Brendon and the Trucker

Published on Apr 14, 2008



Brendon didn't feel different. He knew thousands of others his age did what he did. And it seemed inevitable that he would end up living out of his backpack. There wasn't any huge argument, it just became evident it was time to go.

His father was always calling people "Fags" and cursing televised events where others like Brendon marched or campaigned.

Brendon's mother wasn't any different. She was a devoted Bible quoter and claimed anyone who didn't agree with her was going to hell, be they Gay, black, liberal, union organizers of democrats.

He loved the danger being in his bedroom and letting guys transform him into a naked sex pig. They would fondle him at first and end up stripping him while keeping clothed themselves.

Brendon was cute. He had been told that since he could remember. It wasn't just his Aunts pinching his cheeks, face and butt. His Uncles too would pat his butt saying they couldn't wait till he grew up.

Then there was his cousins. They all made jokes about him being queer bait when he didn't know what that was. He learned terms like cornhole, blowjob, handjob from them and gladly participated in their games.

He loved playing football with them in the yard over the family Thanksgiving days. Most of the guys stripped to shorts despite the winter temperatures, their young bodies generating enough heat to help them survive. And he loved the game because the group always wanted him to get the ball so they could pile up on him.

Under the pile of his fellow horny relatives, Brendon's butt would be fingered, his cock and balls groped and his nipples pinched.

And he knew that during the night to come, he'd feel more invasive and pleasing probing by fingers and eventually cocks.

He stood nearly naked one night urinating when one of his Uncles came into the bathroom and stood next to him. Brendon couldn't help but stare at the man size cock next to him.

"You can hold it" the man said and Brendon felt the tubular toy feeling the rush of urine inside. He moved it about and giggled as it seemed to grow larger in his hand.

"Sit down" the man said and Brendon sat on the toilet feeling the man's water flow all over him. He giggled again feeling the warm water make his body shiver.

It was stiff then. It wasn't the first stiff penis he had seen of course. By then his own hardened at anytime it wanted to. At school he had to hide it, but with his cousins all the guys seemed to do the same thing so he let it stick out.

"Lick it" the man said.

Brendon wasn't sure if he should. He kind of wanted to and the grown up seemed to say it was ok. He licked and licked and licked.

It barely fit in his mouth but he got the mushroom shaped tip in and he followed the other instructions the man gave until he had to swallow.

Brendon had seen guys shoot stuff out of their cocks before. No matter how hard he had rubbed his own, it didn't do it.

"Don't worry, you'll start soon" one of his older cousins had told him when Brendon asked for advice. Monty was much older and seemed to like Brendon. He didn't make fun of him, or even grope him all the time like many of the others.

"You did that nice. Maybe next year, I'll show you what that cute butt of yours can feel like with a man inside it" the Uncle said as he bent over and kissed Brendon's cum filled mouth.

He went back into the bedroom where guys were sprawled everywhere. They were on beds, in sleeping bags on the floor. He had been on a blowup mattress next to where Monty slept in a sleeping bag.

"You ok?" Monty said as he sat on the bedding.

"Yea, can I sleep with you?" Brendon asked. He hadn't planned it, but the words flowed out of his mouth as he saw Monty's naked body half way out of his bag.

"Uh maybe we shouldn't" Monty said. But Brendon had opened the sleeping bag and saw the older boy's hard cock. He nuzzled down into the bag and sucked despite Monty's initial whispers for him to stop.

His cum tasted better then his Uncle's. Brendon pulled off his own undershoots and snuggled next to Monty. The older boy didn't object.

But those were the good times. Back at home, his parents constant comments told him that sooner or later, he would have to leave them.

There wouldn't be college for him, at least not paid for by them.

"What are you some kind of faggot?" His father would say whenever he objected to what Brendon wore or said or even did. He wore skin tight singlet to participated on the wrestling team and his father complained.

He had thought his dad would like his athletic participation. The man had forced him to play in Little League and Pop Warner football when Brendon was younger.

"You can't wear those" His mother made him put on baggy swimsuit when he appeared in the pair of Speedos. They were his school team's swim shorts, but nevertheless his Mother said he was showing off.

His clock alarm sounded at 4:30 am. He had already packed his backpack with a few clothes, his favorite gay magazine which he snuck into he house, his address book and some energy bars.

Into the darkness he left a half hour later not even looking back at the house where he had spent the first 18 years of his life. High School was behind him, his disapproving parents still in their bed, connection with his cousins and the two Uncles that had taught him the joys of men were gone. Only the future new what would happen to him.

"Hey my favorite nephew" His Uncle smiled at him as Brendon came into the house with several other cousins. He had grown allot that year but was still shorter then most. His face still had the admirable dimples and his buttocks were as round as ever.

He had spent every spare moment urging streams of sperm from his body that year despite his parents telling him he was shortening his life, that God disapproved or that he would go blind.

"Tonight, you and your Uncle Robert and I are going hiking, ok?" the man had already patted his butt. Brendon wondered when he would be sucking the man's cock again as he had done the year before.

He had done that allot over the past year too. His school music teacher, Monty during a visit over Easter, one of his friends on the night of their Senior prom and the delivery company man...who was actually a older boy, not quite a grown man.

"Cool" Brendon answered his Uncle. He didn't know the night would end up with the three of them skinny dipping and swimming across the lake to the little island not far from shore.

Nor did Brendon know he would be sucking his Uncle Robert's cock as well. Two men with hard dicks he touched, jacked, sucked and then lay back and felt each one of them introduce him to man fucking.

That too wasn't his first time. He was a cub scout and his pack had an older boy Explorer with them. He liked wrestling with the older boy, hanging around him, talking to him and during a camping trip the older boy told him about sex.

He felt the older boys' cock hurt him as it went inside. But he felt the boys arms holding him and heard his whispers calming him. Brendon didn't know why but it felt good and he wanted to do it again. It didn't.

His Uncles' cocks were big and he squirmed but as he had done years ago, listened to their advice and eventually felt as if he was transported to some other reality as each cock rubbed against his insides.

There was no doubt he was gay. He had slowly realized it and didn't worry about it. Perhaps being the cute kid all his life had prepared him. Maybe the early dabbling with sexual play had made Brendon feel ok about it. Or like he read in many books and magazines he had somehow known he was gay since birth.

The first car that picked him up took him to the interchange. The man was friendly and on his way to work. Brendon had wondered what would happen if someone giving him a ride wanted sex. The man didn't.

He sat at the counter drinking coffee and eating eggs feeling free, almost grown up. As he looked around the coffee shop, he looked at the strangers.

There were men sitting together talking and laughing. Some wore baseball caps, many were chubby like his father, others thin. Most wore jeans and casual shirts. Some wore wife beaters, others plaid shirts.

Outside huge trucks came and went.

"Uh sorry to interrupt, any of you goin to California?" He asked one table packed with several of them. They all said "no".

He heard them laugh as he left the table going back to his eggs.

Standing at a urinal later Brendon wondered what he could do to get a ride. California was all beaches, actors and sun he knew. It was where he wanted to go.

"Hey kid you still want that ride?" He had a toothpick sticking out the corner of his lips. The man stood next to Brendon but not as close to the urinal in front of him.

"Yea" Brendon saw it was one of the men he had talked to early.

"Didn't want the others to hear back there. You get rides with truckers allot?" he asked.

"now and then" Brendon said

"So you know the ropes" the man said. Brendon's eyes had glanced down to see the man holding his dick and stroking it a bit.

"I guess" Brendon said.

"You gotta be careful kid, there are guys who will make you do stuff and kick you out" He said as he stroked more. "I'm goin to Denver, then to Phoenix and then into LA if you want to do that. It'll take some time and I could use the company."

"Oh yea?" Brendon had wanted to get to California as soon as he could but the idea of touring part of the country was a good idea.

The man turned his cock in plain view. "So if you like truckers and know what a cute guy like you is expected to do, it works for me" He put his penis inside his pants and buttoned them.

"Let's go back so I can take a look" he pointed to the stalls which were actually little rooms.

Brendon walked to one and inside turned around.

"Don't worry, not goin to rape you or nothing, just want to make sure you are a fun kid and not just one that will suck for a ride." He stood back against the closed door.

"Good, what you said about the uh cities, sounds good. I could use the time, uh you know to relax and stuff" Brendon said.

"Want to show me?"

Brendon pulled off his shirt and lowered his shorts.

"Nice, so you want to be my butt boy, buddy for a few weeks?" The man patted his bare butt.

"I'll take good care of you, don't worry. You take care of me and I think we'll be good buddies".

Brendon sighed as they arrived in New Orleans terminal. It had been three months on the road with Clyde. He enjoyed the long rides and short visits in cities he had only heard about.

"Got a three day layover here, Bren. We can sleep in a real bed, shower, get some gumbo" Clyde said as he patted Brendon's bare leg. "Better dress"

Brendon was naked. He liked riding that way so did Clyde. He had learned many of the things his special friend liked.

They had seen Denver, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Los Angeles, Florida, Dallas and now New Orleans.

Brendon knew the trips were about to end as they were heading back to California where Clyde lived with his family in Orange County. Brendon would stay there and see all he had planned to see months ago.

They showered together as they had now and then. Clyde lay on the bed they would share and Brendon straddled him holding the cock he had worshipped for months as he sat on it.

He rocked back and forth watching his older man's face reveal his pleasure.

Brendon had given his body to the man that first trip. It was exciting to have the man hold him, kiss him, fuck him. Brendon heard the man laugh about past experiences about fantasies. And he did what he could to fulfill some of those, riding naked, letting himself be rented to friends, playing pigslave to a dorm full of truckers.

It was a long way from his parents world, and near to where Brendon was headed, his future of men, love, a career and whatever else California offered.

Brendon was gay and proud he was gay.

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