bunghole. As his moans of pleasure became more heated and louder, I increased the pressure and began to suck in the manliness of this beautiful man before me.

"Aw fuck." He crooned as I assaulted his most private place. "That's so fucking wild! Shit, man! Eat it!" His head thrashed back and forth on the bed. "Oh fuck! I can't believe you are doing that."

"Hell!" I thought to myself. "I can't believe that I am doing this either!"

I was never one to play the total top, or total bottom for that matter; I usually tried to stay fairly much in the middle, being basically oral in the sex department. In most of my past sexual experiences, I had always done just that. But this was turning into something more. Pure cardinal lust. I had always thought that there was no part of a man's body that were with, should be worshiped and fully explored.

This man bent over before me, with his ass up- turned for my pleasure, was taking me to places I had not been in many, many years. I found myself lusting after him in ways I had not felt for anyone since the very first true love in my life, some years before. I wanted to make love to this man and experience him in the same ways he had just done to me. Man to man! No role-playing. No one person in total control; each person taking nothing away from the other, yet, both taking from the other absolute pleasure, because they want and need to do just that; and in response, giving the same amount of pleasure back to their partner. Just one man to another man, the way gay lovemaking should be. At that point in time, I had this beautiful hunk of a man moaning in ultimate delight from the pleasures I was giving him, which only made my own desires that much more determined and stronger.

I stood up beside the bed. I took hold of his legs and pulled his hips off the edge of the bed, closer up to meet my waiting crotch. I lifted his rear end by his legs and lowered each of them onto my shoulders. My dick twitched at the first touch of his ditch. I rubbed my impatient prick over his backside, letting the head tease the opening of chocolate highway. My left hand rubbed across the firmness of his chest, feeling the heat we each shared. With my right hand, I took hold of my dick and slapped it against his raging hard-on. Our crotches again touching each other's, I placed our dicks together and stroked them.

"You're right. It IS your turn." I heard him say in an almost exhausted low voice, letting me know that he wanted me inside of him as much as I had wanted him inside of me earlier.

I lowered his legs in order to reach back to the floor where he had dropped the condom bag and bottle of lubricant. I found the lubricant first and sat it on the bed next to his legs. Not being able to locate the bag containing the condoms, I had to lean down.

"Shit, where the fuck is it?" I asked somewhat frustrated. "I know it was here awhile ago."

Apparently, during the evening's active play we had managed to somehow kick the bag under the bed. He sat up and rubbed my ass as I bent over and rummaged around the floor for the much needed bag.

"It has to be there. I dropped it on the floor in the same place as the lube." He sounded almost desperate.

I found it and quickly grabbed a condom out of the opened bag. "Here it is."

He moved further up on the bed and I climbed up to meet him. He lay down and I moved back between his legs; into the position I had reluctantly left. As I did, I was already feverishly tearing open the condom package and in the process of putting the condom on my throbbing dick. I thought my dick was going to break. It was as hard as a rock. I was in a hurry. I was greedy and too much time had been wasted looking for the fucking bag in the first place. Besides, I didn't want him to cool down any. I wanted him in the worst way. I wanted him to feel the same pleasure that he had already given me.

I slid my head back down between his legs while unrolling the condom down my shaft and began mouthing his ass once more. When I felt that I had him nice and wet, and I had him hot and totally excited again, I slowly began raising my body with his legs over my shoulders until I was crouched once more at his backside. I moved my body up to meet his, the head of my aching dick arched to meet his waiting ass. He watched as I placed my cock-head at the crack of his muscular butt.

I heard him say, "Easy." when the tip of my dick first made contact. "It's been a long time for me too. I'm not use to this."

I knew this was something new for him since he had told me that he had always been primarily a top. I wanted this experience to be both wonderful and special. Having him wanting to share this moment with me and willing to have me enter his forbidden tunnel had already made this very special for me.

As he had done earlier, I squeezed a small amount of lubricant on to my fingers and I watched as I began working them around the outer opening of his tightly clenched ass.

"Try to relax. I'll go as slow as you need me to." I offered up some encouragement. "I want you to enjoy this too."

I rubbed some of the lubricant around his butt hole. When I felt he had relaxed some and was ready, I pushed a fingertip in. His body clenched and gave a slight jump. I did not back off the pressure. I twisted my hand so that my finger moved inside of his hole, massaging the entrance. He tightened up at first. I worked at his sphincter muscle until he got accustomed to the invader and then I began to slowly add another finger. He was ready. I made sure of it.

"Ough!" he crooned as the second finger slipped past his entrance to join my other finger working in the depths of his love channel. "Yeah!"

I squatted between his legs and placed my tool firmly at his entryway. I teased his ass hole with the head of my dick. I rubbed it around the entrance of his butt, then across his balls and back down to his ass again. I started to slowly push the tip of my hard-on in, not surprised at the tightness of his somewhat virgin hole. I felt him tighten up as my dick tried to slide past the outer opening. I held off going any further until his body had time to adjust to the prowler. My right hand grabbed hold of his raging hard cock. I squeezed and pulled at his pole and pushed my shaft in a little deeper. His body gave a sudden jump as the head of my cock finally slipped past his sphincter muscle.

"Awgh! FUCK! Dick in my ass!" he exclaimed in half sentences. "Feels good. AUGH YEAH!" He thrashed on the bed under me. "Yeah! Easy! Take your time. Take your time."

His breath was coming hard and deep. He was hot as hell. I could tell by the way his ass opened to the presence of my cock; knocking at his back door, that he was definitely ready. I pressed on. I slowly pushed forward, driving about half of my dick into him. I stopped there, only long enough for him to get use to the sensation of a cock. my cock. up his butt. I gradually pulled back on my shaft then pushed back into his tunnel a little deeper. I started a slow rotating motion with my hips giving him a little time to get use to having my boner up his ass before I went any further.

"Man, your ass is fuckin tight." I quivered. "It feels so fucking hot on my dick." I was not use to having any man impaled on my shaft; especially not a man like this one.

I bent my body over his and began kissing his lips. Our tongues darted back and forth in the heat of the moment. Gently and patiently I pushed in a little more as I felt his butt start relaxing to the pressure of my cock in his ass. His legs still over my shoulders, our mouths devouring the others' with hot, wet kisses, I made one final push, driving my dick home, until my tower was buried all the way in. The hair at the base of my dick hit up against his balls and I broke off the kiss.

All I could utter was, "Augh fuck!"

My body arched up, pressing my entire weight onto his pelvis as my dick bottomed out in the depths of his love canal.

"Fuck! Baby you've got it. It's all yours. Go for it!" he panted; propping himself up on his elbows so he could watch as I entered his body. "Take my ass! Push that rod all the way in."

His ass had to have been the tightest asses I had ever experienced. I wasn't sure how much I would be able to take. It felt so good. but was so damn tight!

"Yes!" He was breathing heavy. "Shit man, take me. Oh God! Fuck my ass."

I moved in a similar motion to what we had done earlier, when he was in me. We began to fuck, just the same as before; except now I was in the drivers seat. With each trust I made forward, he moved his hips back up to meet mine. As I pulled my cock back, he tightened up his ass, trying to keep me inside of him. He seemed to be enjoying it just as much as I had enjoyed having him fuck me. I grabbed a hold of his legs with my hands and began a rocking motion. I drilled his ass with my hard dick. His left hand reached for my right nipple and squeezed it; his right hand grabbed for his raging hard dick and feverishly began to jack it. The harder I drove in and out of his ass, the more he moaned and pulled at his cock. We were both about at the point of no return. The heat from our bodies and the lovemaking had us both extremely worked up. We were animals. Grinding our pelvises together and fucking and grunting like pigs; letting ourselves succumb to the lust we had shared for each other all night, we hunched back and forth on the bed.

"Take my dick!" I exclaimed as I sank my cock deep inside his ass. "Fuck on it, man. Take it all." I pushed and pulled my shaft in and out of him. "God yeah! That feels so good! Man, you're so fucking hot! Fuck it! Feels good! Yeah, you make my dick feel good." I was riding him like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh yeah. fuck my ass. pump that big dick up there." he sputtered between the jabbing thrusts of my cock. "Holy shit. that feels. so fucking. GOOD!"

I held his legs and watched as I pushed and prodded his ass hole with my man-ramming cock. His body lurched each time I slammed into him. My balls slapped at his underside. Our bodies continued bucking at a steady, fevered pitch, which was working us both up to the level of popping our wads at any minute. We each knew that we had to slow down before we each reached that point where we couldn't stop ourselves from emptying our nuts. I slowed my motion. We neither one wanted to lose our loads just yet. The look in his eyes told me that he really didn't want to stop, but knew we had to.

I took hold of his dick in my right hand, gave it a firm squeeze and began pulling my dick out of his ass. I slowly let his legs fall from my shoulders, back to the bed and gently began pulling back on my dick. His muscles clamped down tightly on my shaft; making my dick feel as if I would loose my nut at any time. His throbbing manhood pulsed and quivered in my hand and I knew he was real close to blowing his load as well. His left hand quickly moved to cover my hand holding onto his cock. He stopped me from stroking his prick. He relaxed; knowing I had understood that he didn't want me to make him cum just yet. I held on to his quaking shaft and began, ever so slowly, to free my cock from the imprisonment of his hot, tight ass. It seemed to take forever for my cock to completely exit his tunnel. When the head of my poker finally popped out of its confines, his body made a huge jump and I thought for sure that he had shot his honey.

"Augh fuck!" he exclaimed. "NO!"

His body gave a lurch forward as soon as my dick was completely out. He threw his arms around my neck, pulling me to him. I collapsed on top of him. I was hoping that I had given him as much pleasure as he had given me. Our lips wrapped around each other's and we began kissing with a shared knowledge that everything we had just done this evening was not yet quite over.

Both of us were wringing wet from the sweat of our bodies and we were gasping for air as we broke off our kisses. I rolled off of him and pulled the condom from my dick. We lay side-by-side for a second or two and then he propped himself up with his left elbow and leaned over me. He ran his free hand around the hairs on my chest.

"Man that was fucking fantastic." He spoke in a raspy voice. "It's been a long time since anyone has been there or that I even wanted anyone up there."

I broke in before he had a chance to say anything else. "We almost lost it. You had me so damn hot." I stroked his face, "I could tell that you were real close and I was afraid I couldn't hold off any longer either."

"Maybe we shouldn't" was all he said.

His right hand began lowering to my crotch, taking hold of my still raging hard tower. With my left hand, I reached for his cock. It pulsed in my hand. I just held on to his throbbing member; not daring to stroke it for fear he would finally loose control and shoot.

We did not speak another word. We did not move. We just held on to each other's manly shafts; our bodies and minds so closely connected by this time that we could feel our hearts beating between us. We lay quietly on the bed, looking deeply into each other's eyes; breathing and panting heavily, locked in each other's grasps. Our eyes searching for the reassurance that each of us was experiencing the same emotional intensity and that it actually was in fact really happening.

We began a soft but passionate kiss; holding on to each other's drooling joysticks. Our lustful kisses turned from merely brushing over each other's lips and faces to nibbling at each other's ears and finally chewing on each other's necks. We each wanted to make this last a lot longer, but could tell the time for release was way over due and real close at hand. We had been so turned on, so heated up and at the breaking point too many times that night.

He started to stir, letting go of my dick; I released his cock as well. I shifted on the bed as he climbed back on top of me. I thought that he was going to do a repeat of his love making, but this time he made no attempt to put his manhood back inside of me. I placed both of my hands on his back, pulling him to me. I felt his weight lower completely down on top of me, our chests rubbing against each other, our cocks smashing between our stomachs. We passionately and greedily pressed against each other. We were in-heat. Our dicks moving around and side-by-side each other's; every inch of our bodies lubricated with sweat, we slid and hunched together. We ground ourselves together in a simulated fucking motion. As we simultaneously banged and thrashed, we showered each other with strong, hot, wet kisses, full of lust. No longer were we content with anything less than full out passion for the other person; trying to symbolically, actually eat each other. With more and more intensity, we kissed deeper and harder, working ourselves up to the moment of release. Muffled grunts and groans were coming from us both. Our bodies were pounding and thrashing all over the bed, our crotches smashing into one another with more and more ferocity.

I broke our lip lock long enough to utter, "I'm real close!" My balls were at their breaking point.

I tried to hold off until I was sure that he too was ready. He was sucking on the side of my neck; obliviously giving me a hicky.

"Me too!" He grunted, "I'm there!"

I could feel his body start to get rigid and knew his time was at hand too. He put his hands on the bed on either side of my chest and pushed his upper body up so that his cock pressed and rubbed harder against my cock. He ground and pushed his dick against mine. We stared into each other's eyes, knowing the TIME was RIGHT. My hands clutched at his chest, grabbing at his nipples and the hairs on his pecs. The friction and wetness of our bodies pounding against each other had finally reached a critical point. This was the moment we had been building to all night.

"I'm going to.I'm Cumming!" he threw his head back as he began to empty the first wad of his juices all over my stomach. "Oh shit! Oh God!" His dick pressed harder and harder against mine. "Augh! Yes!"

No sooner than his dick started gushing his big sticky load onto my crotch and stomach, my cock began squirting out my hot cum.

"Oh fuck yeah! I'm there! I'm there" My head twisted and turned on the bed. "Mmmm! Oh fuck!"My dick shot the first of my load. "Fuck yes! I continued to pump what felt like my entire guts into the river of love fluid between us. "Ugh! Ugh! Yes!"

We, at the same moment, climaxed!

We continued our humping and grinding motion as our cocks shot pools of jism between us. Our crotches filled with the juices of out lovemaking. Our bodies were tense. Our grunts and groans of pleasure came louder.

"Oh yeah baby, shoot that fucking big load all over me!" I cried out. "Make me wet! It feels so good!"

He continued sliding his dick up against mine. Our loads shot everywhere. The feel of it was wonderful. The sweat and heat from our bodies and the sticky wetness of our orgasms, made everything about what was happening seem that much more erotic.

"Fucking take my load!" he grunted as his dick shot still more of his wonderful liquid onto my belly. "Shit man! Wow! Feels so good!"

We thrashed against each other, driving our dicks together in one last depositing, flinging drive; until our balls were completely drained.

He collapsed back down on top of me; both of us gasping for air. My arms locked around his neck. He kissed me as hard as I kissed him. We were both totally wasted. We had drained our bodies of any and all the energy we had started with. All we could do was to lie in each other's arms; feeling the hot sticky wetness of our explosions that we had left between us.

The warm afterglow of our lovemaking began to settle in. We stayed lying together, holding tightly onto each other, for quite a while. Neither one of us wanted to or really was even able to move. His head lay beside mine, our breathing slowed, allowing our lungs to slowly be able to take in more air. We began to cool down, savoring the experience we had just been through. Finally, he rolled off of me onto his side. I turned to face him.

"Oh my God! That was fucking fantastic." He finally managed to say. He kissed me again.

I started to move off the bed to get a towel to clean us up. "That wasn't too bad." I replied and smiled, "for FOREPLAY!" I quickly added, " Just wait until we REALLY get into it"

"Foreplay my ass. Is that what you call it?" He grabbed my arm, pulling me back down to him. "That was a complete trip around the moon and back." He laughed.

He scooted his body up to the head of the bed, pulling me up with him. He leaned over and picked up the pillows from the floor where they had been knocked sometime during the night. We, for the first time that night, lay on the bed in a normal position. He rolled onto his back, placing a pillow under his head and pulled me over to him so I could lay my head on his strong shoulder. I snuggled in and we talked. I ran my hand over his chest, playing with his chest hairs. He lightly rubbed my shoulder using the hand of the arm I was lying on.

This evening had been everything we had each hoped it would be and even more. What had originally started out, as a computer dating, weekend fling; had turned into one of the wildest, erotic, most passionate, romantic adventures that either of us had ever had.

"I'm sticky and starving." I kissed his shoulder. "Are you still hungry?"

He leaned up slightly, "Well, I don't think that we are going to find anything around here open this late." He looked over to the nightstand behind me and began to laugh. "You are not going to believe this. but it is five o'clock in the morning."

We had gotten so caught up into the lust for each other. We had made love all evening and well into the morning and had completely missed dinner.

"It may be too late for dinner but.there is always breakfast." I grinned and quickly added with a knowing wink, "That is if BREAKFAST. is anything like dinner!"



I look at my watch and notice the TIME. almost five o'clock in the morning. A smile comes to my lips as I sit in this chair watching his labored breaths; I can still recall so vividly in my mind, our first meeting and all the love that came out of it.

Who would ever have thought that twenty years ago, two men in their fifties, who were HIV positive, would meet and correspond over the internet, make arrangements to meet face to face at a gay desert resort community, fall madly in love and build a wonderful, loving life together. But that is just the way it happened.

The TIMING had been right for our meeting and we had spent our TIME together building a beautiful life, full of an immense love for each other.

From that first weekend, the two of us were never apart. Not even for one night. except for the few weeks it took each of us to return to our homes to close out our businesses; only to return to Palm Springs to buy a house and set up a life together.

For twenty years he had been the man of my dreams. I could not imagine life without him. We had shared a marvelous life. I can only hope that I did everything in my power to make his life as fulfilled as he made mine.

Now, our time and life was sadly coming to an end.

He lay in his hospital bed, semi-conscious. I keep an ever vigil watch. He knows that I am here with him. I can tell. He is the love of my life. This man. My man!

His life force is slowly slipping away from me; this beautiful creature, which had captured my heart oh so long ago, is now leaving me. Our time together will soon be over...but what a time it has been. There had always been so much love, so much caring, and so much understanding and of course, so much love making; shared in our brief time together. I just pray that he can hold on until BREAKFAST!

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