Brotherly Love

By Paul1954

Published on Jan 26, 1999



Brotherly Love By Paul1954

It was Monday again, at 6:53am on a cold and frosty, December morning and Frankie Carbonara was still lying in his bed. It had been over twenty minutes since his alarm had gone off, and he was trying to think of one good reason why he should not just stay here in his warm and cosy bed.

It hadn't been one of his better weekends. On the Friday he had been dumped by his latest girlfriend and, what had made it worse was, she had waited until he had taken her out and spent what little disposable income he still had left and was now broke until the next pay-day!

Saturday had been no better. His 'big' brother Leo, or 'Lucky' Leo as his friends had always called him, had returned from the sabbatical that he had been on since he had graduated in the summer. He was taking up a promising job in the marketing department of a new Telco in the City, and his prospects were excellent.

He had returned to the family home, where Frankie still lived with his parents, while he was looking for somewhere to live and he had been full of himself. What, with tales of his trip to India and with him looking forward to his new job, Frankie remembered all over again, just why he hated him so much.

His own life had always been the opposite of his brother's.

Leo had been very academic and had studied hard.

Leo was tall, strong, and handsome and had his father's dark and smouldering Italian looks that women found irresistible.

<Frankie was small, lean and pale, taking after his mother's side of the family>

Where Leo had won a scholarship to a top grade University, Frankie had left school at sixteen only to get a string of dead-end jobs, culminating in his latest at the "Burger U' Like" in the City of London.

This was what he had to look forward to on this cold morning!

He was due to start the early morning breakfast shift in forty-five minutes time, and he finally managed to drag himself out of bed, get dressed and go downstairs looking like something that the cat had dragged in.

Once again his appearance was in total contrast to his brother, who was dressed in a smart business suit and being fussed over by his proud parents. They had never treated him like that, he thought resentfully as he downed his coffee, grabbed his old coat and mumbled goodbye as he set off on the two mile walk across London Bridge to where he worked.

He shoved his hands in his pockets, turned up the collar of his coat, and watched his breath turn into a cold mist as his thoughts turned to how he could bring his brother down a peg or two.

The final straw, for him, had been when Leo had first returned home on the Saturday. He hadn't been home for an hour when he had been down to the corner shop for some cigarettes and just happened to buy a lottery ticket. He wouldn't have bothered, he said, but he had just felt lucky and spent just £1 on a ticket.

It had almost been inevitable. That evening Leo's number came up and he was, all of a sudden, £15,000 better off. What made it even worse was the fact that Frankie did the same lottery every week, he always spent at least £10 on his tickets, and had yet to win even £10!

He would swear that even if Leo fell into a pile of horseshit that he would still have come up smelling of Rose's!

His dark mood was still with him as he served yet another grey-suited pen pusher with yet another egg-muffin. It didn't improve as he found that one of the lunchtime deliveries he had to make, was to his brother's new office. At least, though, his brother didn't notice him and he got away without further embarrassment.

He returned home that evening, before Leo returned and headed straight out to he pub to drown his sorrows, anything to avoid hearing how successful his brother's day had been.

"Frankie boy, how have you been -- I haven't seen you down here for a while" came a familiar voice from behind him as a hand slapped him on his shoulder.

Frankie turned his head to see the expected face of Vincent O'Malley, a well-known small time crook - but with big ambitions - that he used to go to school with.

"Hello Vince" Frankie said as he lifted a pint of cold beer to his mouth and took a long, deep drink.

"I hear Leo's back in town, is he still as lucky as ever?" Vincent said as he pulled up a barstool.

"Is he ever -- when has he ever been anything else!" he said with a heavy dose of irony.

Vincent snapped his fingers to gain the barmaid's attention.

"A pint of lager and" as he turned to see Frankie put his empty glass on the bar "another one for him".

Over the next half-hour Vincent sat and listened to Frankie's moaning. It wasn't the most stimulating conversation that he'd ever had, but he could see how he could turn Frankie's jealousy to his own advantage.

"So you say you want to put him in his place, eh!" he said as Frankie finally paused for breath feeling relieved at sharing his burden.

"Well yeah, but I don't know what I can do about it right now. I'd do anything to get him off the scene once and for all!".

He'd do anything, that's perfect, just perfect, thought Vincent as he prepared to bait his trap.

Vincent leant across and said to Frankie in a low voice "Look I've got some friends that'd fix Leo for good if you want me to" he said as he looked around him to ensure nobody was within hearing range.

"F .. for good!" Frankie said too loudly for Vincent's liking, "hey -- I don't want him killed or anything -- I just want him to lose for a change. I just want something to go wrong for him for once, for me to win out for a change" he whined in a drunken voice.

"Well what if I made it so that Leo can no longer do his top job any longer, maybe make it so that he can still work but in some other capacity. You know, something a little more servile -- like a secretary or something!" Vincent said as he went back to his pint of beer to let Frankie take this in.

Frankie gave a drunken laugh and said "Oh that would be great, just dandy but how do you propose to do that -- there just aren't that many male secretaries around here you know!".

"I know, I know -- who said anything about male?"

"Y .. you mean that you could turn him into a girl!!" Frankie spluttered incredulously, nearly spilling his drink. "But how?".

"To tell you the truth I don't really know but, do you remember Billy the 'Boffin', you know -- the geeky guy whose dad was a vet!".

He carried on as Vincent nodded in affirmation.

"Well, his dad is a bit of an animal rights sympathiser -- figures I suppose -- and he was looking for a more humane way of neutering animals, starting with cats -- he just loves cats" he said as he shook his head in wonderment.

"He devised some sort of serum or something and, damned if I know how he did it, but Billy claims that tom-cats started turning female somehow. Seems to think it might be possible on people as well -- he could make a fortune if he's telling the truth, and I don't have any reason to think he isn't" he finished and returned to sipping his pint.

Frankie, in his drunken mood, was intrigued. What a way to bring down his brother, especially if he could become some gorgeous airhead, always having to fight off men. But that was just a fantasy wasn't it?

Despite his scepticism he just had to give it a try, if there any chance of him putting one over on his brother it would be worth taking.

"Okay, I'm in -- how can set this up?" he said.

"Well, this is going to cost. I know Billy's dad will need some money to continue his research and I've gotta get something out of this so" he left the questions hanging in the air, "say about £12,000".

"£12,000 !!!!, but you know that I haven't got that kind of money" Frankie said despairingly.

"Well that also includes the surgery needed to remove the useless male remnants, you know -- his the old cock and balls" he explained seeing Frankie's confusion.

"It seems that the serum will change all the internal organs and leave them in full working, female, order, at least they will if the cats are anything to go by! It'll also, the Doc thinks, make the victim -- er -- patient, grow breasts from the natural hormones that the changed body will produce. The only thing left to do will be to rebuild the empty husk of what's left and make it look like a girl's twat" he laughed.

Oh this sounded so good to Frankie -- he just had to do it but how could he get the money needed! He asked Vincent if he had any ideas!

"Well maybe we could come to some sort of arrangement .." said Vincent smiling, as he started to reel Frankie in.

It was four nights later and Frankie was sitting in a nightclub in Deptford, two miles from where he lived, waiting for Vincent to show. Vincent had told him that he wanted him to do a few 'jobs' for him and arranged to meet him here at about this time. He knew that whatever he was being asked to do must be illegal but he didn't care, he would have done anything, by this time, to get his brother out of his life.

Five minutes later Vincent was striding around the darkened edges alongside the dance-floor and towards the waiting Frankie.

"Hey Frankie, you all ready for this?"

"Sure Vince, whatever it takes you know!" replied Frankie.

"Oh sure, I know all right. I've spoken to Billy and he's got things sorted for the end of next week" Vincent said as he lit a cigarette and gestured to the barman for a drink.

"Good, it can't come too soon for me. Leo's been unbearable all week telling us all how great his job is. To top that, he still hasn't found anywhere to live, and he doesn't seem in any rush to do so either!".

"Right then, down to business. I want you to take this package over to the contact whose name is on the front. He'll be waiting at this address for you and all you've gotta do is to just hand it over to him and say it's from Vincent" he said, showing Frankie an address north of the Thames, about forty minutes away.

"Wh .. what's in it, why can't you take it yourself?" Frankie said nervously as he took the ten inch square brown package that Vincent passed to him.

"It's better if you don't know. Now just get along there and get it delivered, I'll have a similar package for you tomorrow" Vincent said and paused to answer his mobile phone.

Frankie didn't like this. He had never been in trouble with the law and didn't feel happy about this at all. He was beginning to wonder if the revenge he had planned for his brother was such a good idea after all!.

He was still there, some two minutes later, looking at the package and wondering what to do when Vincent turned and saw he hadn't yet gone. He put one hand over the mouthpiece and hissed at him.

"I told you to get along, I've already given Billy some money up front so you'd better get moving -- you already owe me and somebody is going to be getting a little impatient if you're not there within the hour!" Vincent said and then turned his attention back to his conversation on the mobile phone.

It had been a breeze. Frankie had just arrived on time, dropped off the package and made his way back home. It had all been done in a back street alley and the package's recipient had kept his face fairly well hidden in the shadows.

He knew that he still had another six drop-offs to make and would be relieved when it was all over, he just wasn't cut out for this kind of work and his hands were still trembling as he slid his body into a warm and steamy bath.

His mood hadn't been helped, either, by the nagging he had got from his mother when he had returned home.

"Frankie" she had said, "when are you going to make something out of your life like your brother has? Your father and I are getting so worried about you, what with all the dead-end jobs, and never being able to keep a girl-friend -- I just don't know what's going to become of you!" she nagged.

He couldn't escape to the bath quick enough and it only served to reinforce his resolve to get his own back on his brother!

The next two drop-off's went smoothly but he was followed on the fourth occasion, and had to double back along some narrow side streets to lose his shadow. His nerves were in shatters when he met Vincent the following night.

Vincent sat on the barstool, whiskey in one hand and a package in the other, as he watched a tentative Frankie sidle up to him.

"Look Vince, I don't think I can do this anymore. I was followed yesterday and had to take some swift action to avoid getting caught. What have you been getting me to carry for you?".

"My customer wondered why you were late, he wasn't very happy with me. If you haven't guessed, you've been delivering grade one cocaine to the north London mob. You'd better shape up you know, you can't back out now -- I've already paid for the treatment for your brother and you'd better not double-cross me!" he said with a venom that frightened Frankie.

Vincent handed him the package.

"You'd better start taking extra care from now on, the police must have been getting suspicious of you and had you followed. The same thing has happened to me - that's why I had to get you to act as the courier" Vincent said as he glanced around him, making sure nobody was listening.

Drugs, Drugs !!! He could kick himself, he should have known!

Vincent could see Frankie was close to cracking, he had to act now to stop him blowing everything. He leaned over closely to him, grabbed him by the collar and whispered aggressively into his ear.

"Now look here Frankie, this package has got to be delivered in fifty minutes. If you don't get it there in time then there's going to be a call made to the police. You are in this up to your neck now and I don't think you'd last very long under interrogation -- do you?".

Frankie snapped back quickly.

"If you do that, then I'll tell them all about you and what you've made me do".

Vincent merely laughed.

"Frankie, Frankie, I've got friends. I was never here tonight or any of the other nights. There is nothing you can pin on me. Now get along there now, if you get through tonight okay then I can fix up Leo for the weekend. Now git!" he said pushing him towards the door.

The thoughts of Leo getting his just deserts, plus the thoughts of maybe spending some time in jail, gave Frankie enough of an incentive to make him to see the job through.

Well, he managed to complete that job without any problems, plus the next one. Before he knew it the next weekend had arrived, and Frankie was eagerly anticipating this evenings main attraction.

It had been arranged that Leo would meet up with an old flame that he'd always had the hot's for at around 8:00pm. She lived in a rough area in Deptford, SE London, and Leo would pick her up from her flat.

In reality, she was Vincent's girl friend and he knew that Leo would have to pass through a dark and dingy back alley to reach where she lived, and it was there that he would spring the trap.

Leo had already left, he wanted to have a quick drink with some old acquaintances before he met up with his old girl friend and had gone about an hour ago.

While Leo was travelling towards his fate, Frankie was lying on his bed and, for the first time, considering the consequences of what he had arranged for 'beloved' brother. Oh sure, there was still no love lost for Leo but Frankie had an unusual, magnanimous, feeling inside of him at this moment.

What about his parents, how would they feel when their prodigal son disappeared, he thought?

What about Leo himself, did he really deserve to lose everything he had ever had! His money, his job - even his masculinity?

No, this just wasn't right! Just at that moment Frankie knew that the rabid jealousy that he felt about his brother said more about his own inadequacies than anything that Leo had ever done or said to him.

Besides, he hadn't been called Lucky Leo for nothing!

No, the truth of the matter was Frankie didn't really give a damn for these finer feelings. He just, somehow, had this feeling that his brother would get out of this trap and, when he did then he usually came up smelling of roses. There was sure to be payback for him then. He would have to warn him!

He looked at his alarm clock. 7:18pm -- there was still time to reach Leo and stop him if he moved now!

Having no means of transport Frankie started to jog towards where Leo would be. He knew he could run the two miles within the time needed, even without being fit and, sure enough, it was an exhausted and panting Frankie Carbonara who arrived at the entrance to that dark and dingy alley just five minutes before Leo's planned arrival.

The two hired thugs were waiting in the shadows as instructed. At about 8:00pm they saw some movement in the glare from the streetlight in the main road.

They could hear see the footsteps approaching, as well as the lengthening shadow, as the target approached. As the target drew adjacent to them they could see it was a male of about the right size but they would make sure, just as they had planned.

"Hey Carbonara", the first man called.

The man turned to face him and, as he responded in the affirmative, the second man brought a cosh down onto his head sending him into oblivion.

"Oh God .. where am I wh .." he started to say but stopped at the sound of his voice.

Something was wrong here -- his voice was a little croaky but it was still much lighter than it had been before! He also wondered why everything was so dark and what it was that he could feel over his eyes. It seemed like some sort of mask!

His already racing heart quickened as he realised that something was very wrong here and he started to experience a mild panic attack. He could feel an uncomfortable sensation coming from somewhere around the area of his stomach, but the most frightening thing was the total silence that enveloped him.

He felt the most basic of human needs to break that stifling silence and called out again.

"Please, please -- won't someone help me" he cried, still surprised at the sound of his voice. It was nothing like how he remembered it!

He tried to move his arms but found that he had been confined and could only wiggle his fingers in frustration.

He felt both nervous and relieved as he heard the click of a door opening, followed by the sound of footsteps. At last -- now he would find out what this was all about!

"Well, well -- it looks as thought the patient is awake at last. What do you think about the results of my handiwork then" the mystery voice asked.

Frankie decided to keep silent. He didn't recognise this voice but he surmised that they were talking about him and, until he found out some more about his situation, he didn't want to antagonise them. It was then that he heard another voice that he did recognise!

"I think she looks lovely, you've done an amazing job on her. I think he will be most happy at how she's turned out".

Vincent, that was Vincent talking he realised! Why were they talking about 'her' and 'she'?

It was then that Frankie started to acknowledge the signs the he had been refusing to accept since he had awoken. He managed to move his head a little and could feel a weight, and a jangling from his ears. He twitched his fingers again, this time feeling the scraping of fingernails against the palm of his hand. The problem was, his nails hadn't been long enough for him to be able to do this before!

Although he still could not move, he tried to explore other sensations and squeezed his thighs together, hoping still to find what he had begun to dread might be missing. Thank God! There was still something there but it felt different from what he had expected to find, it was almost like a numb sensation!

He could hear Vincent and the other man discussing something and re-focused his attention back to the conversation -- he had to find out what was going on here.

" .. ther two weeks and she should be ready. The internal changes and facial alterations have almost been completed, and she is now ready for the final cosmetic changes around the genital area".

"Good, good, it has been much more successful than I had expected. I think she will be pleased to have a new life and career set out for her when she learns to adapt to her situation" Vincent said as he looked around at Frankie.

"Look doctor, she is obviously impatient to find out the results of your handiwork. I think that we should put her out of her misery before she returns back to sleep -- don't you? How about removing the eye mask".

Oh God! Although Frankie thought that they were referring to him, and although he guessed that he had suffered the fate planned for his brother, he still hoped, against hope that, when the subject of their conversation's eye mask was removed, he would still remain in the dark. That would mean that there was someone else in the room with him, someone else that was female -- heavens, it might even be Leo who had been changed after all, and all he had suffered was just from an accident followed by someone helping him! His hopes rose for a second until his unwarranted optimism was dashed.

He felt the bed, or table, that he was lying on start to tilt until he was, still held by the straps, in an upright position with his feet taking the weight of his body. As his body raised he could feel a slight movement from his chest area, something he had never felt before.

He swallowed deeply and his eyes were assaulted by a sudden, blinding light as his mask was removed. As they started to adjust a warm, damp cloth was wiped across them, helping everything come into focus.

The first thing he saw was a slim, redheaded young woman with dangling earrings. She was about the same size as him and her full lips, and pert up-turned nose, along with her startled looking eyes, bore a strong family resemblance -- hell, she looked a little like his own mother, only younger!

Frankie's eyes took in the gently sloping shoulders, and moved down to the medium sized breasts that were emphasised by a slim waist and an average, but very feminine, pelvis.

Despite his situation he felt an instant arousal for this pretty girl but his body didn't seem to be responding as he would have expected it to. In the split second that he had taken in this sight, and then felt his arousal, his eyes had wandered down to the groin. His mind seemed to jump around inside of his head at the sight of an atrophied and shrivelled penis making this whole, attractive picture a horror show!

The full realisation that this girl was really himself, and that he was looking into a mirror, finally penetrated the mental fog that he had been suffering from ever since he had awoken.

His eyes saw the girl's mouth hang open in syncopation with the soft moans and groans that were now emanating from his own mouth. He could see tears start to roll down her cheeks as he remembered what Vince had told him about what would have happened to Leo's useless cock!

"Well, what do think then Frankie? Don't you worry your pretty little head about that little bit of useless flesh between your legs, you never had much use for it when it was working so you're not going to miss it much now are you! That useless thing'll be coming off in the next two weeks and then you'll be able to have a lot more fun with what the Doc'll give you instead -- ain't that right Doc!" laughed Vincent.

Frankie just stared at his - or more appropriately 'her' now -- tearful reflection in stunned silence! Oh why did he have to be so jealous of Leo!

"Hey, we're going to have to think of another name for you -- one that's more appropriate to your new lifestyle. I know, how about letting Leo choose a new name for you!" Vincent said as he waited for Frankie's reaction.

Leo, LEO. If Leo knew about this th .. then!

"Hey, I can see what you're thinking Frankie. Of course Leo knew about this, it was his idea to bait the trap for you in the first place! If you hadn't jumped at trying to screw his life then he wouldn't have even bothered to give himself the chance to screw you.

He might be called lucky but I've always thought that Leo made his own luck" Vincent said as he pulled up a chair.

Frankie could see the Doctor's reflection preparing a syringe on a workbench behind him.

"The Doc's just going to put you to sleep again and when you wake up, it will to a brand new life full of new opportunities" he said in mock excitement.

"Bu .. but, Mum and Dad, what are they going to say -- they can stop this, they can change me back" Frankie cried desperately.

"Oh no, no Frankie" Vincent replied as Frankie saw, and felt, the Doctor wiping the side of his arm with a cold swab.

"Maybe I didn't make it clear, but this is a one way trip Frankie. The Doc doesn't know how to reverse this so there's no going back. And as for your Mum and Dad, well -- when they found out, from Leo, what you had planned for him they thought you deserved to suffer his fate. They think that you might make a better daughter than the lazy slob of a son you had become!".

"You .. you bastard" Frankie sobbed as he felt the needle press into his arm.

"You wo .. won't get away with this" he said as he felt himself get sleepy.

"But we already have Frankie, we already have" was the last thing he heard as Vincent watched his eyes close.

Leo left his office to get some fresh air. It was lunchtime now, and being such a beautiful day, he thought he would grab a sandwich and ogle some of the girls in the park behind the building where he worked.

It was now early June. The cold winter mornings had changed into the warm, early days of summer and this was always a time that Leo enjoyed. It always fascinated him how the beautiful young women that he so enjoyed watching, would eagerly ditch, at the first opportunity, the heavy and practical clothing they wore in the winter. They couldn't seem to wait for the chance to wear the light, short and flimsy skirts and dresses that they would use to show off their figures.

These women were such teases, he thought as he saw his, and his MD's secretary's sit down on the grass outside his building to eat their pre-packed chicken salads. He didn't get the hoped for peek of their underwear as they folded their skirts, and tucked them under their closed legs as they sat down, with the feminine grace that he so admired.

He was particularly drawn to the beautiful redhead, Francine, whose long and slim legs flowed out from under her skirt as she scratched her ankle, drawing attention to her damson coloured painted toenails.

As he sat on the park bench and enjoyed the view, he reflected on the six months that he had spent at this firm. He had already been promoted once and was one of the youngest employees to have his own secretary, Josie, that he had inherited from his former boss, the new MD, George Taylor.

The MD now had the new, beautiful, redheaded secretary Francine, who was sitting there on the grass in front of him alongside Josie. Leo had arranged her recruitment, and every healthy and virile young man within their department, would have liked to have dated her and to try their luck. They wouldn't have dared to though -- not if they valued their jobs!

It was a poorly kept secret, Leo had made sure of that, that George had already laid claims to Francine and was becoming infatuated with her. She had seemed so shy and timid to start with, and George had enjoyed coaxing her out of her shell and seeing her blossom with confidence in her own femininity.

Leo had hopes that there might even be a marriage forthcoming, it would have done his career prospects no end of good to become the brother-in-law of the Managing Director!

As he watched his new sister, Leo felt satisfied. His brother Frankie had been such a loser and was going nowhere fast. Leo had felt upset at how Frankie had been worrying his parents and he had set up the trap to scare him into changing his ways. He hadn't, originally, intended to force a full gender change on him but, when he found that Frankie would have done it to him, his decided a little revenge of his won was in order!

Both he, and his parents, had been pleased with how his ex-brother had developed since then, and Leo considered it had been money well spent to set him on a rightful path, especially if it helped to further his own career.

Oh Frankie had fought against it at first. She had thrown such a tantrum when Leo had christened her Francine, she had found it so humiliating to have a name so close to her old male equivalent!

As he had anticipated, she had refused -- point blank- to work as a secretary at Leo's firm as he had already arranged. She had screamed and yelled that nothing would make her do this. Well a night, where she had been made to work as one of Vincent's girls, had soon stopped her objections. She had looked shocked the next day, following the previous night when she lost her virginity and then had her new, feminine status brought home to her as a string of 'customers' introduced her to the pleasures that she could now come to expect from her new body.

Oh, it hadn't been all bad for her. The customers were all hand picked to ensure she would receive some pleasure from the experience, although she would never admit to that! There were also a couple of 'bad' customers included, just to make sure that she didn't get to like it too much -- he didn't want a prostitute for a sister after all, his parents would never forgive him!

He needn't have worried. She hadn't wanted to repeat her experience of last night and eagerly attended a crash course where she learned her new secretarial skills.

"Yep, things aren't going too bad" 'Lucky' Leo thought to himself as he held one hand behind his head, and waved to Josie with the other. He smiled as he anticipated the double date that he was going on with George tonight. Him and Josie, George and Francine.,

Josie blew him a kiss as she saw him wave to her and then got back to the office gossip that she was sharing, so animatedly, with her girlfriend, Francine.

The End

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