Bush Camping with Mr Davis

By David Lowe

Published on Jan 14, 2013



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This story is a fantasy only, for masturbation purposes. The author does not condone any form of underage sexual activity or unsafe sex.

If you enjoyed this story, please email me and let me know, davlow999@gmail com I always enjoy hearing from you guys and getting more ideas and inspiration.

Greg was excited at the prospect of going camping this weekend with his friend David. Their local scout group required the boys to have training in survival and self-sufficieny skills, and this was going to be their first camping expedition alone. Not quite alone, because they were going to be supervised from a distance by an adult, for safety reasons. The adult in question was Mr Davis, who was the father of one of the other boys in the scout group, but his son was too young for this type of activity. One of the fathers usually volunteered for this type of supervision, but Greg and David only knew Mr Davis by sight. The idea was that the adult would stay in a tent nearby, but that the boys had to be self-sufficient in setting up their campsite, making fires, cooking food, and looking after the environment responsibly. All of the boy scouts had practised this in larger groups, but never on their own. Mr Davis would be there in case of an emergency, but other than that they were on their own.

Greg and David were also excited about being alone together for a weekend. They had both just turned 12, and were best friends. Neither of them had started puberty, but they had started high school a couple of months before, and both were obsessed by sex. At the moment, their interest focused on their own bodies and that of the other boys at school,a nd they thought a lot about men as well. Greg had confided to David that he could not stop thinking about the older boy's naked bodies, and that any thoughts in this direction gave him an instant erection. David agreed, and when they were alone they talk about nothing else. They had started fooling around with each other, fondling each other's genitals, kissing, and recently had progressed to sucking each other's cocks. They rarely had the chance to be alone and safe to try these things. Like all other boys of these age, they found porn on the internet very easily. They quickly became conversant with gay sex, and especially loved the pictures and videos of rimming, and cum shots. Both of them were too young to ejaculate semen, but they loved looking at the adult cocks that could. Also, because they were still boys and fascinated by all sorts of bodily functions, they were very excited when they found images of men pissing, especially on each other. One of their favourite photos, and the only one like it they had found so far, was a picture of the lower half of a naked hairy man, squatting over what looked like a public toilet, with a huge, firm turd hanging out of his ass and poised over the bowl. There was a public toilet on the way home from their school, and although they found it a bit frightening, there was always a smell of urine and sweat, and an underlying dirtier smell, that they both found mysterious and thrilling. There was also evidence that men met there for sex too, but they had never seen anyone in there other than themselves. Sometimes they would stop there on the way home and play around, peeing together at the urinal and crossing their streams back and forth like swordplay. Once, they both decided to piss all over the toilet seat and the floor of one of the cubicles, which made both of their small cocks very hard indeed, getting turned on by doing something very naughty. Another time, a few weeks back, David had needed to take a dump, and he said he didn't mind if Greg watched. Greg didn't see anything much, but watching his friend grunt and strain made him very horny. After he had finished, David wiped has ass and threw the toilet paper not into the bowl, but onto the ground. Greg could see some shit smeared from his friend's hole on one of them as it landed on the floor. David started giggling, and pulled his pants up in a hurry. He didn't flush, and they both ran out of the toilet before anyone could come in and find the mess they had made. So in recent months they had had a lot of fun exploring their developing sexuality and interests in progressively dirtier things, and they hoped they might have a chance to play a bit further together on their camping trip.

Mr Davis had planned to collect them early on Friday afternoon. They had packed all their camping equipment the night before. They had a long drive ahead of them, up into the high country, and then a 2 hour hike into the remote lake where they would set up camp. At this time of year, early in spring, it was unlikely anyone else would be there.

Mr Davis arrived in the family 4 wheel drive vehicle, large enough for the three of them and all their belongings. Both boys looked at him with interest. To them, anyone older than 18 seemed old, but Mr Davis was in his late thirties, with short dark hair and a neat goatee beard and moustache. He was a big man, larger than either of the boy's fathers, but he was very fit, with a broad chest, slim waist and narrow hips. Again, this was unlike their fathers, who were both short overweight men with bulging beer bellies. It was unusual in their experience to see a man of his age looking so fit and fine. Mr Davis was wearing shorts, and these displayed his hairy, muscular legs to advantage. It was a warm day, and his checked shirt was rolled up at the sleeves and open to his mid chest, revealing a dark swarm of chest hair. He smiled at the boys as he climbed out of the vehicle.

"Hi boys, I haven't met you properly before but I've seen you both at the scouts. I'm Stephen's dad, he's a little younger than you, but you know him, I think. You can call me Mike, you don't have to call me Mr Davis!"

"Uh, thanks Mr, I mean Mike" both boys mumbled, a little shy.

"So you're Greg, right?" the man asked, correctly looking at the small blond boy on the left. Greg nodded "Yes sir".

"And that means, by the process of elimination, you must be David!" he smiled, looking at Greg's friend, who was the same height as Greg but a little darker in colouring. David replied in the affirmative.

"Ok boys, we'd better head off, we have a long way to drive and then a long walk after that - I hope you're looking forward to it."

The man helped the boys with their gear into the sports vehicle, and they set off. It was already hot, but it would get cooler as they left the city and worked their way up into the higher remote country where they were headed. At 1500m elevation, it could snow at any time of the year, even in summer, and they had to arrive to set up camp before it got too dark as they would be very cold once the sun went down. They boys shared the front seat, taking turns sitting next to Mike and swapping seats when they stopped once or twice along the way for a drink and when he refilled the car. After a couple of hours, in mid afternoon, they reached the spot where they would leave the car and commence their hike. It was about 2 hours walk along an exposed plateau, and after that they would head down into a densely wooded area where the lake was located. It would not be a difficult hike, but they were carrying all of their equipment - tents, sleeping bags, food, some water and sundry other items. They needed to watch their footing and also keep a lookout for snakes, which were starting to wake up after hibernating for the winter. Fortunately they didn't encounter any snakes or other dangers, and after a very long walk they reached the shores of the beautiful small lake, which was completely deserted apart from themselves.

"Ok boys" said Mike, setting his pack down. "Now, a few reminders, and then you're on your own. This is the best place for you to set up camp, right here, a few metres away from the lake's edge. I'll set up camp on the other side, over there." He pointed to the far side of the lake, where they could see a small clearing. "I'll come by once a day to check on you, but if you need me, come and get me, or yell out, I should be able to hear you because the sound will carry over the lake. There's a path around the entire lake, you'll find me if you follow it. Now don't go anywhere else, you're here to learn how to survive on your own, and that means staying here around the lake and not wandering off. You can light a fire in the evenings, I know you boys are responsible. if you need to go to the toilet, stay more than 50 metres away from the lake edge, so the water isn't contaminated. If you need to do a number two" and he smiled at them looking embarrassed, "remember to dig a hole, and you have to set fire to the toilet paper before you bury everything. The lake water is ok to drink, but it's probably safer to boil some and let it cool. Any questions?"

The boys had none.

"Ok then, I'll walk around to my side of the lake and set up there. You boys can do the same here. It's about an hour until the sun starts to set." With that, he hoisted his pack and set off for the other side of the lake.

The two friends then set about clearing their campsite of rocks and sticks, and then set up their small tent. They found a few larger rocks and made a small circle to build a fire in, and gathered some good pieces of firewood as well. They unpacked their bags, putting their sleeping bags into the tent, checked their torches were working, and they collected some water from the lake. By this time it was starting to get dark and they hurried to get their food cooked - for the first night they had some sausages, which they cooked with a frying pan over the fire, and ate with bread sitting on their small portable chairs by the fire. Over the lake, which disappeared quite rapidly into darkness, they could see the small glow of a fire where Mike must have set up his campsite. By now it was very cold, and they had to put on warmer clothes as they sat shivering by the fire. The darkness, the exertion of the long day, the food and the heat from the fire made them both very sleepy. Although they had looked forward to having some fun with each other in their tent, by the time they got inside and undressed, all they managed to do was crawl into their sleeping bags, and they fell asleep in each other's arms as the light from the fire gradually dimmed. Both boys had a sound sleep and a dreamless night.

The next morning, the boys woke very early, the dawn light and morning chorus of the native birds rousing them. They pulled on their clothes, as it was still very chilly. They came out of the tent and looked around. There was a mist on the lake and apart from the birds, nothing else was up. They whispered, not sure why, but not wanting to break the peacefulness of the scene. Then both of them realised their bladders were bursting, and ran to the bushes where they pissed behind one of the larger trees, both among for the same spot and giggling as they pretended to pee on each other. They washed their hands in the lake and restarted the fire, to make a cooked breakfast, eggs and bacon. While they were doing this they heard some splashing, and were amazed to see in the distance what must be Mike, swimming in the lake near his campsite. It was so cold they were astonished to see him in the water! They cleaned up the breakfast dishes, and because of the big breakfast, David suddenly felt the need to go to the toilet.

"Greg, I need to have a shit" he spoke quietly, looking at the far side of the lake, where Mike seemed to have left the water and must have been making his own breakfast. Neither of the boys wanted to be overheard and they knew sound travelled over water. David looked at Greg - "Wanna watch close up?" he grinned. They had both talked about watching each other shit, but had not found anywhere practical or safe to do it, other then the toilet on the way home from school, and that was far too dark and dingy to see anything. Greg said he would love to - they had both wanted to and this was an opportunity they couldn't miss. With a last minute check to see that Mike was safely on his side of the lake - he seemed to have stopped swimming, and they didn't expect him to check on them until much later in the morning - they went up beyond the treeline and found a small clearing. They brought a long the small spade for digging a hole, some toilet paper and some matches.

Greg dug a small hole while David pulled his pants down. It was still cold, and the boy's legs and skinny buttocks pimpled over with goosebumps. He squatted over the hole, and Greg took up position on the other side, squatting down so he could get a good view. It was quite light by now, and he did get a very good view. David's small hands pulled apart his buttock cheeks, and Greg could clearly see his friend's tight, puckered anus from a few inches away. The squatting boy started straining, and Greg saw the anus pucker out and swell a little. A few further grunts, and then Greg inhaled sharply with excitment, as the tip of a turd appeared at the centre of the dilating asshole. He could smell the rank smell of shit now, and that and the sight of the opening hole in front of him made him rub his small hardening cock through his pants.

"Can you see it"? David whispered, excitedly. "Yeah!" hissed Greg, equally excited - "Push it out!" he told his friend.

David grunted and expelled the turd further from his ass. He hadn't been to the toilet for more than a day, and it was a strain to push out the thick, hard log of shit from his tight boy hole. The entire thing came out in one piece. Greg scould see his friend's anus tightly stretched over the log, as it slowly inched it's way out of the boy's asshole. Then, with a last hard push, the lump of shit fell into the hole he had dug, and Greg saw the boy's hole gape emptily for a brief second, before irising shut like a camera diaphragm. David turned around, a big smile on his face. His little boy penis jutted out, hard in its excitement. "Let's piss on it!" he said to Greg. Greg whipped out his equally small and hard penis with glee, and both boys emptied their bladders, spattering their urine onto the turd which briefly floated in a puddle of piss before it seeped into the ground. David grabbed the toilet paper, tore off a piece, and gave his ass a desultory wipe. He threw the used paper into the hole, and the boys set fire to it, and then buried the evidence of their small depravity. The did up their flies, grabbed the spade and headed back off to their camp. Unbeknownst to them, Mike, Mr Davis, was high on a ridge above them and had witnessed the entire scene through some binoculars. He had had a certain feeling about these two boys. Disappointed the show was over, he returned his thick, semi-erect 8 inch penis which he had been stroking, to his pants, and he set off again on his morning walk.

The boys returned to camp. The sun was up, and the air was warming up. They decided to take a walk around the lake, as they had no more duties this morning. They thought it would take about an hour to walk around, and they knew Mike would probably be checking in on them late in the morning. They set off, and after about 30 minutes they came to Mike's campsite. He wasn't there. As they were about to continue on, Greg noticed something lying on a rock. He looked more closely, and saw an off white pair of underpants set on the rock to dry.

"Look at this Dave, Mike must have gone swimming in his undies and he's put them here to dry!" Greg motioned his friend over. The underpants had once been white, but were now an off shade of yellow. Despite their immersion in the water earlier that morning, they were not clean. The front was stained looking, and Greg lifted them up with a stick to look a little closer. Inside both boys eyes widened as they saw a deep brown stripe running down the back of the undies, evidence that Mr Davis was not too particualr about personal hygiene, at least when on a camping trip! David, always a little bolder, lifted the undies up with the stick and sniffed them. They mostly smelled of water, but there was a faint hint of a deeper, darker smell that he associated with sweating adult men. Greg sniffed them as well, then they realised they might have been seen if Mike was anywhere about. They quickly put the undies back how they found them, and ran off on their way around the lake circuit. That time, they had not been seen. They boys talked excitedly about the man's dirty underwear, and their other little adventure earlier on, and made their way back to their own littel campsite.

Once they had returned, they started prearing some sandwiches for lunch. While they were doing this, Mike arrived to see how they were going.

"Morning boys, everything looks spick and span here! Tent up nicely, everything clean, lunch being prepared!" He smiled at both of them. "Any problems at all?"

The boys were still a bit shy of the man, especially with the knowledge they had been sniffing his dirty undies half an hour before. They both shook their heads.

"No sir, I mean Mike, we set up the camp site ok and everything is good" said David.

"No problems with the fire?" the man asked, and the boys shook their heads.

"No problems managing the toilet situation?" he asked them, smiling a little this time.

"Uh, no..." said Greg, a little startled. He thought Mike had a strange expression on his face, but he had been back at his own campsite when they were fooling around - hadn't he?

"All good then" said the man. "There's a good place for swimming at the far end of the lake, it looks as if it's going to be a hot afternoon. I'm going to sit and read, but you boys do what you like before you need to come back here for dinner" he finished, and waved them goodbye.

After he left Greg and David looked at each other a little guiltily, but it was such a nice day they soon forgot to worry, and they headed off for a swim.

The boys grabbed their towels and walked around to the far side of the lake. It was quite warm by now. They hadn't bothered to bring any swimming costumes, so they leapt into the icy water naked, shrieking. The noise woke Mike, who had been snoozing on the lake sure a few hundred metres away. From a shady spot, he spied on the young boys as they cavorted naked in the lake waters. After a few minutes it was too cold to stay in the water any more, so they shook off the water on their skin like dogs, ran around to warm up, and then lay down on their towels to get warm in the sun. Mike enjoyed the natural beauty and naked sights and congratulated himself for offering to come along on this adventure. The boys soon fell asleep, and so did the man.

Hours later, all three were woken by an immense clap of thunder, and within seconds torrential rain came pounding down upon them. The rain was so heavy they could not see the far side of the lake, and the sudden storm brought an intense drop in termperature. Shivering and wet, the boys threw on their clothes and struggled back towards their campsite. All the while lightning and thunder raged overhead, and the rain intensified. The rocks along the path were slippery, and the path itself becoming very muddy in places. It was getting dark, visibility was poor and they took over an hour to get back to their side of the lake. It was very frightening. The lake was rising and the path became harder to find. Finally, they broke through some scrub to find the clearing where they had pitched the tent. When they got there - disaster! Not only had the lake risen, and flooded their tent, but the tent itself had collapsed under the downpour, and the tent poles were bent and broken. There was no shelter, and they definitely wouldn't be sleeping here tonight. They huddled under a tree and decided to go to find Mr Davis. There was no way they could shout for him to help, over the monstrous noise of the storm. They gathered their sodden packs, and made their way around to the man's side of the lake. They were very cold and miserable, and it was getting dark. At least their torches still worked. The storm was no passing over them, and the rain lessening, but by now it was very dark and they were beginning to get scared. At that point they heard Mike calling for them, now that the rain had slowed down.

"Greg! David! Are you boys ok? I can see you lights! Careful, the lake's flooded and it's very slippery" he called out to them, and soon they saw his torch coming toward them. He grabbed their packs and helped the cold, shivering boys along the now dangerous path to his tent - which miraculously, still stood. He had pitched it on higher ground, and it was also partially protected by a rocky overhang as well. The rain had stopped now, but the boys were wet and cold, so he bundled them into the tent and told them to strip off. He gathered their wet clothes and told the boys to get together into his sleeping bag until they warmed up. Shivering in their nakedness, the followed his instructions. Mike hung their clothes over some tree branches to dry, and did the same with the clothes in the boys' wet backpacks. Hopefully it wouldn't rain again tonight. He had stacked up some dry wood under the rocky overhang, and this had remained mostly dry despite the rain. He soon had a fire going outside the tent, and while the boys warmed up in his sleeping bag he set about heating up a meat stew he had planned to eat. There was enough for three, and they all needed something to warm their insides. After this was done he opened the tend and squatted in the entrance.

"I hope you boys have warmed up a little?" he asked. They replied that they had, and he set bout trying to find some of his clothes for them to wear. These were two very small 12 year olds, and he was a big man, so they were more than mismatched. He settled on a blanket wrapped around each of their waists, a warm shirt with a t-shirt underneath for one, and a jumper for the other. His clothes had dried off while we was preparing the meal in front of the fire, so although still damp, he wasn't cold. The three of them sat on some rocks and he handed out cups of hot stew. They had forgotton to bring any more of their food from the other ruined campsite, so that's all there was for tonight. Fortunately Mike had an idea. He brewed some tea in a tin, and pured out some for each of the boys. Out of his pack he found a bottle of whiskey he had brought along, and he added a little to each of the 3 cups.

"Of course I know that you boys are too young to drink, but this is a bit of an emergency I and we need to make sure you're warmed up as much possible." He smiled at them. "Perhaps better not tell your parents, ok?" The boys nodded. Neither of them had ever had alcohol before, but after the first strange taste a delicious warmth spread through their stomachs as they sipped their hot tea. Mike added some more whiskey after a few minutes. It wasn't long before the two boys felt warmed up, relaxed and a little giggly. It was very cold outside now, and despite the alcohol and the fire, the lack of proper clothes for the boys was beginning to tell, and Mike suggested they would all be better off inside the tent and in bed, especially after such an ordeal. He told the boys to get into his sleeping bag, and he cleared up the dinner dishes and put some more wood on the fire so at least they could see, and also have whatever warmth the fire would bring them.

Mike opened the tent flap a few minutes later. The boys had unzipped his sleeping bag and were using it as a blanket. They spread the blanket which Greg had earlier wrapped around himself onto the floor, and both boys were tucked in between. They had shed all of their borrowed clothes entirely, balling them up into bundles to use as pillows. Mike came into the tent and zipped the flap closed. It was reasonably warm in the tent, although rather crowded now with the three of them in there. He stripped off his own damp clothes and draped them over his pack, leaving on his underwear - the same pair the boys had noticed earlier that day.

"Well boys, it's going to be a tight fit in here, but I think we'll manage. It's probably best if I sleep in the middle, and you both stay one one each side of me. It's a good way to keep warm if we all huddle together, but you two know that anyway from your training." Both boys moved apart a little, and he crawled his way up to the top of the tent and got in underneath the sleeping bag. He could feeld the heat from the two hot little naked bodies underneath as his cold limbs stretched out. "You boys are all right now, but I'm freezing!" Mike exclaimed. "You better snuggle up against me to keep me warm." Both of the boys obeyed, and soon he was enveloped on both sides by naked boys. He could smell the whiskey fumes on their breath as they burrowed their faces in his neck and their small arms and legs wrapped around him. There were a few moments of silence, as they all lay there together in the dim glow, the boys warming the man. He soon became aware of two stiff little penises jutting into his sides as the boys cuddled him, and his own hardened in response. One of the boys gave a contented sigh, and Mike wrapped his arms around the boys heads and pulled them closer. Soon he was aware of both boys nuzzling his neck and rubbing themselves against him, almost as if they had come to some sort of silent agreement. He turned his face toward Greg on his left, and found the boy's mouth with his lips, giving him a gentle, lingering kiss which soon turned into an open mouthed embrace as the boy hungrily feasted on the man's tongue. Mike moaned with pleasure, then turned to his right side and shared a similar passionate kiss with David. He broked off from the second boy, and then gently pushed the two young heads together in fron of him. The boys kissed each other inches in front of his face, and the man rubbed his thick penis at the sight and sounds of the horny young boys making out.

The boys broked off kissing, and transferred their attentions to Mike's armpits. They buried their faces in the dense, sweaty hair that had not seen a shower for almost two days. They inhaled the stink of the man's pheromones, the powerful aroma unlocking tides of desire within their pre-pubescent bodies. They both felt as if this was what they were made for. Mike groaned with pleasure as the boys sniffed and licked his pits, before moving down to his nipples, again at the same time. David and Greg sucked at the man's hardening nipples as if they were overgrown babies, and his hands slid down behind both of the boys to fondle and pluck at their skinny buttocks. Soon the boys were moving south again, and Mike lowered the blanket so they could get to the main event. As both small sleek heads moved down to his waist, Mike's big finger found their way between the boys buttocks, and gently began rubbing their smooth, tightly puckered assholes. Greg moaned and David wriggled his butt dwon onto the finger. Mike pulled his hands up to his nose for a brief send, and enjoyed the pungent aroma of dirty boy ass on his fingers. He brought them down to the boys mouths just before they removed his underwear, and thrust a finger into each mouth. Moistened, the fingers returned to the gentle teasing and probing of pre-teen anus, as both boys began their assault on Mike's groin.

They couldn't see the soiled underwear, but they smelled as good as they had that morning. The boys pulled them down and then wriggled them off the man's feet. His hard,uncut cock sprang loose, and a more primal scent was released. The scent of unwashed adult cock filled the confined space. Excitedly, with their assholes being pleasured, the boys sniffed at the smelly cock head, identifying odours of piss, smegma, and something else they did not recognise, but which was the stink of stale semen. The cock stink thrilled them, and they began a frenzied attack of sniffing, nibbling and sucking which almost had the man ejaculating right then as he squirmed beneath their attention. But he had something else in mid before he would allow that to happen. Mike pulled the reluctant heads away from his cock, and rolled over onto his stomach with a grunt, drawing his buttocks up slightly and opening his legs a little. David and greg knew what he wanted, from the hundreds of porn videos they had watched. The boys transferred their attentions to the large, muscular buttocks and what lay between. Already, the heady scent of ripe male ass filled the room and drew them like a magnet to its source. They fondled the hairy, heavy firm globes of the man's butt, and spread the cheeks apart further. Soon, two little noses were excitedly sniffing Mike's sweaty ass trench, the matted fur tickling their nostrils as they greedily inhaled the complex scent of sweat, manfunk and shit arising from its depths. Sniffing turned to licking, and Mike found himself being enthusiastially rimmed by the boys, as they fought to get the best access to this treasure trove of buttfunk and manstink. Mike thrust his ass out into the two young faces, sniffing his fingers to obtain a pale, youthful echo of the stink from his ass. Two young tongues lapped against each other as they they cleaned the dirty anus until it was wet and shiny. Sensing most of the flavour was gone, Mike again rolled over onto his back, and pulled the boys up for a mutual three way kiss. All three males panted and moaned as they kissed each other. The though of his dirty ass being cleaned out by these two young but not so innocent mouths drove him wild. The taste of his dirty ass on their tongues and lips made his cock leak a thick thread of precum. It was time for the culmination.

Mike told both of the boys to move back to his cock. With a hand behind each head, he forced their faces hard down onto his monstrously swollen penis. First David, then Greg, took it in turns to go down on the large penis, almost gagging as their small mouths struggled to encompass the flaring head and thick shaft. Mike gasped as they sucked him eagerly and with inherent skill. It did not take long before it was too much for him, and with a load roar of "Fuck!" he pulled David's head and mouth off his cock, and jerked it two or three times until he ejaculated heavily into the boy's faces, four or five thick, generous spurts of semen that drenched David and Greg's faces. Instinctively, the boys lapped up the man's cum from their own and each other's faces, and off the spent penis, as Mike fell back onto the makeshift mattress and gave a sigh of release. The boys, too young to cum, but exhausted, snuggled under the man's heavily sweating armpits and no longer at all cold, they were all soon happily and messily asleep.

The three of them woke early, as the sun began to rise on a beautful clear day. It was already warm inside the tent, the fug from three bodies and the sun on the tent walls making it feel like a sauna. Mike got up first and threw off the blanket.

"Rise and shine lads!" he roused them, and the boys pulled away from them, their limbs stuck to the man here and there with dried semen. The boys were a little shy, remembering the events of the night before, but Mike chatted to them as he got dressed, and they soon relaxed. The boys dressed too, and then Mike set off to prepare some breakfast for the three of them, which they washed down with cups of tea. Before they washed up, Mike stood and stretched his long legs.

"You know what boys? All that food has made me want to have a poo!" he exclaimed. "Or a dump, or a crap, whatever you guys call it these days!" The boys looked at him, a little confused.

"I'll let you into a little secret" Mike told them, grinning. "Yesterday, I went for a walk along the cliff tops, and I saw your little game up behind your camp." The boys looked at each other.

"That's right, I saw you go to the toilet David, and I saw you watch, Greg. You both enjoyed it as much as I did, which is why I thought you might have been up for some manly fun last night" he smiled at them again. "I was hoping you could both come and watch me while I have a dump, right now."

Both boys were amazed, and nodded eagerly. They both wanted a better view of Mike's ass, having only sniffed and tasted it last night. The thought of a real, adult man taking a shit was one of their fantasies. Mike knew they were keen so he walked them the requisite 50 metres away from the campsite, behind the trees, where there was a large, scalloped rock almost like a shallow seat. The man pulled off his pants and his shirt, and the boys got a better look at the man's body than they had last night. Broad hairy chest, slim hips, very hairy all over, and most impressively, the thick, dangling uncut cock that they had so enjoyed the night before.

Mike sat on the rock, and lay back, motioning the boys over. His buttocks were hanging a couple of feet off the ground. He pulled back his legs and finally David and Greg got a look at the man's ass. Again, explored but not seen clearly the night before. It was a magnificent sight, that stirred their little cocks into attention. They both stripped off their clothes so that they could play with themselves while they watched. Encouraged by the sight of the two naked, hairless boys with their penises jutting out, Mike set about doing his business. The boys moved closer to get the best view. At first, Mike's anus was hidden in the damp, sweaty hair that filled the cleft between his buttocks. As he strained, and pulled his legs apart further, his asshole came into view. It was the first close view of a man's asshole for either boy. They gasped, looking at the tight, wrinkled dark ring, surrounded by a halo of dark hair. The anal lips puffed out as the man strained. Soon, as the hole dilated, a dark gaping orifice appeared, and then the pointed tip of a firm man turd poked out. Mike grunted as he forced the turd further from his now gaping ring, the long black anal hairs clinging and trailing along the shaft of the turd as it exited his asshole. The still morning was filled with the stink of manshit. Greg and David massaged their small dicks as the thick log of shit forced its way out of Mike's distended anus. With a final grunt, the entire 12 inch long turd slid onto the ground, and Mike gave a sigh of relief and satisfaction. By this time his cock was as hard as the boys.

David zeroed in between the man's legs, and begain eating out the gaping, stinking hole. A smear of shit spread across his face as he rimmed the man. Missing out on that feast, Greg climbed on top of the man and tried to get at his cock. Mike helped the boy position himself, and soon Greg had the man's hard penis in his mouth, sucking and slobbering on it as we watched his friend lick out the dirty hole. Mike pulled Greg's buttocks to his face, and as the boy sucked his cock he feasted his eyes on the tiny, smooth puckered anus inches from his face. The hole clenched in and out as Greg moved back and forward, taking as much of the man's cock into his mouth as possible. Meanwhile, David had added fingers to his repertoire and was alternatively licking and fingering the man's hole, panting with the effort, as his face and fingers stank of the man's shit. The same smell filled Greg's nostrils as he sucked the giant cock, and Mike himself buried his mouth onto Greg's tiny anus, and began tongue fucking the boy sitting on his face. It was too much for Mike. The fresh young boy smell mixed with the stink of his ass, the finger and tongue in his own hole, and his cock being eagerly worked on, he could not hold himself back any longer. His hips started bucking as his climax approached, and Greg realised the man was about to cum in his mouth. Mike's cock exploded, shooting globs of cum deep into the boy's mouth and throat. Greg swallowed by reflex, eagerly taking in as much semen as he could milk from Mike's cock. David, meanwhile, felt the man's pelvic muscles and anal ring clench tightly onto his fingers, and spasm several times as he ejaculated, as he watched his best friend swallow the man's load. The three males pulled apart, spent, and lay together warming in the sun, the smell of sex and shit and sweat surrounding them. Three males doing what came naturally.

Mike closed his eyes, and once more congratulated himself on a weekend well spent. The boys lay against him, feeling warm and happy. No words were needed, but all three were already thinking of their next camping trip together.

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