Chris and Steve


Published on Jan 21, 2002



Chris and Steve

(To my knowledge, the following story is completely true.)

I have a friend named Chris (short for Christian) who has told me about some of his sexual experiences, and I'd like to relate one that I think is especially erotic. I've known Chris since 1980, when he was twenty-one years old (he's now forty-two), and even though we presently live in different states, we've kept in touch through the years. We met at a gay bar on the East Coast, and I thought Chris was kind of cute-tall and slender with dark hair, a short beard and an attractive, very youthful face. I invited him to come home with me, and we spent the night together, giving one another blow jobs on my sofa-bed (he gave an outstanding blow job!) and then cuddling and sleeping side by side. We got together again a number of other times after that, usually having dinner or taking a day trip, then relating sexually, either at his apartment or my house. Eventually we went our separate ways, although we remained friends.

I've always been attracted to Chris, in part because his personality and body combine the characteristics of a little boy and a grown man. (For some reason, I've always found that appealing in a guy.) He's soft-spoken, and his youthful face and somewhat innocent demeanor almost make him seem like a naive little boy at times. On the other hand, his thick, dark body hair (especially on his chest) and his slender, well-muscled arms are strongly masculine and mature, creating a very sensuous contrast.

The experience I want to relate took place in 1980, shortly after Chris and I stopped seeing one another. One night, Chris met a young man named Steve at a gay bar near his home. Steve was twenty-three (two years older than Chris), and he and Chris quickly discovered that they had attended the same high school at the same time, although they had never met one another. Steve was rather short-about five feet, six inches tall-and he weighed 125-130 pounds. He had strawberry blond hair, a fair complexion, and a "really cute face," according to Chris, with a few light freckles. He smiled a lot and had a very attractive, "cute" smile. Chris doesn't remember what Steve did for a living.

At about six feet, Chris was six inches taller than Steve-which made for a rather interesting contrast between them-and he weighed 138 pounds. They hit it off right away, and Chris definitely remembers feeling attracted to Steve. Although he isn't sure if they went home together that first night, Chris eventually invited Steve to his apartment, and Steve accepted. Over the next few months, they saw one another off and on and developed an exciting and enjoyable sexual relationship. (Chris remembers visiting Steve's small, 1920s-era cottage, but he doesn't remember having sex there, so apparently, they had all or most of their encounters at Chris's apartment.)

On their first night together, Chris noticed that Steve brought a small toiletry bag in from his car. He thought it seemed a little odd and wondered what was in the bag, especially when Steve excused himself and took the bag into the bathroom. Eventually Chris learned that it contained a small, rubber squeeze bulb with a plastic, 11/2-inch enema syringe attached. Apparently Steve used it to clean out his rectum before he had sex. Every time they got together, without fail, Steve would take the bag into the bathroom and remain there for about fifteen minutes. When he came out, he usually would still be wearing his clothes, although sometimes, he would come out with just his pants on and with no shirt. Chris says that he never went into the bathroom with Steve, and that he never asked him about how he took his enemas.

Chris doesn't remember many details about his first night with Steve, but he says that, in most of their encounters, they began with slow, gentle foreplay. Often they would hug in the dark beside Chris's bed and gradually undress one another, then lie down on the bed to continue. Sometimes, though, Chris would already be lying on his bed when Steve came out of the bathroom, and they would begin their foreplay there. The agenda always included lots of deep, romantic kissing, in which they explored one another's mouths with their tongues and mingled their saliva. Chris says that Steve was extremely good at kissing and very passionate. Most of the time, he would stretch out on his back, and Chris would lie on top of him, face down. They would hold one another and then continue kissing and fondling until they were fully aroused. Sometimes Chris would slowly suck Steve's nipples as well.

Chris remembers that Steve had an incredibly beautiful body-not muscular, but with a swimmer's build, a nicely-defined, 38-inch chest and a 29-inch waist. Although he had some soft hair on his legs and an average amount of hair in his armpits, he was basically smooth, rather than hairy. In fact, his torso was completely smooth, and he had a scattering of light freckles on his back, shoulders and upper chest. His nipples were nicely-shaped and light pink. He also had an average amount of strawberry blond pubic hair, with a slight trail of hair going up the midline of his belly. His erection was about six inches long, with an average thickness, and he was circumcised.

Having seen Chris naked during sex myself, I can say that he also had an interesting and enjoyable body. Again, he was about six feet tall and very slender, but he wasn't skinny. He had dark brown (almost black) hair, which he kept rather short, and since it was thick enough to shape itself naturally, he never bothered combing it. His beard was closely-cut and multi-colored, with varying shades of dark brown and red. The hairs were somewhat coarse and wiry, even a little scratchy, but I never minded that; in fact, I liked it!

Chris's most interesting physical feature-at least in my eyes-was his beautiful, dark brown body hair. (Again, it was almost black.) Lots of thick, curly hair grew over most of his chest, to a point just below his nipples. It was coarse and wiry, like his beard, and eventually (although not until a few years later), it would grow up the front of his neck and actually mingle with his beard; in fact, he would have to shave the front of his neck regularly to keep it smooth. I remember being turned on frequently by the sight of all that dark chest hair curling seductively out of the neck opening of Chris's shirt!

Below his chest, a line of hair continued down the middle of his stomach to a point just below his navel, and short, fine hairs covered about three quarters of his belly. (Surprisingly, they weren't coarse and wiry, like the hair on his chest.) Chris's pubic hair, in my opinion, was the most intriguing feature of his body. Dark and coarse once again, it covered his groin in a thick tangle of curls that made quite an imposing "nest" for his penis. Some of the hair tapered onto his thighs and blended into the coarse, wiry hair that covered his legs.

Chris also had a good-looking butt, and the cheeks were covered with soft, very fine hairs, which I found to be highly erotic. Once when Chris and I were naked in bed, he laid face-down across one of my legs, so his buttocks were propped up on my thigh. I don't think I'll ever forget how I gently ran the palm of my hand over the soft hairs and admired the beautiful curve of each cheek. It was extremely sensuous! I never had the pleasure (although I wish I had) of spreading Chris's buttocks to see what he had between them, but Chris tells me that he has lots of thick, coarse hair growing in his crack.

Once Chris and Steve had reached the point of no return in their encounters, they would begin overt sex. Steve definitely was a bottom, and he always wanted Chris to fuck him, something that Chris said he was "more than willing" to do. Since Steve's favorite position was to lie on his back, that's the way they usually did it. Things would just develop naturally to the point where Steve was positioned on his back with his legs over Chris's shoulders or arms. (They never placed a pillow under Steve's butt; instead, Chris would just lift his legs up and hold them.) Chris would be crouched on his knees, with his thighs spread apart and fairly close to Steve's upturned buttocks, and they would lubricate themselves with some type of cream or lotion. (Chris doesn't remember what it was.) Very slowly, they spread liberal amounts along the length of Chris's erection and also around Steve's anus. Chris says that he would gently insert two fingers into Steve while doing this, to push some of the lubricant into his rectum and also to help him relax. Since the lights were off, he unfortunately couldn't see Steve's anus clearly, and he doesn't remember if there was any hair in Steve's crack

At this point, I need to mention Chris's unusual and very interesting erection. Instead of rising upward along the midline of his belly, or sticking straight out from his groin, it curves downward at about a 45-degree angle, just in front of his balls. I always liked that because, when we were naked and he was lying on his back, his erection didn't extend over his belly and cover his pubic hair, which made it easy for me to nuzzle into the hair and chew on it gently. Chris is circumcised, and his erection is about 8-81/2 inches long, measured from the base of his belly to the tip of the glans. It's about 21/2 inches in diameter at the base but tapers to about two inches along the shaft.

I mention the unusual shape of Chris's erection because, when he inserts it into his partner, it sometimes can cause the guy a great deal of pain. Apparently, though, Steve was able to take the entire length without much difficulty. In fact, Chris says that Steve could relax his sphincter enough so that he could take just about any size or shape. Without any further preparation, Chris would straighten his erection with one hand and press the head slowly into Steve's anus as Steve relaxed, until suddenly, the head would ease through. Then in one moderately-firm stroke, Chris would push the full length of the shaft up into Steve's warm, moist rectum, all the way to his pubic hair.

Chris says that, during the insertion, he and Steve would continue to kiss one another passionately. Once they were connected, Chris would place his forearms under Steve's back, resting his weight on his elbows, and use his hands to grip Steve's shoulders, both to cradle him and also to hold him in place while he fucked. (Chris says that, since Steve was small and light, he "didn't want him to go anywhere.") Very slowly, he would begin to thrust his hips backward and forward, gently moving his erection in and out of Steve and enjoying the incredible feeling of what he was doing. On the backward strokes, he would pull his erection almost all the way out, until just the head remained inside. I asked Chris if he was able to get his erection all the way into Steve with each forward stroke, and he said, "Oh, yes, definitely-no problem!" It must have been extremely enjoyable!

As Chris continued to fuck, he sometimes would lift Steve's hips off of the bed a little, so he could thrust in harder, and he also would gradually increase the speed of his thrusting. At the same time, Steve would use one hand to masturbate himself, although sometimes, he would grab Chris's butt and pull him forward, which would then stimulate Chris to thrust even harder. As their passion increased, Chris often would grip Steve's arms at the wrists and pin them down over his head while he fucked him. Simultaneously, He would thrust his tongue deep into Steve's mouth and kiss him passionately.

In some cases, Steve would lie on his stomach, and Chris would fuck him that way. He would spread Steve's legs wide apart, then stretch out on top of him to put his cock in, with his own legs fairly close together. Chris says he liked that position, because it made it easy for him to "work on" Steve's neck with his mouth and tongue, right along the hairline. Also in the face-down position, Chris sometimes would pin Steve's arms above his head to hold him down.

Chris says that, whenever Steve was on his back, they usually could time things so that they ejaculated together, or at least within a few seconds of one another. When they were both ready and Chris could feel himself starting to cum, he would thrust his erection all the way in and hold it there as it erupted in that familiar series of rapid, explosive contractions. Since this was before the AIDS era, neither of them wore a condom, and Chris's semen would spurt directly into Steve's rectum and colon. Often Chris could feel Steve's anus and cum muscles pumping rhythmically at the same time, and they would share a prolonged moment of mutual, very enjoyable orgasm. Then, as their loads emptied, their contractions would weaken and gradually subside until finally, it was all over. Chris said that Steve usually spurted a "forceful enough stream" to have it land on his own chest.

I asked Chris to describe what his orgasms had been like with Steve, and he said they were not only "sexually satisfying," but also "very freeing," in the sense that they gave him a rush during which he felt totally uninhibited. At the same time, they gave him a very pleasurable feeling of affection toward Steve. Chris said this probably was because he and Steve related so easily, and because he liked Steve and admired his upbeat personality.

After sex, Chris would go into the bathroom and bring back a couple of hot, wet towels, which he used to wipe off his own genitals and Steve's chest and butt. Then they would lie quietly and cuddle one another. Sometimes Steve would spend the night, and they eventually would fall asleep in one another's arms. Often they would lie on their sides, and Chris would hold Steve in a "spoon" position from behind. At other times, Chris would lie on his back and Steve would lie face down on top of him, and they would hold one another and fall asleep that way.

Chris suspected that Steve was seeing other guys during the time they related sexually, but he never brought it up. He and Steve got along well, but eventually, they drifted apart. Their story is typical, I think, of many gay encounters, and I'm glad they were able to be together and enjoy one another for a short time. Also, I hope you've enjoyed reading this account and sharing some of the pleasure they found in their relationship. I know I have!

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