Breaking My Own Rule

By J. Bowman

Published on Dec 9, 2021



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I was back in Raleigh, NC for a regional sales meeting.

I liked Raleigh. There were countless opportunities to be dirty there.

This meeting was fairly small, about fifteen of us. Most of the folks were familiar faces, including Rob.

Rob was based in DC. He was great at his job, but outside of that, he was an enigma. He was super fit with a head full of sandy blond hair. His eyes were the color of pools of blue water. He could rock a clean shave or a bit of stubble.

But Rob was all about business. He didn't wear a wedding ring and never spoke of his home life. From the very moment I met him, I knew I wanted to know more.

This meeting was scheduled for Thursday and Friday. We always wrapped these meeting just after lunch, making sure folks weren't spending their weekend to get home. But I am getting ahead of myself.

For Thursday evening, the company planned a dinner for us at the 42nd Street Oyster Bar. It's a great place with incredible food good drinks! They almost encourage us to imbibe and develop a team bond. I was fortunate enough to be sat next to Rob.

We ate, drank, and laughed for hours. But three hours in the same wooden chair and you get restless. We were both shifting in our seats and finally seemed to settle with our knees and thighs somewhat pressing against each other.

One of the group finally pointed out that we had to be back in the meeting room in less than ten hours-- time to call it a night. Most of the crew piled into a few Ubers and headed back to the hotel. As it turned out, I found myself in the back seat right next to Rob.

Our driver was a bit of a lead foot and at one point, turning a corner, Rob leaned towards me and then actually fell on me.

He smelled incredible. I lifted my arm and almost hoped he would stay right there. He pushed himself back up, while laughing, and said "That was nice." What did that mean?

We were all somewhat drunk. While I am perpetually horny, I have a rule to not "Shit where I eat."

No work romances.

The hotel doorman opens the door for Rob, and he makes his way out of the car, and I follow. I did gawk at the ass as Rob left the car. But I'm drunk and I have a rule!

As we entered the lobby, Rob pointed out that the hotel bar was open. "Let's have one more!"

"Are you sure?" I asked, "Eight AM comes earlier and earlier with every drink."

"C'mon. One and done."

"Fuck it. Let's do it."

"One and done..." right.

Three drinks each and the bartender made last call. The hotel bar closed at midnight.

Rob picked up the tab and we headed for the bank of elevators.

"That was fun. I could have sat there all night!" Rob said.

Is this guy teasing me?

We get in the elevator and both lean against the back wall. Rob slowly leans towards me, "Christ, I am drunk!" "Yeah, I'm feeling it to," I agreed.

"Too bad no one took advantage of us!"

I laughed out loud and, in my head, repeated my mantra, "I do not shit where I eat. I do not shit where I eat."

We were staying on the same floor. Rob's room was near the elevators, and he fumbled with his room card, but he was able to get his door opened.

I asked if he would be alright. He mumbled he may be late in the morning, and I laughed again, telling he better not be.

His door shut and I ambled my way to my own room. I'd love to tell you how I stripped down and rubbed one out while thinking of his ass! I was drunk and I fell asleep in my work clothes.

The next morning was tough. The 8 o'clock meeting didn't really get started until about 8:45 as we all straggled in, but Rob was right there at 8, with a smile.

There was always an HR rep at our meetings. This time it was Heather. Heather loved puns, ice breakers, and cliché sayings. Thank God, it was day two and we were not asked to do an icebreaker. But I swear, if I had to hear her say, "Work hard. Play hard," one more time...

This woman's idea of a "Play hard" was a day of apple picking followed by a Pampered Chef party at her sister-in-law's house.

I actually like Heather, just not during an 8 AM hangover.

The morning moved quickly. We were all too tired to ask questions, and we actually wrapped before lunch.

As we cleared the conference room, Rob approached me and asked if I wanted to do lunch before we all head out.

I told him I could do coffee, but that I was too tired to eat a meal. I also told him I planned to stay an extra day and hoped to nap this afternoon to shake this off -before a night out.

"Cool! You got big plans?" Rob asked.

"Sorta, not really." I hemmed. "I don't have specific plans, but Raleigh can be a fun place. Thought I'd stick around try to find some trouble."

"Nice!" Rob said, "I don't know why I'm rushing back. I don't have any plans."

I remained silent because I didn't want to tell him what my plans really were.

"I ought to stay. We could hang out, and not worry about a morning meeting."


"I mean if that's alright with you?"

"Sure. I mean, you can. I don't know if we will enjoy the same things."

"I'm sure we'll have a blast. Let me change my reservation and I'll meet you in the café."

"Well, shit! There goes a dirty weekend."

We have our coffee, and both planned to take a nap. We agreed to chat at 5 and figure out what we would do.

I had changed into some sweats when I got back to the room, and I fell into bed. 5 rolls around and the knock at my door woke me I threw on a t-shirt and answered the door.

"Did I wake you up?"

"It's cool. We said 5 and I needed to get up."

"So, what's the plan?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"You decide! I don't know Raleigh and you seem to have had some fun here before. What would you do if I weren't here?"

If he only knew...

"Well, in all honesty, there is a club called Legends, and they have a great show that is fun. You can dance, drink, just hang out..."

"What kind of show?"

"Umm,'s a drag show."

"No way!"

"Is that a prob...."

"Ever heard of `Town'? It's a great bar in DC and they have good shows. But honestly, it's no Ziegfeld's. Downstairs is a great drag bar and upstairs has big-dicked go-go dancers."


"I don't think there is boom-boom room, but the visuals are nice."

"Rob? Are...are you gay?"

He starts laughing, "Seriously? How could you not tell?"

"Wow! So, you know I'm gay too?"


I twisted my face a little.

"Everybody knows you're gay. Not in a bad way...okay, there is not a bad way. Maybe not everyone...I knew, but we have gaydar!" he motioned back and forth.

"Well, then," I proclaimed, "Legends it is! Holy shit, mind blown! Let's meet back here at 8:00. We can grab dinner and maybe a drink or two before hitting the club."

We ate at a place called "The Flying Saucer." They have a fantastic beer selection and some pretty good German fare. We stayed for a couple of rounds and headed to the club around 10.

Legends can be great fun. They have two or three drag shows-- with some very excellent Queens-- on Friday nights. In between shows, you can hang out on the patio, shoot pool, or dance to a great DJ.

We got drinks and did a lap or two around to see what was what. We ended up in the dance area and naturally started dancing. We were laughing and trying to talk. We had to yell in each other's ear to be heard, and each time our heads came close to one another, his cologne would send shivers over me.

Rob was good-looking before, but now that I knew he was gay, he was flat-out, fucking hot!

I would catch myself and whisper in my mind, "You don't shit where you eat."

We danced for quite a while and were getting a little sweaty. That only made me hornier than I was before.

The beer flowed freely and we were getting drunk. At one point I leaned in like I was going to say something and for some reason, I kissed his cheek. He pulled back with a big grin on his face and I went to apologize. He motioned me in, I thought to say, "No, thanks." As I moved forward he put a hand behind my head brought me into a deep kiss. His tongue parted lips briefly.

I pulled back and asked him, "Are we sure?"

He never stopped dancing. With a massive grin, "I am!"

"To hell with it," I thought, "I'm not shitting where I eat. I'm flirting, and he likes it."

We kept dancing and kissing and quickly moved to having our hands all over each other.

They announced the drag show would start soon, and we made our way to the cabaret room.

It was crowded and we ended up with me standing in front of Rob.

As the show started he moved closer. He was right on me, and his smell kept me entranced.

I felt Rob wrap an arm around me, then the other. He felt so good.

I could feel him grinding into me a bit, and it was driving me wild.

He slipped a hand in my side pocket and began to feel for my cock. I was immediately hard and I could feel his fingers rub the head through the pocket. I looked back and was met with a devilish grin.

The show ended and we walked back through the bar area, stopping again for another beer. He stood close to me, hooking a finger in my belt loop and pulled me closer to kiss again.

He asked if I was ready to go?

"We can go. Do you want to go back or find a new place?

"I just want some air," he said.

We finished our beer and headed out the front door.

"What is that?" Rob asked as he motioned across the street.

I chuckled, "A dirty bookstore."

"With snakes and a popcorn machine?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's not your average dirty bookstore. The arcade area can be a little crazy." I advised.

"Let's go!" Rob demanded.

"I don't know if you're ready for that place."

"Psht! It won't be my first bookstore!" as he crossed the street to "Our Place."

We paid our fee and walked to the back.

This place had booths of every size. Most of them had huge glory holes. There were a few booths without glory holes, but they had large benches, almost beds.

Rob grabbed my hand as we entered the maze of booths. I didn't know if we were going to play with each other, separately, or the two of us with someone else.

He ducked in a booth and pulled me in closing the door behind him. He came in for a hard, deep kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance. His hands went under my shirt, and he tweaked my nipples. Pulling back, he said, "I want to be dirty. I am so fucking horny!"

I never saw this coming from Rob. His work demeanor was so different, but he did know how to have fun.

"Let's find someone to play with," Rob said as he opened the door.

I was somewhat stunned to realize that Rob like dirty as much as I do.

I knew my own bulge was visible. Rob had teased me into a hard on.

He took a spot near the booth we were in and leaned against the wall. I check his bulge as I moved next to him. Rob was as hard as I was, and his bulge bordered on obscene-- it was fantastic.

Men were making the loop around the booths. Some were discrete with a head nod and others were obnoxious in their signals.

I noticed Rob's eye lock onto one man as he passed. He wore a baggy striped shirt, but that didn't hide his lithe, muscular frame. He was vaguely Hispanic or Middle Eastern. His skin was beautiful, and he had stubble that only lent itself to his swarthy features.

He passed by once and gave Rob a head nod.

He passed by again, and locked eyes with Rob. He used his left hand to heft his crotch as he passed.

Rob moved closer to me and on the third pass, he asked the man, "How's it going?"

The man stopped and for a moment and said, "Good, you?"

Rob tilted his head, motioning to me and said, "We're just looking for fun. Want to?"

With that Rob turned into a booth that had no holes but one of the huge benches. I followed.

I left the door open, but the guy just stood there. I turned to look back at him and smiled, doing that head motion that means. "Come here."

He ducked in the booth, pushed the door shut and locked it.

As he turned, Rob came in for a deep kiss, moaning into the man's mouth. Rob pulled back slightly and turned to kiss me as well. He was pulling us both into a triple kiss.

Our guy smelled like soap, and his stubble triggered every horny urge in my body.

Rob immediately began unfastening the man's black jeans. He squatted as he did so. Our man pulled his shirt back over his head revealing a set of dog tags that clinked as he hooked his shirt behind his head. This stud had a hairy chest that tapered to a light dusting across his cut abs and led in a dark line down to his cock. He wore black briefs-- nothing fancy-- but when you fill them the way he did, you didn't need to be fancy.

Rob pulled the briefs down to join the man's jeans, and in one huge gulp, he swallowed that stiffening cock.

Our man groaned, and I knelt to join Rob. In no time we had a rhythm going of our lips, each taking a side of his dick, and moving in unison.

The guy put a hand on each of our heads guiding us up and down.

We then passed his cock back and forth, each taking a few bobs, then sharing with each other. The man was growling as we worked him over.

Rob focused on taking that cock as deep as he could. He moaned around the shaft as he made it to the root. I went deeper and began licking the balls and taking them in my mouth.

"Fuuuck!" our man moaned loudly. The he growled, "I wanna fuck."

Rob pulled off the cock and hissed a "yess!" as he stood and turned.

Rob immediately began unfastening his jeans and our man helped, pushing them down to Rob's ankles.

Rob bent forward and I was still down on my knee. "The guy looked down at me and said lube him up!"

"What?" I asked.

"Eat his ass. Get him wet!" the guy directed.

I turned and planted my face deep in Rob's ass. I could smell the soapy citrus body wash the hotel provided. His ass was smooth. I could feel his hole contract and push out as I tongue fucked him. I love to eat ass and this as heaven.

I felt our man begin to push my face deeper in Rob's ass and he ordered "Get that hole wet."

Rob groaned in pleasure and with one hand on my own dick, I reached between Rob's leg's and began milking his rigid cock. I could feel the goosebumps as they spread on the inside of Rob's legs, and he shivered while moaning.

Our man pulled on my shoulder, turning me towards his cock. The uncut hood had retracted over the deep purple head, and I rolled my tongue around the head getting it as wet as I could.

He turned towards Rob, pushing on his shoulders to arch his back. He lined that cock with Rob's pulsing hole and began to enter him. Rob breathed deeply and the man leaned over his back and began whispering.

"Open up for me. C'mon, relax and take it. Just breathe."

I stayed on my knee and went back to milking Rob's cock. I could feel the precum drip. Through my hand.

"That's it. Yeah." Our man said as he stood up pushing his hips forward. I leaned forward and kissed his abdomen and ran my tongue along that V line as close as I could down toward his cock.

He made several small thrusts forward, teasing Rob to beg for more. Rob obliged.

"Do it! Fuck me please." Rob begged.

I encouraged him, "Take that hole! Fuck him!" I cupped our guys left cheek in my hand and pushed him forward.

He bent over Rob's back again and began rapid fucking him. Rob's moans became grunts punctuated with each thrust.

This move opened our guy's ass, and I took the opportunity to taste it. He had light fuzz over his muscled globes and hair around his hole that I matted with my spit as I drove my tongue deep. I tried moving my head in conjunction with his thrusts. The two were moaning and grunting in unison.

At one point our man stopped thrusting and reached behind himself to push my face deeper.

"Fuck you got me..." he started, "Don't stop."

Rob used the pause to turn on his back and raise his legs back. Our man bent over to spit on Rob's hole.

He pushed his legs back further. Change started dropping out of Rob's pockets and we started laughing.

I stood and kissed our man through our laughs. He lined back up and holding Rob's ankles, he really started ramming that cock in him. The power pushed Rob back further on the bench, and his chin was pressed against his chest.

I bent over to kiss Rob deeply. As I pulled back he whimpered, begging, "Suck me! "

I kissed down his tight chest and abs. Using my tongue to lift his cock and take it in my mouth.

Rob had so much precum. It was deliciously sweet.

All I had to do was hold my head still and with each thrust from our man, Rob's cock pushed into my waiting mouth. I swirled my tongue around his head and shaft as best I could.

Rob's breathe became ragged and I could tell he was getting close. He latched on to his nipples as he held his breathe and his face twisted. I felt our guy put his hand on the back of my head as Rob began to shake and fill my mouth with volley after volley of his hot cum.

I am a greedy bastard, and I swallowed every drop, using my tongue to milk as much as I could.

Rob's orgasm sent our man over the edge, and he began to piston in and out, "I'm gonna shoot!"

He pulled out completely and began to fist his cock furiously.

I pushed on his hip turning him towards me and pulling his hand away I engulfed that throbbing rod.

He grabbed the me by the back of my head and sank his cock as deep down my throat as possible.

I could feel the pulses of cum travel along his shaft as he emptied down my throat. I pushed back and his last two pulses coated my tongue. His cum was thick and nutty tasting. Before I could even swallow, Rob turned my head and pushed his tongue in my mouth tasting the same load.

As we broke the kiss, I stood upright. Robbed dropped to the floor bare-kneed and began bobbing on my leaking shaft. I was seconds from erupting myself.

Our man leaned in and played with my nipple as he also probed my mouth with his tongue.

Without a sound, I filled Rob's mouth with my own overdue load. His mouth was magical as he coaxed every drop from me.

He sat back on his haunches as we all caught our breathe and did that awkward and unspoken "What now?" routine at the conclusion of a random hookup. We each began to gather our clothes and tried to appear decent before we exited the booth.

Just before unlocking the door and with Rob fastening his jeans, our guy looked back and then nodded at the bench, "You guys keep the change."

With a wide grin he disappeared.

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