Broken Eggs - The First Dozen

By Ted Stevens

Published on Aug 27, 2002



Ted had been waiting for this week for almost three years. As a senior at a small, liberal arts college in the suburbs of Philadelphia, his fantasy of fantasies had a real good chance of actually becoming true. The thrill of anticipation stirred a pleasant feeling in his lower abdomen. He had learned in psychology class that sex was a major driver of human behavior, and he knew he was about to take the wheel of a shiny, powerful, 18 wheeled big rig.

The idea had started back when Ted was a silly freshman and nearing the finish of pledge indoctrination for the social fraternity Sigma Rho Gamma. For three weeks the 13 pledges had endured the demands, taunts and rigors of their upper class, soon to be, fraternity brothers. Their nightly activities included scavenger hunts, exercise, housekeeping, and memorization of appropriate answers to important questions. Question: How low are you, pledge?" Answer: "Lower than whale dung off the southern most tip of Mindinao, sir!" There was occasional friendly competition such as arm wrestling or Indian wrestling. The brothers would take great delight in wagering on a winner as well as denigrating a looser or one who did not seem to display an adequate amount of effort. Ted, while not a big, robust football playing type, was in pretty good shape and had high school wrestling experience, so he usually did pretty well.

Sig Rho had no fraternity house, such uncontrolled living environments were not permitted by campus rules, so the fraternity pledgemaster and his assistants had to use their imagination in figuring where and how the pledge class would be humiliated form one night to the next. One particularly memorable freshman night involved the bleacher egg drop.

Pledges were blindfolded and instructed to lie face up on the ground behind the high side of the football field bleachers. The brothers would stand at the top of the bleachers and drop raw eggs onto the pledges. No one wanted any injuries (at least not serious ones) to occur as a result of pledging activities - so the blindfolds were intended to protect the pledge's eyes. They also added a bit of suspense to the festivities. A raw egg falling from some 25 feet can build up considerable speed and the impact at the bottom was pretty startling to the target. But, since that the eggs were light and self destructed on contact, the event was not particularly painful. There was one exception. One pledge took a direct hit in the crotch -- he moaned pitifully and curled up in a ball. There was much delight in this "bullseye" (or maybe it was a "ballseye") amongst the brethren. The evening ended with the pledges being herded back to their dorm rooms, covered with yolk and albumin, and everyone having a good laugh.

This innovative game was so appreciated by the brothers that the pledgemaster came up with an interesting twist for hell night -- the last night of pledging. It was a very warm evening and the pledges were marched to the target zone behind the bleachers. The pledgemaster announced that every pledge was to be issued official Sig Rho briefs. The pledges stripped and each donned their pair, made of a light weight silky material. The shape of each penis and scrotum was clearly discernible through the tightly fitting fabric and the white shorts of every pledge sort of glowed in the dim light of this remote part of the football field. Ted and his fellow pledges were blindfolded with strips of cloth wound several times around their heads. The pledgemaster then demanded a final adjustment - each pledge was to make sure his dick was pointing up in the briefs. There was to be nothing between the family jewels and the warm night air but the skin of their scrotums and the even thinner material of their official fraternity undies.

The pledgemaster (he is now a Doctor at a prestigious Philadelphia hospital) instructed the pledge class to lie on their backs, head to toe, about two foot separation between each. They took their arms and hooked them around the leg of their pledge mate on each side so that their palms were face down on the ground under the thigh of the adjoining pledge. This was a rather intimate position, each pledge having contact with two other pledges, except for those on each end. The blind line of spread legged targets, almost invisible from above except for their white briefs glowing in the night, waited for the eggs to fall. Without exception there was the clear outline of 13 penises in a nice, neat parallel row. Alternately, there were two distinct testicles lightly mounded below each penis. From above the whole picture appeared to be a study in tesselation, though the variation in penis size and thickness lent an air of the abstract.

The pledgemaster, who remained on the ground a safe distance from the row of targets, announced "Prepare to drop eggs for round one." He said they had a dozen eggs for each pledge so everyone who have a fair opportunity to enjoy themselves. 13 brothers along the top of the bleachers held an egg over the edge of the top most seat back. "Eggs away," shouted the pledgemaster - and down they came. The warm, extra large eggs splattered wildly whenever a lean, hard body was contacted. Almost every pledge jumped in surprise. Ted was struck just above his navel. He felt the oozy mess drip down both sides of his stomach. Ted was held in the vulnerable position, the arms of his pledge mates pinning his legs firmly to the ground.

"Drop egg two," urged the pledgemaster. Ted was less surprised when an egg impacted on his right thigh. The splash fell on his crotch and he could feel the moisture from the egg seeping through the thin white briefs. There was a shout of surprise followed by a moan from farther down the target line and Ted surmised that a ballseye had been scored. Eggs three, four and five missed his crotch area completely, but egg white and yolk was covering his body. Egg six landed squarely on his dick. The touch of it and the sticky mess brought his attention back to the moment. His dick started to swell inside the briefs. Whoops of delight came from the top of the bleachers where Ted's bombardier exclaimed "Hey boys, we got a live one here who is really getting into it." Ted was proud of his 8 inch man tool, and he could feel the end exposed to the night air as it pushed its way out of the top of his official white briefs.

"Drop seven," Ted heard and an egg caught him square on his left nut. His whole body tightened, his arms grabbing even tighter to the now slime covered legs on each side, as a rocket of pain shot up his crotch and seemed to drive the air from his lungs. "Ballseye," he heard from above, "I've got the range."

"Drop eight," and an instant later another egg landed in the exact same spot. Ted let out a gasp as a sword seemed to pierce his left side above his crotch. He tried to sit up but the pledgemaster yelled, "Down Scum," and Ted fell back to the ground. A tingle shot up his dick and he could feel seminal fluid dripping on to his stomach out of the tip of his now rock hard cock.

Eggs nine and ten mercifully missed Ted's body completely. He heard one land between his legs and the other off his right hip. Ted's panting had attracted the attention of the two boys holding his legs and one asked if he was okay. Before Ted could answer egg number eleven landed right between his two balls. The impact on both his now super sensitive gonads was devastating as the agony swept up his crotch to the now quivering stomach muscles. His dick felt like hot lead was flowing through it as seminal fluid pooled on his stomach. Ted found it hard to believe, but the pain had brought his body to the verge of ejaculation.

He held on tight to the two legs of his buddies and waited for the bombing to end. "Final drop - make it good" shouted the pledgemaster. "This one's for you, Ted." cooded the bombardier from above. Ted arched his crotch into the air, begging for what, he was not sure. The egg landed perfectly between his two balls, slapping each like a flyswatter after a mad hornet. The pain pushed Ted's awareness of all else out of the way as a flame of passion erupted from deep inside his body. All control was lost as he ejaculated - 3 powerful jets, the second reaching his chin. He pumped the last of his potent semen out with several more pulses and lied back on the ground exhausted.

Ted lay still for several moments, listening to the whoops and catcalls all about. He was worried that someone had noticed what had happened. The pledgemaster instructed, "All right boys, let go of you partners and get your hands back on your own bodies, the fun's over." Ted immediately smeared the cum pooled on his stomach and chest into the egg splatters and sat up. Most of the tension in his stomach had been eased by his orgasm, but bending in the middle was even more comfortable. He reached up and unwound the cloth binding his eyes. He looked around at his pledge mates. They all seemed in one piece, paying more attention to the sticky mess covering their bodies than to much else around. His buddy to the right commented to Ted, "Boy, you really got clobbered." "Yeah," said Ted, "a regular shit storm."

By instruction the young men stood and got redressed, stuffing the underwear they had worn originally so that it hung quite obviously out of a back pocket of their pants. They formed a line and were herded back to the dorm area for further initiation. As Ted passed the pledgemaster the upperclassman pulled him aside and quietly said in Ted's ear, "Hey handsome, anytime you want your nuts busted just let me know." With a big smile he snarled, "Now get back in line you slime covered slut."

End of the first part email me with comments if you like at

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