Cheating for Love

By Sil

Published on Jun 6, 2001



Kyle love his boyfriend. He really did. They'd met a while back, and had hit it off from the very beginning, and had been happy with each other ever since. Kyle was a younger guy, just about to turn nineteen, with dark hair and deep brown eyes. He was pretty tall, coming up on six feet, and filled the nice clothes that he wore pretty well. He was very attractive, with a goatee and strong jaw line that made most women take notice, and most guys jealous. So he and his boyfriend, who was also pretty hot in his own right, had had no problems, and were totally happy with one another. They stayed that way, for a very long time. What happened with his boyfriend's friend, Sean, didn't happen out of spite, or out of despair. It happened out of love - Kyle was in love with both Sean and David. David had left town for a while, on some sort of college seminar - he was twenty three, and finishing his school - and Kyle was going to be alone for about a week and a half. He'd previously taken off work in hopes of going with David on his trip, but with the way things worked out, he ended up stuck at home. So, he went visiting. Sean was a friend of David's that Kyle had met on one of the first trips east to see his boyfriend, who lived about two hours away. He had fallen in love with Sean the moment he saw him. He couldn't explain why, but then he couldn't explain why he'd gone head over heels for David, either. All his life he dreamed of a poly amorous relationship, but where he'd grown up that kind of thing was grounds for burning, and David was a very jealous boyfriend. Still, with David gone, he wouldn't know that Kyle had gone out to visit Sean, and nothing was going to happen anyway, he told himself. He was too faithful to David. So, he started out at nine in the morning, the day after David left, and got to Sean's house at about eleven thirty. Dressed in his soft blue CRB shirt and a pair of black levi's, his hair fixed, wearing a few sprays of farenheidt, he knocked on Sean's door. A few seconds later, in his pajamas, sean opened it. "Oh hey! Geeze, I didn't know you'd get here this early. Come on in," he opened the door all the way to let Kyle in, and closed it behind them. Sean's house smelled like old people and cats. The kitchen was dirty, but Kyle didn't really care, and didn't comment. They sat down in the living room. The couches were the kind that when you sit in them, they swallow you whole. Sean gave him a warm hug before he sat down. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go brush my teeth." Sean disappeared for five minutes, then came back, this time wearing slippers, too. "So how's it goin'?" Kyle shrugged, "It's all right. David left yesterday. I miss him a little. By the time he gets back I'll be pulling my hair out for sure." He smiled. Sean chuckled, and nodded, "Yeah, must be nice." Sean was single, and had been for about a year. He was twenty two, and good looking, and very sweet, and Kyle could never figure out why he didn't have a boyfriend. They sat in relative silence for about ten seconds, before Sean got up again, "You want some coffee? I made some like, an hour ago, but its still hot." Kyle nodded and followed him into the kitchen. As they walked in, Sean pulled up his p.j. pants, after Kyle caught an eyeful of Sean's fairly firm butt. "It's just good old-fashioned Kroger brand, but we've got plenty of additives to give you cancer." He pointed to a row of glass jars that had labels taped to them. Irish cream, mocha blend... "So what about this guy you said you talked to?" Kyle blinked, and let the comment register. Guy? Oh! "Yeah," Kyle started, trying to recall him and Danny's conversation, "Ooh, he's all right. Sounds nice enough to me. He's going to GA State, I think this is his second year, he said. He's cute, too. A catch, I think." "What's he studying?" "Biochemical something or another. He's real smart." Kyle shrugged, "If you're into nerds." Kyle was a computer nerd himself, and Sean knew that. Sean smiled, "Yeah, they're all right." Another moment of silence while they both sipped on their coffee. Finally, Sean spoke, "Hey, wanna see my new computer? Got it about a week ago." Kyle nodded, and followed Sean back into his bedroom. Sean had gotten a new laptop, four hundred and fifty megahertz, four gig hard drive, svga video card, all around a very nice machine. Sean had paid a little over four hundred dollars for it. "Sweet," Kyle said, giving it a 'test drive'. He handed the laptop back to sean when he was done. Sean invited him to sit on the bed. Sean's bed was huge, with a pile of pillows at the headboard. Kyle loved the bed. After a short session of show-and-tell with the computer, Sean sat it aside and shrugged. "It'll be outdated in a month, but you know..." Kyle did. But he wasn't about to get into another computer discussion. The last one had become a heated argument on mac's and pc's. They laid there, surfing the channels on Sean's television for almost a full hour, Sean with his arm behind Kyle's head. At first it was just another thing. They'd always been affectionate with one another, and it meant no more than what it was, usually. But as they laid there, Kyle could feel his pulse quickening. He controlled his breathing easy enough, but he was starting to get pretty warm. He didn't quite understand why, because he was always in control of his body, he thought. Especially around other guys. He turned his head slightly to look at Sean's profile. It was nothing like David's, and he took something from that, though he wasn't quite sure. It calmed him, but only a little. He looked pointedly back at the screen when Sean's head moved a little, like he was going to turn and look at Kyle. He didn't. They stared at the sci-fi channel without talking. Then it started. Kyle couldn't help himself. He was suddenly conscious of having his hand high up on Sean's thigh. Was that why Sean had turned to look at him so briefly? His pulse quickened again, and he felt his face flush. He knew that his face wasn't the only place showing symptoms of lust. He'd wanted Sean from the moment he saw him, but he'd always assured himself that he and David would be together for a long time, and that by then Sean would have a boyfriend - just forget about it. Now he had him, and he was inches away from jumping the man. Then he did. He'd have expected resistance from Sean if he'd been rational. He wasn't, though, and didn't think anything of it when sean put is strong hands on Kyle's hips and helped him to move over him and straddle his thighs. He leaned into it when Kyle bent his neck and kissed him full on the lips, their tongues trading places in their mouths. Sean's tongue ring drove Kyle wild. The release of that part of his passion did almost nothing to relieve Kyle's hunger, on the contrary, it stoked it even more. He was on the virge of ravaging Sean's body, when Sean was the one that almost brought sense back into the whole thing. "Kyle... we can't do this, can we?" He looked at Kyle, holding his face back away from his. Kyle blinked, and then looked down. He wanted it. He did love Sean, and he wasn't sure how it compared to how he loved David... "Yeah. We can..." He pushed through Sean's hands and kissed him again, this time even more urgently. Sean's defenses crumbled. In second they were horizontal, Kyle running his hands up under Sean's shirt, kissing his stomach, and his chest. Sean's eyes reeled, and he groaned as Kyle ground against him hip to hip. Kyle sat up, straddling Sean's crotch, and ran his fingernails down Sean's sides, receiving a mixture of giggles and moans, both in ecstasy. His hands were slightly cold, and they Sean's nipples erect at a touch. Kyle leaned forward and nibbled on one nipple, pinched the other, and Sean gave a low groan of approval. They were hard against each other, and through kisses and nibbles and touches they ground against one another, the heat between them growing more and more intense. They found each other shirtless, pressed chest to chest in a fierce kiss that left almost no room for air. Kyle ran his fingers through Sean's hair, and Sean ran the tips of his fingers down Kyle's back. As they reached the small of it Kyle sighed and arched his back, pressing his front against Sean's chest as he grabbed his biceps. "A hot spot," he heard Sean whisper in reply to such a reaction. Kyle nodded unconsciously and ran his fingers through Sean's hair. "I want more," he said, running his fingernails down Sean's firm chest muscles. "all right," Again, too eager to assist, Sean slid back, putting his shoulders to the head board, his head propped to watch Kyle as he worked kisses and nibbles down Sean's midsection, to the edge of his loose pants. Sean sighed pleasurably as Kyle pulled back the front of his pajama pants to expose the base of a firmly hardened member, and kissed the back of it lightly and tenderly, massaging it with his strong, full lips. He could smell Sean's musk and breathed deeply, squeezing Sean's sides with the balls of his fingers. Sean looked down at Kyle from his own vantage point and when Kyle looked up at him again before pulling his pants back to expose the rest of his meat, he had a moment of guilt, but it was washed away almost instantly by a wave of pleasure as Kyle took sean in to his mouth and suckled vigorously at the head of his cock, making him spasm slightly for a moment, and then he inhaled sharply as he felt the rest of him engulfed by Kyle's lips and tongue. On the first down he felt himself touch the back of Kyle's throat briefly before coming up again, the suction exquisite, his legs tensing unconsciously. He rested one of his hands on the back of Kyle's head, consciously remembering not to push down, though he wanted to so badly. His other hand grasped at the blanket. Kyle moaned softly as he went down on Sean, the feeling of his friend's dick in his mouth giving him more pleasure than he could express physically. he ran his tongue roughly along the belly of it as he moved up and down again, and squeezed with the combination of sucking constantly and his lip muscles. he could feel and hear Sean's ragged breath, and that without words encouraged him to go faster and harder. As kyle sped up, Sean clutched even harder at the bed and leaned forward, resisting the urge to buck, to thrust into the back of Kyle's mouth. "God... god, Kyle... mmm..." He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes, his head lolling back. This would go on for a long time - It took sean a long time to cum. But Kyle didn't care at all, and continues his work effortlessly, eventually reaching one hand around to Sean's ass and squeezing one cheek while he went down, pressing Sean's hips towards him. As Sean's moans became more clearly defined and louder, he took his friend's hand and put it on the back of his head, wordlessly signaling for him to push. Sean gave into his desire to do just that when he got the signal, and pressed his hand downwards, thrusting into Kyle's greedy mouth eagerly. "God yeah... oh god... suck it... suck me dry..." He couldn't tell if he was mumbling it or saying it audibly or not, but he must of been, because Kyle went at it even more fiercely now, squeezing the base of Sean's meat roughly and squeezing his ass to a point where it was less than pain, but more than a massage - an exquisitely harsh pleasure - and began to hum low and deep. Those vibrations drove Sean wild, and he barely contained his voice as he arched and bucked into Kyle's mouth. In the last moment he opened his mouth and let out a low, soft moan, and pressed Brian down on him firmly as he came, sending jet after jet of hot cum into the back of Kyle's throat, breathing raggedly as Kyle swallowed every drop, suckling the last of it out of him, and continuing for some time in the strangely heightened sensitivity of the aftermath. He gasped, and almost laughed, and pulled Kyle up off of him, and then kissed him for a long moment, tasting a little of himself in Kyle's mouth. Kyle leaned back, one hand resting on Sean's now half hard cock, the other on sean's stomach. He stared at him for a long moment, then a grin split his face, and Sean mimicked it helplessly. For sean to come at another man's hand - or mouth in this case - was a very rare thing. He rested his hand on one of Kyle's and sighed, squeezing it tightly. "Well, that was... nice," Kyle said, wiping his lip playfully, though the thought that he might have missed any of the juice Sean had given him was stupid. "Yeah," sean said, his voice a purr, "It was. Is that all you want, though?" Kyle took the question in two contexts immediately and then shook his head - partially to both contexts, and partially to the more sexual one. "I want more..." He leaned forward and kissed Sean firmly on the lips again, and for a moment they paused that way, and then the kiss became more urgent, their tongues trading places in their mouths, and their lips suckling at one another. Sean pushed Kyle back onto his bed and gently forced kyle to lay on his back. Kyle's feet came out form under him and wrapped around Sean's waist comfortably, the gesture making both the boys warm and hard again. Sean pressed against Kyle, his rod pressing into Kyle's and breathed slowly, then leaned forward and kissed Kyle again. "I'll give you more, if you ask for it..." Again, Kyle chose the sexual context, and pulled Sean's ear close. "I want you to cum again... in me," Kyle whispered. But this went beyond blow jobs and heartfelt, impassioned kisses. This moved into the realm of true sex. Sean hesitated for a moment, searching Kyle's eyes for some hint of... well he didn't know. He wanted to, badly, but... Even by Kyle's definitions of ethics, it would be cheating. Kyle ran his fingers down Sean's chest, and the look in his eyes said not only did he know, but he still wanted it despite that. Sean kept a bottle of Wet and a pack of condoms in his bedside table. He took off his pants, or more correctly, let Kyle take them off, and held his breath as Kyle took his own off, the gesture made so smooth and sexual that if he could have been more turned on, he would have been. Kyle wore a pair of soft blue bikini briefs that kept nothing hidden, and showed off the muscles under his abdomen nicely, as well as his considerable package. Sean growled low, and leaned forward to nuzzle playfully in that, and nibbled lightly at the bulge underneath the cotton underwear. Kyle giggled, and ran his fingers through sean's hair. As sean poured some of the Wet lube into his hand, Kyle dressed him up nicely, running a soft fingernail up the belly of his manhood when he finished, and leaned back, his legs to either side of Sean's larger form. Lubed up, sean leaned forward, guided when he got nearer by Kyle towards the place they both wanted him to go. Kyle winced only a little when Sean pressed into him, and closed his eyes, pushing the momentary pain away to find the pleasure that Sean could bring him. It only took a few seconds before Kyle let out a long sigh, followed by a low moan as Sean pushed deeper into him. Kyle rested his hands on Sean's shoulders, and wrapped his legs around his waist, using them to help his top out with the slow, powerful thrusting motion. He clenched himself around Sean's powerful tool as it pushed in again, and grasped at his shoulders, nodding slowly at Sean's tentative question, "Are you okay?" He nodded again, this time with a smile when sean asked, "Does it feel good?" "What about you?" Kyle asked, opening his eyes as Sean thrust into him again with a sigh. "God yes..." Sean muttered as he pressed through the tightness. Kyle had a fine tuned control over most of his muscles, especially the ones that concerned Sean the most right then, and he breathed staggeringly as he pushed into kyle and pulled away, and pushed in again, the length of him engulfed inside the younger boy's warm body. Kyle reached forward and took hold of his own member, slowly pumping it with his hand, and beginning to groan a bit. He ran his other hand up Sean's neck and ran his fingers through his hair, swallowing hard as he forced himself to keep his pace slow and steady. Sean was beginning to speed up naturally, and beads of sweat were barely visible on his forehead and face. He sighed the last few times that he pressed into Kyle's ass and finally came in a jolt of spasms and heat. Just as he did, Kyle's cock leapt, and a bolt of cum shot outwards and landed on his chest, followed closely by a few more, until a little white puddle had collected on Kyle's stomach and chest. Sean heaved a few more times, thrusting once more under the squeezing of Kyle's ass again and again as he came. They both sat still for a long moment, not really wanting to give up the pleasure they'd both had. But it happened, and Sean pulled out and away, grabbing a towel from the chair across the room and wiping Kyle's chest and stomach down. The sight of his smooth, young chest and abs glistening with drops of pearl white cum was almost enough to bring him up again. Sean tossed the towel away and laid down beside Kyle, resting a large, strong, but lithe hand on his chest and feeling the breath and heartbeat underneath it. His first thought was to say, "Don't tell david about this..." but he knew that was stupid. Kyle told David everything, even if it was something he did wrong against his boyfriend. So he just whispered, "You know... I do love you..." Kyle whispered something he didn't catch, but he imagined it was, "Sweetheart..." and left it at that. They cuddled, each nestling his head in the crook of the other's shoulder, both taking turns wrapping his arms around his friend, and the slept off their light weariness in a few hours. Afterwards, Kyle got up, and kissed Sean on the cheeks, then the lips for a long moment, and said his good-byes. He needed to be going home, he had work the next day. He'd give Sean a call when he got home. Sean understood. He watched Kyle go after he walked him to the door and managed to get another kiss out of him, then watched after the little red car as it left his sight. He went back inside, and got online for a little while before he fell asleep again, trying to relive the last six hours in his mind. ****************************************************** Kyle thought long and hard about what he'd said back to Sean when he'd told him that he loved him. He'd said, "Yeah, me too..." and nothing else. He felt a little bit guilty about what he'd done, but not what he'd said. David understood how his feelings worked. But he expected him to control the actions that came of them, too. Kyle wiped a tear out of the corner of his eye, Sean's face and form clear in his thoughts, and turned the radio on. Dido's voice, singing "I didn't hear you leave..." floated in the air around him and he almost turned it off, then thought better, and let it play on.

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